move txRunner into remixLib

Iuri Matias 7 years ago
parent d5434a296b
commit c8d998d1d2
  1. 206
  2. 2

@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
'use strict'
var EthJSTX = require('ethereumjs-tx')
var EthJSBlock = require('ethereumjs-block')
var ethJSUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
var BN = ethJSUtil.BN
var executionContext = require('../../execution-context')
function TxRunner (vmaccounts, api) {
this._api = api
this.blockNumber = 0
this.runAsync = true
if (executionContext.isVM()) {
this.blockNumber = 1150000 // The VM is running in Homestead mode, which started at this block.
this.runAsync = false // We have to run like this cause the VM Event Manager does not support running multiple txs at the same time.
this.pendingTxs = {}
this.vmaccounts = vmaccounts
this.queusTxs = []
TxRunner.prototype.rawRun = function (args, confirmationCb, gasEstimationForceSend, promptCb, cb) {
run(this, args,, confirmationCb, gasEstimationForceSend, promptCb, cb)
function executeTx (tx, gasPrice, api, promptCb, callback) {
if (gasPrice) tx.gasPrice = executionContext.web3().toHex(gasPrice)
if (api.personalMode()) {
(value) => {
sendTransaction(executionContext.web3().personal.sendTransaction, tx, value, callback)
() => {
return callback('Canceled by user.')
} else {
sendTransaction(executionContext.web3().eth.sendTransaction, tx, null, callback)
TxRunner.prototype.execute = function (args, confirmationCb, gasEstimationForceSend, promptCb, callback) {
var self = this
var data =
if (data.slice(0, 2) !== '0x') {
data = '0x' + data
if (!executionContext.isVM()) {
self.runInNode(args.from,, data, args.value, args.gasLimit, args.useCall, confirmationCb, gasEstimationForceSend, promptCb, callback)
} else {
try {
self.runInVm(args.from,, data, args.value, args.gasLimit, args.useCall, callback)
} catch (e) {
callback(e, null)
TxRunner.prototype.runInVm = function (from, to, data, value, gasLimit, useCall, callback) {
const self = this
var account = self.vmaccounts[from]
if (!account) {
return callback('Invalid account selected')
var tx = new EthJSTX({
nonce: new BN(account.nonce++),
gasPrice: new BN(1),
gasLimit: new BN(gasLimit, 10),
to: to,
value: new BN(value, 10),
data: new Buffer(data.slice(2), 'hex')
const coinbases = [ '0x0e9281e9c6a0808672eaba6bd1220e144c9bb07a', '0x8945a1288dc78a6d8952a92c77aee6730b414778', '0x94d76e24f818426ae84aa404140e8d5f60e10e7e' ]
const difficulties = [ new BN('69762765929000', 10), new BN('70762765929000', 10), new BN('71762765929000', 10) ]
var block = new EthJSBlock({
header: {
timestamp: new Date().getTime() / 1000 | 0,
number: self.blockNumber,
coinbase: coinbases[self.blockNumber % coinbases.length],
difficulty: difficulties[self.blockNumber % difficulties.length],
gasLimit: new BN(gasLimit, 10).imuln(2)
transactions: [],
uncleHeaders: []
if (!useCall) {
} else {
executionContext.vm().runTx({block: block, tx: tx, skipBalance: true, skipNonce: true}, function (err, result) {
if (useCall) {
executionContext.vm().stateManager.revert(function () {})
err = err ? err.message : err
result.status = '0x' + result.vm.exception.toString(16)
callback(err, {
result: result,
transactionHash: ethJSUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(tx.hash()))
TxRunner.prototype.runInNode = function (from, to, data, value, gasLimit, useCall, confirmCb, gasEstimationForceSend, promptCb, callback) {
const self = this
var tx = { from: from, to: to, data: data, value: value }
if (useCall) {
tx.gas = gasLimit
return executionContext.web3(), function (error, result) {
callback(error, {
result: result,
transactionHash: result.transactionHash
executionContext.web3().eth.estimateGas(tx, function (err, gasEstimation) {
gasEstimationForceSend(err, () => {
// callback is called whenever no error
tx.gas = !gasEstimation ? gasLimit : gasEstimation
if (self._api.config.getUnpersistedProperty('doNotShowTransactionConfirmationAgain')) {
return executeTx(tx, null, self._api, promptCb, callback)
self._api.detectNetwork((err, network) => {
if (err) {
confirmCb(network, tx, tx.gas, (gasPrice) => {
return executeTx(tx, gasPrice, self._api, promptCb, callback)
}, (error) => {
}, () => {
var blockGasLimit = executionContext.currentblockGasLimit()
// NOTE: estimateGas very likely will return a large limit if execution of the code failed
// we want to be able to run the code in order to debug and find the cause for the failure
if (err) return callback(err)
var warnEstimation = ' An important gas estimation might also be the sign of a problem in the contract code. Please check loops and be sure you did not sent value to a non payable function (that\'s also the reason of strong gas estimation). '
warnEstimation += ' ' + err
if (gasEstimation > gasLimit) {
return callback('Gas required exceeds limit: ' + gasLimit + '. ' + warnEstimation)
if (gasEstimation > blockGasLimit) {
return callback('Gas required exceeds block gas limit: ' + gasLimit + '. ' + warnEstimation)
function tryTillResponse (txhash, done) {
executionContext.web3().eth.getTransactionReceipt(txhash, function (err, result) {
if (err || !result) {
// Try again with a bit of delay if error or if result still null
setTimeout(function () { tryTillResponse(txhash, done) }, 500)
} else {
done(err, {
result: result,
transactionHash: result.transactionHash
function sendTransaction (sendTx, tx, pass, callback) {
var cb = function (err, resp) {
if (err) {
return callback(err, resp)
tryTillResponse(resp, callback)
var args = pass !== null ? [tx, pass, cb] : [tx, cb]
try {
sendTx.apply({}, args)
} catch (e) {
return callback(`Send transaction failed: ${e.message} . if you use an injected provider, please check it is properly unlocked. `)
function run (self, tx, stamp, confirmationCb, gasEstimationForceSend, promptCb, callback) {
if (!self.runAsync && Object.keys(self.pendingTxs).length) {
self.queusTxs.push({ tx, stamp, callback })
} else {
self.pendingTxs[stamp] = tx
self.execute(tx, confirmationCb, gasEstimationForceSend, promptCb, (error, result) => {
delete self.pendingTxs[stamp]
callback(error, result)
if (self.queusTxs.length) {
var next = self.queusTxs.pop()
run(self, next.tx, next.stamp, next.callback)
module.exports = TxRunner

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ var BN = ethJSUtil.BN
var remixLib = require('remix-lib')
var EventManager = remixLib.EventManager
var crypto = require('crypto')
var TxRunner = require('./app/execution/txRunner')
var txRunner = remixLib.execution.txRunner
var txExecution = remixLib.execution.txExecution
var txFormat = remixLib.execution.txFormat
var txHelper = remixLib.execution.txHelper
