@ -1,31 +1,14 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
import React , { useState , useRef , useReducer , useEffect } from 'react'
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'
import { ModalDialog } from '@remix-ui/modal-dialog' // eslint-disable-line
import { Toaster } from '@remix-ui/toaster' // eslint-disable-line
const _paq = ( window . _paq = window . _paq || [ ] ) // eslint-disable-line
import { CustomTooltip } from '@remix-ui/helper'
import { TEMPLATE_NAMES } from '@remix-ui/workspace'
interface HomeTabFileProps {
plugin : any
const loadingInitialState = {
tooltip : '' ,
showModalDialog : false ,
importSource : '' ,
const loadingReducer = ( state = loadingInitialState , action ) = > {
return {
. . . state ,
tooltip : action.tooltip ,
showModalDialog : false ,
importSource : '' ,
function HomeTabFile ( { plugin } : HomeTabFileProps ) {
const [ state , setState ] = useState < {
searchInput : string
@ -48,10 +31,6 @@ function HomeTabFile({ plugin }: HomeTabFileProps) {
recentWorkspaces : [ ] ,
} )
const [ , dispatch ] = useReducer ( loadingReducer , loadingInitialState )
const inputValue = useRef ( null )
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
plugin . on ( 'filePanel' , 'setWorkspace' , async ( ) = > {
let recents = JSON . parse ( localStorage . getItem ( 'recentWorkspaces' ) )
@ -59,8 +38,11 @@ function HomeTabFile({ plugin }: HomeTabFileProps) {
if ( ! recents ) {
recents = [ ]
} else {
const filtered = recents . filter ( ( workspace ) = > {
return workspace !== null
} )
setState ( ( prevState ) = > {
return { . . . prevState , recentWorkspaces : recents.slice ( 0 , recents . length <= 3 ? recents.length : 3 ) }
return { . . . prevState , recentWorkspaces : filtered .slice( 0 , filtered . length <= 3 ? filtered .length : 3 ) }
} )
} )
@ -91,41 +73,6 @@ function HomeTabFile({ plugin }: HomeTabFileProps) {
} , [ plugin ] )
const processLoading = ( type : string ) = > {
_paq . push ( [ 'trackEvent' , 'hometab' , 'filesSection' , 'importFrom' + type ] )
const contentImport = plugin . contentImport
const workspace = plugin . fileManager . getProvider ( 'workspace' )
const startsWith = state . importSource . substring ( 0 , 4 )
if ( ( type === 'ipfs' || type === 'IPFS' ) && startsWith !== 'ipfs' && startsWith !== 'IPFS' ) {
setState ( ( prevState ) = > {
return { . . . prevState , importSource : startsWith + state . importSource }
} )
contentImport . import (
state . modalInfo . prefix + state . importSource ,
( loadingMsg ) = > dispatch ( { tooltip : loadingMsg } ) ,
async ( error , content , cleanUrl , type , url ) = > {
if ( error ) {
toast ( error . message || error )
} else {
try {
if ( await workspace . exists ( type + '/' + cleanUrl ) ) toast ( 'File already exists in workspace' )
else {
workspace . addExternal ( type + '/' + cleanUrl , content , url )
plugin . call ( 'menuicons' , 'select' , 'filePanel' )
} catch ( e ) {
toast ( e . message )
setState ( ( prevState ) = > {
return { . . . prevState , showModalDialog : false , importSource : '' }
} )
const toast = ( message : string ) = > {
setState ( ( prevState ) = > {
return { . . . prevState , toasterMsg : message }
@ -146,16 +93,16 @@ function HomeTabFile({ plugin }: HomeTabFileProps) {
await plugin . call ( 'filePanel' , 'switchToWorkspace' , { name : wName , isLocalHost : false } )
await plugin . call ( 'filePanel' , 'switchToWorkspace' , { name : wName , isLocalHost : false } ) // calling once is not working.
const content = ` // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >= 0.6 . 12 < 0.9.0 ;
contract HelloWorld {
/ * *
* @dev Prints Hello World string
* /
function print ( ) public pure returns ( string memory ) {
return "Hello World!" ;
pragma solidity >= 0.6 . 12 < 0.9.0 ;
contract HelloWorld {
/ * *
* @dev Prints Hello World string
* /
function print ( ) public pure returns ( string memory ) {
return "Hello World!" ;
if ( createFile ) {
const { newPath } = await plugin . call ( 'fileManager' , 'writeFileNoRewrite' , '/contracts/HelloWorld.sol' , content )
@ -180,77 +127,21 @@ contract HelloWorld {
plugin . verticalIcons . select ( 'filePanel' )
const showFullMessage = ( title : string , loadItem : string , examples : Array < string > , prefix = '' ) = > {
setState ( ( prevState ) = > {
return {
. . . prevState ,
showModalDialog : true ,
modalInfo : {
title : title ,
loadItem : loadItem ,
examples : examples ,
prefix ,
} ,
} )
const hideFullMessage = ( ) = > {
setState ( ( prevState ) = > {
return { . . . prevState , showModalDialog : false , importSource : '' }
} )
const handleSwichToRecentWorkspace = async ( e , workspaceName ) = > {
e . preventDefault ( )
_paq . push ( [ 'trackEvent' , 'hometab' , 'filesSection' , 'loadRecentWorkspace' ] )
await plugin . call ( 'filePanel' , 'switchToWorkspace' , { name : workspaceName , isLocalhost : false } )
const examples = state . modalInfo . examples . map ( ( urlEl , key ) = > (
< div key = { key } className = "p-1 user-select-auto" >
< a > { urlEl } < / a >
< / div >
) )
return (
< >
< ModalDialog id = "homeTab" title = { 'Import from ' + state . modalInfo . title } okLabel = "Import" hide = { ! state . showModalDialog } handleHide = { ( ) = > hideFullMessage ( ) } okFn = { ( ) = > processLoading ( state . modalInfo . title ) } >
< div className = "p-2 user-select-auto" >
{ state . modalInfo . loadItem !== '' && < span > Enter the { state . modalInfo . loadItem } you would like to load . < / span > }
{ state . modalInfo . examples . length !== 0 && (
< >
< div > e . g < / div >
< div > { examples } < / div >
< / >
) }
< div className = "d-flex flex-row" >
{ state . modalInfo . prefix && < span className = "text-nowrap align-self-center mr-2" > ipfs : //</span>}
< input
ref = { inputValue }
type = "text"
name = "prompt_text"
id = "inputPrompt_text"
className = "w-100 mt-1 form-control"
data - id = "homeTabModalDialogCustomPromptText"
value = { state . importSource }
onInput = { ( e ) = > {
setState ( ( prevState ) = > {
return { . . . prevState , importSource : inputValue.current.value }
} )
} }
/ >
< / div >
< / div >
< / ModalDialog >
< Toaster message = { state . toasterMsg } / >
< div className = "justify-content-start mt-1 p-2 d-flex flex-column" id = "hTFileSection" >
< div className = "mb-3 " >
< div className = "justify-content-start p-2 d-flex flex-column" id = "hTFileSection" >
< div className = "mb-1" >
{ ( state . recentWorkspaces [ 0 ] || state . recentWorkspaces [ 1 ] || state . recentWorkspaces [ 2 ] ) && (
< div className = "d-flex flex-column mb-5 remixui_recentworkspace" >
< label style = { { fontSize : '0.8rem' } } className = "mt-3 " >
Recent Workspaces
< label style = { { fontSize : '0.8rem' } } className = "mt-1" >
Recent Workspaces
< / label >
{ state . recentWorkspaces [ 0 ] && state . recentWorkspaces [ 0 ] !== '' && (
< a className = "cursor-pointer mb-1 ml-2" href = "#" onClick = { ( e ) = > handleSwichToRecentWorkspace ( e , state . recentWorkspaces [ 0 ] ) } >
@ -270,58 +161,59 @@ contract HelloWorld {
< / div >
) }
< / div >
< div className = "d-flex flex-column flex-nowrap pt-3 " >
< div className = "d-flex flex-column flex-nowrap mt-4 " >
< label style = { { fontSize : '1.2rem' } } >
< FormattedMessage id = "home.files" / >
< / label >
< div className = "d-flex flex-column" >
< div className = "d-flex flex-row" >
< CustomTooltip placement = { 'top' } tooltipId = "overlay-tooltip" tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap" tooltipText = { < FormattedMessage id = "home.startCodingPlayground" / > } tooltipTextClasses = "border bg-light text-dark p-1 pr-3" >
< button className = "btn btn-primary text-nowrap p-2 mr-2 border my-1" data - id = "homeTabNewFile" style = { { width : 'fit-content' } } onClick = { async ( ) = > await plugin . call ( 'filePanel' , 'createNewFile' ) } >
< FormattedMessage id = "home.newFile" / >
< / button >
< / CustomTooltip >
< CustomTooltip placement = { 'top' } tooltipId = "overlay-tooltip" tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap" tooltipText = { < FormattedMessage id = "home.openFileTooltip" / > } tooltipTextClasses = "border bg-light text-dark p-1 pr-3" >
< span >
< label className = "btn text-nowrap p-2 mr-2 border my-1" style = { { width : 'fit-content' , cursor : 'pointer' } } htmlFor = "openFileInput" >
< FormattedMessage id = "home.openFile" / >
< / label >
< input
title = "open file"
type = "file"
id = "openFileInput"
onChange = { ( event ) = > {
event . stopPropagation ( )
plugin . verticalIcons . select ( 'filePanel' )
uploadFile ( event . target )
} }
/ >
< / span >
< / CustomTooltip >
< button className = "btn text-nowrap p-2 mr-2 border my-1" onClick = { ( ) = > showFullMessage ( 'Ipfs' , 'ipfs hash' , [ 'ipfs://QmQQfBMkpDgmxKzYaoAtqfaybzfgGm9b2LWYyT56Chv6xH' ] , 'ipfs://' ) } >
< div className = "d-flex flex-row flex-wrap" >
< CustomTooltip placement = { 'top' } tooltipId = "overlay-tooltip" tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap" tooltipText = { < FormattedMessage id = "home.newFileTooltip" / > } tooltipTextClasses = "border bg-light text-dark p-1 pr-3" >
< button className = "btn btn-primary text-nowrap p-2 mr-2 border my-1 mb-2" data - id = "homeTabNewFile" style = { { width : 'fit-content' } } onClick = { async ( ) = > {
_paq . push ( [ 'trackEvent' , 'hometab' , 'filesSection' , 'newFile' ] )
await plugin . call ( 'menuicons' , 'select' , 'filePanel' )
await plugin . call ( 'filePanel' , 'createNewFile' )
} } >
< i className = "far fa-file pl-1 pr-2" > < / i >
< FormattedMessage id = "home.newFile" / >
< / button >
< button className = "btn text-nowrap p-2 mr-2 border my-1" data - id = "landingPageImportFromGitHubButton" onClick = { ( ) = > showFullMessage ( 'GitHub' , 'github URL' , [ 'https://github.com/0xcert/ethereum-erc721/src/contracts/tokens/nf-token-metadata.sol' , 'https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-solidity/blob/67bca857eedf99bf44a4b6a0fc5b5ed553135316/contracts/access/Roles.sol' ] ) } >
Git Clone
< / button >
< button className = "btn text-nowrap p-2 mr-2 border my-1" data - id = "landingPageImportFromGistButton" onClick = { ( ) = > importFromGist ( ) } >
< / CustomTooltip >
< CustomTooltip placement = { 'top' } tooltipId = "overlay-tooltip" tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap" tooltipText = { < FormattedMessage id = "home.openFileTooltip" / > } tooltipTextClasses = "border bg-light text-dark p-1 pr-3" >
< span >
< label className = "btn text-nowrap p-2 mr-2 border my-1 mb-2" style = { { width : 'fit-content' , cursor : 'pointer' } } htmlFor = "openFileInput" >
< i className = "far fa-upload pl-1 pr-2" > < / i >
< FormattedMessage id = "home.openFile" / >
< / label >
< input
title = "open file"
type = "file"
id = "openFileInput"
onChange = { async ( event ) = > {
event . stopPropagation ( )
await plugin . call ( 'menuicons' , 'select' , 'filePanel' )
uploadFile ( event . target )
} }
/ >
< / span >
< / CustomTooltip >
< CustomTooltip placement = { 'top' } tooltipId = "overlay-tooltip" tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap" tooltipText = { < FormattedMessage id = "home.gistTooltip" / > } tooltipTextClasses = "border bg-light text-dark p-1 pr-3"
< button className = "btn text-nowrap p-2 mr-2 border my-1 mb-2" data - id = "landingPageImportFromGistButton" onClick = { ( ) = > importFromGist ( ) } >
< i className = "fab fa-github pl-1 pr-2" > < / i >
< / button >
< button
className = "btn text-nowrap p-2 mr-2 border my-1"
onClick = { ( ) = >
showFullMessage ( 'Https' , 'http/https raw content' , [ 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/master/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol' ] )
< / CustomTooltip >
< CustomTooltip placement = { 'top' } tooltipId = "overlay-tooltip" tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap" tooltipText = { < FormattedMessage id = "home.gitCloneTooltip" / > } tooltipTextClasses = "border bg-light text-dark p-1 pr-3"
< button className = "btn text-nowrap p-2 mr-2 border my-1 mb-2" data - id = "landingPageImportFromGitHubButton" onClick = { async ( ) = > {
_paq . push ( [ 'trackEvent' , 'hometab' , 'filesSection' , 'Git Clone' ] )
await plugin . call ( 'filePanel' , 'clone' )
} } >
< i className = "fa-brands fa-github-alt pl-1 pr-2" > < / i >
Git Clone
< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< div className = "d-flex mt-2 align-items-end w-100" >
< / CustomTooltip >
< CustomTooltip placement = { 'top' } tooltipId = "overlay-tooltip" tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap" tooltipText = { < FormattedMessage id = "home.connectToLocalhost" / > } tooltipTextClasses = "border bg-light text-dark p-1 pr-3" >
< button className = "btn btn-block text-nowrap p-2 border my-1" onClick = { ( ) = > connectToLocalhost ( ) } >
< button className = "btn text-nowrap p-2 border my-1 mb-2" onClick = { ( ) = > connectToLocalhost ( ) } >
< i className = "fa-regular fa-desktop pr-2" > < / i >
< FormattedMessage id = "home.accessFileSystem" / >
< / button >