@ -2,11 +2,20 @@ var common = require('./staticAnalysisCommon')
var AstWalker = require ( 'ethereum-remix' ) . util . AstWalker
function abstractAstView ( ) {
this . contracts = null
this . contracts = [ ]
this . currentContractIndex = null
this . currentFunctionIndex = null
this . currentModifierIndex = null
this . isFunctionNotModifier = false
/ *
file1 : contract c { }
file2 : import "file1" as x ; contract c { }
therefore we have two contracts with the same name c . At the moment this is not handled because alias name "x" is not
available in the current AST implementation thus can not be resolved .
Additionally the fullQuallified function names e . g . [ contractName ] . [ functionName ] ( param1Type , param2Type , ... ) must be prefixed to
fully support this and when inheritance is resolved it must include alias resolving e . g x . c = file1 . c
* /
this . multipleContractsWithSameName = false
/ * *
@ -33,8 +42,7 @@ function abstractAstView () {
* @ contractsOut { list } return list for high level AST view
* @ return { ASTNode - > void } returns a function that can be used as visit function for static analysis modules , to build up a higher level AST view for further analysis .
* /
abstractAstView . prototype . builder = function ( relevantNodeFilter , contractsOut ) {
this . contracts = contractsOut
abstractAstView . prototype . build _visit = function ( relevantNodeFilter ) {
var that = this
return function ( node ) {
if ( common . isContractDefinition ( node ) ) {
@ -49,9 +57,6 @@ abstractAstView.prototype.builder = function (relevantNodeFilter, contractsOut)
var currentContract = getCurrentContract ( that )
var inheritsFromName = common . getInheritsFromName ( node )
currentContract . inheritsFrom . push ( inheritsFromName )
// add variables from inherited contracts
var inheritsFrom = that . contracts . find ( ( contract ) => common . getContractName ( contract . node ) === inheritsFromName )
currentContract . stateVariables = currentContract . stateVariables . concat ( inheritsFrom . stateVariables )
} else if ( common . isFunctionDefinition ( node ) ) {
setCurrentFunction ( that , {
node : node ,
@ -76,7 +81,36 @@ abstractAstView.prototype.builder = function (relevantNodeFilter, contractsOut)
abstractAstView . prototype . build _report = function ( wrap ) {
var that = this
return function ( compilationResult ) {
resolveStateVariablesInHierarchy ( that . contracts )
return wrap ( that . contracts , that . multipleContractsWithSameName )
function resolveStateVariablesInHierarchy ( contracts ) {
contracts . map ( ( c ) => {
resolveStateVariablesInHierarchyForContract ( c , contracts )
} )
function resolveStateVariablesInHierarchyForContract ( currentContract , contracts ) {
currentContract . inheritsFrom . map ( ( inheritsFromName ) => {
// add variables from inherited contracts
var inheritsFrom = contracts . find ( ( contract ) => common . getContractName ( contract . node ) === inheritsFromName )
if ( inheritsFrom ) {
currentContract . stateVariables = currentContract . stateVariables . concat ( inheritsFrom . stateVariables )
} else {
console . log ( 'abstractAstView.js: could not find contract defintion inherited from ' + inheritsFromName )
} )
function setCurrentContract ( that , contract ) {
var name = common . getContractName ( contract . node )
if ( that . contracts . map ( ( c ) => common . getContractName ( c . node ) ) . filter ( ( n ) => n === name ) . length > 0 ) {
console . log ( 'abstractAstView.js: two or more contracts with the same name dectected, import aliases not supported at the moment' )
that . multipleContractsWithSameName = true
that . currentContractIndex = ( that . contracts . push ( contract ) - 1 )