@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import React from 'react'
import * as ethJSUtil from 'ethereumjs-util'
import Web3 from 'web3'
import { addressToString , createNonClashingNameAsync , shortenAddress } from '@remix-ui/helper'
import { addressToString , createNonClashingNameAsync , extractNameFromKey , shortenAddress } from '@remix-ui/helper'
import { addNewInstance , addProvider , clearAllInstances , clearRecorderCount , displayNotification , displayPopUp , fetchAccountsListFailed , fetchAccountsListRequest , fetchAccountsListSuccess , fetchContractListSuccess , hidePopUp , removeExistingInstance , removeProvider , resetUdapp , setBaseFeePerGas , setConfirmSettings , setCurrentFile , setDecodedResponse , setEnvToasterContent , setExecutionEnvironment , setExternalEndpoint , setGasLimit , setGasPrice , setGasPriceStatus , setLoadType , setMatchPassphrase , setMaxFee , setMaxPriorityFee , setNetworkName , setPassphrase , setPathToScenario , setRecorderCount , setSelectedAccount , setSendUnit , setSendValue , setTxFeeContent , setWeb3Dialog } from './payload'
import { RunTab } from '../types/run-tab'
import { CompilerAbstract } from '@remix-project/remix-solidity'
@ -622,32 +622,33 @@ export const runTransactions = (
const saveScenario = ( promptCb , cb ) = > {
const saveScenario = ( newPath : string , provider , promptCb , cb ) = > {
const txJSON = JSON . stringify ( plugin . recorder . getAll ( ) , null , 2 )
const path = plugin . fileManager . currentPath ( )
promptCb ( path , async ( ) = > {
const fileProvider = plugin . fileManager . fileProviderOf ( path )
if ( ! fileProvider ) return
const newFile = path + '/' + plugin . REACT_API . recorder . pathToScenario
promptCb ( ( ) = > {
try {
const newPath = await createNonClashingNameAsync ( newFile , plugin . fileManager )
if ( ! fileProvider . set ( newPath , txJSON ) ) return cb ( 'Failed to create file ' + newFile )
plugin . fileManager . open ( newFile )
if ( ! provider . set ( newPath , txJSON ) ) return cb ( 'Failed to create file ' + newPath )
plugin . fileManager . open ( newPath )
} catch ( error ) {
if ( error ) return cb ( 'Failed to create file. ' + newFile + ' ' + error )
if ( error ) return cb ( 'Failed to create file. ' + newPath + ' ' + error )
} )
export const storeScenario = ( prompt : ( msg : string ) = > JSX . Element ) = > {
saveScenario (
( path , cb ) = > {
dispatch ( displayNotification ( 'Save transactions as scenario' , prompt ( 'Transactions will be saved in a file under ' + path ) , 'Ok' , 'Cancel' , cb , null ) )
export const storeScenario = async ( prompt : ( msg : string , defaultValue : string ) = > JSX . Element ) = > {
const path = plugin . fileManager . currentPath ( )
const fileProvider = plugin . fileManager . fileProviderOf ( path )
if ( ! fileProvider ) return displayNotification ( 'Alert' , 'Invalid File Provider' , 'Ok' , null )
const newPath = await createNonClashingNameAsync ( path + '/' + plugin . REACT_API . recorder . pathToScenario , plugin . fileManager )
const newName = extractNameFromKey ( newPath )
saveScenario ( newPath , fileProvider ,
( cb ) = > {
dispatch ( displayNotification ( 'Save transactions as scenario' , prompt ( 'Transactions will be saved in a file under ' + path , newName ) , 'OK' , 'Cancel' , cb , null ) )
} ,
( error ) = > {
if ( error ) return dispatch ( displayNotification ( 'Alert' , error , 'Ok' , null ) )
if ( error ) return dispatch ( displayNotification ( 'Alert' , error , 'OK ' , null ) )