print hardhat Logs

Aniket-Engg 3 years ago committed by Aniket
parent ecf8057b34
commit cce9229aee
  1. 32

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react' // eslint-disable-lin
// import { TestTabLogic } from './logic/testTabLogic'
var async = require('async')
import { canUseWorker, urlFromVersion } from '@remix-project/remix-solidity'
import { format } from 'util'
import './css/style.css'
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ export const SolidityUnitTesting = (props: any) => {
const [disableRunButton, setDisableRunButton] = useState(false)
const [runButtonTitle, setRunButtonTitle] = useState('Run tests')
const [stopButtonLabel, setStopButtonLabel] = useState('Stop')
const [checkSelectAll, setCheckSelectAll] = useState(true)
const [testsOutput, setTestsOutput] = useState<Element[]>([])
@ -193,6 +195,25 @@ export const SolidityUnitTesting = (props: any) => {'debugger', 'debug', txHash, web3)
const printHHLogs = (logsArr: any, testName: any) => {
let finalLogs = `<b>${testName}:</b>\n`
for (const log of logsArr) {
let formattedLog
// Hardhat implements the same formatting options that can be found in Node.js' console.log,
// which in turn uses util.format:
// For example: console.log("Name: %s, Age: %d", remix, 6) will log 'Name: remix, Age: 6'
// We check first arg to determine if 'util.format' is needed
if (typeof log[0] === 'string' && (log[0].includes('%s') || log[0].includes('%d'))) {
formattedLog = format(log[0], ...log.slice(1))
} else {
formattedLog = log.join(' ')
finalLogs = finalLogs + '&emsp;' + formattedLog + '\n'
// _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'solidityUnitTesting', 'hardhat', 'console.log'])'terminal', 'log', { type: 'info', value: finalLogs })
const testCallback = (result: any, runningTests: any) => {
console.log('result---in testCallback->', result)
let debugBtn
@ -219,7 +240,7 @@ export const SolidityUnitTesting = (props: any) => {
setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, ContractCard]))
} else if (result.type === 'testPass') {
// if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) this.printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value)
if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value)
const testPassCard: any = (
@ -235,7 +256,7 @@ export const SolidityUnitTesting = (props: any) => {
setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, testPassCard]))
} else if (result.type === 'testFailure') {
// if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) this.printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value)
if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value)
if (!result.assertMethod) {
const testFailCard1: any = (<div
className="bg-light mb-2 px-2 testLog d-flex flex-column text-danger border-0"
@ -277,10 +298,9 @@ export const SolidityUnitTesting = (props: any) => {
setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, testFailCard2]))
//else if (result.type === 'logOnly') {
// if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) this.printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value)
// }
} else if (result.type === 'logOnly') {
if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value)
const resultsCallback = (_err: any, result: any, cb: any) => {
