@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
import { Profile } from '@remixproject/plugin-utils' |
import React, { Fragment, useEffect, useState } from 'react' |
import { PluginManagerComponent } from '../../types' |
import ActivePluginCard from './ActivePluginCard' |
import ModuleHeading from './moduleHeading' |
interface ActivePluginCardContainerProps { |
pluginComponent: PluginManagerComponent |
} |
function ActivePluginCardContainer ({ pluginComponent }: ActivePluginCardContainerProps) { |
const [activeProfiles, setActiveProfiles] = useState<Profile[]>() |
const [inactiveProfiles, setinactiveProfiles] = useState<Profile[]>([]) |
const deactivatePlugin = (pluginName: string) => { |
pluginComponent.deactivateP(pluginName) |
} |
useEffect(() => { |
const savedActiveProfiles = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('newActivePlugins')) |
if (savedActiveProfiles === null) { |
localStorage.setItem('newActivePlugins', '[]') |
} |
if (pluginComponent.activePlugins && pluginComponent.activePlugins.length > 0) { |
setActiveProfiles(pluginComponent.activePlugins) |
} else if (savedActiveProfiles && savedActiveProfiles.length > 0 && pluginComponent.activePlugins.length === 0) { |
setActiveProfiles(savedActiveProfiles) |
} |
}, [pluginComponent, pluginComponent.activePlugins]) |
return ( |
<Fragment> |
{(activeProfiles && activeProfiles.length) ? <ModuleHeading headingLabel="Active Modules" count={activeProfiles.length} /> : null} |
{activeProfiles && => ( |
<ActivePluginCard |
buttonText="Deactivate" |
profile={profile} |
deactivatePlugin={deactivatePlugin} |
key={} |
setInactivePlugins={setinactiveProfiles} |
inactivePlugins={inactiveProfiles} |
activePlugins={activeProfiles} |
setActivePlugins={setActiveProfiles} |
/> |
)) |
} |
</Fragment> |
) |
} |
export default ActivePluginCardContainer |
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
import { Profile } from '@remixproject/plugin-utils' |
import React, { Fragment, useEffect, useState } from 'react' |
import { PluginManagerComponent } from '../../types' |
import InactivePluginCard from './InactivePluginCard' |
import ModuleHeading from './moduleHeading' |
interface InactivePluginCardContainerProps { |
pluginComponent: PluginManagerComponent |
} |
function InactivePluginCardContainer ({ pluginComponent }: InactivePluginCardContainerProps) { |
const [activeProfiles, setActiveProfiles] = useState<Profile[]>() |
const [inactiveProfiles, setinactiveProfiles] = useState<Profile[]>([]) |
const activatePlugin = (profile: Profile) => { |
pluginComponent.activateP( |
} |
useEffect(() => { |
const savedInactiveProfiles = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('updatedInactives')) |
if (savedInactiveProfiles === null) { |
localStorage.setItem('updatedInactives', '[]') |
} |
if (pluginComponent.inactivePlugins && pluginComponent.inactivePlugins.length > 0) { |
setinactiveProfiles(pluginComponent.inactivePlugins) |
} else if (savedInactiveProfiles && pluginComponent.inactivePlugins.length > savedInactiveProfiles.length) { |
setinactiveProfiles(savedInactiveProfiles) |
} |
}, [pluginComponent, pluginComponent.inactivePlugins]) |
return ( |
<Fragment> |
{(inactiveProfiles && inactiveProfiles.length) ? <ModuleHeading headingLabel="Inactive Modules" count={inactiveProfiles.length} /> : null} |
{inactiveProfiles && => ( |
<InactivePluginCard |
buttonText="Activate" |
profile={profile} |
key={} |
activatePlugin={activatePlugin} |
setInactivePlugins={setinactiveProfiles} |
inactivePlugins={inactiveProfiles} |
activePlugins={activeProfiles} |
setActivePlugins={setActiveProfiles} |
pluginComponent={pluginComponent} |
/> |
)) |
} |
</Fragment> |
) |
} |
export default InactivePluginCardContainer |
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ |
import { ModalDialog } from '@remix-ui/modal-dialog' |
import { IframePlugin, WebsocketPlugin } from '@remixproject/engine-web' |
import React from 'react' |
import { FormStateProps, PluginManagerComponent } from '../../types' |
interface LocalPluginFormProps { |
changeHandler: (propertyName: string, value: any) => void |
plugin: FormStateProps |
closeModal: () => void |
visible: boolean |
pluginManager: PluginManagerComponent |
} |
function LocalPluginForm ({ changeHandler, plugin, closeModal, visible, pluginManager }: LocalPluginFormProps) { |
return ( |
<ModalDialog |
handleHide={closeModal} |
id="pluginManagerLocalPluginModalDialog" |
hide={visible} |
title="Local Plugin" |
okLabel="OK" |
okFn={() => { |
const profile = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('plugins/local')) || plugin |
if (!profile) return |
if (pluginManager.appManager.getIds().includes(profile.pname)) { |
throw new Error('This name has already been used') |
} |
if (!profile.location) throw new Error('Plugin should have a location') |
if (!profile.pname) throw new Error('Plugin should have a name') |
if (!profile.url) throw new Error('Plugin should have an URL') |
const localPlugin = profile.type === 'iframe' ? new IframePlugin(profile) : new WebsocketPlugin(profile) |
localPlugin.profile.hash = `local-${profile.pname}` |
localStorage.setItem('plugins/local', JSON.stringify(localPlugin)) |
pluginManager.engine.register(localPlugin) |
pluginManager.appManager.activatePlugin( |
} } |
cancelLabel="Cancel" |
cancelFn={closeModal} |
> |
<form id="local-plugin-form"> |
<div className="form-group"> |
<label htmlFor="plugin-name">Plugin Name <small>(required)</small></label> |
<input |
className="form-control" |
onChange={e => changeHandler('pname',} |
value={plugin.pname} |
id="plugin-name" |
data-id="localPluginName" |
placeholder="Should be camelCase" |
/> |
</div> |
<div className="form-group"> |
<label htmlFor="plugin-displayname">Display Name</label> |
<input |
className="form-control" |
onChange={e => changeHandler('displayName',} |
value={plugin.displayName} |
id="plugin-displayname" |
data-id="localPluginDisplayName" |
placeholder="Name in the header" |
/> |
</div> |
<div className="form-group"> |
<label htmlFor="plugin-methods">Api (comma separated list of methods name)</label> |
<input |
className="form-control" |
onChange={e => changeHandler('methods',} |
value={plugin.methods} |
id="plugin-methods" |
data-id="localPluginMethods" |
placeholder="Name in the header" |
/> |
</div> |
<div className="form-group"> |
<label htmlFor="plugin-url">Url <small>(required)</small></label> |
<input |
className="form-control" |
onChange={e => changeHandler('url',} |
value={plugin.url} |
id="plugin-url" |
data-id="localPluginUrl" |
placeholder="ex: https://localhost:8000" |
/> |
</div> |
<h6>Type of connection <small>(required)</small></h6> |
<div className="form-check form-group"> |
<div className="radio"> |
<input |
className="form-check-input" |
type="radio" |
name="type" |
value="iframe" |
id="iframe" |
data-id='localPluginRadioButtoniframe' |
checked={plugin.type === 'iframe'} |
onChange={(e) => changeHandler('type',} /> |
<label className="form-check-label" htmlFor="iframe">Iframe</label> |
</div> |
<div className="radio"> |
<input |
className="form-check-input" |
type="radio" |
name="type" |
value="ws" |
id="ws" |
data-id='localPluginRadioButtonws' |
checked={plugin.type === 'ws'} |
onChange={(e) => changeHandler('type',} /> |
<label className="form-check-label" htmlFor="ws">Websocket</label> |
</div> |
</div> |
<h6>Location in remix <small>(required)</small></h6> |
<div className="form-check form-group"> |
<div className="radio"> |
<input |
className="form-check-input" |
type="radio" |
name="location" |
value="sidePanel" |
id="sidePanel" |
data-id='localPluginRadioButtonsidePanel' |
checked={plugin.location === 'sidePanel'} |
onChange={(e) => changeHandler('location',} /> |
<label className="form-check-label" htmlFor="sidePanel">Side Panel</label> |
</div> |
<div className="radio"> |
<input |
className="form-check-input" |
type="radio" |
name="location" |
value="mainPanel" |
id="mainPanel" |
data-id='localPluginRadioButtonmainPanel' |
checked={plugin.location === 'mainPanel'} |
onChange={(e) => changeHandler('location',} /> |
<label className="form-check-label" htmlFor="mainPanel">Main Panel</label> |
</div> |
<div className="radio"> |
<input |
className="form-check-input" |
type="radio" |
name="location" |
value="none" |
id="none" |
data-id='localPluginRadioButtonnone' |
checked={plugin.location === 'none'} |
onChange={(e) => changeHandler('location',} /> |
<label className="form-check-label" htmlFor="none">None</label> |
</div> |
</div> |
</form> |
</ModalDialog> |
) |
} |
export default LocalPluginForm |
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
import { Profile } from '@remixproject/plugin-utils' |
import React, { createContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react' |
import { PluginManagerContextProviderProps } from '../../types' |
interface PluginManagerContextInterface { |
trackActiveProfiles: Profile[] |
trackInactiveProfiles: Profile[] |
setTrackActiveProfiles: React.Dispatch<Profile[]> |
setTrackInactiveProfiles: React.Dispatch<Profile[]> |
} |
export const PluginManagerContext = createContext<PluginManagerContextInterface>(null) |
function PluginManagerContextProvider ({ children, pluginComponent }: PluginManagerContextProviderProps) { |
const [trackActiveProfiles, setTrackActiveProfiles] = useState([]) |
const [trackInactiveProfiles, setTrackInactiveProfiles] = useState([]) |
useEffect(() => { |
const checkedActives = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('newActivePlugins')) |
if (checkedActives && checkedActives.length > 0) { |
setTrackActiveProfiles([...trackActiveProfiles, ...checkedActives]) |
} else { |
localStorage.setItem('newActivePlugins', JSON.stringify(trackActiveProfiles)) |
} |
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [trackActiveProfiles]) |
useEffect(() => { |
const checkedInactives = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('updatedInactives')) |
if (checkedInactives && checkedInactives.length > 0 && trackInactiveProfiles.length === 0) { |
setTrackInactiveProfiles([...pluginComponent.inactivePlugins, ...checkedInactives]) |
} else { |
localStorage.setItem('updatedInactives', JSON.stringify(trackInactiveProfiles)) |
} |
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [pluginComponent.inactivePlugins]) |
return ( |
<PluginManagerContext.Provider value={{ trackActiveProfiles, trackInactiveProfiles, setTrackActiveProfiles, setTrackInactiveProfiles }}> |
{children} |
</PluginManagerContext.Provider> |
) |
} |
export default PluginManagerContextProvider |
@ -1,10 +1,77 @@ |
import React from 'react' |
import { RemixUiPluginManagerProps } from '../types' |
import { PluginManagerComponent, RemixUiPluginManagerProps } from '../types' |
import ActivePluginCardContainer from './components/ActivePluginCardContainer' |
import InactivePluginCardContainer from './components/InactivePluginCardContainer' |
import RootView from './components/rootView' |
import './remix-ui-plugin-manager.css' |
export const RemixUiPluginManager = (props: RemixUiPluginManagerProps) => { |
export function getSolidity (pluginComponent: PluginManagerComponent) { |
const fetchSolidity = async () => { |
const solidity = await pluginComponent.appManager.getProfile('solidity') |
const solidityLogic = await pluginComponent.appManager.getProfile('solidity-logic') |
return [solidity, solidityLogic] |
} |
const materializeFetch = fetchSolidity() |
return materializeFetch |
} |
export function getWorkspacePluginNames () { |
const workspace: string[] = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('workspace')) |
return workspace |
} |
export const RemixUiPluginManager = ({ pluginComponent }: RemixUiPluginManagerProps) => { |
// const [, setWorkspacePlugins] = useState<string[]>([])
// useEffect(() => {
// const newActives = localStorage.getItem('newActivePlugins')
// const updatedInactives = localStorage.getItem('updatedInactives')
// if (newActives === null && updatedInactives === null) {
// if (getWorkspacePluginNames().includes('solidity') && getWorkspacePluginNames().includes('solidity-logic')) {
// if (pluginComponent.activeProfiles.includes('solidity') && pluginComponent.activeProfiles.includes('solidity-logic')) {
// localStorage.setItem('newActivePlugins', JSON.stringify(getSolidity(pluginComponent)))
// const filteredInactives = pluginComponent.inactivePlugins.filter(inactive => !== 'solidity' &&
// !== 'solidity-logic')
// }
// }
// localStorage.setItem('newActivePlugins', '[]')
// localStorage.setItem('updatedInactives', '[]')
// }
// console.log('current Active Profiles from pluginComponent', pluginComponent.activeProfiles)
// // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
// }, [pluginComponent.activePlugins, pluginComponent.activeProfiles, pluginComponent.inactivePlugins])
// useEffect(() => {
// const workspaceLogic = async () => {
// const workspace = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('workspace'))
// const fromLocalStorage = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('newActivePlugins')) as Profile[]
// if (workspace && workspace.length > 0) {
// setWorkspacePlugins(workspace)
// if (workspace.includes('solidity') && workspace.includes('solidity-logic')) {
// const solidity = await pluginComponent.appManager.getProfile('solidity')
// const logic = await pluginComponent.appManager.getProfile('solidity-logic')
// const updates = [...fromLocalStorage, solidity, logic]
// localStorage.setItem('newActivePlugins', JSON.stringify(updates))
// // setActiveProfiles(updates)
// }
// }
// }
// workspaceLogic()
// return () => {
// console.log('finished second effect!')
// }
// // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
// }, [])
return ( |
<RootView pluginComponent={props.pluginComponent}/> |
<RootView pluginComponent={pluginComponent}> |
<section data-id="pluginManagerComponentPluginManagerSection"> |
<ActivePluginCardContainer |
pluginComponent={pluginComponent} |
/> |
<InactivePluginCardContainer |
pluginComponent={pluginComponent} |
/> |
</section> |
</RootView> |
) |
} |
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ |
import { useRef, useEffect, useState } from 'react' |
interface EventHandler<T extends Event = Event> { |
(e: T): void; |
} |
interface WindowEventHook { |
<K extends keyof WindowEventMap>( |
eventName: K, |
handler: EventHandler<WindowEventMap[K]> |
): void; |
} |
export const useWindowEvent: WindowEventHook = (eventName, handler) => { |
// optimization: using useRef here helps us guarantee that this function is
// is only mutated during effect lifecycles, adding some assurance that the
// function invoked by the event listener is the same function passed to the
// hook.
const handlerRef = useRef<typeof handler>() |
useEffect(() => { |
handlerRef.current = handler |
}, [handler]) |
useEffect(() => { |
const eventListener: typeof handler = event => handlerRef.current(event) |
window.addEventListener(eventName, eventListener) |
return () => { |
window.removeEventListener(eventName, eventListener) |
} |
}, [eventName, handler]) |
} |
export const useLocalStorage = (key: string) => { |
// initialize the value from localStorage
const [currentValue, setCurrentValue] = useState<any | null>(() => { |
const readFromStore = localStorage.getItem(key) |
if (readFromStore) { |
return JSON.parse(readFromStore) |
} else { |
localStorage.setItem('plugins/permissions', '{}') |
} |
}) |
const handler = (e: StorageEvent) => { |
if ( |
e.storageArea === localStorage && |
e.key === key && |
e.newValue !== currentValue |
) { |
setCurrentValue(e.newValue) |
} |
} |
// set up the event listener
useWindowEvent('storage', handler) |
// update localStorage when the currentValue changes via setCurrentValue
useEffect(() => { |
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(currentValue)) |
}, [key, currentValue]) |
// use as const to tell TypeScript this is a tuple
return [currentValue, setCurrentValue] as const |
} |
Reference in new issue