- create a new data folder (`dev-path` option) if it doesn't exist containing blockchain data and keys.
- serve a local folder through an http server (`frontend` and `frontend-port` option).
This option may be used if you want to browse your dapp using `Mist` or a normal browser and `Metamask` (see third example) (https://metamask.io). In this example the web application located at `/home/frontend` will be available at
- start to mine automatically when new transactions are created.
`remixd -s /home/user/project1/contracts`
- allow accessing the local folder from Remix IDE (http://remix.ethereum.org)
- do the same as the first example but do not start `Mist`.
It is still possible to browse a front end app using a normal browser and Metamask. The connection between Metamask and `geth` has to be dome via rpc connection and thus the rpc server has to be enabled (`rpc` and `rpc-port` options).
Note that in that case Remix IDE (remix.ethereum.org) does not need Metamask. It is possible to use the `Web3 Provider` of Remix.