@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
{ |
"scripts": { |
"start:server": "npx ts-node server.ts" |
}, |
"dependencies": { |
"body-parser": "^1.20.2", |
"child_process": "^1.0.2", |
"express": "^4.19.2", |
"git-http-backend": "^1.1.2", |
"path": "^0.12.7", |
"zlib": "^1.0.5" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
import * as http from 'http'; |
import { spawn } from 'child_process'; |
import * as path from 'path'; |
let backend = require('git-http-backend'); |
import * as zlib from 'zlib'; |
const directory = process.argv[2]; |
if (!directory) { |
console.error('Please provide a directory as a command line argument.'); |
process.exit(1); |
} |
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { |
// Set CORS headers
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); |
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE'); |
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Requested-With,content-type'); |
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true'); |
if (req.method === 'OPTIONS') { |
// Handle preflight request
res.writeHead(204); |
res.end(); |
return; |
} |
const repo = req.url?.split('/')[1]; |
const dir = path.join(directory, 'git', repo || ''); |
console.log(dir); |
const reqStream = req.headers['content-encoding'] === 'gzip' ? req.pipe(zlib.createGunzip()) : req; |
reqStream.pipe(backend(req.url || '', (err, service) => { |
if (err) return res.end(err + '\n'); |
res.setHeader('content-type', service.type); |
console.log(service.action, repo, service.fields); |
const ps = spawn(service.cmd, [...service.args, dir]); |
ps.stdout.pipe(service.createStream()).pipe(ps.stdin); |
})).pipe(res); |
}); |
server.listen(6868, () => { |
console.log('Server is listening on port 6868'); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
cd /tmp/ |
rm -rf git/bare.git |
rm -rf git |
mkdir -p git |
cd git |
git clone --bare bare.git |
@ -0,0 +1,511 @@ |
# yarn lockfile v1 |
accepts@~1.3.8: |
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version "1.1.1" |
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destroy "1.2.0" |
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bytes@3.1.2: |
version "3.1.2" |
resolved "" |
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call-bind@^1.0.7: |
version "1.0.7" |
resolved "" |
integrity sha512-GHTSNSYICQ7scH7sZ+M2rFopRoLh8t2bLSW6BbgrtLsahOIB5iyAVJf9GjWK3cYTDaMj4XdBpM1cA6pIS0Kv2w== |
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es-define-property "^1.0.0" |
es-errors "^1.3.0" |
function-bind "^1.1.2" |
get-intrinsic "^1.2.4" |
set-function-length "^1.2.1" |
child_process@^1.0.2: |
version "1.0.2" |
resolved "" |
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version "0.5.4" |
resolved "" |
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version "1.0.6" |
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cookie@0.6.0: |
version "0.6.0" |
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debug@2.6.9: |
version "2.6.9" |
resolved "" |
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ms "2.0.0" |
define-data-property@^1.1.4: |
version "1.1.4" |
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es-define-property "^1.0.0" |
es-errors "^1.3.0" |
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depd@2.0.0: |
version "2.0.0" |
resolved "" |
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destroy@1.2.0: |
version "1.2.0" |
resolved "" |
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version "1.1.1" |
resolved "" |
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version "1.0.2" |
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es-define-property@^1.0.0: |
version "1.0.0" |
resolved "" |
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es-errors@^1.3.0: |
version "1.3.0" |
resolved "" |
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express@^4.19.2: |
version "4.19.2" |
resolved "" |
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parseurl "~1.3.3" |
path-to-regexp "0.1.7" |
proxy-addr "~2.0.7" |
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finalhandler@1.2.0: |
version "1.2.0" |
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version "0.2.0" |
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version "1.1.2" |
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version "1.2.4" |
resolved "" |
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es-errors "^1.3.0" |
function-bind "^1.1.2" |
has-proto "^1.0.1" |
has-symbols "^1.0.3" |
hasown "^2.0.0" |
git-http-backend@^1.1.2: |
version "1.1.2" |
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git-side-band-message@~0.0.3: |
version "0.0.3" |
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version "1.0.1" |
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has-property-descriptors@^1.0.2: |
version "1.0.2" |
resolved "" |
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version "1.0.3" |
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version "1.0.3" |
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version "2.0.2" |
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http-errors@2.0.0: |
version "2.0.0" |
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version "1.0.1" |
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version "1.1.2" |
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version "0.18.0" |
resolved "" |
integrity sha512-qqWzuOjSFOuqPjFe4NOsMLafToQQwBSOEpS+FwEt3A2V3vKubTquT3vmLTQpFgMXp8AlFWFuP1qKaJZOtPpVXg== |
dependencies: |
debug "2.6.9" |
depd "2.0.0" |
destroy "1.2.0" |
encodeurl "~1.0.2" |
escape-html "~1.0.3" |
etag "~1.8.1" |
fresh "0.5.2" |
http-errors "2.0.0" |
mime "1.6.0" |
ms "2.1.3" |
on-finished "2.4.1" |
range-parser "~1.2.1" |
statuses "2.0.1" |
serve-static@1.15.0: |
version "1.15.0" |
resolved "" |
integrity sha512-XGuRDNjXUijsUL0vl6nSD7cwURuzEgglbOaFuZM9g3kwDXOWVTck0jLzjPzGD+TazWbboZYu52/9/XPdUgne9g== |
dependencies: |
encodeurl "~1.0.2" |
escape-html "~1.0.3" |
parseurl "~1.3.3" |
send "0.18.0" |
set-function-length@^1.2.1: |
version "1.2.2" |
resolved "" |
integrity sha512-pgRc4hJ4/sNjWCSS9AmnS40x3bNMDTknHgL5UaMBTMyJnU90EgWh1Rz+MC9eFu4BuN/UwZjKQuY/1v3rM7HMfg== |
dependencies: |
define-data-property "^1.1.4" |
es-errors "^1.3.0" |
function-bind "^1.1.2" |
get-intrinsic "^1.2.4" |
gopd "^1.0.1" |
has-property-descriptors "^1.0.2" |
setprototypeof@1.2.0: |
version "1.2.0" |
resolved "" |
integrity sha512-E5LDX7Wrp85Kil5bhZv46j8jOeboKq5JMmYM3gVGdGH8xFpPWXUMsNrlODCrkoxMEeNi/XZIwuRvY4XNwYMJpw== |
side-channel@^1.0.4: |
version "1.0.6" |
resolved "" |
integrity sha512-fDW/EZ6Q9RiO8eFG8Hj+7u/oW+XrPTIChwCOM2+th2A6OblDtYYIpve9m+KvI9Z4C9qSEXlaGR6bTEYHReuglA== |
dependencies: |
call-bind "^1.0.7" |
es-errors "^1.3.0" |
get-intrinsic "^1.2.4" |
object-inspect "^1.13.1" |
statuses@2.0.1: |
version "2.0.1" |
resolved "" |
integrity sha512-RwNA9Z/7PrK06rYLIzFMlaF+l73iwpzsqRIFgbMLbTcLD6cOao82TaWefPXQvB2fOC4AjuYSEndS7N/mTCbkdQ== |
toidentifier@1.0.1: |
version "1.0.1" |
resolved "" |
integrity sha512-o5sSPKEkg/DIQNmH43V0/uerLrpzVedkUh8tGNvaeXpfpuwjKenlSox/2O/BTlZUtEe+JG7s5YhEz608PlAHRA== |
type-is@~1.6.18: |
version "1.6.18" |
resolved "" |
integrity sha512-TkRKr9sUTxEH8MdfuCSP7VizJyzRNMjj2J2do2Jr3Kym598JVdEksuzPQCnlFPW4ky9Q+iA+ma9BGm06XQBy8g== |
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mime-types "~2.1.24" |
unpipe@1.0.0, unpipe@~1.0.0: |
version "1.0.0" |
resolved "" |
integrity sha512-pjy2bYhSsufwWlKwPc+l3cN7+wuJlK6uz0YdJEOlQDbl6jo/YlPi4mb8agUkVC8BF7V8NuzeyPNqRksA3hztKQ== |
util@^0.10.3: |
version "0.10.4" |
resolved "" |
integrity sha512-0Pm9hTQ3se5ll1XihRic3FDIku70C+iHUdT/W926rSgHV5QgXsYbKZN8MSC3tJtSkhuROzvsQjAaFENRXr+19A== |
dependencies: |
inherits "2.0.3" |
utils-merge@1.0.1: |
version "1.0.1" |
resolved "" |
integrity sha512-pMZTvIkT1d+TFGvDOqodOclx0QWkkgi6Tdoa8gC8ffGAAqz9pzPTZWAybbsHHoED/ztMtkv/VoYTYyShUn81hA== |
vary@~1.1.2: |
version "1.1.2" |
resolved "" |
integrity sha512-BNGbWLfd0eUPabhkXUVm0j8uuvREyTh5ovRa/dyow/BqAbZJyC+5fU+IzQOzmAKzYqYRAISoRhdQr3eIZ/PXqg== |
zlib@^1.0.5: |
version "1.0.5" |
resolved "" |
integrity sha512-40fpE2II+Cd3k8HWTWONfeKE2jL+P42iWJ1zzps5W51qcTsOUKM5Q5m2PFb0CLxlmFAaUuUdJGc3OfZy947v0w== |
@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ |
import { ChildProcess, spawn } from "child_process" |
import init from "../helpers/init" |
import { Nightwatch, NightwatchBrowser } from "nightwatch" |
module.exports = { |
'@disabled': true, |
before: function (browser, done) { |
init(browser, done) |
}, |
after: function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform((done) => { |
done() |
}) |
}, |
'Update settings for git #group1 #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser. |
clickLaunchIcon('dgit') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="initgit-btn"]') |
.click('*[data-id="initgit-btn"]') |
.setValue('*[data-id="githubToken"]', process.env.dgit_token) |
.setValue('*[data-id="gitubUsername"]', 'git') |
.setValue('*[data-id="githubEmail"]', '') |
.click('*[data-id="saveGitHubCredentials"]') |
}, |
'check if the settings are loaded #group1 #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser. |
click('*[data-id="github-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="connected-as-bunsenstraat"]') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="connected-img-bunsenstraat"]') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="connected-link-bunsenstraat"]') |
}, |
'clone a repository #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.click('*[data-id="clone-panel"]') |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="clone-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="fetch-repositories"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="clone-panel-content"]//*[@id="repository-select"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="clone-panel-content"]//*[@id="repository-select"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="clone-panel-content"]//*[contains(text(), "awesome-remix")]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="clone-panel-content"]//*[contains(text(), "awesome-remix")]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="clone-panel-content"]//*[@id="branch-select"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="clone-panel-content"]//*[@id="branch-select"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="clone-panel-content"]//*[contains(text(), "master")]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="clone-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="clonebtn-ethereum/awesome-remix-master"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="clone-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="clonebtn-ethereum/awesome-remix-master"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'check if there is a file #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.clickLaunchIcon('filePanel') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id=""]') |
}, |
'check the commands panel #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.clickLaunchIcon('dgit') |
.click('*[data-id="commands-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//div[@id='commands-remote-branch-select']//div[contains(@class, 'singleValue') and contains(text(), 'master')]", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//div[@id='commands-remote-origin-select']//div[contains(@class, 'singleValue') and contains(text(), 'origin')]", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//div[@id='commands-local-branch-select']//div[contains(@class, 'singleValue') and contains(text(), 'master')]", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'check the remotes #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.click('*[data-id="remotes-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="remotes-panel-content"]') |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="remote-detail-origin"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="branches-current-branch-master"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="remote-sync-origin"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="branches-branch-links"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'check the commits of branch links #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="branches-branch-links"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="branches-branch-links"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="commit-summary-linking fixed-"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'switch to branch links #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="branches-branch-links"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="branches-toggle-branch-links"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="branches-toggle-current-branch-links"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'check the local branches #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.click('*[data-id="branches-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="branches-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="branches-toggle-current-branch-links"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'check the local commits #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.click('*[data-id="commits-panel"]') |
.pause(1000) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="commits-current-branch-links"]//*[@data-id="commit-summary-linking fixed-"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="commits-current-branch-links"]//*[@data-id="commit-summary-linking fixed-"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="commits-current-branch-links"]//*[@data-id=""]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'check the commands panel for links #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.click('*[data-id="commands-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//div[@id='commands-remote-branch-select']//div[contains(@class, 'singleValue') and contains(text(), 'links')]", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//div[@id='commands-remote-origin-select']//div[contains(@class, 'singleValue') and contains(text(), 'origin')]", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//div[@id='commands-local-branch-select']//div[contains(@class, 'singleValue') and contains(text(), 'links')]", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'add a remote #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.pause(1000) |
.click('*[data-id="remotes-panel"]') |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="fetch-repositories"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@id="repository-select"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@id="repository-select"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[contains(text(), "awesome-remix")]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[contains(text(), "awesome-remix")]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="remote-panel-remotename"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.setValue({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="remote-panel-remotename"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}, 'newremote') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="remote-panel-addremote"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="remote-panel-addremote"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="remote-detail-newremote"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'check the commands panel for newremote #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.pause(1000) |
.click('*[data-id="commands-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//div[@id='commands-remote-branch-select']//div[contains(@class, 'singleValue') and contains(text(), 'main')]", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//div[@id='commands-remote-origin-select']//div[contains(@class, 'singleValue') and contains(text(), 'newremote')]", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//div[@id='commands-local-branch-select']//div[contains(@class, 'singleValue') and contains(text(), 'main')]", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.getAttribute({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="sourcecontrol-pull"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}, 'disabled', (result) => { |
if (result.value) { |
||||'Button is disabled') |
} else { |
browser.assert.ok(true) |
} |
}) |
}, |
'remove the remove #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.pause(1000) |
.click('*[data-id="remotes-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="remote-rm-newremote"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.pause(2000) |
.click({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="remote-rm-newremote"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.pause(1000) |
.waitForElementNotPresent({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="remotes-panel-content"]//*[@data-id="remote-detail-newremote"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'check the commands panel for removed remote #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.pause(1000) |
.click('*[data-id="commands-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//div[@id='commands-remote-branch-select']//div[contains(@class, 'singleValue') and contains(text(), 'main')]", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementNotPresent({ |
selector: "//div[@id='commands-remote-origin-select']//div[contains(@class, 'singleValue') and contains(text(), 'newremote')]", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//div[@id='commands-local-branch-select']//div[contains(@class, 'singleValue') and contains(text(), 'main')]", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.getAttribute({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="sourcecontrol-pull"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}, 'disabled', (result) => { |
if (result.value) { |
browser.assert.ok(true) |
} else { |
||||'Button is not disabled') |
} |
}) |
}, |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,521 @@ |
import { ChildProcess, spawn } from "child_process" |
import kill from 'tree-kill' |
import init from "../helpers/init" |
import { Nightwatch, NightwatchBrowser } from "nightwatch" |
let gitserver: ChildProcess |
/* |
/ uses the git-http-backend package to create a git server ( if needed kill the server: kill -9 $(sudo lsof -t -i:6868) ) |
/ GROUP 2: branch operations CREATE & PUBLISH |
/ GROUP 3: file operations rename delete |
*/ |
module.exports = { |
'@disabled': true, |
before: function (browser, done) { |
init(browser, done) |
}, |
after: function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform((done) => { |
console.log('kill server', |
kill( |
done() |
}) |
}, |
'run server #group1 #group2 #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform(async (done) => { |
gitserver = await spawnGitServer('/tmp/') |
console.log('working directory', process.cwd()) |
done() |
}) |
}, |
'Update settings for git #group1 #group2 #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser. |
clickLaunchIcon('dgit') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="initgit-btn"]') |
.click('*[data-id="initgit-btn"]') |
.setValue('*[data-id="gitubUsername"]', 'git') |
.setValue('*[data-id="githubEmail"]', '') |
.click('*[data-id="saveGitHubCredentials"]') |
.modalFooterOKClick('github-credentials-error') |
.pause(2000) |
}, |
'clone a repo #group1 #group2 #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="clone-panel"]') |
.click('*[data-id="clone-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="clone-url"]') |
.setValue('*[data-id="clone-url"]', 'http://localhost:6868/bare.git') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="clone-btn"]') |
.click('*[data-id="clone-btn"]') |
.clickLaunchIcon('filePanel') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id=""]') |
}, |
// GROUP 1
'check file added #group1 #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser. |
addFile('test.txt', { content: 'hello world' }, '') |
.clickLaunchIcon('dgit') |
.click('*[data-id="sourcecontrol-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//*[@data-status='new-untracked' and @data-file='/test.txt']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="addToGitChangestest.txt"]') |
.pause(1000) |
.click('*[data-id="addToGitChangestest.txt"]') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//*[@data-status='added-staged' and @data-file='/test.txt']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.setValue('*[data-id="commitMessage"]', 'testcommit') |
.click('*[data-id="commitButton"]') |
}, |
'look at the commit #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.click('*[data-id="commits-panel"]') |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="commit-summary-testcommit-ahead"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'sync the commit #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.pause(1000) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="sourcecontrol-panel"]') |
.click('*[data-id="sourcecontrol-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="syncButton"]') |
.click('*[data-id="syncButton"]') |
.pause(2000) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="commitButton"]') |
.click('*[data-id="commits-panel"]') |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="commit-summary-testcommit-"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'check the log #group1': async function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
const logs = await getGitLog('/tmp/git/bare.git') |
console.log(logs) |
browser.assert.ok(logs.includes('testcommit')) |
}, |
'change a file #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser. |
openFile('test.txt'). |
pause(1000). |
setEditorValue('changes', null) |
}, |
'stage changed file #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.clickLaunchIcon('dgit') |
.click('*[data-id="sourcecontrol-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//*[@data-status='modified-unstaged' and @data-file='/test.txt']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="addToGitChangestest.txt"]') |
.click('*[data-id="addToGitChangestest.txt"]') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//*[@data-status='modified-staged' and @data-file='/test.txt']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.setValue('*[data-id="commitMessage"]', 'testcommit2') |
.click('*[data-id="commitButton"]') |
}, |
'push the commit #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.click('*[data-id="commands-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="sourcecontrol-push"]') |
.click('*[data-id="sourcecontrol-push"]') |
.pause(2000) |
.click('*[data-id="commits-panel"]') |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="commit-summary-testcommit2-"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}).pause(2000) |
}, |
'check the log for testcommit2 #group1': async function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
const logs = await getGitLog('/tmp/git/bare.git') |
console.log(logs) |
browser.assert.ok(logs.includes('testcommit2')) |
}, |
'clone locally and add a file and push #group1': async function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
await cloneOnServer('http://localhost:6868/bare.git', '/tmp/') |
await onLocalGitRepoAddFile('/tmp/bare/', 'test2.txt') |
await createCommitOnLocalServer('/tmp/bare/', 'testlocal') |
await onLocalGitRepoPush('/tmp/bare/', 'master') |
}, |
'run a git fetch #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.pause(2000) |
.click('*[data-id="commands-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="sourcecontrol-fetch-branch"]') |
.click('*[data-id="sourcecontrol-fetch-branch"]') |
.pause(2000) |
.click('*[data-id="commits-panel"]') |
.click('*[data-id="commits-panel-behind"]') |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: '//*[@data-id="commit-summary-testlocal-"]', |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'run pull from the header #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser. |
click('*[data-id="sourcecontrol-button-pull"]') |
.waitForElementNotPresent('*[data-id="commits-panel-behind"]') |
}, |
'check if the file is added #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.clickLaunchIcon('filePanel') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemtest2.txt"]') |
}, |
// group 3
'rename a file #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.clickLaunchIcon('filePanel') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemtest.txt"]') |
.click('*[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemtest.txt"]') |
.renamePath('test.txt', 'test_rename', 'test_rename.txt') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemtest_rename.txt"]') |
.pause(1000) |
}, |
'stage renamed file #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.clickLaunchIcon('dgit') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//*[@data-status='deleted-unstaged' and @data-file='/test.txt']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="addToGitChangestest.txt"]') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//*[@data-status='new-untracked' and @data-file='/test_rename.txt']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.click('*[data-id="sourcecontrol-add-all"]') |
.pause(2000) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//*[@data-status='deleted-staged' and @data-file='/test.txt']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//*[@data-status='added-staged' and @data-file='/test_rename.txt']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'undo the rename #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.click('*[data-id="unDoStagedtest.txt"]') |
.pause(1000) |
.waitForElementNotPresent({ |
selector: "//*[@data-file='/test.txt']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
}, |
'check if file is returned #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.clickLaunchIcon('filePanel') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemtest.txt"]') |
}, |
// GROUP 2
'create a branch #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.clickLaunchIcon('dgit') |
.click('*[data-id="branches-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="newbranchname"]') |
.setValue('*[data-id="newbranchname"]', 'testbranch') |
.click('*[data-id="sourcecontrol-create-branch"]') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="branches-current-branch-testbranch"]') |
.pause(1000) |
}, |
'check if the branch is in the filePanel #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.clickLaunchIcon('filePanel') |
.click('[data-id="workspaceGitBranchesDropdown"]') |
.expect.element('[data-id="workspaceGit-testbranch"]')'✓ ') |
}, |
'publish the branch #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.clickLaunchIcon('dgit') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="sourcecontrol-panel"]') |
.click('*[data-id="sourcecontrol-panel"]') |
.pause(1000) |
.click('*[data-id="publishBranchButton"]') |
.pause(2000) |
.waitForElementNotVisible('*[data-id="publishBranchButton"]') |
}, |
'check if the branch is published #group2': async function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
const branches = await getBranches('/tmp/git/bare.git') |
browser.assert.ok(branches.includes('testbranch')) |
}, |
'add file to new branch #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.pause(1000) |
.addFile('test.txt', { content: 'hello world' }, '') |
.clickLaunchIcon('dgit') |
.pause(2000) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//*[@data-status='new-untracked' and @data-file='/test.txt']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="addToGitChangestest.txt"]') |
.pause(1000) |
.click('*[data-id="addToGitChangestest.txt"]') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//*[@data-status='added-staged' and @data-file='/test.txt']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.setValue('*[data-id="commitMessage"]', 'testcommit') |
.click('*[data-id="commitButton"]') |
.pause(1000) |
}, |
'check if the commit is ahead in the branches list #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="branches-panel"]') |
.click('*[data-id="branches-panel"]') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="branches-current-branch-testbranch"]') |
.click({ |
selector: "//*[@data-id='branches-panel-content']//*[@data-id='branches-current-branch-testbranch']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
suppressNotFoundErrors: true |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: "//*[@data-id='branches-panel-content']//*[@data-id='commits-panel-ahead']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
suppressNotFoundErrors: true |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: "//*[@data-id='branches-panel-content']//*[@data-id='branchdifference-commits-testbranch-ahead']//*[@data-id='commit-summary-testcommit-ahead']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: "//*[@data-id='branches-panel-content']//*[@data-id='branchdifference-commits-testbranch-ahead']//*[@data-id='commit-change-added-test.txt']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
}) |
.click({ |
selector: "//*[@data-id='branches-panel-content']//*[@data-id='local-branch-commits-testbranch']//*[@data-id='commit-summary-testcommit-ahead']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//*[@data-id='branches-panel-content']//*[@data-id='local-branch-commits-testbranch']//*[@data-id='commit-change-added-test.txt']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
}) |
}, |
'switch back to master #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.click({ |
selector: "//*[@data-id='branches-panel-content']//*[@data-id='branches-toggle-branch-master']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: "//*[@data-id='branches-panel-content']//*[@data-id='branches-toggle-current-branch-master']", |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
}) |
}, |
'check if test file is gone #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.clickLaunchIcon('filePanel') |
.waitForElementNotPresent('*[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemtest.txt"]') |
} |
} |
async function getBranches(path: string): Promise<string> { |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
const git = spawn('git', ['branch'], { cwd: path }) |
let branches = '' |
git.stdout.on('data', function (data) { |
console.log('stdout git branches', data.toString()) |
branches += data.toString() |
}) |
git.stderr.on('data', function (data) { |
console.log('stderr git branches', data.toString()) |
reject(data.toString()) |
}) |
git.on('close', function () { |
resolve(branches) |
}) |
}) |
} |
async function getGitLog(path: string): Promise<string> { |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
const git = spawn('git', ['log'], { cwd: path }) |
let logs = '' |
git.stdout.on('data', function (data) { |
logs += data.toString() |
}) |
git.stderr.on('err', function (data) { |
reject(data.toString()) |
}) |
git.on('close', function () { |
resolve(logs) |
}) |
}) |
} |
async function cloneOnServer(repo: string, path: string) { |
console.log('cloning', repo, path) |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
const git = spawn('rm -rf bare && git', ['clone', repo], { cwd: path, shell: true, detached: true }); |
git.stdout.on('data', function (data) { |
console.log('stdout data cloning', data.toString()); |
if (data.toString().includes('done')) { |
resolve(git); |
} |
}); |
git.stderr.on('data', function (data) { |
console.log('stderr data cloning', data.toString()); |
if (data.toString().includes('into')) { |
setTimeout(() => { |
resolve(git); |
}, 5000) |
} |
}); |
git.on('error', (error) => { |
reject(`Process error: ${error.message}`); |
}); |
git.on('exit', (code, signal) => { |
if (code !== 0) { |
reject(`Process exited with code: ${code} and signal: ${signal}`); |
} |
}); |
}); |
} |
async function onLocalGitRepoAddFile(path: string, file: string) { |
console.log('adding file', file) |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
const git = spawn('touch', [file], { cwd: path }); |
git.stdout.on('data', function (data) { |
console.log('stdout data adding file', data.toString()); |
if (data.toString().includes('done')) { |
resolve(git); |
} |
}); |
git.stderr.on('data', function (data) { |
console.error('stderr adding file', data.toString()); |
reject(data.toString()); |
}); |
git.on('error', (error) => { |
reject(`Process error: ${error.message}`); |
}); |
git.on('exit', (code, signal) => { |
if (code !== 0) { |
reject(`Process exited with code: ${code} and signal: ${signal}`); |
} else { |
resolve(git); |
} |
}); |
}); |
} |
async function onLocalGitRepoPush(path: string, branch: string = 'master') { |
console.log('pushing', path) |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
const git = spawn('git', ['push', 'origin', branch], { cwd: path, shell: true, detached: true }); |
git.stdout.on('data', function (data) { |
console.log('stdout data pushing', data.toString()); |
if (data.toString().includes('done')) { |
resolve(git); |
} |
}); |
git.stderr.on('data', function (data) { |
console.error('stderr data pushing', data.toString()); |
if (data.toString().includes(branch)) { |
resolve(git); |
} |
}); |
git.on('error', (error) => { |
reject(`Process error: ${error.message}`); |
}); |
git.on('exit', (code, signal) => { |
if (code !== 0) { |
reject(`Process exited with code: ${code} and signal: ${signal}`); |
} else { |
resolve(git); |
} |
}); |
}); |
} |
async function createCommitOnLocalServer(path: string, message: string) { |
console.log('committing', message, path) |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
const git = spawn('git add . && git', ['commit', '-m', message], { cwd: path, shell: true, detached: true }); |
git.stdout.on('data', function (data) { |
console.log('data stdout committing', data.toString()); |
if (data.toString().includes(message)) { |
setTimeout(() => { |
resolve(git); |
}, 1000) |
} |
}); |
git.stderr.on('data', function (data) { |
console.error('data commiting', data.toString()); |
reject(data.toString()); |
}); |
git.on('error', (error) => { |
console.error('error', error); |
reject(`Process error: ${error.message}`); |
}); |
git.on('exit', (code, signal) => { |
if (code !== 0) { |
console.error('exit', code, signal); |
reject(`Process exited with code: ${code} and signal: ${signal}`); |
} else { |
resolve(git); |
} |
}); |
}); |
} |
async function spawnGitServer(path: string): Promise<ChildProcess> { |
console.log(process.cwd()) |
try { |
const server = spawn('yarn && sh && npx ts-node server.ts', [`${path}`], { cwd: process.cwd() + '/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/githttpbackend/', shell: true, detached: true }) |
console.log('spawned', server.stdout.closed, server.stderr.closed) |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
server.stdout.on('data', function (data) { |
console.log(data.toString()) |
if ( |
data.toString().includes('is listening') |
|| data.toString().includes('address already in use') |
) { |
console.log('resolving') |
resolve(server) |
} |
}) |
server.stderr.on('err', function (data) { |
console.log(data.toString()) |
reject(data.toString()) |
}) |
}) |
} catch (e) { |
console.log(e) |
} |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
'use strict' |
import { ViewPlugin } from '@remixproject/engine-web'; |
import React from 'react' // eslint-disable-line
import { gitState, GitUI } from '@remix-ui/git'; |
import * as packageJson from '../../../../../package.json' |
const profile = { |
name: 'dgit', |
desciption: 'Git plugin for Remix', |
methods: ['pull', 'track', 'diff', 'clone', 'open'], |
events: [''], |
version: packageJson.version, |
maintainedBy: 'Remix', |
permission: true, |
description: 'Use this plugin to interact with your git repositories', |
location: 'sidePanel', |
} |
export class GitPlugin extends ViewPlugin { |
constructor() { |
super(profile) |
} |
onDeactivation(): void { |
||||'fileDecorator', 'clearFileDecorators') |
||||'manager', 'activatePlugin', 'dgitApi') |
} |
async open(panel:string) { |
this.emit('openPanel', panel) |
} |
render() { |
return <div id='gitTab'><GitUI plugin={this} /></div> |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
{ |
"git.push": "push", |
"git.pull": "pull", |
"git.commit": "commit", |
"git.sync": "sync", |
"git.syncchanges": "sync changes", |
"git.publish": "publish", |
"git.ignore": "ignore", |
"git.createBranch": "create branch", |
"git.deleteBranch": "delete branch", |
"git.mergeBranch": "merge branch", |
"git.rebaseBranch": "rebase branch", |
"git.checkout": "checkout", |
"git.fetch": "fetch", |
"git.refresh": "refresh", |
"git.unstageall": "unstage all", |
"git.stageall": "stage all", |
"git.noremote": "this repo has no remotes", |
"git.init": "Initialize repository" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
export type branch = { |
name: string |
remote: remote |
} |
export type remote = { |
name: string |
url: string |
} |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
export * from './lib/remix-api' |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
import { StatusEvents } from "@remixproject/plugin-utils" |
export interface IConfigApi { |
events: { |
configChanged: () => void |
} & StatusEvents, |
methods: { |
getAppParameter(key: string): Promise<any>, |
setAppParameter(key: string, value: any): Promise<void> |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
import { commitChange } from "@remix-ui/git"; |
import { IFileSystem } from "@remixproject/plugin-api" |
// Extended interface with 'diff' method
export interface IExtendedFileSystem extends IFileSystem { |
methods: IFileSystem['methods'] & { |
/** Compare the differences between two files */ |
diff(change: commitChange): Promise<void> |
}; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
import { fileDecoration } from '@remix-ui/file-decorators' |
import { StatusEvents } from '@remixproject/plugin-utils' |
export interface IFileDecoratorApi { |
events: { |
} & StatusEvents |
methods: { |
clearFileDecorators(path?: string): void |
setFileDecorators(decorators: fileDecoration[]): void |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
import { ModalTypes } from "@remix-ui/app" |
import { StatusEvents } from "@remixproject/plugin-utils" |
export interface INotificationApi { |
events: { |
} & StatusEvents, |
methods: { |
toast(key: string): Promise<void>, |
alert({ |
title, |
message, |
id |
}:{ |
title: string, |
message: string, |
id: string |
}): Promise<void>, |
modal({ |
title, |
message, |
okLabel, |
type |
}:{ |
title: string, |
message: string, |
okLabel: string, |
type: ModalTypes |
}): Promise<void>, |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
import { StatusEvents } from '@remixproject/plugin-utils' |
export interface ISettings { |
events: { |
configChanged: () => void, |
} & StatusEvents |
methods: { |
getGithubAccessToken(): string |
get(key: string): Promise<any> |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
import { IGitApi } from "@remix-ui/git" |
import { IRemixApi } from "@remixproject/plugin-api" |
import { StatusEvents } from "@remixproject/plugin-utils" |
import { IConfigApi } from "./plugins/config-api" |
import { IFileDecoratorApi } from "./plugins/filedecorator-api" |
import { IExtendedFileSystem } from "./plugins/fileSystem-api" |
import { INotificationApi } from "./plugins/notification-api" |
import { ISettings } from "./plugins/settings-api" |
export interface ICustomRemixApi extends IRemixApi { |
dgitApi: IGitApi |
config: IConfigApi |
notification: INotificationApi |
settings: ISettings |
fileDecorator: IFileDecoratorApi |
fileManager: IExtendedFileSystem |
} |
export declare type CustomRemixApi = Readonly<ICustomRemixApi> |
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' |
import { gitActionsContext, pluginActionsContext } from '../state/context' |
import { ReadCommitResult } from "isomorphic-git" |
import { gitPluginContext } from './gitui' |
export const BranchHeader = () => { |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const pluginActions = React.useContext(pluginActionsContext) |
const [changed, setChanged] = useState(false) |
const [isDetached, setIsDetached] = useState(false) |
const [latestCommit, setLatestCommit] = useState<ReadCommitResult>(null) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (context.currentBranch) { |
actions.getBranchDifferences(context.currentBranch, null, context) |
} |
if (!context.currentBranch || (context.currentBranch && === '')) { |
if (context.currentHead === '') { |
setIsDetached(false) |
} else { |
setIsDetached(true) |
} |
} else { |
setIsDetached(false) |
} |
setLatestCommit(null) |
if (context.currentHead !== '') { |
if (context.commits && context.commits.length > 0) { |
const commit = context.commits.find(commit => commit.oid === context.currentHead) |
if (commit) { |
setLatestCommit(commit) |
} |
} |
} |
}, [context.currentBranch, context.commits, context.branches, context.remotes, context.currentHead]) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (context.fileStatusResult) { |
const total = context.allchangesnotstaged.length |
const badges = total + context.staged.length |
setChanged((context.deleted.length > 0 || context.staged.length > 0 || context.untracked.length > 0 || context.modified.length > 0)) |
} |
}, [context.fileStatusResult, context.modified, context.allchangesnotstaged, context.untracked, context.deleted]) |
const showDetachedWarningText = async () => { |
await pluginActions.showAlert({ |
message: `You are in 'detached HEAD' state. This means you are not on a branch because you checkout a tag or a specific commit. If you want to commit changes, you will need to create a new branch.`, |
title: 'Warning' |
}) |
} |
return (<> |
<div className='text-sm w-100'> |
<div className='text-secondary long-and-truncated'> |
<i className="fa fa-code-branch mr-1 pl-2"></i> |
{changed ? '*' : ''}{context.currentBranch &&} |
</div> |
{latestCommit ? |
<div className='text-secondary long-and-truncated'> |
{latestCommit.commit && latestCommit.commit.message ? latestCommit.commit.message : ''} |
</div> : null} |
{isDetached ? |
<div className='text-warning long-and-truncated'> |
You are in a detached state<i onClick={showDetachedWarningText} className="btn fa fa-info-circle mr-1 pl-2"></i> |
</div> : null} |
</div> |
<hr></hr> |
</>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ |
import React, { useEffect } from "react" |
import { useState } from "react" |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../state/context" |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../gitui" |
import { faArrowDown, faArrowUp, faCheck, faCloudArrowUp, faSync } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import { syncStateContext } from "./sourceControlBase"; |
enum buttonStateValues { |
Commit, |
Sync = 1, |
PublishBranch = 2 |
} |
export const CommitMessage = () => { |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const syncState = React.useContext(syncStateContext) |
const [buttonState, setButtonState] = useState<buttonStateValues>(buttonStateValues.Commit) |
const [message, setMessage] = useState({ value: '' }) |
const handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { |
setMessage({ value: e.currentTarget.value }) |
} |
const commit = async () => { |
if (context.staged.length === 0 && context.allchangesnotstaged.length == 0) return |
if (context.staged.length === 0) |
await actions.addall(context.allchangesnotstaged) |
await actions.commit(message.value) |
setMessage({ value: '' }) |
} |
const getRemote = () => { |
return context.upstream ? context.upstream : context.defaultRemote ? context.defaultRemote : null |
} |
const sync = async () => { |
await actions.pull({ |
remote: getRemote(), |
ref: context.currentBranch |
}) |
await actions.push({ |
remote: getRemote(), |
ref: context.currentBranch |
}) |
await actions.pull({ |
remote: getRemote(), |
ref: context.currentBranch |
}) |
} |
const commitNotAllowed = () => { |
return context.canCommit === false || message.value === "" || (context.staged.length === 0 && context.allchangesnotstaged.length == 0) |
} |
const commitMessagePlaceholder = () => { |
if (context.currentBranch === undefined || === "") |
return `message` |
return `message ( commit on ${} )` |
} |
const syncEnabled = () => { |
return syncState.commitsAhead.length > 0 || syncState.commitsBehind.length > 0 |
} |
const upDownArrows = () => { |
return ( |
<> |
{syncState.commitsBehind && syncState.commitsBehind.length ? <>{syncState.commitsBehind.length}<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowDown} className="ml-1" /></> : null} |
{syncState.commitsAhead && syncState.commitsAhead.length ? <>{syncState.commitsAhead.length}<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowUp} className="ml-1" /></> : null} |
</> |
) |
} |
const publishEnabled = () => { |
const remoteEquivalentBranch = context.branches.find((b) => === && b.remote) |
return remoteEquivalentBranch === undefined && getRemote() !== null |
} |
const publishBranch = async () => { |
if (context.currentBranch === undefined || === "") |
return |
await actions.push({ |
remote: getRemote(), |
ref: context.currentBranch |
}) |
await actions.fetch({ |
remote: getRemote(), |
ref: context.currentBranch, |
singleBranch: false, |
relative: true |
}) |
} |
const messageEnabled = () => { |
return context.canCommit && (context.allchangesnotstaged.length > 0 || context.staged.length > 0) |
} |
const setButtonStateValues = () => { |
if (!commitNotAllowed() || context.allchangesnotstaged.length > 0 || context.staged.length > 0) { |
if (context.allchangesnotstaged.length == 0 && context.staged.length == 0 && message.value === "" && publishEnabled()) { |
setButtonState(buttonStateValues.PublishBranch) |
return |
} |
setButtonState(buttonStateValues.Commit) |
return |
} |
if (syncEnabled()) { |
setButtonState(buttonStateValues.Sync) |
return |
} |
if (publishEnabled()) { |
setButtonState(buttonStateValues.PublishBranch) |
return |
} |
setButtonState(buttonStateValues.Commit) |
} |
useEffect(() => { |
setButtonStateValues() |
}, [context.canCommit, context.staged, context.allchangesnotstaged, context.currentBranch, syncState.commitsAhead, syncState.commitsBehind, message.value]) |
return ( |
<> |
<div className="form-group"> |
<input placeholder={commitMessagePlaceholder()} data-id='commitMessage' disabled={!messageEnabled()} className="form-control" type="text" onChange={handleChange} value={message.value} /> |
</div> |
<button data-id='commitButton' className={`btn btn-primary w-100 ${buttonState === buttonStateValues.Commit ? '' : 'd-none'}`} disabled={commitNotAllowed()} onClick={async () => await commit()} > |
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCheck} className="mr-1" /> |
Commit |
</button> |
<button data-id='syncButton' className={`btn btn-primary w-100 ${buttonState === buttonStateValues.Sync ? '' : 'd-none'}`} disabled={!syncEnabled()} onClick={async () => await sync()} > |
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faSync} className="mr-1" aria-hidden="true" /> |
Sync Changes {upDownArrows()} |
</button> |
<button data-id='publishBranchButton' className={`btn btn-primary w-100 ${buttonState === buttonStateValues.PublishBranch ? '' : 'd-none'}`} onClick={async () => await publishBranch()} > |
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCloudArrowUp} className="mr-1" aria-hidden="true" /> |
Publish Branch |
</button> |
<hr></hr> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
import React, { useContext } from 'react' |
import { gitPluginContext } from '../gitui' |
interface ButtonWithContextProps { |
onClick: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement>; |
children: React.ReactNode; |
disabledCondition?: boolean; // Optional additional disabling condition
// You can add other props if needed, like 'type', 'className', etc.
[key: string]: any; // Allow additional props to be passed
} |
// This component extends a button, disabling it when loading is true
const GitUIButton = ({ children, disabledCondition = false, }:ButtonWithContextProps) => { |
const { loading } = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const isDisabled = loading || disabledCondition |
return ( |
<button disabled={isDisabled} {}> |
{children} |
</button> |
); |
}; |
export default GitUIButton; |
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ |
import { faArrowDown, faArrowUp, faArrowsUpDown, faArrowRotateRight } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons" |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome" |
import { CustomTooltip } from "@remix-ui/helper" |
import { ReadCommitResult } from "isomorphic-git" |
import React, { createContext, useEffect, useState } from "react" |
import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl" |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../state/context" |
import { branch, remote } from "../../types" |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../gitui" |
import GitUIButton from "./gituibutton" |
interface SourceControlButtonsProps { |
remote?: remote, |
branch?: branch, |
children: React.ReactNode |
} |
export const syncStateContext = createContext<{ |
commitsAhead: ReadCommitResult[], |
commitsBehind: ReadCommitResult[] |
branch: branch, |
remote: remote |
}> |
({ commitsAhead: [], commitsBehind: [], branch: undefined, remote: undefined }) |
export const SourceControlBase = (props: SourceControlButtonsProps) => { |
const [branch, setBranch] = useState(props.branch) |
const [remote, setRemote] = useState(props.remote) |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const [commitsAhead, setCommitsAhead] = useState<ReadCommitResult[]>([]) |
const [commitsBehind, setCommitsBehind] = useState<ReadCommitResult[]>([]) |
useEffect(() => { |
setDefaultRemote() |
if (remote && branch && context.branchDifferences && context.branchDifferences[`${}/${}`]) { |
setCommitsAhead(context.branchDifferences[`${}/${}`]?.uniqueHeadCommits) |
setCommitsBehind(context.branchDifferences[`${}/${}`]?.uniqueRemoteCommits) |
} else { |
setCommitsAhead([]) |
setCommitsBehind([]) |
} |
}, [context.branchDifferences, context.currentBranch, branch, remote]) |
const setDefaultRemote = () => { |
if (context.remotes.length > 0) { |
// find remote called origin
const origin = context.remotes.find(remote => === 'origin') |
if (origin) { |
setRemote(origin) |
} else { |
setRemote(context.remotes[0]) |
} |
return origin |
} |
return null |
} |
useEffect(() => { |
if (!props.branch) { |
setBranch(context.currentBranch) |
} |
if (!props.remote) { |
setRemote(context.defaultRemote) |
} else { |
setDefaultRemote() |
} |
}, []) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (!props.branch) { |
setBranch(context.currentBranch) |
} |
if (!props.remote) { |
setRemote(context.defaultRemote) |
} else { |
setDefaultRemote() |
} |
}, [context.defaultRemote, context.currentBranch]) |
return (<> |
<syncStateContext.Provider value={{ commitsAhead, commitsBehind, branch, remote }}> |
{props.children} |
</syncStateContext.Provider> |
</>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ |
import { faArrowDown, faArrowUp, faArrowsUpDown, faArrowRotateRight } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons" |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome" |
import { CustomTooltip } from "@remix-ui/helper" |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react" |
import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl" |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../state/context" |
import { branch, remote } from "../../types" |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../gitui" |
import GitUIButton from "./gituibutton" |
import { syncStateContext } from "./sourceControlBase" |
export const SourceControlButtons = () => { |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const syncState = React.useContext(syncStateContext) |
const [branch, setBranch] = useState<branch>(syncState.branch) |
const [remote, setRemote] = useState<remote>(syncState.remote) |
const getRemote = () => { |
return remote ? remote : context.upstream ? context.upstream : context.defaultRemote ? context.defaultRemote : null |
} |
const getRemoteName = () => { |
return getRemote() ? getRemote().name : '' |
} |
const pull = async () => { |
await actions.pull({ |
remote: getRemote(), |
ref: branch ? branch : context.currentBranch |
}) |
} |
const push = async () => { |
await actions.push({ |
remote: getRemote(), |
ref: branch ? branch : context.currentBranch |
}) |
await actions.fetch({ |
remote: getRemote(), |
ref: branch ? branch : context.currentBranch, |
relative: false, |
depth: 1, |
singleBranch: true |
}) |
} |
const sync = async () => { |
await pull() |
await push() |
} |
const refresh = async() => { |
await actions.getFileStatusMatrix(null) |
await actions.gitlog() |
} |
const buttonsDisabled = () => { |
return (!context.upstream) || context.remotes.length === 0 |
} |
const getTooltipText = (id: string) => { |
if (buttonsDisabled()) return <FormattedMessage id="git.noremote" /> |
return <><FormattedMessage id={id} /> {getRemoteName()}</> |
} |
return ( |
<span className='d-flex justify-content-end align-items-center'> |
<CustomTooltip tooltipText={getTooltipText('git.pull')}> |
<GitUIButton data-id='sourcecontrol-button-pull' disabledCondition={buttonsDisabled()} onClick={pull} className='btn btn-sm pl-0 pr-2'> |
<div className="d-flex align-items-baseline"> |
{syncState.commitsBehind.length ? <div className="badge badge-pill pl-0"> |
{syncState.commitsBehind.length} |
</div> : null} |
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowDown} className="" /> |
</div> |
</GitUIButton> |
</CustomTooltip> |
<CustomTooltip tooltipText={getTooltipText('git.push')}> |
<GitUIButton data-id='sourcecontrol-button-push' disabledCondition={buttonsDisabled()} onClick={push} className='btn btn-sm pl-0 pr-2'> |
<div className="d-flex align-items-baseline"> |
{syncState.commitsAhead.length ? <div className="badge badge-pill pl-0"> |
{syncState.commitsAhead.length} |
</div> : null} |
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowUp} className="" /> |
</div> |
</GitUIButton> |
</CustomTooltip> |
<CustomTooltip tooltipText={getTooltipText('git.sync')}> |
<GitUIButton data-id='sourcecontrol-button-sync' disabledCondition={buttonsDisabled()} onClick={sync} className='btn btn-sm pl-0 pr-2'><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowsUpDown} className="" /></GitUIButton> |
</CustomTooltip> |
<CustomTooltip tooltipText={<FormattedMessage id="git.refresh" />}> |
<GitUIButton onClick={refresh} className='btn btn-sm'><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowRotateRight} className="" /></GitUIButton> |
</CustomTooltip> |
</span> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' |
export const Disabled = () => { |
return ( |
<div data-id='disabled' className='text-sm w-100 alert alert-warning'> |
Git is currently disabled.<br></br> |
If you are using RemixD you can use git on the terminal.<br></br> |
</div> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ |
import React, { useState, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react'; |
import Select from 'react-select'; |
import { gitActionsContext } from '../../state/context'; |
import { selectStyles, selectTheme } from '../../types/styles'; |
import { gitPluginContext } from '../gitui'; |
interface BranchySelectProps { |
select: (branch: { name: string }) => void; |
} |
export const BranchSelect = (props: BranchySelectProps) => { |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const [branchOptions, setBranchOptions] = useState<any>([]); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (context.remoteBranches && context.remoteBranches.length > 0) { |
const options = context.remoteBranches |
&& context.remoteBranches.length > 0 |
&& => { |
return { value:, label: } |
}) |
setBranchOptions(options) |
} else { |
setBranchOptions(null) |
} |
}, [context.remoteBranches]) |
const selectRemoteBranch = async (e: any) => { |
if (!e || !e.value) { |
|||| |
return |
} |
const value = e && e.value |
||||{ name: value.toString() }) |
} |
return (<>{branchOptions && branchOptions.length ? |
<Select |
options={branchOptions} |
className="mt-1" |
id="branch-select" |
onChange={(e: any) => selectRemoteBranch(e)} |
theme={selectTheme} |
styles={selectStyles} |
isClearable={true} |
placeholder="Type to search for a branch..." |
/> : null} |
</>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ |
import React, { useEffect } from "react"; |
import { gitActionsContext, pluginActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../gitui"; |
import axios from "axios"; |
import { CopyToClipboard } from "@remix-ui/clipboard"; |
import { Card } from "react-bootstrap"; |
export const GetDeviceCode = () => { |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const pluginActions = React.useContext(pluginActionsContext) |
const [gitHubResponse, setGitHubResponse] = React.useState<any>(null) |
const [authorized, setAuthorized] = React.useState<boolean>(false) |
const getDeviceCodeFromGitHub = async () => { |
setAuthorized(false) |
// Send a POST request
const response = await axios({ |
method: 'post', |
url: '', |
data: { |
client_id: '2795b4e41e7197d6ea11', |
scope: 'repo gist user:email read:user' |
}, |
headers: { |
'Content-Type': 'application/json', |
'Accept': 'application/json' |
}, |
}); |
// convert response to json
const githubrespone = await; |
setGitHubResponse(githubrespone) |
} |
const connectApp = async () => { |
// poll
const accestokenresponse = await axios({ |
method: 'post', |
url: '', |
data: { |
client_id: '2795b4e41e7197d6ea11', |
device_code: gitHubResponse.device_code, |
grant_type: 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code' |
}, |
headers: { |
'Content-Type': 'application/json', |
'Accept': 'application/json' |
}, |
}); |
// convert response to json
const response = await; |
if (response.access_token) { |
setAuthorized(true) |
await pluginActions.saveToken(response.access_token) |
await actions.loadGitHubUserFromToken() |
} |
} |
const disconnect = async () => { |
setAuthorized(false) |
setGitHubResponse(null) |
await pluginActions.saveToken(null) |
await actions.loadGitHubUserFromToken() |
} |
return ( |
<> |
{(context.gitHubUser && context.gitHubUser.login) ? null : |
<button className='btn btn-primary mt-1 w-100' onClick={async () => { |
getDeviceCodeFromGitHub(); |
}}><i className="fab fa-github mr-1"></i>Login in with github</button> |
} |
{gitHubResponse && !authorized && |
<div className="pt-2"> |
Step 1: Copy this code: |
<div className="input-group text-secondary mb-0 h6"> |
<input disabled type="text" className="form-control" value={gitHubResponse.user_code} /> |
<div className="input-group-append"> |
<CopyToClipboard content={gitHubResponse.user_code} data-id='copyToClipboardCopyIcon' className='far fa-copy ml-1 p-2 mt-1' direction={"top"} /> |
</div> |
</div> |
<br></br> |
Step 2: Authorize the app here |
<br></br><a target="_blank" href={gitHubResponse.verification_uri}>{gitHubResponse.verification_uri}</a> |
<br /><br></br> |
Step 3: When you are done, click on the button below: |
<button className='btn btn-primary mt-1 w-100' onClick={async () => { |
connectApp() |
}}>Connect</button> |
</div> |
} |
{ |
(context.gitHubUser && context.gitHubUser.login) ? |
<div className="pt-2"> |
<button className='btn btn-primary mt-1 w-100' onClick={async () => { |
disconnect() |
}}>Disconnect</button> |
</div> : null |
} |
{ |
(context.gitHubUser && context.gitHubUser.login) ? |
<div className="pt-2"> |
<Card> |
<Card.Body> |
<Card.Title data-id={`connected-as-${context.gitHubUser.login}`}>Connected as {context.gitHubUser.login}</Card.Title> |
<Card.Text> |
<img data-id={`connected-img-${context.gitHubUser.login}`} src={context.gitHubUser.avatar_url} className="w-100" /> |
<a data-id={`connected-link-${context.gitHubUser.login}`} href={context.gitHubUser.html_url}>{context.gitHubUser.html_url}</a> |
{context.userEmails && context.userEmails.filter((email: any) => email.primary).map((email: any) => { |
return <span key={}><br></br>{}</span> |
})} |
</Card.Text> |
</Card.Body> |
</Card> |
</div> : null |
} |
</>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ |
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; |
import { Button } from 'react-bootstrap'; |
import Select from 'react-select'; |
import { gitActionsContext } from '../../state/context'; |
import { repository } from '../../types'; |
import { selectStyles, selectTheme } from '../../types/styles'; |
import { gitPluginContext } from '../gitui'; |
import { TokenWarning } from '../panels/tokenWarning'; |
interface RepositorySelectProps { |
select: (repo: repository) => void; |
} |
const RepositorySelect = (props: RepositorySelectProps) => { |
const [repoOtions, setRepoOptions] = useState<any>([]); |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false) |
const [show, setShow] = useState(false) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (context.repositories && context.repositories.length > 0) { |
// map context.repositories to options
const options = context.repositories && context.repositories.length > 0 && => { |
return { value:, label: repo.full_name } |
}) |
setRepoOptions(options) |
setShow(options.length > 0) |
} else { |
setRepoOptions(null) |
setShow(false) |
} |
setLoading(false) |
}, [context.repositories]) |
const selectRepo = async (e: any) => { |
if (!e || !e.value) { |
|||| |
return |
} |
const value = e && e.value |
const repo = context.repositories.find(repo => { |
return === value.toString() |
}) |
if (repo) { |
|||| |
await actions.remoteBranches(repo.owner.login, |
} |
} |
const fetchRepositories = async () => { |
try { |
setShow(true) |
setLoading(true) |
setRepoOptions([]) |
await actions.repositories() |
} catch (e) { |
// do nothing
} |
}; |
return ( |
<><Button data-id='fetch-repositories' onClick={fetchRepositories} className="w-100 mt-1"> |
<i className="fab fa-github mr-1"></i>Fetch Repositories from GitHub |
</Button> |
{ |
show ? |
<Select |
options={repoOtions} |
className="mt-1" |
id="repository-select" |
onChange={(e: any) => selectRepo(e)} |
theme={selectTheme} |
styles={selectStyles} |
isClearable={true} |
placeholder="Type to search for a repository..." |
isLoading={loading} |
/> : null |
}</> |
); |
}; |
export default RepositorySelect; |
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
import { repository } from "../../types"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../gitui"; |
import RepositorySelect from "./repositoryselect"; |
import { BranchSelect } from "./branchselect"; |
import { TokenWarning } from "../panels/tokenWarning"; |
interface RepositoriesProps { |
cloneDepth?: number |
cloneAllBranches?: boolean |
} |
export const SelectAndCloneRepositories = (props: RepositoriesProps) => { |
const { cloneDepth, cloneAllBranches } = props |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const [branch, setBranch] = useState({ name: "" }); |
const [repo, setRepo] = useState<repository>(null); |
const selectRemoteBranch = async (branch:{ name: string }) => { |
setBranch(branch) |
} |
const selectRepo = async (repo: repository) => { |
setBranch(null) |
setRepo(repo) |
} |
const clone = async () => { |
try { |
await actions.clone({ |
url: repo.html_url, |
branch:, |
depth: cloneDepth, |
singleBranch: !cloneAllBranches |
}) |
//actions.clone(repo.html_url,, cloneDepth, !cloneAllBranches)
} catch (e) { |
// do nothing
} |
}; |
return ( |
<> |
<TokenWarning /> |
<RepositorySelect select={selectRepo} /> |
{repo &&<BranchSelect select={selectRemoteBranch} />} |
{repo && branch && && !== '0' ? |
<button data-id={`clonebtn-${repo.full_name}-${}`} className='btn btn-primary mt-1 w-100' onClick={async () => { |
await clone() |
}}>clone {repo.full_name}:{}</button> : null} |
</> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useReducer, useState } from 'react' |
import { add, addall, checkout, checkoutfile, clone, commit, createBranch, remoteBranches, repositories, rm, getCommitChanges, diff, resolveRef, getBranchCommits, setUpstreamRemote, loadGitHubUserFromToken, getBranches, getRemotes, remoteCommits, saveGitHubCredentials, getGitHubCredentialsFromLocalStorage, fetch, pull, push, setDefaultRemote, addRemote, removeRemote, sendToGitLog, clearGitLog, getBranchDifferences, getFileStatusMatrix, init, showAlert, gitlog } from '../lib/gitactions' |
import { loadFiles, setCallBacks } from '../lib/listeners' |
import { openDiff, openFile, saveToken, setModifiedDecorator, setPlugin, setUntrackedDecorator, statusChanged } from '../lib/pluginActions' |
import { gitActionsContext, pluginActionsContext } from '../state/context' |
import { gitReducer } from '../state/gitreducer' |
import { defaultGitState, defaultLoaderState, gitState, loaderState } from '../types' |
import { Accordion } from "react-bootstrap"; |
import { CommitMessage } from './buttons/commitmessage' |
import { Commits } from './panels/commits' |
import { Branches } from './panels/branches' |
import { SourceControlNavigation } from './navigation/sourcecontrol' |
import { BranchesNavigation } from './navigation/branches' |
import { CommitsNavigation } from './navigation/commits' |
import '../style/index.css' |
import { CloneNavigation } from './navigation/clone' |
import { Clone } from './panels/clone' |
import { Commands } from './panels/commands' |
import { CommandsNavigation } from './navigation/commands' |
import { RemotesNavigation } from './navigation/remotes' |
import { Remotes } from './panels/remotes' |
import { ViewPlugin } from '@remixproject/engine-web' |
import { GitHubNavigation } from './navigation/github' |
import { loaderReducer } from '../state/loaderReducer' |
import { GetDeviceCode } from './github/devicecode' |
import { LogNavigation } from './navigation/log' |
import LogViewer from './panels/log' |
import { SourceControlBase } from './buttons/sourceControlBase' |
import { BranchHeader } from './branchHeader' |
import { SourceControl } from './panels/sourcontrol' |
import { GitHubCredentials } from './panels/githubcredentials' |
import { Setup } from './panels/setup' |
import { Init } from './panels/init' |
import { CustomRemixApi } from "@remix-api"; |
import { Plugin } from "@remixproject/engine"; |
import { Disabled } from './disabled' |
export const gitPluginContext = React.createContext<gitState>(defaultGitState) |
export const loaderContext = React.createContext<loaderState>(defaultLoaderState) |
interface IGitUi { |
plugin: Plugin<any, CustomRemixApi> |
} |
export const GitUI = (props: IGitUi) => { |
const plugin = props.plugin |
const [gitState, gitDispatch] = useReducer(gitReducer, defaultGitState) |
const [loaderState, loaderDispatch] = useReducer(loaderReducer, defaultLoaderState) |
const [activePanel, setActivePanel] = useState<string>("0") |
const [setup, setSetup] = useState<boolean>(false) |
const [needsInit, setNeedsInit] = useState<boolean>(true) |
const [appLoaded, setAppLoaded] = useState<boolean>(false) |
useEffect(() => { |
plugin.emit('statusChanged', { |
key: 'loading', |
type: 'info', |
title: 'Loading Git Plugin' |
}) |
setTimeout(() => { |
setAppLoaded(true) |
}, 2000) |
}, []) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (!appLoaded) return |
setCallBacks(plugin, gitDispatch, loaderDispatch, setActivePanel) |
setPlugin(plugin, gitDispatch, loaderDispatch) |
loaderDispatch({ type: 'plugin', payload: true }) |
}, [appLoaded]) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (!appLoaded) return |
async function checkconfig() { |
const username = await'settings', 'get', 'settings/github-user-name') |
const email = await'settings', 'get', 'settings/github-email') |
const token = await'settings', 'get', 'settings/gist-access-token') |
setSetup(!(username && email)) |
} |
checkconfig() |
}, [gitState.gitHubAccessToken, gitState.gitHubUser, gitState.userEmails, gitState.commits, gitState.branches]) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (!appLoaded) return |
async function setDecorators(gitState: gitState) { |
await'fileDecorator', 'clearFileDecorators') |
await setModifiedDecorator(gitState.modified) |
await setUntrackedDecorator(gitState.untracked) |
} |
setTimeout(() => { |
setDecorators(gitState) |
}) |
}, [gitState.fileStatusResult]) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (!appLoaded) return |
async function updatestate() { |
if (gitState.currentBranch && gitState.currentBranch.remote && gitState.currentBranch.remote.url) { |
remoteCommits(gitState.currentBranch.remote.url,, 1) |
} |
} |
setTimeout(() => { |
updatestate() |
}) |
let needsInit = false |
if (!(gitState.currentBranch && !== '') && gitState.currentHead === '') { |
needsInit = true |
} |
setNeedsInit(needsInit) |
}, [gitState.gitHubUser, gitState.currentBranch, gitState.remotes, gitState.gitHubAccessToken, gitState.currentHead]) |
const gitActionsProviderValue = { |
commit, |
addall, |
add, |
checkoutfile, |
rm, |
checkout, |
createBranch, |
clone, |
repositories, |
remoteBranches, |
getCommitChanges, |
getBranchCommits, |
getBranchDifferences, |
diff, |
resolveRef, |
setUpstreamRemote, |
loadGitHubUserFromToken, |
getBranches, |
getRemotes, |
fetch, |
pull, |
push, |
setDefaultRemote, |
addRemote, |
removeRemote, |
sendToGitLog, |
clearGitLog, |
getFileStatusMatrix, |
gitlog, |
init |
} |
const pluginActionsProviderValue = { |
statusChanged, |
loadFiles, |
openFile, |
openDiff, |
saveToken, |
saveGitHubCredentials, |
getGitHubCredentialsFromLocalStorage, |
showAlert |
} |
return ( |
<>{(!gitState.canUseApp) ? <Disabled></Disabled> : |
<div className="m-1"> |
<gitPluginContext.Provider value={gitState}> |
<loaderContext.Provider value={loaderState}> |
<gitActionsContext.Provider value={gitActionsProviderValue}> |
<pluginActionsContext.Provider value={pluginActionsProviderValue}> |
<BranchHeader /> |
{setup && !needsInit ? <Setup></Setup> : null} |
{needsInit ? <Init></Init> : null} |
{!setup && !needsInit ? |
<Accordion activeKey={activePanel} defaultActiveKey="0"> |
<SourceControlNavigation eventKey="0" activePanel={activePanel} callback={setActivePanel} /> |
<Accordion.Collapse className='bg-light' eventKey="0"> |
<> |
<SourceControlBase><CommitMessage /></SourceControlBase> |
<SourceControl /> |
</> |
</Accordion.Collapse> |
<hr></hr> |
<CommandsNavigation eventKey="1" activePanel={activePanel} callback={setActivePanel} /> |
<Accordion.Collapse className='bg-light' eventKey="1"> |
<> |
<Commands></Commands> |
</> |
</Accordion.Collapse> |
<hr></hr> |
<CommitsNavigation title={`COMMITS`} eventKey="3" activePanel={activePanel} callback={setActivePanel} showButtons={true} /> |
<Accordion.Collapse className='bg-light' eventKey="3"> |
<> |
<Commits /> |
</> |
</Accordion.Collapse> |
<hr></hr> |
<BranchesNavigation eventKey="2" activePanel={activePanel} callback={setActivePanel} /> |
<Accordion.Collapse className='bg-light' eventKey="2"> |
<> |
<Branches /></> |
</Accordion.Collapse> |
<hr></hr> |
<RemotesNavigation eventKey="5" activePanel={activePanel} callback={setActivePanel} /> |
<Accordion.Collapse className='bg-light' eventKey="5"> |
<> |
<Remotes></Remotes> |
</> |
</Accordion.Collapse> |
<hr></hr> |
<CloneNavigation eventKey="4" activePanel={activePanel} callback={setActivePanel} /> |
<Accordion.Collapse className='bg-light' eventKey="4"> |
<> |
<Clone /></> |
</Accordion.Collapse> |
<hr></hr> |
<GitHubNavigation eventKey="7" activePanel={activePanel} callback={setActivePanel} /> |
<Accordion.Collapse className='bg-light' eventKey="7"> |
<> |
<GetDeviceCode></GetDeviceCode> |
<hr></hr> |
<GitHubCredentials></GitHubCredentials> |
</> |
</Accordion.Collapse> |
<hr></hr> |
<LogNavigation eventKey="6" activePanel={activePanel} callback={setActivePanel} /> |
<Accordion.Collapse className='bg-light' eventKey="6"> |
<> |
<LogViewer /> |
</> |
</Accordion.Collapse> |
</Accordion> |
: null} |
</pluginActionsContext.Provider> |
</gitActionsContext.Provider> |
</loaderContext.Provider> |
</gitPluginContext.Provider> |
</div>} |
</> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ |
import { faCaretUp, faCaretDown, faCaretRight, faArrowUp, faArrowDown, faArrowRotateRight, faArrowsUpDown, faGlobe, faCheckCircle, faToggleOff, faToggleOn, faSync } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from "react"; |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
import { branch } from "../../types"; |
import GitUIButton from "../buttons/gituibutton"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../gitui"; |
interface BrancheDetailsNavigationProps { |
eventKey: string; |
activePanel: string; |
callback: (eventKey: string) => void; |
branch: branch; |
checkout: (branch: branch) => void; |
} |
export const BrancheDetailsNavigation = (props: BrancheDetailsNavigationProps) => { |
const { eventKey, activePanel, callback, branch, checkout } = props; |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const handleClick = () => { |
if (!callback) return |
if (activePanel === eventKey) { |
callback('') |
} else { |
callback(eventKey) |
} |
} |
const getRemote = () => { |
return context.upstream ? context.upstream : context.defaultRemote ? context.defaultRemote : null |
} |
const openRemote = () => { |
const remote = branch.remote || getRemote() |
||||`${remote.url}/tree/${}`, '_blank'); |
} |
const reloadBranch = () => { |
actions.getBranchCommits(branch, 1) |
} |
const canFetch = () => { |
if (getRemote()) |
return context.branches.find((b) => === && b.remote && b.remote.url === getRemote().url) ? true : false |
} |
const fetchBranch = async () => { |
await actions.fetch({ |
remote: null, |
ref: branch, |
singleBranch: true, |
relative: true |
}) |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div className="d-flex flex-row w-100 mb-2 mt-2"> |
<div data-id={`branches-${ === ? 'current-' : ''}branch-${}`} onClick={() => handleClick()} role={'button'} className='pointer d-flex flex-row w-100 commit-navigation'> |
{ |
activePanel === eventKey ? <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretDown}></FontAwesomeIcon> : <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretRight}></FontAwesomeIcon> |
} |
<i className="fa fa-code-branch ml-1"></i> |
<div className={`ml-1 ${ === ? 'text-success' : ''}`}>{} {branch.remote ? `on ${}` : ''}</div> |
</div> |
{context.currentBranch && === ? |
<GitUIButton data-id={`branches-toggle-current-branch-${}`} className="btn btn-sm p-0 mr-1" onClick={() => { }}> |
<FontAwesomeIcon className='pointer text-success' icon={faToggleOff} ></FontAwesomeIcon> |
</GitUIButton> |
: |
<GitUIButton data-id={`branches-toggle-branch-${}`} className="btn btn-sm p-0 mr-1" onClick={() => checkout(branch)}> |
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faToggleOn}></FontAwesomeIcon> |
</GitUIButton> |
} |
{!branch.remote && canFetch() && <> |
<GitUIButton className="btn btn-sm p-0 mr-1 text-muted" onClick={() => fetchBranch()}><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faSync} ></FontAwesomeIcon></GitUIButton> |
<GitUIButton className="btn btn-sm p-0 mr-1 text-muted" onClick={() => openRemote()}><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faGlobe} ></FontAwesomeIcon></GitUIButton> |
</>} |
{branch.remote?.url && <> |
<GitUIButton className="btn btn-sm p-0 mr-1 text-muted" onClick={() => reloadBranch()}> |
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faSync} ></FontAwesomeIcon> |
</GitUIButton> |
</>} |
{branch.remote?.url && <> |
<GitUIButton className="btn btn-sm p-0 mr-1 text-muted" onClick={() => openRemote()}> |
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faGlobe} ></FontAwesomeIcon> |
</GitUIButton> |
</>} |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ |
import { faCaretDown, faCaretRight } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import React, { } from "react"; |
import { gitActionsContext, pluginActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
import LoaderIndicator from "./loaderindicator"; |
export const BranchesNavigation = ({ eventKey, activePanel, callback }) => { |
const pluginactions = React.useContext(pluginActionsContext) |
const context = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const handleClick = () => { |
if (!callback) return |
if (activePanel === eventKey) { |
callback('') |
} else { |
callback(eventKey) |
} |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div className={'d-flex justify-content-between pt-1 ' + (activePanel === eventKey? 'bg-light': '')}> |
<span data-id='branches-panel' onClick={()=>handleClick()} role={'button'} className='nav d-flex justify-content-start align-items-center w-75'> |
{ |
activePanel === eventKey ? <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretDown}></FontAwesomeIcon> : <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretRight}></FontAwesomeIcon> |
} |
<label className="pl-1 nav form-check-label">BRANCHES</label> |
<LoaderIndicator></LoaderIndicator> |
</span> |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
import { faCaretUp, faCaretDown, faArrowUp, faArrowDown, faArrowRotateRight, faCaretRight } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from "react"; |
import LoaderIndicator from "./loaderindicator"; |
export const CloneNavigation = ({ eventKey, activePanel, callback }) => { |
const handleClick = () => { |
if (!callback) return |
if (activePanel === eventKey) { |
callback('') |
} else { |
callback(eventKey) |
} |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div className={'d-flex justify-content-between pb-1 pt-1 ' + (activePanel === eventKey? 'bg-light': '')}> |
<span data-id='clone-panel' onClick={()=>handleClick()} role={'button'} className='nav d-flex justify-content-start align-items-center w-75'> |
{ |
activePanel === eventKey ? <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretDown}></FontAwesomeIcon> : <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretRight}></FontAwesomeIcon> |
} |
<label className="pl-1 nav form-check-label">CLONE</label> |
<LoaderIndicator></LoaderIndicator> |
</span> |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
import { faCaretUp, faCaretDown, faArrowUp, faArrowDown, faArrowRotateRight, faCaretRight, faCircleCheck, faArrowsUpDown, faSpinner } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from "react"; |
import { pluginActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
import GitUIButton from "../buttons/gituibutton"; |
import { SourceControlButtons } from "../buttons/sourcecontrolbuttons"; |
import LoaderIndicator from "./loaderindicator"; |
export const CommandsNavigation = ({ eventKey, activePanel, callback }) => { |
const pluginactions = React.useContext(pluginActionsContext) |
const handleClick = () => { |
if (!callback) return |
if (activePanel === eventKey) { |
callback('') |
} else { |
callback(eventKey) |
} |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div className={'d-flex justify-content-between ' + (activePanel === eventKey ? 'bg-light' : '')}> |
<span data-id='commands-panel' onClick={() => handleClick()} role={'button'} className='nav d-flex justify-content-start align-items-center w-75'> |
{ |
activePanel === eventKey ? <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretDown}></FontAwesomeIcon> : <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretRight}></FontAwesomeIcon> |
} |
<label className="pl-1 nav form-check-label">COMMANDS</label> |
<LoaderIndicator></LoaderIndicator> |
</span> |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
import { faCaretUp, faCaretDown, faCaretRight, faArrowUp, faArrowDown, faArrowRotateRight } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from "react"; |
import { CommitSummary } from "../panels/commits/commitsummary"; |
import { ReadCommitResult } from "isomorphic-git" |
interface CommitDetailsNavigationProps { |
commit: ReadCommitResult, |
checkout: (oid: string) => void |
eventKey: string |
activePanel: string |
callback: (eventKey: string) => void |
isAheadOfRepo: boolean |
} |
export const CommitDetailsNavigation = (props: CommitDetailsNavigationProps) => { |
const { commit, checkout, eventKey, activePanel, callback, isAheadOfRepo } = props; |
const handleClick = () => { |
if (!callback) return |
if (activePanel === eventKey) { |
callback('') |
} else { |
callback(eventKey) |
} |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div onClick={() => handleClick()} role={'button'} className={`pointer mb-2 mt-2 w-100 d-flex flex-row commit-navigation ${isAheadOfRepo ? 'text-success' : ''}`}> |
{ |
activePanel === eventKey ? <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretDown}></FontAwesomeIcon> : <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretRight}></FontAwesomeIcon> |
} |
<CommitSummary isAheadOfRepo={isAheadOfRepo} commit={commit} checkout={checkout}></CommitSummary> |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ |
import { faCaretDown, faArrowUp, faArrowDown, faArrowRotateRight, faCaretRight, faArrowsUpDown, faCloudArrowUp, faCloudArrowDown } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import { CustomTooltip } from "@remix-ui/helper"; |
import React, { useEffect } from "react"; |
import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl"; |
import { pluginActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
import { branch, remote } from "../../types"; |
import { SourceControlBase } from "../buttons/sourceControlBase"; |
import { SourceControlButtons } from "../buttons/sourcecontrolbuttons"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../gitui"; |
import LoaderIndicator from "./loaderindicator"; |
export interface CommitsNavigationProps { |
title: string, |
eventKey: string, |
activePanel: string, |
callback: (eventKey: string) => void |
branch?: branch, |
remote?: remote |
showButtons?: boolean |
ahead?: boolean, |
behind?: boolean, |
} |
export const CommitsNavigation = ({ eventKey, activePanel, callback, title, branch, remote, showButtons, ahead, behind }: CommitsNavigationProps) => { |
const pluginactions = React.useContext(pluginActionsContext) |
const [pullEnabled, setPullEnabled] = React.useState(true) |
const [pushEnabled, setPushEnabled] = React.useState(true) |
const [syncEnabled, setSyncEnabled] = React.useState(false) |
const [fetchEnabled, setFetchEnabled] = React.useState(true) |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const handleClick = () => { |
if (!callback) return |
if (activePanel === eventKey) { |
callback('') |
} else { |
callback(eventKey) |
} |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div className={`d-flex justify-content-between ${activePanel === eventKey ? 'bg-light' : ''} ${ahead || behind? 'text-success':''}`}> |
<span data-id={`commits-panel${ahead?'-ahead':''}${behind?'-behind':''}`} onClick={() => handleClick()} role={'button'} className='nav d-flex justify-content-start align-items-center w-100'> |
{ |
activePanel === eventKey ? <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretDown}></FontAwesomeIcon> : <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretRight}></FontAwesomeIcon> |
} |
{ahead? <FontAwesomeIcon className='ml-1' icon={faCloudArrowUp}></FontAwesomeIcon> : null} |
{behind? <FontAwesomeIcon className='ml-1' icon={faCloudArrowDown}></FontAwesomeIcon> : null} |
<label className={`pl-1 nav form-check-label ${ahead || behind? 'text-success':''}`}>{title}</label> |
<LoaderIndicator></LoaderIndicator> |
</span> |
{showButtons ? |
<SourceControlBase branch={branch} remote={remote}> |
<SourceControlButtons /> |
</SourceControlBase> : null} |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
import { faCaretDown, faCaretRight } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import React, { } from "react"; |
import { pluginActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
export const GitHubNavigation = ({ eventKey, activePanel, callback }) => { |
const pluginactions = React.useContext(pluginActionsContext) |
const handleClick = () => { |
if (!callback) return |
if (activePanel === eventKey) { |
callback('') |
} else { |
callback(eventKey) |
} |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div className={'d-flex justify-content-between pt-1 pb-1 ' + (activePanel === eventKey? 'bg-light': '')}> |
<span data-id='github-panel' onClick={()=>handleClick()} role={'button'} className='nav d-flex justify-content-start align-items-center w-75'> |
{ |
activePanel === eventKey ? <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretDown}></FontAwesomeIcon> : <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretRight}></FontAwesomeIcon> |
} |
<label className="pl-1 nav form-check-label">GITHUB SETUP</label> |
</span> |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
import React, { useContext } from 'react' |
import { gitPluginContext } from '../gitui' |
interface LoaderIndicatorProps { |
type?: string; |
isLoadingCondition?: boolean; // Optional additional disabling condition
} |
// This component extends a button, disabling it when loading is true
const LoaderIndicator = ({ type, isLoadingCondition }: LoaderIndicatorProps) => { |
const { loading } = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const isLoading = loading || isLoadingCondition |
if (!isLoading) return null |
return ( |
<i style={{ fontSize: 'x-small' }} className="ml-1 fas fa-spinner fa-spin fa-4x"></i> |
); |
}; |
export default LoaderIndicator; |
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ |
import { faBan, faCaretDown, faCaretRight, faCircleCheck, faCircleInfo, faInfo, faTrash, faTriangleExclamation, faWarning } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from "react"; |
import { gitActionsContext, pluginActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../gitui"; |
export const LogNavigation = ({ eventKey, activePanel, callback }) => { |
const context = useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const [logState, setLogState] = useState({ |
errorCount: 0, |
warningCount: 0, |
infoCount: 0, |
successCount: 0 |
}); |
const handleClick = () => { |
if (!callback) return |
if (activePanel === eventKey) { |
callback('') |
} else { |
callback(eventKey) |
} |
} |
useEffect(() => { |
if (!context.log) return |
// count different types of logs
const errorCount = context.log.filter(log => log.type === 'error').length |
const warningCount = context.log.filter(log => log.type === 'warning').length |
const infoCount = context.log.filter(log => log.type === 'info').length |
const successCount = context.log.filter(log => log.type === 'success').length |
// update the state
setLogState({ |
errorCount, |
warningCount, |
infoCount, |
successCount |
}) |
}, [context.log]) |
const clearLogs = () => { |
actions.clearGitLog() |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div className={'d-flex justify-content-between pt-1 pb-1 ' + (activePanel === eventKey ? 'bg-light' : '')}> |
<span onClick={() => handleClick()} role={'button'} className='nav d-flex justify-content-start align-items-center w-75'> |
{ |
activePanel === eventKey ? <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretDown}></FontAwesomeIcon> : <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretRight}></FontAwesomeIcon> |
} |
<label className="pl-1 nav form-check-label mr-2">LOG</label> |
{logState.errorCount > 0 && ( |
<div className="text-danger mr-1"> |
{logState.errorCount} |
<FontAwesomeIcon className="ml-1" icon={faTriangleExclamation} /> |
</div> |
)} |
{logState.warningCount > 0 && ( |
<div className="text-warning mr-1"> |
{logState.warningCount} |
<FontAwesomeIcon className="ml-1" icon={faWarning} /> |
</div> |
)} |
{logState.infoCount > 0 && ( |
<div className="text-info mr-1"> |
{logState.infoCount} |
<FontAwesomeIcon className="ml-1" icon={faCircleInfo} /> |
</div> |
)} |
{logState.successCount > 0 && ( |
<div className="text-success"> |
{logState.successCount} |
<FontAwesomeIcon className="ml-1" icon={faCircleCheck} /> |
</div> |
)} |
</span> |
{context.log && context.log.length > 0 && ( |
<FontAwesomeIcon onClick={clearLogs} className='btn btn-sm' icon={faBan}></FontAwesomeIcon>)} |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ |
import { count } from "console" |
import { CustomIconsToggle, CustomMenu, CustomTooltip } from "@remix-ui/helper" |
import React, { useState } from "react" |
import { Dropdown } from "react-bootstrap" |
import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl" |
export const SourceControlMenu = () => { |
const [showIconsMenu, hideIconsMenu] = useState<boolean>(false) |
return ( |
<Dropdown id="workspacesMenuDropdown" data-id="sourceControlMenuDropdown" onToggle={() => hideIconsMenu(!showIconsMenu)} show={showIconsMenu}> |
<Dropdown.Toggle |
onClick={() => { |
hideIconsMenu(!showIconsMenu) |
}} |
as={CustomIconsToggle} |
icon={'fas fa-bars'} |
></Dropdown.Toggle> |
<Dropdown.Menu as={CustomMenu} data-id="wsdropdownMenu" className='custom-dropdown-items remixui_menuwidth' rootCloseEvent="click"> |
<Dropdown.Item key={0}> |
<CustomTooltip |
placement="right-start" |
tooltipId="cloneWorkspaceTooltip" |
tooltipClasses="text-nowrap" |
tooltipText={<FormattedMessage id='filePanel.workspace.clone' defaultMessage='Clone Git Repository' />} |
> |
<div |
data-id='cloneGitRepository' |
onClick={() => { |
hideIconsMenu(!showIconsMenu) |
}} |
key={`cloneGitRepository-fe-ws`} |
> |
<span |
id='cloneGitRepository' |
data-id='cloneGitRepository' |
onClick={() => { |
hideIconsMenu(!showIconsMenu) |
}} |
className='fab fa-github pl-2' |
> |
</span> |
<span className="pl-3"><FormattedMessage id='filePanel.clone' defaultMessage='Clone' /></span> |
</div> |
</CustomTooltip> |
</Dropdown.Item> |
</Dropdown.Menu> |
</Dropdown> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ |
import { faCaretDown, faCaretRight } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import React, { } from "react"; |
import { gitActionsContext, pluginActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
import LoaderIndicator from "./loaderindicator"; |
export const RemotesNavigation = ({ eventKey, activePanel, callback }) => { |
const pluginactions = React.useContext(pluginActionsContext) |
const context = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const handleClick = () => { |
if (!callback) return |
if (activePanel === eventKey) { |
callback('') |
} else { |
callback(eventKey) |
} |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div className={'d-flex justify-content-between pt-1 pb-1 ' + (activePanel === eventKey? 'bg-light': '')}> |
<span data-id='remotes-panel' onClick={()=>handleClick()} role={'button'} className='nav d-flex justify-content-start align-items-center w-75'> |
{ |
activePanel === eventKey ? <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretDown}></FontAwesomeIcon> : <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretRight}></FontAwesomeIcon> |
} |
<label className="pl-1 nav form-check-label">REMOTES</label> |
<LoaderIndicator></LoaderIndicator> |
</span> |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ |
import { faCaretDown, faCaretRight, faArrowRightArrowLeft, faGlobe, faToggleOff, faToggleOn, faTrash, faCheck, faSync } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import { CustomTooltip } from "@remix-ui/helper"; |
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from "react"; |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
import { branch, remote } from "../../types"; |
import GitUIButton from "../buttons/gituibutton"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../gitui"; |
interface RemotesDetailsNavigationProps { |
eventKey: string; |
activePanel: string; |
callback: (eventKey: string) => void; |
remote: remote; |
} |
export const RemotesDetailsNavigation = (props: RemotesDetailsNavigationProps) => { |
const { eventKey, activePanel, callback, remote } = props; |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const handleClick = () => { |
if (!callback) return |
if (activePanel === eventKey) { |
callback('') |
} else { |
callback(eventKey) |
} |
} |
const openRemote = () => { |
||||`${remote.url}`, '_blank'); |
} |
const setAsDefault = () => { |
actions.setDefaultRemote(remote) |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div className="d-flex flex-row w-100 mb-2 mt-2"> |
<div data-id={`remote-detail-${}${context.defaultRemote && context.defaultRemote?.url === remote.url ? '-default' : ''}`} onClick={() => handleClick()} role={'button'} className='pointer long-and-truncated d-flex flex-row commit-navigation'> |
{ |
activePanel === eventKey ? <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretDown}></FontAwesomeIcon> : <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretRight}></FontAwesomeIcon> |
} |
<CustomTooltip tooltipText={remote.url} placement="top"> |
<div className={`long-and-truncated ml-1 ${context.defaultRemote && context.defaultRemote?.url === remote.url ? 'text-success' : ''}`}> |
{} <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faArrowRightArrowLeft}></FontAwesomeIcon> {remote.url} |
</div> |
</CustomTooltip> |
</div> |
{context.defaultRemote && context.defaultRemote?.url === remote.url ? |
<GitUIButton className="btn btn-sm" onClick={() => { }} disabledCondition={true}><FontAwesomeIcon className='text-success' icon={faCheck} ></FontAwesomeIcon></GitUIButton> |
: |
<GitUIButton className="btn btn-sm" onClick={setAsDefault}><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faToggleOn}></FontAwesomeIcon></GitUIButton> |
} |
<GitUIButton data-id={`remote-sync-${}`} className="btn btn-sm" onClick={async () => { |
await actions.fetch({ |
remote |
}) |
}}><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faSync} ></FontAwesomeIcon></GitUIButton> |
<GitUIButton data-id={`remote-rm-${}`} className="btn btn-sm" onClick={() => actions.removeRemote(remote)}><FontAwesomeIcon className='text-danger' icon={faTrash} ></FontAwesomeIcon></GitUIButton> |
{remote?.url && <GitUIButton className="btn btn-sm pr-0" onClick={() => openRemote()}><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faGlobe} ></FontAwesomeIcon></GitUIButton>} |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
import { faCaretUp, faCaretDown, faArrowUp, faArrowDown, faArrowRotateRight, faCaretRight, faArrowsUpDown, faTriangleExclamation } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import { CustomTooltip } from "@remix-ui/helper"; |
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from "react"; |
import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl"; |
import { pluginActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
export const SettingsNavigation = ({ eventKey, activePanel, callback }) => { |
const pluginactions = React.useContext(pluginActionsContext) |
const handleClick = () => { |
if (!callback) return |
if (activePanel === eventKey) { |
callback('') |
} else { |
callback(eventKey) |
} |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div className={'d-flex justify-content-between ' + (activePanel === eventKey ? 'bg-light' : '')}> |
<span onClick={() => handleClick()} role={'button'} className='nav d-flex justify-content-start align-items-center w-75'> |
{ |
activePanel === eventKey ? <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretDown}></FontAwesomeIcon> : <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretRight}></FontAwesomeIcon> |
} |
<label className="nav pl-1 form-check-label">SETTINGS</label> |
</span> |
<span className='d-flex justify-content-end align-items-center w-25'> |
<CustomTooltip tooltipText={<FormattedMessage id="Missing values" />}> |
<button onClick={async () => { await pluginactions.loadFiles() }} className='btn btn-sm text-warning'><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faTriangleExclamation} className="" /></button> |
</CustomTooltip> |
</span> |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
import { faCaretUp, faCaretDown, faArrowUp, faArrowDown, faArrowRotateRight, faCaretRight, faArrowsUpDown } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import { CustomTooltip } from "@remix-ui/helper"; |
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from "react"; |
import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl"; |
import { pluginActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
import { SourceControlBase } from "../buttons/sourceControlBase"; |
import { SourceControlButtons } from "../buttons/sourcecontrolbuttons"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../gitui"; |
import LoaderIndicator from "./loaderindicator"; |
import { SourceControlMenu } from "./menu/sourcecontrolmenu"; |
export const SourceControlNavigation = ({ eventKey, activePanel, callback }) => { |
const pluginactions = React.useContext(pluginActionsContext) |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const handleClick = () => { |
if (!callback) return |
if (activePanel === eventKey) { |
callback('') |
} else { |
callback(eventKey) |
} |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div className={'d-flex justify-content-between ' + (activePanel === eventKey ? 'bg-light' : '')}> |
<span data-id='sourcecontrol-panel' onClick={() => handleClick()} role={'button'} className='nav d-flex justify-content-start align-items-center w-75'> |
{ |
activePanel === eventKey ? <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretDown}></FontAwesomeIcon> : <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretRight}></FontAwesomeIcon> |
} |
<label className="nav pl-1 form-check-label">SOURCE CONTROL</label> |
<LoaderIndicator></LoaderIndicator> |
</span> |
<SourceControlBase><SourceControlButtons/></SourceControlBase> |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ |
import { faCaretUp, faCaretDown, faArrowUp, faArrowDown, faArrowRotateRight, faCaretRight, faArrowsUpDown, faPlus, faMinus } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import { CustomTooltip } from "@remix-ui/helper"; |
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from "react"; |
import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl"; |
import { gitActionsContext, pluginActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
import { sourceControlGroup } from "../../types"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../gitui"; |
interface SourceControlGroupNavigationProps { |
eventKey: string; |
activePanel: string; |
callback: (eventKey: string) => void; |
group: sourceControlGroup |
} |
export const SourceControlGroupNavigation = (props: SourceControlGroupNavigationProps) => { |
const { eventKey, activePanel, callback, group } = props; |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const pluginActions = React.useContext(pluginActionsContext) |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const handleClick = () => { |
if (!callback) return |
if (activePanel === eventKey) { |
callback('') |
} else { |
callback(eventKey) |
} |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div className={'d-flex justify-content-between pt-1 ' + (activePanel === eventKey? 'bg-light': '')}> |
<span onClick={()=>handleClick()} role={'button'} className='nav d-flex justify-content-start align-items-center w-75'> |
{ |
activePanel === eventKey ? <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretDown}></FontAwesomeIcon> : <FontAwesomeIcon className='' icon={faCaretRight}></FontAwesomeIcon> |
} |
<label className="pl-1 nav form-check-label">{}</label> |
</span> |
{ |
activePanel === eventKey ? |
<span className='d-flex justify-content-end align-items-center w-25'> |
{ === 'Changes' ? |
<CustomTooltip tooltipText={<FormattedMessage id="git.stageall" />}> |
<button data-id='sourcecontrol-add-all' onClick={async () => { await actions.addall(context.allchangesnotstaged) }} className='btn btn-sm'><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faPlus} className="" /></button> |
</CustomTooltip>: null} |
</span> : null |
} |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; |
import { Alert } from "react-bootstrap"; |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
import { remote } from "../../types"; |
import GitUIButton from "../buttons/gituibutton"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../gitui"; |
import { LocalBranchDetails } from "./branches/localbranchdetails"; |
import { RemoteBranchDetails } from "./branches/remotebranchedetails"; |
export const Branches = () => { |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const [newBranch, setNewBranch] = useState({ value: "" }); |
const handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { |
setNewBranch({ value: e.currentTarget.value }); |
}; |
return ( |
<> |
<div data-id='branches-panel-content' className="pt-1"> |
{context.branches && context.branches.length ? |
<div> |
{context.branches && context.branches.filter((branch, index) => !branch.remote).map((branch, index) => { |
return ( |
<LocalBranchDetails key={index} branch={branch}></LocalBranchDetails> |
); |
})} |
<hr /> |
</div> : null} |
{context.currentBranch |
&& !== '' |
&& (!context.branches || context.branches.length === 0) ? |
<div className="text-muted">Current branch is `{}` but you have no commits.<hr /></div> |
: null} |
<label>create branch</label> |
<div className="form-group"> |
<input |
placeholder="branch name" |
onChange={handleChange} |
className="form-control w-md-25 w-100" |
data-id="newbranchname" |
type="text" |
id="newbranchname" |
/> |
</div> |
<GitUIButton |
data-id="sourcecontrol-create-branch" |
onClick={async () => actions.createBranch(newBranch.value)} |
className="btn w-md-25 w-100 btn-primary" |
id="createbranch-btn" |
> |
create new branch |
</GitUIButton> |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
import { ReadCommitResult } from "isomorphic-git"; |
import { Accordion } from "react-bootstrap"; |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; |
import { CommitDetails } from "../commits/commitdetails"; |
import { CommitsNavigation } from "../../navigation/commits"; |
import { branch, remote } from "../../../types"; |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../../state/context"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../../gitui"; |
export interface BrancheDifferenceProps { |
commits: ReadCommitResult[]; |
title: string, |
remote?: remote, |
branch?: branch |
ahead?: boolean, |
behind?: boolean |
} |
export const BranchDifferenceDetails = (props: BrancheDifferenceProps) => { |
const { commits, title, branch, remote, ahead, behind } = props; |
const [activePanel, setActivePanel] = useState<string>(""); |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
if (commits.length === 0) return null |
const getRemote = () => { |
return remote ? remote : context.upstream ? context.upstream : context.defaultRemote ? context.defaultRemote : null |
} |
const getCommitChanges = async (commit: ReadCommitResult) => { |
await actions.getCommitChanges(commit.oid, commit.commit.parent[0], null, getRemote()) |
} |
return ( |
<Accordion activeKey={activePanel} defaultActiveKey=""> |
<CommitsNavigation ahead={ahead} behind={behind} branch={branch} remote={remote} title={title} eventKey="0" activePanel={activePanel} callback={setActivePanel} /> |
<Accordion.Collapse className="pl-2 border-left ml-1" eventKey="0"> |
<div data-id={`branchdifference-commits-${}${ahead?'-ahead':''}${behind?'-behind':''}`} className="ml-1"> |
{commits &&, index) => { |
return ( |
<CommitDetails branch={branch} getCommitChanges={getCommitChanges} key={index} checkout={()=>{}} commit={commit}></CommitDetails> |
); |
})} |
</div> |
</Accordion.Collapse> |
</Accordion>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
import { branch, remote } from "../../../types"; |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../../gitui"; |
import { CommitDetails } from "../commits/commitdetails"; |
import { BranchDifferenceDetails } from "./branchdifferencedetails"; |
export interface BrancheDetailsProps { |
branch: branch; |
showSummary?: boolean; |
} |
export const BranchDifferences = (props: BrancheDetailsProps) => { |
const { branch, showSummary } = props; |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const getRemote = (): remote | null => { |
return context.upstream ? context.upstream : context.defaultRemote ? context.defaultRemote : null |
} |
const commitsAhead = (remote: remote) => { |
if (!remote) return []; |
return context.branchDifferences[`${}/${}`]?.uniqueHeadCommits || []; |
} |
const commitsBehind = (remote: remote) => { |
if (!remote) return []; |
return context.branchDifferences[`${}/${}`]?.uniqueRemoteCommits || []; |
} |
if (!getRemote()) return null; |
return ( |
<div> |
<BranchDifferenceDetails ahead={true} branch={branch} remote={getRemote()} title={`ahead of ${getRemote().name} by ${commitsAhead(getRemote()).length} commit(s)`} commits={commitsAhead(getRemote())}></BranchDifferenceDetails> |
<BranchDifferenceDetails behind={true} branch={branch} remote={getRemote()} title={`behind ${getRemote().name} by ${commitsBehind(getRemote()).length} commit(s)`} commits={commitsBehind(getRemote())}></BranchDifferenceDetails> |
{commitsAhead(getRemote()).length === 0 && commitsBehind(getRemote()).length === 0 ? null : <hr></hr>} |
</div>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ |
import { ReadCommitResult } from "isomorphic-git" |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; |
import { Accordion } from "react-bootstrap"; |
import { CommitDetailsNavigation } from "../../navigation/commitdetails"; |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../../state/context"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../../gitui"; |
import { branch } from "../../../types"; |
import { BrancheDetailsNavigation } from "../../navigation/branchedetails"; |
import { CommitDetailsItems } from "../commits/commitdetailsitem"; |
import { CommitDetails } from "../commits/commitdetails"; |
import { BranchDifferences } from "./branchdifferences"; |
import GitUIButton from "../../buttons/gituibutton"; |
export interface BrancheDetailsProps { |
branch: branch; |
} |
export const LocalBranchDetails = (props: BrancheDetailsProps) => { |
const { branch } = props; |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const [activePanel, setActivePanel] = useState<string>(""); |
const [hasNextPage, setHasNextPage] = useState<boolean>(false) |
const [lastPageNumber, setLastPageNumber] = useState<number>(0) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (activePanel === "0") { |
if (lastPageNumber === 0) |
actions.getBranchCommits(branch, 1) |
actions.getBranchDifferences(branch, null, context) |
} |
}, [activePanel]) |
const checkout = (branch: branch) => { |
actions.checkout({ |
ref:, |
remote: branch.remote && || null, |
refresh: true |
}); |
} |
const loadNextPage = () => { |
actions.getBranchCommits(branch, lastPageNumber + 1) |
} |
const checkoutCommit = async (oid: string) => { |
try { |
actions.checkout({ ref: oid }) |
; |
} catch (e) { |
} |
}; |
const getRemote = () => { |
return context.upstream ? context.upstream : context.defaultRemote ? context.defaultRemote : null |
} |
const getCommitChanges = async (commit: ReadCommitResult) => { |
await actions.getCommitChanges(commit.oid, commit.commit.parent[0], null, getRemote()) |
} |
return (<Accordion activeKey={activePanel} defaultActiveKey=""> |
<BrancheDetailsNavigation checkout={checkout} branch={branch} eventKey="0" activePanel={activePanel} callback={setActivePanel} /> |
<Accordion.Collapse className="pl-2 border-left ml-1" eventKey="0"> |
<> |
<div className="ml-1"> |
<BranchDifferences branch={branch}></BranchDifferences> |
<div data-id={`local-branch-commits-${branch &&}`}> |
{context.localBranchCommits && Object.entries(context.localBranchCommits).map(([key, value]) => { |
if (key == { |
return, index) => { |
return (<CommitDetails branch={branch} key={index} getCommitChanges={getCommitChanges} checkout={checkoutCommit} commit={commit}></CommitDetails>) |
}) |
} |
})} |
</div> |
</div> |
{hasNextPage && <GitUIButton className="mb-1 ml-2 btn btn-sm" onClick={loadNextPage}>Load more</GitUIButton>} |
</> |
</Accordion.Collapse> |
</Accordion>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ |
import { ReadCommitResult } from "isomorphic-git" |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; |
import { Accordion } from "react-bootstrap"; |
import { CommitDetailsNavigation } from "../../navigation/commitdetails"; |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../../state/context"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../../gitui"; |
import { branch } from "../../../types"; |
import { BrancheDetailsNavigation } from "../../navigation/branchedetails"; |
import { CommitDetailsItems } from "../commits/commitdetailsitem"; |
import { CommitDetails } from "../commits/commitdetails"; |
import GitUIButton from "../../buttons/gituibutton"; |
export interface BrancheDetailsProps { |
branch: branch; |
} |
export const RemoteBranchDetails = (props: BrancheDetailsProps) => { |
const { branch } = props; |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const [activePanel, setActivePanel] = useState<string>(""); |
const [hasNextPage, setHasNextPage] = useState<boolean>(false) |
const [lastPageNumber, setLastPageNumber] = useState<number>(0) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (activePanel === "0") { |
if (lastPageNumber === 0) |
actions.getBranchCommits(branch, 1) |
} |
}, [activePanel]) |
useEffect(() => { |
let hasNextPage = false |
let lastPageNumber = 0 |
context.remoteBranchCommits && Object.entries(context.remoteBranchCommits).map(([key, value]) => { |
if (key == { |
||||, index) => { |
hasNextPage = page.hasNextPage |
lastPageNumber = |
}) |
} |
}) |
setHasNextPage(hasNextPage) |
setLastPageNumber(lastPageNumber) |
}, [context.remoteBranchCommits]) |
const checkout = async (branch: branch) => { |
await actions.fetch({ |
remote: branch.remote, |
ref: branch, |
depth: 20, |
singleBranch: true, |
relative: false, |
quiet: true |
}) |
await actions.checkout({ |
ref:, |
remote: branch.remote && || null, |
refresh: true |
}); |
await actions.getBranches() |
} |
const loadNextPage = () => { |
actions.getBranchCommits(branch, lastPageNumber + 1) |
} |
const checkoutCommit = async (oid: string) => { |
try { |
actions.checkout({ ref: oid }) |
} catch (e) { |
} |
}; |
const getCommitChanges = async (commit: ReadCommitResult) => { |
const changes = await actions.getCommitChanges(commit.oid, commit.commit.parent[0], branch, branch.remote) |
if (!changes) { |
await actions.fetch({ |
remote: branch.remote, |
ref: branch, |
depth: 20, |
singleBranch: true, |
relative: false, |
quiet: true |
}) |
} |
} |
return (<Accordion activeKey={activePanel} defaultActiveKey=""> |
<BrancheDetailsNavigation checkout={checkout} branch={branch} eventKey="0" activePanel={activePanel} callback={setActivePanel} /> |
<Accordion.Collapse className="pl-2 border-left ml-1" eventKey="0"> |
<> |
<div data-id={`remote-branch-commits-${branch &&}`} className="ml-1"> |
{context.remoteBranchCommits && Object.entries(context.remoteBranchCommits).map(([key, value]) => { |
if (key == { |
return, index) => { |
return, index) => { |
return (<CommitDetails branch={branch} getCommitChanges={getCommitChanges} key={index} checkout={checkoutCommit} commit={commit}></CommitDetails>) |
}) |
}) |
} |
})} |
</div> |
{hasNextPage && <GitUIButton className="mb-1 ml-2 btn btn-sm" onClick={loadNextPage}>Load more</GitUIButton>} |
</> |
</Accordion.Collapse> |
</Accordion>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ |
import React, { useState } from "react"; |
import { Alert, Form, FormControl, InputGroup } from "react-bootstrap"; |
import { useLocalStorage } from "../../hooks/useLocalStorage"; |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../gitui"; |
import { SelectAndCloneRepositories } from "../github/selectandclonerepositories"; |
import { RemixUiCheckbox } from "@remix-ui/checkbox"; |
import GitUIButton from "../buttons/gituibutton"; |
export const Clone = () => { |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const [cloneUrl, setCloneUrl] = useLocalStorage( |
'' |
); |
const [cloneDepth, setCloneDepth] = useLocalStorage( |
1 |
); |
const [cloneBranch, setCloneBranch] = useLocalStorage( |
'' |
); |
const [url, setUrl] = useLocalStorage( |
'' |
); |
const clone = async () => { |
await actions.clone({ |
url: cloneUrl, |
branch: cloneBranch, |
depth: cloneDepth, |
singleBranch: !cloneAllBranches |
}) |
} |
const onCloneBranchChange = (value: string) => { |
setCloneBranch(value) |
} |
const onGitHubCloneUrlChange = (value: string) => { |
setCloneUrl(value) |
} |
const onDepthChange = (value: number) => { |
setCloneDepth(value) |
} |
const [cloneAllBranches, setcloneAllBranches] = useLocalStorage( |
false |
); |
const onAllBranchChange = () => { |
setcloneAllBranches((e: any) => !e) |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div data-id="clone-panel-content"> |
<InputGroup className="mb-1"> |
<FormControl data-id="clone-url" id="cloneulr" placeholder="url" name='cloneurl' value={cloneUrl} onChange={e => onGitHubCloneUrlChange(} aria-describedby="urlprepend" /> |
</InputGroup> |
<input name='clonebranch' onChange={e => onCloneBranchChange(} value={cloneBranch} className="form-control mb-1 mt-2" placeholder="branch" type="text" id="clonebranch" /> |
<GitUIButton disabledCondition={!cloneUrl} data-id='clone-btn' className='btn btn-primary mt-1 w-100' onClick={async () => { |
clone() |
}}>clone</GitUIButton> |
<hr /> |
<SelectAndCloneRepositories cloneAllBranches={cloneAllBranches} cloneDepth={cloneDepth} /> |
<hr /> |
<label>options</label> |
<InputGroup className="mt-1 mb-1"> |
<InputGroup.Prepend> |
<InputGroup.Text id="clonedepthprepend"> |
--depth |
</InputGroup.Text> |
</InputGroup.Prepend> |
<FormControl id="clonedepth" type="number" value={cloneDepth} onChange={e => onDepthChange(parseInt(} aria-describedby="clonedepthprepend" /> |
</InputGroup> |
<RemixUiCheckbox |
id={`cloneAllBranches`} |
inputType="checkbox" |
name="cloneAllBranches" |
label={`Clone all branches`} |
onClick={() => onAllBranchChange()} |
checked={cloneAllBranches} |
onChange={() => { }} |
/> |
<hr></hr> |
</div> |
</>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; |
import { PushPull } from "./commands/pushpull"; |
import { Fetch } from "./commands/fetch"; |
import { Merge } from "./commands/merge"; |
export const Commands = () => { |
return ( |
<> |
<PushPull></PushPull> |
<hr></hr> |
<Fetch></Fetch> |
</>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../../state/context"; |
import GitUIButton from "../../buttons/gituibutton"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../../gitui"; |
export const Fetch = () => { |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const fetchIsDisabled = () => { |
return (!context.upstream) || context.remotes.length === 0 |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div className="btn-group w-100" role="group"> |
<GitUIButton data-id='sourcecontrol-fetch-remote' disabledCondition={fetchIsDisabled()} type="button" onClick={async () => actions.fetch({ |
remote: context.upstream, |
})} className="btn btn-primary mr-1 w-50"><div>Fetch {context.upstream &&}</div></GitUIButton> |
<GitUIButton data-id='sourcecontrol-fetch-branch' disabledCondition={fetchIsDisabled()} type="button" onClick={async () => actions.fetch({ |
remote: context.upstream, |
ref: context.currentBranch |
})} className="btn btn-primary w-50 long-and-truncated">Fetch {}</GitUIButton> |
</div> |
</>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../../state/context"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../../gitui"; |
import { selectStyles, selectTheme } from "../../../types/styles"; |
import Select from 'react-select' |
import GitUIButton from "../../buttons/gituibutton"; |
export const Merge = () => { |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const [localBranch, setLocalBranch] = useState('') |
const [localBranchOptions, setLocalBranchOptions] = useState<any>([]); |
useEffect(() => { |
setLocalBranch( |
}, [context.currentBranch]) |
const onLocalBranchChange = (value: any) => { |
setLocalBranch(value) |
} |
const merge = async () => { |
//gitservice.push(currentRemote, branch || '', remoteBranch, force)
} |
useEffect(() => { |
// map context.repositories to options
const localBranches = context.branches && context.branches.length > 0 && context.branches |
.filter(branch => !branch.remote) |
.map(repo => { |
return { value:, label: } |
}) |
setLocalBranchOptions(localBranches) |
}, [context.branches]) |
return ( |
<> |
<div className="btn-group w-100" role="group" aria-label="Basic example"> |
<GitUIButton type="button" onClick={async () => merge()} className="btn btn-primary mr-1">Merge</GitUIButton> |
</div> |
<label>Merge from Branch</label> |
<Select |
options={localBranchOptions} |
isDisabled={context.branches.length === 0} |
onChange={(e: any) => e && onLocalBranchChange(e.value)} |
theme={selectTheme} |
styles={selectStyles} |
isClearable={true} |
value={{ value: localBranch, label: localBranch }} |
placeholder="Type to search for a branch..." |
/> |
</>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../../state/context"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../../gitui"; |
import { selectStyles, selectTheme } from "../../../types/styles"; |
import Select, { Options, OptionsOrGroups } from 'react-select' |
import GitUIButton from "../../buttons/gituibutton"; |
import { remote } from "../../../types"; |
import { relative } from "path"; |
export const PushPull = () => { |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const [remoteBranch, setRemoteBranch] = useState('') |
const [localBranch, setLocalBranch] = useState('') |
const [localBranchOptions, setLocalBranchOptions] = useState<any>([]); |
const [remoteBranchOptions, setRemoteBranchOptions] = useState<any>([]); |
const [localRemotesOptions, setLocalRemotesOptions] = useState<any>([]); |
const [disabled, setDisabled] = useState(false) |
const [force, setForce] = useState(false) |
useEffect(() => { |
setRemoteBranch( |
setLocalBranch( |
const currentUpstreamIsInRemotes = context.upstream && context.remotes.find(r => === |
if (!context.upstream || !currentUpstreamIsInRemotes) { |
if (context.currentBranch && context.currentBranch.remote && { |
actions.setUpstreamRemote(context.currentBranch.remote) |
setDisabled(false) |
} else { |
if (context.remotes && context.remotes.length > 0) { |
actions.setUpstreamRemote(context.remotes[0]) |
setDisabled(false) |
} else { |
actions.setUpstreamRemote(null) |
setDisabled(true) |
} |
} |
} |
}, [context.currentBranch, context.remotes, context.branches]) |
const onRemoteBranchChange = (value: string) => { |
setRemoteBranch(value) |
} |
const onLocalBranchChange = (value: any) => { |
setLocalBranch(value) |
} |
const onRemoteChange = (value: string) => { |
const remote: remote = context.remotes.find(r => === value) |
if (remote) { |
actions.setUpstreamRemote(remote) |
} |
} |
const onForceChange = (event: any) => { |
const target =; |
const value = target.checked; |
setForce(value) |
} |
const push = async () => { |
await actions.push({ |
remote: context.upstream, |
ref: { |
name: localBranch, |
remote: null |
}, |
remoteRef: { |
name: remoteBranch, |
remote: null |
}, |
force: force |
}) |
await actions.fetch({ |
remote: context.upstream, |
ref: { |
name: localBranch, |
remote: null |
}, |
remoteRef: { |
name: remoteBranch, |
remote: null |
}, |
depth: 1, |
relative: true, |
singleBranch: true |
}) |
} |
const pull = async () => { |
await actions.pull({ |
remote: context.upstream, |
ref: { |
name: localBranch, |
remote: null |
}, |
remoteRef: { |
name: remoteBranch, |
remote: null |
}, |
}) |
} |
useEffect(() => { |
const localBranches = context.branches && context.branches.length > 0 && context.branches |
.filter(branch => !branch.remote) |
.map(repo => { |
return { value:, label: } |
}) |
setLocalBranchOptions(localBranches) |
const remoteBranches = context.branches && context.branches.length > 0 && context.branches |
.filter(branch => branch.remote) |
.map(repo => { |
return { value:, label: } |
} |
) |
setRemoteBranchOptions(remoteBranches) |
}, [context.branches]) |
useEffect(() => { |
// map context.repositories to options
const options = context.remotes && context.remotes.length > 0 && context.remotes |
.map(repo => { |
return { value:, label: } |
}) |
setLocalRemotesOptions(options) |
}, [context.remotes]) |
const pushPullIsDisabled = () => { |
return localBranch === '' || remoteBranch === '' || !context.upstream || context.remotes.length === 0 |
} |
return ( |
<> |
{disabled? <div data-id='disabled' className='text-sm w-100 alert alert-warning mt-1'> |
You cannot push or pull because you haven't connected to or selected a remote. |
</div>: null} |
<div className="btn-group w-100 mt-2" role="group"> |
<GitUIButton data-id='sourcecontrol-pull' disabledCondition={pushPullIsDisabled()} type="button" onClick={async () => pull()} className="btn btn-primary mr-1">Pull</GitUIButton> |
<GitUIButton data-id='sourcecontrol-push' disabledCondition={pushPullIsDisabled()} type="button" onClick={async () => push()} className="btn btn-primary">Push</GitUIButton> |
</div> |
<label>Local Branch</label> |
<Select |
id='commands-local-branch-select' |
options={localBranchOptions} |
isDisabled={context.branches.length === 0} |
onChange={(e: any) => e && onLocalBranchChange(e.value)} |
theme={selectTheme} |
styles={selectStyles} |
isClearable={true} |
value={{ value: localBranch, label: localBranch }} |
placeholder="Type to search for a branch..." |
/> |
<label>Remote Branch</label> |
<Select |
id='commands-remote-branch-select' |
options={remoteBranchOptions} |
isDisabled={context.branches.length === 0} |
onChange={(e: any) => e && onRemoteBranchChange(e.value)} |
theme={selectTheme} |
styles={selectStyles} |
isClearable={true} |
value={{ value: remoteBranch, label: remoteBranch }} |
placeholder="Type to search for a branch..." |
/> |
<label>Remote</label> |
<Select |
id='commands-remote-origin-select' |
options={localRemotesOptions} |
isDisabled={context.remotes.length === 0} |
onChange={(e: any) => e && onRemoteChange(e.value)} |
theme={selectTheme} |
styles={selectStyles} |
isClearable={true} |
value={{ value: context.upstream &&, label: context.upstream && }} |
placeholder="Type to search for a branch..." |
/> |
<div className="mt-2 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox"> |
<input checked={force} onChange={e => onForceChange(e)} className="remixui_autocompile custom-control-input" type="checkbox" data-id="compilerContainerAutoCompile" id="forcepush" title="Force Push" /> |
<label className="form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor="forcepush">Force push</label> |
</div> |
</>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
import { checkout, ReadCommitResult } from "isomorphic-git"; |
import React from "react"; |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../state/context"; |
import GitUIButton from "../buttons/gituibutton"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../gitui"; |
import LoaderIndicator from "../navigation/loaderindicator"; |
import { BranchDifferences } from "./branches/branchdifferences"; |
import { CommitDetails } from "./commits/commitdetails"; |
import { CommitSummary } from "./commits/commitsummary"; |
export const Commits = () => { |
const [hasNextPage, setHasNextPage] = React.useState(true) |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const checkout = async (oid: string) => { |
try { |
actions.checkout({ ref: oid }) |
} catch (e) { |
} |
}; |
const loadNextPage = () => { |
actions.fetch({ |
remote: null, |
ref: context.currentBranch, |
relative: true, |
depth: 5, |
singleBranch: true |
}) |
} |
const getRemote = () => { |
return context.upstream ? context.upstream : context.defaultRemote ? context.defaultRemote : null |
} |
const getCommitChanges = async (commit: ReadCommitResult) => { |
await actions.getCommitChanges(commit.oid, commit.commit.parent[0],null, getRemote()) |
} |
const fetchIsDisabled = () => { |
return (!context.upstream)|| context.remotes.length === 0 |
} |
return ( |
<> |
{context.commits && context.commits.length ? |
<><BranchDifferences branch={context.currentBranch}></BranchDifferences><div> |
<div data-id={`commits-current-branch-${context.currentBranch &&}`} className="pt-1"> |
{context.commits &&, index) => { |
return ( |
<CommitDetails branch={context.currentBranch} getCommitChanges={getCommitChanges} key={index} checkout={checkout} commit={commit}></CommitDetails> |
); |
})} |
</div> |
</div> |
{hasNextPage && <GitUIButton disabledCondition={fetchIsDisabled()} className="mb-1 ml-2 btn btn-sm" onClick={loadNextPage}>Load more</GitUIButton>} |
</> |
: <div className="text-muted">No commits</div>} |
</> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
import { ReadCommitResult } from "isomorphic-git" |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; |
import { Accordion } from "react-bootstrap"; |
import { CommitDetailsNavigation } from "../../navigation/commitdetails"; |
import { gitActionsContext } from "../../../state/context"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../../gitui"; |
import { CommitDetailsItems } from "./commitdetailsitem"; |
import { branch, remote } from "@remix-ui/git"; |
export interface CommitDetailsProps { |
commit: ReadCommitResult; |
checkout: (oid: string) => void; |
getCommitChanges: (commit: ReadCommitResult) => void; |
branch: branch |
} |
export const CommitDetails = (props: CommitDetailsProps) => { |
const { commit, checkout, getCommitChanges, branch } = props; |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const [activePanel, setActivePanel] = useState<string>(""); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (activePanel === "0") { |
getCommitChanges(commit) |
} |
}, [activePanel]) |
const getRemote = (): remote | null => { |
return context.upstream ? context.upstream : context.defaultRemote ? context.defaultRemote : null |
} |
const commitsAhead = (remote: remote) => { |
if (!remote) return []; |
return context.branchDifferences[`${}/${}`]?.uniqueHeadCommits || []; |
} |
const isAheadOfRepo = () => { |
return commitsAhead(getRemote()).findIndex((c) => c.oid === commit.oid) > -1 |
} |
const openFileOnRemote = (file: string, hash: string) => { |
if (!getRemote()) return |
||||`${getRemote() ? `${getRemote().url}/blob/${hash}/${file}` : ""}`, "_blank") |
} |
return (<Accordion activeKey={activePanel} defaultActiveKey=""> |
<CommitDetailsNavigation isAheadOfRepo={isAheadOfRepo()} commit={commit} checkout={checkout} eventKey="0" activePanel={activePanel} callback={setActivePanel} /> |
<Accordion.Collapse className="pl-2 border-left ml-1" eventKey="0"> |
<> |
{context.commitChanges && context.commitChanges.filter( |
(change) => change.hashModified === commit.oid && change.hashOriginal === commit.commit.parent[0] |
).map((change, index) => { |
return (<CommitDetailsItems openFileOnRemote={openFileOnRemote} isAheadOfRepo={isAheadOfRepo()} key={index} commitChange={change}></CommitDetailsItems>) |
})} |
</> |
</Accordion.Collapse> |
</Accordion>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ |
import { branch, commitChange } from "../../../types"; |
import React from "react"; |
import path from "path"; |
import { gitActionsContext, pluginActionsContext } from "../../../state/context"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import { faGlobe } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
export interface CCommitDetailsItemsProps { |
commitChange: commitChange; |
isAheadOfRepo: boolean; |
openFileOnRemote: (file: string, hash: string) => void; |
} |
export const CommitDetailsItems = (props: CCommitDetailsItemsProps) => { |
const { commitChange, isAheadOfRepo, openFileOnRemote } = props; |
const actions = React.useContext(gitActionsContext) |
const pluginActions = React.useContext(pluginActionsContext) |
const openChanges = async (change: commitChange) => { |
await actions.diff(change) |
await pluginActions.openDiff(change) |
} |
const openRemote = () => { |
openFileOnRemote(commitChange.path, commitChange.hashModified) |
} |
function FunctionStatusIcons() { |
const status = commitChange.type |
return (<> |
{status && status.indexOf("modified") === -1 ? <></> : <span>M</span>} |
{status && status.indexOf("deleted") === -1 ? <></> : <span>D</span>} |
{status && status.indexOf("added") === -1 ? <></> : <span>A</span>} |
</>) |
} |
return (<> |
<div data-id={`commit-change-${commitChange.type}-${path.basename(commitChange.path)}`} className={`d-flex w-100 d-flex flex-row commitdetailsitem ${isAheadOfRepo ? 'text-success' : ''}`}> |
<div className='pointer gitfile long-and-truncated' onClick={async () => await openChanges(commitChange)}> |
<span className='font-weight-bold long-and-truncated'>{path.basename(commitChange.path)}</span> |
<div className='text-secondary long-and-truncated'> {commitChange.path}</div> |
</div> |
<div className="d-flex align-items-end"> |
{!isAheadOfRepo ? |
<FontAwesomeIcon role={'button'} icon={faGlobe} onClick={() => openRemote()} className="pointer mr-1 align-self-center" /> : <></>} |
<FunctionStatusIcons></FunctionStatusIcons> |
</div> |
</div> |
</>) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ |
import { ReadCommitResult } from "isomorphic-git" |
import { default as dateFormat } from "dateformat"; |
import React from "react"; |
import { faGlobe } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; |
import { remote } from "@remix-ui/git"; |
import GitUIButton from "../../buttons/gituibutton"; |
import { gitPluginContext } from "../../gitui"; |
export interface CommitSummaryProps { |
commit: ReadCommitResult; |
checkout: (oid: string) => void; |
isAheadOfRepo: boolean |
} |
export const CommitSummary = (props: CommitSummaryProps) => { |
const { commit, checkout, isAheadOfRepo } = props; |
const context = React.useContext(gitPluginContext) |
const getDate = (commit: ReadCommitResult) => { |
const timestamp =; |
if (timestamp) { |
// calculate the difference between the current time and the commit time in days or hours or minutes
const diff = Math.floor(( - timestamp * 1000) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24); |
if (diff == 0) { |
return "today at " + dateFormat(timestamp * 1000, "HH:MM"); |
} else |
if (diff < 1) { |
// return how many hours ago
return `${Math.floor(diff * 24)} hour(s) ago`; |
} |
if (diff < 7) { |
// return how many days ago
return `${diff} day(s) ago`; |
} |
if (diff < 365) { |
return dateFormat(timestamp * 1000, "mmm dd"); |
} |
return dateFormat(timestamp * 1000, "mmm dd yyyy"); |
} |
return ""; |
}; |
const getRemote = (): remote | null => { |
return context.upstream ? context.upstream : context.defaultRemote ? context.defaultRemote : null |
} |
const openRemote = () => { |
if (getRemote()) |
||||`${getRemote().url}/commit/${commit.oid}`, '_blank'); |
} |
function removeLineBreaks(str: string): string { |
return str.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ''); |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div data-id={`commit-summary-${removeLineBreaks(commit.commit.message)}-${isAheadOfRepo ? 'ahead' : ''}`} className="long-and-truncated ml-2"> |
{commit.commit.message} |
</div> |
{ || ""} |
<span className="ml-1">{getDate(commit)}</span> |
{getRemote() && getRemote()?.url && !isAheadOfRepo && <GitUIButton className="btn btn-sm p-0 text-muted ml-1" onClick={() => openRemote()}><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faGlobe} ></FontAwesomeIcon></GitUIButton>} |
</> |
) |
} |
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in new issue