@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ |
"home.solhintPluginDesc": "Solhint is an open source project for linting Solidity code.", |
"home.sourcifyPluginDesc": "Solidity contract and metadata verification service.", |
"home.unitTestPluginDesc": "Write and run unit tests for your contracts in Solidity.", |
"home.contractVerificationDesc": "Verify contract code on Sourcify, Etherscan, Blockscout and Routescan at the same time.", |
"home.contractVerificationDesc": "Verify contracts on multiple services at the same time.", |
"home.dgitPluginDesc": "Add source control to your projects.", |
"home.oneClickDappDesc": "Quickly generate smart contract interfaces", |
"home.getStarted": "Get Started", |