diff --git a/src/app/components/vertical-icons-component.js b/src/app/components/vertical-icons-component.js
index 35a25b1841..4c7c8c04f2 100644
--- a/src/app/components/vertical-icons-component.js
+++ b/src/app/components/vertical-icons-component.js
@@ -51,15 +51,18 @@ class VerticalIconComponent {
listenOnStatus (api) {
if (!api.events) return
+ // the list of supported keys. 'none' will remove the status
+ const keys = ['edited', 'success', 'none', 'spinner', 'fail']
+ const types = ['error', 'warning', 'success', 'info', '']
const fn = (status) => {
- if (
- status.type === 'warning' ||
- status.type === 'danger' ||
- status.key === 'code' ||
- status.key === 'check' ||
- (status.key === '' && status.type === '' && status.title === '')) {
- this.setIconStatus(api.profile.name, status)
+ if (!types.includes(status.type) && status.type) throw new Error(`type should be ${keys.join()}`)
+ if (!status.key) throw new Error(`status key should be defined`)
+ if (typeof status.key === 'string' && (!keys.includes(status.key))) {
+ throw new Error('key should contain either number or ' + keys.join())
+ this.setIconStatus(api.profile.name, status)
this.iconStatus[api.profile.name] = fn
api.events.on('statusChanged', this.iconStatus[api.profile.name])
@@ -81,6 +84,33 @@ class VerticalIconComponent {
this.iconKind[kind || 'other'].appendChild(this.icons[name])
+ /**
+ * resolve a classes list for @arg key
+ * @param {Object} key
+ * @param {Object} type
+ */
+ resolveClasses (key, type) {
+ let classes = css.status
+ switch (key) {
+ case 'success':
+ classes += ' fas fa-check-circle text-' + type + ' ' + css.statusCheck
+ break
+ case 'edited':
+ classes += ' fas fa-sync text-' + type + ' ' + css.statusCheck
+ break
+ case 'spinner':
+ classes += ' fas fa-spinner text-' + type + ' ' + css.statusCheck
+ break
+ case 'fail':
+ classes += ' fas fa-exclamation-triangle text-' + type + ' ' + css.statusCheck
+ break
+ default: {
+ classes += ' badge badge-pill badge-' + type
+ }
+ }
+ return classes
+ }
* Set a new status for the @arg name
* @param {String} name
@@ -93,38 +123,30 @@ class VerticalIconComponent {
if (statusEl) {
- if (status.key) {
- let key = helper.checkSpecialChars(status.key) ? '' : status.key
- let type = helper.checkSpecialChars(status.type) ? '' : status.type
- let title = helper.checkSpecialChars(status.title) ? '' : status.title
- let classes = css.status
- switch (key) {
- case 'check':
- classes += ' fas fa-check-circle text-' + type + ' ' + css.statusCheck
- break
- case 'code':
- classes += ' fas fa-sync text-' + type
- break
- default:
- classes += ' badge badge-pill badge-' + type
- }
+ if (status.key === 'none') return // remove status
- el.appendChild(yo`
- ${key === 'code' || key === 'check' ? '' : key}
- `)
- // el.classList = "" doesn't work on all browser use instead
- var classList = el.classList
- while (classList.length > 0) {
- classList.remove(classList.item(0))
- }
- el.classList.add(`${css.icon}`)
- }
+ let text = ''
+ let key = ''
+ if (typeof status.key === 'number') {
+ key = status.key.toString()
+ text = key
+ } else key = helper.checkSpecialChars(status.key) ? '' : status.key
+ let type = ''
+ if (status.type === 'error') {
+ type = 'danger' // to use with bootstrap
+ } else type = helper.checkSpecialChars(status.type) ? '' : status.type
+ let title = helper.checkSpecialChars(status.title) ? '' : status.title
+ el.appendChild(yo`
+ ${text}
+ `)
+ el.classList.add(`${css.icon}`)
diff --git a/src/app/tabs/analysis-tab.js b/src/app/tabs/analysis-tab.js
index 54cd001f05..b9f6301016 100644
--- a/src/app/tabs/analysis-tab.js
+++ b/src/app/tabs/analysis-tab.js
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ class AnalysisTab extends BaseApi {
if (!this.staticanalysis) this.staticanalysis = new StaticAnalysis()
this.staticanalysis.event.register('staticAnaysisWarning', (count) => {
if (count > 0) {
- this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: count.toString(), title: count + ' warnings', type: 'warning'})
+ this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: count, title: `${count} warning${count === 1 ? '' : 's'}`, type: 'warning'})
} else if (count === 0) {
- this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: 'check', title: 'no warning', type: 'success'})
+ this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: 'success', title: 'no warning', type: 'success'})
} else {
- this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: '', title: '', type: ''})
+ this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: 'none'})
this.registry.put({api: this.staticanalysis, name: 'staticanalysis'})
diff --git a/src/app/tabs/compile-tab.js b/src/app/tabs/compile-tab.js
index f59f11e905..6786c8c4e0 100644
--- a/src/app/tabs/compile-tab.js
+++ b/src/app/tabs/compile-tab.js
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class CompileTab extends CompilerApi {
listenToEvents () {
let onContentChanged = () => {
- this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: 'code', title: 'the content has changed, needs recompilation', type: 'info'})
+ this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: 'edited', title: 'the content has changed, needs recompilation', type: 'info'})
this.editor.event.register('contentChanged', onContentChanged)
this.editor.event.register('sessionSwitched', onContentChanged)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class CompileTab extends CompilerApi {
this.compiler.event.register('compilerLoaded', () => {
- this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: '', title: '', type: ''})
+ this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: 'none'})
this.compileTabLogic.event.on('startingCompilation', () => {
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class CompileTab extends CompilerApi {
const cleanupErrors = () => {
this._view.errorContainer.innerHTML = ''
- this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: '', title: '', type: ''})
+ this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: 'none'})
this.compiler.event.register('compilationFinished', (success, data, source) => {
@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ class CompileTab extends CompilerApi {
this.events.emit('compilationFinished', source.target, source, 'soljson', data)
if (data.errors) {
this.events.emit('statusChanged', {
- key: data.errors.length.toString(),
- title: 'compilation finished successful with warning' + data.errors.length > 1 ? 's' : '',
+ key: data.errors.length,
+ title: `compilation finished successful with warning${data.errors.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}`,
type: 'warning'
- } else this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: 'check', title: 'compilation successful', type: 'success'})
+ } else this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: 'success', title: 'compilation successful', type: 'success'})
// Store the contracts
this.data.contractsDetails = {}
this.compiler.visitContracts((contract) => {
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ class CompileTab extends CompilerApi {
} else {
- const count = (data.errors ? data.errors.filter(error => error.severity === 'error').length : 0 + data.error ? 1 : 0).toString()
- this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: count, title: 'compilation failed', type: 'danger'})
+ const count = (data.errors ? data.errors.filter(error => error.severity === 'error').length : 0 + data.error ? 1 : 0)
+ this.events.emit('statusChanged', {key: count, title: 'compilation failed', type: 'error'})
// Update contract Selection
let contractMap = {}