Wait for workspace creation before fetching

ioedeveloper 4 years ago
parent a637917c3d
commit 989b38d4ef
  1. 702
  2. 20
  3. 6
  4. 600

@ -1,702 +0,0 @@
/* global FileReader */
/* global fetch */
const async = require('async')
const Gists = require('gists')
const modalDialogCustom = require('../ui/modal-dialog-custom')
const tooltip = require('../ui/tooltip')
const QueryParams = require('../../lib/query-params')
const helper = require('../../lib/helper')
const yo = require('yo-yo')
const Treeview = require('../ui/TreeView')
const modalDialog = require('../ui/modaldialog')
const EventManager = require('../../lib/events')
const contextMenu = require('../ui/contextMenu')
const css = require('./styles/file-explorer-styles')
const globalRegistry = require('../../global/registry')
const queryParams = new QueryParams()
function fileExplorer (localRegistry, files, menuItems, plugin) {
var self = this
this.events = new EventManager()
// file provider backend
this.files = files
// element currently focused on
this.focusElement = null
// path currently focused on
this.focusPath = null
const allItems =
action: 'createNewFile',
title: 'Create New File',
icon: 'fas fa-plus-circle'
action: 'publishToGist',
title: 'Publish all [browser] explorer files to a github gist',
icon: 'fab fa-github'
action: 'uploadFile',
title: 'Add Local file to the Browser Storage Explorer',
icon: 'far fa-folder-open'
action: 'updateGist',
title: 'Update the current [gist] explorer',
icon: 'fab fa-github'
// menu items
this.menuItems = allItems.filter(
(item) => {
if (menuItems) return menuItems.find((name) => { return name === item.action })
self._components = {}
self._components.registry = localRegistry || globalRegistry
self._deps = {
config: self._components.registry.get('config').api,
editor: self._components.registry.get('editor').api,
fileManager: self._components.registry.get('filemanager').api
self.events.register('focus', function (path) {
self._components.registry.put({ api: self, name: `fileexplorer/${self.files.type}` })
// warn if file changed outside of Remix
function remixdDialog () {
return yo`<div>This file has been changed outside of Remix IDE.</div>`
this.files.event.register('fileExternallyChanged', (path, file) => {
if (self._deps.config.get('currentFile') === path && self._deps.editor.currentContent() && self._deps.editor.currentContent() !== file.content) {
if (this.files.isReadOnly(path)) return self._deps.editor.setText(file.content)
modalDialog(path + ' changed', remixdDialog(),
label: 'Replace by the new content',
fn: () => {
label: 'Keep the content displayed in Remix',
fn: () => {}
// register to event of the file provider
files.event.register('fileRemoved', fileRemoved)
files.event.register('fileRenamed', fileRenamed)
files.event.register('fileRenamedError', fileRenamedError)
files.event.register('fileAdded', fileAdded)
files.event.register('folderAdded', folderAdded)
function fileRenamedError (error) {
function fileAdded (filepath) {
self.ensureRoot(() => {
const folderpath = filepath.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')
const currentTree = self.treeView.nodeAt(folderpath)
if (!self.treeView.isExpanded(folderpath)) self.treeView.expand(folderpath)
if (currentTree) {
self.files.resolveDirectory(folderpath, (error, fileTree) => {
if (error) console.error(error)
if (!fileTree) return
fileTree = normalize(folderpath, fileTree)
self.treeView.updateNodeFromJSON(folderpath, fileTree, true)
self.focusElement = self.treeView.labelAt(self.focusPath)
// TODO: here we update the selected file (it applicable)
// cause we are refreshing the interface of the whole directory when there's a new file.
if (self.focusElement && !self.focusElement.classList.contains('bg-secondary')) {
function extractNameFromKey (key) {
const keyPath = key.split('/')
return keyPath[keyPath.length - 1]
function folderAdded (folderpath) {
self.ensureRoot(() => {
folderpath = folderpath.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')
self.files.resolveDirectory(folderpath, (error, fileTree) => {
if (error) console.error(error)
if (!fileTree) return
fileTree = normalize(folderpath, fileTree)
self.treeView.updateNodeFromJSON(folderpath, fileTree, true)
if (!self.treeView.isExpanded(folderpath)) self.treeView.expand(folderpath)
function fileRemoved (filepath) {
const label = self.treeView.labelAt(filepath)
filepath = filepath.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')
if (label && label.parentElement) {
function fileRenamed (oldName, newName, isFolder) {
// make interface and register to nodeClick, leafClick
self.treeView = new Treeview({
extractData: function extractData (value, tree, key) {
var newValue = {}
// var isReadOnly = false
var isFile = false
Object.keys(value).filter(function keep (x) {
if (x === '/content') isFile = true
if (x[0] !== '/') return true
}).forEach(function (x) { newValue[x] = value[x] })
return {
path: (tree || {}).path ? tree.path + '/' + key : key,
children: isFile ? undefined
: value instanceof Array ? value.map((item, index) => ({
key: index, value: item
})) : value instanceof Object ? Object.keys(value).map(subkey => ({
key: subkey, value: value[subkey]
})) : undefined
formatSelf: function formatSelf (key, data, li) {
const isRoot = data.path === self.files.type
const isFolder = !!data.children
return yo`
<div class="${css.items}">
class="${css.label} ${!isRoot ? !isFolder ? css.leaf : css.folder : ''}"
style="${isRoot ? 'font-weight:bold;' : ''}"
${isRoot ? self.renderMenuItems() : ''}
* Extracts first two folders as a subpath from the path.
function extractExternalFolder (path) {
const firstSlIndex = path.indexOf('/', 1)
if (firstSlIndex === -1) return ''
const secondSlIndex = path.indexOf('/', firstSlIndex + 1)
if (secondSlIndex === -1) return ''
return path.substring(0, secondSlIndex)
self.treeView.event.register('nodeRightClick', function (key, data, label, event) {
if (self.files.readonly) return
if (key === self.files.type) return
MENU_HANDLE && MENU_HANDLE.hide(null, true)
const actions = {}
const provider = self._deps.fileManager.fileProviderOf(key)
actions['Create File'] = () => self.createNewFile(key)
actions['Create Folder'] = () => self.createNewFolder(key)
// @todo(#2386) not fully implemented. Readd later when fixed
if (provider.isExternalFolder(key)) {
/* actions['Discard changes'] = () => {
'Discard changes',
'Are you sure you want to discard all your changes?',
() => { self.files.discardChanges(key) },
() => {}
} */
} else {
const folderPath = extractExternalFolder(key)
actions.Rename = () => {
if (self.files.isReadOnly(key)) { return tooltip('cannot rename folder. ' + self.files.type + ' is a read only explorer') }
var name = label.querySelector('span[data-path="' + key + '"]')
if (name) editModeOn(name)
actions.Delete = () => {
if (self.files.isReadOnly(key)) { return tooltip('cannot delete folder. ' + self.files.type + ' is a read only explorer') }
const currentFoldername = extractNameFromKey(key)
modalDialogCustom.confirm('Confirm to delete folder', `Are you sure you want to delete ${currentFoldername} folder?`,
async () => {
const fileManager = self._deps.fileManager
const removeFolder = await fileManager.remove(key)
if (!removeFolder) {
tooltip(`failed to remove ${key}. Make sure the directory is empty before removing it.`)
}, () => {})
if (folderPath === 'browser/gists') {
actions['Push changes to gist'] = () => {
const id = key.substr(key.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, key.length - 1)
'Push back to Gist',
'Are you sure you want to push all your changes back to Gist?',
() => { self.toGist(id) },
() => {}
MENU_HANDLE = contextMenu(event, actions)
self.treeView.event.register('leafRightClick', function (key, data, label, event) {
if (key === self.files.type) return
MENU_HANDLE && MENU_HANDLE.hide(null, true)
const actions = {}
const provider = self._deps.fileManager.fileProviderOf(key)
if (!provider.isExternalFolder(key)) {
actions['Create Folder'] = () => self.createNewFolder(self._deps.fileManager.extractPathOf(key))
actions.Rename = () => {
if (self.files.isReadOnly(key)) { return tooltip('cannot rename file. ' + self.files.type + ' is a read only explorer') }
var name = label.querySelector('span[data-path="' + key + '"]')
if (name) editModeOn(name)
actions.Delete = () => {
if (self.files.isReadOnly(key)) { return tooltip('cannot delete file. ' + self.files.type + ' is a read only explorer') }
const currentFilename = extractNameFromKey(key)
'Delete file', `Are you sure you want to delete ${currentFilename} file?`,
async () => {
const fileManager = self._deps.fileManager
const removeFile = await fileManager.remove(key)
if (!removeFile) {
tooltip(`Failed to remove file ${key}.`)
() => {}
if (key.endsWith('.js')) {
actions.Run = async () => {
provider.get(key, (error, content) => {
if (error) return console.log(error)
plugin.call('scriptRunner', 'execute', content)
MENU_HANDLE = contextMenu(event, actions)
self.treeView.event.register('leafClick', function (key, data, label) {
self.events.trigger('focus', [key])
self.treeView.event.register('nodeClick', function (path, childrenContainer) {
if (!childrenContainer) return
if (childrenContainer.style.display === 'none') return
// register to main app, trigger when the current file in the editor changed
self._deps.fileManager.events.on('currentFileChanged', (newFile) => {
const provider = self._deps.fileManager.fileProviderOf(newFile)
if (self.focusElement && self.focusPath !== newFile) {
self.focusElement = null
self.focusPath = null
if (provider && (provider.type === files.type)) {
self.focusElement = self.treeView.labelAt(newFile)
if (self.focusElement) {
self.focusPath = newFile
self._deps.fileManager.events.on('noFileSelected', () => {
if (self.focusElement) {
self.focusElement = null
self.focusPath = null
var textUnderEdit = null
function selectElementContents (el) {
var range = document.createRange()
var sel = window.getSelection()
function editModeOn (label) {
textUnderEdit = label.innerText
label.setAttribute('contenteditable', true)
function editModeOff (event) {
const label = this
const isFolder = label.className.indexOf('folder') !== -1
function rename () {
var newPath = label.dataset.path
newPath = newPath.split('/')
newPath[newPath.length - 1] = label.innerText
newPath = newPath.join('/')
if (label.innerText === '') {
modalDialogCustom.alert('File name cannot be empty')
label.innerText = textUnderEdit
} else if (helper.checkSpecialChars(label.innerText)) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Special characters are not allowed')
label.innerText = textUnderEdit
} else {
files.exists(newPath, (error, exist) => {
if (error) return modalDialogCustom.alert('Unexpected error while renaming: ' + error)
if (!exist) {
files.rename(label.dataset.path, newPath, isFolder)
} else {
modalDialogCustom.alert('File already exists.')
label.innerText = textUnderEdit
if (event.which === 13) event.preventDefault()
if ((event.type === 'blur' || event.which === 13) && label.getAttribute('contenteditable')) {
var save = textUnderEdit !== label.innerText
if (save) {
'Confirm to rename a ' + (isFolder ? 'folder' : 'file'),
'Are you sure you want to rename ' + textUnderEdit + '?',
() => { rename() },
() => { label.innerText = textUnderEdit }
fileExplorer.prototype.updatePath = function (path) {
this.files.resolveDirectory(path, (error, fileTree) => {
if (error) console.error(error)
if (!fileTree) return
var newTree = normalize(path, fileTree)
this.treeView.updateNodeFromJSON(path, newTree, true)
fileExplorer.prototype.hide = function () {
if (this.container) this.container.style.display = 'none'
fileExplorer.prototype.show = function () {
if (this.container) this.container.style.display = 'block'
fileExplorer.prototype.init = function () {
this.container = yo`<div></div>`
return this.container
fileExplorer.prototype.publishToGist = function () {
'Create a public gist',
'Are you sure you want to publish all your files in browser directory anonymously as a public gist on github.com? Note: this will not include directories.',
() => { this.toGist() }
fileExplorer.prototype.uploadFile = function (event) {
// TODO The file explorer is merely a view on the current state of
// the files module. Please ask the user here if they want to overwrite
// a file and then just use `files.add`. The file explorer will
// pick that up via the 'fileAdded' event from the files module.
const self = this
;[...event.target.files].forEach((file) => {
const files = this.files
function loadFile () {
var fileReader = new FileReader()
fileReader.onload = async function (event) {
if (helper.checkSpecialChars(file.name)) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Special characters are not allowed')
var success = await files.set(name, event.target.result)
if (!success) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Failed to create file ' + name)
} else {
self.events.trigger('focus', [name])
var name = files.type + '/' + file.name
files.exists(name, (error, exist) => {
if (error) console.log(error)
if (!exist) {
} else {
modalDialogCustom.confirm('Confirm overwrite', `The file ${name} already exists! Would you like to overwrite it?`, () => { loadFile() })
fileExplorer.prototype.toGist = function (id) {
const proccedResult = function (error, data) {
if (error) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Failed to manage gist: ' + error)
console.log('Failed to manage gist: ' + error)
} else {
if (data.html_url) {
modalDialogCustom.confirm('Gist is ready', `The gist is at ${data.html_url}. Would you like to open it in a new window?`, () => {
window.open(data.html_url, '_blank')
} else {
modalDialogCustom.alert(data.message + ' ' + data.documentation_url + ' ' + JSON.stringify(data.errors, null, '\t'))
* This function is to get the original content of given gist
* @params id is the gist id to fetch
async function getOriginalFiles (id) {
if (!id) {
return []
const url = `https://api.github.com/gists/${id}`
const res = await fetch(url)
const data = await res.json()
return data.files || []
// If 'id' is not defined, it is not a gist update but a creation so we have to take the files from the browser explorer.
const folder = id ? '/gists/' + id : '/'
this.packageFiles(this.files, folder, (error, packaged) => {
if (error) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Failed to create gist: ' + error.message)
} else {
// check for token
var tokenAccess = this._deps.config.get('settings/gist-access-token')
if (!tokenAccess) {
'Remix requires an access token (which includes gists creation permission). Please go to the settings tab to create one.'
} else {
const description = 'Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. \n Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at https://remix.ethereum.org/#version=' +
queryParams.get().version + '&optimize=' + queryParams.get().optimize + '&runs=' + queryParams.get().runs + '&gist='
const gists = new Gists({ token: tokenAccess })
if (id) {
const originalFileList = getOriginalFiles(id)
// Telling the GIST API to remove files
const updatedFileList = Object.keys(packaged)
const allItems = Object.keys(originalFileList)
.filter(fileName => updatedFileList.indexOf(fileName) === -1)
.reduce((acc, deleteFileName) => ({
[deleteFileName]: null
}), originalFileList)
// adding new files
updatedFileList.forEach((file) => {
const _items = file.split('/')
const _fileName = _items[_items.length - 1]
allItems[_fileName] = packaged[file]
tooltip('Saving gist (' + id + ') ...')
description: description,
public: true,
files: allItems,
id: id
}, (error, result) => {
proccedResult(error, result)
if (!error) {
for (const key in allItems) {
if (allItems[key] === null) delete allItems[key]
} else {
// id is not existing, need to create a new gist
tooltip('Creating a new gist ...')
description: description,
public: true,
files: packaged
}, (error, result) => {
proccedResult(error, result)
// return all the files, except the temporary/readonly ones..
fileExplorer.prototype.packageFiles = function (filesProvider, directory, callback) {
const ret = {}
filesProvider.resolveDirectory(directory, (error, files) => {
if (error) callback(error)
else {
async.eachSeries(Object.keys(files), (path, cb) => {
if (filesProvider.isDirectory(path)) {
} else {
filesProvider.get(path, (error, content) => {
if (error) return cb(error)
if (/^\s+$/.test(content) || !content.length) {
content = '// this line is added to create a gist. Empty file is not allowed.'
ret[path] = { content }
}, (error) => {
callback(error, ret)
fileExplorer.prototype.createNewFile = function (parentFolder = '/') {
const self = this
modalDialogCustom.prompt('Create new file', 'File Name (e.g Untitled.sol)', 'Untitled.sol', (input) => {
if (!input) input = 'New file'
helper.createNonClashingName(parentFolder + '/' + input, self.files, async (error, newName) => {
if (error) return tooltip('Failed to create file ' + newName + ' ' + error)
const fileManager = self._deps.fileManager
const createFile = await fileManager.writeFile(newName, '')
if (!createFile) {
tooltip('Failed to create file ' + newName)
} else {
await fileManager.open(newName)
if (newName.includes('_test.sol')) {
self.events.trigger('newTestFileCreated', [newName])
}, null, true)
fileExplorer.prototype.createNewFolder = function (parentFolder) {
const self = this
modalDialogCustom.prompt('Create new folder', '', 'New folder', (input) => {
if (!input) {
return tooltip('Failed to create folder. The name can not be empty')
const currentPath = !parentFolder ? self._deps.fileManager.currentPath() : parentFolder
let newName = currentPath ? currentPath + '/' + input : self.files.type + '/' + input
newName = newName + '/'
self.files.exists(newName, (error, exist) => {
if (error) return tooltip('Unexpected error while creating folder: ' + error)
if (!exist) {
self.files.set(newName, '')
} else {
tooltip('Folder already exists.', () => {})
}, null, true)
fileExplorer.prototype.renderMenuItems = function () {
let items = ''
if (this.menuItems) {
items = this.menuItems.map(({ action, title, icon }) => {
if (action === 'uploadFile') {
return yo`
class="${icon} mb-0 ${css.newFile}"
<input id="fileUpload" data-id="fileExplorerFileUpload" type="file" onchange=${(event) => {
}} multiple />
} else {
return yo`
onclick=${(event) => { event.stopPropagation(); this[action]() }}
class="newFile ${icon} ${css.newFile}"
return yo`<span class=" ${css.menu}">${items}</span>`
fileExplorer.prototype.ensureRoot = function (cb) {
cb = cb || (() => {})
var self = this
if (self.element) return cb()
const root = {}
root[this.files.type] = {}
var element = self.treeView.render(root, false)
element.events = self.events
element.api = self.api
self.element = element
if (cb) cb()
function normalize (path, filesList) {
var prefix = path.split('/')[0]
var newList = {}
Object.keys(filesList).forEach(key => {
newList[prefix + '/' + key] = filesList[key].isDirectory ? {} : { '/content': true }
return newList
module.exports = fileExplorer

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import * as packageJson from '../../../../../package.json'
import React from 'react' // eslint-disable-line
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Workspace } from '@remix-ui/workspace' // eslint-disable-line
import { bufferToHex, keccakFromString } from 'ethereumjs-util'
import * as ethutil from 'ethereumjs-util'
import { checkSpecialChars, checkSlash } from '../../lib/helper'
var EventManager = require('../../lib/events')
var { RemixdHandle } = require('../files/remixd-handle.js')
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ module.exports = class Filepanel extends ViewPlugin {
try {
await this.processCreateWorkspace('code-sample')
var hash = bufferToHex(keccakFromString(params.code))
var hash = ethutil.bufferToHex(ethutil.keccak(params.code))
const fileName = 'contract-' + hash.replace('0x', '').substring(0, 10) + '.sol'
const path = fileName
await this._deps.fileProviders.workspace.set(path, atob(params.code))
@ -166,12 +166,16 @@ module.exports = class Filepanel extends ViewPlugin {
// insert example contracts if there are no files to show
this._deps.fileProviders.browser.resolveDirectory('/', async (error, filesList) => {
if (error) console.error(error)
if (Object.keys(filesList).length === 0) {
await this.createWorkspace('default_workspace')
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._deps.fileProviders.browser.resolveDirectory('/', async (error, filesList) => {
if (error) console.error(error)
if (Object.keys(filesList).length === 0) {
await this.createWorkspace('default_workspace')
const workspaces = await this.getWorkspaces()

@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ export const fileRenamedSuccess = (path: string, removePath: string, files) => {
export const init = (provider, workspaceName: string, plugin, registry) => (dispatch: React.Dispatch<any>) => {
if (provider) {
provider.event.register('fileAdded', async (filePath) => {
const path = extractParentFromKey(filePath) ? extractParentFromKey(filePath) === '/.workspaces' ? workspaceName : extractParentFromKey(filePath) : workspaceName
if (extractParentFromKey(filePath) === '/.workspaces') return
const path = extractParentFromKey(filePath) || workspaceName
const data = await fetchDirectoryContent(provider, path)
dispatch(fileAddedSuccess(path, data))
@ -191,7 +192,8 @@ export const init = (provider, workspaceName: string, plugin, registry) => (disp
provider.event.register('folderAdded', async (folderPath) => {
const path = extractParentFromKey(folderPath) ? extractParentFromKey(folderPath) === '/.workspaces' ? workspaceName : extractParentFromKey(folderPath) : workspaceName
if (extractParentFromKey(folderPath) === '/.workspaces') return
const path = extractParentFromKey(folderPath) || workspaceName
const data = await fetchDirectoryContent(provider, path)
dispatch(folderAddedSuccess(path, data))

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff