@ -1,42 +1,17 @@
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
import React , { useRef , useState } from 'react'
import React , { useEffect , use Ref , useState } from 'react'
import { CopyToClipboard } from '@remix-ui/clipboard'
import { AccountProps } from '../types'
export function AccountUI ( props : AccountProps ) {
const accounts = Object . keys ( props . accounts . loadedAccounts )
const [ selectedAccount , setSelectedAccount ] = useState < string > ( '' )
const plusBtn = useRef ( null )
const plusTitle = useRef ( null )
// // TODO: unclear what's the goal of accountListCallId, feels like it can be simplified
// async fillAccountsList () {
// this.accountListCallId++
// const callid = this.accountListCallId
// const txOrigin = this.el.querySelector('#txorigin')
// let accounts = []
// try {
// accounts = await this.blockchain.getAccounts()
// } catch (e) {
// addTooltip(`Cannot get account list: ${e}`)
// }
// if (!accounts) accounts = []
// if (this.accountListCallId > callid) return
// this.accountListCallId++
// for (const loadedaddress in this.loadedAccounts) {
// if (accounts.indexOf(loadedaddress) === -1) {
// txOrigin.removeChild(txOrigin.querySelector('option[value="' + loadedaddress + '"]'))
// delete this.loadedAccounts[loadedaddress]
// }
// }
// for (const i in accounts) {
// const address = accounts[i]
// if (!this.loadedAccounts[address]) {
// txOrigin.appendChild(yo`<option value="${address}" >${address}</option>`)
// this.loadedAccounts[address] = 1
// }
// }
// txOrigin.setAttribute('value', accounts[0])
// }
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
if ( ! selectedAccount && accounts . length > 0 ) setSelectedAccount ( accounts [ 0 ] )
} , [ accounts , selectedAccount ] )
const updatePlusButton = ( ) = > {
// enable/disable + button
@ -140,7 +115,11 @@ export function AccountUI (props: AccountProps) {
< / span >
< / label >
< div className = "udapp_account" >
< select id = "txorigin" data - id = "runTabSelectAccount" name = "txorigin" className = "form-control udapp_select custom-select pr-4" value = { selectedAccount } onChange = { ( e ) = > { setSelectedAccount ( e . target . value ) } } > < / select >
< select id = "txorigin" data - id = "runTabSelectAccount" name = "txorigin" className = "form-control udapp_select custom-select pr-4" value = { selectedAccount } onChange = { ( e ) = > { setSelectedAccount ( e . target . value ) } } >
Object . keys ( props . accounts . loadedAccounts ) . map ( ( value ) = > < option value = { value } > { value } < / option > )
< / select >
< div style = { { marginLeft : - 5 } } > < CopyToClipboard content = { selectedAccount } direction = 'top' / > < / div >
< i id = "remixRunSignMsg" data - id = "settingsRemixRunSignMsg" className = "mx-1 fas fa-edit udapp_icon" aria - hidden = "true" onClick = { signMessage } title = "Sign a message using this account key" > < / i >
< / div >