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May only be called by $(chairperson).\"},\"vote(uint8)\":{\"notice\":\"Give a single vote to proposal $(toProposal).\"}}}},\"settings\":{\"compilationTarget\":{\"browser/ballot.sol\":\"Ballot\"},\"evmVersion\":\"byzantium\",\"libraries\":{},\"optimizer\":{\"enabled\":true,\"runs\":200},\"remappings\":[]},\"sources\":{\"browser/ballot.sol\":{\"keccak256\":\"0xf5e17a682643d68dac41e468e63c07dd2de956fe2627f6d4925bd0d7a5613b8d\",\"urls\":[\"bzzr://5405f025f3fe1155284788e11f994c2bd78aa861e0fab004b1da38b8a4e91d0e\"]}},\"version\":1}", + "userdoc": { + "methods": { + "delegate(address)": { + "notice": "Delegate your vote to the voter $(to)." + }, + "giveRightToVote(address)": { + "notice": "Give $(toVoter) the right to vote on this ballot. May only be called by $(chairperson)." + }, + "vote(uint8)": { + "notice": "Give a single vote to proposal $(toProposal)." + } + } + } + } + } + }, + "errors": [{ + "component": "general", + "formattedMessage": "browser/ballot.sol:19:5: Warning: Defining constructors as functions with the same name as the contract is deprecated. Use \"constructor(...) { ... }\" instead.\n function Ballot(uint8 _numProposals) public {\n ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).\n", + "message": "Defining constructors as functions with the same name as the contract is deprecated. Use \"constructor(...) { ... }\" instead.", + "severity": "warning", + "sourceLocation": { + "end": 540, + "file": "browser/ballot.sol", + "start": 373 + }, + "type": "Warning" + }], + "sources": { + "browser/ballot.sol": { + "id": 0, + "legacyAST": { + "attributes": { + "absolutePath": "browser/ballot.sol", + "exportedSymbols": { + "Ballot": [238] + } + }, + "children": [{ + "attributes": { + "literals": ["solidity", "^", "0.4", ".0"] + }, + "id": 1, + "name": "PragmaDirective", + "src": "0:23:0" + }, { + "attributes": { + "baseContracts": [null], + "contractDependencies": [null], + "contractKind": "contract", + "documentation": null, + "fullyImplemented": true, + "linearizedBaseContracts": [238], + "name": "Ballot", + "scope": 239 + }, + "children": [{ + "attributes": { + "canonicalName": "Ballot.Voter", + "name": "Voter", + "scope": 238, + "visibility": "public" + }, + "children": [{ + "attributes": { + "constant": false, + "name": "weight", + "scope": 10, + "stateVariable": false, 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[null], + "referencedDeclaration": 206, + "type": "uint8", + "value": "prop" + }, + "id": 230, + "name": "Identifier", + "src": "2135:4:0" + }], + "id": 231, + "name": "Assignment", + "src": "2116:23:0" + }], + "id": 232, + "name": "ExpressionStatement", + "src": "2116:23:0" + }], + "id": 233, + "name": "Block", + "src": "2036:118:0" + }], + "id": 234, + "name": "IfStatement", + "src": "1986:168:0" + }], + "id": 235, + "name": "ForStatement", + "src": "1920:234:0" + }], + "id": 236, + "name": "Block", + "src": "1872:288:0" + }], + "id": 237, + "name": "FunctionDefinition", + "src": "1796:364:0" + }], + "id": 238, + "name": "ContractDefinition", + "src": "24:2138:0" + }], + "id": 239, + "name": "SourceUnit", + "src": "0:2162:0" + } + } + } + }, + "source": { + "sources": { + "browser/ballot.sol": { + "content": "pragma solidity ^0.4.0;\ncontract Ballot {\n\n struct Voter {\n uint weight;\n bool voted;\n uint8 vote;\n address delegate;\n }\n struct Proposal {\n uint voteCount;\n }\n\n address chairperson;\n mapping(address => Voter) voters;\n Proposal[] proposals;\n\n /// Create a new ballot with $(_numProposals) different proposals.\n function Ballot(uint8 _numProposals) public {\n chairperson = msg.sender;\n voters[chairperson].weight = 1;\n proposals.length = _numProposals;\n }\n\n /// Give $(toVoter) the right to vote on this ballot.\n /// May only be called by $(chairperson).\n function giveRightToVote(address toVoter) public {\n if (msg.sender != chairperson || voters[toVoter].voted) return;\n voters[toVoter].weight = 1;\n }\n\n /// Delegate your vote to the voter $(to).\n function delegate(address to) public {\n Voter storage sender = voters[msg.sender]; // assigns reference\n if (sender.voted) return;\n while (voters[to].delegate != address(0) && voters[to].delegate != msg.sender)\n to = voters[to].delegate;\n if (to == msg.sender) return;\n sender.voted = true;\n sender.delegate = to;\n Voter storage delegateTo = voters[to];\n if (delegateTo.voted)\n proposals[delegateTo.vote].voteCount += sender.weight;\n else\n delegateTo.weight += sender.weight;\n }\n\n /// Give a single vote to proposal $(toProposal).\n function vote(uint8 toProposal) public {\n Voter storage sender = voters[msg.sender];\n if (sender.voted || toProposal >= proposals.length) return;\n sender.voted = true;\n sender.vote = toProposal;\n proposals[toProposal].voteCount += sender.weight;\n }\n\n function winningProposal() public constant returns (uint8 _winningProposal) {\n uint256 winningVoteCount = 0;\n for (uint8 prop = 0; prop < proposals.length; prop++)\n if (proposals[prop].voteCount > winningVoteCount) {\n winningVoteCount = proposals[prop].voteCount;\n _winningProposal = prop;\n }\n }\n}" + } + }, + "target": "browser/ballot.sol" + } + } diff --git a/remix-debug/index.js b/remix-debug/index.js index 3ea8d98482..6c90d8fb0c 100644 --- a/remix-debug/index.js +++ b/remix-debug/index.js @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ 'use strict' var EthDebugger = require('./src/Ethdebugger') var TransactionDebugger = require('./src/debugger/debugger') +var CmdLine = require('./src/cmdline') var StorageViewer = require('./src/storage/storageViewer') var StorageResolver = require('./src/storage/storageResolver') @@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ module.exports = { storage: { StorageViewer: StorageViewer, StorageResolver: StorageResolver - } + }, + CmdLine: CmdLine } diff --git a/remix-debug/package.json b/remix-debug/package.json index 097640ec00..7db0079bfd 100644 --- a/remix-debug/package.json +++ b/remix-debug/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "remix-debug", - "version": "0.2.14", + "version": "0.3.1", "description": "Ethereum IDE and tools for the web", "contributors": [ { @@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ { "name": "Liana Husikyan", "email": "liana@ethdev.com" + }, + { + "name": "Iuri Matias", + "email": "iuri.matias@gmail.com" } ], "main": "./index.js", @@ -17,7 +21,7 @@ "ethereumjs-util": "^4.5.0", "ethereumjs-vm": "2.4.0", "fast-async": "^6.1.2", - "remix-lib": "0.3.13" + "remix-lib": "0.4.1" }, "devDependencies": { "babel-eslint": "^7.1.1", diff --git a/remix-debug/rdb.js b/remix-debug/rdb.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7a81771c64 --- /dev/null +++ b/remix-debug/rdb.js @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +var CmdLine = require('./src/cmdline/index.js') +// var compilation = require('./compilation.json') + +var solc = require('solc') +var fs = require('fs') + +var filename = 'test/sol/simple_storage.sol' +var shortFilename = 'simple_storage.sol' + +var inputJson = { + language: 'Solidity', + sources: { + }, + settings: { + optimizer: { + enabled: true, + runs: 200 + }, + outputSelection: { + '*': { + '': [ 'legacyAST' ], + '*': [ 'abi', 'metadata', 'devdoc', 'userdoc', 'evm.legacyAssembly', 'evm.bytecode', 'evm.deployedBytecode', 'evm.methodIdentifiers', 'evm.gasEstimates' ] + } + } + } +} + +inputJson.sources[shortFilename] = {content: fs.readFileSync(filename).toString()} + +console.dir(inputJson) + +console.log('compiling...') + +let compilationData = JSON.parse(solc.compileStandardWrapper(JSON.stringify(inputJson))) +console.dir(Object.keys(compilationData)) +var compilation = {} +compilation.data = compilationData +compilation.source = { sources: inputJson.sources } +console.dir(compilation) +console.dir(compilation.data.errors) + +var cmdLine = new CmdLine() +cmdLine.connect('http', 'http://localhost:8545') +cmdLine.loadCompilationResult(compilation) +cmdLine.initDebugger() + +// var deployContract = function (cb) { +// let _web3 = cmdLine.debugger.debugger.web3 +// +// let blockNumber = null +// let txNumber = null +// let tx = null +// +// let code = compilation.data.contracts[shortFilename].SimpleStorage.evm.bytecode.object +// console.dir('deploying...') +// console.dir(code) +// _web3.eth.sendTransaction({data: '0x' + code, from: _web3.eth.accounts[0], gas: 800000}, cb) +// } + +// let _web3 = cmdLine.debugger.debugger.web3 +var tx = '0xf510c4f0b1d9ee262d7b9e9e87b4262f275fe029c2c733feef7dfa1e2b1e32aa' + +// deployContract((err, tx) => { +cmdLine.startDebug(tx, shortFilename) + +cmdLine.events.on('source', () => { + cmdLine.getSource().forEach(console.dir) +}) + // }) +// }) + +const repl = require('repl') + +repl.start({ + prompt: '> ', + eval: (cmd, context, filename, cb) => { + let command = cmd.trim() + if (command === 'next' || command === 'n') { + cmdLine.stepOverForward(true) + } + if (command === 'previous' || command === 'p' || command === 'prev') { + cmdLine.stepOverBack(true) + } + if (command === 'step' || command === 's') { + cmdLine.stepIntoForward(true) + } + if (command === 'stepback' || command === 'sb') { + cmdLine.stepIntoBack(true) + } + if (command === 'exit' || command === 'quit') { + process.exit(0) + } + if (command === 'var local' || command === 'v l' || command === 'vl') { + cmdLine.displayLocals() + } + if (command === 'var global' || command === 'v g' || command === 'vg') { + cmdLine.displayGlobals() + } + if (command.split(' ')[0] === 'jump') { + let stepIndex = parseInt(command.split(' ')[1], 10) + cmdLine.jumpTo(stepIndex) + } + cb(null, '') + } +}) + +module.exports = cmdLine + diff --git a/remix-debug/src/Ethdebugger.js b/remix-debug/src/Ethdebugger.js index 8f325280d7..7545bebebb 100644 --- a/remix-debug/src/Ethdebugger.js +++ b/remix-debug/src/Ethdebugger.js @@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ Ethdebugger.prototype.debug = function (tx) { tx.to = traceHelper.contractCreationToken('0') } this.setCompilationResult(this.opts.compilationResult()) - console.log('loading trace...') this.tx = tx var self = this this.traceManager.resolveTrace(tx, function (error, result) { diff --git a/remix-debug/src/cmdline/contextManager.js b/remix-debug/src/cmdline/contextManager.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cb7c475eaa --- /dev/null +++ b/remix-debug/src/cmdline/contextManager.js @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +var remixLib = require('remix-lib') + +var EventManager = remixLib.EventManager +var executionContext = remixLib.execution.executionContext +var Web3Providers = remixLib.vm.Web3Providers +var DummyProvider = remixLib.vm.DummyProvider +var init = remixLib.init + +class ContextManager { + constructor () { + this.executionContext = executionContext + this.web3 = this.executionContext.web3() + this.event = new EventManager() + } + + initProviders () { + this.web3Providers = new Web3Providers() + this.addProvider('DUMMYWEB3', new DummyProvider()) + this.switchProvider('DUMMYWEB3') + + this.addProvider('vm', this.executionContext.vm()) + this.addProvider('injected', this.executionContext.internalWeb3()) + this.addProvider('web3', this.executionContext.internalWeb3()) + this.switchProvider(this.executionContext.getProvider()) + } + + getWeb3 () { + return this.web3 + } + + addProvider (type, obj) { + this.web3Providers.addProvider(type, obj) + this.event.trigger('providerAdded', [type]) + } + + switchProvider (type, cb) { + var self = this + this.web3Providers.get(type, function (error, obj) { + if (error) { + // console.log('provider ' + type + ' not defined') + } else { + self.web3 = obj + self.executionContext.detectNetwork((error, network) => { + if (error || !network) { + self.web3 = obj + } else { + var webDebugNode = init.web3DebugNode(network.name) + self.web3 = (!webDebugNode ? obj : webDebugNode) + } + self.event.trigger('providerChanged', [type, self.web3]) + if (cb) return cb() + }) + self.event.trigger('providerChanged', [type, self.web3]) + } + }) + } + +} + +module.exports = ContextManager diff --git a/remix-debug/src/cmdline/index.js b/remix-debug/src/cmdline/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f5734f084c --- /dev/null +++ b/remix-debug/src/cmdline/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +var Web3 = require('web3') +var Debugger = require('../debugger/debugger.js') +var ContextManager = require('./contextManager.js') +var EventManager = require('events') + +class CmdLine { + + constructor () { + this.events = new EventManager() + this.lineColumnPos = null + this.rawLocation = null + } + + connect (providerType, url) { + if (providerType !== 'http') throw new Error('unsupported provider type') + this.web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(url)) + } + + loadCompilationData (inputJson, outputJson) { + let data = {} + data.data = outputJson + data.source = { sources: inputJson.sources } + this.loadCompilationResult(data) + } + + loadCompilationResult (compilationResult) { + this.compilation = {} + this.compilation.lastCompilationResult = compilationResult + } + + initDebugger (cb) { + const self = this + this.contextManager = new ContextManager() + + this.debugger = new Debugger({ + web3: this.contextManager.getWeb3(), + compiler: this.compilation + }) + + this.contextManager.event.register('providerChanged', () => { + self.debugger.updateWeb3(self.contextManager.getWeb3()) + }) + + this.contextManager.initProviders() + + this.contextManager.addProvider('debugger_web3', this.web3) + this.contextManager.switchProvider('debugger_web3', cb) + } + + getSource () { + const self = this + + let lineColumnPos = this.lineColumnPos + + if (!lineColumnPos || !lineColumnPos.start) return [] + + let content = self.compilation.lastCompilationResult.source.sources[this.filename].content.split('\n') + + let source = [] + + let line + line = content[lineColumnPos.start.line - 2] + if (line !== undefined) { + source.push(' ' + (lineColumnPos.start.line - 1) + ': ' + line) + } + line = content[lineColumnPos.start.line - 1] + if (line !== undefined) { + source.push(' ' + lineColumnPos.start.line + ': ' + line) + } + + let currentLineNumber = lineColumnPos.start.line + let currentLine = content[currentLineNumber] + source.push('=> ' + (currentLineNumber + 1) + ': ' + currentLine) + + let startLine = lineColumnPos.start.line + for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) { + let line = content[startLine + i] + source.push(' ' + (startLine + i + 1) + ': ' + line) + } + + return source + } + + getCurrentLine () { + let lineColumnPos = this.lineColumnPos + if (!lineColumnPos) return '' + let currentLineNumber = lineColumnPos.start.line + let content = this.compilation.lastCompilationResult.source.sources[this.filename].content.split('\n') + return content[currentLineNumber] + } + + startDebug (txNumber, filename, cb) { + const self = this + this.filename = filename + this.txHash = txNumber + this.debugger.debug(null, txNumber, null, () => { + self.debugger.event.register('newSourceLocation', function (lineColumnPos, rawLocation) { + self.lineColumnPos = lineColumnPos + self.rawLocation = rawLocation + self.events.emit('source', [lineColumnPos, rawLocation]) + }) + + self.debugger.vmDebuggerLogic.event.register('solidityState', (data) => { + self.solidityState = data + self.events.emit('globals', data) + }) + + // TODO: this doesnt work too well, it should request the data instead... + self.debugger.vmDebuggerLogic.event.register('solidityLocals', (data) => { + if (JSON.stringify(data) === '{}') return + self.solidityLocals = data + self.events.emit('locals', data) + }) + + if (cb) { + // TODO: this should be an onReady event + setTimeout(cb, 1000) + } + }) + } + + getVars () { + return { + locals: this.solidityLocals, + contract: this.solidityState + } + } + + triggerSourceUpdate () { + this.events.emit('source', [this.lineColumnPos, this.rawLocation]) + } + + stepJumpNextBreakpoint () { + this.debugger.step_manager.jumpNextBreakpoint() + } + + stepJumpPreviousBreakpoint () { + this.debugger.step_manager.jumpPreviousBreakpoint() + } + + stepOverForward (solidityMode) { + this.debugger.step_manager.stepOverForward(solidityMode) + } + + stepOverBack (solidityMode) { + this.debugger.step_manager.stepOverBack(solidityMode) + } + + stepIntoForward (solidityMode) { + this.debugger.step_manager.stepIntoForward(solidityMode) + } + + stepIntoBack (solidityMode) { + this.debugger.step_manager.stepIntoBack(solidityMode) + } + + jumpTo (step) { + this.debugger.step_manager.jumpTo(step) + } + + getTraceLength () { + if (!this.debugger.step_manager) return 0 + return this.debugger.step_manager.traceLength + } + + getCodeFirstStep () { + if (!this.debugger.step_manager) return 0 + return this.debugger.step_manager.calculateFirstStep() + } + + getCodeTraceLength () { + if (!this.debugger.step_manager) return 0 + return this.debugger.step_manager.calculateCodeLength() + } + + nextStep () { + if (!this.debugger.step_manager) return 0 + return this.debugger.step_manager.nextStep() + } + + previousStep () { + if (!this.debugger.step_manager) return 0 + return this.debugger.step_manager.previousStep() + } + + currentStep () { + if (!this.debugger.step_manager) return 0 + return this.debugger.step_manager.currentStepIndex + } + + canGoNext () { + return this.currentStep() < this.getCodeTraceLength() + } + + canGoPrevious () { + return this.currentStep() > this.getCodeFirstStep() + } + + unload () { + return this.debugger.unload() + } + + displayLocals () { + console.dir('= displayLocals') + console.dir(this.solidityLocals) + } + + displayGlobals () { + console.dir('= displayGlobals') + console.dir(this.solidityState) + } +} + +module.exports = CmdLine + diff --git a/remix-debug/src/debugger/VmDebugger.js b/remix-debug/src/debugger/VmDebugger.js index 32562d5a86..a21e5c5f61 100644 --- a/remix-debug/src/debugger/VmDebugger.js +++ b/remix-debug/src/debugger/VmDebugger.js @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class VmDebuggerLogic { self._traceManager.getCallDataAt(index, function (error, calldata) { if (error) { - console.log(error) + // console.log(error) self.event.trigger('traceManagerCallDataUpdate', [{}]) } else if (self.stepManager.currentStepIndex === index) { self.event.trigger('traceManagerCallDataUpdate', [calldata]) @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class VmDebuggerLogic { self._traceManager.getMemoryAt(index, function (error, memory) { if (error) { - console.log(error) + // console.log(error) self.event.trigger('traceManagerMemoryUpdate', [{}]) } else if (self.stepManager.currentStepIndex === index) { self.event.trigger('traceManagerMemoryUpdate', [ui.formatMemory(memory, 16)]) @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class VmDebuggerLogic { self._traceManager.getCallStackAt(index, function (error, callstack) { if (error) { - console.log(error) + // console.log(error) self.event.trigger('traceManagerCallStackUpdate', [{}]) } else if (self.stepManager.currentStepIndex === index) { self.event.trigger('traceManagerCallStackUpdate', [callstack]) @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class VmDebuggerLogic { self._traceManager.getStackAt(index, function (error, callstack) { if (error) { - console.log(error) + // console.log(error) self.event.trigger('traceManagerStackUpdate', [{}]) } else if (self.stepManager.currentStepIndex === index) { self.event.trigger('traceManagerStackUpdate', [callstack]) @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class VmDebuggerLogic { storageViewer.storageRange((error, storage) => { if (error) { - console.log(error) + // console.log(error) self.event.trigger('traceManagerStorageUpdate', [{}]) } else if (self.stepManager.currentStepIndex === index) { var header = storageViewer.isComplete(address) ? 'completely loaded' : 'partially loaded...' diff --git a/remix-debug/src/debugger/debugger.js b/remix-debug/src/debugger/debugger.js index 79721a8184..0d9ede06de 100644 --- a/remix-debug/src/debugger/debugger.js +++ b/remix-debug/src/debugger/debugger.js @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ var Ethdebugger = require('../Ethdebugger') var remixLib = require('remix-lib') var EventManager = remixLib.EventManager var traceHelper = remixLib.helpers.trace +var OffsetToColumnConverter = remixLib.OffsetToColumnConverter var StepManager = require('./stepManager') var VmDebuggerLogic = require('./VmDebugger') @@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ function Debugger (options) { var self = this this.event = new EventManager() - this.offsetToLineColumnConverter = options.offsetToLineColumnConverter + this.offsetToLineColumnConverter = options.offsetToLineColumnConverter || (new OffsetToColumnConverter()) this.compiler = options.compiler this.debugger = new Ethdebugger({ @@ -111,8 +112,13 @@ Debugger.prototype.debugTx = function (tx, loadingCb) { }) this.vmDebuggerLogic = new VmDebuggerLogic(this.debugger, tx, this.step_manager, this.debugger.traceManager, this.debugger.codeManager, this.debugger.solidityProxy, this.debugger.callTree) + this.vmDebuggerLogic.start() this.step_manager.event.register('stepChanged', this, function (stepIndex) { + if (!stepIndex) { + return self.event.trigger('endDebug') + } + self.debugger.codeManager.resolveStep(stepIndex, tx) self.step_manager.event.trigger('indexChanged', [stepIndex]) self.vmDebuggerLogic.event.trigger('indexChanged', [stepIndex]) diff --git a/remix-debug/src/debugger/solidityLocals.js b/remix-debug/src/debugger/solidityLocals.js index 96588857c5..fca807e27b 100644 --- a/remix-debug/src/debugger/solidityLocals.js +++ b/remix-debug/src/debugger/solidityLocals.js @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class DebuggerSolidityLocals { self.stepManager.currentStepIndex, (error, result) => { if (error) { - return console.log(error) + return error } var stack = result[0].value var memory = result[1].value diff --git a/remix-debug/src/debugger/solidityState.js b/remix-debug/src/debugger/solidityState.js index 8f2896c71c..a7d9d0e256 100644 --- a/remix-debug/src/debugger/solidityState.js +++ b/remix-debug/src/debugger/solidityState.js @@ -36,7 +36,13 @@ class DebuggerSolidityState { } self.event.trigger('solidityStateUpdating') decodeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { - self.decode(index) + // necessary due to some states that can crash the debugger + try { + self.decode(index) + } catch (err) { + console.dir('====> error') + console.dir(err) + } }, 500) } diff --git a/remix-debug/src/debugger/stepManager.js b/remix-debug/src/debugger/stepManager.js index 26e48ecd4b..2e39115cab 100644 --- a/remix-debug/src/debugger/stepManager.js +++ b/remix-debug/src/debugger/stepManager.js @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ var remixLib = require('remix-lib') var EventManager = remixLib.EventManager +var util = remixLib.util class DebuggerStepManager { @@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ class DebuggerStepManager { this.traceManager = traceManager this.currentStepIndex = 0 this.traceLength = 0 + this.codeTraceLength = 0 this.revertionPoint = null this.listenToEvents() @@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ class DebuggerStepManager { if (self.traceLength !== newLength) { self.event.trigger('traceLengthChanged', [newLength]) self.traceLength = newLength + self.codeTraceLength = self.calculateCodeLength() } self.jumpTo(0) }) @@ -81,43 +84,58 @@ class DebuggerStepManager { }) } - stepIntoBack () { + stepIntoBack (solidityMode) { if (!this.traceManager.isLoaded()) return var step = this.currentStepIndex - 1 this.currentStepIndex = step + if (solidityMode) { + step = this.resolveToReducedTrace(step, -1) + } if (!this.traceManager.inRange(step)) { return } this.event.trigger('stepChanged', [step]) } - stepIntoForward () { + stepIntoForward (solidityMode) { if (!this.traceManager.isLoaded()) return var step = this.currentStepIndex + 1 this.currentStepIndex = step + if (solidityMode) { + step = this.resolveToReducedTrace(step, 1) + } if (!this.traceManager.inRange(step)) { return } this.event.trigger('stepChanged', [step]) } - stepOverBack () { + stepOverBack (solidityMode) { if (!this.traceManager.isLoaded()) return var step = this.traceManager.findStepOverBack(this.currentStepIndex) + if (solidityMode) { + step = this.resolveToReducedTrace(step, -1) + } this.currentStepIndex = step this.event.trigger('stepChanged', [step]) } - stepOverForward () { + stepOverForward (solidityMode) { if (!this.traceManager.isLoaded()) return var step = this.traceManager.findStepOverForward(this.currentStepIndex) + if (solidityMode) { + step = this.resolveToReducedTrace(step, 1) + } this.currentStepIndex = step this.event.trigger('stepChanged', [step]) } - jumpOut () { + jumpOut (solidityMode) { if (!this.traceManager.isLoaded()) return var step = this.traceManager.findStepOut(this.currentStepIndex) + if (solidityMode) { + step = this.resolveToReducedTrace(step, 0) + } this.currentStepIndex = step this.event.trigger('stepChanged', [step]) } @@ -140,6 +158,51 @@ class DebuggerStepManager { this.debugger.breakpointManager.jumpPreviousBreakpoint(this.currentStepIndex, true) } + calculateFirstStep () { + let step = this.resolveToReducedTrace(0, 1) + return this.resolveToReducedTrace(step, 1) + } + + calculateCodeStepList () { + let step = 0 + let steps = [] + while (step < this.traceLength) { + let _step = this.resolveToReducedTrace(step, 1) + if (!_step) break + steps.push(_step) + step += 1 + } + steps = steps.filter((item, pos, self) => { return steps.indexOf(item) === pos }) + return steps + } + + calculateCodeLength () { + this.calculateCodeStepList().reverse() + return this.calculateCodeStepList().reverse()[1] || this.traceLength + } + + nextStep () { + return this.resolveToReducedTrace(this.currentStepIndex, 1) + } + + previousStep () { + return this.resolveToReducedTrace(this.currentStepIndex, -1) + } + + resolveToReducedTrace (value, incr) { + if (this.debugger.callTree.reducedTrace.length) { + var nextSource = util.findClosestIndex(value, this.debugger.callTree.reducedTrace) + nextSource = nextSource + incr + if (nextSource <= 0) { + nextSource = 0 + } else if (nextSource > this.debugger.callTree.reducedTrace.length) { + nextSource = this.debugger.callTree.reducedTrace.length - 1 + } + return this.debugger.callTree.reducedTrace[nextSource] + } + return value + } + } module.exports = DebuggerStepManager diff --git a/remix-debug/src/solidity-decoder/internalCallTree.js b/remix-debug/src/solidity-decoder/internalCallTree.js index 1f2559c0d8..16e1c2bb3d 100644 --- a/remix-debug/src/solidity-decoder/internalCallTree.js +++ b/remix-debug/src/solidity-decoder/internalCallTree.js @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ class InternalCallTree { if (result.error) { this.event.trigger('callTreeBuildFailed', [result.error]) } else { - console.log('ready') createReducedTrace(this, traceManager.trace.length - 1) this.event.trigger('callTreeReady', [this.scopes, this.scopeStarts]) } @@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ function resolveVariableDeclaration (tree, step, sourceLocation) { if (ast) { tree.variableDeclarationByFile[sourceLocation.file] = extractVariableDeclarations(ast, tree.astWalker) } else { - console.log('Ast not found for step ' + step + '. file ' + sourceLocation.file) + // console.log('Ast not found for step ' + step + '. file ' + sourceLocation.file) return null } } @@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ function resolveFunctionDefinition (tree, step, sourceLocation) { if (ast) { tree.functionDefinitionByFile[sourceLocation.file] = extractFunctionDefinitions(ast, tree.astWalker) } else { - console.log('Ast not found for step ' + step + '. file ' + sourceLocation.file) + // console.log('Ast not found for step ' + step + '. file ' + sourceLocation.file) return null } } diff --git a/remix-debug/src/solidity-decoder/solidityProxy.js b/remix-debug/src/solidity-decoder/solidityProxy.js index 63a42670e3..1fdb293315 100644 --- a/remix-debug/src/solidity-decoder/solidityProxy.js +++ b/remix-debug/src/solidity-decoder/solidityProxy.js @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class SolidityProxy { if (this.sources[file]) { return this.sources[file].legacyAST } else { - console.log('AST not found for file id ' + sourceLocation.file) + // console.log('AST not found for file id ' + sourceLocation.file) return null } } diff --git a/remix-debug/test/sol/ballot.sol b/remix-debug/test/sol/ballot.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ec43956ce9 --- /dev/null +++ b/remix-debug/test/sol/ballot.sol @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +pragma solidity ^0.4.0; +contract Ballot { + + struct Voter { + uint weight; + bool voted; + uint8 vote; + address delegate; + } + struct Proposal { + uint voteCount; + } + + address chairperson; + mapping(address => Voter) voters; + Proposal[] proposals; + + /// Create a new ballot with $(_numProposals) different proposals. + function Ballot(uint8 _numProposals) public { + chairperson = msg.sender; + voters[chairperson].weight = 1; + proposals.length = _numProposals; + } + + /// Give $(toVoter) the right to vote on this ballot. + /// May only be called by $(chairperson). + function giveRightToVote(address toVoter) public { + if (msg.sender != chairperson || voters[toVoter].voted) return; + voters[toVoter].weight = 1; + } + + /// Delegate your vote to the voter $(to). + function delegate(address to) public { + Voter storage sender = voters[msg.sender]; // assigns reference + if (sender.voted) return; + while (voters[to].delegate != address(0) && voters[to].delegate != msg.sender) + to = voters[to].delegate; + if (to == msg.sender) return; + sender.voted = true; + sender.delegate = to; + Voter storage delegateTo = voters[to]; + if (delegateTo.voted) + proposals[delegateTo.vote].voteCount += sender.weight; + else + delegateTo.weight += sender.weight; + } + + /// Give a single vote to proposal $(toProposal). + function vote(uint8 toProposal) public { + Voter storage sender = voters[msg.sender]; + if (sender.voted || toProposal >= proposals.length) return; + sender.voted = true; + sender.vote = toProposal; + proposals[toProposal].voteCount += sender.weight; + } + + function winningProposal() public constant returns (uint8 _winningProposal) { + uint256 winningVoteCount = 0; + for (uint8 prop = 0; prop < proposals.length; prop++) + if (proposals[prop].voteCount > winningVoteCount) { + winningVoteCount = proposals[prop].voteCount; + _winningProposal = prop; + } + } +} diff --git a/remix-debug/test/sol/simple_storage.sol b/remix-debug/test/sol/simple_storage.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..00b1554807 --- /dev/null +++ b/remix-debug/test/sol/simple_storage.sol @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +pragma solidity ^0.4.25; + +contract SimpleStorage { + uint public storedData; + address owner; + + constructor(uint initialValue) public { + storedData = initialValue; + owner = msg.sender; + } + + function set(uint x) public { + storedData = x; + require(msg.sender != owner); + storedData = x + 2; + } + + function get() public view returns (uint retVal) { + return storedData; + } + +} diff --git a/remix-lib/index.js b/remix-lib/index.js index 64304009cc..97a2f68b17 100644 --- a/remix-lib/index.js +++ b/remix-lib/index.js @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ var uiHelper = require('./src/helpers/uiHelper') var compilerHelper = require('./src/helpers/compilerHelper') var SourceMappingDecoder = require('./src/sourceMappingDecoder') var SourceLocationTracker = require('./src/sourceLocationTracker') +var OffsetToColumnConverter = require('./src/offsetToLineColumnConverter') var init = require('./src/init') var util = require('./src/util') var Web3Providers = require('./src/web3Provider/web3Providers') @@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ function modules () { }, SourceMappingDecoder: SourceMappingDecoder, SourceLocationTracker: SourceLocationTracker, + OffsetToColumnConverter: OffsetToColumnConverter, Storage: Storage, init: init, util: util, diff --git a/remix-lib/package.json b/remix-lib/package.json index 882021f9d1..51b45d30b8 100644 --- a/remix-lib/package.json +++ b/remix-lib/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "remix-lib", - "version": "0.3.13", + "version": "0.4.1", "description": "Ethereum IDE and tools for the web", "contributors": [ { diff --git a/remix-lib/src/code/codeResolver.js b/remix-lib/src/code/codeResolver.js index 363fb5aaff..da52a74d3c 100644 --- a/remix-lib/src/code/codeResolver.js +++ b/remix-lib/src/code/codeResolver.js @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ CodeResolver.prototype.resolveCode = function (address, callBack) { } CodeResolver.prototype.loadCode = function (address, callback) { - console.log('loading new code from web3 ' + address) this.web3.eth.getCode(address, function (error, result) { if (error) { console.log(error) diff --git a/remix-lib/src/offsetToLineColumnConverter.js b/remix-lib/src/offsetToLineColumnConverter.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..44d0458a09 --- /dev/null +++ b/remix-lib/src/offsetToLineColumnConverter.js @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +'use strict' +var SourceMappingDecoder = require('./sourceMappingDecoder') + +function offsetToColumnConverter (compilerEvent) { + this.lineBreakPositionsByContent = {} + this.sourceMappingDecoder = new SourceMappingDecoder() + var self = this + if (compilerEvent) { + compilerEvent.register('compilationFinished', function (success, data, source) { + self.clear() + }) + } +} + +offsetToColumnConverter.prototype.offsetToLineColumn = function (rawLocation, file, sources, asts) { + if (!this.lineBreakPositionsByContent[file]) { + for (var filename in asts) { + var source = asts[filename] + if (source.id === file) { + this.lineBreakPositionsByContent[file] = this.sourceMappingDecoder.getLinebreakPositions(sources[filename].content) + break + } + } + } + return this.sourceMappingDecoder.convertOffsetToLineColumn(rawLocation, this.lineBreakPositionsByContent[file]) +} + +offsetToColumnConverter.prototype.clear = function () { + this.lineBreakPositionsByContent = {} +} + +module.exports = offsetToColumnConverter diff --git a/remix-lib/src/trace/traceManager.js b/remix-lib/src/trace/traceManager.js index 98785c54e4..90662b1132 100644 --- a/remix-lib/src/trace/traceManager.js +++ b/remix-lib/src/trace/traceManager.js @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ TraceManager.prototype.getStackAt = function (stepIndex, callback) { return callback(check, null) } var stack - if (this.trace[stepIndex].stack) { // there's always a stack + if (this.trace[stepIndex] && this.trace[stepIndex].stack) { // there's always a stack stack = this.trace[stepIndex].stack.slice(0) stack.reverse() callback(null, stack) diff --git a/remix-lib/test/txFormat.js b/remix-lib/test/txFormat.js index c8192ed80b..39187f5169 100644 --- a/remix-lib/test/txFormat.js +++ b/remix-lib/test/txFormat.js @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ tape('ContractParameters - (TxFormat.buildData) - format input parameters', func output = JSON.parse(output) var contract = output.contracts['test.sol']['uintContractTest'] context = { output, contract } - var bytecode = '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' + var bytecode = '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' + t.test('(TxFormat.buildData)', function (st) { st.plan(3) testWithInput(st, '123123, "0xf7a10e525d4b168f45f74db1b61f63d3e7619ea8", "34"', bytecode + '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001e0f3000000000000000000000000f7a10e525d4b168f45f74db1b61f63d3e7619ea80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022') @@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ function testLinkLibrary2 (st, callbackDeployLibraries) { } } - var data = '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' + var data = '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' var deployMsg = ['creation of library test.sol:lib1 pending...', 'creation of library test.sol:lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2 pending...'] @@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ library lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_li } } -contract testContractLinkLibrary { +contract testContractLinkLibrary { function get () public { lib1.getEmpty(); lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2.getEmpty(); @@ -246,17 +247,17 @@ contract testContractLinkLibrary { var encodeFunctionCall = `pragma solidity ^0.5.0; -contract testContractLinkLibrary { +contract testContractLinkLibrary { function get (uint _p, string memory _o) public { } }` var fallbackFunction = `pragma solidity ^0.5.0; -contract fallbackFunctionContract { +contract fallbackFunctionContract { function get (uint _p, string memory _o) public { } - + function () external {} }` @@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ contract test { function t (p memory _p, uint _i) public returns (p memory) { return _p; } - + function t () public returns (p memory) { p memory mm; mm.a = 123; @@ -282,17 +283,17 @@ contract test { var abiEncoderV2ArrayOfTuple = `pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract test { - + struct MyStruct {uint256 num; string _string;} - + constructor (MyStruct[] memory _structs, string memory _str) public { - + } - + function addStructs(MyStruct[] memory _structs) public returns (MyStruct[] memory strucmts) { strucmts = _structs; } - + function addStructs(MyStruct memory _structs) public returns (MyStruct memory _strucmts) { _strucmts = _structs; } diff --git a/remix-simulator/package.json b/remix-simulator/package.json index 7b7771ba7c..ad25583866 100644 --- a/remix-simulator/package.json +++ b/remix-simulator/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "remix-simulator", - "version": "0.0.8", + "version": "0.1.1", "description": "Ethereum IDE and tools for the web", "contributors": [ { @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ "express-ws": "^4.0.0", "fast-async": "^6.3.7", "merge": "^1.2.0", - "remix-lib": "0.3.13", + "remix-lib": "0.4.1", "time-stamp": "^2.0.0", "web3": "1.0.0-beta.27" }, diff --git a/remix-solidity/package.json b/remix-solidity/package.json index de0b52a28e..5bf3707585 100644 --- a/remix-solidity/package.json +++ b/remix-solidity/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "remix-solidity", - "version": "0.2.14", + "version": "0.3.1", "description": "Ethereum IDE and tools for the web", "contributors": [ { @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "ethereumjs-util": "^4.5.0", "ethereumjs-vm": "2.4.0", "fast-async": "^6.1.2", - "remix-lib": "0.3.13", + "remix-lib": "0.4.1", "solc": "^0.5.0", "webworkify": "^1.2.1" }, diff --git a/remix-tests/package.json b/remix-tests/package.json index 31995f3727..a78636e48f 100644 --- a/remix-tests/package.json +++ b/remix-tests/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "remix-tests", - "version": "0.0.21", + "version": "0.1.1", "description": "Tests for the Ethereum tool suite Remix", "main": "./src/index.js", "contributors": [ @@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ "change-case": "^3.0.1", "colors": "^1.1.2", "commander": "^2.13.0", - "remix-lib": "0.3.13", - "remix-simulator": "0.0.8", - "remix-solidity": "0.2.14", + "remix-lib": "0.4.1", + "remix-simulator": "0.1.1", + "remix-solidity": "0.3.1", "signale": "^1.2.1", "web3": "1.0.0-beta.36", "winston": "^3.0.0" diff --git a/remix-tests/src/compiler.js b/remix-tests/src/compiler.js index 83d3506ac5..7b450e97c4 100644 --- a/remix-tests/src/compiler.js +++ b/remix-tests/src/compiler.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* eslint no-extend-native: "warn" */ -let fs = require('fs') +let fs = require('./fs') var async = require('async') var path = require('path') let RemixCompiler = require('remix-solidity').Compiler @@ -26,52 +26,60 @@ var isBrowser = !(typeof (window) === 'undefined' || userAgent.indexOf(' electro // TODO: replace this with remix's own compiler code function compileFileOrFiles (filename, isDirectory, opts, cb) { - let compiler, filepath + let compiler let accounts = opts.accounts || [] const sources = { 'tests.sol': { content: require('../sol/tests.sol.js') }, 'remix_tests.sol': { content: require('../sol/tests.sol.js') }, 'remix_accounts.sol': { content: writeTestAccountsContract(accounts) } } + const filepath = (isDirectory ? filename : path.dirname(filename)) // TODO: for now assumes filepath dir contains all tests, later all this // should be replaced with remix's & browser solidity compiler code - filepath = (isDirectory ? filename : path.dirname(filename)) - fs.readdirSync(filepath).forEach(file => { - // only process .sol files - if (file.split('.').pop() === 'sol') { - let c = fs.readFileSync(path.join(filepath, file)).toString() - const s = /^(import)\s['"](remix_tests.sol|tests.sol)['"];/gm - let includeTestLibs = '\nimport \'remix_tests.sol\';\n' - if (file.indexOf('_test.sol') > 0 && c.regexIndexOf(s) < 0) { - c = includeTestLibs.concat(c) + // This logic is wrong + // We should only look into current file if a full file name with path is given + // We should only walk through directory if a directory name is passed + try { + // walkSync only if it is a directory + fs.walkSync(filepath, foundpath => { + // only process .sol files + if (foundpath.split('.').pop() === 'sol') { + let c = fs.readFileSync(foundpath).toString() + const s = /^(import)\s['"](remix_tests.sol|tests.sol)['"];/gm + let includeTestLibs = '\nimport \'remix_tests.sol\';\n' + if (foundpath.indexOf('_test.sol') > 0 && c.regexIndexOf(s) < 0) { + c = includeTestLibs.concat(c) + } + sources[foundpath] = { content: c } } - sources[file] = { content: c } - } - }) - - async.waterfall([ - function loadCompiler (next) { - compiler = new RemixCompiler() - compiler.onInternalCompilerLoaded() - // compiler.event.register('compilerLoaded', this, function (version) { - next() - // }); - }, - function doCompilation (next) { - compiler.event.register('compilationFinished', this, function (success, data, source) { - next(null, data) - }) - compiler.compile(sources, filepath) - } - ], function (err, result) { - let errors = (result.errors || []).filter((e) => e.type === 'Error' || e.severity === 'error') - if (errors.length > 0) { - if (!isBrowser) require('signale').fatal(errors) - return cb(new Error('errors compiling')) - } - cb(err, result.contracts) - }) + }) + } catch (e) { + throw e + } finally { + async.waterfall([ + function loadCompiler (next) { + compiler = new RemixCompiler() + compiler.onInternalCompilerLoaded() + // compiler.event.register('compilerLoaded', this, function (version) { + next() + // }); + }, + function doCompilation (next) { + compiler.event.register('compilationFinished', this, function (success, data, source) { + next(null, data) + }) + compiler.compile(sources, filepath) + } + ], function (err, result) { + let errors = (result.errors || []).filter((e) => e.type === 'Error' || e.severity === 'error') + if (errors.length > 0) { + if (!isBrowser) require('signale').fatal(errors) + return cb(new Error('errors compiling')) + } + cb(err, result.contracts) + }) + } } function compileContractSources (sources, importFileCb, opts, cb) { diff --git a/remix-tests/src/fs.js b/remix-tests/src/fs.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fa2dd4dfd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/remix-tests/src/fs.js @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +// Extend fs +var fs = require('fs') +const path = require('path') + +// https://github.com/mikeal/node-utils/blob/master/file/lib/main.js +fs.walkSync = function (start, callback) { + fs.readdirSync(start).forEach(name => { + if (name === 'node_modules') { + return // hack + } + var abspath = path.join(start, name) + if (fs.statSync(abspath).isDirectory()) { + fs.walkSync(abspath, callback) + } else { + callback(abspath) + } + }) +} + +module.exports = fs diff --git a/remix-tests/src/index.js b/remix-tests/src/index.js index 91aa7e3a01..b2b64a0430 100644 --- a/remix-tests/src/index.js +++ b/remix-tests/src/index.js @@ -1,234 +1,6 @@ -const async = require('async') -const path = require('path') -const fs = require('fs') -require('colors') - -let Compiler = require('./compiler.js') -let Deployer = require('./deployer.js') -let TestRunner = require('./testRunner.js') - -const Web3 = require('web3') -const Provider = require('remix-simulator').Provider - -var createWeb3Provider = function () { - let web3 = new Web3() - web3.setProvider(new Provider()) - return web3 -} - -var runTestSources = function (contractSources, testCallback, resultCallback, finalCallback, importFileCb, opts) { - opts = opts || {} - let web3 = opts.web3 || createWeb3Provider() - let accounts = opts.accounts || null - async.waterfall([ - function getAccountList (next) { - if (accounts) return next() - web3.eth.getAccounts((_err, _accounts) => { - accounts = _accounts - next() - }) - }, - function compile (next) { - Compiler.compileContractSources(contractSources, importFileCb, { accounts }, next) - }, - function deployAllContracts (compilationResult, next) { - Deployer.deployAll(compilationResult, web3, function (err, contracts) { - if (err) { - next(err) - } - - next(null, compilationResult, contracts) - }) - }, - function determineTestContractsToRun (compilationResult, contracts, next) { - let contractsToTest = [] - let contractsToTestDetails = [] - - for (let filename in compilationResult) { - if (filename.indexOf('_test.sol') < 0) { - continue - } - Object.keys(compilationResult[filename]).forEach(contractName => { - contractsToTestDetails.push(compilationResult[filename][contractName]) - contractsToTest.push(contractName) - }) - } - - next(null, contractsToTest, contractsToTestDetails, contracts) - }, - function runTests (contractsToTest, contractsToTestDetails, contracts, next) { - let totalPassing = 0 - let totalFailing = 0 - let totalTime = 0 - let errors = [] - - var _testCallback = function (result) { - if (result.type === 'testFailure') { - errors.push(result) - } - testCallback(result) - } - - var _resultsCallback = function (_err, result, cb) { - resultCallback(_err, result, () => {}) - totalPassing += result.passingNum - totalFailing += result.failureNum - totalTime += result.timePassed - cb() - } - - async.eachOfLimit(contractsToTest, 1, (contractName, index, cb) => { - TestRunner.runTest(contractName, contracts[contractName], contractsToTestDetails[index], { accounts }, _testCallback, (err, result) => { - if (err) { - return cb(err) - } - _resultsCallback(null, result, cb) - }) - }, function (err, _results) { - if (err) { - return next(err) - } - - let finalResults = {} - - finalResults.totalPassing = totalPassing || 0 - finalResults.totalFailing = totalFailing || 0 - finalResults.totalTime = totalTime || 0 - finalResults.errors = [] - - errors.forEach((error, _index) => { - finalResults.errors.push({context: error.context, value: error.value, message: error.errMsg}) - }) - - next(null, finalResults) - }) - } - ], finalCallback) -} - -var runTestFiles = function (filepath, isDirectory, web3, opts) { - opts = opts || {} - const { Signale } = require('signale') - // signale configuration - const options = { - types: { - result: { - badge: '\t✓', - label: '', - color: 'greenBright' - }, - name: { - badge: '\n\t◼', - label: '', - color: 'white' - }, - error: { - badge: '\t✘', - label: '', - color: 'redBright' - } - } - } - const signale = new Signale(options) - let accounts = opts.accounts || null - async.waterfall([ - function getAccountList (next) { - if (accounts) return next(null) - web3.eth.getAccounts((_err, _accounts) => { - accounts = _accounts - next(null) - }) - }, - function compile (next) { - Compiler.compileFileOrFiles(filepath, isDirectory, { accounts }, next) - }, - function deployAllContracts (compilationResult, next) { - Deployer.deployAll(compilationResult, web3, function (err, contracts) { - if (err) { - next(err) - } - next(null, compilationResult, contracts) - }) - }, - function determineTestContractsToRun (compilationResult, contracts, next) { - let contractsToTest = [] - let contractsToTestDetails = [] - var gatherContractsFrom = (filename) => { - if (filename.indexOf('_test.sol') < 0) { - return - } - Object.keys(compilationResult[path.basename(filename)]).forEach(contractName => { - contractsToTest.push(contractName) - contractsToTestDetails.push(compilationResult[path.basename(filename)][contractName]) - }) - } - - if (isDirectory) { - fs.readdirSync(filepath).forEach(filename => { - gatherContractsFrom(filename) - }) - } else { - gatherContractsFrom(filepath) - } - next(null, contractsToTest, contractsToTestDetails, contracts) - }, - function runTests (contractsToTest, contractsToTestDetails, contracts, next) { - let totalPassing = 0 - let totalFailing = 0 - let totalTime = 0 - let errors = [] - - var testCallback = function (result) { - if (result.type === 'contract') { - signale.name(result.value.white) - } else if (result.type === 'testPass') { - signale.result(result.value) - } else if (result.type === 'testFailure') { - signale.result(result.value.red) - errors.push(result) - } - } - var resultsCallback = function (_err, result, cb) { - totalPassing += result.passingNum - totalFailing += result.failureNum - totalTime += result.timePassed - cb() - } - - async.eachOfLimit(contractsToTest, 1, (contractName, index, cb) => { - TestRunner.runTest(contractName, contracts[contractName], contractsToTestDetails[index], { accounts }, testCallback, (err, result) => { - if (err) { - return cb(err) - } - resultsCallback(null, result, cb) - }) - }, function (err, _results) { - if (err) { - return next(err) - } - - console.log('\n') - if (totalPassing > 0) { - console.log((' ' + totalPassing + ' passing ').green + ('(' + totalTime + 's)').grey) - } - if (totalFailing > 0) { - console.log((' ' + totalFailing + ' failing').red) - } - console.log('') - - errors.forEach((error, index) => { - console.log(' ' + (index + 1) + ') ' + error.context + ' ' + error.value) - console.log('') - console.log(('\t error: ' + error.errMsg).red) - }) - console.log('') - - next() - }) - } - ], function () { - }) -} +const runTestFiles = require('./runTestFiles.js') +const runTestSources = require('./runTestSources.js') +const TestRunner = require('./testRunner.js') module.exports = { runTestFiles: runTestFiles, diff --git a/remix-tests/src/runTestFiles.js b/remix-tests/src/runTestFiles.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a733b76efd --- /dev/null +++ b/remix-tests/src/runTestFiles.js @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +const async = require('async') +const path = require('path') +const fs = require('./fs') +const TestRunner = require('./testRunner.js') +require('colors') + +let Compiler = require('./compiler.js') +let Deployer = require('./deployer.js') + +const runTestFiles = function (filepath, isDirectory, web3, opts) { + opts = opts || {} + const { Signale } = require('signale') + // signale configuration + const options = { + types: { + result: { + badge: '\t✓', + label: '', + color: 'greenBright' + }, + name: { + badge: '\n\t◼', + label: '', + color: 'white' + }, + error: { + badge: '\t✘', + label: '', + color: 'redBright' + } + } + } + const signale = new Signale(options) + let accounts = opts.accounts || null + async.waterfall([ + function getAccountList (next) { + if (accounts) return next(null) + web3.eth.getAccounts((_err, _accounts) => { + accounts = _accounts + next(null) + }) + }, + function compile (next) { + Compiler.compileFileOrFiles(filepath, isDirectory, { accounts }, next) + }, + function deployAllContracts (compilationResult, next) { + Deployer.deployAll(compilationResult, web3, function (err, contracts) { + if (err) { + next(err) + } + next(null, compilationResult, contracts) + }) + }, + function determineTestContractsToRun (compilationResult, contracts, next) { + let contractsToTest = [] + let contractsToTestDetails = [] + const gatherContractsFrom = (filename) => { + if (filename.indexOf('_test.sol') < 0) { + return + } + Object.keys(compilationResult[path.basename(filename)]).forEach(contractName => { + contractsToTest.push(contractName) + contractsToTestDetails.push(compilationResult[path.basename(filename)][contractName]) + }) + } + if (isDirectory) { + fs.walkSync(filepath, foundpath => { + gatherContractsFrom(foundpath) + }) + } else { + gatherContractsFrom(filepath) + } + next(null, contractsToTest, contractsToTestDetails, contracts) + }, + function runTests (contractsToTest, contractsToTestDetails, contracts, next) { + let totalPassing = 0 + let totalFailing = 0 + let totalTime = 0 + let errors = [] + + var testCallback = function (result) { + if (result.type === 'contract') { + signale.name(result.value.white) + } else if (result.type === 'testPass') { + signale.result(result.value) + } else if (result.type === 'testFailure') { + signale.result(result.value.red) + errors.push(result) + } + } + var resultsCallback = function (_err, result, cb) { + totalPassing += result.passingNum + totalFailing += result.failureNum + totalTime += result.timePassed + cb() + } + + async.eachOfLimit(contractsToTest, 1, (contractName, index, cb) => { + TestRunner.runTest(contractName, contracts[contractName], contractsToTestDetails[index], { accounts }, testCallback, (err, result) => { + if (err) { + return cb(err) + } + resultsCallback(null, result, cb) + }) + }, function (err, _results) { + if (err) { + return next(err) + } + + console.log('\n') + if (totalPassing > 0) { + console.log((' ' + totalPassing + ' passing ').green + ('(' + totalTime + 's)').grey) + } + if (totalFailing > 0) { + console.log((' ' + totalFailing + ' failing').red) + } + console.log('') + + errors.forEach((error, index) => { + console.log(' ' + (index + 1) + ') ' + error.context + ' ' + error.value) + console.log('') + console.log(('\t error: ' + error.errMsg).red) + }) + console.log('') + + next() + }) + } + ], function () { + }) +} + +module.exports = runTestFiles diff --git a/remix-tests/src/runTestSources.js b/remix-tests/src/runTestSources.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e91bd66a98 --- /dev/null +++ b/remix-tests/src/runTestSources.js @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +const async = require('async') +require('colors') + +let Compiler = require('./compiler.js') +let Deployer = require('./deployer.js') +let TestRunner = require('./testRunner.js') + +const Web3 = require('web3') +const Provider = require('remix-simulator').Provider + +var createWeb3Provider = function () { + let web3 = new Web3() + web3.setProvider(new Provider()) + return web3 +} + +const runTestSources = function (contractSources, testCallback, resultCallback, finalCallback, importFileCb, opts) { + opts = opts || {} + let web3 = opts.web3 || createWeb3Provider() + let accounts = opts.accounts || null + async.waterfall([ + function getAccountList (next) { + if (accounts) return next() + web3.eth.getAccounts((_err, _accounts) => { + accounts = _accounts + next() + }) + }, + function compile (next) { + Compiler.compileContractSources(contractSources, importFileCb, next) + }, + function deployAllContracts (compilationResult, next) { + Deployer.deployAll(compilationResult, web3, function (err, contracts) { + if (err) { + next(err) + } + + next(null, compilationResult, contracts) + }) + }, + function determineTestContractsToRun (compilationResult, contracts, next) { + let contractsToTest = [] + let contractsToTestDetails = [] + + for (let filename in compilationResult) { + if (filename.indexOf('_test.sol') < 0) { + continue + } + Object.keys(compilationResult[filename]).forEach(contractName => { + contractsToTestDetails.push(compilationResult[filename][contractName]) + contractsToTest.push(contractName) + }) + } + + next(null, contractsToTest, contractsToTestDetails, contracts) + }, + function runTests (contractsToTest, contractsToTestDetails, contracts, next) { + let totalPassing = 0 + let totalFailing = 0 + let totalTime = 0 + let errors = [] + + var _testCallback = function (result) { + if (result.type === 'testFailure') { + errors.push(result) + } + testCallback(result) + } + + var _resultsCallback = function (_err, result, cb) { + resultCallback(_err, result, () => {}) + totalPassing += result.passingNum + totalFailing += result.failureNum + totalTime += result.timePassed + cb() + } + + async.eachOfLimit(contractsToTest, 1, (contractName, index, cb) => { + TestRunner.runTest(contractName, contracts[contractName], contractsToTestDetails[index], { accounts }, _testCallback, (err, result) => { + if (err) { + return cb(err) + } + _resultsCallback(null, result, cb) + }) + }, function (err, _results) { + if (err) { + return next(err) + } + + let finalResults = {} + + finalResults.totalPassing = totalPassing || 0 + finalResults.totalFailing = totalFailing || 0 + finalResults.totalTime = totalTime || 0 + finalResults.errors = [] + + errors.forEach((error, _index) => { + finalResults.errors.push({context: error.context, value: error.value, message: error.errMsg}) + }) + + next(null, finalResults) + }) + } + ], finalCallback) +} + +module.exports = runTestSources diff --git a/remix-tests/tests/examples_3/simple_string_test.sol b/remix-tests/tests/examples_3/simple_string_test.sol index 9bcc562167..f1f62cf33c 100644 --- a/remix-tests/tests/examples_3/simple_string_test.sol +++ b/remix-tests/tests/examples_3/simple_string_test.sol @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ contract StringTest { return Assert.equal(foo.get(), "Hello world!", "initial value is not correct"); } - function valueShouldNotBeHelloWorld() public returns (bool) { - return Assert.notEqual(foo.get(), "Hello wordl!", "initial value is not correct"); + function valueShouldNotBeHelloWordl() public returns (bool) { + return Assert.notEqual(foo.get(), "Hello wordl!", "value should not be hello world"); } function valueShouldBeHelloWorld() public returns (bool) { diff --git a/remix-tests/tests/testRunner.js b/remix-tests/tests/testRunner.js index 1871d19e13..092052fb7f 100644 --- a/remix-tests/tests/testRunner.js +++ b/remix-tests/tests/testRunner.js @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ function compileAndDeploy (filename, callback) { ], function (_err, contracts) { callback(null, compilationData, contracts, accounts) }) -} - +} + describe('testRunner', function () { describe('#runTest', function() { @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ describe('testRunner', function () { results = _results done() } - TestRunner.runTest('MyTest', contracts.MyTest, compilationData['simple_storage_test.sol']['MyTest'], { accounts }, testCallback, resultsCallback) + TestRunner.runTest('MyTest', contracts.MyTest, compilationData[filename]['MyTest'], { accounts }, testCallback, resultsCallback) }) }) @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ describe('testRunner', function () { it('should returns 5 messages', function () { assert.deepEqual(tests, [ - { type: 'contract', value: 'MyTest', filename: 'simple_storage_test.sol' }, + { type: 'contract', value: 'MyTest', filename: 'tests/examples_1/simple_storage_test.sol' }, { type: 'testFailure', value: 'Should trigger one fail', time: 1, context: 'MyTest', errMsg: 'the test 1 fails' }, { type: 'testPass', value: 'Should trigger one pass', time: 1, context: 'MyTest'}, { type: 'testPass', value: 'Initial value should be100', time: 1, context: 'MyTest' }, @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ describe('testRunner', function () { results = _results done() } - TestRunner.runTest('MyTest', contracts.MyTest, compilationData['simple_storage_test.sol']['MyTest'], { accounts }, testCallback, resultsCallback) + TestRunner.runTest('MyTest', contracts.MyTest, compilationData[filename]['MyTest'], { accounts }, testCallback, resultsCallback) }) }) @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ describe('testRunner', function () { it('should returns 3 messages', function () { assert.deepEqual(tests, [ - { type: 'contract', value: 'MyTest', filename: 'simple_storage_test.sol' }, + { type: 'contract', value: 'MyTest', filename: 'tests/examples_2/simple_storage_test.sol' }, { type: 'testPass', value: 'Initial value should be100', time: 1, context: 'MyTest' }, { type: 'testPass', value: 'Initial value should be200', time: 1, context: 'MyTest' } ]) @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ describe('testRunner', function () { results = _results done() } - TestRunner.runTest('StringTest', contracts.StringTest, compilationData['simple_string_test.sol']['StringTest'], { accounts }, testCallback, resultsCallback) - TestRunner.runTest('StringTest2', contracts.StringTest2, compilationData['simple_string_test.sol']['StringTest2'], { accounts }, testCallback, resultsCallback) + TestRunner.runTest('StringTest', contracts.StringTest, compilationData[filename]['StringTest'], { accounts }, testCallback, resultsCallback) + TestRunner.runTest('StringTest2', contracts.StringTest2, compilationData[filename]['StringTest2'], { accounts }, testCallback, resultsCallback) }) }) @@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ describe('testRunner', function () { it('should returns 3 messages', function () { assert.deepEqual(tests, [ - { type: 'contract', value: 'StringTest', filename: 'simple_string_test.sol' }, + { type: 'contract', value: 'StringTest', filename: 'tests/examples_3/simple_string_test.sol' }, { type: 'testFailure', value: 'Value should be hello world', time: 1, context: 'StringTest', "errMsg": "initial value is not correct" }, - { type: 'testPass', value: 'Value should not be hello world', time: 1, context: 'StringTest' }, + { type: 'testPass', value: 'Value should not be hello wordl', time: 1, context: 'StringTest' }, { type: 'testPass', value: 'Initial value should be hello', time: 1, context: 'StringTest' }, ]) }) @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ describe('testRunner', function () { results = _results done() } - TestRunner.runTest('IntegerTest', contracts.IntegerTest, compilationData['number_test.sol']['IntegerTest'], { accounts }, testCallback, resultsCallback) + TestRunner.runTest('IntegerTest', contracts.IntegerTest, compilationData[filename]['IntegerTest'], { accounts }, testCallback, resultsCallback) }) }) @@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ describe('testRunner', function () { results = _results done() } - - TestRunner.runTest('SenderTest', contracts.SenderTest, compilationData['sender_test.sol']['SenderTest'], { accounts }, testCallback, resultsCallback) - + + TestRunner.runTest('SenderTest', contracts.SenderTest, compilationData[filename]['SenderTest'], { accounts }, testCallback, resultsCallback) + }) })