diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/panels/terminal.js b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/panels/terminal.js
index a75f87187c..64404fe87f 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/panels/terminal.js
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/panels/terminal.js
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
/* global Node, requestAnimationFrame */
+import React from 'react' // eslint-disable-line
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
+import { RemixUiTerminal } from '@remix-ui/terminal'
import { Plugin } from '@remixproject/engine'
import * as packageJson from '../../../../../package.json'
import * as remixBleach from '../../lib/remixBleach'
-import { RemixUiTerminal } from '@remix-ui/terminal'
var yo = require('yo-yo')
var javascriptserialize = require('javascript-serialize')
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Terminal extends Plugin {
constructor (opts, api) {
this.element = document.createElement('div')
- this.element.setAttribute('id', 'terminalView ')
+ this.element.setAttribute('id', 'terminalView')
var self = this
self.event = new EventManager()
self.blockchain = opts.blockchain
@@ -98,561 +98,565 @@ class Terminal extends Plugin {
onActivation () {
- this.on('scriptRunner', 'log', (msg) => {
- this.commands.log.apply(this.commands, msg.data)
- })
- this.on('scriptRunner', 'info', (msg) => {
- this.commands.info.apply(this.commands, msg.data)
- })
- this.on('scriptRunner', 'warn', (msg) => {
- this.commands.warn.apply(this.commands, msg.data)
- })
- this.on('scriptRunner', 'error', (msg) => {
- this.commands.error.apply(this.commands, msg.data)
- })
- }
- onDeactivation () {
- this.off('scriptRunner', 'log')
- this.off('scriptRunner', 'info')
- this.off('scriptRunner', 'warn')
- this.off('scriptRunner', 'error')
- }
- log (message) {
- var command = this.commands[message.type]
- if (typeof command === 'function') {
- if (typeof message.value === 'string' && message.type === 'html') {
- var el = document.createElement('div')
- el.innerHTML = remixBleach.sanitize(message.value, {
- list: [
- 'a',
- 'b',
- 'p',
- 'em',
- 'strong',
- 'div',
- 'span',
- 'ul',
- 'li',
- 'ol',
- 'hr'
- ]
- })
- message.value = el
- }
- command(message.value)
- };
- }
- logHtml (html) {
- var command = this.commands.html
- if (typeof command === 'function') command(html)
+ this.renderComponent()
- focus () {
- if (this._view.input) this._view.input.focus()
- }
- // render () {
- // var self = this
- // if (self._view.el) return self._view.el
- // self._view.journal = yo`
- // self._view.input = yo`
- // { this.focus() }} onpaste=${paste} onkeydown=${change}>
- // `
- // self._view.input.setAttribute('spellcheck', 'false')
- // self._view.input.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true')
- // self._view.input.setAttribute('id', 'terminalCliInput')
- // self._view.input.setAttribute('data-id', 'terminalCliInput')
- // self._view.input.innerText = '\n'
- // self._view.cli = yo`
- //
- // ${'>'}
- // ${self._view.input}
- //
- // `
- // self._view.icon = yo`
- // `
- // self._view.dragbar = yo`
- //
- // self._view.pendingTxCount = yo`0
- // self._view.inputSearch = yo`
- // `
- // self._view.bar = yo`
- //
- // ${self._view.dragbar}
- //
- //
- // `
- // self._view.term = yo`
- //
- // ${self._components.autoCompletePopup.render()}
- //
- //
- // ${self._view.journal}
- // ${self._view.cli}
- //
- //
- // `
- // self._view.el = yo`
- //
- // ${self._view.bar}
- // ${self._view.term}
- //
- // `
- // setInterval(async () => {
- // try {
- // self._view.pendingTxCount.innerHTML = await self.call('udapp', 'pendingTransactionsCount')
- // } catch (err) {}
- // }, 1000)
- // function listenOnNetwork (ev) {
- // self.event.trigger('listenOnNetWork', [ev.currentTarget.checked])
- // }
- // function paste (event) {
- // const selection = window.getSelection()
- // if (!selection.rangeCount) return false
- // event.preventDefault()
- // event.stopPropagation()
- // var clipboard = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData)
- // var text = clipboard.getData('text/plain')
- // text = text.replace(/[^\x20-\xFF]/gi, '') // remove non-UTF-8 characters
- // var temp = document.createElement('div')
- // temp.innerHTML = text
- // var textnode = document.createTextNode(temp.textContent)
- // selection.getRangeAt(0).insertNode(textnode)
- // selection.empty()
- // self.scroll2bottom()
- // placeCaretAtEnd(event.currentTarget)
- // }
- // function placeCaretAtEnd (el) {
- // el.focus()
- // var range = document.createRange()
- // range.selectNodeContents(el)
- // range.collapse(false)
- // var sel = window.getSelection()
- // sel.removeAllRanges()
- // sel.addRange(range)
- // }
- // function throttle (fn, wait) {
- // var time = Date.now()
- // return function debounce () {
- // if ((time + wait - Date.now()) < 0) {
- // fn.apply(this, arguments)
- // time = Date.now()
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // var css2 = csjs`
- // .anchor {
- // position : static;
- // border-top : 2px dotted blue;
- // height : 10px;
- // }
- // .overlay {
- // position : absolute;
- // width : 100%;
- // display : flex;
- // align-items : center;
- // justify-content : center;
- // bottom : 0;
- // right : 15px;
- // min-height : 20px;
- // }
- // .text {
- // z-index : 2;
- // color : black;
- // font-weight : bold;
- // pointer-events : none;
- // }
- // .background {
- // z-index : 1;
- // opacity : 0.8;
- // background-color : #a6aeba;
- // cursor : pointer;
- // }
- // .ul {
- // padding-left : 20px;
- // padding-bottom : 5px;
- // }
- // `
- // var text = yo`
- // var background = yo`
- // var placeholder = yo`${background}${text}
- // var inserted = false
- // window.addEventListener('resize', function (event) {
- // self.event.trigger('resize', [])
- // self.event.trigger('resize', [])
+ // onActivation () {
+ // this.on('scriptRunner', 'log', (msg) => {
+ // this.commands.log.apply(this.commands, msg.data)
+ // })
+ // this.on('scriptRunner', 'info', (msg) => {
+ // this.commands.info.apply(this.commands, msg.data)
+ // })
+ // this.on('scriptRunner', 'warn', (msg) => {
+ // this.commands.warn.apply(this.commands, msg.data)
+ // })
+ // this.on('scriptRunner', 'error', (msg) => {
+ // this.commands.error.apply(this.commands, msg.data)
// })
+ // }
- // function focusinput (event) {
- // if (
- // event.altKey ||
- // event.ctrlKey ||
- // event.metaKey ||
- // event.shiftKey ||
- // event.key === 'Down' ||
- // event.key === 'ArrowDown' ||
- // event.key === 'Up' ||
- // event.key === 'ArrowUp' ||
- // event.key === 'Left' ||
- // event.key === 'ArrowLeft' ||
- // event.key === 'Right' ||
- // event.key === 'ArrowRight' ||
- // event.key === 'Esc' ||
- // event.key === 'Escape'
- // ) return
- // refocus()
- // }
+ // onDeactivation () {
+ // this.off('scriptRunner', 'log')
+ // this.off('scriptRunner', 'info')
+ // this.off('scriptRunner', 'warn')
+ // this.off('scriptRunner', 'error')
+ // }
- // function refocus () {
- // self._view.input.focus()
- // reattach({ currentTarget: self._view.term })
- // delete self.scroll2bottom
- // self.scroll2bottom()
- // }
- // function reattach (event) {
- // var el = event.currentTarget
- // var isBottomed = el.scrollHeight - el.scrollTop - el.clientHeight < 30
- // if (isBottomed) {
- // if (inserted) {
- // text.innerText = ''
- // background.onclick = undefined
- // if (placeholder.parentElement) self._view.journal.removeChild(placeholder)
- // }
- // inserted = false
- // delete self.scroll2bottom
- // } else {
- // if (!inserted) self._view.journal.appendChild(placeholder)
- // inserted = true
- // check()
- // if (!placeholder.nextElementSibling) {
- // placeholder.style.display = 'none'
- // } else {
- // placeholder.style = ''
- // }
- // self.scroll2bottom = function () {
- // var next = placeholder.nextElementSibling
- // if (next) {
- // placeholder.style = ''
- // check()
- // var messages = 1
- // while ((next = next.nextElementSibling)) messages += 1
- // text.innerText = `${messages} new unread log entries`
- // } else {
- // placeholder.style.display = 'none'
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // function check () {
- // var pos1 = self._view.term.offsetHeight + self._view.term.scrollTop - (self._view.el.offsetHeight * 0.15)
- // var pos2 = placeholder.offsetTop
- // if ((pos1 - pos2) > 0) {
- // text.style.display = 'none'
- // background.style.position = 'relative'
- // background.style.opacity = 0.3
- // background.style.right = 0
- // background.style.borderBox = 'content-box'
- // background.style.padding = '2px'
- // background.style.height = (self._view.journal.offsetHeight - (placeholder.offsetTop + placeholder.offsetHeight)) + 'px'
- // background.onclick = undefined
- // background.style.cursor = 'default'
- // background.style.pointerEvents = 'none'
- // } else {
- // background.style = ''
- // text.style = ''
- // background.onclick = function (event) {
- // placeholder.scrollIntoView()
- // check()
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // function hover (event) { event.currentTarget.classList.toggle(css.hover) }
- // function minimize (event) {
- // event.preventDefault()
- // event.stopPropagation()
- // if (event.button === 0) {
- // var classList = self._view.icon.classList
- // classList.toggle('fa-angle-double-down')
- // classList.toggle('fa-angle-double-up')
- // self.event.trigger('resize', [])
- // }
- // }
- // var filtertimeout = null
- // function filter (event) {
- // if (filtertimeout) {
- // clearTimeout(filtertimeout)
- // }
- // filtertimeout = setTimeout(() => {
- // self.updateJournal({ type: 'search', value: self._view.inputSearch.value })
- // self.scroll2bottom()
- // }, 500)
- // }
- // function clear (event) {
- // refocus()
- // self._view.journal.innerHTML = ''
- // }
- // // ----------------- resizeable ui ---------------
- // function mousedown (event) {
- // event.preventDefault()
- // if (event.which === 1) {
- // moveGhostbar(event)
- // document.body.appendChild(ghostbar)
- // document.addEventListener('mousemove', moveGhostbar)
- // document.addEventListener('mouseup', removeGhostbar)
- // document.addEventListener('keydown', cancelGhostbar)
- // }
- // }
- // function cancelGhostbar (event) {
- // if (event.keyCode === 27) {
- // document.body.removeChild(ghostbar)
- // document.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveGhostbar)
- // document.removeEventListener('mouseup', removeGhostbar)
- // document.removeEventListener('keydown', cancelGhostbar)
- // }
- // }
- // function moveGhostbar (event) { // @NOTE HORIZONTAL ghostbar
- // ghostbar.style.top = self._api.getPosition(event) + 'px'
- // }
- // function removeGhostbar (event) {
- // if (self._view.icon.classList.contains('fa-angle-double-up')) {
- // self._view.icon.classList.toggle('fa-angle-double-down')
- // self._view.icon.classList.toggle('fa-angle-double-up')
+ // log (message) {
+ // var command = this.commands[message.type]
+ // if (typeof command === 'function') {
+ // if (typeof message.value === 'string' && message.type === 'html') {
+ // var el = document.createElement('div')
+ // el.innerHTML = remixBleach.sanitize(message.value, {
+ // list: [
+ // 'a',
+ // 'b',
+ // 'p',
+ // 'em',
+ // 'strong',
+ // 'div',
+ // 'span',
+ // 'ul',
+ // 'li',
+ // 'ol',
+ // 'hr'
+ // ]
+ // })
+ // message.value = el
// }
- // document.body.removeChild(ghostbar)
- // document.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveGhostbar)
- // document.removeEventListener('mouseup', removeGhostbar)
- // document.removeEventListener('keydown', cancelGhostbar)
- // self.event.trigger('resize', [self._api.getPosition(event)])
- // }
+ // command(message.value)
+ // };
+ // }
- // self._cmdHistory = []
- // self._cmdIndex = -1
- // self._cmdTemp = ''
- // var intro = yo`
- // - Welcome to Remix ${packageJson.version} -
- //
You can use this terminal to:
- //
- // Check transactions details and start debugging.
- // Execute JavaScript scripts:
- //
- // - Input a script directly in the command line interface
- //
- // - Select a Javascript file in the file explorer and then run \`remix.execute()\` or \`remix.exeCurrent()\` in the command line interface
- //
- // - Right click on a JavaScript file in the file explorer and then click \`Run\`
- //
- //
- //
The following libraries are accessible:
- //
- //
- // `
- // self._shell('remix.help()', self.commands, () => {})
- // self.commands.html(intro)
- // self._components.txLogger = new TxLogger(this, self.blockchain)
- // self._components.txLogger.event.register('debuggingRequested', async (hash) => {
- // // TODO should probably be in the run module
- // if (!await self._opts.appManager.isActive('debugger')) await self._opts.appManager.activatePlugin('debugger')
- // this.call('menuicons', 'select', 'debugger')
- // this.call('debugger', 'debug', hash)
- // })
+ // logHtml (html) {
+ // var command = this.commands.html
+ // if (typeof command === 'function') command(html)
+ // }
- // return self._view.el
- // function wrapScript (script) {
- // const isKnownScript = ['remix.', 'git'].some(prefix => script.trim().startsWith(prefix))
- // if (isKnownScript) return script
- // return `
- // try {
- // const ret = ${script};
- // if (ret instanceof Promise) {
- // ret.then((result) => { console.log(result) }).catch((error) => { console.log(error) })
- // } else {
- // console.log(ret)
- // }
- // } catch (e) {
- // console.log(e.message)
- // }
- // `
- // }
- // function change (event) {
- // if (self._components.autoCompletePopup.handleAutoComplete(
- // event,
- // self._view.input.innerText)) return
- // if (self._view.input.innerText.length === 0) self._view.input.innerText += '\n'
- // if (event.which === 13) {
- // if (event.ctrlKey) { //
- // self._view.input.innerText += '\n'
- // self.putCursor2End(self._view.input)
- // self.scroll2bottom()
- // self._components.autoCompletePopup.removeAutoComplete()
- // } else { //
- // self._cmdIndex = -1
- // self._cmdTemp = ''
- // event.preventDefault()
- // var script = self._view.input.innerText.trim()
- // self._view.input.innerText = '\n'
- // if (script.length) {
- // self._cmdHistory.unshift(script)
- // self.commands.script(wrapScript(script))
- // }
- // self._components.autoCompletePopup.removeAutoComplete()
- // }
- // } else if (event.which === 38) { //
- // var len = self._cmdHistory.length
- // if (len === 0) return event.preventDefault()
- // if (self._cmdHistory.length - 1 > self._cmdIndex) {
- // self._cmdIndex++
- // }
- // self._view.input.innerText = self._cmdHistory[self._cmdIndex]
- // self.putCursor2End(self._view.input)
- // self.scroll2bottom()
- // } else if (event.which === 40) { //
- // if (self._cmdIndex > -1) {
- // self._cmdIndex--
- // }
- // self._view.input.innerText = self._cmdIndex >= 0 ? self._cmdHistory[self._cmdIndex] : self._cmdTemp
- // self.putCursor2End(self._view.input)
- // self.scroll2bottom()
- // } else {
- // self._cmdTemp = self._view.input.innerText
- // }
- // }
+ // focus () {
+ // if (this._view.input) this._view.input.focus()
// }
render () {
+ // var self = this
+ // if (self._view.el) return self._view.el
+ //self._view.journal = yo`
+ // self._view.input = yo`
+ // { this.focus() }} onpaste=${paste} onkeydown=${change}>
+ // `
+ // self._view.input.setAttribute('spellcheck', 'false')
+ // self._view.input.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true')
+ // self._view.input.setAttribute('id', 'terminalCliInput')
+ // self._view.input.setAttribute('data-id', 'terminalCliInput')
+ // self._view.input.innerText = '\n'
+ // self._view.cli = yo`
+ //
+ // ${'>'}
+ // ${self._view.input}
+ //
+ // `
+ // self._view.icon = yo`
+ // `
+ // self._view.dragbar = yo`
+ //
+ // self._view.pendingTxCount = yo`0
+ // self._view.inputSearch = yo`
+ // `
+ // self._view.bar = yo`
+ //
+ // ${self._view.dragbar}
+ //
+ //
+ // `
+ // self._view.term = yo`
+ //
+ // ${self._components.autoCompletePopup.render()}
+ //
+ //
+ // ${self._view.journal}
+ // ${self._view.cli}
+ //
+ //
+ // `
+ // self._view.el = yo`
+ //
+ // ${self._view.bar}
+ // ${self._view.term}
+ //
+ // `
+ // setInterval(async () => {
+ // try {
+ // self._view.pendingTxCount.innerHTML = await self.call('udapp', 'pendingTransactionsCount')
+ // } catch (err) {}
+ // }, 1000)
+ // function listenOnNetwork (ev) {
+ // self.event.trigger('listenOnNetWork', [ev.currentTarget.checked])
+ // }
+ //function paste (event) {
+ // const selection = window.getSelection()
+ // if (!selection.rangeCount) return false
+ // event.preventDefault()
+ // event.stopPropagation()
+ // var clipboard = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData)
+ // var text = clipboard.getData('text/plain')
+ // text = text.replace(/[^\x20-\xFF]/gi, '') // remove non-UTF-8 characters
+ // var temp = document.createElement('div')
+ // temp.innerHTML = text
+ // var textnode = document.createTextNode(temp.textContent)
+ // selection.getRangeAt(0).insertNode(textnode)
+ // selection.empty()
+ // self.scroll2bottom()
+ // placeCaretAtEnd(event.currentTarget)
+ //}
+ //function placeCaretAtEnd (el) {
+ // el.focus()
+ // var range = document.createRange()
+ // range.selectNodeContents(el)
+ // range.collapse(false)
+ // var sel = window.getSelection()
+ // sel.removeAllRanges()
+ // sel.addRange(range)
+ // }
+ // function throttle (fn, wait) {
+ // var time = Date.now()
+ // return function debounce () {
+ // if ((time + wait - Date.now()) < 0) {
+ // fn.apply(this, arguments)
+ // time = Date.now()
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // var css2 = csjs`
+ // .anchor {
+ // position : static;
+ // border-top : 2px dotted blue;
+ // height : 10px;
+ // }
+ // .overlay {
+ // position : absolute;
+ // width : 100%;
+ // display : flex;
+ // align-items : center;
+ // justify-content : center;
+ // bottom : 0;
+ // right : 15px;
+ // min-height : 20px;
+ // }
+ // .text {
+ // z-index : 2;
+ // color : black;
+ // font-weight : bold;
+ // pointer-events : none;
+ // }
+ // .background {
+ // z-index : 1;
+ // opacity : 0.8;
+ // background-color : #a6aeba;
+ // cursor : pointer;
+ // }
+ // .ul {
+ // padding-left : 20px;
+ // padding-bottom : 5px;
+ // }
+ // `
+ // var text = yo`
+ // var background = yo`
+ // var placeholder = yo`${background}${text}
+ // var inserted = false
+ // window.addEventListener('resize', function (event) {
+ // self.event.trigger('resize', [])
+ // self.event.trigger('resize', [])
+ // })
+ //function focusinput (event) {
+ // if (
+ // event.altKey ||
+ // event.ctrlKey ||
+ // event.metaKey ||
+ // event.shiftKey ||
+ // event.key === 'Down' ||
+ // event.key === 'ArrowDown' ||
+ // event.key === 'Up' ||
+ // event.key === 'ArrowUp' ||
+ // event.key === 'Left' ||
+ // event.key === 'ArrowLeft' ||
+ // event.key === 'Right' ||
+ // event.key === 'ArrowRight' ||
+ // event.key === 'Esc' ||
+ // event.key === 'Escape'
+ // ) return
+ // refocus()
+ //}
+ // function refocus () {
+ // self._view.input.focus()
+ // reattach({ currentTarget: self._view.term })
+ // delete self.scroll2bottom
+ // self.scroll2bottom()
+ // }
+ //function reattach (event) {
+ // var el = event.currentTarget
+ // var isBottomed = el.scrollHeight - el.scrollTop - el.clientHeight < 30
+ // if (isBottomed) {
+ // if (inserted) {
+ // text.innerText = ''
+ // background.onclick = undefined
+ // if (placeholder.parentElement) self._view.journal.removeChild(placeholder)
+ // }
+ // inserted = false
+ // delete self.scroll2bottom
+ // } else {
+ // if (!inserted) self._view.journal.appendChild(placeholder)
+ // inserted = true
+ // check()
+ // if (!placeholder.nextElementSibling) {
+ // placeholder.style.display = 'none'
+ // } else {
+ // placeholder.style = ''
+ // }
+ // self.scroll2bottom = function () {
+ // var next = placeholder.nextElementSibling
+ // if (next) {
+ // placeholder.style = ''
+ // check()
+ // var messages = 1
+ // while ((next = next.nextElementSibling)) messages += 1
+ // text.innerText = `${messages} new unread log entries`
+ // } else {
+ // placeholder.style.display = 'none'
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ //}
+ //function check () {
+ // var pos1 = self._view.term.offsetHeight + self._view.term.scrollTop - (self._view.el.offsetHeight * 0.15)
+ // var pos2 = placeholder.offsetTop
+ // if ((pos1 - pos2) > 0) {
+ // text.style.display = 'none'
+ // background.style.position = 'relative'
+ // background.style.opacity = 0.3
+ // background.style.right = 0
+ // background.style.borderBox = 'content-box'
+ // background.style.padding = '2px'
+ // background.style.height = (self._view.journal.offsetHeight - (placeholder.offsetTop + placeholder.offsetHeight)) + 'px'
+ // background.onclick = undefined
+ // background.style.cursor = 'default'
+ // background.style.pointerEvents = 'none'
+ // } else {
+ // background.style = ''
+ // text.style = ''
+ // background.onclick = function (event) {
+ // placeholder.scrollIntoView()
+ // check()
+ // }
+ // }
+ //}
+ //function hover (event) { event.currentTarget.classList.toggle(css.hover) }
+ //function minimize (event) {
+ // event.preventDefault()
+ // event.stopPropagation()
+ // if (event.button === 0) {
+ // var classList = self._view.icon.classList
+ // classList.toggle('fa-angle-double-down')
+ // classList.toggle('fa-angle-double-up')
+ // self.event.trigger('resize', [])
+ // }
+ //}
+ // var filtertimeout = null
+ //function filter (event) {
+ // if (filtertimeout) {
+ // clearTimeout(filtertimeout)
+ // }
+ // filtertimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ // self.updateJournal({ type: 'search', value: self._view.inputSearch.value })
+ // self.scroll2bottom()
+ // }, 500)
+ // }
+ // function clear (event) {
+ // refocus()
+ // self._view.journal.innerHTML = ''
+ // }
+ // ----------------- resizeable ui ---------------
+ //function mousedown (event) {
+ // event.preventDefault()
+ // if (event.which === 1) {
+ // moveGhostbar(event)
+ // document.body.appendChild(ghostbar)
+ // document.addEventListener('mousemove', moveGhostbar)
+ // document.addEventListener('mouseup', removeGhostbar)
+ // document.addEventListener('keydown', cancelGhostbar)
+ // }
+ //}
+ //function cancelGhostbar (event) {
+ // if (event.keyCode === 27) {
+ // document.body.removeChild(ghostbar)
+ // document.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveGhostbar)
+ // document.removeEventListener('mouseup', removeGhostbar)
+ // document.removeEventListener('keydown', cancelGhostbar)
+ // }
+ // }
+ // function moveGhostbar (event) { // @NOTE HORIZONTAL ghostbar
+ // ghostbar.style.top = self._api.getPosition(event) + 'px'
+ // }
+ // function removeGhostbar (event) {
+ // if (self._view.icon.classList.contains('fa-angle-double-up')) {
+ // self._view.icon.classList.toggle('fa-angle-double-down')
+ // self._view.icon.classList.toggle('fa-angle-double-up')
+ // }
+ // document.body.removeChild(ghostbar)
+ // document.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveGhostbar)
+ // document.removeEventListener('mouseup', removeGhostbar)
+ // document.removeEventListener('keydown', cancelGhostbar)
+ // self.event.trigger('resize', [self._api.getPosition(event)])
+ // }
+ // self._cmdHistory = []
+ // self._cmdIndex = -1
+ // self._cmdTemp = ''
+ // var intro = yo`
+ // - Welcome to Remix ${packageJson.version} -
+ //
You can use this terminal to:
+ //
+ // Check transactions details and start debugging.
+ // Execute JavaScript scripts:
+ //
+ // - Input a script directly in the command line interface
+ //
+ // - Select a Javascript file in the file explorer and then run \`remix.execute()\` or \`remix.exeCurrent()\` in the command line interface
+ //
+ // - Right click on a JavaScript file in the file explorer and then click \`Run\`
+ //
+ //
+ //
The following libraries are accessible:
+ //
+ //
+ // `
+ //self._shell('remix.help()', self.commands, () => {})
+ //self.commands.html(intro)
+ //self._components.txLogger = new TxLogger(this, self.blockchain)
+ // self._components.txLogger.event.register('debuggingRequested', async (hash) => {
+ // // TODO should probably be in the run module
+ // if (!await self._opts.appManager.isActive('debugger')) await self._opts.appManager.activatePlugin('debugger')
+ // this.call('menuicons', 'select', 'debugger')
+ // this.call('debugger', 'debug', hash)
+ // })
+ // return self._view.el
return this.element
+ // function wrapScript (script) {
+ // const isKnownScript = ['remix.', 'git'].some(prefix => script.trim().startsWith(prefix))
+ // if (isKnownScript) return script
+ // return `
+ // try {
+ // const ret = ${script};
+ // if (ret instanceof Promise) {
+ // ret.then((result) => { console.log(result) }).catch((error) => { console.log(error) })
+ // } else {
+ // console.log(ret)
+ // }
+ // } catch (e) {
+ // console.log(e.message)
+ // }
+ // `
+ // }
+ //function change (event) {
+ // if (self._components.autoCompletePopup.handleAutoComplete(
+ // event,
+ // self._view.input.innerText)) return
+ // if (self._view.input.innerText.length === 0) self._view.input.innerText += '\n'
+ // if (event.which === 13) {
+ // if (event.ctrlKey) { //
+ // self._view.input.innerText += '\n'
+ // self.putCursor2End(self._view.input)
+ // self.scroll2bottom()
+ // self._components.autoCompletePopup.removeAutoComplete()
+ // } else { //
+ // self._cmdIndex = -1
+ // self._cmdTemp = ''
+ // event.preventDefault()
+ // var script = self._view.input.innerText.trim()
+ // self._view.input.innerText = '\n'
+ // if (script.length) {
+ // self._cmdHistory.unshift(script)
+ // self.commands.script(wrapScript(script))
+ // }
+ // self._components.autoCompletePopup.removeAutoComplete()
+ // }
+ // } else if (event.which === 38) { //
+ // var len = self._cmdHistory.length
+ // if (len === 0) return event.preventDefault()
+ // if (self._cmdHistory.length - 1 > self._cmdIndex) {
+ // self._cmdIndex++
+ // }
+ // self._view.input.innerText = self._cmdHistory[self._cmdIndex]
+ // self.putCursor2End(self._view.input)
+ // self.scroll2bottom()
+ // } else if (event.which === 40) { //
+ // if (self._cmdIndex > -1) {
+ // self._cmdIndex--
+ // }
+ // self._view.input.innerText = self._cmdIndex >= 0 ? self._cmdHistory[self._cmdIndex] : self._cmdTemp
+ // self.putCursor2End(self._view.input)
+ // self.scroll2bottom()
+ // } else {
+ // self._cmdTemp = self._view.input.innerText
+ // }
+ //}
renderComponent () {
- ReactDOM.render( , this.element)
+ ReactDOM.render(
+ ,
+ this.element
+ )
- putCursor2End (editable) {
- var range = document.createRange()
- range.selectNode(editable)
- var child = editable
- var chars
- while (child) {
- if (child.lastChild) child = child.lastChild
- else break
- if (child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
- chars = child.textContent.length
- } else {
- chars = child.innerHTML.length
- }
- }
+ // putCursor2End (editable) {
+ // var range = document.createRange()
+ // range.selectNode(editable)
+ // var child = editable
+ // var chars
+ // while (child) {
+ // if (child.lastChild) child = child.lastChild
+ // else break
+ // if (child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
+ // chars = child.textContent.length
+ // } else {
+ // chars = child.innerHTML.length
+ // }
+ // }
- range.setEnd(child, chars)
- var toStart = true
- var toEnd = !toStart
- range.collapse(toEnd)
+ // range.setEnd(child, chars)
+ // var toStart = true
+ // var toEnd = !toStart
+ // range.collapse(toEnd)
- var sel = window.getSelection()
- sel.removeAllRanges()
- sel.addRange(range)
+ // var sel = window.getSelection()
+ // sel.removeAllRanges()
+ // sel.addRange(range)
- editable.focus()
- }
+ // editable.focus()
+ // }
- updateJournal (filterEvent) {
- var self = this
- var commands = self.data.activeFilters.commands
- var value = filterEvent.value
- if (filterEvent.type === 'select') {
- commands[value] = true
- if (!self._INDEX.commandsMain[value]) return
- self._INDEX.commandsMain[value].forEach(item => {
- item.root.steps.forEach(item => { self._JOURNAL[item.gidx] = item })
- self._JOURNAL[item.gidx] = item
- })
- } else if (filterEvent.type === 'deselect') {
- commands[value] = false
- if (!self._INDEX.commandsMain[value]) return
- self._INDEX.commandsMain[value].forEach(item => {
- item.root.steps.forEach(item => { self._JOURNAL[item.gidx].hide = true })
- self._JOURNAL[item.gidx].hide = true
- })
- } else if (filterEvent.type === 'search') {
- if (value !== self.data.activeFilters.input) {
- var query = self.data.activeFilters.input = value
- var items = self._JOURNAL
- for (var gidx = 0, len = items.length; gidx < len; gidx++) {
- var item = items[gidx]
- if (item && self.data.filterFns[item.cmd]) {
- var show = query.length ? self.data.filterFns[item.cmd](item.args, query) : true
- item.hide = !show
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var df = document.createDocumentFragment()
- self._JOURNAL.forEach(item => {
- if (item && item.el && !item.hide) df.appendChild(item.el)
- })
- self._view.journal.innerHTML = ''
- requestAnimationFrame(function updateDOM () {
- self._view.journal.appendChild(df)
- })
- }
+ //updateJournal (filterEvent) {
+ // var self = this
+ // var commands = self.data.activeFilters.commands
+ // var value = filterEvent.value
+ // if (filterEvent.type === 'select') {
+ // commands[value] = true
+ // if (!self._INDEX.commandsMain[value]) return
+ // self._INDEX.commandsMain[value].forEach(item => {
+ // item.root.steps.forEach(item => { self._JOURNAL[item.gidx] = item })
+ // self._JOURNAL[item.gidx] = item
+ // })
+ // }
+ // else if (filterEvent.type === 'deselect') {
+ // commands[value] = false
+ // if (!self._INDEX.commandsMain[value]) return
+ // self._INDEX.commandsMain[value].forEach(item => {
+ // item.root.steps.forEach(item => { self._JOURNAL[item.gidx].hide = true })
+ // self._JOURNAL[item.gidx].hide = true
+ // })
+ // } else if (filterEvent.type === 'search') {
+ // if (value !== self.data.activeFilters.input) {
+ // var query = self.data.activeFilters.input = value
+ // var items = self._JOURNAL
+ // for (var gidx = 0, len = items.length; gidx < len; gidx++) {
+ // var item = items[gidx]
+ // if (item && self.data.filterFns[item.cmd]) {
+ // var show = query.length ? self.data.filterFns[item.cmd](item.args, query) : true
+ // item.hide = !show
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // var df = document.createDocumentFragment()
+ // self._JOURNAL.forEach(item => {
+ // if (item && item.el && !item.hide) df.appendChild(item.el)
+ // })
+ // self._view.journal.innerHTML = ''
+ // requestAnimationFrame(function updateDOM () {
+ // self._view.journal.appendChild(df)
+ // })
+ //}
_appendItem (item) {
var self = this
@@ -805,11 +809,11 @@ class Terminal extends Plugin {
-function domTerminalFeatures (self, scopedCommands, blockchain) {
- return {
- remix: self._components.cmdInterpreter
- }
+// function domTerminalFeatures (self, scopedCommands, blockchain) {
+// return {
+// remix: self._components.cmdInterpreter
+// }
+// }
function blockify (el) { return yo`${el}
` }
diff --git a/libs/remix-ui/terminal/src/lib/remix-ui-terminal.css b/libs/remix-ui/terminal/src/lib/remix-ui-terminal.css
index e69de29bb2..a8870af675 100644
--- a/libs/remix-ui/terminal/src/lib/remix-ui-terminal.css
+++ b/libs/remix-ui/terminal/src/lib/remix-ui-terminal.css
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+.panel {
+ position : relative;
+ display : flex;
+ flex-direction : column;
+ font-size : 12px;
+ min-height : 3em;
+ }
+ .bar {
+ display : flex;
+ z-index : 2;
+ }
+ .menu {
+ position : relative;
+ display : flex;
+ align-items : center;
+ width : 100%;
+ max-height : 35px;
+ min-height : 35px;
+ }
+ .toggleTerminal {
+ cursor : pointer;
+ }
+ .toggleTerminal:hover {
+ color : var(--secondary);
+ }
+ .terminal_container {
+ display : flex;
+ flex-direction : column;
+ height : 100%;
+ overflow-y : auto;
+ font-family : monospace;
+ margin : 0px;
+ background-repeat : no-repeat;
+ background-position : center 15%;
+ background-size : auto calc(75% - 1.7em);
+ }
+ .terminal {
+ position : relative;
+ display : flex;
+ flex-direction : column;
+ height : 100%;
+ }
+ .journal {
+ margin-top : auto;
+ font-family : monospace;
+ }
+ .block {
+ word-break : break-word;
+ white-space : pre-wrap;
+ line-height : 2ch;
+ padding : 1ch;
+ margin-top : 2ch;
+ }
+ .block > pre {
+ max-height : 200px;
+ }
+ .cli {
+ line-height : 1.7em;
+ font-family : monospace;
+ padding : .4em;
+ color : var(--primary);
+ border-top : solid 2px var(--secondary);
+ }
+ .prompt {
+ margin-right : 0.5em;
+ font-family : monospace;
+ font-weight : bold;
+ font-size : 14px;
+ }
+ .input {
+ word-break : break-word;
+ outline : none;
+ font-family : monospace;
+ }
+ .search {
+ display : flex;
+ align-items : center;
+ width : 330px;
+ padding-left : 20px;
+ height : 100%;
+ padding-top : 1px;
+ padding-bottom : 1px;
+ }
+ .filter {
+ height : 80%;
+ white-space : nowrap;
+ overflow : hidden;
+ text-overflow : ellipsis;
+ }
+ .searchIcon {
+ width : 25px;
+ border-top-left-radius : 3px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius : 3px;
+ display : flex;
+ align-items : center;
+ justify-content : center;
+ margin-right : 5px;
+ }
+ .listen {
+ margin-right : 30px;
+ min-width : 40px;
+ height : 13px;
+ display : flex;
+ align-items : center;
+ }
+ .listenLabel {
+ min-width: 50px;
+ }
+ .verticalLine {
+ border-left : 1px solid var(--secondary);
+ height : 65%;
+ }
+ .dragbarHorizontal {
+ position : absolute;
+ top : 0;
+ height : 0.5em;
+ right : 0;
+ left : 0;
+ cursor : ns-resize;
+ z-index : 999;
+ }
+ .listenOnNetwork {
+ min-height: auto;
+ }
+ .ghostbar {
+ position : absolute;
+ height : 6px;
+ opacity : 0.5;
+ cursor : row-resize;
+ z-index : 9999;
+ left : 0;
+ right : 0;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/remix-ui/terminal/src/lib/remix-ui-terminal.tsx b/libs/remix-ui/terminal/src/lib/remix-ui-terminal.tsx
index f8418db3f2..106f5812a9 100644
--- a/libs/remix-ui/terminal/src/lib/remix-ui-terminal.tsx
+++ b/libs/remix-ui/terminal/src/lib/remix-ui-terminal.tsx
@@ -1,14 +1,74 @@
-import React from 'react'
+import React, { useState } from 'react' // eslint-disable-line
import './remix-ui-terminal.css'
/* eslint-disable-next-line */
-export interface RemixUiTerminalProps {}
+export interface RemixUiTerminalProps {
+ propterties: any
export const RemixUiTerminal = (props: RemixUiTerminalProps) => {
+ const [toggleDownUp, setToggleDownUp] = useState('fa-angle-double-down')
+ const handleMinimizeTerminal = (event) => {
+ console.log('clikced')
+ if (toggleDownUp === 'fa-angle-double-down') {
+ console.log('clikced down')
+ setToggleDownUp('fa-angle-double-up')
+ } else {
+ console.log('clikced up')
+ // event.trigger('resize', [])
+ setToggleDownUp('fa-angle-double-down')
+ }
+ }
return (
- Welcome to remix-ui-terminal
+ {console.log({ toggleDownUp })}
+ {/* ${self._view.dragbar} */}
+ {/* ${self._view.icon} */}
+ {/* ${self._view.pendingTxCount} */}
+ listen on network
+ {/* ${self._view.inputSearch} */}
+ Welcome to remix-ui-terminal {console.log(props.propterties, ' properties david')}