diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
index 8a597efbfc..d5717a7e1c 100644
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ parameters:
type: boolean
default: false
- browser-tools: circleci/browser-tools@1.4.3
+ browser-tools: circleci/browser-tools@1.4.4
@@ -144,8 +144,9 @@ jobs:
- browser-tools/install-browser-tools:
install-firefox: false
install-chrome: true
+ install-chromedriver: false
install-geckodriver: false
- install-chromedriver: true
+ - install-chromedriver-custom-linux
- run: google-chrome --version
- run: chromedriver --version
- run: rm LICENSE.chromedriver 2> /dev/null || true
@@ -202,7 +203,8 @@ jobs:
install-firefox: false
install-chrome: true
install-geckodriver: false
- install-chromedriver: true
+ install-chromedriver: false
+ - install-chromedriver-custom-linux
- run: google-chrome --version
- run: chromedriver --version
- run: rm LICENSE.chromedriver 2> /dev/null || true
@@ -367,3 +369,31 @@ workflows:
only: remix_beta
# VS Code Extension Version: 1.5.1
+ install-chromedriver-custom-linux:
+ description: Custom script to install chromedriver with better version support for linux
+ steps:
+ - run:
+ name: install-chromedriver-custom-linux
+ command: |
+ CHROMEDRIVER_URL=$(curl -s 'https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/last-known-good-versions-with-downloads.json' | jq '.channels.Stable.downloads.chromedriver[] | select(.platform == "linux64") | .url' | tr -d '"')
+ ZIPFILEPATH="/tmp/chromedriver.zip"
+ echo "Downloading from $CHROMEDRIVER_URL"
+ curl -f --silent $CHROMEDRIVER_URL > "$ZIPFILEPATH"
+ BINFILEPATH="$HOME/bin/chromedriver-linux"
+ echo "Extracting to $BINFILEPATH"
+ unzip -p "$ZIPFILEPATH" chromedriver-linux64/chromedriver > "$BINFILEPATH"
+ echo Setting execute flag
+ chmod +x "$BINFILEPATH"
+ echo Updating symlink
+ ln -nfs "$BINFILEPATH" ~/bin/chromedriver
+ echo Removing ZIP file
+ echo Done
+ chromedriver -v
diff --git a/.husky/pre-commit b/.husky/pre-commit
index 5a182ef106..618c2bfbc7 100755
--- a/.husky/pre-commit
+++ b/.husky/pre-commit
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/husky.sh"
-yarn lint-staged
diff --git a/.lintstagedrc.json b/.lintstagedrc.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bb8f13b60..0000000000
--- a/.lintstagedrc.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- "*.{tsx,ts,js,jsx,mjs,cjs}": ["prettier --write","eslint --fix"]
diff --git a/.prettierrc.json b/.prettierrc.json
index 38fb48dc5d..5ab8667137 100644
--- a/.prettierrc.json
+++ b/.prettierrc.json
@@ -3,12 +3,5 @@
"useTabs": false,
"printWidth": 180,
"semi": false,
- "singleQuote": true,
- "quoteProps": "consistent",
- "jsxSingleQuote": false,
- "bracketSpacing": false,
- "trailingComma": "none",
- "jsxBracketSameLine": false,
- "arrowParens": "always",
- "singleAttributePerLine": false
+ "singleQuote": true
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 109d44caff..00ebb8c51d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
[![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/ethereum/remix-project?style=flat&logo=github)](https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
[![Awesome Remix](https://img.shields.io/badge/Awesome--Remix-resources-green?logo=awesomelists)](https://github.com/ethereum/awesome-remix)
-[![Gitter Chat](https://img.shields.io/badge/Gitter%20-chat-brightgreen?style=plastic&logo=gitter)](https://gitter.im/ethereum/remix)
[![Twitter Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/ethereumremix?style=flat&logo=twitter&color=green)](https://twitter.com/ethereumremix)
@@ -282,7 +282,9 @@ parameters:
## Important Links
+- Official website: https://remix-project.org
- Official documentation: https://remix-ide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
-- Curated list of Remix resources, tutorials etc.: https://github.com/ethereum/awesome-remix
+- Curated list of Remix resources: https://github.com/ethereum/awesome-remix
- Medium: https://medium.com/remix-ide
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ethereumremix
+- Join Discord: https://discord.gg/q4vS2GVn
diff --git a/apps/circuit-compiler/project.json b/apps/circuit-compiler/project.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb501cc21d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/circuit-compiler/project.json
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ "name": "circuit-compiler",
+ "$schema": "../../node_modules/nx/schemas/project-schema.json",
+ "sourceRoot": "apps/circuit-compiler/src",
+ "projectType": "application",
+ "implicitDependencies": ["remixd"],
+ "targets": {
+ "build": {
+ "executor": "@nrwl/webpack:webpack",
+ "outputs": ["{options.outputPath}"],
+ "defaultConfiguration": "development",
+ "options": {
+ "compiler": "babel",
+ "outputPath": "dist/apps/circuit-compiler",
+ "index": "apps/circuit-compiler/src/index.html",
+ "baseHref": "./",
+ "main": "apps/circuit-compiler/src/main.tsx",
+ "polyfills": "apps/circuit-compiler/src/polyfills.ts",
+ "tsConfig": "apps/circuit-compiler/tsconfig.app.json",
+ "assets": ["apps/circuit-compiler/src/profile.json"],
+ "styles": ["apps/circuit-compiler/src/css/app.css"],
+ "scripts": [],
+ "webpackConfig": "apps/circuit-compiler/webpack.config.js"
+ },
+ "configurations": {
+ "development": {
+ },
+ "production": {
+ "fileReplacements": [
+ {
+ "replace": "apps/circuit-compiler/src/environments/environment.ts",
+ "with": "apps/circuit-compiler/src/environments/environment.prod.ts"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "serve": {
+ "executor": "@nrwl/webpack:dev-server",
+ "defaultConfiguration": "development",
+ "options": {
+ "buildTarget": "circuit-compiler:build",
+ "hmr": true,
+ "baseHref": "/"
+ },
+ "configurations": {
+ "development": {
+ "buildTarget": "circuit-compiler:build:development",
+ "port": 2023
+ },
+ "production": {
+ "buildTarget": "circuit-compiler:build:production"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tags": []
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/circuit-compiler/src/app/app.tsx b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/app/app.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e922fb0bf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/app/app.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
+import { CircomPluginClient } from './services/circomPluginClient'
+function App() {
+ useEffect(() => {
+ new CircomPluginClient()
+ }, [])
+ return (
+ )
+export default App
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/circuit-compiler/src/app/services/circomPluginClient.ts b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/app/services/circomPluginClient.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f94b1317f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/app/services/circomPluginClient.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+import {PluginClient} from '@remixproject/plugin'
+import {createClient} from '@remixproject/plugin-webview'
+import EventManager from 'events'
+import pathModule from 'path'
+import {parse} from 'circom_wasm'
+export class CircomPluginClient extends PluginClient {
+ public internalEvents: EventManager
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ createClient(this)
+ this.internalEvents = new EventManager()
+ this.methods = ['init', 'parse']
+ this.onload()
+ }
+ init(): void {
+ console.log('initializing circom plugin...')
+ }
+ onActivation(): void {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ this.on('editor', 'contentChanged', (path: string, fileContent) => {
+ if (path.endsWith('.circom')) {
+ this.parse(path, fileContent)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ async parse(path: string, fileContent: string): Promise {
+ let buildFiles = {
+ [path]: fileContent
+ }
+ buildFiles = await this.resolveDependencies(path, fileContent, buildFiles)
+ const parsedOutput = parse(path, buildFiles)
+ try {
+ const result = JSON.parse(parsedOutput)
+ if (result.length === 0) {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ await this.call('editor', 'clearErrorMarkers', [path])
+ } else {
+ const markers = []
+ for (const report of result) {
+ for (const label in report.labels) {
+ if (report.labels[label].file_id === '0') {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const startPosition: {lineNumber: number; column: number} =
+ await this.call(
+ 'editor',
+ // @ts-ignore
+ 'getPositionAt',
+ report.labels[label].range.start
+ )
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const endPosition: {lineNumber: number; column: number} =
+ await this.call(
+ 'editor',
+ // @ts-ignore
+ 'getPositionAt',
+ report.labels[label].range.end
+ )
+ markers.push({
+ message: report.message,
+ severity: report.type.toLowerCase(),
+ position: {
+ start: {
+ line: startPosition.lineNumber,
+ column: startPosition.column
+ },
+ end: {
+ line: endPosition.lineNumber,
+ column: endPosition.column
+ }
+ },
+ file: path
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (markers.length > 0) {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ await this.call('editor', 'addErrorMarker', markers)
+ } else {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ await this.call('editor', 'clearErrorMarkers', [path])
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.log(e)
+ }
+ }
+ async resolveDependencies(
+ filePath: string,
+ fileContent: string,
+ output = {},
+ depPath: string = '',
+ blackPath: string[] = []
+ ): Promise> {
+ // extract all includes
+ const includes = (fileContent.match(/include ['"].*['"]/g) || []).map(
+ (include) => include.replace(/include ['"]/g, '').replace(/['"]/g, '')
+ )
+ await Promise.all(
+ includes.map(async (include) => {
+ // fix for endless recursive includes
+ if (blackPath.includes(include)) return
+ let dependencyContent = ''
+ let path = include
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const pathExists = await this.call('fileManager', 'exists', path)
+ if (pathExists) {
+ // fetch file content if include import (path) exists within same level as current file opened in editor
+ dependencyContent = await this.call('fileManager', 'readFile', path)
+ } else {
+ // if include import (path) does not exist, try to construct relative path using the original file path (current file opened in editor)
+ let relativePath = pathModule.resolve(
+ filePath.slice(0, filePath.lastIndexOf('/')),
+ include
+ )
+ if (relativePath.indexOf('/') === 0)
+ relativePath = relativePath.slice(1)
+ const relativePathExists = await this.call(
+ 'fileManager',
+ // @ts-ignore
+ 'exists',
+ relativePath
+ )
+ if (relativePathExists) {
+ // fetch file content if include import exists as a relative path
+ dependencyContent = await this.call(
+ 'fileManager',
+ 'readFile',
+ relativePath
+ )
+ } else {
+ if (depPath) {
+ // if depPath is provided, try to resolve include import from './deps' folder in remix
+ path = pathModule.resolve(
+ depPath.slice(0, depPath.lastIndexOf('/')),
+ include
+ )
+ if (path.indexOf('/') === 0) path = path.slice(1)
+ dependencyContent = await this.call(
+ 'contentImport',
+ 'resolveAndSave',
+ path,
+ null
+ )
+ } else {
+ if (include.startsWith('circomlib')) {
+ // try to resolve include import from github if it is a circomlib dependency
+ const splitInclude = include.split('/')
+ const version = splitInclude[1].match(/v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+/g)
+ if (version && version[0]) {
+ path = `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iden3/circomlib/${
+ version[0]
+ }/circuits/${splitInclude.slice(2).join('/')}`
+ dependencyContent = await this.call(
+ 'contentImport',
+ 'resolveAndSave',
+ path,
+ null
+ )
+ } else {
+ path = `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iden3/circomlib/master/circuits/${splitInclude
+ .slice(1)
+ .join('/')}`
+ dependencyContent = await this.call(
+ 'contentImport',
+ 'resolveAndSave',
+ path,
+ null
+ )
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If all import cases are not true, use the default import to try fetching from node_modules and unpkg
+ dependencyContent = await this.call(
+ 'contentImport',
+ 'resolveAndSave',
+ path,
+ null
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // extract all includes from the dependency content
+ const dependencyIncludes = (
+ dependencyContent.match(/include ['"].*['"]/g) || []
+ ).map((include) =>
+ include.replace(/include ['"]/g, '').replace(/['"]/g, '')
+ )
+ blackPath.push(include)
+ // recursively resolve all dependencies of the dependency
+ if (dependencyIncludes.length > 0) {
+ await this.resolveDependencies(
+ filePath,
+ dependencyContent,
+ output,
+ path,
+ blackPath
+ )
+ output[include] = dependencyContent
+ } else {
+ output[include] = dependencyContent
+ }
+ })
+ )
+ return output
+ }
diff --git a/apps/circuit-compiler/src/css/app.css b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/css/app.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/apps/circuit-compiler/src/example/simple.circom b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/example/simple.circom
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a2120df7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/example/simple.circom
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+pragma circom 2.0.0;
+template Multiplier2() {
+ signal input a;
+ signal input b;
+ signal output c;
+ c <== a*b;
+ }
+ component main = Multiplier2();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/circuit-compiler/src/index.html b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..adb93d90f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ Circuit - Compiler
diff --git a/apps/circuit-compiler/src/main.tsx b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/main.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b63438d846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/main.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
+import App from './app/app'
+ ,
+ document.getElementById('root')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/circuit-compiler/src/polyfills.ts b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/polyfills.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2adf3d05b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/polyfills.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ * Polyfill stable language features. These imports will be optimized by `@babel/preset-env`.
+ *
+ * See: https://github.com/zloirock/core-js#babel
+ */
+import 'core-js/stable';
+import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';
diff --git a/apps/circuit-compiler/src/profile.json b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/profile.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bda2ccadb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/circuit-compiler/src/profile.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ "name": "circuit-compiler",
+ "kind": "provider",
+ "displayName": "Circuit Compiler",
+ "events": [],
+ "version": "2.0.0",
+ "methods": ["init", "parse"],
+ "canActivate": [],
+ "url": "",
+ "description": "Enables circuit compilation and computing a witness for ZK proofs",
+ "icon": "https://docs.circom.io/assets/images/favicon.png",
+ "location": "sidePanel",
+ "documentation": "",
+ "repo": "https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/tree/master/apps/circuit-compiler",
+ "maintainedBy": "Remix",
+ "authorContact": ""
diff --git a/apps/circuit-compiler/tsconfig.app.json b/apps/circuit-compiler/tsconfig.app.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2272b8a388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/circuit-compiler/tsconfig.app.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "outDir": "../../dist/out-tsc",
+ "types": ["node"]
+ },
+ "files": [
+ "../../node_modules/@nrwl/react/typings/cssmodule.d.ts",
+ "../../node_modules/@nrwl/react/typings/image.d.ts"
+ ],
+ "exclude": [
+ "jest.config.ts",
+ "**/*.spec.ts",
+ "**/*.test.ts",
+ "**/*.spec.tsx",
+ "**/*.test.tsx",
+ "**/*.spec.js",
+ "**/*.test.js",
+ "**/*.spec.jsx",
+ "**/*.test.jsx"
+ ],
+ "include": ["**/*.js", "**/*.jsx", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/circuit-compiler/tsconfig.json b/apps/circuit-compiler/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b6130a0a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/circuit-compiler/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ "extends": "../../tsconfig.base.json",
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "jsx": "react-jsx",
+ "allowJs": true,
+ "esModuleInterop": true,
+ "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true
+ },
+ "files": [],
+ "include": [],
+ "references": [
+ {
+ "path": "./tsconfig.app.json"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/circuit-compiler/webpack.config.js b/apps/circuit-compiler/webpack.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fecff4fa70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/circuit-compiler/webpack.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+const { composePlugins, withNx } = require('@nrwl/webpack')
+const webpack = require('webpack')
+const TerserPlugin = require("terser-webpack-plugin")
+const CssMinimizerPlugin = require("css-minimizer-webpack-plugin")
+// Nx plugins for webpack.
+module.exports = composePlugins(withNx(), (config) => {
+ // Update the webpack config as needed here.
+ // e.g. `config.plugins.push(new MyPlugin())`
+ // add fallback for node modules
+ config.resolve.fallback = {
+ ...config.resolve.fallback,
+ "crypto": require.resolve("crypto-browserify"),
+ "stream": require.resolve("stream-browserify"),
+ "path": require.resolve("path-browserify"),
+ "http": require.resolve("stream-http"),
+ "https": require.resolve("https-browserify"),
+ "constants": require.resolve("constants-browserify"),
+ "os": false, //require.resolve("os-browserify/browser"),
+ "timers": false, // require.resolve("timers-browserify"),
+ "zlib": require.resolve("browserify-zlib"),
+ "fs": false,
+ "module": false,
+ "tls": false,
+ "net": false,
+ "readline": false,
+ "child_process": false,
+ "buffer": require.resolve("buffer/"),
+ "vm": require.resolve('vm-browserify'),
+ }
+ // add externals
+ config.externals = {
+ ...config.externals,
+ solc: 'solc',
+ }
+ // add public path
+ config.output.publicPath = './'
+ // add copy & provide plugin
+ config.plugins.push(
+ new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
+ Buffer: ['buffer', 'Buffer'],
+ url: ['url', 'URL'],
+ process: 'process/browser',
+ })
+ )
+ // set the define plugin to load the WALLET_CONNECT_PROJECT_ID
+ config.plugins.push(
+ new webpack.DefinePlugin({
+ })
+ )
+ // souce-map loader
+ config.module.rules.push({
+ test: /\.js$/,
+ use: ["source-map-loader"],
+ enforce: "pre"
+ })
+ config.ignoreWarnings = [/Failed to parse source map/] // ignore source-map-loader warnings
+ // set minimizer
+ config.optimization.minimizer = [
+ new TerserPlugin({
+ parallel: true,
+ terserOptions: {
+ ecma: 2015,
+ compress: false,
+ mangle: false,
+ format: {
+ comments: false,
+ },
+ },
+ extractComments: false,
+ }),
+ new CssMinimizerPlugin(),
+ ];
+ config.watchOptions = {
+ ignored: /node_modules/
+ }
+ config.experiments.syncWebAssembly = true
+ return config;
diff --git a/apps/etherscan/src/app/utils/networks.ts b/apps/etherscan/src/app/utils/networks.ts
index 65edafdebd..009c81a0c3 100644
--- a/apps/etherscan/src/app/utils/networks.ts
+++ b/apps/etherscan/src/app/utils/networks.ts
@@ -1,36 +1,38 @@
export const scanAPIurls = {
- // all mainnet
- 1: "https://api.etherscan.io/api",
- 56: "https://api.bscscan.com/api",
- 137: "https://api.polygonscan.com/api",
- 250: "https://api.ftmscan.com/api",
- 42161: "https://api.arbiscan.io/api",
- 43114: "https://api.snowtrace.io/api",
- 1285: "https://api-moonriver.moonscan.io/api",
- 1284: "https://api-moonbeam.moonscan.io/api",
- 25: "https://api.cronoscan.com/api",
- 199: "https://api.bttcscan.com/api",
- 10: "https://api-optimistic.etherscan.io/api",
- 42220: "https://api.celoscan.io/api",
- 288: "https://api.bobascan.com/api",
- 100: "https://api.gnosisscan.io/api",
- 1101: "https://api-zkevm.polygonscan.com/api",
+ // all mainnet
+ 1: 'https://api.etherscan.io/api',
+ 56: 'https://api.bscscan.com/api',
+ 137: 'https://api.polygonscan.com/api',
+ 250: 'https://api.ftmscan.com/api',
+ 42161: 'https://api.arbiscan.io/api',
+ 43114: 'https://api.snowtrace.io/api',
+ 1285: 'https://api-moonriver.moonscan.io/api',
+ 1284: 'https://api-moonbeam.moonscan.io/api',
+ 25: 'https://api.cronoscan.com/api',
+ 199: 'https://api.bttcscan.com/api',
+ 10: 'https://api-optimistic.etherscan.io/api',
+ 42220: 'https://api.celoscan.io/api',
+ 288: 'https://api.bobascan.com/api',
+ 100: 'https://api.gnosisscan.io/api',
+ 1101: 'https://api-zkevm.polygonscan.com/api',
+ 59144: 'https://api.lineascan.build/api',
- // all testnet
- 5: "https://api-goerli.etherscan.io/api",
- 11155111: "https://api-sepolia.etherscan.io/api",
- 97: "https://api-testnet.bscscan.com/api",
- 80001: "https://api-testnet.polygonscan.com/api",
- 4002: "https://api-testnet.ftmscan.com/api",
- 421611: "https://api-testnet.arbiscan.io/api",
- 42170: "https://api-nova.arbiscan.io/api",
- 43113: "https://api-testnet.snowtrace.io/api",
- 1287: "https://api-moonbase.moonscan.io/api",
- 338: "https://api-testnet.cronoscan.com/api",
- 1028: "https://api-testnet.bttcscan.com/api",
- 420: "https://api-goerli-optimistic.etherscan.io/api",
- 44787: "https://api-alfajores.celoscan.io/api",
- 2888: "https://api-testnet.bobascan.com/api",
- 84531: "https://api-goerli.basescan.org/api",
- 1442: "https://api-testnet-zkevm.polygonscan.com/api"
\ No newline at end of file
+ // all testnet
+ 5: 'https://api-goerli.etherscan.io/api',
+ 11155111: 'https://api-sepolia.etherscan.io/api',
+ 97: 'https://api-testnet.bscscan.com/api',
+ 80001: 'https://api-testnet.polygonscan.com/api',
+ 4002: 'https://api-testnet.ftmscan.com/api',
+ 421611: 'https://api-testnet.arbiscan.io/api',
+ 42170: 'https://api-nova.arbiscan.io/api',
+ 43113: 'https://api-testnet.snowtrace.io/api',
+ 1287: 'https://api-moonbase.moonscan.io/api',
+ 338: 'https://api-testnet.cronoscan.com/api',
+ 1028: 'https://api-testnet.bttcscan.com/api',
+ 420: 'https://api-goerli-optimistic.etherscan.io/api',
+ 44787: 'https://api-alfajores.celoscan.io/api',
+ 2888: 'https://api-testnet.bobascan.com/api',
+ 84531: 'https://api-goerli.basescan.org/api',
+ 1442: 'https://api-testnet-zkevm.polygonscan.com/api',
+ 59140: 'https://api-testnet.lineascan.build/api',
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/commands/checkAnnotations.ts b/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/commands/checkAnnotations.ts
index e83a0c6ce1..e3f9805d55 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/commands/checkAnnotations.ts
+++ b/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/commands/checkAnnotations.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import EventEmitter from 'events'
-import { NightwatchBrowser } from 'nightwatch'
+import {NightwatchBrowser} from 'nightwatch'
class checkAnnotations extends EventEmitter {
- command (this: NightwatchBrowser, type: string, line: number): NightwatchBrowser {
- this.api.assert.containsText(`.margin-view-overlays .${type} + div`, line.toString()).perform(() => this.emit('complete'))
+ command(this: NightwatchBrowser, type: string): NightwatchBrowser {
+ this.api.waitForElementPresent(`.glyph-margin-widgets .${type}`).perform(() => this.emit('complete'))
return this
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/commands/checkAnnotationsNotPresent.ts b/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/commands/checkAnnotationsNotPresent.ts
index 6ca51e102a..2fc96c890b 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/commands/checkAnnotationsNotPresent.ts
+++ b/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/commands/checkAnnotationsNotPresent.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import EventEmitter from 'events'
-import { NightwatchBrowser } from 'nightwatch'
+import {NightwatchBrowser} from 'nightwatch'
class checkAnnotationsNotPresent extends EventEmitter {
- command (this: NightwatchBrowser, type: string): NightwatchBrowser {
- this.api.waitForElementNotPresent(`.margin-view-overlays .${type}`).perform(() => this.emit('complete'))
+ command(this: NightwatchBrowser, type: string): NightwatchBrowser {
+ this.api.waitForElementNotPresent(`.glyph-margin-widgets .${type}`).perform(() => this.emit('complete'))
return this
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/editor.test.ts b/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/editor.test.ts
index 771b59b93a..39a2a2de74 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/editor.test.ts
+++ b/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/editor.test.ts
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
'use strict'
-import { NightwatchBrowser } from 'nightwatch'
+import {NightwatchBrowser} from 'nightwatch'
import init from '../helpers/init'
module.exports = {
'@disabled': true,
- before: function (browser: NightwatchBrowser, done: VoidFunction) {
+ 'before': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser, done: VoidFunction) {
init(browser, done, '', true)
'Should zoom in editor #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
- browser.waitForElementVisible('div[data-id="mainPanelPluginsContainer"]')
+ browser
+ .waitForElementVisible('div[data-id="mainPanelPluginsContainer"]')
@@ -23,7 +24,8 @@ module.exports = {
'Should zoom out editor #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
- browser.waitForElementVisible('#editorView')
+ browser
+ .waitForElementVisible('#editorView')
.checkElementStyle('.view-lines', 'font-size', '16px')
@@ -31,57 +33,72 @@ module.exports = {
'Should display compile error in editor #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
- browser.waitForElementVisible('#editorView')
+ browser
+ .waitForElementVisible('#editorView')
.setEditorValue(storageContractWithError + 'error')
- .waitForElementVisible('.margin-view-overlays .fa-exclamation-square', 120000)
- .checkAnnotations('fa-exclamation-square', 29) // error
+ .waitForElementVisible('.glyph-margin-widgets .fa-exclamation-square', 120000)
+ .checkAnnotations('fa-exclamation-square') // error
.checkAnnotationsNotPresent('fa-exclamation-square') // error
- .checkAnnotations('fa-exclamation-square', 29) // error
+ .checkAnnotations('fa-exclamation-square') // error
- 'Should minimize and maximize codeblock in editor #group1': '' + function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
- browser.waitForElementVisible('#editorView')
- .waitForElementVisible('.ace_open')
- .click('.ace_start:nth-of-type(1)')
- .waitForElementVisible('.ace_closed')
- .click('.ace_start:nth-of-type(1)')
- .waitForElementVisible('.ace_open')
- },
+ 'Should minimize and maximize codeblock in editor #group1':
+ '' +
+ function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
+ browser
+ .waitForElementVisible('#editorView')
+ .waitForElementVisible('.ace_open')
+ .click('.ace_start:nth-of-type(1)')
+ .waitForElementVisible('.ace_closed')
+ .click('.ace_start:nth-of-type(1)')
+ .waitForElementVisible('.ace_open')
+ },
'Should add breakpoint to editor #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
- browser.waitForElementVisible('#editorView')
- .waitForElementNotPresent('.margin-view-overlays .fa-circle')
- .execute(() => {
- (window as any).addRemixBreakpoint(1)
- }, [], () => {})
- .waitForElementVisible('.margin-view-overlays .fa-circle')
- },
- 'Should load syntax highlighter for ace light theme #group1': '' + function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
- browser.waitForElementVisible('#editorView')
- .checkElementStyle('.ace_keyword', 'color', aceThemes.light.keyword)
- .checkElementStyle('.ace_comment.ace_doc', 'color', aceThemes.light.comment)
- .checkElementStyle('.ace_function', 'color', aceThemes.light.function)
- .checkElementStyle('.ace_variable', 'color', aceThemes.light.variable)
+ browser
+ .waitForElementVisible('#editorView')
+ .waitForElementNotPresent('.glyph-margin-widgets .fa-circle')
+ .execute(
+ () => {
+ ;(window as any).addRemixBreakpoint(1)
+ },
+ [],
+ () => {}
+ )
+ .waitForElementVisible('.glyph-margin-widgets .fa-circle')
- 'Should load syntax highlighter for ace dark theme #group1': '' + function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
- browser.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="verticalIconsKindsettings"]')
- .click('*[data-id="verticalIconsKindsettings"]')
- .waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="settingsTabThemeLabelDark"]')
- .click('*[data-id="settingsTabThemeLabelDark"]')
- .pause(2000)
- .waitForElementVisible('#editorView')
- /* @todo(#2863) ch for class and not colors
+ 'Should load syntax highlighter for ace light theme #group1':
+ '' +
+ function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
+ browser
+ .waitForElementVisible('#editorView')
+ .checkElementStyle('.ace_keyword', 'color', aceThemes.light.keyword)
+ .checkElementStyle('.ace_comment.ace_doc', 'color', aceThemes.light.comment)
+ .checkElementStyle('.ace_function', 'color', aceThemes.light.function)
+ .checkElementStyle('.ace_variable', 'color', aceThemes.light.variable)
+ },
+ 'Should load syntax highlighter for ace dark theme #group1':
+ '' +
+ function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
+ browser
+ .waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="verticalIconsKindsettings"]')
+ .click('*[data-id="verticalIconsKindsettings"]')
+ .waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="settingsTabThemeLabelDark"]')
+ .click('*[data-id="settingsTabThemeLabelDark"]')
+ .pause(2000)
+ .waitForElementVisible('#editorView')
+ /* @todo(#2863) ch for class and not colors
.checkElementStyle('.ace_keyword', 'color', aceThemes.dark.keyword)
.checkElementStyle('.ace_comment.ace_doc', 'color', aceThemes.dark.comment)
.checkElementStyle('.ace_function', 'color', aceThemes.dark.function)
.checkElementStyle('.ace_variable', 'color', aceThemes.dark.variable)
- },
+ },
'Should highlight source code #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
// include all files here because switching between plugins in side-panel removes highlight
@@ -101,22 +118,26 @@ module.exports = {
.checkElementStyle('.highlightLine51', 'background-color', 'rgb(52, 152, 219)')
- 'Should remove 1 highlight from source code #group1': '' + function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
- browser.waitForElementVisible('li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemremoveSourcehighlightScript.js"]')
- .click('li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemremoveSourcehighlightScript.js"]')
- .pause(2000)
- .executeScriptInTerminal('remix.exeCurrent()')
- .waitForElementVisible('li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemcontracts"]')
- .click('li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemcontracts"]')
- .waitForElementVisible('li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemcontracts/3_Ballot.sol"]')
- .click('li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemcontracts/3_Ballot.sol"]')
- .waitForElementNotPresent('.highlightLine33', 60000)
- .checkElementStyle('.highlightLine41', 'background-color', 'rgb(52, 152, 219)')
- .checkElementStyle('.highlightLine51', 'background-color', 'rgb(52, 152, 219)')
- },
+ 'Should remove 1 highlight from source code #group1':
+ '' +
+ function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
+ browser
+ .waitForElementVisible('li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemremoveSourcehighlightScript.js"]')
+ .click('li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemremoveSourcehighlightScript.js"]')
+ .pause(2000)
+ .executeScriptInTerminal('remix.exeCurrent()')
+ .waitForElementVisible('li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemcontracts"]')
+ .click('li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemcontracts"]')
+ .waitForElementVisible('li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemcontracts/3_Ballot.sol"]')
+ .click('li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemcontracts/3_Ballot.sol"]')
+ .waitForElementNotPresent('.highlightLine33', 60000)
+ .checkElementStyle('.highlightLine41', 'background-color', 'rgb(52, 152, 219)')
+ .checkElementStyle('.highlightLine51', 'background-color', 'rgb(52, 152, 219)')
+ },
'Should remove all highlights from source code #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
- browser.waitForElementVisible('li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemremoveAllSourcehighlightScript.js"]')
+ browser
+ .waitForElementVisible('li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemremoveAllSourcehighlightScript.js"]')
@@ -126,8 +147,7 @@ module.exports = {
.waitForElementNotPresent('.highlightLine33', 60000)
.waitForElementNotPresent('.highlightLine41', 60000)
.waitForElementNotPresent('.highlightLine51', 60000)
- },
+ }
const aceThemes = {
@@ -233,5 +253,3 @@ contract Storage {
return number;
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/editorHoverContext.test.ts b/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/editorHoverContext.test.ts
index db86224b11..7e162530e1 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/editorHoverContext.test.ts
+++ b/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/editorHoverContext.test.ts
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ module.exports = {
before: function (browser: NightwatchBrowser, done: VoidFunction) {
init(browser, done, '', false)
'Should load the test file': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
@@ -86,7 +85,47 @@ module.exports = {
const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'Voter') and contains(.,'struct')]//span//span[contains(.,'Voter')]"
const expectedContent = 'StructDefinition'
checkEditorHoverContent(browser, path, expectedContent)
- }
+ },
+ 'Add token file': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
+ browser.addFile('contracts/mytoken.sol', {
+ content: myToken
+ }).useXpath().waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'gas')]")
+ },
+ // here we change quickly between files to test the files being parsed correctly when switching between them
+ 'Should show ERC20 hover over contract in editor #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
+ browser.scrollToLine(10)
+ const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'MyToken') and contains(.,'Pausable')]//span//span[contains(.,'ERC20Burnable')]"
+ const expectedContent = 'contract ERC20Burnable is ERC20Burnable, ERC20, IERC20Metadata, IERC20, Context'
+ checkEditorHoverContent(browser, path, expectedContent, 25)
+ },
+ 'Go back to ballot file': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
+ browser.openFile('contracts/3_Ballot.sol')
+ .useXpath().waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'gas')]")
+ },
+ 'Should show hover over function in editor again #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
+ browser
+ .scrollToLine(58)
+ const path: string = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'giveRightToVote(address') and contains(.,'function') and contains(.,'public')]//span//span[contains(.,'giveRightToVote')]"
+ let expectedContent = 'Estimated execution cost'
+ checkEditorHoverContent(browser, path, expectedContent)
+ expectedContent = 'function giveRightToVote (address internal voter) public nonpayable returns ()'
+ checkEditorHoverContent(browser, path, expectedContent)
+ expectedContent = "@dev Give 'voter' the right to vote on this ballot. May only be called by 'chairperson'"
+ checkEditorHoverContent(browser, path, expectedContent)
+ },
+ 'Open token file': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
+ browser.openFile('contracts/mytoken.sol')
+ .useXpath().waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'gas')]")
+ },
+ 'Should show ERC20 hover over contract in editor again #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
+ browser.scrollToLine(10)
+ const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'MyToken') and contains(.,'Pausable')]//span//span[contains(.,'ERC20Burnable')]"
+ const expectedContent = 'contract ERC20Burnable is ERC20Burnable, ERC20, IERC20Metadata, IERC20, Context'
+ checkEditorHoverContent(browser, path, expectedContent, 25)
+ },
@@ -233,4 +272,38 @@ contract BallotHoverTest {
winnerName_ = proposals[winningProposal()].name;
+const myToken = `
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
+import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
+import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC20Burnable.sol";
+import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/Pausable.sol";
+import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
+contract MyToken is ERC20, ERC20Burnable, Pausable, Ownable {
+ constructor() ERC20("MyToken", "MTK") {}
+ function pause() public onlyOwner {
+ _pause();
+ }
+ function unpause() public onlyOwner {
+ _unpause();
+ }
+ function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner {
+ _mint(to, amount);
+ }
+ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount)
+ internal
+ whenNotPaused
+ override
+ {
+ super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/editorReferences.test.ts b/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/editorReferences.test.ts
index 86856a9822..51a3edc058 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/editorReferences.test.ts
+++ b/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/editorReferences.test.ts
@@ -1,53 +1,55 @@
'use strict'
-import { NightwatchBrowser } from 'nightwatch'
+import {NightwatchBrowser} from 'nightwatch'
import init from '../helpers/init'
const openReferences = (browser: NightwatchBrowser, path: string) => {
- (browser as any).useXpath()
- .useXpath()
- .waitForElementVisible(path)
- .click(path)
- .perform(function () {
- const actions = this.actions({ async: true });
- return actions.
- keyDown(this.Keys.SHIFT).
- sendKeys(this.Keys.F12)
- })
+ ;(browser as any)
+ .useXpath()
+ .useXpath()
+ .waitForElementVisible(path)
+ .click(path)
+ .perform(function () {
+ const actions = this.actions({async: true})
+ return actions.keyDown(this.Keys.SHIFT).sendKeys(this.Keys.F12)
+ })
module.exports = {
- before: function (browser: NightwatchBrowser, done: VoidFunction) {
- init(browser, done, '', false)
- },
- 'Should load the test file': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
- browser.openFile('contracts')
- .openFile('contracts/3_Ballot.sol')
- .waitForElementVisible('#editorView')
- .setEditorValue(BallotWithARefToOwner)
- .pause(10000) // wait for the compiler to finish
- .scrollToLine(37)
- },
- 'Should show local references': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
- browser.scrollToLine(48)
- const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'length') and contains(.,'proposalNames')]//span//span[contains(.,'proposalNames')]"
- openReferences(browser, path)
- browser.waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='monaco-highlighted-label referenceMatch']//span[contains(.,'length; i++')]")
- .waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='monaco-highlighted-label referenceMatch']//span[contains(.,'name:')]")
- .waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='monaco-highlighted-label referenceMatch']//span[contains(.,'constructor')]")
- .keys(browser.Keys.ESCAPE)
- },
- 'Should show references of getOwner': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
- browser.scrollToLine(39)
- const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'getOwner') and contains(.,'cowner')]//span//span[contains(.,'getOwner')]"
- openReferences(browser, path)
- browser.useXpath()
- .waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='monaco-highlighted-label']//span[contains(.,'2_Owner.sol')]")
- .waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='monaco-highlighted-label']//span[contains(.,'3_Ballot.sol')]")
- .waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='monaco-highlighted-label referenceMatch']//span[contains(.,'cowner.getOwner')]")
- .waitForElementVisible("//*[contains(@class, 'results-loaded') and contains(., 'References (2)')]")
- .keys(browser.Keys.ESCAPE)
- }
+ 'before': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser, done: VoidFunction) {
+ init(browser, done, '', false)
+ },
+ 'Should load the test file': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
+ browser
+ .openFile('contracts')
+ .openFile('contracts/3_Ballot.sol')
+ .waitForElementVisible('#editorView')
+ .setEditorValue(BallotWithARefToOwner)
+ .pause(10000) // wait for the compiler to finish
+ .scrollToLine(37)
+ },
+ 'Should show local references': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
+ browser.scrollToLine(48)
+ const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'length') and contains(.,'proposalNames')]//span//span[contains(.,'proposalNames')]"
+ openReferences(browser, path)
+ browser
+ .waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='monaco-highlighted-label referenceMatch'][contains(.,'length; i++')]")
+ .waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='monaco-highlighted-label referenceMatch'][contains(.,'name:')]")
+ .waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='monaco-highlighted-label referenceMatch'][contains(.,'constructor')]")
+ .keys(browser.Keys.ESCAPE)
+ },
+ 'Should show references of getOwner': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
+ browser.scrollToLine(39)
+ const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'getOwner') and contains(.,'cowner')]//span//span[contains(.,'getOwner')]"
+ openReferences(browser, path)
+ browser
+ .useXpath()
+ .waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='monaco-highlighted-label'][contains(.,'2_Owner.sol')]")
+ .waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='monaco-highlighted-label'][contains(.,'3_Ballot.sol')]")
+ .waitForElementVisible("//*[@class='monaco-highlighted-label referenceMatch'][contains(.,'cowner.getOwner')]")
+ .waitForElementVisible("//*[contains(@class, 'results-loaded') and contains(., 'References (2)')]")
+ .keys(browser.Keys.ESCAPE)
+ }
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
@@ -193,4 +195,4 @@ contract BallotHoverTest {
winnerName_ = proposals[winningProposal()].name;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/solidityUnittests.test.ts b/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/solidityUnittests.test.ts
index 18295838cd..fc3253614d 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/solidityUnittests.test.ts
+++ b/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/tests/solidityUnittests.test.ts
@@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ module.exports = {
.addFile('tests/hhLogs_test.sol', sources[0]['tests/hhLogs_test.sol'])
- .waitForElementVisible('*[id="singleTesttests/Ballot_test.sol"]', 60000)
- .click('*[id="singleTesttests/Ballot_test.sol"]')
+ .waitForElementVisible('*[id="idsingleTesttests/Ballot_test.sol"]', 60000)
+ .click('*[id="idsingleTesttests/Ballot_test.sol"]')
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader"]', 120000)
@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ module.exports = {
.addFile('tests/ballotFailedLog_test.sol', sources[0]['tests/ballotFailedLog_test.sol'])
- .waitForElementVisible('*[id="singleTesttests/Ballot_test.sol"]', 60000)
- .click('*[id="singleTesttests/Ballot_test.sol"]')
+ .waitForElementVisible('*[id="idsingleTesttests/Ballot_test.sol"]', 60000)
+ .click('*[id="idsingleTesttests/Ballot_test.sol"]')
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader"]', 120000)
@@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ module.exports = {
.addFile('tests/ballotFailedDebug_test.sol', sources[0]['tests/ballotFailedDebug_test.sol'])
- .waitForElementVisible('*[id="singleTesttests/Ballot_test.sol"]', 60000)
- .click('*[id="singleTesttests/Ballot_test.sol"]')
+ .waitForElementVisible('*[id="idsingleTesttests/Ballot_test.sol"]', 60000)
+ .click('*[id="idsingleTesttests/Ballot_test.sol"]')
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader"]', 120000)
.waitForElementContainsText('#solidityUnittestsOutput', 'tests/ballotFailedDebug_test.sol', 60000)
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/types/index.d.ts b/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/types/index.d.ts
index eacb27c9ee..4c356ca76f 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/types/index.d.ts
+++ b/apps/remix-ide-e2e/src/types/index.d.ts
@@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
// Merge custom command types with nightwatch types
/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */
-import { NightwatchBrowser } from 'nightwatch' // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
-export type callbackCheckVerifyCallReturnValue = (values: string[]) => { message: string, pass: boolean }
+import {NightwatchBrowser} from 'nightwatch' // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
+export type callbackCheckVerifyCallReturnValue = (values: string[]) => {message: string; pass: boolean}
declare module 'nightwatch' {
- export interface NightwatchCustomCommands {
- clickLaunchIcon(icon: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- switchBrowserTab(index: number): NightwatchBrowser,
- scrollAndClick(target: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- scrollInto(target: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- testContracts(fileName: string, contractCode: NightwatchContractContent, compiledContractNames: string[]): NightwatchBrowser,
- setEditorValue(value: string, callback?: () => void): NightwatchBrowser,
- addFile(name: string, content: NightwatchContractContent): NightwatchBrowser,
- verifyContracts(compiledContractNames: string[], opts?: { wait: number, version?: string, runs?: string }): NightwatchBrowser,
- selectAccount(account?: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- clickFunction(fnFullName: string, expectedInput?: NightwatchClickFunctionExpectedInput): NightwatchBrowser,
- testFunction(txHash: string, expectedInput: NightwatchTestFunctionExpectedInput): NightwatchBrowser,
- goToVMTraceStep(step: number, incr?: number): NightwatchBrowser,
- checkVariableDebug(id: string, debugValue: NightwatchCheckVariableDebugValue): NightwatchBrowser,
- addAtAddressInstance(address: string, isValidFormat: boolean, isValidChecksum: boolean, isAbi?: boolean): NightwatchBrowser,
- modalFooterOKClick(id?: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- clickInstance(index: number): NightwatchBrowser,
- journalLastChildIncludes(val: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- executeScriptInTerminal(script: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- clearEditableContent(cssSelector: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- journalChildIncludes(val: string, opts = { shouldHaveOnlyOneOccurence: boolean }): NightwatchBrowser,
- debugTransaction(index: number): NightwatchBrowser,
- checkElementStyle(cssSelector: string, styleProperty: string, expectedResult: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- openFile(name: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- refreshPage(): NightwatchBrowser,
- verifyLoad(): NightwatchBrowser,
- renamePath(path: string, newFileName: string, renamedPath: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- rightClickCustom(cssSelector: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- scrollToLine(line: number): NightwatchBrowser,
- waitForElementContainsText(id: string, value: string, timeout?: number): NightwatchBrowser,
- getModalBody(callback: (value: string, cb: VoidFunction) => void): NightwatchBrowser,
- modalFooterCancelClick(id?: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- selectContract(contractName: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- createContract(inputParams: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- getAddressAtPosition(index: number, cb: (pos: string) => void): NightwatchBrowser,
- testConstantFunction(address: string, fnFullName: string, expectedInput: NightwatchTestConstantFunctionExpectedInput | null, expectedOutput: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- getEditorValue(callback: (content: string) => void): NightwatchBrowser,
- getInstalledPlugins(cb: (plugins: string[]) => void): NightwatchBrowser,
- verifyCallReturnValue(address: string, checks: string[] | callbackCheckVerifyCallReturnValue): NightwatchBrowser,
- testEditorValue(testvalue: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- removeFile(path: string, workspace: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- switchBrowserWindow(url: string, windowName: string, cb: (browser: NightwatchBrowser, window?: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): NightwatchBrowser,
- setupMetamask(passphrase: string, password: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- signMessage(msg: string, callback: (hash: { value: string }, signature: { value: string }) => void): NightwatchBrowser,
- setSolidityCompilerVersion(version: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- clickElementAtPosition(cssSelector: string, index: number, opt?: { forceSelectIfUnselected: boolean }): NightwatchBrowser,
- notContainsText(cssSelector: string, text: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- sendLowLevelTx(address: string, value: string, callData: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- journalLastChild(val: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- checkTerminalFilter(filter: string, test: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- noWorkerErrorFor(version: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- validateValueInput(selector: string, valueTosSet: string, expectedValue: string): NightwatchBrowser
- checkAnnotations(type: string, line: number): NightwatchBrowser
- checkAnnotationsNotPresent(type: string): NightwatchBrowser
- getLastTransactionHash(callback: (hash: string) => void)
- currentWorkspaceIs(name: string): NightwatchBrowser
- addLocalPlugin(this: NightwatchBrowser, profile: Profile & LocationProfile & ExternalProfile): NightwatchBrowser
- acceptAndRemember (this: NightwatchBrowser, remember: boolean, accept: boolean): NightwatchBrowser
- clearConsole (this: NightwatchBrowser): NightwatchBrowser
- clearTransactions (this: NightwatchBrowser): NightwatchBrowser
- getBrowserLogs (this: NightwatchBrowser): NightwatchBrowser
- currentSelectedFileIs (name: string): NightwatchBrowser,
- switchWorkspace: (workspaceName: string) => NightwatchBrowser
- switchEnvironment: (provider: string) => NightwatchBrowser
- connectToExternalHttpProvider: (url: string, identifier: string) => NightwatchBrowser
- }
+ export interface NightwatchCustomCommands {
+ clickLaunchIcon(icon: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ switchBrowserTab(index: number): NightwatchBrowser
+ scrollAndClick(target: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ scrollInto(target: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ testContracts(fileName: string, contractCode: NightwatchContractContent, compiledContractNames: string[]): NightwatchBrowser
+ setEditorValue(value: string, callback?: () => void): NightwatchBrowser
+ addFile(name: string, content: NightwatchContractContent): NightwatchBrowser
+ verifyContracts(compiledContractNames: string[], opts?: {wait: number; version?: string; runs?: string}): NightwatchBrowser
+ selectAccount(account?: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ clickFunction(fnFullName: string, expectedInput?: NightwatchClickFunctionExpectedInput): NightwatchBrowser
+ testFunction(txHash: string, expectedInput: NightwatchTestFunctionExpectedInput): NightwatchBrowser
+ goToVMTraceStep(step: number, incr?: number): NightwatchBrowser
+ checkVariableDebug(id: string, debugValue: NightwatchCheckVariableDebugValue): NightwatchBrowser
+ addAtAddressInstance(address: string, isValidFormat: boolean, isValidChecksum: boolean, isAbi?: boolean): NightwatchBrowser
+ modalFooterOKClick(id?: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ clickInstance(index: number): NightwatchBrowser
+ journalLastChildIncludes(val: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ executeScriptInTerminal(script: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ clearEditableContent(cssSelector: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ journalChildIncludes(val: string, opts = {shouldHaveOnlyOneOccurence: boolean}): NightwatchBrowser
+ debugTransaction(index: number): NightwatchBrowser
+ checkElementStyle(cssSelector: string, styleProperty: string, expectedResult: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ openFile(name: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ refreshPage(): NightwatchBrowser
+ verifyLoad(): NightwatchBrowser
+ renamePath(path: string, newFileName: string, renamedPath: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ rightClickCustom(cssSelector: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ scrollToLine(line: number): NightwatchBrowser
+ waitForElementContainsText(id: string, value: string, timeout?: number): NightwatchBrowser
+ getModalBody(callback: (value: string, cb: VoidFunction) => void): NightwatchBrowser
+ modalFooterCancelClick(id?: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ selectContract(contractName: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ createContract(inputParams: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ getAddressAtPosition(index: number, cb: (pos: string) => void): NightwatchBrowser
+ testConstantFunction(address: string, fnFullName: string, expectedInput: NightwatchTestConstantFunctionExpectedInput | null, expectedOutput: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ getEditorValue(callback: (content: string) => void): NightwatchBrowser
+ getInstalledPlugins(cb: (plugins: string[]) => void): NightwatchBrowser
+ verifyCallReturnValue(address: string, checks: string[] | callbackCheckVerifyCallReturnValue): NightwatchBrowser
+ testEditorValue(testvalue: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ removeFile(path: string, workspace: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ switchBrowserWindow(url: string, windowName: string, cb: (browser: NightwatchBrowser, window?: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): NightwatchBrowser
+ setupMetamask(passphrase: string, password: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ signMessage(msg: string, callback: (hash: {value: string}, signature: {value: string}) => void): NightwatchBrowser
+ setSolidityCompilerVersion(version: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ clickElementAtPosition(cssSelector: string, index: number, opt?: {forceSelectIfUnselected: boolean}): NightwatchBrowser
+ notContainsText(cssSelector: string, text: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ sendLowLevelTx(address: string, value: string, callData: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ journalLastChild(val: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ checkTerminalFilter(filter: string, test: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ noWorkerErrorFor(version: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ validateValueInput(selector: string, valueTosSet: string, expectedValue: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ checkAnnotations(type: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ checkAnnotationsNotPresent(type: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ getLastTransactionHash(callback: (hash: string) => void)
+ currentWorkspaceIs(name: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ addLocalPlugin(this: NightwatchBrowser, profile: Profile & LocationProfile & ExternalProfile): NightwatchBrowser
+ acceptAndRemember(this: NightwatchBrowser, remember: boolean, accept: boolean): NightwatchBrowser
+ clearConsole(this: NightwatchBrowser): NightwatchBrowser
+ clearTransactions(this: NightwatchBrowser): NightwatchBrowser
+ getBrowserLogs(this: NightwatchBrowser): NightwatchBrowser
+ currentSelectedFileIs(name: string): NightwatchBrowser
+ switchWorkspace: (workspaceName: string) => NightwatchBrowser
+ switchEnvironment: (provider: string) => NightwatchBrowser
+ connectToExternalHttpProvider: (url: string, identifier: string) => NightwatchBrowser
+ }
- export interface NightwatchBrowser {
- api: this,
- emit: (status: string) => void,
- fullscreenWindow: (result?: any) => this,
- keys(keysToSend: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): NightwatchBrowser,
- sendKeys: (selector: string, inputValue: string | string[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void) => NightwatchBrowser
- }
+ export interface NightwatchBrowser {
+ api: this
+ emit: (status: string) => void
+ fullscreenWindow: (result?: any) => this
+ keys(keysToSend: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): NightwatchBrowser
+ sendKeys: (selector: string, inputValue: string | string[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void) => NightwatchBrowser
+ }
- export interface NightwatchAPI {
- keys(keysToSend: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): NightwatchAPI
- }
+ export interface NightwatchAPI {
+ keys(keysToSend: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): NightwatchAPI
+ }
- export interface NightwatchContractContent {
- content: string;
- }
+ export interface NightwatchContractContent {
+ content: string
+ }
- export interface NightwatchClickFunctionExpectedInput {
- types: string,
- values: string
- }
+ export interface NightwatchClickFunctionExpectedInput {
+ types: string
+ values: string
+ }
- export interface NightwatchTestFunctionExpectedInput {
- [key: string]: any
- }
+ export interface NightwatchTestFunctionExpectedInput {
+ [key: string]: any
+ }
- export interface NightwatchTestConstantFunctionExpectedInput {
- types: string,
- values: string
- }
+ export interface NightwatchTestConstantFunctionExpectedInput {
+ types: string
+ values: string
+ }
- export type NightwatchCheckVariableDebugValue = NightwatchTestFunctionExpectedInput
+ export type NightwatchCheckVariableDebugValue = NightwatchTestFunctionExpectedInput
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/project.json b/apps/remix-ide/project.json
index 99b463867d..22e095fb9a 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/project.json
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/project.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"$schema": "../../node_modules/nx/schemas/project-schema.json",
"sourceRoot": "apps/remix-ide/src",
"projectType": "application",
- "implicitDependencies": ["doc-gen", "doc-viewer", "etherscan", "vyper", "solhint", "walletconnect"],
+ "implicitDependencies": ["doc-gen", "doc-viewer", "etherscan", "vyper", "solhint", "walletconnect", "circuit-compiler"],
"targets": {
"build": {
"executor": "@nrwl/webpack:webpack",
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/release-process.md b/apps/remix-ide/release-process.md
index 511c8ad74e..1d9c89a7fa 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/release-process.md
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/release-process.md
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ This is not strictly speaking a release. Updating the remix site is done through
- git reset --hard -master-commit-hash-
- git push -f origin remix_live
- CircleCI will build automaticaly and remix.ethereum.org will be updated
+ CircleCI will build automatically and remix.ethereum.org will be updated
# remix-alpha.ethereum.org update
-remix-alpha.ethereum.org is automaticaly updated every time commits are pushed to master
+remix-alpha.ethereum.org is automatically updated every time commits are pushed to master
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app.js b/apps/remix-ide/src/app.js
index 27e2e5de88..3828448fe3 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/src/app.js
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app.js
@@ -1,57 +1,60 @@
'use strict'
-import { RunTab, makeUdapp } from './app/udapp'
-import { RemixEngine } from './remixEngine'
-import { RemixAppManager } from './remixAppManager'
-import { ThemeModule } from './app/tabs/theme-module'
-import { LocaleModule } from './app/tabs/locale-module'
-import { NetworkModule } from './app/tabs/network-module'
-import { Web3ProviderModule } from './app/tabs/web3-provider'
-import { CompileAndRun } from './app/tabs/compile-and-run'
-import { SidePanel } from './app/components/side-panel'
-import { HiddenPanel } from './app/components/hidden-panel'
-import { VerticalIcons } from './app/components/vertical-icons'
-import { LandingPage } from './app/ui/landing-page/landing-page'
-import { MainPanel } from './app/components/main-panel'
-import { PermissionHandlerPlugin } from './app/plugins/permission-handler-plugin'
-import { AstWalker } from '@remix-project/remix-astwalker'
-import { LinkLibraries, DeployLibraries, OpenZeppelinProxy } from '@remix-project/core-plugin'
-import { CodeParser } from './app/plugins/parser/code-parser'
-import { SolidityScript } from './app/plugins/solidity-script'
-import { WalkthroughService } from './walkthroughService'
-import { OffsetToLineColumnConverter, CompilerMetadata, CompilerArtefacts, FetchAndCompile, CompilerImports, GistHandler } from '@remix-project/core-plugin'
+import {RunTab, makeUdapp} from './app/udapp'
+import {RemixEngine} from './remixEngine'
+import {RemixAppManager} from './remixAppManager'
+import {ThemeModule} from './app/tabs/theme-module'
+import {LocaleModule} from './app/tabs/locale-module'
+import {NetworkModule} from './app/tabs/network-module'
+import {Web3ProviderModule} from './app/tabs/web3-provider'
+import {CompileAndRun} from './app/tabs/compile-and-run'
+import {SidePanel} from './app/components/side-panel'
+import {HiddenPanel} from './app/components/hidden-panel'
+import {VerticalIcons} from './app/components/vertical-icons'
+import {LandingPage} from './app/ui/landing-page/landing-page'
+import {MainPanel} from './app/components/main-panel'
+import {PermissionHandlerPlugin} from './app/plugins/permission-handler-plugin'
+import {AstWalker} from '@remix-project/remix-astwalker'
+import {LinkLibraries, DeployLibraries, OpenZeppelinProxy} from '@remix-project/core-plugin'
+import {CodeParser} from './app/plugins/parser/code-parser'
+import {SolidityScript} from './app/plugins/solidity-script'
+import {WalkthroughService} from './walkthroughService'
+import {OffsetToLineColumnConverter, CompilerMetadata, CompilerArtefacts, FetchAndCompile, CompilerImports, GistHandler} from '@remix-project/core-plugin'
import Registry from './app/state/registry'
-import { ConfigPlugin } from './app/plugins/config'
-import { StoragePlugin } from './app/plugins/storage'
-import { Layout } from './app/panels/layout'
-import { NotificationPlugin } from './app/plugins/notification'
-import { Blockchain } from './blockchain/blockchain'
-import { MergeVMProvider, LondonVMProvider, BerlinVMProvider, ShanghaiVMProvider } from './app/providers/vm-provider'
-import { MainnetForkVMProvider } from './app/providers/mainnet-vm-fork-provider'
-import { SepoliaForkVMProvider } from './app/providers/sepolia-vm-fork-provider'
-import { GoerliForkVMProvider } from './app/providers/goerli-vm-fork-provider'
-import { CustomForkVMProvider } from './app/providers/custom-vm-fork-provider'
-import { HardhatProvider } from './app/providers/hardhat-provider'
-import { GanacheProvider } from './app/providers/ganache-provider'
-import { FoundryProvider } from './app/providers/foundry-provider'
-import { ExternalHttpProvider } from './app/providers/external-http-provider'
-import { InjectedProviderDefault } from './app/providers/injected-provider-default'
-import { InjectedProviderTrustWallet } from './app/providers/injected-provider-trustwallet'
-import { Injected0ptimismProvider } from './app/providers/injected-optimism-provider'
-import { InjectedArbitrumOneProvider } from './app/providers/injected-arbitrum-one-provider'
-import { FileDecorator } from './app/plugins/file-decorator'
-import { CodeFormat } from './app/plugins/code-format'
-import { SolidityUmlGen } from './app/plugins/solidity-umlgen'
-import { ContractFlattener } from './app/plugins/contractFlattener'
+import {ConfigPlugin} from './app/plugins/config'
+import {StoragePlugin} from './app/plugins/storage'
+import {Layout} from './app/panels/layout'
+import {NotificationPlugin} from './app/plugins/notification'
+import {Blockchain} from './blockchain/blockchain'
+import {MergeVMProvider, LondonVMProvider, BerlinVMProvider, ShanghaiVMProvider} from './app/providers/vm-provider'
+import {MainnetForkVMProvider} from './app/providers/mainnet-vm-fork-provider'
+import {SepoliaForkVMProvider} from './app/providers/sepolia-vm-fork-provider'
+import {GoerliForkVMProvider} from './app/providers/goerli-vm-fork-provider'
+import {CustomForkVMProvider} from './app/providers/custom-vm-fork-provider'
+import {HardhatProvider} from './app/providers/hardhat-provider'
+import {GanacheProvider} from './app/providers/ganache-provider'
+import {FoundryProvider} from './app/providers/foundry-provider'
+import {ExternalHttpProvider} from './app/providers/external-http-provider'
+import {InjectedProviderDefault} from './app/providers/injected-provider-default'
+import {InjectedProviderTrustWallet} from './app/providers/injected-provider-trustwallet'
+import {Injected0ptimismProvider} from './app/providers/injected-optimism-provider'
+import {InjectedArbitrumOneProvider} from './app/providers/injected-arbitrum-one-provider'
+import {InjectedEphemeryTestnetProvider} from './app/providers/injected-ephemery-testnet-provider'
+import {InjectedSKALEChaosTestnetProvider} from './app/providers/injected-skale-chaos-testnet-provider'
+import {FileDecorator} from './app/plugins/file-decorator'
+import {CodeFormat} from './app/plugins/code-format'
+import {SolidityUmlGen} from './app/plugins/solidity-umlgen'
+import {ContractFlattener} from './app/plugins/contractFlattener'
+import {OpenAIGpt} from './app/plugins/openaigpt'
const isElectron = require('is-electron')
const remixLib = require('@remix-project/remix-lib')
-import { QueryParams } from '@remix-project/remix-lib'
-import { SearchPlugin } from './app/tabs/search'
+import {QueryParams} from '@remix-project/remix-lib'
+import {SearchPlugin} from './app/tabs/search'
const Storage = remixLib.Storage
const RemixDProvider = require('./app/files/remixDProvider')
@@ -67,12 +70,12 @@ const PluginManagerComponent = require('./app/components/plugin-manager-componen
const CompileTab = require('./app/tabs/compile-tab')
const SettingsTab = require('./app/tabs/settings-tab')
const AnalysisTab = require('./app/tabs/analysis-tab')
-const { DebuggerTab } = require('./app/tabs/debugger-tab')
+const {DebuggerTab} = require('./app/tabs/debugger-tab')
const TestTab = require('./app/tabs/test-tab')
const FilePanel = require('./app/panels/file-panel')
const Editor = require('./app/editor/editor')
const Terminal = require('./app/panels/terminal')
-const { TabProxy } = require('./app/panels/tab-proxy.js')
+const {TabProxy} = require('./app/panels/tab-proxy.js')
class AppComponent {
constructor() {
@@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ class AppComponent {
// load app config
const config = new Config(configStorage)
- Registry.getInstance().put({ api: config, name: 'config' })
+ Registry.getInstance().put({api: config, name: 'config'})
// load file system
this._components.filesProviders = {}
@@ -93,9 +96,7 @@ class AppComponent {
api: this._components.filesProviders.browser,
name: 'fileproviders/browser'
- this._components.filesProviders.localhost = new RemixDProvider(
- this.appManager
- )
+ this._components.filesProviders.localhost = new RemixDProvider(this.appManager)
api: this._components.filesProviders.localhost,
name: 'fileproviders/localhost'
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ class AppComponent {
this.panels = {}
this.workspace = pluginLoader.get()
this.engine = new RemixEngine()
- this.engine.register(appManager);
+ this.engine.register(appManager)
const matomoDomains = {
'remix-alpha.ethereum.org': 27,
@@ -127,15 +128,8 @@ class AppComponent {
'remix.ethereum.org': 23,
'6fd22d6fe5549ad4c4d8fd3ca0b7816b.mod': 35 // remix desktop
- this.showMatamo =
- matomoDomains[window.location.hostname] &&
- !Registry.getInstance()
- .get('config')
- .api.exists('settings/matomo-analytics')
- this.walkthroughService = new WalkthroughService(
- appManager,
- this.showMatamo
- )
+ this.showMatamo = matomoDomains[window.location.hostname] && !Registry.getInstance().get('config').api.exists('settings/matomo-analytics')
+ this.walkthroughService = new WalkthroughService(appManager, this.showMatamo)
const hosts = ['', '', 'localhost:8080']
// workaround for Electron support
@@ -153,19 +147,20 @@ class AppComponent {
this.themeModule = new ThemeModule()
// ----------------- locale service ---------------------------------
this.localeModule = new LocaleModule()
- Registry.getInstance().put({ api: this.themeModule, name: 'themeModule' })
- Registry.getInstance().put({ api: this.localeModule, name: 'localeModule' })
+ Registry.getInstance().put({api: this.themeModule, name: 'themeModule'})
+ Registry.getInstance().put({api: this.localeModule, name: 'localeModule'})
// ----------------- editor service ----------------------------
const editor = new Editor() // wrapper around ace editor
- Registry.getInstance().put({ api: editor, name: 'editor' })
- editor.event.register('requiringToSaveCurrentfile', () =>
+ Registry.getInstance().put({api: editor, name: 'editor'})
+ editor.event.register('requiringToSaveCurrentfile', (currentFile) => {
- )
+ if (currentFile.endsWith('.circom')) this.appManager.activatePlugin(['circuit-compiler'])
+ })
// ----------------- fileManager service ----------------------------
const fileManager = new FileManager(editor, appManager)
- Registry.getInstance().put({ api: fileManager, name: 'filemanager' })
+ Registry.getInstance().put({api: fileManager, name: 'filemanager'})
// ----------------- dGit provider ---------------------------------
const dGitProvider = new DGitProvider()
@@ -187,6 +182,9 @@ class AppComponent {
// ----------------- ContractFlattener ----------------------------
const contractFlattener = new ContractFlattener()
+ // ----------------- Open AI --------------------------------------
+ const openaigpt = new OpenAIGpt()
// ----------------- import content service ------------------------
const contentImport = new CompilerImports()
@@ -220,9 +218,11 @@ class AppComponent {
const foundryProvider = new FoundryProvider(blockchain)
const externalHttpProvider = new ExternalHttpProvider(blockchain)
const trustWalletInjectedProvider = new InjectedProviderTrustWallet()
- const defaultInjectedProvider = new InjectedProviderDefault
+ const defaultInjectedProvider = new InjectedProviderDefault()
const injected0ptimismProvider = new Injected0ptimismProvider()
const injectedArbitrumOneProvider = new InjectedArbitrumOneProvider()
+ const injectedEphemeryTestnetProvider = new InjectedEphemeryTestnetProvider()
+ const injectedSKALEChaosTestnetProvider = new InjectedSKALEChaosTestnetProvider()
// ----------------- convert offset to line/column service -----------
const offsetToLineColumnConverter = new OffsetToLineColumnConverter()
@@ -232,11 +232,11 @@ class AppComponent {
// ----------------- run script after each compilation results -----------
const compileAndRun = new CompileAndRun()
// -------------------Terminal----------------------------------------
- makeUdapp(blockchain, compilersArtefacts, domEl => terminal.logHtml(domEl))
+ makeUdapp(blockchain, compilersArtefacts, (domEl) => terminal.logHtml(domEl))
const terminal = new Terminal(
- { appManager, blockchain },
+ {appManager, blockchain},
- getPosition: event => {
+ getPosition: (event) => {
const limitUp = 36
const limitDown = 20
const height = window.innerHeight
@@ -298,16 +298,19 @@ class AppComponent {
+ injectedEphemeryTestnetProvider,
+ injectedSKALEChaosTestnetProvider,
- solidityScript
+ solidityScript,
+ openaigpt
const appPanel = new MainPanel()
- Registry.getInstance().put({ api: this.mainview, name: 'mainview' })
+ Registry.getInstance().put({api: this.mainview, name: 'mainview'})
const tabProxy = new TabProxy(fileManager, editor)
this.engine.register([appPanel, tabProxy])
@@ -316,42 +319,18 @@ class AppComponent {
this.sidePanel = new SidePanel()
this.hiddenPanel = new HiddenPanel()
- const pluginManagerComponent = new PluginManagerComponent(
- appManager,
- this.engine
- )
+ const pluginManagerComponent = new PluginManagerComponent(appManager, this.engine)
const filePanel = new FilePanel(appManager)
- const landingPage = new LandingPage(
- appManager,
- this.menuicons,
- fileManager,
- filePanel,
- contentImport
- )
- this.settings = new SettingsTab(
- Registry.getInstance().get('config').api,
- editor,
- appManager
- )
+ const landingPage = new LandingPage(appManager, this.menuicons, fileManager, filePanel, contentImport)
+ this.settings = new SettingsTab(Registry.getInstance().get('config').api, editor, appManager)
- this.engine.register([
- this.menuicons,
- landingPage,
- this.hiddenPanel,
- this.sidePanel,
- filePanel,
- pluginManagerComponent,
- this.settings
- ])
+ this.engine.register([this.menuicons, landingPage, this.hiddenPanel, this.sidePanel, filePanel, pluginManagerComponent, this.settings])
const openZeppelinProxy = new OpenZeppelinProxy(blockchain)
const linkLibraries = new LinkLibraries(blockchain)
const deployLibraries = new DeployLibraries(blockchain)
- const compileTab = new CompileTab(
- Registry.getInstance().get('config').api,
- Registry.getInstance().get('filemanager').api
- )
+ const compileTab = new CompileTab(Registry.getInstance().get('config').api, Registry.getInstance().get('filemanager').api)
const run = new RunTab(
@@ -391,10 +370,10 @@ class AppComponent {
this.layout.panels = {
- tabs: { plugin: tabProxy, active: true },
- editor: { plugin: editor, active: true },
- main: { plugin: appPanel, active: false },
- terminal: { plugin: terminal, active: true, minimized: false }
+ tabs: {plugin: tabProxy, active: true},
+ editor: {plugin: editor, active: true},
+ main: {plugin: appPanel, active: false},
+ terminal: {plugin: terminal, active: true, minimized: false}
@@ -410,27 +389,44 @@ class AppComponent {
await this.appManager.activatePlugin(['layout'])
await this.appManager.activatePlugin(['notification'])
await this.appManager.activatePlugin(['editor'])
- await this.appManager.activatePlugin(['permissionhandler', 'theme', 'locale', 'fileManager', 'compilerMetadata', 'compilerArtefacts', 'network', 'web3Provider', 'offsetToLineColumnConverter'])
+ await this.appManager.activatePlugin([
+ 'permissionhandler',
+ 'theme',
+ 'locale',
+ 'fileManager',
+ 'compilerMetadata',
+ 'compilerArtefacts',
+ 'network',
+ 'web3Provider',
+ 'offsetToLineColumnConverter'
+ ])
await this.appManager.activatePlugin(['mainPanel', 'menuicons', 'tabs'])
await this.appManager.activatePlugin(['sidePanel']) // activating host plugin separately
await this.appManager.activatePlugin(['home'])
await this.appManager.activatePlugin(['settings', 'config'])
- await this.appManager.activatePlugin(['hiddenPanel', 'pluginManager', 'codeParser', 'codeFormatter', 'fileDecorator', 'terminal', 'blockchain', 'fetchAndCompile', 'contentImport', 'gistHandler'])
+ await this.appManager.activatePlugin([
+ 'hiddenPanel',
+ 'pluginManager',
+ 'codeParser',
+ 'codeFormatter',
+ 'fileDecorator',
+ 'terminal',
+ 'blockchain',
+ 'fetchAndCompile',
+ 'contentImport',
+ 'gistHandler'
+ ])
await this.appManager.activatePlugin(['settings'])
await this.appManager.activatePlugin(['walkthrough', 'storage', 'search', 'compileAndRun', 'recorder'])
- await this.appManager.activatePlugin(['solidity-script'])
- this.appManager.on(
- 'filePanel',
- 'workspaceInitializationCompleted',
- async () => {
- // for e2e tests
- const loadedElement = document.createElement('span')
- loadedElement.setAttribute('data-id', 'workspaceloaded')
- document.body.appendChild(loadedElement)
- await this.appManager.registerContextMenuItems()
- }
- )
+ await this.appManager.activatePlugin(['solidity-script', 'openaigpt'])
+ this.appManager.on('filePanel', 'workspaceInitializationCompleted', async () => {
+ // for e2e tests
+ const loadedElement = document.createElement('span')
+ loadedElement.setAttribute('data-id', 'workspaceloaded')
+ document.body.appendChild(loadedElement)
+ await this.appManager.registerContextMenuItems()
+ })
await this.appManager.activatePlugin(['filePanel'])
// Set workspace after initial activation
@@ -441,9 +437,7 @@ class AppComponent {
.then(async () => {
try {
if (params.deactivate) {
- await this.appManager.deactivatePlugin(
- params.deactivate.split(',')
- )
+ await this.appManager.deactivatePlugin(params.deactivate.split(','))
} catch (e) {
@@ -453,10 +447,7 @@ class AppComponent {
} else {
// If plugins are loaded from the URL params, we focus on the last one.
- if (
- this.appManager.pluginLoader.current === 'queryParams' &&
- this.workspace.length > 0
- ) {
+ if (this.appManager.pluginLoader.current === 'queryParams' && this.workspace.length > 0) {
this.menuicons.select(this.workspace[this.workspace.length - 1])
} else {
this.appManager.call('tabs', 'focus', 'home')
@@ -473,17 +464,13 @@ class AppComponent {
if (params.calls) {
- const calls = params.calls.split("///");
+ const calls = params.calls.split('///')
// call all functions in the list, one after the other
for (const call of calls) {
- const callDetails = call.split("//");
+ const callDetails = call.split('//')
if (callDetails.length > 1) {
- this.appManager.call(
- "notification",
- "toast",
- `initiating ${callDetails[0]} and calling "${callDetails[1]}" ...`
- );
+ this.appManager.call('notification', 'toast', `initiating ${callDetails[0]} and calling "${callDetails[1]}" ...`)
// @todo(remove the timeout when activatePlugin is on 0.3.0)
try {
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/editor/editor.js b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/editor/editor.js
index 2b0a4dd912..46bd19e146 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/editor/editor.js
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/editor/editor.js
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ const profile = {
name: 'editor',
description: 'service - editor',
version: packageJson.version,
- methods: ['highlight', 'discardHighlight', 'clearAnnotations', 'addLineText', 'discardLineTexts', 'addAnnotation', 'gotoLine', 'revealRange', 'getCursorPosition', 'open', 'addModel','addErrorMarker', 'clearErrorMarkers', 'getText'],
+ methods: ['highlight', 'discardHighlight', 'clearAnnotations', 'addLineText', 'discardLineTexts', 'addAnnotation', 'gotoLine', 'revealRange', 'getCursorPosition', 'open', 'addModel','addErrorMarker', 'clearErrorMarkers', 'getText', 'getPositionAt'],
class Editor extends Plugin {
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ class Editor extends Plugin {
this.saveTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
- this.triggerEvent('contentChanged', [])
- this.triggerEvent('requiringToSaveCurrentfile', [])
+ this.triggerEvent('contentChanged', [currentFile, input])
+ this.triggerEvent('requiringToSaveCurrentfile', [currentFile])
}, 500)
@@ -579,6 +579,10 @@ class Editor extends Plugin {
this.clearDecorationsByPlugin(session, from, 'lineTextPerFile', this.registeredDecorations, this.currentDecorations)
+ getPositionAt(offset) {
+ return this.api.getPositionAt(offset)
+ }
module.exports = Editor
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/files/fileManager.ts b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/files/fileManager.ts
index 2c3dcccda0..e24680e91f 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/files/fileManager.ts
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/files/fileManager.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
'use strict'
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'
import JSZip from 'jszip'
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ const profile = {
icon: 'assets/img/fileManager.webp',
permission: true,
version: packageJson.version,
- methods: ['closeAllFiles', 'closeFile', 'file', 'exists', 'open', 'writeFile', 'readFile', 'copyFile', 'copyDir', 'rename', 'mkdir',
+ methods: ['closeAllFiles', 'closeFile', 'file', 'exists', 'open', 'writeFile', 'writeMultipleFiles', 'readFile', 'copyFile', 'copyDir', 'rename', 'mkdir',
'readdir', 'dirList', 'fileList', 'remove', 'getCurrentFile', 'getFile', 'getFolder', 'setFile', 'switchFile', 'refresh',
'getProviderOf', 'getProviderByName', 'getPathFromUrl', 'getUrlFromPath', 'saveCurrentFile', 'setBatchFiles', 'isGitRepo'],
kind: 'file-system'
@@ -217,6 +218,36 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
+ /**
+ * Set the content of multiple files
+ * @param {string[]} filePaths paths of the files
+ * @param {string[]} data content to write to each file
+ * @param {string} folderPath base folder path
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ async writeMultipleFiles(filePaths, fileData, folderPath) {
+ try {
+ let alert = true
+ for (let i = 0; i < filePaths.length; i++) {
+ const installPath = folderPath + "/" + filePaths[i]
+ let path = this.normalize(installPath)
+ path = this.limitPluginScope(path)
+ if (await this.exists(path)) {
+ await this._handleIsFile(path, `Cannot write file ${path}`)
+ await this.setMultipleFileContent(path, fileData[i], folderPath, alert)
+ } else {
+ await this.setMultipleFileContent(path, fileData[i], folderPath, alert)
+ this.emit('fileAdded', path)
+ }
+ alert = false
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw new Error(e)
+ }
+ }
* Return the content of a specific file
* @param {string} path path of the file
@@ -347,7 +378,7 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
async zipDir(dirPath, zip) {
const filesAndFolders = await this.readdir(dirPath)
- for(let path in filesAndFolders) {
+ for (let path in filesAndFolders) {
if (filesAndFolders[path].isDirectory) await this.zipDir(path, zip)
else {
path = this.normalize(path)
@@ -363,7 +394,7 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
if (await this.isDirectory(path)) {
const zip = new JSZip()
await this.zipDir(path, zip)
- const content = await zip.generateAsync({type: 'blob'})
+ const content = await zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' })
saveAs(content, `${downloadFileName}.zip`)
} else {
path = this.normalize(path)
@@ -572,13 +603,25 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
return await this._setFileInternal(path, content)
+ async setMultipleFileContent(path, content, folderPath, alert) {
+ if (this.currentRequest) {
+ const canCall = await this.askUserPermission(`writeFile`, `modifying ${folderPath} ...`)
+ const required = this.appManager.isRequired(this.currentRequest.from)
+ if (canCall && !required && alert) {
+ // inform the user about modification after permission is granted and even if permission was saved before
+ this.call('notification', 'toast', fileChangedToastMsg(this.currentRequest.from, folderPath))
+ }
+ }
+ return await this._setFileInternal(path, content)
+ }
_setFileInternal(path, content) {
const provider = this.fileProviderOf(path)
if (!provider) throw createError({ code: 'ENOENT', message: `${path} not available` })
// TODO : Add permission
// TODO : Change Provider to Promise
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- provider.set(path, content, (error) => {
+ provider.set(path, content, async (error) => {
if (error) reject(error)
this.emit('fileSaved', path)
@@ -655,7 +698,7 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
file = resolved.file
await this.saveCurrentFile()
if (this.currentFile() === file) return
const provider = resolved.provider
this._deps.config.set('currentFile', file)
this.openedFiles[file] = file
@@ -663,7 +706,7 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
let content = ''
try {
content = await provider.get(file)
} catch (error) {
throw error
@@ -683,7 +726,7 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
// TODO: Only keep `this.emit` (issue#2210)
this.emit('currentFileChanged', file)
this.events.emit('currentFileChanged', file)
- return true
+ return true
@@ -747,14 +790,14 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
return collectList(path)
- async fileList (dirPath) {
+ async fileList(dirPath) {
const paths: any = await this.readdir(dirPath)
- for( const path in paths)
- if(paths[path].isDirectory) delete paths[path]
+ for (const path in paths)
+ if (paths[path].isDirectory) delete paths[path]
return Object.keys(paths)
- isRemixDActive () {
+ isRemixDActive() {
return this.appManager.isActive('remixd')
@@ -769,7 +812,7 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
provider.get(currentFile, (error, oldContent) => {
provider.set(currentFile, input, (error) => {
if (error) {
- if (error.message ) this.call('notification', 'toast',
+ if (error.message) this.call('notification', 'toast',
'LocalStorage is full') !== -1 ? storageFullMessage()
: error.message
@@ -793,10 +836,10 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
if (path !== currentFile) return
const provider = this.fileProviderOf(currentFile)
if (provider) {
- try{
+ try {
const content = await provider.get(currentFile)
- if(content) this.editor.setText(currentFile, content)
- }catch(error){
+ if (content) this.editor.setText(currentFile, content)
+ } catch (error) {
} else {
@@ -817,7 +860,7 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
await self.syncEditor(fileProvider + file)
} else {
- try{
+ try {
const name = await helper.createNonClashingNameAsync(file, self._deps.filesProviders[fileProvider])
if (helper.checkSpecialChars(name)) {
this.call('notification', 'alert', {
@@ -832,7 +875,7 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
self.syncEditor(fileProvider + name)
- }catch(error){
+ } catch (error) {
if (error) {
this.call('notification', 'alert', {
id: 'fileManagerAlert',
@@ -854,7 +897,7 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
- async isGitRepo (): Promise {
+ async isGitRepo(): Promise {
const path = '.git'
const exists = await this.exists(path)
@@ -867,7 +910,7 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
* @param {string} dest path of the destrination file
* @returns {void}
async moveFile(src: string, dest: string) {
try {
src = this.normalize(src)
@@ -879,9 +922,9 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
await this._handleIsFile(src, `Cannot move ${src}. Path is not a file.`)
await this._handleIsDir(dest, `Cannot move content into ${dest}. Path is not directory.`)
const fileName = helper.extractNameFromKey(src)
if (await this.exists(dest + '/' + fileName)) {
- throw createError({ code: 'EEXIST', message: `Cannot move ${src}. File already exists at destination ${dest}`})
+ throw createError({ code: 'EEXIST', message: `Cannot move ${src}. File already exists at destination ${dest}` })
await this.copyFile(src, dest, fileName)
await this.remove(src)
@@ -896,7 +939,7 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
* @param {string} dest path of the destination folder
* @returns {void}
async moveDir(src: string, dest: string) {
try {
src = this.normalize(src)
@@ -909,7 +952,7 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
await this._handleIsDir(dest, `Cannot move content into ${dest}. Path is not directory.`)
const dirName = helper.extractNameFromKey(src)
if (await this.exists(dest + '/' + dirName) || src === dest) {
- throw createError({ code: 'EEXIST', message: `Cannot move ${src}. Folder already exists at destination ${dest}`})
+ throw createError({ code: 'EEXIST', message: `Cannot move ${src}. Folder already exists at destination ${dest}` })
await this.copyDir(src, dest, dirName)
await this.remove(src)
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/panels/layout.ts b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/panels/layout.ts
index 3a44d1f83b..a152efc72e 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/panels/layout.ts
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/panels/layout.ts
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { QueryParams } from '@remix-project/remix-lib'
const profile: Profile = {
name: 'layout',
description: 'layout',
- methods: ['minimize', 'maximiseSidePanel', 'resetSidePanel']
+ methods: ['minimize', 'maximiseSidePanel', 'resetSidePanel', 'maximizeTerminal']
interface panelState {
@@ -109,6 +109,12 @@ export class Layout extends Plugin {
this.maximised[current] = true
+ async maximizeTerminal() {
+ this.panels.terminal.minimized = false
+ this.event.emit('change', this.panels)
+ this.emit('change', this.panels)
+ }
async resetSidePanel () {
const current = await this.call('sidePanel', 'currentFocus')
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/openaigpt.tsx b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/openaigpt.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e95babe00a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/openaigpt.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import { Plugin } from '@remixproject/engine'
+import { CreateChatCompletionResponse } from 'openai'
+const _paq = (window._paq = window._paq || [])
+const profile = {
+ name: 'openaigpt',
+ displayName: 'openaigpt',
+ description: 'openaigpt',
+ methods: ['message'],
+ events: [],
+ maintainedBy: 'Remix',
+export class OpenAIGpt extends Plugin {
+ constructor() {
+ super(profile)
+ }
+ async message(prompt): Promise {
+ this.call('layout', 'maximizeTerminal')
+ this.call('terminal', 'log', 'Waiting for GPT answer...')
+ let result
+ try {
+ result = await (
+ await fetch('https://openai-gpt.remixproject.org', {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {
+ Accept: 'application/json',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify({ prompt }),
+ })
+ ).json()
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.call('terminal', 'log', { type: 'typewritererror', value: `Unable to get a response ${e.message}` })
+ return
+ }
+ if (result && result.choices && result.choices.length) {
+ this.call('terminal', 'log', { type: 'typewritersuccess', value: result.choices[0].message.content })
+ } else {
+ this.call('terminal', 'log', { type: 'typewritersuccess', value: 'No response...' })
+ }
+ return result.data
+ }
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/parser/code-parser.tsx b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/parser/code-parser.tsx
index 2a38f35bf1..c95cb9efca 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/parser/code-parser.tsx
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/parser/code-parser.tsx
@@ -477,40 +477,68 @@ export class CodeParser extends Plugin {
async definitionAtPosition(position: number) {
const nodes = await this.nodesAtPosition(position)
- let nodeDefinition: any
+ const nodeDefinition = {
+ 'ast': null,
+ 'parser': null
+ }
let node: genericASTNode
- if (nodes && nodes.length && !this.errorState) {
+ if (nodes && nodes.length) {
node = nodes[nodes.length - 1]
- nodeDefinition = node
+ let astNodeDefinition = node
if (!isNodeDefinition(node)) {
- nodeDefinition = (await this.declarationOf(node)) || node
+ astNodeDefinition = (await this.declarationOf(node)) || node
if (node.nodeType === 'ImportDirective') {
for (const key in this.nodeIndex.flatReferences) {
if (this.nodeIndex.flatReferences[key].id === node.sourceUnit) {
- nodeDefinition = this.nodeIndex.flatReferences[key]
+ astNodeDefinition = this.nodeIndex.flatReferences[key]
- return nodeDefinition
- } else {
- const astNodes = await this.antlrService.listAstNodes()
- if (astNodes && astNodes.length) {
- for (const node of astNodes) {
- if (node.range[0] <= position && node.range[1] >= position) {
- if (nodeDefinition && nodeDefinition.range[0] < node.range[0]) {
- nodeDefinition = node
- }
- if (!nodeDefinition) nodeDefinition = node
+ nodeDefinition.ast = astNodeDefinition
+ }
+ const astNodes = await this.antlrService.listAstNodes()
+ let parserNodeDefinition = null
+ if (astNodes && astNodes.length) {
+ for (const node of astNodes) {
+ if (node.range[0] <= position && node.range[1] >= position) {
+ if (parserNodeDefinition && parserNodeDefinition.range[0] < node.range[0]) {
+ parserNodeDefinition = node
+ if (!parserNodeDefinition) parserNodeDefinition = node
- if (nodeDefinition && nodeDefinition.type && nodeDefinition.type === 'Identifier') {
- const nodeForIdentifier = await this.findIdentifier(nodeDefinition)
- if (nodeForIdentifier) nodeDefinition = nodeForIdentifier
+ }
+ if (parserNodeDefinition && parserNodeDefinition.type && parserNodeDefinition.type === 'Identifier') {
+ const nodeForIdentifier = await this.findIdentifier(parserNodeDefinition)
+ if (nodeForIdentifier) parserNodeDefinition = nodeForIdentifier
+ }
+ nodeDefinition.parser = parserNodeDefinition
+ }
+ /* if the AST node name & type is the same as the parser node name & type,
+ / then we can assume that the AST node is the definition,
+ / because the parser will always return most nodes it can find even with an error in the code
+ */
+ if (nodeDefinition.ast && nodeDefinition.parser) {
+ if (nodeDefinition.ast.name === nodeDefinition.parser.name && nodeDefinition.ast.nodeType === nodeDefinition.parser.type) {
+ return nodeDefinition.ast
+ }else{
+ // if there is a difference and the compiler has compiled correctly assume the ast node is the definition
+ if(this.compilerService.errorState === false){
+ return nodeDefinition.ast
- return nodeDefinition
+ if (nodeDefinition.ast && !nodeDefinition.parser) {
+ return nodeDefinition.ast
+ }
+ return nodeDefinition.parser
async getContractNodes(contractName: string) {
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/parser/services/code-parser-compiler.ts b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/parser/services/code-parser-compiler.ts
index b3a1a9c322..ecd8278ca3 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/parser/services/code-parser-compiler.ts
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/parser/services/code-parser-compiler.ts
@@ -99,21 +99,24 @@ export default class CodeParserCompiler {
await this.clearDecorators(result.getSourceCode().sources)
if (!data.sources) return
if (data.sources && Object.keys(data.sources).length === 0) return
this.plugin.compilerAbstract = new CompilerAbstract('soljson', data, source, input)
this.errorState = false
this.plugin.nodeIndex = {
declarations: {},
flatReferences: {},
nodesPerFile: {},
this.plugin._buildIndex(data, source)
// cast from the remix-plugin interface to the solidity one. Should be fixed when remix-plugin move to the remix-project repository
- this.plugin.nodeIndex.nodesPerFile[this.plugin.currentFile] = this.plugin._extractFileNodes(this.plugin.currentFile, this.plugin.compilerAbstract as unknown as lastCompilationResult)
+ const extractedFiledNodes = this.plugin._extractFileNodes(this.plugin.currentFile, this.plugin.compilerAbstract as unknown as lastCompilationResult)
+ if(extractedFiledNodes) {
+ this.plugin.nodeIndex.nodesPerFile[this.plugin.currentFile] = extractedFiledNodes
+ }
await this.plugin.gasService.showGasEstimates()
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/parser/services/code-parser-gas-service.ts b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/parser/services/code-parser-gas-service.ts
index 274466fe9c..34e86290c1 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/parser/services/code-parser-gas-service.ts
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/plugins/parser/services/code-parser-gas-service.ts
@@ -42,7 +42,10 @@ export default class CodeParserGasService {
this.plugin.currentFile = await this.plugin.call('fileManager', 'file')
// cast from the remix-plugin interface to the solidity one. Should be fixed when remix-plugin move to the remix-project repository
- this.plugin.nodeIndex.nodesPerFile[this.plugin.currentFile] = await this.plugin._extractFileNodes(this.plugin.currentFile, this.plugin.compilerAbstract as unknown as lastCompilationResult)
+ const extractedFiledNodes = await this.plugin._extractFileNodes(this.plugin.currentFile, this.plugin.compilerAbstract as unknown as lastCompilationResult)
+ if(extractedFiledNodes) {
+ this.plugin.nodeIndex.nodesPerFile[this.plugin.currentFile] = extractedFiledNodes
+ }
const gasEstimates = await this.getGasEstimates(this.plugin.currentFile)
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-arbitrum-one-provider.tsx b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-arbitrum-one-provider.tsx
index eb1ba39a7a..890f31aa9c 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-arbitrum-one-provider.tsx
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-arbitrum-one-provider.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import * as packageJson from '../../../../../package.json'
-import {InjectedL2Provider} from './injected-L2-provider'
+import {InjectedCustomProvider} from './injected-custom-provider'
const profile = {
name: 'injected-arbitrum-one-provider',
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const profile = {
version: packageJson.version
-export class InjectedArbitrumOneProvider extends InjectedL2Provider {
+export class InjectedArbitrumOneProvider extends InjectedCustomProvider {
constructor() {
super(profile, 'Arbitrum One', '0xa4b1', ['https://arb1.arbitrum.io/rpc'])
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-L2-provider.tsx b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-custom-provider.tsx
similarity index 51%
rename from apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-L2-provider.tsx
rename to apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-custom-provider.tsx
index 43cc43aa28..90b81c7263 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-L2-provider.tsx
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-custom-provider.tsx
@@ -1,26 +1,30 @@
import {InjectedProviderDefaultBase} from './injected-provider-default'
-export class InjectedL2Provider extends InjectedProviderDefaultBase {
+export class InjectedCustomProvider extends InjectedProviderDefaultBase {
chainName: string
chainId: string
rpcUrls: Array
+ nativeCurrency: Record
+ blockExplorerUrls: Array
- constructor(profile: any, chainName: string, chainId: string, rpcUrls: Array) {
+ constructor(profile: any, chainName: string, chainId: string, rpcUrls: Array, nativeCurrency?: Record, blockExplorerUrls?: Array) {
this.chainName = chainName
this.chainId = chainId
this.rpcUrls = rpcUrls
+ this.nativeCurrency = nativeCurrency
+ this.blockExplorerUrls = blockExplorerUrls
async init() {
await super.init()
- if (this.chainName && this.rpcUrls && this.rpcUrls.length > 0) await addL2Network(this.chainName, this.chainId, this.rpcUrls)
- else throw new Error('Cannot add the L2 network to main injected provider')
+ if (this.chainName && this.rpcUrls && this.rpcUrls.length > 0) await addCustomNetwork(this.chainName, this.chainId, this.rpcUrls, this.nativeCurrency, this.blockExplorerUrls)
+ else throw new Error('Cannot add the custom network to main injected provider')
return {}
-export const addL2Network = async (chainName: string, chainId: string, rpcUrls: Array) => {
+export const addCustomNetwork = async (chainName: string, chainId: string, rpcUrls: Array, nativeCurrency?: Record, blockExplorerUrls?: Array) => {
try {
await (window as any).ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain',
@@ -30,15 +34,16 @@ export const addL2Network = async (chainName: string, chainId: string, rpcUrls:
// This error code indicates that the chain has not been added to MetaMask.
if (switchError.code === 4902) {
try {
+ const paramsObj: Record = {
+ chainId: chainId,
+ chainName: chainName,
+ rpcUrls: rpcUrls,
+ }
+ if (nativeCurrency) paramsObj.nativeCurrency = nativeCurrency
+ if (blockExplorerUrls) paramsObj.blockExplorerUrls = blockExplorerUrls
await (window as any).ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
- params: [
- {
- chainId: chainId,
- chainName: chainName,
- rpcUrls: rpcUrls
- }
- ]
+ params: [ paramsObj ]
await (window as any).ethereum.request({
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-ephemery-testnet-provider.tsx b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-ephemery-testnet-provider.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c7e2918bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-ephemery-testnet-provider.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import * as packageJson from '../../../../../package.json'
+import {InjectedCustomProvider} from './injected-custom-provider'
+const profile = {
+ name: 'injected-ephemery-testnet-provider',
+ displayName: 'Injected Ephemery Testnet Provider',
+ kind: 'provider',
+ description: 'Injected Ephemery Testnet Provider',
+ methods: ['sendAsync', 'init'],
+ version: packageJson.version
+export class InjectedEphemeryTestnetProvider extends InjectedCustomProvider {
+ constructor() {
+ super(profile,
+ 'Ephemery Testnet',
+ '',
+ ['https://otter.bordel.wtf/erigon', 'https://eth.ephemeral.zeus.fyi'],
+ {
+ "name": "Ephemery ETH",
+ "symbol": "ETH",
+ "decimals": 18
+ },
+ [
+ 'https://otter.bordel.wtf/',
+ 'https://explorer.ephemery.dev/'
+ ]
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-optimism-provider.tsx b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-optimism-provider.tsx
index 9c8729dd84..592ae28b1a 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-optimism-provider.tsx
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-optimism-provider.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import * as packageJson from '../../../../../package.json'
-import {InjectedL2Provider} from './injected-L2-provider'
+import {InjectedCustomProvider} from './injected-custom-provider'
const profile = {
name: 'injected-optimism-provider',
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const profile = {
version: packageJson.version
-export class Injected0ptimismProvider extends InjectedL2Provider {
+export class Injected0ptimismProvider extends InjectedCustomProvider {
constructor() {
super(profile, 'Optimism', '0xa', ['https://mainnet.optimism.io'])
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-skale-chaos-testnet-provider.tsx b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-skale-chaos-testnet-provider.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81716a6aa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/providers/injected-skale-chaos-testnet-provider.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import * as packageJson from '../../../../../package.json'
+import { InjectedCustomProvider } from './injected-custom-provider'
+const profile = {
+ name: 'injected-skale-chaos-testnet-provider',
+ displayName: 'Injected SKALE Chaos Testnet',
+ kind: 'provider',
+ description: 'Injected SKALE Chaos Testnet Provider',
+ methods: ['sendAsync', 'init'],
+ version: packageJson.version
+export class InjectedSKALEChaosTestnetProvider extends InjectedCustomProvider {
+ constructor () {
+ super(profile,
+ 'SKALE Chaos Testnet',
+ '0x50877ed6',
+ ['https://staging-v3.skalenodes.com/v1/staging-fast-active-bellatrix'],
+ {
+ "name": "sFUEL",
+ "symbol": "sFUEL",
+ "decimals": 18
+ }
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/udapp/run-tab.js b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/udapp/run-tab.js
index 86a51eb326..6352e9636f 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/src/app/udapp/run-tab.js
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/app/udapp/run-tab.js
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
import React from 'react' // eslint-disable-line
-import { RunTabUI } from '@remix-ui/run-tab'
-import { ViewPlugin } from '@remixproject/engine-web'
-import { addressToString } from '@remix-ui/helper'
+import {RunTabUI} from '@remix-ui/run-tab'
+import {ViewPlugin} from '@remixproject/engine-web'
+import {addressToString} from '@remix-ui/helper'
import * as packageJson from '../../../../../package.json'
const EventManager = require('../../lib/events')
const Recorder = require('../tabs/runTab/model/recorder.js')
-const _paq = window._paq = window._paq || []
+const _paq = (window._paq = window._paq || [])
const profile = {
name: 'udapp',
@@ -20,11 +20,21 @@ const profile = {
maintainedBy: 'Remix',
permission: true,
events: ['newTransaction'],
- methods: ['createVMAccount', 'sendTransaction', 'getAccounts', 'pendingTransactionsCount', 'getSettings', 'setEnvironmentMode', 'clearAllInstances', 'addInstance', 'resolveContractAndAddInstance']
+ methods: [
+ 'createVMAccount',
+ 'sendTransaction',
+ 'getAccounts',
+ 'pendingTransactionsCount',
+ 'getSettings',
+ 'setEnvironmentMode',
+ 'clearAllInstances',
+ 'addInstance',
+ 'resolveContractAndAddInstance'
+ ]
export class RunTab extends ViewPlugin {
- constructor (blockchain, config, fileManager, editor, filePanel, compilersArtefacts, networkModule, fileProvider) {
+ constructor(blockchain, config, fileManager, editor, filePanel, compilersArtefacts, networkModule, fileProvider) {
this.event = new EventManager()
this.config = config
@@ -41,13 +51,13 @@ export class RunTab extends ViewPlugin {
this.el = document.createElement('div')
- setupEvents () {
+ setupEvents() {
this.blockchain.events.on('newTransaction', (tx, receipt) => {
this.emit('newTransaction', tx, receipt)
- getSettings () {
+ getSettings() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
selectedAccount: this.REACT_API.accounts.selectedAccount,
@@ -57,48 +67,52 @@ export class RunTab extends ViewPlugin {
- async setEnvironmentMode (env) {
+ async setEnvironmentMode(env) {
const canCall = await this.askUserPermission('setEnvironmentMode', 'change the environment used')
if (canCall) {
- env = typeof env === 'string' ? { context: env } : env
+ env = typeof env === 'string' ? {context: env} : env
this.emit('setEnvironmentModeReducer', env, this.currentRequest.from)
- clearAllInstances () {
+ clearAllInstances() {
- addInstance (address, abi, name) {
+ addInstance(address, abi, name) {
this.emit('addInstanceReducer', address, abi, name)
- createVMAccount (newAccount) {
+ createVMAccount(newAccount) {
return this.blockchain.createVMAccount(newAccount)
- sendTransaction (tx) {
+ sendTransaction(tx) {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'udapp', 'sendTx', 'udappTransaction'])
return this.blockchain.sendTransaction(tx)
- getAccounts (cb) {
+ getAccounts(cb) {
return this.blockchain.getAccounts(cb)
- pendingTransactionsCount () {
+ pendingTransactionsCount() {
return this.blockchain.pendingTransactionsCount()
- render () {
- return
+ render() {
+ return (
+ )
- onReady (api) {
+ onReady(api) {
this.REACT_API = api
- async onInitDone () {
+ async onInitDone() {
const udapp = this // eslint-disable-line
const addProvider = async (name, displayName, isInjected, isVM, fork = '', dataId = '', title = '') => {
@@ -119,6 +133,7 @@ export class RunTab extends ViewPlugin {
provider: {
async sendAsync (payload) {
return udapp.call(name, 'sendAsync', payload)
@@ -129,10 +144,17 @@ export class RunTab extends ViewPlugin {
// basic injected
// if it's the trust wallet provider, we have a specific provider for that, see below
if (window && window.ethereum && !(window.ethereum.isTrustWallet || window.ethereum.selectedProvider?.isTrustWallet)) {
- const displayNameInjected = `Injected Provider${(window && window.ethereum && !(window.ethereum.providers && !window.ethereum.selectedProvider)) ?
- window.ethereum.isCoinbaseWallet || window.ethereum.selectedProvider?.isCoinbaseWallet ? ' - Coinbase' :
- window.ethereum.isBraveWallet || window.ethereum.selectedProvider?.isBraveWallet ? ' - Brave' :
- window.ethereum.isMetaMask || window.ethereum.selectedProvider?.isMetaMask ? ' - MetaMask' : '' : ''}`
+ const displayNameInjected = `Injected Provider${
+ window && window.ethereum && !(window.ethereum.providers && !window.ethereum.selectedProvider)
+ ? window.ethereum.isCoinbaseWallet || window.ethereum.selectedProvider?.isCoinbaseWallet
+ ? ' - Coinbase'
+ : window.ethereum.isBraveWallet || window.ethereum.selectedProvider?.isBraveWallet
+ ? ' - Brave'
+ : window.ethereum.isMetaMask || window.ethereum.selectedProvider?.isMetaMask
+ ? ' - MetaMask'
+ : ''
+ : ''
+ }`
await addProvider('injected', displayNameInjected, true, false)
} else if (window && !window.ethereum) {
// we still add "injected" if there's no provider (just so it's visible to the user).
@@ -158,6 +180,10 @@ export class RunTab extends ViewPlugin {
// wallet connect
await addProvider('walletconnect', 'WalletConnect', false, false)
+ // testnet
+ await addProvider('injected-ephemery-testnet-provider', 'Ephemery Testnet', true, false)
+ await addProvider('injected-skale-chaos-testnet-provider', 'SKALE Chaos Testnet', true, false)
// external provider
await addProvider('basic-http-provider', 'Custom - External Http Provider', false, false)
await addProvider('hardhat-provider', 'Dev - Hardhat Provider', false, false)
@@ -169,15 +195,15 @@ export class RunTab extends ViewPlugin {
await addProvider('injected-arbitrum-one-provider', 'L2 - Arbitrum One Provider', true, false)
- writeFile (fileName, content) {
+ writeFile(fileName, content) {
return this.call('fileManager', 'writeFile', fileName, content)
- readFile (fileName) {
+ readFile(fileName) {
return this.call('fileManager', 'readFile', fileName)
- async resolveContractAndAddInstance (contractObject, address) {
+ async resolveContractAndAddInstance(contractObject, address) {
const data = await this.compilersArtefacts.getCompilerAbstract(contractObject.contract.file)
this.compilersArtefacts.addResolvedContract(addressToString(address), data)
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/remixAppManager.js b/apps/remix-ide/src/remixAppManager.js
index 9c9f365f23..3db6ed2a5e 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/src/remixAppManager.js
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/remixAppManager.js
@@ -1,35 +1,118 @@
-import { PluginManager } from '@remixproject/engine'
-import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
-import { QueryParams } from '@remix-project/remix-lib'
-import { IframePlugin } from '@remixproject/engine-web'
-const _paq = window._paq = window._paq || []
+import {PluginManager} from '@remixproject/engine'
+import {EventEmitter} from 'events'
+import {QueryParams} from '@remix-project/remix-lib'
+import {IframePlugin} from '@remixproject/engine-web'
+const _paq = (window._paq = window._paq || [])
// requiredModule removes the plugin from the plugin manager list on UI
-const requiredModules = [ // services + layout views + system views
- 'manager', 'config', 'compilerArtefacts', 'compilerMetadata', 'contextualListener', 'editor', 'offsetToLineColumnConverter', 'network', 'theme', 'locale',
- 'fileManager', 'contentImport', 'blockchain', 'web3Provider', 'scriptRunner', 'fetchAndCompile', 'mainPanel', 'hiddenPanel', 'sidePanel', 'menuicons',
- 'filePanel', 'terminal', 'settings', 'pluginManager', 'tabs', 'udapp', 'dGitProvider', 'solidity', 'solidity-logic', 'gistHandler', 'layout',
- 'notification', 'permissionhandler', 'walkthrough', 'storage', 'restorebackupzip', 'link-libraries', 'deploy-libraries', 'openzeppelin-proxy',
- 'hardhat-provider', 'ganache-provider', 'foundry-provider', 'basic-http-provider', 'injected', 'injected-trustwallet', 'injected-optimism-provider', 'injected-arbitrum-one-provider', 'vm-custom-fork', 'vm-goerli-fork', 'vm-mainnet-fork', 'vm-sepolia-fork', 'vm-merge', 'vm-london', 'vm-berlin',
+const requiredModules = [
+ // services + layout views + system views
+ 'manager',
+ 'config',
+ 'compilerArtefacts',
+ 'compilerMetadata',
+ 'contextualListener',
+ 'editor',
+ 'offsetToLineColumnConverter',
+ 'network',
+ 'theme',
+ 'locale',
+ 'fileManager',
+ 'contentImport',
+ 'blockchain',
+ 'web3Provider',
+ 'scriptRunner',
+ 'fetchAndCompile',
+ 'mainPanel',
+ 'hiddenPanel',
+ 'sidePanel',
+ 'menuicons',
+ 'filePanel',
+ 'terminal',
+ 'settings',
+ 'pluginManager',
+ 'tabs',
+ 'udapp',
+ 'dGitProvider',
+ 'solidity',
+ 'solidity-logic',
+ 'gistHandler',
+ 'layout',
+ 'notification',
+ 'permissionhandler',
+ 'walkthrough',
+ 'storage',
+ 'restorebackupzip',
+ 'link-libraries',
+ 'deploy-libraries',
+ 'openzeppelin-proxy',
+ 'hardhat-provider',
+ 'ganache-provider',
+ 'foundry-provider',
+ 'basic-http-provider',
+ 'injected',
+ 'injected-trustwallet',
+ 'injected-optimism-provider',
+ 'injected-arbitrum-one-provider',
+ 'injected-ephemery-testnet-provider',
+ 'injected-skale-chaos-testnet-provider',
+ 'vm-custom-fork',
+ 'vm-goerli-fork',
+ 'vm-mainnet-fork',
+ 'vm-sepolia-fork',
+ 'vm-merge',
+ 'vm-london',
+ 'vm-berlin',
- 'compileAndRun', 'search', 'recorder', 'fileDecorator', 'codeParser', 'codeFormatter', 'solidityumlgen', 'contractflattener', 'solidity-script']
+ 'compileAndRun',
+ 'search',
+ 'recorder',
+ 'fileDecorator',
+ 'codeParser',
+ 'codeFormatter',
+ 'solidityumlgen',
+ 'contractflattener',
+ 'solidity-script'
// dependentModules shouldn't be manually activated (e.g hardhat is activated by remixd)
const dependentModules = ['foundry', 'hardhat', 'truffle', 'slither']
-const loadLocalPlugins = ["doc-gen", "doc-viewer", "etherscan", "vyper", 'solhint', 'walletconnect']
+const loadLocalPlugins = ['doc-gen', 'doc-viewer', 'etherscan', 'vyper', 'solhint', 'walletconnect', 'circuit-compiler']
const sensitiveCalls = {
- 'fileManager': ['writeFile', 'copyFile', 'rename', 'copyDir'],
- 'contentImport': ['resolveAndSave'],
- 'web3Provider': ['sendAsync'],
+ fileManager: ['writeFile', 'copyFile', 'rename', 'copyDir'],
+ contentImport: ['resolveAndSave'],
+ web3Provider: ['sendAsync']
export function isNative(name) {
// nativePlugin allows to bypass the permission request
- const nativePlugins = ['vyper', 'workshops', 'debugger', 'remixd', 'menuicons', 'solidity', 'solidity-logic', 'solidityStaticAnalysis', 'solidityUnitTesting',
- 'layout', 'notification', 'hardhat-provider', 'ganache-provider', 'foundry-provider', 'basic-http-provider', 'injected-optimism-provider',
- 'tabs', 'injected-arbitrum-one-provider', 'injected', 'doc-gen', 'doc-viewer']
+ const nativePlugins = [
+ 'vyper',
+ 'workshops',
+ 'debugger',
+ 'remixd',
+ 'menuicons',
+ 'solidity',
+ 'solidity-logic',
+ 'solidityStaticAnalysis',
+ 'solidityUnitTesting',
+ 'layout',
+ 'notification',
+ 'hardhat-provider',
+ 'ganache-provider',
+ 'foundry-provider',
+ 'basic-http-provider',
+ 'injected-optimism-provider',
+ 'tabs',
+ 'injected-arbitrum-one-provider',
+ 'injected-skale-chaos-testnet-provider',
+ 'injected-ephemery-testnet-provider',
+ 'injected',
+ 'doc-gen',
+ 'doc-viewer'
+ ]
return nativePlugins.includes(name) || requiredModules.includes(name)
@@ -44,9 +127,7 @@ export function isNative(name) {
* @returns {boolean}
export function canActivate(from, to) {
- return ['ethdoc'].includes(from.name) ||
- isNative(from.name) ||
- (to && from && from.canActivate && from.canActivate.includes(to.name))
+ return ['ethdoc'].includes(from.name) || isNative(from.name) || (to && from && from.canActivate && from.canActivate.includes(to.name))
export class RemixAppManager extends PluginManager {
@@ -72,10 +153,7 @@ export class RemixAppManager extends PluginManager {
async deactivatePlugin(name) {
const profile = await this.getProfile(name)
- const [to, from] = [
- profile,
- await this.getProfile(this.requestFrom)
- ]
+ const [to, from] = [profile, await this.getProfile(this.requestFrom)]
if (this.canDeactivatePlugin(from, to)) {
if (profile.methods.includes('deactivate')) {
try {
@@ -104,7 +182,10 @@ export class RemixAppManager extends PluginManager {
onPluginActivated(plugin) {
- this.pluginLoader.set(plugin, this.actives.filter((plugin) => !this.isDependent(plugin)))
+ this.pluginLoader.set(
+ plugin,
+ this.actives.filter((plugin) => !this.isDependent(plugin))
+ )
this.event.emit('activate', plugin)
this.emit('activate', plugin)
if (!requiredModules.includes(plugin.name)) _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'pluginManager', 'activate', plugin.name])
@@ -121,7 +202,10 @@ export class RemixAppManager extends PluginManager {
onPluginDeactivated(plugin) {
- this.pluginLoader.set(plugin, this.actives.filter((plugin) => !this.isDependent(plugin)))
+ this.pluginLoader.set(
+ plugin,
+ this.actives.filter((plugin) => !this.isDependent(plugin))
+ )
this.event.emit('deactivate', plugin)
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'pluginManager', 'deactivate', plugin.name])
@@ -142,7 +226,7 @@ export class RemixAppManager extends PluginManager {
plugins = await res.json()
plugins = plugins.filter((plugin) => {
if (plugin.targets && Array.isArray(plugin.targets) && plugin.targets.length > 0) {
- return (plugin.targets.includes('remix'))
+ return plugin.targets.includes('remix')
return true
@@ -177,7 +261,7 @@ export class RemixAppManager extends PluginManager {
- return plugins.map(plugin => {
+ return plugins.map((plugin) => {
if (plugin.name === testPluginName) plugin.url = testPluginUrl
return new IframePlugin(plugin)
@@ -249,13 +333,17 @@ class PluginLoader {
const saved = actives.filter((name) => !this.donotAutoReload.includes(name))
localStorage.setItem('workspace', JSON.stringify(saved))
- get: () => { return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('workspace')) }
+ get: () => {
+ return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('workspace'))
+ }
this.loaders.queryParams = {
- set: () => { /* Do nothing. */ },
+ set: () => {
+ /* Do nothing. */
+ },
get: () => {
- const { activate } = queryParams.get()
+ const {activate} = queryParams.get()
if (!activate) return []
return activate.split(',')
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/src/remixEngine.js b/apps/remix-ide/src/remixEngine.js
index 3a0c905acd..4c2b708bfe 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/src/remixEngine.js
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/src/remixEngine.js
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ export class RemixEngine extends Engine {
if (name === 'fetchAndCompile') return { queueTimeout: 60000 * 4 }
if (name === 'walletconnect') return { queueTimeout: 60000 * 4 }
if (name === 'udapp') return { queueTimeout: 60000 * 4 }
+ if (name === 'circuit-compiler') return { queueTimeout: 60000 * 4 }
return { queueTimeout: 10000 }
diff --git a/apps/remix-ide/team-best-practices.md b/apps/remix-ide/team-best-practices.md
index 8777280bc5..946078fe47 100644
--- a/apps/remix-ide/team-best-practices.md
+++ b/apps/remix-ide/team-best-practices.md
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# Team best practices
-This document aims to address contibutors best practices of the following repositories:
+This document aims to address contributors best practices of the following repositories:
- remix-ide https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project
- remix-plugin https://github.com/ethereum/remix-plugin
-This document is not in its final version, **a team meeting which aim to address new/old best practices, feedback, workflows, all kind of issues related to how the team work together occurs every 2 weeks.**
+This document is not in its final version, **a team meeting which aims to address new/old best practices, feedback, workflows, all kind of issues related to how the team work together occurs every 2 weeks.**
This document link to other specialised best practices (like coding best practices).
Related links:
@@ -32,22 +32,22 @@ Related links:
- Daily standup (1pm CET - 11am GMT) for taking care of the current issues.
- - A regular standup - each Tuesday (3pm CET - 1pm GMT) - which aim to
+ - A regular standup - each Tuesday (3pm CET - 1pm GMT) - which aims to
- Update every contributor on what others are doing.
- Update the prioritised issues / PRs list.
- Address little issues (possibly related to the current ongoing milestone).
- High level demo, explanation about specific points of the codebase or Ethereum related things.
- - A milestone standup - scheduled before the beginning of each milestone, roughly on a monthly basis - which aim to define what will be included in the **next milestone** and who will work on what. This standup also help to set a clear long term vision.
+ - A milestone standup - scheduled before the beginning of each milestone, roughly on a monthly basis - which aims to define what will be included in the **next milestone** and who will work on what. This standup also help to set a clear long term vision.
- - A retrospective standup - after each releases - which aim to talk about **best practices in general**: what is good, what is bad, how we can improve workflows.
+ - A retrospective standup - after each releases - which aims to talk about **best practices in general**: what is good, what is bad, how we can improve workflows.
- - A tour standup - Just after a release or whenever it is needed - which aim to demo, **explain in details** features, bug fixes or any part of the codebase.
+ - A tour standup - Just after a release or whenever it is needed - which aims to demo, **explain in details** features, bug fixes or any part of the codebase.
### 2) Group meetings:
- - When a story / bug fix is divided in parts, there should be a kickstart meeting with all the developers involved, so that all the devs have an good overview / understanding on:
+ - When a story / bug fix is divided in parts, there should be a kickstart meeting with all the developers involved, so that all the devs have a good overview / understanding on:
- How the story fits into the Ethereum tech.
- How the backend (if any) works / will work (could be a smart contract).
- How the frontend works / will work.
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Before starting coding, we should ensure all devs / contributors are aware of:
- Prioritised list of PRs / issues are tracked in a GitHub Project, Remix IDE issues are managed by a prioritized backlog.
- Every story can be executed by a single developer or a group of 2 or more developers (depending on the size and complexity)
-- Each dev should take the part he/she feels the most confortable with.
+- Each dev should take the part he/she feels the most comfortable with.
- Later progress and discussion is updated directly on the issue or pull request (github).
- When a developer or team decides on the story they want to work on (at the start of milestone for instance), they assign themselves to the issue.
- Documentation update should be done together with the story, or an issue with the label "documentation" has to be created.
@@ -195,21 +195,21 @@ Before starting coding, we should ensure all devs / contributors are aware of:
### release process:
- We release an `x.0.0` if there's a fundamental change in our UX design, which means users will need to readapt the way they use the app
- - after a week finishes, we publish/release a new version as **remix-beta.ethereum.org** and inform users so early adopters can test. after another week, when then next finished work is released as **remix-beta.ethereum.org**, the previous one becomes **remix.ethereum.org** and all users can start using it
+ - after a week finishes, we publish/release a new version as **remix-beta.ethereum.org** and inform users so early adopters can test. after another week, when the next finished work is released as **remix-beta.ethereum.org**, the previous one becomes **remix.ethereum.org** and all users can start using it
- a bot to automatically notify users about upcoming features on all channels whenever **remix-beta.ethereum.org** is updated
- in case it's a major version increase - this announcement should be specially marked so ppl can check early instead of being confronted with drastic changes when **remix.ethereum.org** updates
### maintenance:
- Setting up a "bug" time where we each take a bug for which:
- - We feel confortable to deal with
+ - We feel comfortable to deal with
- - We don't feel confortable but interested in fixing it - that will need the help of another dev
+ - We don't feel comfortable but interested in fixing it - that will need the help of another dev
### documentation:
- We set up a special day where we address all the necessary documentation work in a team effort.
- Change to markdown or gitbook
### support:
- Remix channel - we rotate and each day one or two are responsible for support (It would also be important to know for those of us who are contracted, how this can be billed.). If they don't know the answer they ping team member who they think could answer. That team member checks the support chat that day only if she/he is mentioned.
- - We should have a FAQ where basic answer are written down so we can drop the link regularly in the channel
+ - We should have a FAQ where basic answers are written down so we can drop the link regularly in the channel
- People should be pointed to the appropriate `best practice.md` files by team members
### code best practices:
diff --git a/apps/walletconnect/src/services/WalletConnectRemixClient.ts b/apps/walletconnect/src/services/WalletConnectRemixClient.ts
index 87163650b5..6f8b494d00 100644
--- a/apps/walletconnect/src/services/WalletConnectRemixClient.ts
+++ b/apps/walletconnect/src/services/WalletConnectRemixClient.ts
@@ -1,90 +1,135 @@
-import { PluginClient } from '@remixproject/plugin'
-import { createClient } from '@remixproject/plugin-webview'
-import { w3mConnectors, w3mProvider } from '@web3modal/ethereum'
-import { createConfig, configureChains } from 'wagmi'
-import { arbitrum, arbitrumGoerli, mainnet, polygon, polygonMumbai, optimism, optimismGoerli, Chain, goerli, sepolia } from 'viem/chains'
-import { EthereumClient } from '@web3modal/ethereum'
-import EventManager from "events"
-import { PROJECT_ID } from './constant'
+import {PluginClient} from '@remixproject/plugin'
+import {createClient} from '@remixproject/plugin-webview'
+import {w3mConnectors, w3mProvider} from '@web3modal/ethereum'
+import {createConfig, configureChains} from 'wagmi'
+import {
+ arbitrum,
+ arbitrumGoerli,
+ mainnet,
+ polygon,
+ polygonMumbai,
+ optimism,
+ optimismGoerli,
+ Chain,
+ goerli,
+ sepolia
+} from 'viem/chains'
+import {EthereumClient} from '@web3modal/ethereum'
+import EventManager from 'events'
+import {PROJECT_ID} from './constant'
export class WalletConnectRemixClient extends PluginClient {
- wagmiConfig
- ethereumClient: EthereumClient
- chains: Chain[]
- currentChain: number
- internalEvents: EventManager
+ wagmiConfig
+ ethereumClient: EthereumClient
+ chains: Chain[]
+ currentChain: number
+ internalEvents: EventManager
- constructor() {
- super()
- createClient(this)
- this.internalEvents = new EventManager()
- this.methods = ["sendAsync", "init", "deactivate"]
- this.onload()
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ createClient(this)
+ this.internalEvents = new EventManager()
+ this.methods = ['sendAsync', 'init', 'deactivate']
+ this.onload()
+ }
- onActivation () {
- this.subscribeToEvents()
- this.call('theme', 'currentTheme').then((theme: any) => {
- this.internalEvents.emit('themeChanged', theme.quality.toLowerCase())
- })
- }
+ onActivation() {
+ this.subscribeToEvents()
+ this.call('theme', 'currentTheme').then((theme: any) => {
+ this.internalEvents.emit('themeChanged', theme.quality.toLowerCase())
+ })
+ }
- init () {
- console.log('initializing walletconnect plugin...')
- }
+ init() {
+ console.log('initializing walletconnect plugin...')
+ }
- async initClient () {
- try {
- this.chains = [arbitrum, arbitrumGoerli, mainnet, polygon, polygonMumbai, optimism, optimismGoerli, goerli, sepolia]
- const { publicClient } = configureChains(this.chains, [w3mProvider({ projectId: PROJECT_ID })])
+ async initClient() {
+ try {
+ this.chains = [
+ mainnet,
+ arbitrum,
+ arbitrumGoerli,
+ polygon,
+ polygonMumbai,
+ optimism,
+ optimismGoerli,
+ goerli,
+ sepolia
+ ]
+ const {publicClient} = configureChains(this.chains, [
+ w3mProvider({projectId: PROJECT_ID})
+ ])
- this.wagmiConfig = createConfig({
- autoConnect: false,
- connectors: w3mConnectors({ projectId: PROJECT_ID, chains: this.chains }),
- publicClient
- })
- this.ethereumClient = new EthereumClient(this.wagmiConfig, this.chains)
- } catch (e) {
- return console.error("Could not get a wallet connection", e)
- }
+ this.wagmiConfig = createConfig({
+ autoConnect: false,
+ connectors: w3mConnectors({projectId: PROJECT_ID, chains: this.chains}),
+ publicClient
+ })
+ this.ethereumClient = new EthereumClient(this.wagmiConfig, this.chains)
+ } catch (e) {
+ return console.error('Could not get a wallet connection', e)
+ }
- subscribeToEvents () {
- this.wagmiConfig.subscribe((event) => {
- if (event.status === 'connected') {
- this.emit('accountsChanged', [event.data.account])
- if (this.currentChain !== event.data.chain.id) {
- this.currentChain = event.data.chain.id
- this.emit('chainChanged', event.data.chain.id)
- }
- } else if (event.status === 'disconnected') {
- this.emit('accountsChanged', [])
- this.emit('chainChanged', 0)
- this.currentChain = 0
- }
- })
- this.on('theme', 'themeChanged', (theme: any) => {
- this.internalEvents.emit('themeChanged', theme.quality)
- })
- }
+ subscribeToEvents() {
+ this.wagmiConfig.subscribe((event) => {
+ if (event.status === 'connected') {
+ this.emit('accountsChanged', [event.data.account])
+ if (this.currentChain !== event.data.chain.id) {
+ this.currentChain = event.data.chain.id
+ this.emit('chainChanged', event.data.chain.id)
+ }
+ } else if (event.status === 'disconnected') {
+ this.emit('accountsChanged', [])
+ this.emit('chainChanged', 0)
+ this.currentChain = 0
+ }
+ })
+ this.on('theme', 'themeChanged', (theme: any) => {
+ this.internalEvents.emit('themeChanged', theme.quality)
+ })
+ }
- sendAsync (data: { method: string, params: string, id: string }) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- if (this.wagmiConfig) {
- this.wagmiConfig.publicClient.request(data).then((message) => {
- resolve({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": message, "id": data.id})
- }).catch((error) => {
- reject(error)
- })
- } else {
- console.error(`Cannot make ${data.method} request. Remix client is not connect to walletconnect client`)
- resolve({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [], "id": data.id})
- }
+ async sendAsync(data: {method: string; params: string; id: string}) {
+ if (this.wagmiConfig.status === 'connected') {
+ if (data.method === 'eth_accounts') {
+ return {
+ jsonrpc: '2.0',
+ result: [this.wagmiConfig.data.account],
+ id: data.id
+ }
+ } else {
+ const provider = await this.wagmiConfig.connector.getProvider({
+ chainId: this.wagmiConfig.data.chain.id
- }
- async deactivate(){
- console.log('deactivating walletconnect plugin...')
- await this.ethereumClient.disconnect()
+ if (provider.isMetaMask) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ provider.sendAsync(data, (err, response) => {
+ if (err) {
+ console.error(err)
+ return resolve({jsonrpc: '2.0', result: [], id: data.id})
+ }
+ return resolve(response)
+ })
+ })
+ } else {
+ const message = await provider.request(data)
+ return {jsonrpc: '2.0', result: message, id: data.id}
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ console.error(
+ `Cannot make ${data.method} request. Remix client is not connected to walletconnect client`
+ )
+ return {jsonrpc: '2.0', result: [], id: data.id}
\ No newline at end of file
+ }
+ async deactivate() {
+ console.log('deactivating walletconnect plugin...')
+ await this.ethereumClient.disconnect()
+ }
diff --git a/libs/ghaction-helper/package.json b/libs/ghaction-helper/package.json
index 1730e1ae46..fabe7c3bc8 100644
--- a/libs/ghaction-helper/package.json
+++ b/libs/ghaction-helper/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@remix-project/ghaction-helper",
- "version": "0.1.11",
+ "version": "0.1.12",
"description": "Solidity Tests GitHub Action Helper",
"main": "src/index.js",
"scripts": {
@@ -19,17 +19,18 @@
"homepage": "https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project#readme",
"devDependencies": {
- "@remix-project/remix-solidity": "^0.5.17",
+ "@remix-project/remix-solidity": "^0.5.18",
"@types/chai": "^4.3.4",
"typescript": "^4.9.3"
"dependencies": {
"@ethereum-waffle/chai": "^3.4.4",
- "@remix-project/remix-simulator": "^0.2.31",
+ "@remix-project/remix-simulator": "^0.2.32",
"chai": "^4.3.7",
"ethers": "^5.7.2",
"web3": "^4.1.1"
"types": "./src/index.d.ts",
- "gitHead": "b11b11623729f741a5ccd387bc60dc5db41f28ab"
+ "gitHead": "335beb044cbd9d58c255bd8441a310757c99bf40"
diff --git a/libs/remix-analyzer/README.md b/libs/remix-analyzer/README.md
index a2cc46d6bd..2cbb7d39d4 100644
--- a/libs/remix-analyzer/README.md
+++ b/libs/remix-analyzer/README.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Details of modules are explained in [official remix-ide documentation](https://r
Please feel free to open an issue or a pull request.
-In case you want to add some code, do have a look to our contribution guidelnes [here](https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Reach us on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/ethereum/remix) in case of any queries.
+In case you want to add some code, do have a look at our contribution guidelines [here](https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Reach us on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/ethereum/remix) in case of any queries.
### License
MIT © 2018-21 Remix Team
diff --git a/libs/remix-analyzer/package.json b/libs/remix-analyzer/package.json
index bc536fd372..f62ebf851a 100644
--- a/libs/remix-analyzer/package.json
+++ b/libs/remix-analyzer/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@remix-project/remix-analyzer",
- "version": "0.5.40",
+ "version": "0.5.41",
"description": "Tool to perform static analysis on Solidity smart contracts",
"scripts": {
"test": "./../../node_modules/.bin/ts-node --project ../../tsconfig.base.json --require tsconfig-paths/register ./../../node_modules/.bin/tape ./test/tests.ts"
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
"@ethereumjs/tx": "^4.1.1",
"@ethereumjs/util": "^8.0.5",
"@ethereumjs/vm": "^6.4.1",
- "@remix-project/remix-astwalker": "^0.0.61",
- "@remix-project/remix-lib": "^0.5.38",
+ "@remix-project/remix-astwalker": "^0.0.62",
+ "@remix-project/remix-lib": "^0.5.39",
"async": "^2.6.2",
"ethers": "^5.4.2",
"ethjs-util": "^0.1.6",
@@ -50,6 +50,6 @@
"typescript": "^3.7.5"
"typings": "src/index.d.ts",
- "gitHead": "b11b11623729f741a5ccd387bc60dc5db41f28ab",
+ "gitHead": "335beb044cbd9d58c255bd8441a310757c99bf40",
"main": "./src/index.js"
diff --git a/libs/remix-astwalker/README.md b/libs/remix-astwalker/README.md
index 6b03957968..067c8d63c1 100644
--- a/libs/remix-astwalker/README.md
+++ b/libs/remix-astwalker/README.md
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ astWalker.on("node", node => {
Please feel free to open an issue or a pull request.
-In case you want to add some code, do have a look to our contribution guidelnes [here](https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Reach us on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/ethereum/remix) in case of any queries.
+In case you want to add some code, do have a look at our contribution guidelines [here](https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Reach us on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/ethereum/remix) in case of any queries.
### License
MIT © 2018-21 Remix Team
diff --git a/libs/remix-astwalker/package.json b/libs/remix-astwalker/package.json
index 41b52f88cc..e7602f8c82 100644
--- a/libs/remix-astwalker/package.json
+++ b/libs/remix-astwalker/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@remix-project/remix-astwalker",
- "version": "0.0.61",
+ "version": "0.0.62",
"description": "Tool to walk through Solidity AST",
"main": "src/index.js",
"scripts": {
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"@ethereumjs/tx": "^4.1.1",
"@ethereumjs/util": "^8.0.5",
"@ethereumjs/vm": "^6.4.1",
- "@remix-project/remix-lib": "^0.5.38",
+ "@remix-project/remix-lib": "^0.5.39",
"@types/tape": "^4.2.33",
"async": "^2.6.2",
"ethers": "^5.4.2",
@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@
"tap-spec": "^5.0.0"
"typings": "src/index.d.ts",
- "gitHead": "b11b11623729f741a5ccd387bc60dc5db41f28ab",
+ "gitHead": "335beb044cbd9d58c255bd8441a310757c99bf40",
"types": "./src/index.d.ts"
diff --git a/libs/remix-debug/README.md b/libs/remix-debug/README.md
index e512499d36..a59e9690ac 100644
--- a/libs/remix-debug/README.md
+++ b/libs/remix-debug/README.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
[![contributions welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/issues)
-`@remix-project/remix-debug` is a tool to debug Ethereum transactions on different Remix environments (VM, testnet etc.). It works underneath Remix IDE "DEBUGGER" plugin which is used to analyse step-to-step executioon of a transaction to debug it.
+`@remix-project/remix-debug` is a tool to debug Ethereum transactions on different Remix environments (VM, testnet etc.). It works underneath Remix IDE "DEBUGGER" plugin which is used to analyse step-to-step execution of a transaction to debug it.
### Installation
`@remix-project/remix-debug` is an NPM package and can be installed using NPM as:
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ Some of the class details are as:
Please feel free to open an issue or a pull request.
-In case you want to add some code, do have a look to our contribution guidelnes [here](https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Reach us on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/ethereum/remix) in case of any queries.
+In case you want to add some code, do have a look at our contribution guidelines [here](https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Reach us on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/ethereum/remix) in case of any queries.
### License
MIT © 2018-21 Remix Team
diff --git a/libs/remix-debug/package.json b/libs/remix-debug/package.json
index 1ff0a6b90b..a1bd0376a8 100644
--- a/libs/remix-debug/package.json
+++ b/libs/remix-debug/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@remix-project/remix-debug",
- "version": "0.5.31",
+ "version": "0.5.32",
"description": "Tool to debug Ethereum transactions",
"contributors": [
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
"@ethereumjs/tx": "^4.1.1",
"@ethereumjs/util": "^8.0.5",
"@ethereumjs/vm": "^6.4.1",
- "@remix-project/remix-astwalker": "^0.0.61",
- "@remix-project/remix-lib": "^0.5.38",
- "@remix-project/remix-simulator": "^0.2.31",
- "@remix-project/remix-solidity": "^0.5.17",
+ "@remix-project/remix-astwalker": "^0.0.62",
+ "@remix-project/remix-lib": "^0.5.39",
+ "@remix-project/remix-simulator": "^0.2.32",
+ "@remix-project/remix-solidity": "^0.5.18",
"ansi-gray": "^0.1.1",
"async": "^2.6.2",
"color-support": "^1.1.3",
@@ -69,6 +69,6 @@
"homepage": "https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/tree/master/libs/remix-debug#readme",
"typings": "src/index.d.ts",
- "gitHead": "b11b11623729f741a5ccd387bc60dc5db41f28ab",
+ "gitHead": "335beb044cbd9d58c255bd8441a310757c99bf40",
"types": "./src/index.d.ts"
diff --git a/libs/remix-debug/src/init.ts b/libs/remix-debug/src/init.ts
index cc52c932dc..686db93f92 100644
--- a/libs/remix-debug/src/init.ts
+++ b/libs/remix-debug/src/init.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ export function setProvider (web3, url) {
export function web3DebugNode (network) {
const web3DebugNodes = {
- Main: 'https://rpc.archivenode.io/e50zmkroshle2e2e50zm0044i7ao04ym',
+ Main: 'https://eth.getblock.io/68069907-1d3c-466e-a533-a943afd935c6/mainnet',
Rinkeby: 'https://remix-rinkeby.ethdevops.io',
Ropsten: 'https://remix-ropsten.ethdevops.io',
Goerli: 'https://remix-goerli.ethdevops.io',
diff --git a/libs/remix-lib/README.md b/libs/remix-lib/README.md
index 64a6706ef3..d4e0968bf4 100644
--- a/libs/remix-lib/README.md
+++ b/libs/remix-lib/README.md
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
Please feel free to open an issue or a pull request.
-In case you want to add some code, do have a look to our contribution guidelnes [here](https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Reach us on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/ethereum/remix) in case of any queries.
+In case you want to add some code, do have a look at our contribution guidelines [here](https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Reach us on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/ethereum/remix) in case of any queries.
### License
-MIT © 2018-21 Remix Team
\ No newline at end of file
+MIT © 2018-21 Remix Team
diff --git a/libs/remix-lib/package.json b/libs/remix-lib/package.json
index 45ef5fe002..2a8c430f4d 100644
--- a/libs/remix-lib/package.json
+++ b/libs/remix-lib/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@remix-project/remix-lib",
- "version": "0.5.38",
+ "version": "0.5.39",
"description": "Library to various Remix tools",
"contributors": [
@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@
"homepage": "https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/tree/master/libs/remix-lib#readme",
"typings": "src/index.d.ts",
- "gitHead": "b11b11623729f741a5ccd387bc60dc5db41f28ab",
+ "gitHead": "335beb044cbd9d58c255bd8441a310757c99bf40",
"types": "./src/index.d.ts"
diff --git a/libs/remix-simulator/README.md b/libs/remix-simulator/README.md
index bf1b0c675a..8410dd63f0 100644
--- a/libs/remix-simulator/README.md
+++ b/libs/remix-simulator/README.md
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
Please feel free to open an issue or a pull request.
-In case you want to add some code, do have a look to our contribution guidelnes [here](https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Reach us on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/ethereum/remix) in case of any queries.
+In case you want to add some code, do have a look at our contribution guidelines [here](https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Reach us on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/ethereum/remix) in case of any queries.
### License
-MIT © 2018-21 Remix Team
\ No newline at end of file
+MIT © 2018-21 Remix Team
diff --git a/libs/remix-simulator/bin/ethsim b/libs/remix-simulator/bin/ethsim
index 607cabbe9c..814e2a6a46 100755
--- a/libs/remix-simulator/bin/ethsim
+++ b/libs/remix-simulator/bin/ethsim
@@ -26,14 +26,19 @@ program
.option('-c, --coinbase [coinbase]', 'specify coinbase', '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000')
.option('--rpc', 'run rpc server only', true)
.option('--details', 'display payloads for every requests and their responses', false)
- .action(() => {
+ .action((option) => {
+ console.log('coinbase: ', option.coinbase)
+ console.log('rpc: ', option.rpc)
+ console.log('details: ', option.details)
+ console.log('host: ', option.ip)
+ console.log('port: ', option.port)
const Server = require('../src/server')
const server = new Server({
- coinbase: program.coinbase,
- rpc: program.rpc,
- logDetails: program.details
+ coinbase: option.coinbase,
+ rpc: option.rpc,
+ logDetails: option.details
- server.start(program.host, program.port)
+ server.start(option.ip, option.port)
diff --git a/libs/remix-simulator/package.json b/libs/remix-simulator/package.json
index b449208677..838711ce35 100644
--- a/libs/remix-simulator/package.json
+++ b/libs/remix-simulator/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@remix-project/remix-simulator",
- "version": "0.2.31",
+ "version": "0.2.32",
"description": "Ethereum IDE and tools for the web",
"contributors": [
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"@ethereumjs/tx": "^4.1.1",
"@ethereumjs/util": "^8.0.5",
"@ethereumjs/vm": "^6.4.1",
- "@remix-project/remix-lib": "^0.5.38",
+ "@remix-project/remix-lib": "^0.5.39",
"ansi-gray": "^0.1.1",
"async": "^3.1.0",
"body-parser": "^1.18.2",
@@ -68,6 +68,6 @@
"homepage": "https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/tree/master/libs/remix-simulator#readme",
"typings": "src/index.d.ts",
- "gitHead": "b11b11623729f741a5ccd387bc60dc5db41f28ab",
+ "gitHead": "335beb044cbd9d58c255bd8441a310757c99bf40",
"types": "./src/index.d.ts"
diff --git a/libs/remix-solidity/package.json b/libs/remix-solidity/package.json
index 4837d99b5c..6546609ac7 100644
--- a/libs/remix-solidity/package.json
+++ b/libs/remix-solidity/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@remix-project/remix-solidity",
- "version": "0.5.17",
+ "version": "0.5.18",
"description": "Tool to load and run Solidity compiler",
"main": "src/index.js",
"types": "src/index.d.ts",
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"@ethereumjs/tx": "^4.1.1",
"@ethereumjs/util": "^8.0.5",
"@ethereumjs/vm": "^6.4.1",
- "@remix-project/remix-lib": "^0.5.38",
+ "@remix-project/remix-lib": "^0.5.39",
"async": "^2.6.2",
"eslint-scope": "^5.0.0",
"ethers": "^5.4.2",
@@ -57,5 +57,5 @@
"homepage": "https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/tree/master/libs/remix-solidity#readme",
"typings": "src/index.d.ts",
- "gitHead": "b11b11623729f741a5ccd387bc60dc5db41f28ab"
+ "gitHead": "335beb044cbd9d58c255bd8441a310757c99bf40"
diff --git a/libs/remix-solidity/src/compiler/compiler.ts b/libs/remix-solidity/src/compiler/compiler.ts
index 77e50a5845..2e20b0c857 100644
--- a/libs/remix-solidity/src/compiler/compiler.ts
+++ b/libs/remix-solidity/src/compiler/compiler.ts
@@ -81,12 +81,15 @@ export class Compiler {
* @param missingInputs missing import file path list
- internalCompile(files: Source, missingInputs?: string[]): void {
+ internalCompile(files: Source, missingInputs?: string[], timeStamp?: number): void {
+ if(timeStamp != this.state.compilationStartTime && this.state.compilerRetriggerMode == CompilerRetriggerMode.retrigger ) {
+ return
+ }
this.gatherImports(files, missingInputs, (error, input) => {
if (error) {
this.state.lastCompilationResult = null
this.event.trigger('compilationFinished', [false, { error: { formattedMessage: error, severity: 'error' } }, files, input, this.state.currentVersion])
- } else if (this.state.compileJSON && input) { this.state.compileJSON(input) }
+ } else if (this.state.compileJSON && input) { this.state.compileJSON(input, timeStamp) }
@@ -100,7 +103,7 @@ export class Compiler {
this.state.target = target
this.state.compilationStartTime = new Date().getTime()
this.event.trigger('compilationStarted', [])
- this.internalCompile(files)
+ this.internalCompile(files, null, this.state.compilationStartTime)
@@ -157,7 +160,7 @@ export class Compiler {
* @param source Source
- onCompilationFinished(data: CompilationResult, missingInputs?: string[], source?: SourceWithTarget, input?: string, version?: string): void {
+ onCompilationFinished(data: CompilationResult, missingInputs?: string[], source?: SourceWithTarget, input?: string, version?: string, timeStamp?: number): void {
let noFatalErrors = true // ie warnings are ok
const checkIfFatalError = (error: CompilationError) => {
@@ -173,7 +176,7 @@ export class Compiler {
this.event.trigger('compilationFinished', [false, data, source, input, version])
} else if (missingInputs !== undefined && missingInputs.length > 0 && source && source.sources) {
// try compiling again with the new set of inputs
- this.internalCompile(source.sources, missingInputs)
+ this.internalCompile(source.sources, missingInputs, timeStamp)
} else {
data = this.updateInterface(data)
if (source) {
@@ -292,6 +295,7 @@ export class Compiler {
this.state.worker.addEventListener('message', (msg: Record<'data', MessageFromWorker>) => {
const data: MessageFromWorker = msg.data
if (this.state.compilerRetriggerMode == CompilerRetriggerMode.retrigger && data.timestamp !== this.state.compilationStartTime) {
+ // drop message from previous compilation
switch (data.cmd) {
@@ -312,7 +316,7 @@ export class Compiler {
sources = jobs[data.job].sources
delete jobs[data.job]
- this.onCompilationFinished(result, data.missingInputs, sources, data.input, this.state.currentVersion)
+ this.onCompilationFinished(result, data.missingInputs, sources, data.input, this.state.currentVersion, data.timestamp)
@@ -325,7 +329,7 @@ export class Compiler {
this.onCompilationFinished({ error: { formattedMessage } })
- this.state.compileJSON = (source: SourceWithTarget) => {
+ this.state.compileJSON = (source: SourceWithTarget, timeStamp: number) => {
if (source && source.sources) {
const { optimize, runs, evmVersion, language, useFileConfiguration, configFileContent } = this.state
jobs.push({ sources: source })
@@ -342,12 +346,11 @@ export class Compiler {
cmd: 'compile',
job: jobs.length - 1,
input: input,
- timestamp: this.state.compilationStartTime
+ timestamp: timeStamp
diff --git a/libs/remix-solidity/src/compiler/types.ts b/libs/remix-solidity/src/compiler/types.ts
index fd1158e7f0..d86e7b0b74 100644
--- a/libs/remix-solidity/src/compiler/types.ts
+++ b/libs/remix-solidity/src/compiler/types.ts
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ export enum CompilerRetriggerMode {
export interface CompilerState {
- compileJSON: ((input: SourceWithTarget) => void) | null,
+ compileJSON: ((input: SourceWithTarget, timeStamp?: number) => void) | null,
worker: any,
currentVersion: string| null| undefined,
compilerLicense: string| null
diff --git a/libs/remix-tests/package.json b/libs/remix-tests/package.json
index 5072aff069..d77419625b 100644
--- a/libs/remix-tests/package.json
+++ b/libs/remix-tests/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@remix-project/remix-tests",
- "version": "0.2.31",
+ "version": "0.2.32",
"description": "Tool to test Solidity smart contracts",
"main": "src/index.js",
"types": "./src/index.d.ts",
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
"@ethereumjs/tx": "^4.1.1",
"@ethereumjs/util": "^8.0.5",
"@ethereumjs/vm": "^6.4.1",
- "@remix-project/remix-lib": "^0.5.38",
- "@remix-project/remix-simulator": "^0.2.31",
- "@remix-project/remix-solidity": "^0.5.17",
+ "@remix-project/remix-lib": "^0.5.39",
+ "@remix-project/remix-simulator": "^0.2.32",
+ "@remix-project/remix-solidity": "^0.5.18",
"@remix-project/remix-url-resolver": "^0.0.42",
"ansi-gray": "^0.1.1",
"async": "^2.6.0",
@@ -78,5 +78,5 @@
"typescript": "^3.3.1"
"typings": "src/index.d.ts",
- "gitHead": "b11b11623729f741a5ccd387bc60dc5db41f28ab"
+ "gitHead": "335beb044cbd9d58c255bd8441a310757c99bf40"
diff --git a/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/providers/codeActionProvider.ts b/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/providers/codeActionProvider.ts
index bfa34c586a..9670282e9f 100644
--- a/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/providers/codeActionProvider.ts
+++ b/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/providers/codeActionProvider.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import { Monaco } from "@monaco-editor/react"
-import monaco from "../../types/monaco"
-import { EditorUIProps } from "../remix-ui-editor"
-import { default as fixesList } from "./quickfixes"
+import {Monaco} from '@monaco-editor/react'
+import monaco from '../../types/monaco'
+import {EditorUIProps} from '../remix-ui-editor'
+import {default as fixesList} from './quickfixes'
export class RemixCodeActionProvider implements monaco.languages.CodeActionProvider {
props: EditorUIProps
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export class RemixCodeActionProvider implements monaco.languages.CodeActionProvi
this.monaco = monaco
- async provideCodeActions (
+ async provideCodeActions(
model: monaco.editor.ITextModel,
range: monaco.Range,
context: monaco.languages.CodeActionContext,
@@ -22,27 +22,80 @@ export class RemixCodeActionProvider implements monaco.languages.CodeActionProvi
let fixes: Record[], msg: string
let isOldAST: boolean = false
const errStrings: string[] = Object.keys(fixesList)
- const errStr:string = errStrings.find(es => error.message.includes(es))
+ const errStr: string = errStrings.find((es) => error.message.includes(es))
if (errStr) {
fixes = fixesList[errStr]
- const cursorPosition: number = this.props.editorAPI.getHoverPosition({lineNumber: error.startLineNumber, column: error.startColumn})
+ const cursorPosition: number = this.props.editorAPI.getHoverPosition({
+ lineNumber: error.startLineNumber,
+ column: error.startColumn
+ })
const nodeAtPosition = await this.props.plugin.call('codeParser', 'definitionAtPosition', cursorPosition)
// Check if a function is hovered
- if (nodeAtPosition && nodeAtPosition.nodeType === "FunctionDefinition") {
+ if (nodeAtPosition && nodeAtPosition.nodeType === 'FunctionDefinition') {
// Identify type of AST node
- if (nodeAtPosition.parameters && !Array.isArray(nodeAtPosition.parameters) && Array.isArray(nodeAtPosition.parameters.parameters))
- isOldAST = true
+ if (nodeAtPosition.parameters && !Array.isArray(nodeAtPosition.parameters) && Array.isArray(nodeAtPosition.parameters.parameters)) isOldAST = true
const paramNodes = isOldAST ? nodeAtPosition.parameters.parameters : nodeAtPosition.parameters
for (const fix of fixes) {
- msg = paramNodes.length
+ msg = paramNodes.length
? await this.fixForMethodWithParams(model, paramNodes, fix, error, isOldAST)
- : await this.fixForMethodWithoutParams(model, nodeAtPosition, fix, error, isOldAST)
- this.addQuickFix(actions, error, model.uri, {title: fix.title, range: fix.range, text: msg})
+ : await this.fixForMethodWithoutParams(model, nodeAtPosition, fix, error, isOldAST)
+ this.addQuickFix(actions, error, model.uri, {
+ id: fix.id,
+ title: fix.title,
+ range: fix.range,
+ text: msg
+ })
} else {
for (const fix of fixes) {
- if (fix && nodeAtPosition && fix.nodeType !== nodeAtPosition.nodeType) continue
- else this.addQuickFix(actions, error, model.uri, {title: fix.title, range: fix.range || error, text: fix.message})
+ if (fix && nodeAtPosition && fix.nodeType && fix.nodeType !== nodeAtPosition.nodeType) continue
+ switch (fix.id) {
+ case 2: {
+ // To add specific pragma based on error
+ const startIndex = error.message.indexOf('pragma')
+ const endIndex = error.message.indexOf(';')
+ const msg = error.message.substring(startIndex, endIndex + 1)
+ this.addQuickFix(actions, error, model.uri, {
+ title: fix.title,
+ range: fix.range,
+ text: msg
+ })
+ break
+ }
+ case 8: {
+ // To add `abstract` in the contract
+ const lineContent: string = model.getValueInRange(error)
+ this.addQuickFix(actions, error, model.uri, {
+ title: fix.title,
+ range: error,
+ text: fix.message + lineContent
+ })
+ break
+ }
+ case 9.1:
+ case 9.2:
+ case 10.1:
+ case 10.2:
+ case 10.3:
+ case 11.1:
+ case 11.2: {
+ // To add data location in constructor params, function params and variables
+ const lineContent: string = model.getValueInRange(error)
+ const words = lineContent.split(' ')
+ this.addQuickFix(actions, error, model.uri, {
+ title: fix.title,
+ range: error,
+ text: words[0] + fix.message + words[1]
+ })
+ break
+ }
+ default:
+ this.addQuickFix(actions, error, model.uri, {
+ title: fix.title,
+ range: fix.range || error,
+ text: fix.message
+ })
+ }
@@ -62,16 +115,17 @@ export class RemixCodeActionProvider implements monaco.languages.CodeActionProvi
* @param fix details of quick fix to apply
addQuickFix(actions: monaco.languages.CodeAction[], error: monaco.editor.IMarkerData, uri: monaco.Uri, fix: Record) {
- const {title, range, text} = fix
+ const {id, title, range, text} = fix
diagnostics: [error],
- kind: "quickfix",
+ kind: 'quickfix',
edit: {
edits: [
resource: uri,
- edit: { range, text }
+ textEdit: {range, text},
+ versionId: undefined
@@ -88,7 +142,13 @@ export class RemixCodeActionProvider implements monaco.languages.CodeActionProvi
* @param isOldAST true, if AST node contains legacy fields
* @returns message to be placed as quick fix
- async fixForMethodWithParams(model: monaco.editor.ITextModel, paramNodes: Record[], fix: Record, error: monaco.editor.IMarkerData, isOldAST: boolean): Promise {
+ async fixForMethodWithParams(
+ model: monaco.editor.ITextModel,
+ paramNodes: Record[],
+ fix: Record,
+ error: monaco.editor.IMarkerData,
+ isOldAST: boolean
+ ): Promise {
let lastParamEndLoc: Record, fixLineNumber: number, msg: string
// Get last function parameter node
const lastParamNode: Record = paramNodes[paramNodes.length - 1]
@@ -103,12 +163,13 @@ export class RemixCodeActionProvider implements monaco.languages.CodeActionProvi
fixLineNumber = lastParamEndLoc.line
const lineContent: string = model.getLineContent(fixLineNumber)
- if (fix.id === 5 && lineContent.includes(' view '))
- msg = lineContent.replace('view', 'pure')
- else if (isOldAST)
- msg = lineContent.substring(0, lastParamEndLoc.column + 2) + fix.message + lineContent.substring(lastParamEndLoc.column + 1, lineContent.length)
- else
- msg = lineContent.substring(0, lastParamEndLoc.column + lastParamNode.name.length + 2) + fix.message + lineContent.substring(lastParamEndLoc.column + lastParamNode.name.length + 1, lineContent.length)
+ if (fix.id === 5 && lineContent.includes(' view ')) msg = lineContent.replace('view', 'pure')
+ else if (isOldAST) msg = lineContent.substring(0, lastParamEndLoc.column + 2) + fix.message + lineContent.substring(lastParamEndLoc.column + 1, lineContent.length)
+ else
+ msg =
+ lineContent.substring(0, lastParamEndLoc.column + lastParamNode.name.length + 2) +
+ fix.message +
+ lineContent.substring(lastParamEndLoc.column + lastParamNode.name.length + 1, lineContent.length)
fix.range = {
startLineNumber: fixLineNumber,
@@ -128,7 +189,13 @@ export class RemixCodeActionProvider implements monaco.languages.CodeActionProvi
* @param isOldAST true, if AST node contains legacy fields
* @returns message to be placed as quick fix
- async fixForMethodWithoutParams(model: monaco.editor.ITextModel, nodeAtPosition: Record, fix: Record, error: monaco.editor.IMarkerData, isOldAST: boolean): Promise {
+ async fixForMethodWithoutParams(
+ model: monaco.editor.ITextModel,
+ nodeAtPosition: Record,
+ fix: Record,
+ error: monaco.editor.IMarkerData,
+ isOldAST: boolean
+ ): Promise {
let fixLineNumber: number, msg: string
if (isOldAST) {
const location: Record = await this.props.plugin.call('codeParser', 'getLineColumnOfNode', nodeAtPosition)
@@ -137,12 +204,11 @@ export class RemixCodeActionProvider implements monaco.languages.CodeActionProvi
const lineContent: string = model.getLineContent(fixLineNumber)
const i: number = lineContent.indexOf('()')
if (fix.id === 5 && lineContent.includes(' view ')) {
msg = lineContent.replace('view', 'pure')
- } else
- msg = lineContent.substring(0, i + 3) + fix.message + lineContent.substring(i + 3, lineContent.length)
+ } else msg = lineContent.substring(0, i + 3) + fix.message + lineContent.substring(i + 3, lineContent.length)
fix.range = {
startLineNumber: fixLineNumber,
endLineNumber: fixLineNumber,
@@ -151,4 +217,4 @@ export class RemixCodeActionProvider implements monaco.languages.CodeActionProvi
return msg
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/providers/completion/completionGlobals.ts b/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/providers/completion/completionGlobals.ts
index 21436a1998..c3b1db62a3 100644
--- a/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/providers/completion/completionGlobals.ts
+++ b/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/providers/completion/completionGlobals.ts
@@ -521,6 +521,20 @@ export function GetGlobalVariable(range: monacoTypes.IRange, monaco): monacoType
export function GetGlobalFunctions(range: monacoTypes.IRange, monaco): monacoTypes.languages.CompletionItem[] {
return [
+ {
+ label: 'fallback',
+ kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Function,
+ insertText: 'fallback() ${1:external} ${2:payable} { }',
+ insertTextRules: monaco.languages.CompletionItemInsertTextRule.InsertAsSnippet,
+ range
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'receive',
+ kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Function,
+ insertText: 'receive() ${1:external} ${2:payable} { }',
+ insertTextRules: monaco.languages.CompletionItemInsertTextRule.InsertAsSnippet,
+ range
+ },
detail: 'assert(bool condition): throws if the condition is not met - to be used for internal errors.',
insertText: 'assert(${1:condition});',
diff --git a/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/providers/quickfixes.ts b/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/providers/quickfixes.ts
index a93834674d..89958ed041 100644
--- a/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/providers/quickfixes.ts
+++ b/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/providers/quickfixes.ts
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ export default {
id: 2,
title: 'Add Solidity pragma',
- message: 'pragma solidity ^0.*.*;',
nodeType: 'PragmaDirective',
range: {
startLineNumber: 2,
@@ -106,5 +105,86 @@ export default {
message: 'pure ',
nodeType: 'FunctionDefinition'
+ ],
+ 'TypeError: Trying to override non-virtual function. Did you forget to add "virtual"':[
+ {
+ id: 6,
+ title: "Add 'virtual' specifier",
+ message: 'virtual',
+ nodeType: 'FunctionDefinition'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'TypeError: Overriding function is missing "override" specifier':[
+ {
+ id: 7,
+ title: "Add 'override' specifier",
+ message: 'override',
+ nodeType: 'FunctionDefinition'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'should be marked as abstract': [
+ {
+ id: 8,
+ title: "Add 'abstract' to contract",
+ message: 'abstract ',
+ nodeType: 'ContractDefinition'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'TypeError: Data location must be "storage" or "memory" for constructor parameter, but none was given.': [
+ {
+ id: 9.1,
+ title: "Add 'storage' to param",
+ message: ' storage '
+ },
+ {
+ id: 9.2,
+ title: "Add 'memory' to param",
+ message: ' memory '
+ }
+ ],
+ 'TypeError: Data location must be "storage", "memory" or "calldata" for variable, but none was given.': [
+ {
+ id: 10.1,
+ title: "Add 'storage' to variable",
+ message: ' storage '
+ },
+ {
+ id: 10.2,
+ title: "Add 'memory' to variable",
+ message: ' memory '
+ },
+ {
+ id: 10.3,
+ title: "Add 'calldata' to variable",
+ message: ' calldata '
+ }
+ ],
+ 'TypeError: Data location must be "memory" or "calldata" for parameter in function, but none was given.': [
+ {
+ id: 11.1,
+ title: "Add 'memory' to param",
+ message: ' memory '
+ },
+ {
+ id: 11.2,
+ title: "Add 'calldata' to param",
+ message: ' calldata '
+ }
+ ],
+ 'SyntaxError: No visibility specified. Did you intend to add "external': [
+ {
+ id: 12,
+ title: "Add visibility 'external'",
+ message: 'external ',
+ nodeType: 'FunctionDefinition'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'DeclarationError: Receive ether function must be payable, but is "nonpayable".': [
+ {
+ id: 13,
+ title: "Make function 'payable'",
+ message: 'payable ',
+ nodeType: 'FunctionDefinition'
+ }
diff --git a/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/remix-ui-editor.css b/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/remix-ui-editor.css
index 6443938ff5..9831e36ff6 100644
--- a/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/remix-ui-editor.css
+++ b/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/remix-ui-editor.css
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
.hover-row {
white-space: pre;
- margin-left : 10px;
background : var(--light);
font-weight : bold;
font-family : monospace;
+ font-size: smaller;
padding : 10px;
border-radius : 10px;
height: auto;
@@ -25,4 +25,8 @@
color: var(--white) !important;
filter: opacity(0.5);
font-weight: bolder;
+div.monaco-list-row > span.title {
+ margin-top: 12px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/remix-ui-editor.tsx b/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/remix-ui-editor.tsx
index 8b69402bf5..691c8955e9 100644
--- a/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/remix-ui-editor.tsx
+++ b/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/lib/remix-ui-editor.tsx
@@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
-import React, {useState, useRef, useEffect, useReducer} from 'react' // eslint-disable-line
-import {isArray} from 'lodash'
-import Editor, {loader, Monaco} from '@monaco-editor/react'
-import {AlertModal} from '@remix-ui/app'
-import {reducerActions, reducerListener, initialState} from './actions/editor'
-import {solidityTokensProvider, solidityLanguageConfig} from './syntaxes/solidity'
-import {cairoTokensProvider, cairoLanguageConfig} from './syntaxes/cairo'
-import {zokratesTokensProvider, zokratesLanguageConfig} from './syntaxes/zokrates'
-import {moveTokenProvider, moveLanguageConfig} from './syntaxes/move'
-import {monacoTypes} from '@remix-ui/editor'
-import {loadTypes} from './web-types'
-import {retrieveNodesAtPosition} from './helpers/retrieveNodesAtPosition'
-import {RemixHoverProvider} from './providers/hoverProvider'
-import {RemixReferenceProvider} from './providers/referenceProvider'
-import {RemixCompletionProvider} from './providers/completionProvider'
-import {RemixHighLightProvider} from './providers/highlightProvider'
-import {RemixDefinitionProvider} from './providers/definitionProvider'
-import {RemixCodeActionProvider} from './providers/codeActionProvider'
+import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect, useReducer } from 'react' // eslint-disable-line
+import { isArray } from 'lodash'
+import Editor, { loader, Monaco } from '@monaco-editor/react'
+import { AlertModal } from '@remix-ui/app'
+import { reducerActions, reducerListener, initialState } from './actions/editor'
+import { solidityTokensProvider, solidityLanguageConfig } from './syntaxes/solidity'
+import { cairoTokensProvider, cairoLanguageConfig } from './syntaxes/cairo'
+import { zokratesTokensProvider, zokratesLanguageConfig } from './syntaxes/zokrates'
+import { moveTokenProvider, moveLanguageConfig } from './syntaxes/move'
+import { monacoTypes } from '@remix-ui/editor'
+import { loadTypes } from './web-types'
+import { retrieveNodesAtPosition } from './helpers/retrieveNodesAtPosition'
+import { RemixHoverProvider } from './providers/hoverProvider'
+import { RemixReferenceProvider } from './providers/referenceProvider'
+import { RemixCompletionProvider } from './providers/completionProvider'
+import { RemixHighLightProvider } from './providers/highlightProvider'
+import { RemixDefinitionProvider } from './providers/definitionProvider'
+import { RemixCodeActionProvider } from './providers/codeActionProvider'
import './remix-ui-editor.css'
-import {circomLanguageConfig, circomTokensProvider} from './syntaxes/circom'
+import { circomLanguageConfig, circomTokensProvider } from './syntaxes/circom'
+import { IPosition } from 'monaco-editor'
enum MarkerSeverity {
Hint = 1,
Info = 2,
Warning = 4,
- Error = 8
+ Error = 8,
type sourceAnnotation = {
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ type errorMarker = {
file: string
-loader.config({paths: {vs: 'assets/js/monaco-editor/min/vs'}})
+loader.config({ paths: { vs: 'assets/js/monaco-editor/min/vs' } })
export type DecorationsReturn = {
currentDecorations: Array
@@ -107,7 +108,8 @@ export type EditorAPIType = {
clearDecorationsByPlugin: (filePath: string, plugin: string, typeOfDecoration: string, registeredDecorations: any, currentDecorations: any) => DecorationsReturn
keepDecorationsFor: (filePath: string, plugin: string, typeOfDecoration: string, registeredDecorations: any, currentDecorations: any) => DecorationsReturn
addErrorMarker: (errors: errorMarker[], from: string) => void
- clearErrorMarkers: (sources: string[] | {[fileName: string]: any}, from: string) => void
+ clearErrorMarkers: (sources: string[] | { [fileName: string]: any }, from: string) => void
+ getPositionAt: (offset: number) => monacoTypes.IPosition
/* eslint-disable-next-line */
@@ -151,6 +153,7 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
const pasteCodeRef = useRef(false)
const editorRef = useRef(null)
const monacoRef = useRef(null)
+ const currentFunction = useRef('')
const currentFileRef = useRef('')
const currentUrlRef = useRef('')
// const currentDecorations = useRef({ sourceAnnotationsPerFile: {}, markerPerFile: {} }) // decorations that are currently in use by the editor
@@ -193,88 +196,88 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
base: themeType,
inherit: true, // can also be false to completely replace the builtin rules
rules: [
- {background: darkColor.replace('#', '')},
- {foreground: textColor.replace('#', '')},
+ { background: darkColor.replace('#', '') },
+ { foreground: textColor.replace('#', '') },
// global variables
- {token: 'keyword.abi', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.block', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.bytes', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.msg', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.tx', foreground: blueColor},
+ { token: 'keyword.abi', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.block', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.bytes', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.msg', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.tx', foreground: blueColor },
// global functions
- {token: 'keyword.assert', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.require', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.revert', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.blockhash', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.keccak256', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.sha256', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.ripemd160', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.ecrecover', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.addmod', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.mulmod', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.selfdestruct', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.type ', foreground: blueColor},
- {token: 'keyword.gasleft', foreground: blueColor},
+ { token: 'keyword.assert', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.require', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.revert', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.blockhash', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.keccak256', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.sha256', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.ripemd160', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.ecrecover', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.addmod', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.mulmod', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.selfdestruct', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.type ', foreground: blueColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.gasleft', foreground: blueColor },
// specials
- {token: 'keyword.super', foreground: infoColor},
- {token: 'keyword.this', foreground: infoColor},
- {token: 'keyword.virtual', foreground: infoColor},
+ { token: 'keyword.super', foreground: infoColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.this', foreground: infoColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.virtual', foreground: infoColor },
// for state variables
- {token: 'keyword.constants', foreground: grayColor},
- {token: 'keyword.override', foreground: grayColor},
- {token: 'keyword.immutable', foreground: grayColor},
+ { token: 'keyword.constants', foreground: grayColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.override', foreground: grayColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.immutable', foreground: grayColor },
// data location
- {token: 'keyword.memory', foreground: locationColor},
- {token: 'keyword.storage', foreground: locationColor},
- {token: 'keyword.calldata', foreground: locationColor},
+ { token: 'keyword.memory', foreground: locationColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.storage', foreground: locationColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.calldata', foreground: locationColor },
// for Events
- {token: 'keyword.indexed', foreground: yellowColor},
- {token: 'keyword.anonymous', foreground: yellowColor},
+ { token: 'keyword.indexed', foreground: yellowColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.anonymous', foreground: yellowColor },
// for functions
- {token: 'keyword.external', foreground: successColor},
- {token: 'keyword.internal', foreground: successColor},
- {token: 'keyword.private', foreground: successColor},
- {token: 'keyword.public', foreground: successColor},
- {token: 'keyword.view', foreground: successColor},
- {token: 'keyword.pure', foreground: successColor},
- {token: 'keyword.payable', foreground: successColor},
- {token: 'keyword.nonpayable', foreground: successColor},
+ { token: 'keyword.external', foreground: successColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.internal', foreground: successColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.private', foreground: successColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.public', foreground: successColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.view', foreground: successColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.pure', foreground: successColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.payable', foreground: successColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.nonpayable', foreground: successColor },
// Errors
- {token: 'keyword.Error', foreground: dangerColor},
- {token: 'keyword.Panic', foreground: dangerColor},
+ { token: 'keyword.Error', foreground: dangerColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.Panic', foreground: dangerColor },
// special functions
- {token: 'keyword.fallback', foreground: pinkColor},
- {token: 'keyword.receive', foreground: pinkColor},
- {token: 'keyword.constructor', foreground: pinkColor},
+ { token: 'keyword.fallback', foreground: pinkColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.receive', foreground: pinkColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.constructor', foreground: pinkColor },
// identifiers
- {token: 'keyword.identifier', foreground: warningColor},
- {token: 'keyword.for', foreground: warningColor},
- {token: 'keyword.break', foreground: warningColor},
- {token: 'keyword.continue', foreground: warningColor},
- {token: 'keyword.while', foreground: warningColor},
- {token: 'keyword.do', foreground: warningColor},
- {token: 'keyword.delete', foreground: warningColor},
+ { token: 'keyword.identifier', foreground: warningColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.for', foreground: warningColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.break', foreground: warningColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.continue', foreground: warningColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.while', foreground: warningColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.do', foreground: warningColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.delete', foreground: warningColor },
- {token: 'keyword.if', foreground: yellowColor},
- {token: 'keyword.else', foreground: yellowColor},
+ { token: 'keyword.if', foreground: yellowColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.else', foreground: yellowColor },
- {token: 'keyword.throw', foreground: orangeColor},
- {token: 'keyword.catch', foreground: orangeColor},
- {token: 'keyword.try', foreground: orangeColor},
+ { token: 'keyword.throw', foreground: orangeColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.catch', foreground: orangeColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.try', foreground: orangeColor },
// returns
- {token: 'keyword.returns', foreground: greenColor},
- {token: 'keyword.return', foreground: greenColor}
+ { token: 'keyword.returns', foreground: greenColor },
+ { token: 'keyword.return', foreground: greenColor },
colors: {
// see https://code.visualstudio.com/api/references/theme-color for more settings
@@ -284,7 +287,7 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
'editorSuggestWidget.selectedForeground': textColor,
'editorSuggestWidget.highlightForeground': primaryColor,
'editorSuggestWidget.focusHighlightForeground': infoColor,
- 'editor.lineHighlightBorder': secondaryColor,
+ 'editor.lineHighlightBorder': textbackground,
'editor.lineHighlightBackground': textbackground === darkColor ? lightColor : secondaryColor,
'editorGutter.background': lightColor,
//'editor.selectionHighlightBackground': secondaryColor,
@@ -293,8 +296,8 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
'menu.background': textbackground,
'menu.selectionBackground': secondaryColor,
'menu.selectionForeground': textColor,
- 'menu.selectionBorder': secondaryColor
- }
+ 'menu.selectionBorder': secondaryColor,
+ },
@@ -312,7 +315,7 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
const file = editorModelsState[props.currentFile]
- readOnly: editorModelsState[props.currentFile].readOnly
+ readOnly: editorModelsState[props.currentFile].readOnly,
if (file.language === 'sol') {
monacoRef.current.editor.setModelLanguage(file.model, 'remix-solidity')
@@ -336,10 +339,10 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
options: {
isWholeLine: false,
glyphMarginHoverMessage: {
- value: (decoration.from ? `from ${decoration.from}:\n` : '') + decoration.text
+ value: (decoration.from ? `from ${decoration.from}:\n` : '') + decoration.text,
- glyphMarginClassName: `fal fa-exclamation-square text-${decoration.type === 'error' ? 'danger' : decoration.type === 'warning' ? 'warning' : 'info'}`
- }
+ glyphMarginClassName: `fal fa-exclamation-square text-${decoration.type === 'error' ? 'danger' : decoration.type === 'warning' ? 'warning' : 'info'}`,
+ },
if (typeOfDecoration === 'markerPerFile') {
@@ -362,8 +365,8 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
options: {
- inlineClassName: `${isWholeLine ? 'alert-info' : 'inline-class'} border-0 highlightLine${decoration.position.start.line + 1}`
- }
+ inlineClassName: `${isWholeLine ? 'alert-info' : 'inline-class'} border-0 highlightLine${decoration.position.start.line + 1}`,
+ },
if (typeOfDecoration === 'lineTextPerFile') {
@@ -379,11 +382,11 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
options: {
after: {
content: ` ${lineTextDecoration.content}`,
- inlineClassName: `${lineTextDecoration.className}`
+ inlineClassName: `${lineTextDecoration.className}`,
afterContentClassName: `${lineTextDecoration.afterContentClassName}`,
- hoverMessage: lineTextDecoration.hoverMessage
- }
+ hoverMessage: lineTextDecoration.hoverMessage,
+ },
if (typeOfDecoration === 'lineTextPerFile') {
@@ -399,11 +402,11 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
options: {
after: {
content: ` ${lineTextDecoration.content}`,
- inlineClassName: `${lineTextDecoration.className}`
+ inlineClassName: `${lineTextDecoration.className}`,
afterContentClassName: `${lineTextDecoration.afterContentClassName}`,
- hoverMessage: lineTextDecoration.hoverMessage
- }
+ hoverMessage: lineTextDecoration.hoverMessage,
+ },
@@ -413,7 +416,7 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
if (!model)
return {
currentDecorations: [],
- registeredDecorations: []
+ registeredDecorations: [],
const decorations = []
const newRegisteredDecorations = []
@@ -427,7 +430,7 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
return {
currentDecorations: model.deltaDecorations(currentDecorations, decorations),
- registeredDecorations: newRegisteredDecorations
+ registeredDecorations: newRegisteredDecorations,
@@ -435,7 +438,7 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
const model = editorModelsState[filePath]?.model
if (!model)
return {
- currentDecorations: []
+ currentDecorations: [],
const decorations = []
if (registeredDecorations) {
@@ -446,17 +449,17 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
return {
- currentDecorations: model.deltaDecorations(currentDecorations, decorations)
+ currentDecorations: model.deltaDecorations(currentDecorations, decorations),
const addDecoration = (decoration: sourceAnnotation | sourceMarker, filePath: string, typeOfDecoration: string) => {
const model = editorModelsState[filePath]?.model
- if (!model) return {currentDecorations: []}
+ if (!model) return { currentDecorations: [] }
const monacoDecoration = convertToMonacoDecoration(decoration, typeOfDecoration)
return {
currentDecorations: model.deltaDecorations([], [monacoDecoration]),
- registeredDecorations: [{value: decoration, type: typeOfDecoration}]
+ registeredDecorations: [{ value: decoration, type: typeOfDecoration }],
@@ -477,7 +480,7 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
const errorServerityMap = {
error: MarkerSeverity.Error,
warning: MarkerSeverity.Warning,
- info: MarkerSeverity.Info
+ info: MarkerSeverity.Info,
if (model) {
const markerData: monacoTypes.editor.IMarkerData = {
@@ -486,7 +489,7 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
startColumn: (error.position.start && error.position.start.column) || 0,
endLineNumber: (error.position.end && error.position.end.line) || 0,
endColumn: (error.position.end && error.position.end.column) || 0,
- message: error.message
+ message: error.message,
if (!allMarkersPerfile[filePath]) {
allMarkersPerfile[filePath] = []
@@ -502,7 +505,7 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
- props.editorAPI.clearErrorMarkers = async (sources: string[] | {[fileName: string]: any}, from: string) => {
+ props.editorAPI.clearErrorMarkers = async (sources: string[] | { [fileName: string]: any }, from: string) => {
if (sources) {
for (const source of Array.isArray(sources) ? sources : Object.keys(sources)) {
const filePath = source
@@ -548,7 +551,7 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
props.editorAPI.getFontSize = () => {
if (!editorRef.current) return
- return editorRef.current.getOption(43).fontSize
+ return editorRef.current.getOption(51)
;(window as any).addRemixBreakpoint = (position) => {
// make it available from e2e testing...
@@ -571,9 +574,9 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
range: new monacoRef.current.Range(position.lineNumber, 1, position.lineNumber, 1),
options: {
isWholeLine: false,
- glyphMarginClassName: 'fas fa-circle text-info'
- }
- }
+ glyphMarginClassName: 'fas fa-circle text-info',
+ },
+ },
prevState[currentFile][position.lineNumber] = decorationIds[0]
@@ -625,7 +628,7 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
- )
+ ),
props.plugin.call('notification', 'alert', modalContent)
pasteCodeRef.current = true
@@ -634,10 +637,10 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
// zoomin zoomout
editor.addCommand(monacoRef.current.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | (monacoRef.current.KeyCode as any).US_EQUAL, () => {
- editor.updateOptions({fontSize: editor.getOption(43).fontSize + 1})
+ editor.updateOptions({fontSize: editor.getOption(51) + 1})
editor.addCommand(monacoRef.current.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | (monacoRef.current.KeyCode as any).US_MINUS, () => {
- editor.updateOptions({fontSize: editor.getOption(43).fontSize - 1})
+ editor.updateOptions({fontSize: editor.getOption(51) - 1})
// add context menu items
@@ -648,10 +651,10 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
contextMenuGroupId: 'zooming', // create a new grouping
keybindings: [
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
- monacoRef.current.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monacoRef.current.KeyCode.Equal
+ monacoRef.current.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monacoRef.current.KeyCode.Equal,
run: () => {
- editor.updateOptions({fontSize: editor.getOption(43).fontSize + 1})
+ editor.updateOptions({fontSize: editor.getOption(51) + 1})
const zoomOutAction = {
@@ -661,10 +664,10 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
contextMenuGroupId: 'zooming', // create a new grouping
keybindings: [
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
- monacoRef.current.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monacoRef.current.KeyCode.Minus
+ monacoRef.current.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monacoRef.current.KeyCode.Minus,
run: () => {
- editor.updateOptions({fontSize: editor.getOption(43).fontSize - 1})
+ editor.updateOptions({fontSize: editor.getOption(51) - 1})
const formatAction = {
@@ -674,12 +677,48 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
contextMenuGroupId: 'formatting', // create a new grouping
keybindings: [
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
- monacoRef.current.KeyMod.Shift | monacoRef.current.KeyMod.Alt | monacoRef.current.KeyCode.KeyF
+ monacoRef.current.KeyMod.Shift | monacoRef.current.KeyMod.Alt | monacoRef.current.KeyCode.KeyF,
run: async () => {
const file = await props.plugin.call('fileManager', 'getCurrentFile')
await props.plugin.call('codeFormatter', 'format', file)
- }
+ },
+ }
+ let gptGenerateDocumentationAction
+ const executeGptGenerateDocumentationAction = {
+ id: 'generateDocumentation',
+ label: 'Generate documentation for this function',
+ contextMenuOrder: 0, // choose the order
+ contextMenuGroupId: 'gtp', // create a new grouping
+ keybindings: [],
+ run: async () => {
+ const file = await props.plugin.call('fileManager', 'getCurrentFile')
+ const content = await props.plugin.call('fileManager', 'readFile', file)
+ const message = `
+ solidity code: ${content}
+ Generate the documentation for the function ${currentFunction.current} using the Doxygen style syntax
+ `
+ await props.plugin.call('openaigpt', 'message', message)
+ },
+ }
+ let gptExplainFunctionAction
+ const executegptExplainFunctionAction = {
+ id: 'explainFunction',
+ label: 'Explain this function',
+ contextMenuOrder: 1, // choose the order
+ contextMenuGroupId: 'gtp', // create a new grouping
+ keybindings: [],
+ run: async () => {
+ const file = await props.plugin.call('fileManager', 'getCurrentFile')
+ const content = await props.plugin.call('fileManager', 'readFile', file)
+ const message = `
+ solidity code: ${content}
+ Explain the function ${currentFunction.current}
+ `
+ await props.plugin.call('openaigpt', 'message', message)
+ },
const freeFunctionCondition = editor.createContextKey('freeFunctionCondition', false)
@@ -692,10 +731,10 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
precondition: 'freeFunctionCondition',
keybindings: [
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
- monacoRef.current.KeyMod.Shift | monacoRef.current.KeyMod.Alt | monacoRef.current.KeyCode.KeyR
+ monacoRef.current.KeyMod.Shift | monacoRef.current.KeyMod.Alt | monacoRef.current.KeyCode.KeyR,
run: async () => {
- const {nodesAtPosition} = await retrieveNodesAtPosition(props.editorAPI, props.plugin)
+ const { nodesAtPosition } = await retrieveNodesAtPosition(props.editorAPI, props.plugin)
// find the contract and get the nodes of the contract and the base contracts and imports
if (nodesAtPosition && isArray(nodesAtPosition) && nodesAtPosition.length) {
const freeFunctionNode = nodesAtPosition.find((node) => node.kind === 'freeFunction')
@@ -708,12 +747,14 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
} else {
props.plugin.call('notification', 'toast', 'Please go to Remix settings and activate the code editor features or wait that the current editor context is loaded.')
- }
+ },
freeFunctionAction = editor.addAction(executeFreeFunctionAction)
+ gptGenerateDocumentationAction = editor.addAction(executeGptGenerateDocumentationAction)
+ gptExplainFunctionAction = editor.addAction(executegptExplainFunctionAction)
// we have to add the command because the menu action isn't always available (see onContextMenuHandlerForFreeFunction)
editor.addCommand(monacoRef.current.KeyMod.Shift | monacoRef.current.KeyMod.Alt | monacoRef.current.KeyCode.KeyR, () => executeFreeFunctionAction.run())
@@ -725,17 +766,34 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
freeFunctionAction = null
+ if (gptGenerateDocumentationAction) {
+ gptGenerateDocumentationAction.dispose()
+ gptGenerateDocumentationAction = null
+ }
+ if (gptExplainFunctionAction) {
+ gptExplainFunctionAction.dispose()
+ gptExplainFunctionAction = null
+ }
const file = await props.plugin.call('fileManager', 'getCurrentFile')
if (!file.endsWith('.sol')) {
- const {nodesAtPosition} = await retrieveNodesAtPosition(props.editorAPI, props.plugin)
+ const { nodesAtPosition } = await retrieveNodesAtPosition(props.editorAPI, props.plugin)
const freeFunctionNode = nodesAtPosition.find((node) => node.kind === 'freeFunction')
if (freeFunctionNode) {
executeFreeFunctionAction.label = `Run the free function "${freeFunctionNode.name}" in the Remix VM`
freeFunctionAction = editor.addAction(executeFreeFunctionAction)
+ const functionImpl = nodesAtPosition.find((node) => node.kind === 'function')
+ if (functionImpl) {
+ currentFunction.current = functionImpl.name
+ executeGptGenerateDocumentationAction.label = `Generate documentation for the function "${functionImpl.name}"`
+ gptGenerateDocumentationAction = editor.addAction(executeGptGenerateDocumentationAction)
+ executegptExplainFunctionAction.label = `Explain the function "${functionImpl.name}"`
+ gptExplainFunctionAction = editor.addAction(executegptExplainFunctionAction)
+ }
contextmenu._onContextMenu = (...args) => {
@@ -756,7 +814,7 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
column: input.options.selection.startColumn,
- lineNumber: input.options.selection.startLineNumber
+ lineNumber: input.options.selection.startLineNumber,
} catch (e) {
@@ -774,11 +832,11 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
function handleEditorWillMount(monaco) {
monacoRef.current = monaco
// Register a new language
- monacoRef.current.languages.register({id: 'remix-solidity'})
- monacoRef.current.languages.register({id: 'remix-cairo'})
- monacoRef.current.languages.register({id: 'remix-zokrates'})
- monacoRef.current.languages.register({id: 'remix-move'})
- monacoRef.current.languages.register({id: 'remix-circom'})
+ monacoRef.current.languages.register({ id: 'remix-solidity' })
+ monacoRef.current.languages.register({ id: 'remix-cairo' })
+ monacoRef.current.languages.register({ id: 'remix-zokrates' })
+ monacoRef.current.languages.register({ id: 'remix-move' })
+ monacoRef.current.languages.register({ id: 'remix-circom' })
// Register a tokens provider for the language
monacoRef.current.languages.setMonarchTokensProvider('remix-solidity', solidityTokensProvider as any)
@@ -816,7 +874,7 @@ export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
glyphMargin: true,
- readOnly: (!editorRef.current || !props.currentFile) && editorModelsState[props.currentFile]?.readOnly
+ readOnly: (!editorRef.current || !props.currentFile) && editorModelsState[props.currentFile]?.readOnly,
diff --git a/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/types/monaco.ts b/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/types/monaco.ts
index 1cfc157bdd..8ef34ee8ee 100644
--- a/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/types/monaco.ts
+++ b/libs/remix-ui/editor/src/types/monaco.ts
@@ -3,119 +3,160 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Type definitions for monaco-editor
* Released under the MIT license
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
-declare let MonacoEnvironment: monaco.Environment | undefined;
+declare let MonacoEnvironment: monaco.Environment | undefined
+interface Window {
+ MonacoEnvironment?: monaco.Environment | undefined
declare namespace monaco {
+ export type Thenable = PromiseLike
- export type Thenable = PromiseLike;
+ export interface Environment {
+ /**
+ * Define a global `monaco` symbol.
+ * This is true by default in AMD and false by default in ESM.
+ */
+ globalAPI?: boolean
+ /**
+ * The base url where the editor sources are found (which contains the vs folder)
+ */
+ baseUrl?: string
+ /**
+ * A web worker factory.
+ * NOTE: If `getWorker` is defined, `getWorkerUrl` is not invoked.
+ */
+ getWorker?(workerId: string, label: string): Promise | Worker
+ /**
+ * Return the location for web worker scripts.
+ * NOTE: If `getWorker` is defined, `getWorkerUrl` is not invoked.
+ */
+ getWorkerUrl?(workerId: string, label: string): string
+ /**
+ * Create a trusted types policy (same API as window.trustedTypes.createPolicy)
+ */
+ createTrustedTypesPolicy?(
+ policyName: string,
+ policyOptions?: ITrustedTypePolicyOptions
+ ): undefined | ITrustedTypePolicy
+ }
- export interface Environment {
- globalAPI?: boolean;
- baseUrl?: string;
- getWorker?(workerId: string, label: string): Worker;
- getWorkerUrl?(workerId: string, label: string): string;
- }
+ export interface ITrustedTypePolicyOptions {
+ createHTML?: (input: string, ...arguments: any[]) => string
+ createScript?: (input: string, ...arguments: any[]) => string
+ createScriptURL?: (input: string, ...arguments: any[]) => string
+ }
- export interface IDisposable {
- dispose(): void;
- }
+ export interface ITrustedTypePolicy {
+ readonly name: string
+ createHTML?(input: string): any
+ createScript?(input: string): any
+ createScriptURL?(input: string): any
+ }
- export interface IEvent {
- (listener: (e: T) => any, thisArg?: any): IDisposable;
- }
+ export interface IDisposable {
+ dispose(): void
+ }
- /**
- * A helper that allows to emit and listen to typed events
- */
- export class Emitter {
- constructor();
- readonly event: IEvent;
- fire(event: T): void;
- dispose(): void;
- }
+ export interface IEvent {
+ (listener: (e: T) => any, thisArg?: any): IDisposable
+ }
+ /**
+ * A helper that allows to emit and listen to typed events
+ */
+ export class Emitter {
+ constructor()
+ readonly event: IEvent
+ fire(event: T): void
+ dispose(): void
+ }
- export enum MarkerTag {
- Unnecessary = 1,
- Deprecated = 2
- }
+ export enum MarkerTag {
+ Unnecessary = 1,
+ Deprecated = 2
+ }
- export enum MarkerSeverity {
- Hint = 1,
- Info = 2,
- Warning = 4,
- Error = 8
- }
+ export enum MarkerSeverity {
+ Hint = 1,
+ Info = 2,
+ Warning = 4,
+ Error = 8
+ }
- export class CancellationTokenSource {
- constructor(parent?: CancellationToken);
- get token(): CancellationToken;
- cancel(): void;
- dispose(cancel?: boolean): void;
- }
+ export class CancellationTokenSource {
+ constructor(parent?: CancellationToken)
+ get token(): CancellationToken
+ cancel(): void
+ dispose(cancel?: boolean): void
+ }
- export interface CancellationToken {
- /**
- * A flag signalling is cancellation has been requested.
- */
- readonly isCancellationRequested: boolean;
- /**
- * An event which fires when cancellation is requested. This event
- * only ever fires `once` as cancellation can only happen once. Listeners
- * that are registered after cancellation will be called (next event loop run),
- * but also only once.
- *
- * @event
- */
- readonly onCancellationRequested: (listener: (e: any) => any, thisArgs?: any, disposables?: IDisposable[]) => IDisposable;
- }
+ export interface CancellationToken {
+ /**
+ * A flag signalling is cancellation has been requested.
+ */
+ readonly isCancellationRequested: boolean
- * Uniform Resource Identifier (Uri) http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986.
- * This class is a simple parser which creates the basic component parts
- * (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3) with minimal validation
- * and encoding.
+ * An event which fires when cancellation is requested. This event
+ * only ever fires `once` as cancellation can only happen once. Listeners
+ * that are registered after cancellation will be called (next event loop run),
+ * but also only once.
- * ```txt
- * foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose
- * \_/ \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
- * | | | | |
- * scheme authority path query fragment
- * | _____________________|__
- * / \ / \
- * urn:example:animal:ferret:nose
- * ```
- */
- export class Uri implements UriComponents {
- static isUri(thing: any): thing is Uri;
- /**
- * scheme is the 'http' part of 'http://www.msft.com/some/path?query#fragment'.
- * The part before the first colon.
- */
- readonly scheme: string;
- /**
- * authority is the 'www.msft.com' part of 'http://www.msft.com/some/path?query#fragment'.
- * The part between the first double slashes and the next slash.
- */
- readonly authority: string;
- /**
- * path is the '/some/path' part of 'http://www.msft.com/some/path?query#fragment'.
- */
- readonly path: string;
- /**
- * query is the 'query' part of 'http://www.msft.com/some/path?query#fragment'.
- */
- readonly query: string;
- /**
- * fragment is the 'fragment' part of 'http://www.msft.com/some/path?query#fragment'.
- */
- readonly fragment: string;
- /**
+ * @event
+ */
+ readonly onCancellationRequested: (
+ listener: (e: any) => any,
+ thisArgs?: any,
+ disposables?: IDisposable[]
+ ) => IDisposable
+ }
+ /**
+ * Uniform Resource Identifier (Uri) http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986.
+ * This class is a simple parser which creates the basic component parts
+ * (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3) with minimal validation
+ * and encoding.
+ *
+ * ```txt
+ * foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose
+ * \_/ \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
+ * | | | | |
+ * scheme authority path query fragment
+ * | _____________________|__
+ * / \ / \
+ * urn:example:animal:ferret:nose
+ * ```
+ */
+ export class Uri implements UriComponents {
+ static isUri(thing: any): thing is Uri
+ /**
+ * scheme is the 'http' part of 'http://www.example.com/some/path?query#fragment'.
+ * The part before the first colon.
+ */
+ readonly scheme: string
+ /**
+ * authority is the 'www.example.com' part of 'http://www.example.com/some/path?query#fragment'.
+ * The part between the first double slashes and the next slash.
+ */
+ readonly authority: string
+ /**
+ * path is the '/some/path' part of 'http://www.example.com/some/path?query#fragment'.
+ */
+ readonly path: string
+ /**
+ * query is the 'query' part of 'http://www.example.com/some/path?query#fragment'.
+ */
+ readonly query: string
+ /**
+ * fragment is the 'fragment' part of 'http://www.example.com/some/path?query#fragment'.
+ */
+ readonly fragment: string
+ /**
* Returns a string representing the corresponding file system path of this Uri.
* Will handle UNC paths, normalizes windows drive letters to lower-case, and uses the
* platform specific path separator.
@@ -139,22 +180,22 @@ declare namespace monaco {
* namely the server name, would be missing. Therefore `Uri#fsPath` exists - it's sugar to ease working
* with URIs that represent files on disk (`file` scheme).
- get fsPath(): string;
- with(change: {
- scheme?: string;
- authority?: string | null;
- path?: string | null;
- query?: string | null;
- fragment?: string | null;
- }): Uri;
- /**
- * Creates a new Uri from a string, e.g. `http://www.msft.com/some/path`,
- * `file:///usr/home`, or `scheme:with/path`.
- *
- * @param value A string which represents an Uri (see `Uri#toString`).
- */
- static parse(value: string, _strict?: boolean): Uri;
- /**
+ get fsPath(): string
+ with(change: {
+ scheme?: string
+ authority?: string | null
+ path?: string | null
+ query?: string | null
+ fragment?: string | null
+ }): Uri
+ /**
+ * Creates a new Uri from a string, e.g. `http://www.example.com/some/path`,
+ * `file:///usr/home`, or `scheme:with/path`.
+ *
+ * @param value A string which represents an Uri (see `Uri#toString`).
+ */
+ static parse(value: string, _strict?: boolean): Uri
+ /**
* Creates a new Uri from a file system path, e.g. `c:\my\files`,
* `/usr/home`, or `\\server\share\some\path`.
@@ -175,6655 +216,8673 @@ declare namespace monaco {
* @param path A file system path (see `Uri#fsPath`)
- static file(path: string): Uri;
- static from(components: {
- scheme: string;
- authority?: string;
- path?: string;
- query?: string;
- fragment?: string;
- }): Uri;
- /**
- * Join a Uri path with path fragments and normalizes the resulting path.
- *
- * @param uri The input Uri.
- * @param pathFragment The path fragment to add to the Uri path.
- * @returns The resulting Uri.
- */
- static joinPath(uri: Uri, ...pathFragment: string[]): Uri;
- /**
- * Creates a string representation for this Uri. It's guaranteed that calling
- * `Uri.parse` with the result of this function creates an Uri which is equal
- * to this Uri.
- *
- * * The result shall *not* be used for display purposes but for externalization or transport.
- * * The result will be encoded using the percentage encoding and encoding happens mostly
- * ignore the scheme-specific encoding rules.
- *
- * @param skipEncoding Do not encode the result, default is `false`
- */
- toString(skipEncoding?: boolean): string;
- toJSON(): UriComponents;
- static revive(data: UriComponents | Uri): Uri;
- static revive(data: UriComponents | Uri | undefined): Uri | undefined;
- static revive(data: UriComponents | Uri | null): Uri | null;
- static revive(data: UriComponents | Uri | undefined | null): Uri | undefined | null;
- }
- export interface UriComponents {
- scheme: string;
- authority: string;
- path: string;
- query: string;
- fragment: string;
- }
+ static file(path: string): Uri
- * Virtual Key Codes, the value does not hold any inherent meaning.
- * Inspired somewhat from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx
- * But these are "more general", as they should work across browsers & OS`s.
+ * Creates new Uri from uri components.
+ *
+ * Unless `strict` is `true` the scheme is defaults to be `file`. This function performs
+ * validation and should be used for untrusted uri components retrieved from storage,
+ * user input, command arguments etc
- export enum KeyCode {
- DependsOnKbLayout = -1,
- /**
- * Placed first to cover the 0 value of the enum.
- */
- Unknown = 0,
- Backspace = 1,
- Tab = 2,
- Enter = 3,
- Shift = 4,
- Ctrl = 5,
- Alt = 6,
- PauseBreak = 7,
- CapsLock = 8,
- Escape = 9,
- Space = 10,
- PageUp = 11,
- PageDown = 12,
- End = 13,
- Home = 14,
- LeftArrow = 15,
- UpArrow = 16,
- RightArrow = 17,
- DownArrow = 18,
- Insert = 19,
- Delete = 20,
- KEY_0 = 21,
- KEY_1 = 22,
- KEY_2 = 23,
- KEY_3 = 24,
- KEY_4 = 25,
- KEY_5 = 26,
- KEY_6 = 27,
- KEY_7 = 28,
- KEY_8 = 29,
- KEY_9 = 30,
- KEY_A = 31,
- KEY_B = 32,
- KEY_C = 33,
- KEY_D = 34,
- KEY_E = 35,
- KEY_F = 36,
- KEY_G = 37,
- KEY_H = 38,
- KEY_I = 39,
- KEY_J = 40,
- KEY_K = 41,
- KEY_L = 42,
- KEY_M = 43,
- KEY_N = 44,
- KEY_O = 45,
- KEY_P = 46,
- KEY_Q = 47,
- KEY_R = 48,
- KEY_S = 49,
- KEY_T = 50,
- KEY_U = 51,
- KEY_V = 52,
- KEY_W = 53,
- KEY_X = 54,
- KEY_Y = 55,
- KEY_Z = 56,
- Meta = 57,
- ContextMenu = 58,
- F1 = 59,
- F2 = 60,
- F3 = 61,
- F4 = 62,
- F5 = 63,
- F6 = 64,
- F7 = 65,
- F8 = 66,
- F9 = 67,
- F10 = 68,
- F11 = 69,
- F12 = 70,
- F13 = 71,
- F14 = 72,
- F15 = 73,
- F16 = 74,
- F17 = 75,
- F18 = 76,
- F19 = 77,
- NumLock = 78,
- ScrollLock = 79,
- /**
- * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
- * For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key
- */
- /**
- * For any country/region, the '+' key
- * For the US standard keyboard, the '=+' key
- */
- US_EQUAL = 81,
- /**
- * For any country/region, the ',' key
- * For the US standard keyboard, the ',<' key
- */
- US_COMMA = 82,
- /**
- * For any country/region, the '-' key
- * For the US standard keyboard, the '-_' key
- */
- US_MINUS = 83,
- /**
- * For any country/region, the '.' key
- * For the US standard keyboard, the '.>' key
- */
- US_DOT = 84,
- /**
- * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
- * For the US standard keyboard, the '/?' key
- */
- US_SLASH = 85,
- /**
- * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
- * For the US standard keyboard, the '`~' key
- */
- /**
- * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
- * For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key
- */
- /**
- * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
- * For the US standard keyboard, the '\|' key
- */
- /**
- * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
- * For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key
- */
- /**
- * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
- * For the US standard keyboard, the ''"' key
- */
- US_QUOTE = 90,
- /**
- * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
- */
- OEM_8 = 91,
- /**
- * Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard.
- */
- OEM_102 = 92,
- NUMPAD_0 = 93,
- NUMPAD_1 = 94,
- NUMPAD_2 = 95,
- NUMPAD_3 = 96,
- NUMPAD_4 = 97,
- NUMPAD_5 = 98,
- NUMPAD_6 = 99,
- NUMPAD_7 = 100,
- NUMPAD_8 = 101,
- NUMPAD_9 = 102,
- NUMPAD_ADD = 104,
- /**
- * Cover all key codes when IME is processing input.
- */
- ABNT_C1 = 110,
- ABNT_C2 = 111,
- /**
- * Placed last to cover the length of the enum.
- * Please do not depend on this value!
- */
- MAX_VALUE = 112
- }
- export class KeyMod {
- static readonly CtrlCmd: number;
- static readonly Shift: number;
- static readonly Alt: number;
- static readonly WinCtrl: number;
- static chord(firstPart: number, secondPart: number): number;
- }
- export interface IMarkdownString {
- readonly value: string;
- readonly isTrusted?: boolean;
- readonly supportThemeIcons?: boolean;
- uris?: {
- [href: string]: UriComponents;
- };
- }
- export interface IKeyboardEvent {
- readonly _standardKeyboardEventBrand: true;
- readonly browserEvent: KeyboardEvent;
- readonly target: HTMLElement;
- readonly ctrlKey: boolean;
- readonly shiftKey: boolean;
- readonly altKey: boolean;
- readonly metaKey: boolean;
- readonly keyCode: KeyCode;
- readonly code: string;
- equals(keybinding: number): boolean;
- preventDefault(): void;
- stopPropagation(): void;
- }
- export interface IMouseEvent {
- readonly browserEvent: MouseEvent;
- readonly leftButton: boolean;
- readonly middleButton: boolean;
- readonly rightButton: boolean;
- readonly buttons: number;
- readonly target: HTMLElement;
- readonly detail: number;
- readonly posx: number;
- readonly posy: number;
- readonly ctrlKey: boolean;
- readonly shiftKey: boolean;
- readonly altKey: boolean;
- readonly metaKey: boolean;
- readonly timestamp: number;
- preventDefault(): void;
- stopPropagation(): void;
- }
- export interface IScrollEvent {
- readonly scrollTop: number;
- readonly scrollLeft: number;
- readonly scrollWidth: number;
- readonly scrollHeight: number;
- readonly scrollTopChanged: boolean;
- readonly scrollLeftChanged: boolean;
- readonly scrollWidthChanged: boolean;
- readonly scrollHeightChanged: boolean;
- }
+ static from(components: UriComponents, strict?: boolean): Uri
- * A position in the editor. This interface is suitable for serialization.
+ * Join a Uri path with path fragments and normalizes the resulting path.
+ *
+ * @param uri The input Uri.
+ * @param pathFragment The path fragment to add to the Uri path.
+ * @returns The resulting Uri.
- export interface IPosition {
- /**
- * line number (starts at 1)
- */
- readonly lineNumber: number;
- /**
- * column (the first character in a line is between column 1 and column 2)
- */
- readonly column: number;
- }
+ static joinPath(uri: Uri, ...pathFragment: string[]): Uri
- * A position in the editor.
+ * Creates a string representation for this Uri. It's guaranteed that calling
+ * `Uri.parse` with the result of this function creates an Uri which is equal
+ * to this Uri.
+ *
+ * * The result shall *not* be used for display purposes but for externalization or transport.
+ * * The result will be encoded using the percentage encoding and encoding happens mostly
+ * ignore the scheme-specific encoding rules.
+ *
+ * @param skipEncoding Do not encode the result, default is `false`
- export class Position {
- /**
- * line number (starts at 1)
- */
- readonly lineNumber: number;
- /**
- * column (the first character in a line is between column 1 and column 2)
- */
- readonly column: number;
- constructor(lineNumber: number, column: number);
- /**
- * Create a new position from this position.
- *
- * @param newLineNumber new line number
- * @param newColumn new column
- */
- with(newLineNumber?: number, newColumn?: number): Position;
- /**
- * Derive a new position from this position.
- *
- * @param deltaLineNumber line number delta
- * @param deltaColumn column delta
- */
- delta(deltaLineNumber?: number, deltaColumn?: number): Position;
- /**
- * Test if this position equals other position
- */
- equals(other: IPosition): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if position `a` equals position `b`
- */
- static equals(a: IPosition | null, b: IPosition | null): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if this position is before other position.
- * If the two positions are equal, the result will be false.
- */
- isBefore(other: IPosition): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if position `a` is before position `b`.
- * If the two positions are equal, the result will be false.
- */
- static isBefore(a: IPosition, b: IPosition): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if this position is before other position.
- * If the two positions are equal, the result will be true.
- */
- isBeforeOrEqual(other: IPosition): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if position `a` is before position `b`.
- * If the two positions are equal, the result will be true.
- */
- static isBeforeOrEqual(a: IPosition, b: IPosition): boolean;
- /**
- * A function that compares positions, useful for sorting
- */
- static compare(a: IPosition, b: IPosition): number;
- /**
- * Clone this position.
- */
- clone(): Position;
- /**
- * Convert to a human-readable representation.
- */
- toString(): string;
- /**
- * Create a `Position` from an `IPosition`.
- */
- static lift(pos: IPosition): Position;
- /**
- * Test if `obj` is an `IPosition`.
- */
- static isIPosition(obj: any): obj is IPosition;
- }
+ toString(skipEncoding?: boolean): string
+ toJSON(): UriComponents
- * A range in the editor. This interface is suitable for serialization.
+ * A helper function to revive URIs.
+ *
+ * **Note** that this function should only be used when receiving Uri#toJSON generated data
+ * and that it doesn't do any validation. Use {@link Uri.from} when received "untrusted"
+ * uri components such as command arguments or data from storage.
+ *
+ * @param data The Uri components or Uri to revive.
+ * @returns The revived Uri or undefined or null.
+ */
+ static revive(data: UriComponents | Uri): Uri
+ static revive(data: UriComponents | Uri | undefined): Uri | undefined
+ static revive(data: UriComponents | Uri | null): Uri | null
+ static revive(
+ data: UriComponents | Uri | undefined | null
+ ): Uri | undefined | null
+ }
+ export interface UriComponents {
+ scheme: string
+ authority?: string
+ path?: string
+ query?: string
+ fragment?: string
+ }
+ /**
+ * Virtual Key Codes, the value does not hold any inherent meaning.
+ * Inspired somewhat from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx
+ * But these are "more general", as they should work across browsers & OS`s.
+ */
+ export enum KeyCode {
+ DependsOnKbLayout = -1,
+ /**
+ * Placed first to cover the 0 value of the enum.
+ */
+ Unknown = 0,
+ Backspace = 1,
+ Tab = 2,
+ Enter = 3,
+ Shift = 4,
+ Ctrl = 5,
+ Alt = 6,
+ PauseBreak = 7,
+ CapsLock = 8,
+ Escape = 9,
+ Space = 10,
+ PageUp = 11,
+ PageDown = 12,
+ End = 13,
+ Home = 14,
+ LeftArrow = 15,
+ UpArrow = 16,
+ RightArrow = 17,
+ DownArrow = 18,
+ Insert = 19,
+ Delete = 20,
+ Digit0 = 21,
+ Digit1 = 22,
+ Digit2 = 23,
+ Digit3 = 24,
+ Digit4 = 25,
+ Digit5 = 26,
+ Digit6 = 27,
+ Digit7 = 28,
+ Digit8 = 29,
+ Digit9 = 30,
+ KeyA = 31,
+ KeyB = 32,
+ KeyC = 33,
+ KeyD = 34,
+ KeyE = 35,
+ KeyF = 36,
+ KeyG = 37,
+ KeyH = 38,
+ KeyI = 39,
+ KeyJ = 40,
+ KeyK = 41,
+ KeyL = 42,
+ KeyM = 43,
+ KeyN = 44,
+ KeyO = 45,
+ KeyP = 46,
+ KeyQ = 47,
+ KeyR = 48,
+ KeyS = 49,
+ KeyT = 50,
+ KeyU = 51,
+ KeyV = 52,
+ KeyW = 53,
+ KeyX = 54,
+ KeyY = 55,
+ KeyZ = 56,
+ Meta = 57,
+ ContextMenu = 58,
+ F1 = 59,
+ F2 = 60,
+ F3 = 61,
+ F4 = 62,
+ F5 = 63,
+ F6 = 64,
+ F7 = 65,
+ F8 = 66,
+ F9 = 67,
+ F10 = 68,
+ F11 = 69,
+ F12 = 70,
+ F13 = 71,
+ F14 = 72,
+ F15 = 73,
+ F16 = 74,
+ F17 = 75,
+ F18 = 76,
+ F19 = 77,
+ F20 = 78,
+ F21 = 79,
+ F22 = 80,
+ F23 = 81,
+ F24 = 82,
+ NumLock = 83,
+ ScrollLock = 84,
+ /**
+ * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
+ * For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key
+ */
+ Semicolon = 85,
+ /**
+ * For any country/region, the '+' key
+ * For the US standard keyboard, the '=+' key
+ */
+ Equal = 86,
+ /**
+ * For any country/region, the ',' key
+ * For the US standard keyboard, the ',<' key
+ */
+ Comma = 87,
+ /**
+ * For any country/region, the '-' key
+ * For the US standard keyboard, the '-_' key
+ */
+ Minus = 88,
+ /**
+ * For any country/region, the '.' key
+ * For the US standard keyboard, the '.>' key
+ */
+ Period = 89,
+ /**
+ * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
+ * For the US standard keyboard, the '/?' key
+ */
+ Slash = 90,
+ /**
+ * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
+ * For the US standard keyboard, the '`~' key
+ */
+ Backquote = 91,
+ /**
+ * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
+ * For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key
+ */
+ BracketLeft = 92,
+ /**
+ * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
+ * For the US standard keyboard, the '\|' key
+ */
+ Backslash = 93,
+ /**
+ * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
+ * For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key
+ */
+ BracketRight = 94,
+ /**
+ * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
+ * For the US standard keyboard, the ''"' key
+ */
+ Quote = 95,
+ /**
+ * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
+ */
+ OEM_8 = 96,
+ /**
+ * Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard.
+ */
+ IntlBackslash = 97,
+ Numpad0 = 98,
+ Numpad1 = 99,
+ Numpad2 = 100,
+ Numpad3 = 101,
+ Numpad4 = 102,
+ Numpad5 = 103,
+ Numpad6 = 104,
+ Numpad7 = 105,
+ Numpad8 = 106,
+ Numpad9 = 107,
+ NumpadMultiply = 108,
+ NumpadAdd = 109,
+ NumpadSubtract = 111,
+ NumpadDecimal = 112,
+ NumpadDivide = 113,
+ /**
+ * Cover all key codes when IME is processing input.
+ */
+ ABNT_C1 = 115,
+ ABNT_C2 = 116,
+ AudioVolumeMute = 117,
+ AudioVolumeUp = 118,
+ AudioVolumeDown = 119,
+ BrowserSearch = 120,
+ BrowserHome = 121,
+ BrowserBack = 122,
+ BrowserForward = 123,
+ MediaTrackNext = 124,
+ MediaTrackPrevious = 125,
+ MediaStop = 126,
+ MediaPlayPause = 127,
+ LaunchMediaPlayer = 128,
+ LaunchMail = 129,
+ LaunchApp2 = 130,
+ /**
+ * VK_CLEAR, 0x0C, CLEAR key
+ */
+ Clear = 131,
+ /**
+ * Placed last to cover the length of the enum.
+ * Please do not depend on this value!
+ */
+ MAX_VALUE = 132
+ }
+ export class KeyMod {
+ static readonly CtrlCmd: number
+ static readonly Shift: number
+ static readonly Alt: number
+ static readonly WinCtrl: number
+ static chord(firstPart: number, secondPart: number): number
+ }
+ export interface IMarkdownString {
+ readonly value: string
+ readonly isTrusted?: boolean | MarkdownStringTrustedOptions
+ readonly supportThemeIcons?: boolean
+ readonly supportHtml?: boolean
+ readonly baseUri?: UriComponents
+ uris?: {
+ [href: string]: UriComponents
+ }
+ }
+ export interface MarkdownStringTrustedOptions {
+ readonly enabledCommands: readonly string[]
+ }
+ export interface IKeyboardEvent {
+ readonly _standardKeyboardEventBrand: true
+ readonly browserEvent: KeyboardEvent
+ readonly target: HTMLElement
+ readonly ctrlKey: boolean
+ readonly shiftKey: boolean
+ readonly altKey: boolean
+ readonly metaKey: boolean
+ readonly altGraphKey: boolean
+ readonly keyCode: KeyCode
+ readonly code: string
+ equals(keybinding: number): boolean
+ preventDefault(): void
+ stopPropagation(): void
+ }
+ export interface IMouseEvent {
+ readonly browserEvent: MouseEvent
+ readonly leftButton: boolean
+ readonly middleButton: boolean
+ readonly rightButton: boolean
+ readonly buttons: number
+ readonly target: HTMLElement
+ readonly detail: number
+ readonly posx: number
+ readonly posy: number
+ readonly ctrlKey: boolean
+ readonly shiftKey: boolean
+ readonly altKey: boolean
+ readonly metaKey: boolean
+ readonly timestamp: number
+ preventDefault(): void
+ stopPropagation(): void
+ }
+ export interface IScrollEvent {
+ readonly scrollTop: number
+ readonly scrollLeft: number
+ readonly scrollWidth: number
+ readonly scrollHeight: number
+ readonly scrollTopChanged: boolean
+ readonly scrollLeftChanged: boolean
+ readonly scrollWidthChanged: boolean
+ readonly scrollHeightChanged: boolean
+ }
+ /**
+ * A position in the editor. This interface is suitable for serialization.
+ */
+ export interface IPosition {
+ /**
+ * line number (starts at 1)
+ */
+ readonly lineNumber: number
+ /**
+ * column (the first character in a line is between column 1 and column 2)
+ */
+ readonly column: number
+ }
+ /**
+ * A position in the editor.
+ */
+ export class Position {
+ /**
+ * line number (starts at 1)
+ */
+ readonly lineNumber: number
+ /**
+ * column (the first character in a line is between column 1 and column 2)
+ */
+ readonly column: number
+ constructor(lineNumber: number, column: number)
+ /**
+ * Create a new position from this position.
+ *
+ * @param newLineNumber new line number
+ * @param newColumn new column
- export interface IRange {
- /**
- * Line number on which the range starts (starts at 1).
- */
- readonly startLineNumber: number;
- /**
- * Column on which the range starts in line `startLineNumber` (starts at 1).
- */
- readonly startColumn: number;
- /**
- * Line number on which the range ends.
- */
- readonly endLineNumber: number;
- /**
- * Column on which the range ends in line `endLineNumber`.
- */
- readonly endColumn: number;
- }
+ with(newLineNumber?: number, newColumn?: number): Position
- * A range in the editor. (startLineNumber,startColumn) is <= (endLineNumber,endColumn)
+ * Derive a new position from this position.
+ *
+ * @param deltaLineNumber line number delta
+ * @param deltaColumn column delta
- export class Range {
- /**
- * Line number on which the range starts (starts at 1).
- */
- readonly startLineNumber: number;
- /**
- * Column on which the range starts in line `startLineNumber` (starts at 1).
- */
- readonly startColumn: number;
- /**
- * Line number on which the range ends.
- */
- readonly endLineNumber: number;
- /**
- * Column on which the range ends in line `endLineNumber`.
- */
- readonly endColumn: number;
- constructor(startLineNumber: number, startColumn: number, endLineNumber: number, endColumn: number);
- /**
- * Test if this range is empty.
- */
- isEmpty(): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if `range` is empty.
- */
- static isEmpty(range: IRange): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if position is in this range. If the position is at the edges, will return true.
- */
- containsPosition(position: IPosition): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if `position` is in `range`. If the position is at the edges, will return true.
- */
- static containsPosition(range: IRange, position: IPosition): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if range is in this range. If the range is equal to this range, will return true.
- */
- containsRange(range: IRange): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if `otherRange` is in `range`. If the ranges are equal, will return true.
- */
- static containsRange(range: IRange, otherRange: IRange): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if `range` is strictly in this range. `range` must start after and end before this range for the result to be true.
- */
- strictContainsRange(range: IRange): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if `otherRange` is strinctly in `range` (must start after, and end before). If the ranges are equal, will return false.
- */
- static strictContainsRange(range: IRange, otherRange: IRange): boolean;
- /**
- * A reunion of the two ranges.
- * The smallest position will be used as the start point, and the largest one as the end point.
- */
- plusRange(range: IRange): Range;
- /**
- * A reunion of the two ranges.
- * The smallest position will be used as the start point, and the largest one as the end point.
- */
- static plusRange(a: IRange, b: IRange): Range;
- /**
- * A intersection of the two ranges.
- */
- intersectRanges(range: IRange): Range | null;
- /**
- * A intersection of the two ranges.
- */
- static intersectRanges(a: IRange, b: IRange): Range | null;
- /**
- * Test if this range equals other.
- */
- equalsRange(other: IRange | null): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if range `a` equals `b`.
- */
- static equalsRange(a: IRange | null, b: IRange | null): boolean;
- /**
- * Return the end position (which will be after or equal to the start position)
- */
- getEndPosition(): Position;
- /**
- * Return the end position (which will be after or equal to the start position)
- */
- static getEndPosition(range: IRange): Position;
- /**
- * Return the start position (which will be before or equal to the end position)
- */
- getStartPosition(): Position;
- /**
- * Return the start position (which will be before or equal to the end position)
- */
- static getStartPosition(range: IRange): Position;
- /**
- * Transform to a user presentable string representation.
- */
- toString(): string;
- /**
- * Create a new range using this range's start position, and using endLineNumber and endColumn as the end position.
- */
- setEndPosition(endLineNumber: number, endColumn: number): Range;
- /**
- * Create a new range using this range's end position, and using startLineNumber and startColumn as the start position.
- */
- setStartPosition(startLineNumber: number, startColumn: number): Range;
- /**
- * Create a new empty range using this range's start position.
- */
- collapseToStart(): Range;
- /**
- * Create a new empty range using this range's start position.
- */
- static collapseToStart(range: IRange): Range;
- static fromPositions(start: IPosition, end?: IPosition): Range;
- /**
- * Create a `Range` from an `IRange`.
- */
- static lift(range: undefined | null): null;
- static lift(range: IRange): Range;
- /**
- * Test if `obj` is an `IRange`.
- */
- static isIRange(obj: any): obj is IRange;
- /**
- * Test if the two ranges are touching in any way.
- */
- static areIntersectingOrTouching(a: IRange, b: IRange): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if the two ranges are intersecting. If the ranges are touching it returns true.
- */
- static areIntersecting(a: IRange, b: IRange): boolean;
- /**
- * A function that compares ranges, useful for sorting ranges
- * It will first compare ranges on the startPosition and then on the endPosition
- */
- static compareRangesUsingStarts(a: IRange | null | undefined, b: IRange | null | undefined): number;
- /**
- * A function that compares ranges, useful for sorting ranges
- * It will first compare ranges on the endPosition and then on the startPosition
- */
- static compareRangesUsingEnds(a: IRange, b: IRange): number;
- /**
- * Test if the range spans multiple lines.
- */
- static spansMultipleLines(range: IRange): boolean;
- }
+ delta(deltaLineNumber?: number, deltaColumn?: number): Position
- * A selection in the editor.
- * The selection is a range that has an orientation.
+ * Test if this position equals other position
- export interface ISelection {
- /**
- * The line number on which the selection has started.
- */
- readonly selectionStartLineNumber: number;
- /**
- * The column on `selectionStartLineNumber` where the selection has started.
- */
- readonly selectionStartColumn: number;
- /**
- * The line number on which the selection has ended.
- */
- readonly positionLineNumber: number;
- /**
- * The column on `positionLineNumber` where the selection has ended.
- */
- readonly positionColumn: number;
- }
+ equals(other: IPosition): boolean
- * A selection in the editor.
- * The selection is a range that has an orientation.
+ * Test if position `a` equals position `b`
- export class Selection extends Range {
- /**
- * The line number on which the selection has started.
- */
- readonly selectionStartLineNumber: number;
- /**
- * The column on `selectionStartLineNumber` where the selection has started.
- */
- readonly selectionStartColumn: number;
- /**
- * The line number on which the selection has ended.
- */
- readonly positionLineNumber: number;
- /**
- * The column on `positionLineNumber` where the selection has ended.
- */
- readonly positionColumn: number;
- constructor(selectionStartLineNumber: number, selectionStartColumn: number, positionLineNumber: number, positionColumn: number);
- /**
- * Transform to a human-readable representation.
- */
- toString(): string;
- /**
- * Test if equals other selection.
- */
- equalsSelection(other: ISelection): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if the two selections are equal.
- */
- static selectionsEqual(a: ISelection, b: ISelection): boolean;
- /**
- * Get directions (LTR or RTL).
- */
- getDirection(): SelectionDirection;
- /**
- * Create a new selection with a different `positionLineNumber` and `positionColumn`.
- */
- setEndPosition(endLineNumber: number, endColumn: number): Selection;
- /**
- * Get the position at `positionLineNumber` and `positionColumn`.
- */
- getPosition(): Position;
- /**
- * Create a new selection with a different `selectionStartLineNumber` and `selectionStartColumn`.
- */
- setStartPosition(startLineNumber: number, startColumn: number): Selection;
- /**
- * Create a `Selection` from one or two positions
- */
- static fromPositions(start: IPosition, end?: IPosition): Selection;
- /**
- * Create a `Selection` from an `ISelection`.
- */
- static liftSelection(sel: ISelection): Selection;
- /**
- * `a` equals `b`.
- */
- static selectionsArrEqual(a: ISelection[], b: ISelection[]): boolean;
- /**
- * Test if `obj` is an `ISelection`.
- */
- static isISelection(obj: any): obj is ISelection;
- /**
- * Create with a direction.
- */
- static createWithDirection(startLineNumber: number, startColumn: number, endLineNumber: number, endColumn: number, direction: SelectionDirection): Selection;
- }
+ static equals(a: IPosition | null, b: IPosition | null): boolean
- * The direction of a selection.
+ * Test if this position is before other position.
+ * If the two positions are equal, the result will be false.
- export enum SelectionDirection {
- /**
- * The selection starts above where it ends.
- */
- LTR = 0,
- /**
- * The selection starts below where it ends.
- */
- RTL = 1
- }
- export class Token {
- _tokenBrand: void;
- readonly offset: number;
- readonly type: string;
- readonly language: string;
- constructor(offset: number, type: string, language: string);
- toString(): string;
- }
-declare namespace monaco.editor {
- export interface IDiffNavigator {
- canNavigate(): boolean;
- next(): void;
- previous(): void;
- dispose(): void;
- }
+ isBefore(other: IPosition): boolean
- * Create a new editor under `domElement`.
- * `domElement` should be empty (not contain other dom nodes).
- * The editor will read the size of `domElement`.
+ * Test if position `a` is before position `b`.
+ * If the two positions are equal, the result will be false.
- export function create(domElement: HTMLElement, options?: IStandaloneEditorConstructionOptions, override?: IEditorOverrideServices): IStandaloneCodeEditor;
+ static isBefore(a: IPosition, b: IPosition): boolean
- * Emitted when an editor is created.
- * Creating a diff editor might cause this listener to be invoked with the two editors.
- * @event
+ * Test if this position is before other position.
+ * If the two positions are equal, the result will be true.
- export function onDidCreateEditor(listener: (codeEditor: ICodeEditor) => void): IDisposable;
+ isBeforeOrEqual(other: IPosition): boolean
- * Create a new diff editor under `domElement`.
- * `domElement` should be empty (not contain other dom nodes).
- * The editor will read the size of `domElement`.
+ * Test if position `a` is before position `b`.
+ * If the two positions are equal, the result will be true.
- export function createDiffEditor(domElement: HTMLElement, options?: IDiffEditorConstructionOptions, override?: IEditorOverrideServices): IStandaloneDiffEditor;
- export interface IDiffNavigatorOptions {
- readonly followsCaret?: boolean;
- readonly ignoreCharChanges?: boolean;
- readonly alwaysRevealFirst?: boolean;
- }
- export function createDiffNavigator(diffEditor: IStandaloneDiffEditor, opts?: IDiffNavigatorOptions): IDiffNavigator;
+ static isBeforeOrEqual(a: IPosition, b: IPosition): boolean
- * Create a new editor model.
- * You can specify the language that should be set for this model or let the language be inferred from the `uri`.
+ * A function that compares positions, useful for sorting
- export function createModel(value: string, language?: string, uri?: Uri): ITextModel;
+ static compare(a: IPosition, b: IPosition): number
- * Change the language for a model.
+ * Clone this position.
- export function setModelLanguage(model: ITextModel, languageId: string): void;
+ clone(): Position
- * Set the markers for a model.
+ * Convert to a human-readable representation.
- export function setModelMarkers(model: ITextModel, owner: string, markers: IMarkerData[]): void;
+ toString(): string
- * Get markers for owner and/or resource
- *
- * @returns list of markers
+ * Create a `Position` from an `IPosition`.
- export function getModelMarkers(filter: {
- owner?: string;
- resource?: Uri;
- take?: number;
- }): IMarker[];
+ static lift(pos: IPosition): Position
- * Emitted when markers change for a model.
- * @event
+ * Test if `obj` is an `IPosition`.
- export function onDidChangeMarkers(listener: (e: readonly Uri[]) => void): IDisposable;
+ static isIPosition(obj: any): obj is IPosition
+ }
+ /**
+ * A range in the editor. This interface is suitable for serialization.
+ */
+ export interface IRange {
- * Get the model that has `uri` if it exists.
+ * Line number on which the range starts (starts at 1).
- export function getModel(uri: Uri): ITextModel | null;
+ readonly startLineNumber: number
- * Get all the created models.
+ * Column on which the range starts in line `startLineNumber` (starts at 1).
- export function getModels(): ITextModel[];
+ readonly startColumn: number
- * Emitted when a model is created.
- * @event
+ * Line number on which the range ends.
- export function onDidCreateModel(listener: (model: ITextModel) => void): IDisposable;
+ readonly endLineNumber: number
- * Emitted right before a model is disposed.
- * @event
+ * Column on which the range ends in line `endLineNumber`.
- export function onWillDisposeModel(listener: (model: ITextModel) => void): IDisposable;
+ readonly endColumn: number
+ }
+ /**
+ * A range in the editor. (startLineNumber,startColumn) is <= (endLineNumber,endColumn)
+ */
+ export class Range {
- * Emitted when a different language is set to a model.
- * @event
+ * Line number on which the range starts (starts at 1).
- export function onDidChangeModelLanguage(listener: (e: {
- readonly model: ITextModel;
- readonly oldLanguage: string;
- }) => void): IDisposable;
+ readonly startLineNumber: number
- * Create a new web worker that has model syncing capabilities built in.
- * Specify an AMD module to load that will `create` an object that will be proxied.
+ * Column on which the range starts in line `startLineNumber` (starts at 1).
- export function createWebWorker(opts: IWebWorkerOptions): MonacoWebWorker;
+ readonly startColumn: number
- * Colorize the contents of `domNode` using attribute `data-lang`.
+ * Line number on which the range ends.
- export function colorizeElement(domNode: HTMLElement, options: IColorizerElementOptions): Promise;
+ readonly endLineNumber: number
- * Colorize `text` using language `languageId`.
+ * Column on which the range ends in line `endLineNumber`.
- export function colorize(text: string, languageId: string, options: IColorizerOptions): Promise;
+ readonly endColumn: number
+ constructor(
+ startLineNumber: number,
+ startColumn: number,
+ endLineNumber: number,
+ endColumn: number
+ )
- * Colorize a line in a model.
+ * Test if this range is empty.
- export function colorizeModelLine(model: ITextModel, lineNumber: number, tabSize?: number): string;
+ isEmpty(): boolean
- * Tokenize `text` using language `languageId`
+ * Test if `range` is empty.
- export function tokenize(text: string, languageId: string): Token[][];
+ static isEmpty(range: IRange): boolean
- * Define a new theme or update an existing theme.
+ * Test if position is in this range. If the position is at the edges, will return true.
- export function defineTheme(themeName: string, themeData: IStandaloneThemeData): void;
+ containsPosition(position: IPosition): boolean
- * Switches to a theme.
+ * Test if `position` is in `range`. If the position is at the edges, will return true.
- export function setTheme(themeName: string): void;
+ static containsPosition(range: IRange, position: IPosition): boolean
- * Clears all cached font measurements and triggers re-measurement.
+ * Test if range is in this range. If the range is equal to this range, will return true.
- export function remeasureFonts(): void;
+ containsRange(range: IRange): boolean
- * Register a command.
+ * Test if `otherRange` is in `range`. If the ranges are equal, will return true.
- export function registerCommand(id: string, handler: (accessor: any, ...args: any[]) => void): IDisposable;
- export type BuiltinTheme = 'vs' | 'vs-dark' | 'hc-black';
- export interface IStandaloneThemeData {
- base: BuiltinTheme;
- inherit: boolean;
- rules: ITokenThemeRule[];
- encodedTokensColors?: string[];
- colors: IColors;
- }
- export type IColors = {
- [colorId: string]: string;
- };
- export interface ITokenThemeRule {
- token: string;
- foreground?: string;
- background?: string;
- fontStyle?: string;
- }
+ static containsRange(range: IRange, otherRange: IRange): boolean
- * A web worker that can provide a proxy to an arbitrary file.
+ * Test if `range` is strictly in this range. `range` must start after and end before this range for the result to be true.
- export interface MonacoWebWorker {
- /**
- * Terminate the web worker, thus invalidating the returned proxy.
- */
- dispose(): void;
- /**
- * Get a proxy to the arbitrary loaded code.
- */
- getProxy(): Promise;
- /**
- * Synchronize (send) the models at `resources` to the web worker,
- * making them available in the monaco.worker.getMirrorModels().
- */
- withSyncedResources(resources: Uri[]): Promise;
- }
- export interface IWebWorkerOptions {
- /**
- * The AMD moduleId to load.
- * It should export a function `create` that should return the exported proxy.
- */
- moduleId: string;
- /**
- * The data to send over when calling create on the module.
- */
- createData?: any;
- /**
- * A label to be used to identify the web worker for debugging purposes.
- */
- label?: string;
- /**
- * An object that can be used by the web worker to make calls back to the main thread.
- */
- host?: any;
- /**
- * Keep idle models.
- * Defaults to false, which means that idle models will stop syncing after a while.
- */
- keepIdleModels?: boolean;
- }
+ strictContainsRange(range: IRange): boolean
- * Description of an action contribution
+ * Test if `otherRange` is strictly in `range` (must start after, and end before). If the ranges are equal, will return false.
- export interface IActionDescriptor {
- /**
- * An unique identifier of the contributed action.
- */
- id: string;
- /**
- * A label of the action that will be presented to the user.
- */
- label: string;
- /**
- * Precondition rule.
- */
- precondition?: string;
- /**
- * An array of keybindings for the action.
- */
- keybindings?: number[];
- /**
- * The keybinding rule (condition on top of precondition).
- */
- keybindingContext?: string;
- /**
- * Control if the action should show up in the context menu and where.
- * The context menu of the editor has these default:
- * navigation - The navigation group comes first in all cases.
- * 1_modification - This group comes next and contains commands that modify your code.
- * 9_cutcopypaste - The last default group with the basic editing commands.
- * You can also create your own group.
- * Defaults to null (don't show in context menu).
- */
- contextMenuGroupId?: string;
- /**
- * Control the order in the context menu group.
- */
- contextMenuOrder?: number;
- /**
- * Method that will be executed when the action is triggered.
- * @param editor The editor instance is passed in as a convenience
- */
- run(editor: ICodeEditor, ...args: any[]): void | Promise;
- }
+ static strictContainsRange(range: IRange, otherRange: IRange): boolean
- * Options which apply for all editors.
+ * A reunion of the two ranges.
+ * The smallest position will be used as the start point, and the largest one as the end point.
- export interface IGlobalEditorOptions {
- /**
- * The number of spaces a tab is equal to.
- * This setting is overridden based on the file contents when `detectIndentation` is on.
- * Defaults to 4.
- */
- tabSize?: number;
- /**
- * Insert spaces when pressing `Tab`.
- * This setting is overridden based on the file contents when `detectIndentation` is on.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- insertSpaces?: boolean;
- /**
- * Controls whether `tabSize` and `insertSpaces` will be automatically detected when a file is opened based on the file contents.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- detectIndentation?: boolean;
- /**
- * Remove trailing auto inserted whitespace.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- trimAutoWhitespace?: boolean;
- /**
- * Special handling for large files to disable certain memory intensive features.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- largeFileOptimizations?: boolean;
- /**
- * Controls whether completions should be computed based on words in the document.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- wordBasedSuggestions?: boolean;
- /**
- * Controls whether word based completions should be included from opened documents of the same language or any language.
- */
- wordBasedSuggestionsOnlySameLanguage?: boolean;
- /**
- * Controls whether the semanticHighlighting is shown for the languages that support it.
- * true: semanticHighlighting is enabled for all themes
- * false: semanticHighlighting is disabled for all themes
- * 'configuredByTheme': semanticHighlighting is controlled by the current color theme's semanticHighlighting setting.
- * Defaults to 'byTheme'.
- */
- 'semanticHighlighting.enabled'?: true | false | 'configuredByTheme';
- /**
- * Keep peek editors open even when double clicking their content or when hitting `Escape`.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- stablePeek?: boolean;
- /**
- * Lines above this length will not be tokenized for performance reasons.
- * Defaults to 20000.
- */
- maxTokenizationLineLength?: number;
- /**
- * Theme to be used for rendering.
- * The current out-of-the-box available themes are: 'vs' (default), 'vs-dark', 'hc-black'.
- * You can create custom themes via `monaco.editor.defineTheme`.
- * To switch a theme, use `monaco.editor.setTheme`.
- * **NOTE**: The theme might be overwritten if the OS is in high contrast mode, unless `autoDetectHighContrast` is set to false.
- */
- theme?: string;
- /**
- * If enabled, will automatically change to high contrast theme if the OS is using a high contrast theme.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- autoDetectHighContrast?: boolean;
- }
+ plusRange(range: IRange): Range
- * The options to create an editor.
+ * A reunion of the two ranges.
+ * The smallest position will be used as the start point, and the largest one as the end point.
- export interface IStandaloneEditorConstructionOptions extends IEditorConstructionOptions, IGlobalEditorOptions {
- /**
- * The initial model associated with this code editor.
- */
- model?: ITextModel | null;
- /**
- * The initial value of the auto created model in the editor.
- * To not create automatically a model, use `model: null`.
- */
- value?: string;
- /**
- * The initial language of the auto created model in the editor.
- * To not create automatically a model, use `model: null`.
- */
- language?: string;
- /**
- * Initial theme to be used for rendering.
- * The current out-of-the-box available themes are: 'vs' (default), 'vs-dark', 'hc-black'.
- * You can create custom themes via `monaco.editor.defineTheme`.
- * To switch a theme, use `monaco.editor.setTheme`.
- * **NOTE**: The theme might be overwritten if the OS is in high contrast mode, unless `autoDetectHighContrast` is set to false.
- */
- theme?: string;
- /**
- * If enabled, will automatically change to high contrast theme if the OS is using a high contrast theme.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- autoDetectHighContrast?: boolean;
- /**
- * An URL to open when Ctrl+H (Windows and Linux) or Cmd+H (OSX) is pressed in
- * the accessibility help dialog in the editor.
- *
- * Defaults to "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852450"
- */
- accessibilityHelpUrl?: string;
- }
+ static plusRange(a: IRange, b: IRange): Range
- * The options to create a diff editor.
+ * A intersection of the two ranges.
- export interface IDiffEditorConstructionOptions extends IDiffEditorOptions {
- /**
- * Initial theme to be used for rendering.
- * The current out-of-the-box available themes are: 'vs' (default), 'vs-dark', 'hc-black'.
- * You can create custom themes via `monaco.editor.defineTheme`.
- * To switch a theme, use `monaco.editor.setTheme`.
- * **NOTE**: The theme might be overwritten if the OS is in high contrast mode, unless `autoDetectHighContrast` is set to false.
- */
- theme?: string;
- /**
- * If enabled, will automatically change to high contrast theme if the OS is using a high contrast theme.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- autoDetectHighContrast?: boolean;
- }
- export interface IStandaloneCodeEditor extends ICodeEditor {
- updateOptions(newOptions: IEditorOptions & IGlobalEditorOptions): void;
- addCommand(keybinding: number, handler: ICommandHandler, context?: string): string | null;
- createContextKey(key: string, defaultValue: T): IContextKey;
- addAction(descriptor: IActionDescriptor): IDisposable;
- }
- export interface IStandaloneDiffEditor extends IDiffEditor {
- addCommand(keybinding: number, handler: ICommandHandler, context?: string): string | null;
- createContextKey(key: string, defaultValue: T): IContextKey;
- addAction(descriptor: IActionDescriptor): IDisposable;
- getOriginalEditor(): IStandaloneCodeEditor;
- getModifiedEditor(): IStandaloneCodeEditor;
- }
- export interface ICommandHandler {
- (...args: any[]): void;
- }
- export interface IContextKey {
- set(value: T): void;
- reset(): void;
- get(): T | undefined;
- }
- export interface IEditorOverrideServices {
- [index: string]: any;
- }
- export interface IMarker {
- owner: string;
- resource: Uri;
- severity: MarkerSeverity;
- code?: string | {
- value: string;
- target: Uri;
- };
- message: string;
- source?: string;
- startLineNumber: number;
- startColumn: number;
- endLineNumber: number;
- endColumn: number;
- relatedInformation?: IRelatedInformation[];
- tags?: MarkerTag[];
- }
+ intersectRanges(range: IRange): Range | null
- * A structure defining a problem/warning/etc.
- */
- export interface IMarkerData {
- code?: string | {
- value: string;
- target: Uri;
- };
- severity: MarkerSeverity;
- message: string;
- source?: string;
- startLineNumber: number;
- startColumn: number;
- endLineNumber: number;
- endColumn: number;
- relatedInformation?: IRelatedInformation[];
- tags?: MarkerTag[];
- }
+ * A intersection of the two ranges.
+ */
+ static intersectRanges(a: IRange, b: IRange): Range | null
- *
+ * Test if this range equals other.
- export interface IRelatedInformation {
- resource: Uri;
- message: string;
- startLineNumber: number;
- startColumn: number;
- endLineNumber: number;
- endColumn: number;
- }
- export interface IColorizerOptions {
- tabSize?: number;
- }
- export interface IColorizerElementOptions extends IColorizerOptions {
- theme?: string;
- mimeType?: string;
- }
- export enum ScrollbarVisibility {
- Auto = 1,
- Hidden = 2,
- Visible = 3
- }
- export interface ThemeColor {
- id: string;
- }
+ equalsRange(other: IRange | null | undefined): boolean
- * Vertical Lane in the overview ruler of the editor.
+ * Test if range `a` equals `b`.
- export enum OverviewRulerLane {
- Left = 1,
- Center = 2,
- Right = 4,
- Full = 7
- }
+ static equalsRange(
+ a: IRange | null | undefined,
+ b: IRange | null | undefined
+ ): boolean
- * Position in the minimap to render the decoration.
+ * Return the end position (which will be after or equal to the start position)
- export enum MinimapPosition {
- Inline = 1,
- Gutter = 2
- }
- export interface IDecorationOptions {
- /**
- * CSS color to render.
- * e.g.: rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5) or a color from the color registry
- */
- color: string | ThemeColor | undefined;
- /**
- * CSS color to render.
- * e.g.: rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5) or a color from the color registry
- */
- darkColor?: string | ThemeColor;
- }
+ getEndPosition(): Position
- * Options for rendering a model decoration in the overview ruler.
+ * Return the end position (which will be after or equal to the start position)
- export interface IModelDecorationOverviewRulerOptions extends IDecorationOptions {
- /**
- * The position in the overview ruler.
- */
- position: OverviewRulerLane;
- }
+ static getEndPosition(range: IRange): Position
- * Options for rendering a model decoration in the overview ruler.
+ * Return the start position (which will be before or equal to the end position)
- export interface IModelDecorationMinimapOptions extends IDecorationOptions {
- /**
- * The position in the overview ruler.
- */
- position: MinimapPosition;
- }
+ getStartPosition(): Position
- * Options for a model decoration.
+ * Return the start position (which will be before or equal to the end position)
- export interface IModelDecorationOptions {
- /**
- * Customize the growing behavior of the decoration when typing at the edges of the decoration.
- * Defaults to TrackedRangeStickiness.AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges
- */
- stickiness?: TrackedRangeStickiness;
- /**
- * CSS class name describing the decoration.
- */
- className?: string | null;
- /**
- * Message to be rendered when hovering over the glyph margin decoration.
- */
- glyphMarginHoverMessage?: IMarkdownString | IMarkdownString[] | null;
- /**
- * Array of MarkdownString to render as the decoration message.
- */
- hoverMessage?: IMarkdownString | IMarkdownString[] | null;
- /**
- * Should the decoration expand to encompass a whole line.
- */
- isWholeLine?: boolean;
- /**
- * Specifies the stack order of a decoration.
- * A decoration with greater stack order is always in front of a decoration with a lower stack order.
- */
- zIndex?: number;
- /**
- * If set, render this decoration in the overview ruler.
- */
- overviewRuler?: IModelDecorationOverviewRulerOptions | null;
- /**
- * If set, render this decoration in the minimap.
- */
- minimap?: IModelDecorationMinimapOptions | null;
- /**
- * If set, the decoration will be rendered in the glyph margin with this CSS class name.
- */
- glyphMarginClassName?: string | null;
- /**
- * If set, the decoration will be rendered in the lines decorations with this CSS class name.
- */
- linesDecorationsClassName?: string | null;
- /**
- * If set, the decoration will be rendered in the lines decorations with this CSS class name, but only for the first line in case of line wrapping.
- */
- firstLineDecorationClassName?: string | null;
- /**
- * If set, the decoration will be rendered in the margin (covering its full width) with this CSS class name.
- */
- marginClassName?: string | null;
- /**
- * If set, the decoration will be rendered inline with the text with this CSS class name.
- * Please use this only for CSS rules that must impact the text. For example, use `className`
- * to have a background color decoration.
- */
- inlineClassName?: string | null;
- /**
- * If there is an `inlineClassName` which affects letter spacing.
- */
- inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing?: boolean;
- /**
- * If set, the decoration will be rendered before the text with this CSS class name.
- */
- beforeContentClassName?: string | null;
- /**
- * If set, the decoration will be rendered after the text with this CSS class name.
- */
- afterContentClassName?: string | null;
- /**
- * If set, text will be injected in the view after the range.
- */
- after?: InjectedTextOptions | null;
- /**
- * If set, text will be injected in the view before the range.
- */
- before?: InjectedTextOptions | null;
- }
+ static getStartPosition(range: IRange): Position
- * Configures text that is injected into the view without changing the underlying document.
- */
- export interface InjectedTextOptions {
- /**
- * Sets the text to inject. Must be a single line.
- */
- readonly content: string;
- /**
- * If set, the decoration will be rendered inline with the text with this CSS class name.
- */
- readonly inlineClassName?: string | null;
- /**
- * If there is an `inlineClassName` which affects letter spacing.
- */
- readonly inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing?: boolean;
- }
+ * Transform to a user presentable string representation.
+ */
+ toString(): string
- * New model decorations.
+ * Create a new range using this range's start position, and using endLineNumber and endColumn as the end position.
- export interface IModelDeltaDecoration {
- /**
- * Range that this decoration covers.
- */
- range: IRange;
- /**
- * Options associated with this decoration.
- */
- options: IModelDecorationOptions;
- }
+ setEndPosition(endLineNumber: number, endColumn: number): Range
- * A decoration in the model.
+ * Create a new range using this range's end position, and using startLineNumber and startColumn as the start position.
- export interface IModelDecoration {
- /**
- * Identifier for a decoration.
- */
- readonly id: string;
- /**
- * Identifier for a decoration's owner.
- */
- readonly ownerId: number;
- /**
- * Range that this decoration covers.
- */
- readonly range: Range;
- /**
- * Options associated with this decoration.
- */
- readonly options: IModelDecorationOptions;
- }
+ setStartPosition(startLineNumber: number, startColumn: number): Range
- * Word inside a model.
+ * Create a new empty range using this range's start position.
- export interface IWordAtPosition {
- /**
- * The word.
- */
- readonly word: string;
- /**
- * The column where the word starts.
- */
- readonly startColumn: number;
- /**
- * The column where the word ends.
- */
- readonly endColumn: number;
- }
+ collapseToStart(): Range
- * End of line character preference.
+ * Create a new empty range using this range's start position.
- export enum EndOfLinePreference {
- /**
- * Use the end of line character identified in the text buffer.
- */
- TextDefined = 0,
- /**
- * Use line feed (\n) as the end of line character.
- */
- LF = 1,
- /**
- * Use carriage return and line feed (\r\n) as the end of line character.
- */
- CRLF = 2
- }
+ static collapseToStart(range: IRange): Range
- * The default end of line to use when instantiating models.
+ * Create a new empty range using this range's end position.
- export enum DefaultEndOfLine {
- /**
- * Use line feed (\n) as the end of line character.
- */
- LF = 1,
- /**
- * Use carriage return and line feed (\r\n) as the end of line character.
- */
- CRLF = 2
- }
+ collapseToEnd(): Range
- * End of line character preference.
+ * Create a new empty range using this range's end position.
- export enum EndOfLineSequence {
- /**
- * Use line feed (\n) as the end of line character.
- */
- LF = 0,
- /**
- * Use carriage return and line feed (\r\n) as the end of line character.
- */
- CRLF = 1
- }
+ static collapseToEnd(range: IRange): Range
- * A single edit operation, that acts as a simple replace.
- * i.e. Replace text at `range` with `text` in model.
+ * Moves the range by the given amount of lines.
- export interface ISingleEditOperation {
- /**
- * The range to replace. This can be empty to emulate a simple insert.
- */
- range: IRange;
- /**
- * The text to replace with. This can be null to emulate a simple delete.
- */
- text: string | null;
- /**
- * This indicates that this operation has "insert" semantics.
- * i.e. forceMoveMarkers = true => if `range` is collapsed, all markers at the position will be moved.
- */
- forceMoveMarkers?: boolean;
- }
+ delta(lineCount: number): Range
+ static fromPositions(start: IPosition, end?: IPosition): Range
- * A single edit operation, that has an identifier.
+ * Create a `Range` from an `IRange`.
- export interface IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation {
- /**
- * The range to replace. This can be empty to emulate a simple insert.
- */
- range: IRange;
- /**
- * The text to replace with. This can be null to emulate a simple delete.
- */
- text: string | null;
- /**
- * This indicates that this operation has "insert" semantics.
- * i.e. forceMoveMarkers = true => if `range` is collapsed, all markers at the position will be moved.
- */
- forceMoveMarkers?: boolean;
- }
- export interface IValidEditOperation {
- /**
- * The range to replace. This can be empty to emulate a simple insert.
- */
- range: Range;
- /**
- * The text to replace with. This can be empty to emulate a simple delete.
- */
- text: string;
- }
+ static lift(range: undefined | null): null
+ static lift(range: IRange): Range
+ static lift(range: IRange | undefined | null): Range | null
- * A callback that can compute the cursor state after applying a series of edit operations.
+ * Test if `obj` is an `IRange`.
- export interface ICursorStateComputer {
- /**
- * A callback that can compute the resulting cursors state after some edit operations have been executed.
- */
- (inverseEditOperations: IValidEditOperation[]): Selection[] | null;
- }
- export class TextModelResolvedOptions {
- _textModelResolvedOptionsBrand: void;
- readonly tabSize: number;
- readonly indentSize: number;
- readonly insertSpaces: boolean;
- readonly defaultEOL: DefaultEndOfLine;
- readonly trimAutoWhitespace: boolean;
- }
- export interface ITextModelUpdateOptions {
- tabSize?: number;
- indentSize?: number;
- insertSpaces?: boolean;
- trimAutoWhitespace?: boolean;
- }
- export class FindMatch {
- _findMatchBrand: void;
- readonly range: Range;
- readonly matches: string[] | null;
- }
+ static isIRange(obj: any): obj is IRange
- * Describes the behavior of decorations when typing/editing near their edges.
- * Note: Please do not edit the values, as they very carefully match `DecorationRangeBehavior`
+ * Test if the two ranges are touching in any way.
- export enum TrackedRangeStickiness {
- AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges = 0,
- NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges = 1,
- GrowsOnlyWhenTypingBefore = 2,
- GrowsOnlyWhenTypingAfter = 3
- }
+ static areIntersectingOrTouching(a: IRange, b: IRange): boolean
- * A model.
+ * Test if the two ranges are intersecting. If the ranges are touching it returns true.
- export interface ITextModel {
- /**
- * Gets the resource associated with this editor model.
- */
- readonly uri: Uri;
- /**
- * A unique identifier associated with this model.
- */
- readonly id: string;
- /**
- * Get the resolved options for this model.
- */
- getOptions(): TextModelResolvedOptions;
- /**
- * Get the current version id of the model.
- * Anytime a change happens to the model (even undo/redo),
- * the version id is incremented.
- */
- getVersionId(): number;
- /**
- * Get the alternative version id of the model.
- * This alternative version id is not always incremented,
- * it will return the same values in the case of undo-redo.
- */
- getAlternativeVersionId(): number;
- /**
- * Replace the entire text buffer value contained in this model.
- */
- setValue(newValue: string): void;
- /**
- * Get the text stored in this model.
- * @param eol The end of line character preference. Defaults to `EndOfLinePreference.TextDefined`.
- * @param preserverBOM Preserve a BOM character if it was detected when the model was constructed.
- * @return The text.
- */
- getValue(eol?: EndOfLinePreference, preserveBOM?: boolean): string;
- /**
- * Get the length of the text stored in this model.
- */
- getValueLength(eol?: EndOfLinePreference, preserveBOM?: boolean): number;
- /**
- * Get the text in a certain range.
- * @param range The range describing what text to get.
- * @param eol The end of line character preference. This will only be used for multiline ranges. Defaults to `EndOfLinePreference.TextDefined`.
- * @return The text.
- */
- getValueInRange(range: IRange, eol?: EndOfLinePreference): string;
- /**
- * Get the length of text in a certain range.
- * @param range The range describing what text length to get.
- * @return The text length.
- */
- getValueLengthInRange(range: IRange): number;
- /**
- * Get the character count of text in a certain range.
- * @param range The range describing what text length to get.
- */
- getCharacterCountInRange(range: IRange): number;
- /**
- * Get the number of lines in the model.
- */
- getLineCount(): number;
- /**
- * Get the text for a certain line.
- */
- getLineContent(lineNumber: number): string;
- /**
- * Get the text length for a certain line.
- */
- getLineLength(lineNumber: number): number;
- /**
- * Get the text for all lines.
- */
- getLinesContent(): string[];
- /**
- * Get the end of line sequence predominantly used in the text buffer.
- * @return EOL char sequence (e.g.: '\n' or '\r\n').
- */
- getEOL(): string;
- /**
- * Get the end of line sequence predominantly used in the text buffer.
- */
- getEndOfLineSequence(): EndOfLineSequence;
- /**
- * Get the minimum legal column for line at `lineNumber`
- */
- getLineMinColumn(lineNumber: number): number;
- /**
- * Get the maximum legal column for line at `lineNumber`
- */
- getLineMaxColumn(lineNumber: number): number;
- /**
- * Returns the column before the first non whitespace character for line at `lineNumber`.
- * Returns 0 if line is empty or contains only whitespace.
- */
- getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(lineNumber: number): number;
- /**
- * Returns the column after the last non whitespace character for line at `lineNumber`.
- * Returns 0 if line is empty or contains only whitespace.
- */
- getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(lineNumber: number): number;
- /**
- * Create a valid position,
- */
- validatePosition(position: IPosition): Position;
- /**
- * Advances the given position by the given offset (negative offsets are also accepted)
- * and returns it as a new valid position.
- *
- * If the offset and position are such that their combination goes beyond the beginning or
- * end of the model, throws an exception.
- *
- * If the offset is such that the new position would be in the middle of a multi-byte
- * line terminator, throws an exception.
- */
- modifyPosition(position: IPosition, offset: number): Position;
- /**
- * Create a valid range.
- */
- validateRange(range: IRange): Range;
- /**
- * Converts the position to a zero-based offset.
- *
- * The position will be [adjusted](#TextDocument.validatePosition).
- *
- * @param position A position.
- * @return A valid zero-based offset.
- */
- getOffsetAt(position: IPosition): number;
- /**
- * Converts a zero-based offset to a position.
- *
- * @param offset A zero-based offset.
- * @return A valid [position](#Position).
- */
- getPositionAt(offset: number): Position;
- /**
- * Get a range covering the entire model
- */
- getFullModelRange(): Range;
- /**
- * Returns if the model was disposed or not.
- */
- isDisposed(): boolean;
- /**
- * Search the model.
- * @param searchString The string used to search. If it is a regular expression, set `isRegex` to true.
- * @param searchOnlyEditableRange Limit the searching to only search inside the editable range of the model.
- * @param isRegex Used to indicate that `searchString` is a regular expression.
- * @param matchCase Force the matching to match lower/upper case exactly.
- * @param wordSeparators Force the matching to match entire words only. Pass null otherwise.
- * @param captureMatches The result will contain the captured groups.
- * @param limitResultCount Limit the number of results
- * @return The ranges where the matches are. It is empty if not matches have been found.
- */
- findMatches(searchString: string, searchOnlyEditableRange: boolean, isRegex: boolean, matchCase: boolean, wordSeparators: string | null, captureMatches: boolean, limitResultCount?: number): FindMatch[];
- /**
- * Search the model.
- * @param searchString The string used to search. If it is a regular expression, set `isRegex` to true.
- * @param searchScope Limit the searching to only search inside these ranges.
- * @param isRegex Used to indicate that `searchString` is a regular expression.
- * @param matchCase Force the matching to match lower/upper case exactly.
- * @param wordSeparators Force the matching to match entire words only. Pass null otherwise.
- * @param captureMatches The result will contain the captured groups.
- * @param limitResultCount Limit the number of results
- * @return The ranges where the matches are. It is empty if no matches have been found.
- */
- findMatches(searchString: string, searchScope: IRange | IRange[], isRegex: boolean, matchCase: boolean, wordSeparators: string | null, captureMatches: boolean, limitResultCount?: number): FindMatch[];
- /**
- * Search the model for the next match. Loops to the beginning of the model if needed.
- * @param searchString The string used to search. If it is a regular expression, set `isRegex` to true.
- * @param searchStart Start the searching at the specified position.
- * @param isRegex Used to indicate that `searchString` is a regular expression.
- * @param matchCase Force the matching to match lower/upper case exactly.
- * @param wordSeparators Force the matching to match entire words only. Pass null otherwise.
- * @param captureMatches The result will contain the captured groups.
- * @return The range where the next match is. It is null if no next match has been found.
- */
- findNextMatch(searchString: string, searchStart: IPosition, isRegex: boolean, matchCase: boolean, wordSeparators: string | null, captureMatches: boolean): FindMatch | null;
- /**
- * Search the model for the previous match. Loops to the end of the model if needed.
- * @param searchString The string used to search. If it is a regular expression, set `isRegex` to true.
- * @param searchStart Start the searching at the specified position.
- * @param isRegex Used to indicate that `searchString` is a regular expression.
- * @param matchCase Force the matching to match lower/upper case exactly.
- * @param wordSeparators Force the matching to match entire words only. Pass null otherwise.
- * @param captureMatches The result will contain the captured groups.
- * @return The range where the previous match is. It is null if no previous match has been found.
- */
- findPreviousMatch(searchString: string, searchStart: IPosition, isRegex: boolean, matchCase: boolean, wordSeparators: string | null, captureMatches: boolean): FindMatch | null;
- /**
- * Get the language associated with this model.
- */
- getModeId?(): string;
- /**
- * Get the word under or besides `position`.
- * @param position The position to look for a word.
- * @return The word under or besides `position`. Might be null.
- */
- getWordAtPosition(position: IPosition): IWordAtPosition | null;
- /**
- * Get the word under or besides `position` trimmed to `position`.column
- * @param position The position to look for a word.
- * @return The word under or besides `position`. Will never be null.
- */
- getWordUntilPosition(position: IPosition): IWordAtPosition;
- /**
- * Perform a minimum amount of operations, in order to transform the decorations
- * identified by `oldDecorations` to the decorations described by `newDecorations`
- * and returns the new identifiers associated with the resulting decorations.
- *
- * @param oldDecorations Array containing previous decorations identifiers.
- * @param newDecorations Array describing what decorations should result after the call.
- * @param ownerId Identifies the editor id in which these decorations should appear. If no `ownerId` is provided, the decorations will appear in all editors that attach this model.
- * @return An array containing the new decorations identifiers.
- */
- deltaDecorations(oldDecorations: string[], newDecorations: IModelDeltaDecoration[], ownerId?: number): string[];
- /**
- * Get the options associated with a decoration.
- * @param id The decoration id.
- * @return The decoration options or null if the decoration was not found.
- */
- getDecorationOptions(id: string): IModelDecorationOptions | null;
- /**
- * Get the range associated with a decoration.
- * @param id The decoration id.
- * @return The decoration range or null if the decoration was not found.
- */
- getDecorationRange(id: string): Range | null;
- /**
- * Gets all the decorations for the line `lineNumber` as an array.
- * @param lineNumber The line number
- * @param ownerId If set, it will ignore decorations belonging to other owners.
- * @param filterOutValidation If set, it will ignore decorations specific to validation (i.e. warnings, errors).
- * @return An array with the decorations
- */
- getLineDecorations(lineNumber: number, ownerId?: number, filterOutValidation?: boolean): IModelDecoration[];
- /**
- * Gets all the decorations for the lines between `startLineNumber` and `endLineNumber` as an array.
- * @param startLineNumber The start line number
- * @param endLineNumber The end line number
- * @param ownerId If set, it will ignore decorations belonging to other owners.
- * @param filterOutValidation If set, it will ignore decorations specific to validation (i.e. warnings, errors).
- * @return An array with the decorations
- */
- getLinesDecorations(startLineNumber: number, endLineNumber: number, ownerId?: number, filterOutValidation?: boolean): IModelDecoration[];
- /**
- * Gets all the decorations in a range as an array. Only `startLineNumber` and `endLineNumber` from `range` are used for filtering.
- * So for now it returns all the decorations on the same line as `range`.
- * @param range The range to search in
- * @param ownerId If set, it will ignore decorations belonging to other owners.
- * @param filterOutValidation If set, it will ignore decorations specific to validation (i.e. warnings, errors).
- * @return An array with the decorations
- */
- getDecorationsInRange(range: IRange, ownerId?: number, filterOutValidation?: boolean): IModelDecoration[];
- /**
- * Gets all the decorations as an array.
- * @param ownerId If set, it will ignore decorations belonging to other owners.
- * @param filterOutValidation If set, it will ignore decorations specific to validation (i.e. warnings, errors).
- */
- getAllDecorations(ownerId?: number, filterOutValidation?: boolean): IModelDecoration[];
- /**
- * Gets all the decorations that should be rendered in the overview ruler as an array.
- * @param ownerId If set, it will ignore decorations belonging to other owners.
- * @param filterOutValidation If set, it will ignore decorations specific to validation (i.e. warnings, errors).
- */
- getOverviewRulerDecorations(ownerId?: number, filterOutValidation?: boolean): IModelDecoration[];
- /**
- * Gets all the decorations that contain injected text.
- * @param ownerId If set, it will ignore decorations belonging to other owners.
- */
- getInjectedTextDecorations(ownerId?: number): IModelDecoration[];
- /**
- * Normalize a string containing whitespace according to indentation rules (converts to spaces or to tabs).
- */
- normalizeIndentation(str: string): string;
- /**
- * Change the options of this model.
- */
- updateOptions(newOpts: ITextModelUpdateOptions): void;
- /**
- * Detect the indentation options for this model from its content.
- */
- detectIndentation(defaultInsertSpaces: boolean, defaultTabSize: number): void;
- /**
- * Close the current undo-redo element.
- * This offers a way to create an undo/redo stop point.
- */
- pushStackElement(): void;
- /**
- * Open the current undo-redo element.
- * This offers a way to remove the current undo/redo stop point.
- */
- popStackElement(): void;
- /**
- * Push edit operations, basically editing the model. This is the preferred way
- * of editing the model. The edit operations will land on the undo stack.
- * @param beforeCursorState The cursor state before the edit operations. This cursor state will be returned when `undo` or `redo` are invoked.
- * @param editOperations The edit operations.
- * @param cursorStateComputer A callback that can compute the resulting cursors state after the edit operations have been executed.
- * @return The cursor state returned by the `cursorStateComputer`.
- */
- pushEditOperations(beforeCursorState: Selection[] | null, editOperations: IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[], cursorStateComputer: ICursorStateComputer): Selection[] | null;
- /**
- * Change the end of line sequence. This is the preferred way of
- * changing the eol sequence. This will land on the undo stack.
- */
- pushEOL(eol: EndOfLineSequence): void;
- /**
- * Edit the model without adding the edits to the undo stack.
- * This can have dire consequences on the undo stack! See @pushEditOperations for the preferred way.
- * @param operations The edit operations.
- * @return If desired, the inverse edit operations, that, when applied, will bring the model back to the previous state.
- */
- applyEdits(operations: IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[]): void;
- applyEdits(operations: IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[], computeUndoEdits: false): void;
- applyEdits(operations: IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[], computeUndoEdits: true): IValidEditOperation[];
- /**
- * Change the end of line sequence without recording in the undo stack.
- * This can have dire consequences on the undo stack! See @pushEOL for the preferred way.
- */
- setEOL(eol: EndOfLineSequence): void;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the contents of the model have changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeContent(listener: (e: IModelContentChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when decorations of the model have changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeDecorations(listener: (e: IModelDecorationsChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the model options have changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeOptions(listener: (e: IModelOptionsChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the language associated with the model has changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeLanguage(listener: (e: IModelLanguageChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the language configuration associated with the model has changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeLanguageConfiguration(listener: (e: IModelLanguageConfigurationChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the model has been attached to the first editor or detached from the last editor.
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeAttached(listener: () => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted right before disposing the model.
- * @event
- */
- onWillDispose(listener: () => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * Destroy this model. This will unbind the model from the mode
- * and make all necessary clean-up to release this object to the GC.
- */
- dispose(): void;
- /**
- * Returns if this model is attached to an editor or not.
- */
- isAttachedToEditor(): boolean;
- }
+ static areIntersecting(a: IRange, b: IRange): boolean
- * A builder and helper for edit operations for a command.
+ * A function that compares ranges, useful for sorting ranges
+ * It will first compare ranges on the startPosition and then on the endPosition
- export interface IEditOperationBuilder {
- /**
- * Add a new edit operation (a replace operation).
- * @param range The range to replace (delete). May be empty to represent a simple insert.
- * @param text The text to replace with. May be null to represent a simple delete.
- */
- addEditOperation(range: IRange, text: string | null, forceMoveMarkers?: boolean): void;
- /**
- * Add a new edit operation (a replace operation).
- * The inverse edits will be accessible in `ICursorStateComputerData.getInverseEditOperations()`
- * @param range The range to replace (delete). May be empty to represent a simple insert.
- * @param text The text to replace with. May be null to represent a simple delete.
- */
- addTrackedEditOperation(range: IRange, text: string | null, forceMoveMarkers?: boolean): void;
- /**
- * Track `selection` when applying edit operations.
- * A best effort will be made to not grow/expand the selection.
- * An empty selection will clamp to a nearby character.
- * @param selection The selection to track.
- * @param trackPreviousOnEmpty If set, and the selection is empty, indicates whether the selection
- * should clamp to the previous or the next character.
- * @return A unique identifier.
- */
- trackSelection(selection: Selection, trackPreviousOnEmpty?: boolean): string;
- }
+ static compareRangesUsingStarts(
+ a: IRange | null | undefined,
+ b: IRange | null | undefined
+ ): number
- * A helper for computing cursor state after a command.
+ * A function that compares ranges, useful for sorting ranges
+ * It will first compare ranges on the endPosition and then on the startPosition
- export interface ICursorStateComputerData {
- /**
- * Get the inverse edit operations of the added edit operations.
- */
- getInverseEditOperations(): IValidEditOperation[];
- /**
- * Get a previously tracked selection.
- * @param id The unique identifier returned by `trackSelection`.
- * @return The selection.
- */
- getTrackedSelection(id: string): Selection;
- }
+ static compareRangesUsingEnds(a: IRange, b: IRange): number
- * A command that modifies text / cursor state on a model.
+ * Test if the range spans multiple lines.
- export interface ICommand {
- /**
- * Get the edit operations needed to execute this command.
- * @param model The model the command will execute on.
- * @param builder A helper to collect the needed edit operations and to track selections.
- */
- getEditOperations(model: ITextModel, builder: IEditOperationBuilder): void;
- /**
- * Compute the cursor state after the edit operations were applied.
- * @param model The model the command has executed on.
- * @param helper A helper to get inverse edit operations and to get previously tracked selections.
- * @return The cursor state after the command executed.
- */
- computeCursorState(model: ITextModel, helper: ICursorStateComputerData): Selection;
- }
+ static spansMultipleLines(range: IRange): boolean
+ toJSON(): IRange
+ }
+ /**
+ * A selection in the editor.
+ * The selection is a range that has an orientation.
+ */
+ export interface ISelection {
- * A model for the diff editor.
+ * The line number on which the selection has started.
- export interface IDiffEditorModel {
- /**
- * Original model.
- */
- original: ITextModel;
- /**
- * Modified model.
- */
- modified: ITextModel;
- }
+ readonly selectionStartLineNumber: number
- * An event describing that an editor has had its model reset (i.e. `editor.setModel()`).
+ * The column on `selectionStartLineNumber` where the selection has started.
- export interface IModelChangedEvent {
- /**
- * The `uri` of the previous model or null.
- */
- readonly oldModelUrl: Uri | null;
- /**
- * The `uri` of the new model or null.
- */
- readonly newModelUrl: Uri | null;
- }
- export interface IDimension {
- width: number;
- height: number;
- }
+ readonly selectionStartColumn: number
- * A change
+ * The line number on which the selection has ended.
- export interface IChange {
- readonly originalStartLineNumber: number;
- readonly originalEndLineNumber: number;
- readonly modifiedStartLineNumber: number;
- readonly modifiedEndLineNumber: number;
- }
+ readonly positionLineNumber: number
- * A character level change.
+ * The column on `positionLineNumber` where the selection has ended.
- export interface ICharChange extends IChange {
- readonly originalStartColumn: number;
- readonly originalEndColumn: number;
- readonly modifiedStartColumn: number;
- readonly modifiedEndColumn: number;
- }
+ readonly positionColumn: number
+ }
+ /**
+ * A selection in the editor.
+ * The selection is a range that has an orientation.
+ */
+ export class Selection extends Range {
- * A line change
+ * The line number on which the selection has started.
- export interface ILineChange extends IChange {
- readonly charChanges: ICharChange[] | undefined;
- }
- export interface IContentSizeChangedEvent {
- readonly contentWidth: number;
- readonly contentHeight: number;
- readonly contentWidthChanged: boolean;
- readonly contentHeightChanged: boolean;
- }
- export interface INewScrollPosition {
- scrollLeft?: number;
- scrollTop?: number;
- }
- export interface IEditorAction {
- readonly id: string;
- readonly label: string;
- readonly alias: string;
- isSupported(): boolean;
- run(): Promise;
- }
- export type IEditorModel = ITextModel | IDiffEditorModel;
+ readonly selectionStartLineNumber: number
- * A (serializable) state of the cursors.
+ * The column on `selectionStartLineNumber` where the selection has started.
- export interface ICursorState {
- inSelectionMode: boolean;
- selectionStart: IPosition;
- position: IPosition;
- }
+ readonly selectionStartColumn: number
- * A (serializable) state of the view.
+ * The line number on which the selection has ended.
- export interface IViewState {
- /** written by previous versions */
- scrollTop?: number;
- /** written by previous versions */
- scrollTopWithoutViewZones?: number;
- scrollLeft: number;
- firstPosition: IPosition;
- firstPositionDeltaTop: number;
- }
+ readonly positionLineNumber: number
- * A (serializable) state of the code editor.
+ * The column on `positionLineNumber` where the selection has ended.
- export interface ICodeEditorViewState {
- cursorState: ICursorState[];
- viewState: IViewState;
- contributionsState: {
- [id: string]: any;
- };
- }
+ readonly positionColumn: number
+ constructor(
+ selectionStartLineNumber: number,
+ selectionStartColumn: number,
+ positionLineNumber: number,
+ positionColumn: number
+ )
- * (Serializable) View state for the diff editor.
+ * Transform to a human-readable representation.
- export interface IDiffEditorViewState {
- original: ICodeEditorViewState | null;
- modified: ICodeEditorViewState | null;
- }
+ toString(): string
- * An editor view state.
+ * Test if equals other selection.
- export type IEditorViewState = ICodeEditorViewState | IDiffEditorViewState;
- export enum ScrollType {
- Smooth = 0,
- Immediate = 1
- }
+ equalsSelection(other: ISelection): boolean
- * An editor.
+ * Test if the two selections are equal.
- export interface IEditor {
- /**
- * An event emitted when the editor has been disposed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidDispose(listener: () => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * Dispose the editor.
- */
- dispose(): void;
- /**
- * Get a unique id for this editor instance.
- */
- getId(): string;
- /**
- * Get the editor type. Please see `EditorType`.
- * This is to avoid an instanceof check
- */
- getEditorType(): string;
- /**
- * Update the editor's options after the editor has been created.
- */
- updateOptions(newOptions: IEditorOptions): void;
- /**
- * Instructs the editor to remeasure its container. This method should
- * be called when the container of the editor gets resized.
- *
- * If a dimension is passed in, the passed in value will be used.
- */
- layout(dimension?: IDimension): void;
- /**
- * Brings browser focus to the editor text
- */
- focus(): void;
- /**
- * Returns true if the text inside this editor is focused (i.e. cursor is blinking).
- */
- hasTextFocus(): boolean;
- /**
- * Returns all actions associated with this editor.
- */
- getSupportedActions(): IEditorAction[];
- /**
- * Saves current view state of the editor in a serializable object.
- */
- saveViewState(): IEditorViewState | null;
- /**
- * Restores the view state of the editor from a serializable object generated by `saveViewState`.
- */
- restoreViewState(state: IEditorViewState): void;
- /**
- * Given a position, returns a column number that takes tab-widths into account.
- */
- getVisibleColumnFromPosition(position: IPosition): number;
- /**
- * Returns the primary position of the cursor.
- */
- getPosition(): Position | null;
- /**
- * Set the primary position of the cursor. This will remove any secondary cursors.
- * @param position New primary cursor's position
- */
- setPosition(position: IPosition): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal a line.
- */
- revealLine(lineNumber: number, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal a line centered vertically.
- */
- revealLineInCenter(lineNumber: number, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal a line centered vertically only if it lies outside the viewport.
- */
- revealLineInCenterIfOutsideViewport(lineNumber: number, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal a line close to the top of the viewport,
- * optimized for viewing a code definition.
- */
- revealLineNearTop(lineNumber: number, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a position.
- */
- revealPosition(position: IPosition, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a position centered vertically.
- */
- revealPositionInCenter(position: IPosition, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a position centered vertically only if it lies outside the viewport.
- */
- revealPositionInCenterIfOutsideViewport(position: IPosition, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a position close to the top of the viewport,
- * optimized for viewing a code definition.
- */
- revealPositionNearTop(position: IPosition, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Returns the primary selection of the editor.
- */
- getSelection(): Selection | null;
- /**
- * Returns all the selections of the editor.
- */
- getSelections(): Selection[] | null;
- /**
- * Set the primary selection of the editor. This will remove any secondary cursors.
- * @param selection The new selection
- */
- setSelection(selection: IRange): void;
- /**
- * Set the primary selection of the editor. This will remove any secondary cursors.
- * @param selection The new selection
- */
- setSelection(selection: Range): void;
- /**
- * Set the primary selection of the editor. This will remove any secondary cursors.
- * @param selection The new selection
- */
- setSelection(selection: ISelection): void;
- /**
- * Set the primary selection of the editor. This will remove any secondary cursors.
- * @param selection The new selection
- */
- setSelection(selection: Selection): void;
- /**
- * Set the selections for all the cursors of the editor.
- * Cursors will be removed or added, as necessary.
- */
- setSelections(selections: readonly ISelection[]): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal lines.
- */
- revealLines(startLineNumber: number, endLineNumber: number, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal lines centered vertically.
- */
- revealLinesInCenter(lineNumber: number, endLineNumber: number, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal lines centered vertically only if it lies outside the viewport.
- */
- revealLinesInCenterIfOutsideViewport(lineNumber: number, endLineNumber: number, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal lines close to the top of the viewport,
- * optimized for viewing a code definition.
- */
- revealLinesNearTop(lineNumber: number, endLineNumber: number, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a range.
- */
- revealRange(range: IRange, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a range centered vertically.
- */
- revealRangeInCenter(range: IRange, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a range at the top of the viewport.
- */
- revealRangeAtTop(range: IRange, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a range centered vertically only if it lies outside the viewport.
- */
- revealRangeInCenterIfOutsideViewport(range: IRange, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a range close to the top of the viewport,
- * optimized for viewing a code definition.
- */
- revealRangeNearTop(range: IRange, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a range close to the top of the viewport,
- * optimized for viewing a code definition. Only if it lies outside the viewport.
- */
- revealRangeNearTopIfOutsideViewport(range: IRange, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Directly trigger a handler or an editor action.
- * @param source The source of the call.
- * @param handlerId The id of the handler or the id of a contribution.
- * @param payload Extra data to be sent to the handler.
- */
- trigger(source: string | null | undefined, handlerId: string, payload: any): void;
- /**
- * Gets the current model attached to this editor.
- */
- getModel(): IEditorModel | null;
- /**
- * Sets the current model attached to this editor.
- * If the previous model was created by the editor via the value key in the options
- * literal object, it will be destroyed. Otherwise, if the previous model was set
- * via setModel, or the model key in the options literal object, the previous model
- * will not be destroyed.
- * It is safe to call setModel(null) to simply detach the current model from the editor.
- */
- setModel(model: IEditorModel | null): void;
- }
+ static selectionsEqual(a: ISelection, b: ISelection): boolean
+ /**
+ * Get directions (LTR or RTL).
+ */
+ getDirection(): SelectionDirection
+ /**
+ * Create a new selection with a different `positionLineNumber` and `positionColumn`.
+ */
+ setEndPosition(endLineNumber: number, endColumn: number): Selection
+ /**
+ * Get the position at `positionLineNumber` and `positionColumn`.
+ */
+ getPosition(): Position
+ /**
+ * Get the position at the start of the selection.
+ */
+ getSelectionStart(): Position
+ /**
+ * Create a new selection with a different `selectionStartLineNumber` and `selectionStartColumn`.
+ */
+ setStartPosition(startLineNumber: number, startColumn: number): Selection
+ /**
+ * Create a `Selection` from one or two positions
+ */
+ static fromPositions(start: IPosition, end?: IPosition): Selection
+ /**
+ * Creates a `Selection` from a range, given a direction.
+ */
+ static fromRange(range: Range, direction: SelectionDirection): Selection
+ /**
+ * Create a `Selection` from an `ISelection`.
+ */
+ static liftSelection(sel: ISelection): Selection
+ /**
+ * `a` equals `b`.
+ */
+ static selectionsArrEqual(a: ISelection[], b: ISelection[]): boolean
+ /**
+ * Test if `obj` is an `ISelection`.
+ */
+ static isISelection(obj: any): obj is ISelection
+ /**
+ * Create with a direction.
+ */
+ static createWithDirection(
+ startLineNumber: number,
+ startColumn: number,
+ endLineNumber: number,
+ endColumn: number,
+ direction: SelectionDirection
+ ): Selection
+ }
+ /**
+ * The direction of a selection.
+ */
+ export enum SelectionDirection {
- * An editor contribution that gets created every time a new editor gets created and gets disposed when the editor gets disposed.
+ * The selection starts above where it ends.
- export interface IEditorContribution {
- /**
- * Dispose this contribution.
- */
- dispose(): void;
- /**
- * Store view state.
- */
- saveViewState?(): any;
- /**
- * Restore view state.
- */
- restoreViewState?(state: any): void;
- }
+ LTR = 0,
+ /**
+ * The selection starts below where it ends.
+ */
+ RTL = 1
+ }
+ export class Token {
+ readonly offset: number
+ readonly type: string
+ readonly language: string
+ _tokenBrand: void
+ constructor(offset: number, type: string, language: string)
+ toString(): string
+ }
+declare namespace monaco.editor {
+ export interface IDiffNavigator {
+ canNavigate(): boolean
+ next(): void
+ previous(): void
+ dispose(): void
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a new editor under `domElement`.
+ * `domElement` should be empty (not contain other dom nodes).
+ * The editor will read the size of `domElement`.
+ */
+ export function create(
+ domElement: HTMLElement,
+ options?: IStandaloneEditorConstructionOptions,
+ override?: IEditorOverrideServices
+ ): IStandaloneCodeEditor
+ /**
+ * Emitted when an editor is created.
+ * Creating a diff editor might cause this listener to be invoked with the two editors.
+ * @event
+ */
+ export function onDidCreateEditor(
+ listener: (codeEditor: ICodeEditor) => void
+ ): IDisposable
+ /**
+ * Emitted when an diff editor is created.
+ * @event
+ */
+ export function onDidCreateDiffEditor(
+ listener: (diffEditor: IDiffEditor) => void
+ ): IDisposable
+ /**
+ * Get all the created editors.
+ */
+ export function getEditors(): readonly ICodeEditor[]
+ /**
+ * Get all the created diff editors.
+ */
+ export function getDiffEditors(): readonly IDiffEditor[]
+ /**
+ * Create a new diff editor under `domElement`.
+ * `domElement` should be empty (not contain other dom nodes).
+ * The editor will read the size of `domElement`.
+ */
+ export function createDiffEditor(
+ domElement: HTMLElement,
+ options?: IStandaloneDiffEditorConstructionOptions,
+ override?: IEditorOverrideServices
+ ): IStandaloneDiffEditor
+ export interface IDiffNavigatorOptions {
+ readonly followsCaret?: boolean
+ readonly ignoreCharChanges?: boolean
+ readonly alwaysRevealFirst?: boolean
+ }
+ export function createDiffNavigator(
+ diffEditor: IStandaloneDiffEditor,
+ opts?: IDiffNavigatorOptions
+ ): IDiffNavigator
+ /**
+ * Description of a command contribution
+ */
+ export interface ICommandDescriptor {
+ /**
+ * An unique identifier of the contributed command.
+ */
+ id: string
+ /**
+ * Callback that will be executed when the command is triggered.
+ */
+ run: ICommandHandler
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a command.
+ */
+ export function addCommand(descriptor: ICommandDescriptor): IDisposable
+ /**
+ * Add an action to all editors.
+ */
+ export function addEditorAction(descriptor: IActionDescriptor): IDisposable
+ /**
+ * A keybinding rule.
+ */
+ export interface IKeybindingRule {
+ keybinding: number
+ command?: string | null
+ commandArgs?: any
+ when?: string | null
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a keybinding rule.
+ */
+ export function addKeybindingRule(rule: IKeybindingRule): IDisposable
+ /**
+ * Add keybinding rules.
+ */
+ export function addKeybindingRules(rules: IKeybindingRule[]): IDisposable
+ /**
+ * Create a new editor model.
+ * You can specify the language that should be set for this model or let the language be inferred from the `uri`.
+ */
+ export function createModel(
+ value: string,
+ language?: string,
+ uri?: Uri
+ ): ITextModel
+ /**
+ * Change the language for a model.
+ */
+ export function setModelLanguage(
+ model: ITextModel,
+ mimeTypeOrLanguageId: string
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Set the markers for a model.
+ */
+ export function setModelMarkers(
+ model: ITextModel,
+ owner: string,
+ markers: IMarkerData[]
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Remove all markers of an owner.
+ */
+ export function removeAllMarkers(owner: string): void
+ /**
+ * Get markers for owner and/or resource
+ *
+ * @returns list of markers
+ */
+ export function getModelMarkers(filter: {
+ owner?: string
+ resource?: Uri
+ take?: number
+ }): IMarker[]
+ /**
+ * Emitted when markers change for a model.
+ * @event
+ */
+ export function onDidChangeMarkers(
+ listener: (e: readonly Uri[]) => void
+ ): IDisposable
+ /**
+ * Get the model that has `uri` if it exists.
+ */
+ export function getModel(uri: Uri): ITextModel | null
+ /**
+ * Get all the created models.
+ */
+ export function getModels(): ITextModel[]
+ /**
+ * Emitted when a model is created.
+ * @event
+ */
+ export function onDidCreateModel(
+ listener: (model: ITextModel) => void
+ ): IDisposable
+ /**
+ * Emitted right before a model is disposed.
+ * @event
+ */
+ export function onWillDisposeModel(
+ listener: (model: ITextModel) => void
+ ): IDisposable
+ /**
+ * Emitted when a different language is set to a model.
+ * @event
+ */
+ export function onDidChangeModelLanguage(
+ listener: (e: {
+ readonly model: ITextModel
+ readonly oldLanguage: string
+ }) => void
+ ): IDisposable
+ /**
+ * Create a new web worker that has model syncing capabilities built in.
+ * Specify an AMD module to load that will `create` an object that will be proxied.
+ */
+ export function createWebWorker(
+ opts: IWebWorkerOptions
+ ): MonacoWebWorker
+ /**
+ * Colorize the contents of `domNode` using attribute `data-lang`.
+ */
+ export function colorizeElement(
+ domNode: HTMLElement,
+ options: IColorizerElementOptions
+ ): Promise
+ /**
+ * Colorize `text` using language `languageId`.
+ */
+ export function colorize(
+ text: string,
+ languageId: string,
+ options: IColorizerOptions
+ ): Promise
+ /**
+ * Colorize a line in a model.
+ */
+ export function colorizeModelLine(
+ model: ITextModel,
+ lineNumber: number,
+ tabSize?: number
+ ): string
+ /**
+ * Tokenize `text` using language `languageId`
+ */
+ export function tokenize(text: string, languageId: string): Token[][]
+ /**
+ * Define a new theme or update an existing theme.
+ */
+ export function defineTheme(
+ themeName: string,
+ themeData: IStandaloneThemeData
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Switches to a theme.
+ */
+ export function setTheme(themeName: string): void
+ /**
+ * Clears all cached font measurements and triggers re-measurement.
+ */
+ export function remeasureFonts(): void
+ /**
+ * Register a command.
+ */
+ export function registerCommand(
+ id: string,
+ handler: (accessor: any, ...args: any[]) => void
+ ): IDisposable
+ export interface ILinkOpener {
+ open(resource: Uri): boolean | Promise
+ }
+ /**
+ * Registers a handler that is called when a link is opened in any editor. The handler callback should return `true` if the link was handled and `false` otherwise.
+ * The handler that was registered last will be called first when a link is opened.
+ *
+ * Returns a disposable that can unregister the opener again.
+ */
+ export function registerLinkOpener(opener: ILinkOpener): IDisposable
+ /**
+ * Represents an object that can handle editor open operations (e.g. when "go to definition" is called
+ * with a resource other than the current model).
+ */
+ export interface ICodeEditorOpener {
+ /**
+ * Callback that is invoked when a resource other than the current model should be opened (e.g. when "go to definition" is called).
+ * The callback should return `true` if the request was handled and `false` otherwise.
+ * @param source The code editor instance that initiated the request.
+ * @param resource The Uri of the resource that should be opened.
+ * @param selectionOrPosition An optional position or selection inside the model corresponding to `resource` that can be used to set the cursor.
+ */
+ openCodeEditor(
+ source: ICodeEditor,
+ resource: Uri,
+ selectionOrPosition?: IRange | IPosition
+ ): boolean | Promise
+ }
+ /**
+ * Registers a handler that is called when a resource other than the current model should be opened in the editor (e.g. "go to definition").
+ * The handler callback should return `true` if the request was handled and `false` otherwise.
+ *
+ * Returns a disposable that can unregister the opener again.
+ *
+ * If no handler is registered the default behavior is to do nothing for models other than the currently attached one.
+ */
+ export function registerEditorOpener(opener: ICodeEditorOpener): IDisposable
+ export type BuiltinTheme = 'vs' | 'vs-dark' | 'hc-black' | 'hc-light'
+ export interface IStandaloneThemeData {
+ base: BuiltinTheme
+ inherit: boolean
+ rules: ITokenThemeRule[]
+ encodedTokensColors?: string[]
+ colors: IColors
+ }
+ export type IColors = {
+ [colorId: string]: string
+ }
+ export interface ITokenThemeRule {
+ token: string
+ foreground?: string
+ background?: string
+ fontStyle?: string
+ }
+ /**
+ * A web worker that can provide a proxy to an arbitrary file.
+ */
+ export interface MonacoWebWorker {
+ /**
+ * Terminate the web worker, thus invalidating the returned proxy.
+ */
+ dispose(): void
+ /**
+ * Get a proxy to the arbitrary loaded code.
+ */
+ getProxy(): Promise
- * The type of the `IEditor`.
+ * Synchronize (send) the models at `resources` to the web worker,
+ * making them available in the monaco.worker.getMirrorModels().
- export const EditorType: {
- ICodeEditor: string;
- IDiffEditor: string;
- };
+ withSyncedResources(resources: Uri[]): Promise
+ }
+ export interface IWebWorkerOptions {
- * An event describing that the current mode associated with a model has changed.
+ * The AMD moduleId to load.
+ * It should export a function `create` that should return the exported proxy.
- export interface IModelLanguageChangedEvent {
- /**
- * Previous language
- */
- readonly oldLanguage: string;
- /**
- * New language
- */
- readonly newLanguage: string;
- }
+ moduleId: string
+ /**
+ * The data to send over when calling create on the module.
+ */
+ createData?: any
+ /**
+ * A label to be used to identify the web worker for debugging purposes.
+ */
+ label?: string
+ /**
+ * An object that can be used by the web worker to make calls back to the main thread.
+ */
+ host?: any
+ /**
+ * Keep idle models.
+ * Defaults to false, which means that idle models will stop syncing after a while.
+ */
+ keepIdleModels?: boolean
+ }
+ /**
+ * Description of an action contribution
+ */
+ export interface IActionDescriptor {
- * An event describing that the language configuration associated with a model has changed.
+ * An unique identifier of the contributed action.
- export interface IModelLanguageConfigurationChangedEvent {
- }
+ id: string
+ /**
+ * A label of the action that will be presented to the user.
+ */
+ label: string
+ /**
+ * Precondition rule.
+ */
+ precondition?: string
+ /**
+ * An array of keybindings for the action.
+ */
+ keybindings?: number[]
+ /**
+ * The keybinding rule (condition on top of precondition).
+ */
+ keybindingContext?: string
+ /**
+ * Control if the action should show up in the context menu and where.
+ * The context menu of the editor has these default:
+ * navigation - The navigation group comes first in all cases.
+ * 1_modification - This group comes next and contains commands that modify your code.
+ * 9_cutcopypaste - The last default group with the basic editing commands.
+ * You can also create your own group.
+ * Defaults to null (don't show in context menu).
+ */
+ contextMenuGroupId?: string
+ /**
+ * Control the order in the context menu group.
+ */
+ contextMenuOrder?: number
+ /**
+ * Method that will be executed when the action is triggered.
+ * @param editor The editor instance is passed in as a convenience
+ */
+ run(editor: ICodeEditor, ...args: any[]): void | Promise
+ }
- export interface IModelContentChange {
- /**
- * The range that got replaced.
- */
- readonly range: IRange;
- /**
- * The offset of the range that got replaced.
- */
- readonly rangeOffset: number;
- /**
- * The length of the range that got replaced.
- */
- readonly rangeLength: number;
- /**
- * The new text for the range.
- */
- readonly text: string;
- }
+ /**
+ * Options which apply for all editors.
+ */
+ export interface IGlobalEditorOptions {
+ /**
+ * The number of spaces a tab is equal to.
+ * This setting is overridden based on the file contents when `detectIndentation` is on.
+ * Defaults to 4.
+ */
+ 'tabSize'?: number
+ /**
+ * Insert spaces when pressing `Tab`.
+ * This setting is overridden based on the file contents when `detectIndentation` is on.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ 'insertSpaces'?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Controls whether `tabSize` and `insertSpaces` will be automatically detected when a file is opened based on the file contents.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ 'detectIndentation'?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Remove trailing auto inserted whitespace.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ 'trimAutoWhitespace'?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Special handling for large files to disable certain memory intensive features.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ 'largeFileOptimizations'?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Controls whether completions should be computed based on words in the document.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ 'wordBasedSuggestions'?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Controls whether word based completions should be included from opened documents of the same language or any language.
+ */
+ 'wordBasedSuggestionsOnlySameLanguage'?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Controls whether the semanticHighlighting is shown for the languages that support it.
+ * true: semanticHighlighting is enabled for all themes
+ * false: semanticHighlighting is disabled for all themes
+ * 'configuredByTheme': semanticHighlighting is controlled by the current color theme's semanticHighlighting setting.
+ * Defaults to 'byTheme'.
+ */
+ 'semanticHighlighting.enabled'?: true | false | 'configuredByTheme'
+ /**
+ * Keep peek editors open even when double-clicking their content or when hitting `Escape`.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ 'stablePeek'?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Lines above this length will not be tokenized for performance reasons.
+ * Defaults to 20000.
+ */
+ 'maxTokenizationLineLength'?: number
+ /**
+ * Theme to be used for rendering.
+ * The current out-of-the-box available themes are: 'vs' (default), 'vs-dark', 'hc-black', 'hc-light'.
+ * You can create custom themes via `monaco.editor.defineTheme`.
+ * To switch a theme, use `monaco.editor.setTheme`.
+ * **NOTE**: The theme might be overwritten if the OS is in high contrast mode, unless `autoDetectHighContrast` is set to false.
+ */
+ 'theme'?: string
+ /**
+ * If enabled, will automatically change to high contrast theme if the OS is using a high contrast theme.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ 'autoDetectHighContrast'?: boolean
+ }
+ /**
+ * The options to create an editor.
+ */
+ export interface IStandaloneEditorConstructionOptions
+ extends IEditorConstructionOptions,
+ IGlobalEditorOptions {
- * An event describing a change in the text of a model.
+ * The initial model associated with this code editor.
- export interface IModelContentChangedEvent {
- readonly changes: IModelContentChange[];
- /**
- * The (new) end-of-line character.
- */
- readonly eol: string;
- /**
- * The new version id the model has transitioned to.
- */
- readonly versionId: number;
- /**
- * Flag that indicates that this event was generated while undoing.
- */
- readonly isUndoing: boolean;
- /**
- * Flag that indicates that this event was generated while redoing.
- */
- readonly isRedoing: boolean;
- /**
- * Flag that indicates that all decorations were lost with this edit.
- * The model has been reset to a new value.
- */
- readonly isFlush: boolean;
- }
+ model?: ITextModel | null
+ /**
+ * The initial value of the auto created model in the editor.
+ * To not automatically create a model, use `model: null`.
+ */
+ value?: string
+ /**
+ * The initial language of the auto created model in the editor.
+ * To not automatically create a model, use `model: null`.
+ */
+ language?: string
+ /**
+ * Initial theme to be used for rendering.
+ * The current out-of-the-box available themes are: 'vs' (default), 'vs-dark', 'hc-black', 'hc-light.
+ * You can create custom themes via `monaco.editor.defineTheme`.
+ * To switch a theme, use `monaco.editor.setTheme`.
+ * **NOTE**: The theme might be overwritten if the OS is in high contrast mode, unless `autoDetectHighContrast` is set to false.
+ */
+ theme?: string
+ /**
+ * If enabled, will automatically change to high contrast theme if the OS is using a high contrast theme.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ autoDetectHighContrast?: boolean
+ /**
+ * An URL to open when Ctrl+H (Windows and Linux) or Cmd+H (OSX) is pressed in
+ * the accessibility help dialog in the editor.
+ *
+ * Defaults to "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852450"
+ */
+ accessibilityHelpUrl?: string
+ /**
+ * Container element to use for ARIA messages.
+ * Defaults to document.body.
+ */
+ ariaContainerElement?: HTMLElement
+ }
+ /**
+ * The options to create a diff editor.
+ */
+ export interface IStandaloneDiffEditorConstructionOptions
+ extends IDiffEditorConstructionOptions {
+ /**
+ * Initial theme to be used for rendering.
+ * The current out-of-the-box available themes are: 'vs' (default), 'vs-dark', 'hc-black', 'hc-light.
+ * You can create custom themes via `monaco.editor.defineTheme`.
+ * To switch a theme, use `monaco.editor.setTheme`.
+ * **NOTE**: The theme might be overwritten if the OS is in high contrast mode, unless `autoDetectHighContrast` is set to false.
+ */
+ theme?: string
+ /**
+ * If enabled, will automatically change to high contrast theme if the OS is using a high contrast theme.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ autoDetectHighContrast?: boolean
+ }
+ export interface IStandaloneCodeEditor extends ICodeEditor {
+ updateOptions(newOptions: IEditorOptions & IGlobalEditorOptions): void
+ addCommand(
+ keybinding: number,
+ handler: ICommandHandler,
+ context?: string
+ ): string | null
+ createContextKey(
+ key: string,
+ defaultValue: T
+ ): IContextKey
+ addAction(descriptor: IActionDescriptor): IDisposable
+ }
+ export interface IStandaloneDiffEditor extends IDiffEditor {
+ addCommand(
+ keybinding: number,
+ handler: ICommandHandler,
+ context?: string
+ ): string | null
+ createContextKey(
+ key: string,
+ defaultValue: T
+ ): IContextKey
+ addAction(descriptor: IActionDescriptor): IDisposable
+ getOriginalEditor(): IStandaloneCodeEditor
+ getModifiedEditor(): IStandaloneCodeEditor
+ }
+ export interface ICommandHandler {
+ (...args: any[]): void
+ }
+ export interface IContextKey {
+ set(value: T): void
+ reset(): void
+ get(): T | undefined
+ }
+ export type ContextKeyValue =
+ | null
+ | undefined
+ | boolean
+ | number
+ | string
+ | Array
+ | Record
+ export interface IEditorOverrideServices {
+ [index: string]: any
+ }
+ export interface IMarker {
+ owner: string
+ resource: Uri
+ severity: MarkerSeverity
+ code?:
+ | string
+ | {
+ value: string
+ target: Uri
+ }
+ message: string
+ source?: string
+ startLineNumber: number
+ startColumn: number
+ endLineNumber: number
+ endColumn: number
+ modelVersionId?: number
+ relatedInformation?: IRelatedInformation[]
+ tags?: MarkerTag[]
+ }
+ /**
+ * A structure defining a problem/warning/etc.
+ */
+ export interface IMarkerData {
+ code?:
+ | string
+ | {
+ value: string
+ target: Uri
+ }
+ severity: MarkerSeverity
+ message: string
+ source?: string
+ startLineNumber: number
+ startColumn: number
+ endLineNumber: number
+ endColumn: number
+ modelVersionId?: number
+ relatedInformation?: IRelatedInformation[]
+ tags?: MarkerTag[]
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ export interface IRelatedInformation {
+ resource: Uri
+ message: string
+ startLineNumber: number
+ startColumn: number
+ endLineNumber: number
+ endColumn: number
+ }
+ export interface IColorizerOptions {
+ tabSize?: number
+ }
+ export interface IColorizerElementOptions extends IColorizerOptions {
+ theme?: string
+ mimeType?: string
+ }
+ export enum ScrollbarVisibility {
+ Auto = 1,
+ Hidden = 2,
+ Visible = 3
+ }
+ export interface ThemeColor {
+ id: string
+ }
+ /**
+ * A single edit operation, that acts as a simple replace.
+ * i.e. Replace text at `range` with `text` in model.
+ */
+ export interface ISingleEditOperation {
+ /**
+ * The range to replace. This can be empty to emulate a simple insert.
+ */
+ range: IRange
+ /**
+ * The text to replace with. This can be null to emulate a simple delete.
+ */
+ text: string | null
+ /**
+ * This indicates that this operation has "insert" semantics.
+ * i.e. forceMoveMarkers = true => if `range` is collapsed, all markers at the position will be moved.
+ */
+ forceMoveMarkers?: boolean
+ }
+ /**
+ * Word inside a model.
+ */
+ export interface IWordAtPosition {
+ /**
+ * The word.
+ */
+ readonly word: string
+ /**
+ * The column where the word starts.
+ */
+ readonly startColumn: number
+ /**
+ * The column where the word ends.
+ */
+ readonly endColumn: number
+ }
+ /**
+ * Vertical Lane in the overview ruler of the editor.
+ */
+ export enum OverviewRulerLane {
+ Left = 1,
+ Center = 2,
+ Right = 4,
+ Full = 7
+ }
+ /**
+ * Vertical Lane in the glyph margin of the editor.
+ */
+ export enum GlyphMarginLane {
+ Left = 1,
+ Right = 2
+ }
+ /**
+ * Position in the minimap to render the decoration.
+ */
+ export enum MinimapPosition {
+ Inline = 1,
+ Gutter = 2
+ }
+ export interface IDecorationOptions {
- * An event describing that model decorations have changed.
+ * CSS color to render.
+ * e.g.: rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5) or a color from the color registry
- export interface IModelDecorationsChangedEvent {
- readonly affectsMinimap: boolean;
- readonly affectsOverviewRuler: boolean;
- }
+ color: string | ThemeColor | undefined
+ /**
+ * CSS color to render.
+ * e.g.: rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5) or a color from the color registry
+ */
+ darkColor?: string | ThemeColor
+ }
- export interface IModelOptionsChangedEvent {
- readonly tabSize: boolean;
- readonly indentSize: boolean;
- readonly insertSpaces: boolean;
- readonly trimAutoWhitespace: boolean;
- }
+ export interface IModelDecorationGlyphMarginOptions {
+ /**
+ * The position in the glyph margin.
+ */
+ position: GlyphMarginLane
+ }
+ /**
+ * Options for rendering a model decoration in the overview ruler.
+ */
+ export interface IModelDecorationOverviewRulerOptions
+ extends IDecorationOptions {
- * Describes the reason the cursor has changed its position.
+ * The position in the overview ruler.
- export enum CursorChangeReason {
- /**
- * Unknown or not set.
- */
- NotSet = 0,
- /**
- * A `model.setValue()` was called.
- */
- ContentFlush = 1,
- /**
- * The `model` has been changed outside of this cursor and the cursor recovers its position from associated markers.
- */
- RecoverFromMarkers = 2,
- /**
- * There was an explicit user gesture.
- */
- Explicit = 3,
- /**
- * There was a Paste.
- */
- Paste = 4,
- /**
- * There was an Undo.
- */
- Undo = 5,
- /**
- * There was a Redo.
- */
- Redo = 6
- }
+ position: OverviewRulerLane
+ }
+ /**
+ * Options for rendering a model decoration in the minimap.
+ */
+ export interface IModelDecorationMinimapOptions extends IDecorationOptions {
- * An event describing that the cursor position has changed.
+ * The position in the minimap.
- export interface ICursorPositionChangedEvent {
- /**
- * Primary cursor's position.
- */
- readonly position: Position;
- /**
- * Secondary cursors' position.
- */
- readonly secondaryPositions: Position[];
- /**
- * Reason.
- */
- readonly reason: CursorChangeReason;
- /**
- * Source of the call that caused the event.
- */
- readonly source: string;
- }
+ position: MinimapPosition
+ }
+ /**
+ * Options for a model decoration.
+ */
+ export interface IModelDecorationOptions {
- * An event describing that the cursor selection has changed.
+ * Customize the growing behavior of the decoration when typing at the edges of the decoration.
+ * Defaults to TrackedRangeStickiness.AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges
- export interface ICursorSelectionChangedEvent {
- /**
- * The primary selection.
- */
- readonly selection: Selection;
- /**
- * The secondary selections.
- */
- readonly secondarySelections: Selection[];
- /**
- * The model version id.
- */
- readonly modelVersionId: number;
- /**
- * The old selections.
- */
- readonly oldSelections: Selection[] | null;
- /**
- * The model version id the that `oldSelections` refer to.
- */
- readonly oldModelVersionId: number;
- /**
- * Source of the call that caused the event.
- */
- readonly source: string;
- /**
- * Reason.
- */
- readonly reason: CursorChangeReason;
- }
+ stickiness?: TrackedRangeStickiness
+ /**
+ * CSS class name describing the decoration.
+ */
+ className?: string | null
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether the decoration should span across the entire line when it continues onto the next line.
+ */
+ shouldFillLineOnLineBreak?: boolean | null
+ blockClassName?: string | null
+ /**
+ * Indicates if this block should be rendered after the last line.
+ * In this case, the range must be empty and set to the last line.
+ */
+ blockIsAfterEnd?: boolean | null
+ blockDoesNotCollapse?: boolean | null
+ blockPadding?:
+ | [top: number, right: number, bottom: number, left: number]
+ | null
+ /**
+ * Message to be rendered when hovering over the glyph margin decoration.
+ */
+ glyphMarginHoverMessage?: IMarkdownString | IMarkdownString[] | null
+ /**
+ * Array of MarkdownString to render as the decoration message.
+ */
+ hoverMessage?: IMarkdownString | IMarkdownString[] | null
+ /**
+ * Should the decoration expand to encompass a whole line.
+ */
+ isWholeLine?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Always render the decoration (even when the range it encompasses is collapsed).
+ */
+ showIfCollapsed?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Specifies the stack order of a decoration.
+ * A decoration with greater stack order is always in front of a decoration with
+ * a lower stack order when the decorations are on the same line.
+ */
+ zIndex?: number
+ /**
+ * If set, render this decoration in the overview ruler.
+ */
+ overviewRuler?: IModelDecorationOverviewRulerOptions | null
+ /**
+ * If set, render this decoration in the minimap.
+ */
+ minimap?: IModelDecorationMinimapOptions | null
+ /**
+ * If set, the decoration will be rendered in the glyph margin with this CSS class name.
+ */
+ glyphMarginClassName?: string | null
+ /**
+ * If set and the decoration has {@link glyphMarginClassName} set, render this decoration
+ * with the specified {@link IModelDecorationGlyphMarginOptions} in the glyph margin.
+ */
+ glyphMargin?: IModelDecorationGlyphMarginOptions | null
+ /**
+ * If set, the decoration will be rendered in the lines decorations with this CSS class name.
+ */
+ linesDecorationsClassName?: string | null
+ /**
+ * If set, the decoration will be rendered in the lines decorations with this CSS class name, but only for the first line in case of line wrapping.
+ */
+ firstLineDecorationClassName?: string | null
+ /**
+ * If set, the decoration will be rendered in the margin (covering its full width) with this CSS class name.
+ */
+ marginClassName?: string | null
+ /**
+ * If set, the decoration will be rendered inline with the text with this CSS class name.
+ * Please use this only for CSS rules that must impact the text. For example, use `className`
+ * to have a background color decoration.
+ */
+ inlineClassName?: string | null
+ /**
+ * If there is an `inlineClassName` which affects letter spacing.
+ */
+ inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing?: boolean
+ /**
+ * If set, the decoration will be rendered before the text with this CSS class name.
+ */
+ beforeContentClassName?: string | null
+ /**
+ * If set, the decoration will be rendered after the text with this CSS class name.
+ */
+ afterContentClassName?: string | null
+ /**
+ * If set, text will be injected in the view after the range.
+ */
+ after?: InjectedTextOptions | null
+ /**
+ * If set, text will be injected in the view before the range.
+ */
+ before?: InjectedTextOptions | null
+ }
- export enum AccessibilitySupport {
- /**
- * This should be the browser case where it is not known if a screen reader is attached or no.
- */
- Unknown = 0,
- Disabled = 1,
- Enabled = 2
- }
+ /**
+ * Configures text that is injected into the view without changing the underlying document.
+ */
+ export interface InjectedTextOptions {
+ /**
+ * Sets the text to inject. Must be a single line.
+ */
+ readonly content: string
+ /**
+ * If set, the decoration will be rendered inline with the text with this CSS class name.
+ */
+ readonly inlineClassName?: string | null
+ /**
+ * If there is an `inlineClassName` which affects letter spacing.
+ */
+ readonly inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing?: boolean
+ /**
+ * This field allows to attach data to this injected text.
+ * The data can be read when injected texts at a given position are queried.
+ */
+ readonly attachedData?: unknown
+ /**
+ * Configures cursor stops around injected text.
+ * Defaults to {@link InjectedTextCursorStops.Both}.
+ */
+ readonly cursorStops?: InjectedTextCursorStops | null
+ }
+ export enum InjectedTextCursorStops {
+ Both = 0,
+ Right = 1,
+ Left = 2,
+ None = 3
+ }
+ /**
+ * New model decorations.
+ */
+ export interface IModelDeltaDecoration {
- * Configuration options for auto closing quotes and brackets
+ * Range that this decoration covers.
- export type EditorAutoClosingStrategy = 'always' | 'languageDefined' | 'beforeWhitespace' | 'never';
+ range: IRange
+ /**
+ * Options associated with this decoration.
+ */
+ options: IModelDecorationOptions
+ }
+ /**
+ * A decoration in the model.
+ */
+ export interface IModelDecoration {
+ /**
+ * Identifier for a decoration.
+ */
+ readonly id: string
- * Configuration options for auto wrapping quotes and brackets
+ * Identifier for a decoration's owner.
- export type EditorAutoSurroundStrategy = 'languageDefined' | 'quotes' | 'brackets' | 'never';
+ readonly ownerId: number
+ /**
+ * Range that this decoration covers.
+ */
+ readonly range: Range
+ /**
+ * Options associated with this decoration.
+ */
+ readonly options: IModelDecorationOptions
+ }
+ /**
+ * End of line character preference.
+ */
+ export enum EndOfLinePreference {
+ /**
+ * Use the end of line character identified in the text buffer.
+ */
+ TextDefined = 0,
+ /**
+ * Use line feed (\n) as the end of line character.
+ */
+ LF = 1,
- * Configuration options for typing over closing quotes or brackets
+ * Use carriage return and line feed (\r\n) as the end of line character.
- export type EditorAutoClosingEditStrategy = 'always' | 'auto' | 'never';
+ CRLF = 2
+ }
+ /**
+ * The default end of line to use when instantiating models.
+ */
+ export enum DefaultEndOfLine {
- * Configuration options for auto indentation in the editor
+ * Use line feed (\n) as the end of line character.
- export enum EditorAutoIndentStrategy {
- None = 0,
- Keep = 1,
- Brackets = 2,
- Advanced = 3,
- Full = 4
- }
+ LF = 1,
+ /**
+ * Use carriage return and line feed (\r\n) as the end of line character.
+ */
+ CRLF = 2
+ }
+ /**
+ * End of line character preference.
+ */
+ export enum EndOfLineSequence {
- * Configuration options for the editor.
+ * Use line feed (\n) as the end of line character.
- export interface IEditorOptions {
- /**
- * This editor is used inside a diff editor.
- */
- inDiffEditor?: boolean;
- /**
- * The aria label for the editor's textarea (when it is focused).
- */
- ariaLabel?: string;
- /**
- * The `tabindex` property of the editor's textarea
- */
- tabIndex?: number;
- /**
- * Render vertical lines at the specified columns.
- * Defaults to empty array.
- */
- rulers?: (number | IRulerOption)[];
- /**
- * A string containing the word separators used when doing word navigation.
- * Defaults to `~!@#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:\'",.<>/?
- */
- wordSeparators?: string;
- /**
- * Enable Linux primary clipboard.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- selectionClipboard?: boolean;
- /**
- * Control the rendering of line numbers.
- * If it is a function, it will be invoked when rendering a line number and the return value will be rendered.
- * Otherwise, if it is a truey, line numbers will be rendered normally (equivalent of using an identity function).
- * Otherwise, line numbers will not be rendered.
- * Defaults to `on`.
- */
- lineNumbers?: LineNumbersType;
- /**
- * Controls the minimal number of visible leading and trailing lines surrounding the cursor.
- * Defaults to 0.
- */
- cursorSurroundingLines?: number;
- /**
- * Controls when `cursorSurroundingLines` should be enforced
- * Defaults to `default`, `cursorSurroundingLines` is not enforced when cursor position is changed
- * by mouse.
- */
- cursorSurroundingLinesStyle?: 'default' | 'all';
- /**
- * Render last line number when the file ends with a newline.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- renderFinalNewline?: boolean;
- /**
- * Remove unusual line terminators like LINE SEPARATOR (LS), PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR (PS).
- * Defaults to 'prompt'.
- */
- unusualLineTerminators?: 'auto' | 'off' | 'prompt';
- /**
- * Should the corresponding line be selected when clicking on the line number?
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- selectOnLineNumbers?: boolean;
- /**
- * Control the width of line numbers, by reserving horizontal space for rendering at least an amount of digits.
- * Defaults to 5.
- */
- lineNumbersMinChars?: number;
- /**
- * Enable the rendering of the glyph margin.
- * Defaults to true in vscode and to false in monaco-editor.
- */
- glyphMargin?: boolean;
- /**
- * The width reserved for line decorations (in px).
- * Line decorations are placed between line numbers and the editor content.
- * You can pass in a string in the format floating point followed by "ch". e.g. 1.3ch.
- * Defaults to 10.
- */
- lineDecorationsWidth?: number | string;
- /**
- * When revealing the cursor, a virtual padding (px) is added to the cursor, turning it into a rectangle.
- * This virtual padding ensures that the cursor gets revealed before hitting the edge of the viewport.
- * Defaults to 30 (px).
- */
- revealHorizontalRightPadding?: number;
- /**
- * Render the editor selection with rounded borders.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- roundedSelection?: boolean;
- /**
- * Class name to be added to the editor.
- */
- extraEditorClassName?: string;
- /**
- * Should the editor be read only. See also `domReadOnly`.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- readOnly?: boolean;
- /**
- * Should the textarea used for input use the DOM `readonly` attribute.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- domReadOnly?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable linked editing.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- linkedEditing?: boolean;
- /**
- * deprecated, use linkedEditing instead
- */
- renameOnType?: boolean;
- /**
- * Should the editor render validation decorations.
- * Defaults to editable.
- */
- renderValidationDecorations?: 'editable' | 'on' | 'off';
- /**
- * Control the behavior and rendering of the scrollbars.
- */
- scrollbar?: IEditorScrollbarOptions;
- /**
- * Control the behavior and rendering of the minimap.
- */
- minimap?: IEditorMinimapOptions;
- /**
- * Control the behavior of the find widget.
- */
- find?: IEditorFindOptions;
- /**
- * Display overflow widgets as `fixed`.
- * Defaults to `false`.
- */
- fixedOverflowWidgets?: boolean;
- /**
- * The number of vertical lanes the overview ruler should render.
- * Defaults to 3.
- */
- overviewRulerLanes?: number;
- /**
- * Controls if a border should be drawn around the overview ruler.
- * Defaults to `true`.
- */
- overviewRulerBorder?: boolean;
- /**
- * Control the cursor animation style, possible values are 'blink', 'smooth', 'phase', 'expand' and 'solid'.
- * Defaults to 'blink'.
- */
- cursorBlinking?: 'blink' | 'smooth' | 'phase' | 'expand' | 'solid';
- /**
- * Zoom the font in the editor when using the mouse wheel in combination with holding Ctrl.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- mouseWheelZoom?: boolean;
- /**
- * Control the mouse pointer style, either 'text' or 'default' or 'copy'
- * Defaults to 'text'
- */
- mouseStyle?: 'text' | 'default' | 'copy';
- /**
- * Enable smooth caret animation.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- cursorSmoothCaretAnimation?: boolean;
- /**
- * Control the cursor style, either 'block' or 'line'.
- * Defaults to 'line'.
- */
- cursorStyle?: 'line' | 'block' | 'underline' | 'line-thin' | 'block-outline' | 'underline-thin';
- /**
- * Control the width of the cursor when cursorStyle is set to 'line'
- */
- cursorWidth?: number;
- /**
- * Enable font ligatures.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- fontLigatures?: boolean | string;
- /**
- * Disable the use of `transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)` for the editor margin and lines layers.
- * The usage of `transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)` acts as a hint for browsers to create an extra layer.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- disableLayerHinting?: boolean;
- /**
- * Disable the optimizations for monospace fonts.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- disableMonospaceOptimizations?: boolean;
- /**
- * Should the cursor be hidden in the overview ruler.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- hideCursorInOverviewRuler?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable that scrolling can go one screen size after the last line.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- scrollBeyondLastLine?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable that scrolling can go beyond the last column by a number of columns.
- * Defaults to 5.
- */
- scrollBeyondLastColumn?: number;
- /**
- * Enable that the editor animates scrolling to a position.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- smoothScrolling?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable that the editor will install an interval to check if its container dom node size has changed.
- * Enabling this might have a severe performance impact.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- automaticLayout?: boolean;
- /**
- * Control the wrapping of the editor.
- * When `wordWrap` = "off", the lines will never wrap.
- * When `wordWrap` = "on", the lines will wrap at the viewport width.
- * When `wordWrap` = "wordWrapColumn", the lines will wrap at `wordWrapColumn`.
- * When `wordWrap` = "bounded", the lines will wrap at min(viewport width, wordWrapColumn).
- * Defaults to "off".
- */
- wordWrap?: 'off' | 'on' | 'wordWrapColumn' | 'bounded';
- /**
- * Override the `wordWrap` setting.
- */
- wordWrapOverride1?: 'off' | 'on' | 'inherit';
- /**
- * Override the `wordWrapOverride1` setting.
- */
- wordWrapOverride2?: 'off' | 'on' | 'inherit';
- /**
- * Control the wrapping of the editor.
- * When `wordWrap` = "off", the lines will never wrap.
- * When `wordWrap` = "on", the lines will wrap at the viewport width.
- * When `wordWrap` = "wordWrapColumn", the lines will wrap at `wordWrapColumn`.
- * When `wordWrap` = "bounded", the lines will wrap at min(viewport width, wordWrapColumn).
- * Defaults to 80.
- */
- wordWrapColumn?: number;
- /**
- * Control indentation of wrapped lines. Can be: 'none', 'same', 'indent' or 'deepIndent'.
- * Defaults to 'same' in vscode and to 'none' in monaco-editor.
- */
- wrappingIndent?: 'none' | 'same' | 'indent' | 'deepIndent';
- /**
- * Controls the wrapping strategy to use.
- * Defaults to 'simple'.
- */
- wrappingStrategy?: 'simple' | 'advanced';
- /**
- * Configure word wrapping characters. A break will be introduced before these characters.
- * Defaults to '([{‘“〈《「『【〔([{「£¥$£¥++'.
- */
- wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters?: string;
- /**
- * Configure word wrapping characters. A break will be introduced after these characters.
- * Defaults to ' \t})]?|/&.,;¢°′″‰℃、。。、¢,.:;?!%・・ゝゞヽヾーァィゥェォッャュョヮヵヶぁぃぅぇぉっゃゅょゎゕゖㇰㇱㇲㇳㇴㇵㇶㇷㇸㇹㇺㇻㇼㇽㇾㇿ々〻ァィゥェォャュョッー”〉》」』】〕)]}」'.
- */
- wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters?: string;
- /**
- * Performance guard: Stop rendering a line after x characters.
- * Defaults to 10000.
- * Use -1 to never stop rendering
- */
- stopRenderingLineAfter?: number;
- /**
- * Configure the editor's hover.
- */
- hover?: IEditorHoverOptions;
- /**
- * Enable detecting links and making them clickable.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- links?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable inline color decorators and color picker rendering.
- */
- colorDecorators?: boolean;
- /**
- * Control the behaviour of comments in the editor.
- */
- comments?: IEditorCommentsOptions;
- /**
- * Enable custom contextmenu.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- contextmenu?: boolean;
- /**
- * A multiplier to be used on the `deltaX` and `deltaY` of mouse wheel scroll events.
- * Defaults to 1.
- */
- mouseWheelScrollSensitivity?: number;
- /**
- * FastScrolling mulitplier speed when pressing `Alt`
- * Defaults to 5.
- */
- fastScrollSensitivity?: number;
- /**
- * Enable that the editor scrolls only the predominant axis. Prevents horizontal drift when scrolling vertically on a trackpad.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- scrollPredominantAxis?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable that the selection with the mouse and keys is doing column selection.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- columnSelection?: boolean;
- /**
- * The modifier to be used to add multiple cursors with the mouse.
- * Defaults to 'alt'
- */
- multiCursorModifier?: 'ctrlCmd' | 'alt';
- /**
- * Merge overlapping selections.
- * Defaults to true
- */
- multiCursorMergeOverlapping?: boolean;
- /**
- * Configure the behaviour when pasting a text with the line count equal to the cursor count.
- * Defaults to 'spread'.
- */
- multiCursorPaste?: 'spread' | 'full';
- /**
- * Configure the editor's accessibility support.
- * Defaults to 'auto'. It is best to leave this to 'auto'.
- */
- accessibilitySupport?: 'auto' | 'off' | 'on';
- /**
- * Controls the number of lines in the editor that can be read out by a screen reader
- */
- accessibilityPageSize?: number;
- /**
- * Suggest options.
- */
- suggest?: ISuggestOptions;
- inlineSuggest?: IInlineSuggestOptions;
- /**
- * Smart select options.
- */
- smartSelect?: ISmartSelectOptions;
- /**
- *
- */
- gotoLocation?: IGotoLocationOptions;
- /**
- * Enable quick suggestions (shadow suggestions)
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- quickSuggestions?: boolean | IQuickSuggestionsOptions;
- /**
- * Quick suggestions show delay (in ms)
- * Defaults to 10 (ms)
- */
- quickSuggestionsDelay?: number;
- /**
- * Controls the spacing around the editor.
- */
- padding?: IEditorPaddingOptions;
- /**
- * Parameter hint options.
- */
- parameterHints?: IEditorParameterHintOptions;
- /**
- * Options for auto closing brackets.
- * Defaults to language defined behavior.
- */
- autoClosingBrackets?: EditorAutoClosingStrategy;
- /**
- * Options for auto closing quotes.
- * Defaults to language defined behavior.
- */
- autoClosingQuotes?: EditorAutoClosingStrategy;
- /**
- * Options for pressing backspace near quotes or bracket pairs.
- */
- autoClosingDelete?: EditorAutoClosingEditStrategy;
- /**
- * Options for typing over closing quotes or brackets.
- */
- autoClosingOvertype?: EditorAutoClosingEditStrategy;
- /**
- * Options for auto surrounding.
- * Defaults to always allowing auto surrounding.
- */
- autoSurround?: EditorAutoSurroundStrategy;
- /**
- * Controls whether the editor should automatically adjust the indentation when users type, paste, move or indent lines.
- * Defaults to advanced.
- */
- autoIndent?: 'none' | 'keep' | 'brackets' | 'advanced' | 'full';
- /**
- * Emulate selection behaviour of tab characters when using spaces for indentation.
- * This means selection will stick to tab stops.
- */
- stickyTabStops?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable format on type.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- formatOnType?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable format on paste.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- formatOnPaste?: boolean;
- /**
- * Controls if the editor should allow to move selections via drag and drop.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- dragAndDrop?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable the suggestion box to pop-up on trigger characters.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- suggestOnTriggerCharacters?: boolean;
- /**
- * Accept suggestions on ENTER.
- * Defaults to 'on'.
- */
- acceptSuggestionOnEnter?: 'on' | 'smart' | 'off';
- /**
- * Accept suggestions on provider defined characters.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable snippet suggestions. Default to 'true'.
- */
- snippetSuggestions?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'inline' | 'none';
- /**
- * Copying without a selection copies the current line.
- */
- emptySelectionClipboard?: boolean;
- /**
- * Syntax highlighting is copied.
- */
- copyWithSyntaxHighlighting?: boolean;
- /**
- * The history mode for suggestions.
- */
- suggestSelection?: 'first' | 'recentlyUsed' | 'recentlyUsedByPrefix';
- /**
- * The font size for the suggest widget.
- * Defaults to the editor font size.
- */
- suggestFontSize?: number;
- /**
- * The line height for the suggest widget.
- * Defaults to the editor line height.
- */
- suggestLineHeight?: number;
- /**
- * Enable tab completion.
- */
- tabCompletion?: 'on' | 'off' | 'onlySnippets';
- /**
- * Enable selection highlight.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- selectionHighlight?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable semantic occurrences highlight.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- occurrencesHighlight?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show code lens
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- codeLens?: boolean;
- /**
- * Code lens font family. Defaults to editor font family.
- */
- codeLensFontFamily?: string;
- /**
- * Code lens font size. Default to 90% of the editor font size
- */
- codeLensFontSize?: number;
- /**
- * Control the behavior and rendering of the code action lightbulb.
- */
- lightbulb?: IEditorLightbulbOptions;
- /**
- * Timeout for running code actions on save.
- */
- codeActionsOnSaveTimeout?: number;
- /**
- * Enable code folding.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- folding?: boolean;
- /**
- * Selects the folding strategy. 'auto' uses the strategies contributed for the current document, 'indentation' uses the indentation based folding strategy.
- * Defaults to 'auto'.
- */
- foldingStrategy?: 'auto' | 'indentation';
- /**
- * Enable highlight for folded regions.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- foldingHighlight?: boolean;
- /**
- * Auto fold imports folding regions.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- foldingImportsByDefault?: boolean;
- /**
- * Controls whether the fold actions in the gutter stay always visible or hide unless the mouse is over the gutter.
- * Defaults to 'mouseover'.
- */
- showFoldingControls?: 'always' | 'mouseover';
- /**
- * Controls whether clicking on the empty content after a folded line will unfold the line.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable highlighting of matching brackets.
- * Defaults to 'always'.
- */
- matchBrackets?: 'never' | 'near' | 'always';
- /**
- * Enable rendering of whitespace.
- * Defaults to 'selection'.
- */
- renderWhitespace?: 'none' | 'boundary' | 'selection' | 'trailing' | 'all';
- /**
- * Enable rendering of control characters.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- renderControlCharacters?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable rendering of indent guides.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- renderIndentGuides?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable highlighting of the active indent guide.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- highlightActiveIndentGuide?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable rendering of current line highlight.
- * Defaults to all.
- */
- renderLineHighlight?: 'none' | 'gutter' | 'line' | 'all';
- /**
- * Control if the current line highlight should be rendered only the editor is focused.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus?: boolean;
- /**
- * Inserting and deleting whitespace follows tab stops.
- */
- useTabStops?: boolean;
- /**
- * The font family
- */
- fontFamily?: string;
- /**
- * The font weight
- */
- fontWeight?: string;
- /**
- * The font size
- */
- fontSize?: number;
- /**
- * The line height
- */
- lineHeight?: number;
- /**
- * The letter spacing
- */
- letterSpacing?: number;
- /**
- * Controls fading out of unused variables.
- */
- showUnused?: boolean;
- /**
- * Controls whether to focus the inline editor in the peek widget by default.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- peekWidgetDefaultFocus?: 'tree' | 'editor';
- /**
- * Controls whether the definition link opens element in the peek widget.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- definitionLinkOpensInPeek?: boolean;
- /**
- * Controls strikethrough deprecated variables.
- */
- showDeprecated?: boolean;
- /**
- * Control the behavior and rendering of the inline hints.
- */
- inlayHints?: IEditorInlayHintsOptions;
- /**
- * Control if the editor should use shadow DOM.
- */
- useShadowDOM?: boolean;
- }
+ LF = 0,
- * Configuration options for the diff editor.
+ * Use carriage return and line feed (\r\n) as the end of line character.
- export interface IDiffEditorOptions extends IEditorOptions {
- /**
- * Allow the user to resize the diff editor split view.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- enableSplitViewResizing?: boolean;
- /**
- * Render the differences in two side-by-side editors.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- renderSideBySide?: boolean;
- /**
- * Timeout in milliseconds after which diff computation is cancelled.
- * Defaults to 5000.
- */
- maxComputationTime?: number;
- /**
- * Compute the diff by ignoring leading/trailing whitespace
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- ignoreTrimWhitespace?: boolean;
- /**
- * Render +/- indicators for added/deleted changes.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- renderIndicators?: boolean;
- /**
- * Original model should be editable?
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- originalEditable?: boolean;
- /**
- * Should the diff editor enable code lens?
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- diffCodeLens?: boolean;
- /**
- * Is the diff editor inside another editor
- * Defaults to false
- */
- isInEmbeddedEditor?: boolean;
- /**
- * Is the diff editor should render overview ruler
- * Defaults to true
- */
- renderOverviewRuler?: boolean;
- /**
- * Control the wrapping of the diff editor.
- */
- diffWordWrap?: 'off' | 'on' | 'inherit';
- /**
- * Aria label for original editor.
- */
- originalAriaLabel?: string;
- /**
- * Aria label for modifed editor.
- */
- modifiedAriaLabel?: string;
- }
+ CRLF = 1
+ }
+ /**
+ * A single edit operation, that has an identifier.
+ */
+ export interface IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation
+ extends ISingleEditOperation {}
+ export interface IValidEditOperation {
- * An event describing that the configuration of the editor has changed.
+ * The range to replace. This can be empty to emulate a simple insert.
- export class ConfigurationChangedEvent {
- hasChanged(id: EditorOption): boolean;
- }
+ range: Range
- * All computed editor options.
+ * The text to replace with. This can be empty to emulate a simple delete.
- export interface IComputedEditorOptions {
- get(id: T): FindComputedEditorOptionValueById;
- }
- export interface IEditorOption {
- readonly id: K1;
- readonly name: string;
- defaultValue: V;
- }
+ text: string
+ }
+ /**
+ * A callback that can compute the cursor state after applying a series of edit operations.
+ */
+ export interface ICursorStateComputer {
- * Configuration options for editor comments
+ * A callback that can compute the resulting cursors state after some edit operations have been executed.
- export interface IEditorCommentsOptions {
- /**
- * Insert a space after the line comment token and inside the block comments tokens.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- insertSpace?: boolean;
- /**
- * Ignore empty lines when inserting line comments.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- ignoreEmptyLines?: boolean;
- }
+ (inverseEditOperations: IValidEditOperation[]): Selection[] | null
+ }
+ export class TextModelResolvedOptions {
+ _textModelResolvedOptionsBrand: void
+ readonly tabSize: number
+ readonly indentSize: number
+ readonly insertSpaces: boolean
+ readonly defaultEOL: DefaultEndOfLine
+ readonly trimAutoWhitespace: boolean
+ readonly bracketPairColorizationOptions: BracketPairColorizationOptions
+ get originalIndentSize(): number | 'tabSize'
+ }
+ export interface BracketPairColorizationOptions {
+ enabled: boolean
+ independentColorPoolPerBracketType: boolean
+ }
- export type EditorCommentsOptions = Readonly>;
+ export interface ITextModelUpdateOptions {
+ tabSize?: number
+ indentSize?: number | 'tabSize'
+ insertSpaces?: boolean
+ trimAutoWhitespace?: boolean
+ bracketColorizationOptions?: BracketPairColorizationOptions
+ }
+ export class FindMatch {
+ _findMatchBrand: void
+ readonly range: Range
+ readonly matches: string[] | null
+ }
+ /**
+ * Describes the behavior of decorations when typing/editing near their edges.
+ * Note: Please do not edit the values, as they very carefully match `DecorationRangeBehavior`
+ */
+ export enum TrackedRangeStickiness {
+ AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges = 0,
+ NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges = 1,
+ GrowsOnlyWhenTypingBefore = 2,
+ GrowsOnlyWhenTypingAfter = 3
+ }
+ /**
+ * Text snapshot that works like an iterator.
+ * Will try to return chunks of roughly ~64KB size.
+ * Will return null when finished.
+ */
+ export interface ITextSnapshot {
+ read(): string | null
+ }
+ /**
+ * A model.
+ */
+ export interface ITextModel {
- * The kind of animation in which the editor's cursor should be rendered.
+ * Gets the resource associated with this editor model.
- export enum TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle {
- /**
- * Hidden
- */
- Hidden = 0,
- /**
- * Blinking
- */
- Blink = 1,
- /**
- * Blinking with smooth fading
- */
- Smooth = 2,
- /**
- * Blinking with prolonged filled state and smooth fading
- */
- Phase = 3,
- /**
- * Expand collapse animation on the y axis
- */
- Expand = 4,
- /**
- * No-Blinking
- */
- Solid = 5
- }
+ readonly uri: Uri
- * The style in which the editor's cursor should be rendered.
+ * A unique identifier associated with this model.
- export enum TextEditorCursorStyle {
- /**
- * As a vertical line (sitting between two characters).
- */
- Line = 1,
- /**
- * As a block (sitting on top of a character).
- */
- Block = 2,
- /**
- * As a horizontal line (sitting under a character).
- */
- Underline = 3,
- /**
- * As a thin vertical line (sitting between two characters).
- */
- LineThin = 4,
- /**
- * As an outlined block (sitting on top of a character).
- */
- BlockOutline = 5,
- /**
- * As a thin horizontal line (sitting under a character).
- */
- UnderlineThin = 6
- }
+ readonly id: string
- * Configuration options for editor find widget
+ * Get the resolved options for this model.
- export interface IEditorFindOptions {
- /**
- * Controls whether the cursor should move to find matches while typing.
- */
- cursorMoveOnType?: boolean;
- /**
- * Controls if we seed search string in the Find Widget with editor selection.
- */
- seedSearchStringFromSelection?: 'never' | 'always' | 'selection';
- /**
- * Controls if Find in Selection flag is turned on in the editor.
- */
- autoFindInSelection?: 'never' | 'always' | 'multiline';
- addExtraSpaceOnTop?: boolean;
- /**
- * Controls whether the search automatically restarts from the beginning (or the end) when no further matches can be found
- */
- loop?: boolean;
- }
- export type EditorFindOptions = Readonly>;
- export type GoToLocationValues = 'peek' | 'gotoAndPeek' | 'goto';
+ getOptions(): TextModelResolvedOptions
- * Configuration options for go to location
+ * Get the current version id of the model.
+ * Anytime a change happens to the model (even undo/redo),
+ * the version id is incremented.
- export interface IGotoLocationOptions {
- multiple?: GoToLocationValues;
- multipleDefinitions?: GoToLocationValues;
- multipleTypeDefinitions?: GoToLocationValues;
- multipleDeclarations?: GoToLocationValues;
- multipleImplementations?: GoToLocationValues;
- multipleReferences?: GoToLocationValues;
- alternativeDefinitionCommand?: string;
- alternativeTypeDefinitionCommand?: string;
- alternativeDeclarationCommand?: string;
- alternativeImplementationCommand?: string;
- alternativeReferenceCommand?: string;
- }
- export type GoToLocationOptions = Readonly>;
+ getVersionId(): number
- * Configuration options for editor hover
+ * Get the alternative version id of the model.
+ * This alternative version id is not always incremented,
+ * it will return the same values in the case of undo-redo.
- export interface IEditorHoverOptions {
- /**
- * Enable the hover.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- enabled?: boolean;
- /**
- * Delay for showing the hover.
- * Defaults to 300.
- */
- delay?: number;
- /**
- * Is the hover sticky such that it can be clicked and its contents selected?
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- sticky?: boolean;
- }
- export type EditorHoverOptions = Readonly>;
+ getAlternativeVersionId(): number
- * A description for the overview ruler position.
+ * Replace the entire text buffer value contained in this model.
- export interface OverviewRulerPosition {
- /**
- * Width of the overview ruler
- */
- readonly width: number;
- /**
- * Height of the overview ruler
- */
- readonly height: number;
- /**
- * Top position for the overview ruler
- */
- readonly top: number;
- /**
- * Right position for the overview ruler
- */
- readonly right: number;
- }
- export enum RenderMinimap {
- None = 0,
- Text = 1,
- Blocks = 2
- }
+ setValue(newValue: string | ITextSnapshot): void
- * The internal layout details of the editor.
+ * Get the text stored in this model.
+ * @param eol The end of line character preference. Defaults to `EndOfLinePreference.TextDefined`.
+ * @param preserverBOM Preserve a BOM character if it was detected when the model was constructed.
+ * @return The text.
- export interface EditorLayoutInfo {
- /**
- * Full editor width.
- */
- readonly width: number;
- /**
- * Full editor height.
- */
- readonly height: number;
- /**
- * Left position for the glyph margin.
- */
- readonly glyphMarginLeft: number;
- /**
- * The width of the glyph margin.
- */
- readonly glyphMarginWidth: number;
- /**
- * Left position for the line numbers.
- */
- readonly lineNumbersLeft: number;
- /**
- * The width of the line numbers.
- */
- readonly lineNumbersWidth: number;
- /**
- * Left position for the line decorations.
- */
- readonly decorationsLeft: number;
- /**
- * The width of the line decorations.
- */
- readonly decorationsWidth: number;
- /**
- * Left position for the content (actual text)
- */
- readonly contentLeft: number;
- /**
- * The width of the content (actual text)
- */
- readonly contentWidth: number;
- /**
- * Layout information for the minimap
- */
- readonly minimap: EditorMinimapLayoutInfo;
- /**
- * The number of columns (of typical characters) fitting on a viewport line.
- */
- readonly viewportColumn: number;
- readonly isWordWrapMinified: boolean;
- readonly isViewportWrapping: boolean;
- readonly wrappingColumn: number;
- /**
- * The width of the vertical scrollbar.
- */
- readonly verticalScrollbarWidth: number;
- /**
- * The height of the horizontal scrollbar.
- */
- readonly horizontalScrollbarHeight: number;
- /**
- * The position of the overview ruler.
- */
- readonly overviewRuler: OverviewRulerPosition;
- }
+ getValue(eol?: EndOfLinePreference, preserveBOM?: boolean): string
- * The internal layout details of the editor.
- */
- export interface EditorMinimapLayoutInfo {
- readonly renderMinimap: RenderMinimap;
- readonly minimapLeft: number;
- readonly minimapWidth: number;
- readonly minimapHeightIsEditorHeight: boolean;
- readonly minimapIsSampling: boolean;
- readonly minimapScale: number;
- readonly minimapLineHeight: number;
- readonly minimapCanvasInnerWidth: number;
- readonly minimapCanvasInnerHeight: number;
- readonly minimapCanvasOuterWidth: number;
- readonly minimapCanvasOuterHeight: number;
- }
+ * Get the text stored in this model.
+ * @param preserverBOM Preserve a BOM character if it was detected when the model was constructed.
+ * @return The text snapshot (it is safe to consume it asynchronously).
+ */
+ createSnapshot(preserveBOM?: boolean): ITextSnapshot
- * Configuration options for editor lightbulb
+ * Get the length of the text stored in this model.
- export interface IEditorLightbulbOptions {
- /**
- * Enable the lightbulb code action.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- enabled?: boolean;
- }
- export type EditorLightbulbOptions = Readonly>;
+ getValueLength(eol?: EndOfLinePreference, preserveBOM?: boolean): number
- * Configuration options for editor inlayHints
+ * Get the text in a certain range.
+ * @param range The range describing what text to get.
+ * @param eol The end of line character preference. This will only be used for multiline ranges. Defaults to `EndOfLinePreference.TextDefined`.
+ * @return The text.
- export interface IEditorInlayHintsOptions {
- /**
- * Enable the inline hints.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- enabled?: boolean;
- /**
- * Font size of inline hints.
- * Default to 90% of the editor font size.
- */
- fontSize?: number;
- /**
- * Font family of inline hints.
- * Defaults to editor font family.
- */
- fontFamily?: string;
- }
- export type EditorInlayHintsOptions = Readonly>;
+ getValueInRange(range: IRange, eol?: EndOfLinePreference): string
- * Configuration options for editor minimap
+ * Get the length of text in a certain range.
+ * @param range The range describing what text length to get.
+ * @return The text length.
- export interface IEditorMinimapOptions {
- /**
- * Enable the rendering of the minimap.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- enabled?: boolean;
- /**
- * Control the side of the minimap in editor.
- * Defaults to 'right'.
- */
- side?: 'right' | 'left';
- /**
- * Control the minimap rendering mode.
- * Defaults to 'actual'.
- */
- size?: 'proportional' | 'fill' | 'fit';
- /**
- * Control the rendering of the minimap slider.
- * Defaults to 'mouseover'.
- */
- showSlider?: 'always' | 'mouseover';
- /**
- * Render the actual text on a line (as opposed to color blocks).
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- renderCharacters?: boolean;
- /**
- * Limit the width of the minimap to render at most a certain number of columns.
- * Defaults to 120.
- */
- maxColumn?: number;
- /**
- * Relative size of the font in the minimap. Defaults to 1.
- */
- scale?: number;
- }
- export type EditorMinimapOptions = Readonly>;
+ getValueLengthInRange(range: IRange, eol?: EndOfLinePreference): number
- * Configuration options for editor padding
+ * Get the character count of text in a certain range.
+ * @param range The range describing what text length to get.
- export interface IEditorPaddingOptions {
- /**
- * Spacing between top edge of editor and first line.
- */
- top?: number;
- /**
- * Spacing between bottom edge of editor and last line.
- */
- bottom?: number;
- }
- export interface InternalEditorPaddingOptions {
- readonly top: number;
- readonly bottom: number;
- }
+ getCharacterCountInRange(range: IRange, eol?: EndOfLinePreference): number
- * Configuration options for parameter hints
+ * Get the number of lines in the model.
- export interface IEditorParameterHintOptions {
- /**
- * Enable parameter hints.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- enabled?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable cycling of parameter hints.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- cycle?: boolean;
- }
- export type InternalParameterHintOptions = Readonly>;
+ getLineCount(): number
- * Configuration options for quick suggestions
+ * Get the text for a certain line.
- export interface IQuickSuggestionsOptions {
- other?: boolean;
- comments?: boolean;
- strings?: boolean;
- }
- export type ValidQuickSuggestionsOptions = boolean | Readonly>;
- export type LineNumbersType = 'on' | 'off' | 'relative' | 'interval' | ((lineNumber: number) => string);
- export enum RenderLineNumbersType {
- Off = 0,
- On = 1,
- Relative = 2,
- Interval = 3,
- Custom = 4
- }
- export interface InternalEditorRenderLineNumbersOptions {
- readonly renderType: RenderLineNumbersType;
- readonly renderFn: ((lineNumber: number) => string) | null;
- }
- export interface IRulerOption {
- readonly column: number;
- readonly color: string | null;
- }
+ getLineContent(lineNumber: number): string
- * Configuration options for editor scrollbars
+ * Get the text length for a certain line.
- export interface IEditorScrollbarOptions {
- /**
- * The size of arrows (if displayed).
- * Defaults to 11.
- * **NOTE**: This option cannot be updated using `updateOptions()`
- */
- arrowSize?: number;
- /**
- * Render vertical scrollbar.
- * Defaults to 'auto'.
- */
- vertical?: 'auto' | 'visible' | 'hidden';
- /**
- * Render horizontal scrollbar.
- * Defaults to 'auto'.
- */
- horizontal?: 'auto' | 'visible' | 'hidden';
- /**
- * Cast horizontal and vertical shadows when the content is scrolled.
- * Defaults to true.
- * **NOTE**: This option cannot be updated using `updateOptions()`
- */
- useShadows?: boolean;
- /**
- * Render arrows at the top and bottom of the vertical scrollbar.
- * Defaults to false.
- * **NOTE**: This option cannot be updated using `updateOptions()`
- */
- verticalHasArrows?: boolean;
- /**
- * Render arrows at the left and right of the horizontal scrollbar.
- * Defaults to false.
- * **NOTE**: This option cannot be updated using `updateOptions()`
- */
- horizontalHasArrows?: boolean;
- /**
- * Listen to mouse wheel events and react to them by scrolling.
- * Defaults to true.
- */
- handleMouseWheel?: boolean;
- /**
- * Always consume mouse wheel events (always call preventDefault() and stopPropagation() on the browser events).
- * Defaults to true.
- * **NOTE**: This option cannot be updated using `updateOptions()`
- */
- alwaysConsumeMouseWheel?: boolean;
- /**
- * Height in pixels for the horizontal scrollbar.
- * Defaults to 10 (px).
- */
- horizontalScrollbarSize?: number;
- /**
- * Width in pixels for the vertical scrollbar.
- * Defaults to 10 (px).
- */
- verticalScrollbarSize?: number;
- /**
- * Width in pixels for the vertical slider.
- * Defaults to `verticalScrollbarSize`.
- * **NOTE**: This option cannot be updated using `updateOptions()`
- */
- verticalSliderSize?: number;
- /**
- * Height in pixels for the horizontal slider.
- * Defaults to `horizontalScrollbarSize`.
- * **NOTE**: This option cannot be updated using `updateOptions()`
- */
- horizontalSliderSize?: number;
- /**
- * Scroll gutter clicks move by page vs jump to position.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- scrollByPage?: boolean;
- }
- export interface InternalEditorScrollbarOptions {
- readonly arrowSize: number;
- readonly vertical: ScrollbarVisibility;
- readonly horizontal: ScrollbarVisibility;
- readonly useShadows: boolean;
- readonly verticalHasArrows: boolean;
- readonly horizontalHasArrows: boolean;
- readonly handleMouseWheel: boolean;
- readonly alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: boolean;
- readonly horizontalScrollbarSize: number;
- readonly horizontalSliderSize: number;
- readonly verticalScrollbarSize: number;
- readonly verticalSliderSize: number;
- readonly scrollByPage: boolean;
- }
- export interface IInlineSuggestOptions {
- /**
- * Enable or disable the rendering of automatic inline completions.
- */
- enabled?: boolean;
- /**
- * Configures the mode.
- * Use `prefix` to only show ghost text if the text to replace is a prefix of the suggestion text.
- * Use `subword` to only show ghost text if the replace text is a subword of the suggestion text.
- * Use `subwordSmart` to only show ghost text if the replace text is a subword of the suggestion text, but the subword must start after the cursor position.
- * Defaults to `prefix`.
- */
- mode?: 'prefix' | 'subword' | 'subwordSmart';
- }
- export type InternalInlineSuggestOptions = Readonly>;
+ getLineLength(lineNumber: number): number
+ /**
+ * Get the text for all lines.
+ */
+ getLinesContent(): string[]
+ /**
+ * Get the end of line sequence predominantly used in the text buffer.
+ * @return EOL char sequence (e.g.: '\n' or '\r\n').
+ */
+ getEOL(): string
+ /**
+ * Get the end of line sequence predominantly used in the text buffer.
+ */
+ getEndOfLineSequence(): EndOfLineSequence
+ /**
+ * Get the minimum legal column for line at `lineNumber`
+ */
+ getLineMinColumn(lineNumber: number): number
+ /**
+ * Get the maximum legal column for line at `lineNumber`
+ */
+ getLineMaxColumn(lineNumber: number): number
+ /**
+ * Returns the column before the first non whitespace character for line at `lineNumber`.
+ * Returns 0 if line is empty or contains only whitespace.
+ */
+ getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(lineNumber: number): number
+ /**
+ * Returns the column after the last non whitespace character for line at `lineNumber`.
+ * Returns 0 if line is empty or contains only whitespace.
+ */
+ getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(lineNumber: number): number
+ /**
+ * Create a valid position.
+ */
+ validatePosition(position: IPosition): Position
+ /**
+ * Advances the given position by the given offset (negative offsets are also accepted)
+ * and returns it as a new valid position.
+ *
+ * If the offset and position are such that their combination goes beyond the beginning or
+ * end of the model, throws an exception.
+ *
+ * If the offset is such that the new position would be in the middle of a multi-byte
+ * line terminator, throws an exception.
+ */
+ modifyPosition(position: IPosition, offset: number): Position
+ /**
+ * Create a valid range.
+ */
+ validateRange(range: IRange): Range
+ /**
+ * Converts the position to a zero-based offset.
+ *
+ * The position will be [adjusted](#TextDocument.validatePosition).
+ *
+ * @param position A position.
+ * @return A valid zero-based offset.
+ */
+ getOffsetAt(position: IPosition): number
+ /**
+ * Converts a zero-based offset to a position.
+ *
+ * @param offset A zero-based offset.
+ * @return A valid [position](#Position).
+ */
+ getPositionAt(offset: number): Position
+ /**
+ * Get a range covering the entire model.
+ */
+ getFullModelRange(): Range
+ /**
+ * Returns if the model was disposed or not.
+ */
+ isDisposed(): boolean
+ /**
+ * Search the model.
+ * @param searchString The string used to search. If it is a regular expression, set `isRegex` to true.
+ * @param searchOnlyEditableRange Limit the searching to only search inside the editable range of the model.
+ * @param isRegex Used to indicate that `searchString` is a regular expression.
+ * @param matchCase Force the matching to match lower/upper case exactly.
+ * @param wordSeparators Force the matching to match entire words only. Pass null otherwise.
+ * @param captureMatches The result will contain the captured groups.
+ * @param limitResultCount Limit the number of results
+ * @return The ranges where the matches are. It is empty if not matches have been found.
+ */
+ findMatches(
+ searchString: string,
+ searchOnlyEditableRange: boolean,
+ isRegex: boolean,
+ matchCase: boolean,
+ wordSeparators: string | null,
+ captureMatches: boolean,
+ limitResultCount?: number
+ ): FindMatch[]
+ /**
+ * Search the model.
+ * @param searchString The string used to search. If it is a regular expression, set `isRegex` to true.
+ * @param searchScope Limit the searching to only search inside these ranges.
+ * @param isRegex Used to indicate that `searchString` is a regular expression.
+ * @param matchCase Force the matching to match lower/upper case exactly.
+ * @param wordSeparators Force the matching to match entire words only. Pass null otherwise.
+ * @param captureMatches The result will contain the captured groups.
+ * @param limitResultCount Limit the number of results
+ * @return The ranges where the matches are. It is empty if no matches have been found.
+ */
+ findMatches(
+ searchString: string,
+ searchScope: IRange | IRange[],
+ isRegex: boolean,
+ matchCase: boolean,
+ wordSeparators: string | null,
+ captureMatches: boolean,
+ limitResultCount?: number
+ ): FindMatch[]
+ /**
+ * Search the model for the next match. Loops to the beginning of the model if needed.
+ * @param searchString The string used to search. If it is a regular expression, set `isRegex` to true.
+ * @param searchStart Start the searching at the specified position.
+ * @param isRegex Used to indicate that `searchString` is a regular expression.
+ * @param matchCase Force the matching to match lower/upper case exactly.
+ * @param wordSeparators Force the matching to match entire words only. Pass null otherwise.
+ * @param captureMatches The result will contain the captured groups.
+ * @return The range where the next match is. It is null if no next match has been found.
+ */
+ findNextMatch(
+ searchString: string,
+ searchStart: IPosition,
+ isRegex: boolean,
+ matchCase: boolean,
+ wordSeparators: string | null,
+ captureMatches: boolean
+ ): FindMatch | null
+ /**
+ * Search the model for the previous match. Loops to the end of the model if needed.
+ * @param searchString The string used to search. If it is a regular expression, set `isRegex` to true.
+ * @param searchStart Start the searching at the specified position.
+ * @param isRegex Used to indicate that `searchString` is a regular expression.
+ * @param matchCase Force the matching to match lower/upper case exactly.
+ * @param wordSeparators Force the matching to match entire words only. Pass null otherwise.
+ * @param captureMatches The result will contain the captured groups.
+ * @return The range where the previous match is. It is null if no previous match has been found.
+ */
+ findPreviousMatch(
+ searchString: string,
+ searchStart: IPosition,
+ isRegex: boolean,
+ matchCase: boolean,
+ wordSeparators: string | null,
+ captureMatches: boolean
+ ): FindMatch | null
+ /**
+ * Get the language associated with this model.
+ */
+ getLanguageId(): string
+ /**
+ * Get the word under or besides `position`.
+ * @param position The position to look for a word.
+ * @return The word under or besides `position`. Might be null.
+ */
+ getWordAtPosition(position: IPosition): IWordAtPosition | null
+ /**
+ * Get the word under or besides `position` trimmed to `position`.column
+ * @param position The position to look for a word.
+ * @return The word under or besides `position`. Will never be null.
+ */
+ getWordUntilPosition(position: IPosition): IWordAtPosition
+ /**
+ * Perform a minimum amount of operations, in order to transform the decorations
+ * identified by `oldDecorations` to the decorations described by `newDecorations`
+ * and returns the new identifiers associated with the resulting decorations.
+ *
+ * @param oldDecorations Array containing previous decorations identifiers.
+ * @param newDecorations Array describing what decorations should result after the call.
+ * @param ownerId Identifies the editor id in which these decorations should appear. If no `ownerId` is provided, the decorations will appear in all editors that attach this model.
+ * @return An array containing the new decorations identifiers.
+ */
+ deltaDecorations(
+ oldDecorations: string[],
+ newDecorations: IModelDeltaDecoration[],
+ ownerId?: number
+ ): string[]
+ /**
+ * Get the options associated with a decoration.
+ * @param id The decoration id.
+ * @return The decoration options or null if the decoration was not found.
+ */
+ getDecorationOptions(id: string): IModelDecorationOptions | null
+ /**
+ * Get the range associated with a decoration.
+ * @param id The decoration id.
+ * @return The decoration range or null if the decoration was not found.
+ */
+ getDecorationRange(id: string): Range | null
+ /**
+ * Gets all the decorations for the line `lineNumber` as an array.
+ * @param lineNumber The line number
+ * @param ownerId If set, it will ignore decorations belonging to other owners.
+ * @param filterOutValidation If set, it will ignore decorations specific to validation (i.e. warnings, errors).
+ * @return An array with the decorations
+ */
+ getLineDecorations(
+ lineNumber: number,
+ ownerId?: number,
+ filterOutValidation?: boolean
+ ): IModelDecoration[]
+ /**
+ * Gets all the decorations for the lines between `startLineNumber` and `endLineNumber` as an array.
+ * @param startLineNumber The start line number
+ * @param endLineNumber The end line number
+ * @param ownerId If set, it will ignore decorations belonging to other owners.
+ * @param filterOutValidation If set, it will ignore decorations specific to validation (i.e. warnings, errors).
+ * @return An array with the decorations
+ */
+ getLinesDecorations(
+ startLineNumber: number,
+ endLineNumber: number,
+ ownerId?: number,
+ filterOutValidation?: boolean
+ ): IModelDecoration[]
+ /**
+ * Gets all the decorations in a range as an array. Only `startLineNumber` and `endLineNumber` from `range` are used for filtering.
+ * So for now it returns all the decorations on the same line as `range`.
+ * @param range The range to search in
+ * @param ownerId If set, it will ignore decorations belonging to other owners.
+ * @param filterOutValidation If set, it will ignore decorations specific to validation (i.e. warnings, errors).
+ * @param onlyMinimapDecorations If set, it will return only decorations that render in the minimap.
+ * @param onlyMarginDecorations If set, it will return only decorations that render in the glyph margin.
+ * @return An array with the decorations
+ */
+ getDecorationsInRange(
+ range: IRange,
+ ownerId?: number,
+ filterOutValidation?: boolean,
+ onlyMinimapDecorations?: boolean,
+ onlyMarginDecorations?: boolean
+ ): IModelDecoration[]
+ /**
+ * Gets all the decorations as an array.
+ * @param ownerId If set, it will ignore decorations belonging to other owners.
+ * @param filterOutValidation If set, it will ignore decorations specific to validation (i.e. warnings, errors).
+ */
+ getAllDecorations(
+ ownerId?: number,
+ filterOutValidation?: boolean
+ ): IModelDecoration[]
+ /**
+ * Gets all decorations that render in the glyph margin as an array.
+ * @param ownerId If set, it will ignore decorations belonging to other owners.
+ */
+ getAllMarginDecorations(ownerId?: number): IModelDecoration[]
+ /**
+ * Gets all the decorations that should be rendered in the overview ruler as an array.
+ * @param ownerId If set, it will ignore decorations belonging to other owners.
+ * @param filterOutValidation If set, it will ignore decorations specific to validation (i.e. warnings, errors).
+ */
+ getOverviewRulerDecorations(
+ ownerId?: number,
+ filterOutValidation?: boolean
+ ): IModelDecoration[]
+ /**
+ * Gets all the decorations that contain injected text.
+ * @param ownerId If set, it will ignore decorations belonging to other owners.
+ */
+ getInjectedTextDecorations(ownerId?: number): IModelDecoration[]
+ /**
+ * Normalize a string containing whitespace according to indentation rules (converts to spaces or to tabs).
+ */
+ normalizeIndentation(str: string): string
+ /**
+ * Change the options of this model.
+ */
+ updateOptions(newOpts: ITextModelUpdateOptions): void
+ /**
+ * Detect the indentation options for this model from its content.
+ */
+ detectIndentation(
+ defaultInsertSpaces: boolean,
+ defaultTabSize: number
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Close the current undo-redo element.
+ * This offers a way to create an undo/redo stop point.
+ */
+ pushStackElement(): void
+ /**
+ * Open the current undo-redo element.
+ * This offers a way to remove the current undo/redo stop point.
+ */
+ popStackElement(): void
+ /**
+ * Push edit operations, basically editing the model. This is the preferred way
+ * of editing the model. The edit operations will land on the undo stack.
+ * @param beforeCursorState The cursor state before the edit operations. This cursor state will be returned when `undo` or `redo` are invoked.
+ * @param editOperations The edit operations.
+ * @param cursorStateComputer A callback that can compute the resulting cursors state after the edit operations have been executed.
+ * @return The cursor state returned by the `cursorStateComputer`.
+ */
+ pushEditOperations(
+ beforeCursorState: Selection[] | null,
+ editOperations: IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[],
+ cursorStateComputer: ICursorStateComputer
+ ): Selection[] | null
+ /**
+ * Change the end of line sequence. This is the preferred way of
+ * changing the eol sequence. This will land on the undo stack.
+ */
+ pushEOL(eol: EndOfLineSequence): void
+ /**
+ * Edit the model without adding the edits to the undo stack.
+ * This can have dire consequences on the undo stack! See @pushEditOperations for the preferred way.
+ * @param operations The edit operations.
+ * @return If desired, the inverse edit operations, that, when applied, will bring the model back to the previous state.
+ */
+ applyEdits(operations: IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[]): void
+ applyEdits(
+ operations: IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[],
+ computeUndoEdits: false
+ ): void
+ applyEdits(
+ operations: IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[],
+ computeUndoEdits: true
+ ): IValidEditOperation[]
+ /**
+ * Change the end of line sequence without recording in the undo stack.
+ * This can have dire consequences on the undo stack! See @pushEOL for the preferred way.
+ */
+ setEOL(eol: EndOfLineSequence): void
+ /**
+ * An event emitted when the contents of the model have changed.
+ * @event
+ */
+ onDidChangeContent(
+ listener: (e: IModelContentChangedEvent) => void
+ ): IDisposable
+ /**
+ * An event emitted when decorations of the model have changed.
+ * @event
+ */
+ readonly onDidChangeDecorations: IEvent
+ /**
+ * An event emitted when the model options have changed.
+ * @event
+ */
+ readonly onDidChangeOptions: IEvent
+ /**
+ * An event emitted when the language associated with the model has changed.
+ * @event
+ */
+ readonly onDidChangeLanguage: IEvent
+ /**
+ * An event emitted when the language configuration associated with the model has changed.
+ * @event
+ */
+ readonly onDidChangeLanguageConfiguration: IEvent
+ /**
+ * An event emitted when the model has been attached to the first editor or detached from the last editor.
+ * @event
+ */
+ readonly onDidChangeAttached: IEvent
+ /**
+ * An event emitted right before disposing the model.
+ * @event
+ */
+ readonly onWillDispose: IEvent
+ /**
+ * Destroy this model.
+ */
+ dispose(): void
+ /**
+ * Returns if this model is attached to an editor or not.
+ */
+ isAttachedToEditor(): boolean
+ }
+ export enum PositionAffinity {
- * Configuration options for editor suggest widget
+ * Prefers the left most position.
- export interface ISuggestOptions {
- /**
- * Overwrite word ends on accept. Default to false.
- */
- insertMode?: 'insert' | 'replace';
- /**
- * Enable graceful matching. Defaults to true.
- */
- filterGraceful?: boolean;
- /**
- * Prevent quick suggestions when a snippet is active. Defaults to true.
- */
- snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions?: boolean;
- /**
- * Favors words that appear close to the cursor.
- */
- localityBonus?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable using global storage for remembering suggestions.
- */
- shareSuggestSelections?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable or disable icons in suggestions. Defaults to true.
- */
- showIcons?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable or disable the suggest status bar.
- */
- showStatusBar?: boolean;
- /**
- * Enable or disable the rendering of the suggestion preview.
- */
- preview?: boolean;
- /**
- * Configures the mode of the preview.
- */
- previewMode?: 'prefix' | 'subword' | 'subwordSmart';
- /**
- * Show details inline with the label. Defaults to true.
- */
- showInlineDetails?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show method-suggestions.
- */
- showMethods?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show function-suggestions.
- */
- showFunctions?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show constructor-suggestions.
- */
- showConstructors?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show deprecated-suggestions.
- */
- showDeprecated?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show field-suggestions.
- */
- showFields?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show variable-suggestions.
- */
- showVariables?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show class-suggestions.
- */
- showClasses?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show struct-suggestions.
- */
- showStructs?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show interface-suggestions.
- */
- showInterfaces?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show module-suggestions.
- */
- showModules?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show property-suggestions.
- */
- showProperties?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show event-suggestions.
- */
- showEvents?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show operator-suggestions.
- */
- showOperators?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show unit-suggestions.
- */
- showUnits?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show value-suggestions.
- */
- showValues?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show constant-suggestions.
- */
- showConstants?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show enum-suggestions.
- */
- showEnums?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show enumMember-suggestions.
- */
- showEnumMembers?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show keyword-suggestions.
- */
- showKeywords?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show text-suggestions.
- */
- showWords?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show color-suggestions.
- */
- showColors?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show file-suggestions.
- */
- showFiles?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show reference-suggestions.
- */
- showReferences?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show folder-suggestions.
- */
- showFolders?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show typeParameter-suggestions.
- */
- showTypeParameters?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show issue-suggestions.
- */
- showIssues?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show user-suggestions.
- */
- showUsers?: boolean;
- /**
- * Show snippet-suggestions.
- */
- showSnippets?: boolean;
- }
+ Left = 0,
+ /**
+ * Prefers the right most position.
+ */
+ Right = 1,
+ /**
+ * No preference.
+ */
+ None = 2,
+ /**
+ * If the given position is on injected text, prefers the position left of it.
+ */
+ LeftOfInjectedText = 3,
+ /**
+ * If the given position is on injected text, prefers the position right of it.
+ */
+ RightOfInjectedText = 4
+ }
- export type InternalSuggestOptions = Readonly>;
+ /**
+ * A change
+ */
+ export interface IChange {
+ readonly originalStartLineNumber: number
+ readonly originalEndLineNumber: number
+ readonly modifiedStartLineNumber: number
+ readonly modifiedEndLineNumber: number
+ }
- export interface ISmartSelectOptions {
- selectLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace?: boolean;
- }
+ /**
+ * A character level change.
+ */
+ export interface ICharChange extends IChange {
+ readonly originalStartColumn: number
+ readonly originalEndColumn: number
+ readonly modifiedStartColumn: number
+ readonly modifiedEndColumn: number
+ }
- export type SmartSelectOptions = Readonly>;
+ /**
+ * A line change
+ */
+ export interface ILineChange extends IChange {
+ readonly charChanges: ICharChange[] | undefined
+ }
+ /**
+ * A document diff provider computes the diff between two text models.
+ */
+ export interface IDocumentDiffProvider {
- * Describes how to indent wrapped lines.
+ * Computes the diff between the text models `original` and `modified`.
- export enum WrappingIndent {
- /**
- * No indentation => wrapped lines begin at column 1.
- */
- None = 0,
- /**
- * Same => wrapped lines get the same indentation as the parent.
- */
- Same = 1,
- /**
- * Indent => wrapped lines get +1 indentation toward the parent.
- */
- Indent = 2,
- /**
- * DeepIndent => wrapped lines get +2 indentation toward the parent.
- */
- DeepIndent = 3
- }
- export interface EditorWrappingInfo {
- readonly isDominatedByLongLines: boolean;
- readonly isWordWrapMinified: boolean;
- readonly isViewportWrapping: boolean;
- readonly wrappingColumn: number;
- }
- export enum EditorOption {
- acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter = 0,
- acceptSuggestionOnEnter = 1,
- accessibilitySupport = 2,
- accessibilityPageSize = 3,
- ariaLabel = 4,
- autoClosingBrackets = 5,
- autoClosingDelete = 6,
- autoClosingOvertype = 7,
- autoClosingQuotes = 8,
- autoIndent = 9,
- automaticLayout = 10,
- autoSurround = 11,
- codeLens = 12,
- codeLensFontFamily = 13,
- codeLensFontSize = 14,
- colorDecorators = 15,
- columnSelection = 16,
- comments = 17,
- contextmenu = 18,
- copyWithSyntaxHighlighting = 19,
- cursorBlinking = 20,
- cursorSmoothCaretAnimation = 21,
- cursorStyle = 22,
- cursorSurroundingLines = 23,
- cursorSurroundingLinesStyle = 24,
- cursorWidth = 25,
- disableLayerHinting = 26,
- disableMonospaceOptimizations = 27,
- domReadOnly = 28,
- dragAndDrop = 29,
- emptySelectionClipboard = 30,
- extraEditorClassName = 31,
- fastScrollSensitivity = 32,
- find = 33,
- fixedOverflowWidgets = 34,
- folding = 35,
- foldingStrategy = 36,
- foldingHighlight = 37,
- foldingImportsByDefault = 38,
- unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine = 39,
- fontFamily = 40,
- fontInfo = 41,
- fontLigatures = 42,
- fontSize = 43,
- fontWeight = 44,
- formatOnPaste = 45,
- formatOnType = 46,
- glyphMargin = 47,
- gotoLocation = 48,
- hideCursorInOverviewRuler = 49,
- highlightActiveIndentGuide = 50,
- hover = 51,
- inDiffEditor = 52,
- inlineSuggest = 53,
- letterSpacing = 54,
- lightbulb = 55,
- lineDecorationsWidth = 56,
- lineHeight = 57,
- lineNumbers = 58,
- lineNumbersMinChars = 59,
- linkedEditing = 60,
- links = 61,
- matchBrackets = 62,
- minimap = 63,
- mouseStyle = 64,
- mouseWheelScrollSensitivity = 65,
- mouseWheelZoom = 66,
- multiCursorMergeOverlapping = 67,
- multiCursorModifier = 68,
- multiCursorPaste = 69,
- occurrencesHighlight = 70,
- overviewRulerBorder = 71,
- overviewRulerLanes = 72,
- padding = 73,
- parameterHints = 74,
- peekWidgetDefaultFocus = 75,
- definitionLinkOpensInPeek = 76,
- quickSuggestions = 77,
- quickSuggestionsDelay = 78,
- readOnly = 79,
- renameOnType = 80,
- renderControlCharacters = 81,
- renderIndentGuides = 82,
- renderFinalNewline = 83,
- renderLineHighlight = 84,
- renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus = 85,
- renderValidationDecorations = 86,
- renderWhitespace = 87,
- revealHorizontalRightPadding = 88,
- roundedSelection = 89,
- rulers = 90,
- scrollbar = 91,
- scrollBeyondLastColumn = 92,
- scrollBeyondLastLine = 93,
- scrollPredominantAxis = 94,
- selectionClipboard = 95,
- selectionHighlight = 96,
- selectOnLineNumbers = 97,
- showFoldingControls = 98,
- showUnused = 99,
- snippetSuggestions = 100,
- smartSelect = 101,
- smoothScrolling = 102,
- stickyTabStops = 103,
- stopRenderingLineAfter = 104,
- suggest = 105,
- suggestFontSize = 106,
- suggestLineHeight = 107,
- suggestOnTriggerCharacters = 108,
- suggestSelection = 109,
- tabCompletion = 110,
- tabIndex = 111,
- unusualLineTerminators = 112,
- useShadowDOM = 113,
- useTabStops = 114,
- wordSeparators = 115,
- wordWrap = 116,
- wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters = 117,
- wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters = 118,
- wordWrapColumn = 119,
- wordWrapOverride1 = 120,
- wordWrapOverride2 = 121,
- wrappingIndent = 122,
- wrappingStrategy = 123,
- showDeprecated = 124,
- inlayHints = 125,
- editorClassName = 126,
- pixelRatio = 127,
- tabFocusMode = 128,
- layoutInfo = 129,
- wrappingInfo = 130
- }
- export const EditorOptions: {
- acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter: IEditorOption;
- acceptSuggestionOnEnter: IEditorOption;
- accessibilitySupport: IEditorOption;
- accessibilityPageSize: IEditorOption;
- ariaLabel: IEditorOption;
- autoClosingBrackets: IEditorOption;
- autoClosingDelete: IEditorOption;
- autoClosingOvertype: IEditorOption;
- autoClosingQuotes: IEditorOption;
- autoIndent: IEditorOption;
- automaticLayout: IEditorOption;
- autoSurround: IEditorOption;
- stickyTabStops: IEditorOption;
- codeLens: IEditorOption;
- codeLensFontFamily: IEditorOption;
- codeLensFontSize: IEditorOption;
- colorDecorators: IEditorOption;
- columnSelection: IEditorOption;
- comments: IEditorOption;
- contextmenu: IEditorOption;
- copyWithSyntaxHighlighting: IEditorOption;
- cursorBlinking: IEditorOption;
- cursorSmoothCaretAnimation: IEditorOption;
- cursorStyle: IEditorOption;
- cursorSurroundingLines: IEditorOption;
- cursorSurroundingLinesStyle: IEditorOption;
- cursorWidth: IEditorOption;
- disableLayerHinting: IEditorOption;
- disableMonospaceOptimizations: IEditorOption;
- domReadOnly: IEditorOption;
- dragAndDrop: IEditorOption;
- emptySelectionClipboard: IEditorOption;
- extraEditorClassName: IEditorOption;
- fastScrollSensitivity: IEditorOption;
- find: IEditorOption;
- fixedOverflowWidgets: IEditorOption;
- folding: IEditorOption;
- foldingStrategy: IEditorOption;
- foldingHighlight: IEditorOption;
- foldingImportsByDefault: IEditorOption;
- unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine: IEditorOption;
- fontFamily: IEditorOption;
- fontInfo: IEditorOption;
- fontLigatures2: IEditorOption;
- fontSize: IEditorOption;
- fontWeight: IEditorOption;
- formatOnPaste: IEditorOption;
- formatOnType: IEditorOption;
- glyphMargin: IEditorOption;
- gotoLocation: IEditorOption;
- hideCursorInOverviewRuler: IEditorOption;
- highlightActiveIndentGuide: IEditorOption;
- hover: IEditorOption;
- inDiffEditor: IEditorOption;
- letterSpacing: IEditorOption;
- lightbulb: IEditorOption;
- lineDecorationsWidth: IEditorOption;
- lineHeight: IEditorOption;
- lineNumbers: IEditorOption;
- lineNumbersMinChars: IEditorOption;
- linkedEditing: IEditorOption;
- links: IEditorOption;
- matchBrackets: IEditorOption;
- minimap: IEditorOption;
- mouseStyle: IEditorOption;
- mouseWheelScrollSensitivity: IEditorOption;
- mouseWheelZoom: IEditorOption;
- multiCursorMergeOverlapping: IEditorOption;
- multiCursorModifier: IEditorOption;
- multiCursorPaste: IEditorOption;
- occurrencesHighlight: IEditorOption;
- overviewRulerBorder: IEditorOption;
- overviewRulerLanes: IEditorOption;
- padding: IEditorOption;
- parameterHints: IEditorOption;
- peekWidgetDefaultFocus: IEditorOption;
- definitionLinkOpensInPeek: IEditorOption;
- quickSuggestions: IEditorOption;
- quickSuggestionsDelay: IEditorOption;
- readOnly: IEditorOption;
- renameOnType: IEditorOption;
- renderControlCharacters: IEditorOption;
- renderIndentGuides: IEditorOption;
- renderFinalNewline: IEditorOption;
- renderLineHighlight: IEditorOption;
- renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus: IEditorOption;
- renderValidationDecorations: IEditorOption;
- renderWhitespace: IEditorOption;
- revealHorizontalRightPadding: IEditorOption;
- roundedSelection: IEditorOption;
- rulers: IEditorOption;
- scrollbar: IEditorOption;
- scrollBeyondLastColumn: IEditorOption;
- scrollBeyondLastLine: IEditorOption;
- scrollPredominantAxis: IEditorOption;
- selectionClipboard: IEditorOption;
- selectionHighlight: IEditorOption;
- selectOnLineNumbers: IEditorOption;
- showFoldingControls: IEditorOption;
- showUnused: IEditorOption;
- showDeprecated: IEditorOption;
- inlayHints: IEditorOption;
- snippetSuggestions: IEditorOption;
- smartSelect: IEditorOption;
- smoothScrolling: IEditorOption;
- stopRenderingLineAfter: IEditorOption;
- suggest: IEditorOption;
- inlineSuggest: IEditorOption;
- suggestFontSize: IEditorOption;
- suggestLineHeight: IEditorOption;
- suggestOnTriggerCharacters: IEditorOption;
- suggestSelection: IEditorOption;
- tabCompletion: IEditorOption;
- tabIndex: IEditorOption;
- unusualLineTerminators: IEditorOption;
- useShadowDOM: IEditorOption;
- useTabStops: IEditorOption;
- wordSeparators: IEditorOption;
- wordWrap: IEditorOption;
- wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters: IEditorOption;
- wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters: IEditorOption;
- wordWrapColumn: IEditorOption;
- wordWrapOverride1: IEditorOption;
- wordWrapOverride2: IEditorOption;
- wrappingIndent: IEditorOption;
- wrappingStrategy: IEditorOption;
- editorClassName: IEditorOption;
- pixelRatio: IEditorOption;
- tabFocusMode: IEditorOption;
- layoutInfo: IEditorOption;
- wrappingInfo: IEditorOption;
- };
- type EditorOptionsType = typeof EditorOptions;
- type FindEditorOptionsKeyById = {
- [K in keyof EditorOptionsType]: EditorOptionsType[K]['id'] extends T ? K : never;
- }[keyof EditorOptionsType];
- type ComputedEditorOptionValue> = T extends IEditorOption ? R : never;
- export type FindComputedEditorOptionValueById = NonNullable]>>;
- /**
- * A view zone is a full horizontal rectangle that 'pushes' text down.
- * The editor reserves space for view zones when rendering.
- */
- export interface IViewZone {
- /**
- * The line number after which this zone should appear.
- * Use 0 to place a view zone before the first line number.
- */
- afterLineNumber: number;
- /**
- * The column after which this zone should appear.
- * If not set, the maxLineColumn of `afterLineNumber` will be used.
- */
- afterColumn?: number;
- /**
- * Suppress mouse down events.
- * If set, the editor will attach a mouse down listener to the view zone and .preventDefault on it.
- * Defaults to false
- */
- suppressMouseDown?: boolean;
- /**
- * The height in lines of the view zone.
- * If specified, `heightInPx` will be used instead of this.
- * If neither `heightInPx` nor `heightInLines` is specified, a default of `heightInLines` = 1 will be chosen.
- */
- heightInLines?: number;
- /**
- * The height in px of the view zone.
- * If this is set, the editor will give preference to it rather than `heightInLines` above.
- * If neither `heightInPx` nor `heightInLines` is specified, a default of `heightInLines` = 1 will be chosen.
- */
- heightInPx?: number;
- /**
- * The minimum width in px of the view zone.
- * If this is set, the editor will ensure that the scroll width is >= than this value.
- */
- minWidthInPx?: number;
- /**
- * The dom node of the view zone
- */
- domNode: HTMLElement;
- /**
- * An optional dom node for the view zone that will be placed in the margin area.
- */
- marginDomNode?: HTMLElement | null;
- /**
- * Callback which gives the relative top of the view zone as it appears (taking scrolling into account).
- */
- onDomNodeTop?: (top: number) => void;
- /**
- * Callback which gives the height in pixels of the view zone.
- */
- onComputedHeight?: (height: number) => void;
- }
+ computeDiff(
+ original: ITextModel,
+ modified: ITextModel,
+ options: IDocumentDiffProviderOptions
+ ): Promise
- * An accessor that allows for zones to be added or removed.
+ * Is fired when settings of the diff algorithm change that could alter the result of the diffing computation.
+ * Any user of this provider should recompute the diff when this event is fired.
- export interface IViewZoneChangeAccessor {
- /**
- * Create a new view zone.
- * @param zone Zone to create
- * @return A unique identifier to the view zone.
- */
- addZone(zone: IViewZone): string;
- /**
- * Remove a zone
- * @param id A unique identifier to the view zone, as returned by the `addZone` call.
- */
- removeZone(id: string): void;
- /**
- * Change a zone's position.
- * The editor will rescan the `afterLineNumber` and `afterColumn` properties of a view zone.
- */
- layoutZone(id: string): void;
- }
+ onDidChange: IEvent
+ }
+ /**
+ * Options for the diff computation.
+ */
+ export interface IDocumentDiffProviderOptions {
- * A positioning preference for rendering content widgets.
+ * When set to true, the diff should ignore whitespace changes.
- export enum ContentWidgetPositionPreference {
- /**
- * Place the content widget exactly at a position
- */
- EXACT = 0,
- /**
- * Place the content widget above a position
- */
- ABOVE = 1,
- /**
- * Place the content widget below a position
- */
- BELOW = 2
- }
+ ignoreTrimWhitespace: boolean
- * A position for rendering content widgets.
+ * A diff computation should throw if it takes longer than this value.
- export interface IContentWidgetPosition {
- /**
- * Desired position for the content widget.
- * `preference` will also affect the placement.
- */
- position: IPosition | null;
- /**
- * Optionally, a range can be provided to further
- * define the position of the content widget.
- */
- range?: IRange | null;
- /**
- * Placement preference for position, in order of preference.
- */
- preference: ContentWidgetPositionPreference[];
- }
+ maxComputationTimeMs: number
- * A content widget renders inline with the text and can be easily placed 'near' an editor position.
+ * If set, the diff computation should compute moves in addition to insertions and deletions.
- export interface IContentWidget {
- /**
- * Render this content widget in a location where it could overflow the editor's view dom node.
- */
- allowEditorOverflow?: boolean;
- suppressMouseDown?: boolean;
- /**
- * Get a unique identifier of the content widget.
- */
- getId(): string;
- /**
- * Get the dom node of the content widget.
- */
- getDomNode(): HTMLElement;
- /**
- * Get the placement of the content widget.
- * If null is returned, the content widget will be placed off screen.
- */
- getPosition(): IContentWidgetPosition | null;
- /**
- * Optional function that is invoked before rendering
- * the content widget. If a dimension is returned the editor will
- * attempt to use it.
- */
- beforeRender?(): IDimension | null;
- /**
- * Optional function that is invoked after rendering the content
- * widget. Is being invoked with the selected position preference
- * or `null` if not rendered.
- */
- afterRender?(position: ContentWidgetPositionPreference | null): void;
- }
+ computeMoves: boolean
+ }
+ /**
+ * Represents a diff between two text models.
+ */
+ export interface IDocumentDiff {
- * A positioning preference for rendering overlay widgets.
+ * If true, both text models are identical (byte-wise).
- export enum OverlayWidgetPositionPreference {
- /**
- * Position the overlay widget in the top right corner
- */
- /**
- * Position the overlay widget in the bottom right corner
- */
- /**
- * Position the overlay widget in the top center
- */
- }
+ readonly identical: boolean
- * A position for rendering overlay widgets.
+ * If true, the diff computation timed out and the diff might not be accurate.
- export interface IOverlayWidgetPosition {
- /**
- * The position preference for the overlay widget.
- */
- preference: OverlayWidgetPositionPreference | null;
- }
+ readonly quitEarly: boolean
- * An overlay widgets renders on top of the text.
+ * Maps all modified line ranges in the original to the corresponding line ranges in the modified text model.
- export interface IOverlayWidget {
- /**
- * Get a unique identifier of the overlay widget.
- */
- getId(): string;
- /**
- * Get the dom node of the overlay widget.
- */
- getDomNode(): HTMLElement;
- /**
- * Get the placement of the overlay widget.
- * If null is returned, the overlay widget is responsible to place itself.
- */
- getPosition(): IOverlayWidgetPosition | null;
- }
+ readonly changes: readonly LineRangeMapping[]
- * Type of hit element with the mouse in the editor.
+ * Sorted by original line ranges.
+ * The original line ranges and the modified line ranges must be disjoint (but can be touching).
- export enum MouseTargetType {
- /**
- * Mouse is on top of an unknown element.
- */
- UNKNOWN = 0,
- /**
- * Mouse is on top of the textarea used for input.
- */
- /**
- * Mouse is on top of the glyph margin
- */
- /**
- * Mouse is on top of the line numbers
- */
- /**
- * Mouse is on top of the line decorations
- */
- /**
- * Mouse is on top of the whitespace left in the gutter by a view zone.
- */
- /**
- * Mouse is on top of text in the content.
- */
- /**
- * Mouse is on top of empty space in the content (e.g. after line text or below last line)
- */
- /**
- * Mouse is on top of a view zone in the content.
- */
- /**
- * Mouse is on top of a content widget.
- */
- /**
- * Mouse is on top of the decorations overview ruler.
- */
- /**
- * Mouse is on top of a scrollbar.
- */
- /**
- * Mouse is on top of an overlay widget.
- */
- /**
- * Mouse is outside of the editor.
- */
- }
+ readonly moves: readonly MovedText[]
+ }
+ /**
+ * A range of lines (1-based).
+ */
+ export class LineRange {
+ static fromRange(range: Range): LineRange
+ static subtract(a: LineRange, b: LineRange | undefined): LineRange[]
- * Target hit with the mouse in the editor.
+ * @param lineRanges An array of sorted line ranges.
- export interface IMouseTarget {
- /**
- * The target element
- */
- readonly element: Element | null;
- /**
- * The target type
- */
- readonly type: MouseTargetType;
- /**
- * The 'approximate' editor position
- */
- readonly position: Position | null;
- /**
- * Desired mouse column (e.g. when position.column gets clamped to text length -- clicking after text on a line).
- */
- readonly mouseColumn: number;
- /**
- * The 'approximate' editor range
- */
- readonly range: Range | null;
- /**
- * Some extra detail.
- */
- readonly detail: any;
- }
+ static joinMany(
+ lineRanges: readonly (readonly LineRange[])[]
+ ): readonly LineRange[]
- * A mouse event originating from the editor.
+ * @param lineRanges1 Must be sorted.
+ * @param lineRanges2 Must be sorted.
- export interface IEditorMouseEvent {
- readonly event: IMouseEvent;
- readonly target: IMouseTarget;
- }
- export interface IPartialEditorMouseEvent {
- readonly event: IMouseEvent;
- readonly target: IMouseTarget | null;
- }
+ static join(
+ lineRanges1: readonly LineRange[],
+ lineRanges2: readonly LineRange[]
+ ): readonly LineRange[]
+ static ofLength(startLineNumber: number, length: number): LineRange
- * A paste event originating from the editor.
+ * The start line number.
- export interface IPasteEvent {
- readonly range: Range;
- readonly mode: string | null;
- }
- export interface IEditorConstructionOptions extends IEditorOptions {
- /**
- * The initial editor dimension (to avoid measuring the container).
- */
- dimension?: IDimension;
- /**
- * Place overflow widgets inside an external DOM node.
- * Defaults to an internal DOM node.
- */
- overflowWidgetsDomNode?: HTMLElement;
- }
+ readonly startLineNumber: number
+ /**
+ * The end line number (exclusive).
+ */
+ readonly endLineNumberExclusive: number
+ constructor(startLineNumber: number, endLineNumberExclusive: number)
+ /**
+ * Indicates if this line range contains the given line number.
+ */
+ contains(lineNumber: number): boolean
+ /**
+ * Indicates if this line range is empty.
+ */
+ get isEmpty(): boolean
+ /**
+ * Moves this line range by the given offset of line numbers.
+ */
+ delta(offset: number): LineRange
+ /**
+ * The number of lines this line range spans.
+ */
+ get length(): number
+ /**
+ * Creates a line range that combines this and the given line range.
+ */
+ join(other: LineRange): LineRange
+ toString(): string
+ /**
+ * The resulting range is empty if the ranges do not intersect, but touch.
+ * If the ranges don't even touch, the result is undefined.
+ */
+ intersect(other: LineRange): LineRange | undefined
+ intersectsStrict(other: LineRange): boolean
+ overlapOrTouch(other: LineRange): boolean
+ equals(b: LineRange): boolean
+ toInclusiveRange(): Range | null
+ toExclusiveRange(): Range
+ mapToLineArray(f: (lineNumber: number) => T): T[]
+ forEach(f: (lineNumber: number) => void): void
+ includes(lineNumber: number): boolean
+ }
- export interface IDiffEditorConstructionOptions extends IDiffEditorOptions {
- /**
- * The initial editor dimension (to avoid measuring the container).
- */
- dimension?: IDimension;
- /**
- * Place overflow widgets inside an external DOM node.
- * Defaults to an internal DOM node.
- */
- overflowWidgetsDomNode?: HTMLElement;
- }
+ /**
+ * Maps a line range in the original text model to a line range in the modified text model.
+ */
+ export class LineRangeMapping {
+ static inverse(
+ mapping: readonly LineRangeMapping[],
+ originalLineCount: number,
+ modifiedLineCount: number
+ ): LineRangeMapping[]
+ /**
+ * The line range in the original text model.
+ */
+ readonly originalRange: LineRange
+ /**
+ * The line range in the modified text model.
+ */
+ readonly modifiedRange: LineRange
+ /**
+ * If inner changes have not been computed, this is set to undefined.
+ * Otherwise, it represents the character-level diff in this line range.
+ * The original range of each range mapping should be contained in the original line range (same for modified), exceptions are new-lines.
+ * Must not be an empty array.
+ */
+ readonly innerChanges: RangeMapping[] | undefined
+ constructor(
+ originalRange: LineRange,
+ modifiedRange: LineRange,
+ innerChanges: RangeMapping[] | undefined
+ )
+ toString(): string
+ get changedLineCount(): any
+ flip(): LineRangeMapping
+ }
+ /**
+ * Maps a range in the original text model to a range in the modified text model.
+ */
+ export class RangeMapping {
- * A rich code editor.
+ * The original range.
- export interface ICodeEditor extends IEditor {
- /**
- * An event emitted when the content of the current model has changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeModelContent(listener: (e: IModelContentChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the language of the current model has changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeModelLanguage(listener: (e: IModelLanguageChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the language configuration of the current model has changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeModelLanguageConfiguration(listener: (e: IModelLanguageConfigurationChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the options of the current model has changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeModelOptions(listener: (e: IModelOptionsChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the configuration of the editor has changed. (e.g. `editor.updateOptions()`)
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeConfiguration(listener: (e: ConfigurationChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the cursor position has changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeCursorPosition(listener: (e: ICursorPositionChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the cursor selection has changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeCursorSelection(listener: (e: ICursorSelectionChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the model of this editor has changed (e.g. `editor.setModel()`).
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeModel(listener: (e: IModelChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the decorations of the current model have changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidChangeModelDecorations(listener: (e: IModelDecorationsChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the text inside this editor gained focus (i.e. cursor starts blinking).
- * @event
- */
- onDidFocusEditorText(listener: () => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the text inside this editor lost focus (i.e. cursor stops blinking).
- * @event
- */
- onDidBlurEditorText(listener: () => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the text inside this editor or an editor widget gained focus.
- * @event
- */
- onDidFocusEditorWidget(listener: () => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the text inside this editor or an editor widget lost focus.
- * @event
- */
- onDidBlurEditorWidget(listener: () => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted after composition has started.
- */
- onDidCompositionStart(listener: () => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted after composition has ended.
- */
- onDidCompositionEnd(listener: () => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when editing failed because the editor is read-only.
- * @event
- */
- onDidAttemptReadOnlyEdit(listener: () => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when users paste text in the editor.
- * @event
- */
- onDidPaste(listener: (e: IPasteEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted on a "mouseup".
- * @event
- */
- onMouseUp(listener: (e: IEditorMouseEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted on a "mousedown".
- * @event
- */
- onMouseDown(listener: (e: IEditorMouseEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted on a "contextmenu".
- * @event
- */
- onContextMenu(listener: (e: IEditorMouseEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted on a "mousemove".
- * @event
- */
- onMouseMove(listener: (e: IEditorMouseEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted on a "mouseleave".
- * @event
- */
- onMouseLeave(listener: (e: IPartialEditorMouseEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted on a "keyup".
- * @event
- */
- onKeyUp(listener: (e: IKeyboardEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted on a "keydown".
- * @event
- */
- onKeyDown(listener: (e: IKeyboardEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the layout of the editor has changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidLayoutChange(listener: (e: EditorLayoutInfo) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the content width or content height in the editor has changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidContentSizeChange(listener: (e: IContentSizeChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * An event emitted when the scroll in the editor has changed.
- * @event
- */
- onDidScrollChange(listener: (e: IScrollEvent) => void): IDisposable;
- /**
- * Saves current view state of the editor in a serializable object.
- */
- saveViewState(): ICodeEditorViewState | null;
- /**
- * Restores the view state of the editor from a serializable object generated by `saveViewState`.
- */
- restoreViewState(state: ICodeEditorViewState): void;
- /**
- * Returns true if the text inside this editor or an editor widget has focus.
- */
- hasWidgetFocus(): boolean;
- /**
- * Get a contribution of this editor.
- * @id Unique identifier of the contribution.
- * @return The contribution or null if contribution not found.
- */
- getContribution(id: string): T;
- /**
- * Type the getModel() of IEditor.
- */
- getModel(): ITextModel | null;
- /**
- * Sets the current model attached to this editor.
- * If the previous model was created by the editor via the value key in the options
- * literal object, it will be destroyed. Otherwise, if the previous model was set
- * via setModel, or the model key in the options literal object, the previous model
- * will not be destroyed.
- * It is safe to call setModel(null) to simply detach the current model from the editor.
- */
- setModel(model: ITextModel | null): void;
- /**
- * Gets all the editor computed options.
- */
- getOptions(): IComputedEditorOptions;
- /**
- * Gets a specific editor option.
- */
- getOption(id: T): FindComputedEditorOptionValueById;
- /**
- * Returns the editor's configuration (without any validation or defaults).
- */
- getRawOptions(): IEditorOptions;
- /**
- * Get value of the current model attached to this editor.
- * @see {@link ITextModel.getValue}
- */
- getValue(options?: {
- preserveBOM: boolean;
- lineEnding: string;
- }): string;
- /**
- * Set the value of the current model attached to this editor.
- * @see {@link ITextModel.setValue}
- */
- setValue(newValue: string): void;
- /**
- * Get the width of the editor's content.
- * This is information that is "erased" when computing `scrollWidth = Math.max(contentWidth, width)`
- */
- getContentWidth(): number;
- /**
- * Get the scrollWidth of the editor's viewport.
- */
- getScrollWidth(): number;
- /**
- * Get the scrollLeft of the editor's viewport.
- */
- getScrollLeft(): number;
- /**
- * Get the height of the editor's content.
- * This is information that is "erased" when computing `scrollHeight = Math.max(contentHeight, height)`
- */
- getContentHeight(): number;
- /**
- * Get the scrollHeight of the editor's viewport.
- */
- getScrollHeight(): number;
- /**
- * Get the scrollTop of the editor's viewport.
- */
- getScrollTop(): number;
- /**
- * Change the scrollLeft of the editor's viewport.
- */
- setScrollLeft(newScrollLeft: number, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Change the scrollTop of the editor's viewport.
- */
- setScrollTop(newScrollTop: number, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Change the scroll position of the editor's viewport.
- */
- setScrollPosition(position: INewScrollPosition, scrollType?: ScrollType): void;
- /**
- * Get an action that is a contribution to this editor.
- * @id Unique identifier of the contribution.
- * @return The action or null if action not found.
- */
- getAction(id: string): IEditorAction;
- /**
- * Execute a command on the editor.
- * The edits will land on the undo-redo stack, but no "undo stop" will be pushed.
- * @param source The source of the call.
- * @param command The command to execute
- */
- executeCommand(source: string | null | undefined, command: ICommand): void;
- /**
- * Create an "undo stop" in the undo-redo stack.
- */
- pushUndoStop(): boolean;
- /**
- * Remove the "undo stop" in the undo-redo stack.
- */
- popUndoStop(): boolean;
- /**
- * Execute edits on the editor.
- * The edits will land on the undo-redo stack, but no "undo stop" will be pushed.
- * @param source The source of the call.
- * @param edits The edits to execute.
- * @param endCursorState Cursor state after the edits were applied.
- */
- executeEdits(source: string | null | undefined, edits: IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[], endCursorState?: ICursorStateComputer | Selection[]): boolean;
- /**
- * Execute multiple (concomitant) commands on the editor.
- * @param source The source of the call.
- * @param command The commands to execute
- */
- executeCommands(source: string | null | undefined, commands: (ICommand | null)[]): void;
- /**
- * Get all the decorations on a line (filtering out decorations from other editors).
- */
- getLineDecorations(lineNumber: number): IModelDecoration[] | null;
- /**
- * All decorations added through this call will get the ownerId of this editor.
- * @see {@link ITextModel.deltaDecorations}
- */
- deltaDecorations(oldDecorations: string[], newDecorations: IModelDeltaDecoration[]): string[];
- /**
- * Get the layout info for the editor.
- */
- getLayoutInfo(): EditorLayoutInfo;
- /**
- * Returns the ranges that are currently visible.
- * Does not account for horizontal scrolling.
- */
- getVisibleRanges(): Range[];
- /**
- * Get the vertical position (top offset) for the line w.r.t. to the first line.
- */
- getTopForLineNumber(lineNumber: number): number;
- /**
- * Get the vertical position (top offset) for the position w.r.t. to the first line.
- */
- getTopForPosition(lineNumber: number, column: number): number;
- /**
- * Returns the editor's container dom node
- */
- getContainerDomNode(): HTMLElement;
- /**
- * Returns the editor's dom node
- */
- getDomNode(): HTMLElement | null;
- /**
- * Add a content widget. Widgets must have unique ids, otherwise they will be overwritten.
- */
- addContentWidget(widget: IContentWidget): void;
- /**
- * Layout/Reposition a content widget. This is a ping to the editor to call widget.getPosition()
- * and update appropriately.
- */
- layoutContentWidget(widget: IContentWidget): void;
- /**
- * Remove a content widget.
- */
- removeContentWidget(widget: IContentWidget): void;
- /**
- * Add an overlay widget. Widgets must have unique ids, otherwise they will be overwritten.
- */
- addOverlayWidget(widget: IOverlayWidget): void;
- /**
- * Layout/Reposition an overlay widget. This is a ping to the editor to call widget.getPosition()
- * and update appropriately.
- */
- layoutOverlayWidget(widget: IOverlayWidget): void;
- /**
- * Remove an overlay widget.
- */
- removeOverlayWidget(widget: IOverlayWidget): void;
- /**
- * Change the view zones. View zones are lost when a new model is attached to the editor.
- */
- changeViewZones(callback: (accessor: IViewZoneChangeAccessor) => void): void;
- /**
- * Get the horizontal position (left offset) for the column w.r.t to the beginning of the line.
- * This method works only if the line `lineNumber` is currently rendered (in the editor's viewport).
- * Use this method with caution.
- */
- getOffsetForColumn(lineNumber: number, column: number): number;
- /**
- * Force an editor render now.
- */
- render(forceRedraw?: boolean): void;
- /**
- * Get the hit test target at coordinates `clientX` and `clientY`.
- * The coordinates are relative to the top-left of the viewport.
- *
- * @returns Hit test target or null if the coordinates fall outside the editor or the editor has no model.
- */
- getTargetAtClientPoint(clientX: number, clientY: number): IMouseTarget | null;
- /**
- * Get the visible position for `position`.
- * The result position takes scrolling into account and is relative to the top left corner of the editor.
- * Explanation 1: the results of this method will change for the same `position` if the user scrolls the editor.
- * Explanation 2: the results of this method will not change if the container of the editor gets repositioned.
- * Warning: the results of this method are inaccurate for positions that are outside the current editor viewport.
- */
- getScrolledVisiblePosition(position: IPosition): {
- top: number;
- left: number;
- height: number;
- } | null;
- /**
- * Apply the same font settings as the editor to `target`.
- */
- applyFontInfo(target: HTMLElement): void;
+ readonly originalRange: Range
+ /**
+ * The modified range.
+ */
+ readonly modifiedRange: Range
+ constructor(originalRange: Range, modifiedRange: Range)
+ toString(): string
+ flip(): RangeMapping
+ }
+ export class MovedText {
+ readonly lineRangeMapping: SimpleLineRangeMapping
+ /**
+ * The diff from the original text to the moved text.
+ * Must be contained in the original/modified line range.
+ * Can be empty if the text didn't change (only moved).
+ */
+ readonly changes: readonly LineRangeMapping[]
+ constructor(
+ lineRangeMapping: SimpleLineRangeMapping,
+ changes: readonly LineRangeMapping[]
+ )
+ flip(): MovedText
+ }
+ export class SimpleLineRangeMapping {
+ readonly original: LineRange
+ readonly modified: LineRange
+ constructor(original: LineRange, modified: LineRange)
+ toString(): string
+ flip(): SimpleLineRangeMapping
+ }
+ export interface IDimension {
+ width: number
+ height: number
+ }
+ /**
+ * A builder and helper for edit operations for a command.
+ */
+ export interface IEditOperationBuilder {
+ /**
+ * Add a new edit operation (a replace operation).
+ * @param range The range to replace (delete). May be empty to represent a simple insert.
+ * @param text The text to replace with. May be null to represent a simple delete.
+ */
+ addEditOperation(
+ range: IRange,
+ text: string | null,
+ forceMoveMarkers?: boolean
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Add a new edit operation (a replace operation).
+ * The inverse edits will be accessible in `ICursorStateComputerData.getInverseEditOperations()`
+ * @param range The range to replace (delete). May be empty to represent a simple insert.
+ * @param text The text to replace with. May be null to represent a simple delete.
+ */
+ addTrackedEditOperation(
+ range: IRange,
+ text: string | null,
+ forceMoveMarkers?: boolean
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Track `selection` when applying edit operations.
+ * A best effort will be made to not grow/expand the selection.
+ * An empty selection will clamp to a nearby character.
+ * @param selection The selection to track.
+ * @param trackPreviousOnEmpty If set, and the selection is empty, indicates whether the selection
+ * should clamp to the previous or the next character.
+ * @return A unique identifier.
+ */
+ trackSelection(selection: Selection, trackPreviousOnEmpty?: boolean): string
+ }
+ /**
+ * A helper for computing cursor state after a command.
+ */
+ export interface ICursorStateComputerData {
+ /**
+ * Get the inverse edit operations of the added edit operations.
+ */
+ getInverseEditOperations(): IValidEditOperation[]
+ /**
+ * Get a previously tracked selection.
+ * @param id The unique identifier returned by `trackSelection`.
+ * @return The selection.
+ */
+ getTrackedSelection(id: string): Selection
+ }
+ /**
+ * A command that modifies text / cursor state on a model.
+ */
+ export interface ICommand {
+ /**
+ * Get the edit operations needed to execute this command.
+ * @param model The model the command will execute on.
+ * @param builder A helper to collect the needed edit operations and to track selections.
+ */
+ getEditOperations(model: ITextModel, builder: IEditOperationBuilder): void
+ /**
+ * Compute the cursor state after the edit operations were applied.
+ * @param model The model the command has executed on.
+ * @param helper A helper to get inverse edit operations and to get previously tracked selections.
+ * @return The cursor state after the command executed.
+ */
+ computeCursorState(
+ model: ITextModel,
+ helper: ICursorStateComputerData
+ ): Selection
+ }
+ /**
+ * A model for the diff editor.
+ */
+ export interface IDiffEditorModel {
+ /**
+ * Original model.
+ */
+ original: ITextModel
+ /**
+ * Modified model.
+ */
+ modified: ITextModel
+ }
+ export interface IDiffEditorViewModel {
+ readonly model: IDiffEditorModel
+ waitForDiff(): Promise
+ }
+ /**
+ * An event describing that an editor has had its model reset (i.e. `editor.setModel()`).
+ */
+ export interface IModelChangedEvent {
+ /**
+ * The `uri` of the previous model or null.
+ */
+ readonly oldModelUrl: Uri | null
+ /**
+ * The `uri` of the new model or null.
+ */
+ readonly newModelUrl: Uri | null
+ }
+ export interface IContentSizeChangedEvent {
+ readonly contentWidth: number
+ readonly contentHeight: number
+ readonly contentWidthChanged: boolean
+ readonly contentHeightChanged: boolean
+ }
+ export interface INewScrollPosition {
+ scrollLeft?: number
+ scrollTop?: number
+ }
+ export interface IEditorAction {
+ readonly id: string
+ readonly label: string
+ readonly alias: string
+ isSupported(): boolean
+ run(args?: unknown): Promise
+ }
+ export type IEditorModel =
+ | ITextModel
+ | IDiffEditorModel
+ | IDiffEditorViewModel
+ /**
+ * A (serializable) state of the cursors.
+ */
+ export interface ICursorState {
+ inSelectionMode: boolean
+ selectionStart: IPosition
+ position: IPosition
+ }
+ /**
+ * A (serializable) state of the view.
+ */
+ export interface IViewState {
+ /** written by previous versions */
+ scrollTop?: number
+ /** written by previous versions */
+ scrollTopWithoutViewZones?: number
+ scrollLeft: number
+ firstPosition: IPosition
+ firstPositionDeltaTop: number
+ }
+ /**
+ * A (serializable) state of the code editor.
+ */
+ export interface ICodeEditorViewState {
+ cursorState: ICursorState[]
+ viewState: IViewState
+ contributionsState: {
+ [id: string]: any
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * (Serializable) View state for the diff editor.
+ */
+ export interface IDiffEditorViewState {
+ original: ICodeEditorViewState | null
+ modified: ICodeEditorViewState | null
+ modelState?: unknown
+ }
+ /**
+ * An editor view state.
+ */
+ export type IEditorViewState = ICodeEditorViewState | IDiffEditorViewState
+ export enum ScrollType {
+ Smooth = 0,
+ Immediate = 1
+ }
+ /**
+ * An editor.
+ */
+ export interface IEditor {
+ /**
+ * An event emitted when the editor has been disposed.
+ * @event
+ */
+ onDidDispose(listener: () => void): IDisposable
+ /**
+ * Dispose the editor.
+ */
+ dispose(): void
+ /**
+ * Get a unique id for this editor instance.
+ */
+ getId(): string
+ /**
+ * Get the editor type. Please see `EditorType`.
+ * This is to avoid an instanceof check
+ */
+ getEditorType(): string
+ /**
+ * Update the editor's options after the editor has been created.
+ */
+ updateOptions(newOptions: IEditorOptions): void
+ /**
+ * Instructs the editor to remeasure its container. This method should
+ * be called when the container of the editor gets resized.
+ *
+ * If a dimension is passed in, the passed in value will be used.
+ */
+ layout(dimension?: IDimension): void
+ /**
+ * Brings browser focus to the editor text
+ */
+ focus(): void
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the text inside this editor is focused (i.e. cursor is blinking).
+ */
+ hasTextFocus(): boolean
+ /**
+ * Returns all actions associated with this editor.
+ */
+ getSupportedActions(): IEditorAction[]
+ /**
+ * Saves current view state of the editor in a serializable object.
+ */
+ saveViewState(): IEditorViewState | null
+ /**
+ * Restores the view state of the editor from a serializable object generated by `saveViewState`.
+ */
+ restoreViewState(state: IEditorViewState | null): void
+ /**
+ * Given a position, returns a column number that takes tab-widths into account.
+ */
+ getVisibleColumnFromPosition(position: IPosition): number
+ /**
+ * Returns the primary position of the cursor.
+ */
+ getPosition(): Position | null
+ /**
+ * Set the primary position of the cursor. This will remove any secondary cursors.
+ * @param position New primary cursor's position
+ * @param source Source of the call that caused the position
+ */
+ setPosition(position: IPosition, source?: string): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal a line.
+ */
+ revealLine(lineNumber: number, scrollType?: ScrollType): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal a line centered vertically.
+ */
+ revealLineInCenter(lineNumber: number, scrollType?: ScrollType): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal a line centered vertically only if it lies outside the viewport.
+ */
+ revealLineInCenterIfOutsideViewport(
+ lineNumber: number,
+ scrollType?: ScrollType
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal a line close to the top of the viewport,
+ * optimized for viewing a code definition.
+ */
+ revealLineNearTop(lineNumber: number, scrollType?: ScrollType): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a position.
+ */
+ revealPosition(position: IPosition, scrollType?: ScrollType): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a position centered vertically.
+ */
+ revealPositionInCenter(position: IPosition, scrollType?: ScrollType): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a position centered vertically only if it lies outside the viewport.
+ */
+ revealPositionInCenterIfOutsideViewport(
+ position: IPosition,
+ scrollType?: ScrollType
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a position close to the top of the viewport,
+ * optimized for viewing a code definition.
+ */
+ revealPositionNearTop(position: IPosition, scrollType?: ScrollType): void
+ /**
+ * Returns the primary selection of the editor.
+ */
+ getSelection(): Selection | null
+ /**
+ * Returns all the selections of the editor.
+ */
+ getSelections(): Selection[] | null
+ /**
+ * Set the primary selection of the editor. This will remove any secondary cursors.
+ * @param selection The new selection
+ * @param source Source of the call that caused the selection
+ */
+ setSelection(selection: IRange, source?: string): void
+ /**
+ * Set the primary selection of the editor. This will remove any secondary cursors.
+ * @param selection The new selection
+ * @param source Source of the call that caused the selection
+ */
+ setSelection(selection: Range, source?: string): void
+ /**
+ * Set the primary selection of the editor. This will remove any secondary cursors.
+ * @param selection The new selection
+ * @param source Source of the call that caused the selection
+ */
+ setSelection(selection: ISelection, source?: string): void
+ /**
+ * Set the primary selection of the editor. This will remove any secondary cursors.
+ * @param selection The new selection
+ * @param source Source of the call that caused the selection
+ */
+ setSelection(selection: Selection, source?: string): void
+ /**
+ * Set the selections for all the cursors of the editor.
+ * Cursors will be removed or added, as necessary.
+ * @param selections The new selection
+ * @param source Source of the call that caused the selection
+ */
+ setSelections(selections: readonly ISelection[], source?: string): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal lines.
+ */
+ revealLines(
+ startLineNumber: number,
+ endLineNumber: number,
+ scrollType?: ScrollType
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal lines centered vertically.
+ */
+ revealLinesInCenter(
+ lineNumber: number,
+ endLineNumber: number,
+ scrollType?: ScrollType
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal lines centered vertically only if it lies outside the viewport.
+ */
+ revealLinesInCenterIfOutsideViewport(
+ lineNumber: number,
+ endLineNumber: number,
+ scrollType?: ScrollType
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal lines close to the top of the viewport,
+ * optimized for viewing a code definition.
+ */
+ revealLinesNearTop(
+ lineNumber: number,
+ endLineNumber: number,
+ scrollType?: ScrollType
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a range.
+ */
+ revealRange(range: IRange, scrollType?: ScrollType): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a range centered vertically.
+ */
+ revealRangeInCenter(range: IRange, scrollType?: ScrollType): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a range at the top of the viewport.
+ */
+ revealRangeAtTop(range: IRange, scrollType?: ScrollType): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a range centered vertically only if it lies outside the viewport.
+ */
+ revealRangeInCenterIfOutsideViewport(
+ range: IRange,
+ scrollType?: ScrollType
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a range close to the top of the viewport,
+ * optimized for viewing a code definition.
+ */
+ revealRangeNearTop(range: IRange, scrollType?: ScrollType): void
+ /**
+ * Scroll vertically or horizontally as necessary and reveal a range close to the top of the viewport,
+ * optimized for viewing a code definition. Only if it lies outside the viewport.
+ */
+ revealRangeNearTopIfOutsideViewport(
+ range: IRange,
+ scrollType?: ScrollType
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Directly trigger a handler or an editor action.
+ * @param source The source of the call.
+ * @param handlerId The id of the handler or the id of a contribution.
+ * @param payload Extra data to be sent to the handler.
+ */
+ trigger(
+ source: string | null | undefined,
+ handlerId: string,
+ payload: any
+ ): void
+ /**
+ * Gets the current model attached to this editor.
+ */
+ getModel(): IEditorModel | null
+ /**
+ * Sets the current model attached to this editor.
+ * If the previous model was created by the editor via the value key in the options
+ * literal object, it will be destroyed. Otherwise, if the previous model was set
+ * via setModel, or the model key in the options literal object, the previous model
+ * will not be destroyed.
+ * It is safe to call setModel(null) to simply detach the current model from the editor.
+ */
+ setModel(model: IEditorModel | null): void
+ /**
+ * Create a collection of decorations. All decorations added through this collection
+ * will get the ownerId of the editor (meaning they will not show up in other editors).
+ * These decorations will be automatically cleared when the editor's model changes.
+ */
+ createDecorationsCollection(
+ decorations?: IModelDeltaDecoration[]
+ ): IEditorDecorationsCollection
+ }
+ /**
+ * A collection of decorations
+ */
+ export interface IEditorDecorationsCollection {
+ /**
+ * An event emitted when decorations change in the editor,
+ * but the change is not caused by us setting or clearing the collection.
+ */
+ onDidChange: IEvent
+ /**
+ * Get the decorations count.
+ */
+ length: number
+ /**
+ * Get the range for a decoration.
+ */
+ getRange(index: number): Range | null
+ /**
+ * Get all ranges for decorations.
+ */
+ getRanges(): Range[]
+ /**
+ * Determine if a decoration is in this collection.
+ */
+ has(decoration: IModelDecoration): boolean
+ /**
+ * Replace all previous decorations with `newDecorations`.
+ */
+ set(newDecorations: readonly IModelDeltaDecoration[]): string[]
+ /**
+ * Remove all previous decorations.
+ */
+ clear(): void
+ }
+ /**
+ * An editor contribution that gets created every time a new editor gets created and gets disposed when the editor gets disposed.
+ */
+ export interface IEditorContribution {
+ /**
+ * Dispose this contribution.
+ */
+ dispose(): void
+ /**
+ * Store view state.
+ */
+ saveViewState?(): any
+ /**
+ * Restore view state.
+ */
+ restoreViewState?(state: any): void
+ }
+ /**
+ * The type of the `IEditor`.
+ */
+ export const EditorType: {
+ ICodeEditor: string
+ IDiffEditor: string
+ }
+ /**
+ * An event describing that the current language associated with a model has changed.
+ */
+ export interface IModelLanguageChangedEvent {
+ /**
+ * Previous language
+ */
+ readonly oldLanguage: string
+ /**
+ * New language
+ */
+ readonly newLanguage: string
+ /**
+ * Source of the call that caused the event.
+ */
+ readonly source: string
+ }
+ /**
+ * An event describing that the language configuration associated with a model has changed.
+ */
+ export interface IModelLanguageConfigurationChangedEvent {}
+ export interface IModelContentChange {
+ /**
+ * The range that got replaced.
+ */
+ readonly range: IRange
+ /**
+ * The offset of the range that got replaced.
+ */
+ readonly rangeOffset: number
+ /**
+ * The length of the range that got replaced.
+ */
+ readonly rangeLength: number
+ /**
+ * The new text for the range.
+ */
+ readonly text: string
+ }
+ /**
+ * An event describing a change in the text of a model.
+ */
+ export interface IModelContentChangedEvent {
+ readonly changes: IModelContentChange[]
+ /**
+ * The (new) end-of-line character.
+ */
+ readonly eol: string
+ /**
+ * The new version id the model has transitioned to.
+ */
+ readonly versionId: number
+ /**
+ * Flag that indicates that this event was generated while undoing.
+ */
+ readonly isUndoing: boolean
+ /**
+ * Flag that indicates that this event was generated while redoing.
+ */
+ readonly isRedoing: boolean
+ /**
+ * Flag that indicates that all decorations were lost with this edit.
+ * The model has been reset to a new value.
+ */
+ readonly isFlush: boolean
+ /**
+ * Flag that indicates that this event describes an eol change.
+ */
+ readonly isEolChange: boolean
+ }
+ /**
+ * An event describing that model decorations have changed.
+ */
+ export interface IModelDecorationsChangedEvent {
+ readonly affectsMinimap: boolean
+ readonly affectsOverviewRuler: boolean
+ readonly affectsGlyphMargin: boolean
+ }
+ export interface IModelOptionsChangedEvent {
+ readonly tabSize: boolean
+ readonly indentSize: boolean
+ readonly insertSpaces: boolean
+ readonly trimAutoWhitespace: boolean
+ }
+ /**
+ * Describes the reason the cursor has changed its position.
+ */
+ export enum CursorChangeReason {
+ /**
+ * Unknown or not set.
+ */
+ NotSet = 0,
+ /**
+ * A `model.setValue()` was called.
+ */
+ ContentFlush = 1,
+ /**
+ * The `model` has been changed outside of this cursor and the cursor recovers its position from associated markers.
+ */
+ RecoverFromMarkers = 2,
+ /**
+ * There was an explicit user gesture.
+ */
+ Explicit = 3,
+ /**
+ * There was a Paste.
+ */
+ Paste = 4,
+ /**
+ * There was an Undo.
+ */
+ Undo = 5,
+ /**
+ * There was a Redo.
+ */
+ Redo = 6
+ }
+ /**
+ * An event describing that the cursor position has changed.
+ */
+ export interface ICursorPositionChangedEvent {
+ /**
+ * Primary cursor's position.
+ */
+ readonly position: Position
+ /**
+ * Secondary cursors' position.
+ */
+ readonly secondaryPositions: Position[]
+ /**
+ * Reason.
+ */
+ readonly reason: CursorChangeReason
+ /**
+ * Source of the call that caused the event.
+ */
+ readonly source: string
+ }
+ /**
+ * An event describing that the cursor selection has changed.
+ */
+ export interface ICursorSelectionChangedEvent {
+ /**
+ * The primary selection.
+ */
+ readonly selection: Selection
+ /**
+ * The secondary selections.
+ */
+ readonly secondarySelections: Selection[]
+ /**
+ * The model version id.
+ */
+ readonly modelVersionId: number
+ /**
+ * The old selections.
+ */
+ readonly oldSelections: Selection[] | null
+ /**
+ * The model version id the that `oldSelections` refer to.
+ */
+ readonly oldModelVersionId: number
+ /**
+ * Source of the call that caused the event.
+ */
+ readonly source: string
+ /**
+ * Reason.
+ */
+ readonly reason: CursorChangeReason
+ }
+ export enum AccessibilitySupport {
+ /**
+ * This should be the browser case where it is not known if a screen reader is attached or no.
+ */
+ Unknown = 0,
+ Disabled = 1,
+ Enabled = 2
+ }
+ /**
+ * Configuration options for auto closing quotes and brackets
+ */
+ export type EditorAutoClosingStrategy =
+ | 'always'
+ | 'languageDefined'
+ | 'beforeWhitespace'
+ | 'never'
+ /**
+ * Configuration options for auto wrapping quotes and brackets
+ */
+ export type EditorAutoSurroundStrategy =
+ | 'languageDefined'
+ | 'quotes'
+ | 'brackets'
+ | 'never'
+ /**
+ * Configuration options for typing over closing quotes or brackets
+ */
+ export type EditorAutoClosingEditStrategy = 'always' | 'auto' | 'never'
+ /**
+ * Configuration options for auto indentation in the editor
+ */
+ export enum EditorAutoIndentStrategy {
+ None = 0,
+ Keep = 1,
+ Brackets = 2,
+ Advanced = 3,
+ Full = 4
+ }
+ /**
+ * Configuration options for the editor.
+ */
+ export interface IEditorOptions {
+ /**
+ * This editor is used inside a diff editor.
+ */
+ inDiffEditor?: boolean
+ /**
+ * The aria label for the editor's textarea (when it is focused).
+ */
+ ariaLabel?: string
+ /**
+ * Whether the aria-required attribute should be set on the editors textarea.
+ */
+ ariaRequired?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Control whether a screen reader announces inline suggestion content immediately.
+ */
+ screenReaderAnnounceInlineSuggestion?: boolean
+ /**
+ * The `tabindex` property of the editor's textarea
+ */
+ tabIndex?: number
+ /**
+ * Render vertical lines at the specified columns.
+ * Defaults to empty array.
+ */
+ rulers?: (number | IRulerOption)[]
+ /**
+ * A string containing the word separators used when doing word navigation.
+ * Defaults to `~!@#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:\'",.<>/?
+ */
+ wordSeparators?: string
+ /**
+ * Enable Linux primary clipboard.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ selectionClipboard?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Control the rendering of line numbers.
+ * If it is a function, it will be invoked when rendering a line number and the return value will be rendered.
+ * Otherwise, if it is a truthy, line numbers will be rendered normally (equivalent of using an identity function).
+ * Otherwise, line numbers will not be rendered.
+ * Defaults to `on`.
+ */
+ lineNumbers?: LineNumbersType
+ /**
+ * Controls the minimal number of visible leading and trailing lines surrounding the cursor.
+ * Defaults to 0.
+ */
+ cursorSurroundingLines?: number
+ /**
+ * Controls when `cursorSurroundingLines` should be enforced
+ * Defaults to `default`, `cursorSurroundingLines` is not enforced when cursor position is changed
+ * by mouse.
+ */
+ cursorSurroundingLinesStyle?: 'default' | 'all'
+ /**
+ * Render last line number when the file ends with a newline.
+ * Defaults to 'on' for Windows and macOS and 'dimmed' for Linux.
+ */
+ renderFinalNewline?: 'on' | 'off' | 'dimmed'
+ /**
+ * Remove unusual line terminators like LINE SEPARATOR (LS), PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR (PS).
+ * Defaults to 'prompt'.
+ */
+ unusualLineTerminators?: 'auto' | 'off' | 'prompt'
+ /**
+ * Should the corresponding line be selected when clicking on the line number?
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ selectOnLineNumbers?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Control the width of line numbers, by reserving horizontal space for rendering at least an amount of digits.
+ * Defaults to 5.
+ */
+ lineNumbersMinChars?: number
+ /**
+ * Enable the rendering of the glyph margin.
+ * Defaults to true in vscode and to false in monaco-editor.
+ */
+ glyphMargin?: boolean
+ /**
+ * The width reserved for line decorations (in px).
+ * Line decorations are placed between line numbers and the editor content.
+ * You can pass in a string in the format floating point followed by "ch". e.g. 1.3ch.
+ * Defaults to 10.
+ */
+ lineDecorationsWidth?: number | string
+ /**
+ * When revealing the cursor, a virtual padding (px) is added to the cursor, turning it into a rectangle.
+ * This virtual padding ensures that the cursor gets revealed before hitting the edge of the viewport.
+ * Defaults to 30 (px).
+ */
+ revealHorizontalRightPadding?: number
+ /**
+ * Render the editor selection with rounded borders.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ roundedSelection?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Class name to be added to the editor.
+ */
+ extraEditorClassName?: string
+ /**
+ * Should the editor be read only. See also `domReadOnly`.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ readOnly?: boolean
+ /**
+ * The message to display when the editor is readonly.
+ */
+ readOnlyMessage?: IMarkdownString
+ /**
+ * Should the textarea used for input use the DOM `readonly` attribute.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ domReadOnly?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Enable linked editing.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ linkedEditing?: boolean
+ /**
+ * deprecated, use linkedEditing instead
+ */
+ renameOnType?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Should the editor render validation decorations.
+ * Defaults to editable.
+ */
+ renderValidationDecorations?: 'editable' | 'on' | 'off'
+ /**
+ * Control the behavior and rendering of the scrollbars.
+ */
+ scrollbar?: IEditorScrollbarOptions
+ /**
+ * Control the behavior of sticky scroll options
+ */
+ stickyScroll?: IEditorStickyScrollOptions
+ /**
+ * Control the behavior and rendering of the minimap.
+ */
+ minimap?: IEditorMinimapOptions
+ /**
+ * Control the behavior of the find widget.
+ */
+ find?: IEditorFindOptions
+ /**
+ * Display overflow widgets as `fixed`.
+ * Defaults to `false`.
+ */
+ fixedOverflowWidgets?: boolean
+ /**
+ * The number of vertical lanes the overview ruler should render.
+ * Defaults to 3.
+ */
+ overviewRulerLanes?: number
+ /**
+ * Controls if a border should be drawn around the overview ruler.
+ * Defaults to `true`.
+ */
+ overviewRulerBorder?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Control the cursor animation style, possible values are 'blink', 'smooth', 'phase', 'expand' and 'solid'.
+ * Defaults to 'blink'.
+ */
+ cursorBlinking?: 'blink' | 'smooth' | 'phase' | 'expand' | 'solid'
+ /**
+ * Zoom the font in the editor when using the mouse wheel in combination with holding Ctrl.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ mouseWheelZoom?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Control the mouse pointer style, either 'text' or 'default' or 'copy'
+ * Defaults to 'text'
+ */
+ mouseStyle?: 'text' | 'default' | 'copy'
+ /**
+ * Enable smooth caret animation.
+ * Defaults to 'off'.
+ */
+ cursorSmoothCaretAnimation?: 'off' | 'explicit' | 'on'
+ /**
+ * Control the cursor style, either 'block' or 'line'.
+ * Defaults to 'line'.
+ */
+ cursorStyle?:
+ | 'line'
+ | 'block'
+ | 'underline'
+ | 'line-thin'
+ | 'block-outline'
+ | 'underline-thin'
+ /**
+ * Control the width of the cursor when cursorStyle is set to 'line'
+ */
+ cursorWidth?: number
+ /**
+ * Enable font ligatures.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ fontLigatures?: boolean | string
+ /**
+ * Enable font variations.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ fontVariations?: boolean | string
+ /**
+ * Controls whether to use default color decorations or not using the default document color provider
+ */
+ defaultColorDecorators?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Disable the use of `transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)` for the editor margin and lines layers.
+ * The usage of `transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)` acts as a hint for browsers to create an extra layer.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ disableLayerHinting?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Disable the optimizations for monospace fonts.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ disableMonospaceOptimizations?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Should the cursor be hidden in the overview ruler.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ hideCursorInOverviewRuler?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Enable that scrolling can go one screen size after the last line.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ scrollBeyondLastLine?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Enable that scrolling can go beyond the last column by a number of columns.
+ * Defaults to 5.
+ */
+ scrollBeyondLastColumn?: number
+ /**
+ * Enable that the editor animates scrolling to a position.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ smoothScrolling?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Enable that the editor will install a ResizeObserver to check if its container dom node size has changed.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ automaticLayout?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Control the wrapping of the editor.
+ * When `wordWrap` = "off", the lines will never wrap.
+ * When `wordWrap` = "on", the lines will wrap at the viewport width.
+ * When `wordWrap` = "wordWrapColumn", the lines will wrap at `wordWrapColumn`.
+ * When `wordWrap` = "bounded", the lines will wrap at min(viewport width, wordWrapColumn).
+ * Defaults to "off".
+ */
+ wordWrap?: 'off' | 'on' | 'wordWrapColumn' | 'bounded'
+ /**
+ * Override the `wordWrap` setting.
+ */
+ wordWrapOverride1?: 'off' | 'on' | 'inherit'
+ /**
+ * Override the `wordWrapOverride1` setting.
+ */
+ wordWrapOverride2?: 'off' | 'on' | 'inherit'
+ /**
+ * Control the wrapping of the editor.
+ * When `wordWrap` = "off", the lines will never wrap.
+ * When `wordWrap` = "on", the lines will wrap at the viewport width.
+ * When `wordWrap` = "wordWrapColumn", the lines will wrap at `wordWrapColumn`.
+ * When `wordWrap` = "bounded", the lines will wrap at min(viewport width, wordWrapColumn).
+ * Defaults to 80.
+ */
+ wordWrapColumn?: number
+ /**
+ * Control indentation of wrapped lines. Can be: 'none', 'same', 'indent' or 'deepIndent'.
+ * Defaults to 'same' in vscode and to 'none' in monaco-editor.
+ */
+ wrappingIndent?: 'none' | 'same' | 'indent' | 'deepIndent'
+ /**
+ * Controls the wrapping strategy to use.
+ * Defaults to 'simple'.
+ */
+ wrappingStrategy?: 'simple' | 'advanced'
+ /**
+ * Configure word wrapping characters. A break will be introduced before these characters.
+ */
+ wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters?: string
+ /**
+ * Configure word wrapping characters. A break will be introduced after these characters.
+ */
+ wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters?: string
+ /**
+ * Sets whether line breaks appear wherever the text would otherwise overflow its content box.
+ * When wordBreak = 'normal', Use the default line break rule.
+ * When wordBreak = 'keepAll', Word breaks should not be used for Chinese/Japanese/Korean (CJK) text. Non-CJK text behavior is the same as for normal.
+ */
+ wordBreak?: 'normal' | 'keepAll'
+ /**
+ * Performance guard: Stop rendering a line after x characters.
+ * Defaults to 10000.
+ * Use -1 to never stop rendering
+ */
+ stopRenderingLineAfter?: number
+ /**
+ * Configure the editor's hover.
+ */
+ hover?: IEditorHoverOptions
+ /**
+ * Enable detecting links and making them clickable.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ links?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Enable inline color decorators and color picker rendering.
+ */
+ colorDecorators?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Controls what is the condition to spawn a color picker from a color dectorator
+ */
+ colorDecoratorsActivatedOn?: 'clickAndHover' | 'click' | 'hover'
+ /**
+ * Controls the max number of color decorators that can be rendered in an editor at once.
+ */
+ colorDecoratorsLimit?: number
+ /**
+ * Control the behaviour of comments in the editor.
+ */
+ comments?: IEditorCommentsOptions
+ /**
+ * Enable custom contextmenu.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ contextmenu?: boolean
+ /**
+ * A multiplier to be used on the `deltaX` and `deltaY` of mouse wheel scroll events.
+ * Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ mouseWheelScrollSensitivity?: number
+ /**
+ * FastScrolling mulitplier speed when pressing `Alt`
+ * Defaults to 5.
+ */
+ fastScrollSensitivity?: number
+ /**
+ * Enable that the editor scrolls only the predominant axis. Prevents horizontal drift when scrolling vertically on a trackpad.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ scrollPredominantAxis?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Enable that the selection with the mouse and keys is doing column selection.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ columnSelection?: boolean
+ /**
+ * The modifier to be used to add multiple cursors with the mouse.
+ * Defaults to 'alt'
+ */
+ multiCursorModifier?: 'ctrlCmd' | 'alt'
+ /**
+ * Merge overlapping selections.
+ * Defaults to true
+ */
+ multiCursorMergeOverlapping?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Configure the behaviour when pasting a text with the line count equal to the cursor count.
+ * Defaults to 'spread'.
+ */
+ multiCursorPaste?: 'spread' | 'full'
+ /**
+ * Controls the max number of text cursors that can be in an active editor at once.
+ */
+ multiCursorLimit?: number
+ /**
+ * Configure the editor's accessibility support.
+ * Defaults to 'auto'. It is best to leave this to 'auto'.
+ */
+ accessibilitySupport?: 'auto' | 'off' | 'on'
+ /**
+ * Controls the number of lines in the editor that can be read out by a screen reader
+ */
+ accessibilityPageSize?: number
+ /**
+ * Suggest options.
+ */
+ suggest?: ISuggestOptions
+ inlineSuggest?: IInlineSuggestOptions
+ /**
+ * Smart select options.
+ */
+ smartSelect?: ISmartSelectOptions
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ gotoLocation?: IGotoLocationOptions
+ /**
+ * Enable quick suggestions (shadow suggestions)
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ quickSuggestions?: boolean | IQuickSuggestionsOptions
+ /**
+ * Quick suggestions show delay (in ms)
+ * Defaults to 10 (ms)
+ */
+ quickSuggestionsDelay?: number
+ /**
+ * Controls the spacing around the editor.
+ */
+ padding?: IEditorPaddingOptions
+ /**
+ * Parameter hint options.
+ */
+ parameterHints?: IEditorParameterHintOptions
+ /**
+ * Options for auto closing brackets.
+ * Defaults to language defined behavior.
+ */
+ autoClosingBrackets?: EditorAutoClosingStrategy
+ /**
+ * Options for auto closing quotes.
+ * Defaults to language defined behavior.
+ */
+ autoClosingQuotes?: EditorAutoClosingStrategy
+ /**
+ * Options for pressing backspace near quotes or bracket pairs.
+ */
+ autoClosingDelete?: EditorAutoClosingEditStrategy
+ /**
+ * Options for typing over closing quotes or brackets.
+ */
+ autoClosingOvertype?: EditorAutoClosingEditStrategy
+ /**
+ * Options for auto surrounding.
+ * Defaults to always allowing auto surrounding.
+ */
+ autoSurround?: EditorAutoSurroundStrategy
+ /**
+ * Controls whether the editor should automatically adjust the indentation when users type, paste, move or indent lines.
+ * Defaults to advanced.
+ */
+ autoIndent?: 'none' | 'keep' | 'brackets' | 'advanced' | 'full'
+ /**
+ * Emulate selection behaviour of tab characters when using spaces for indentation.
+ * This means selection will stick to tab stops.
+ */
+ stickyTabStops?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Enable format on type.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ formatOnType?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Enable format on paste.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ formatOnPaste?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Controls if the editor should allow to move selections via drag and drop.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ dragAndDrop?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Enable the suggestion box to pop-up on trigger characters.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ suggestOnTriggerCharacters?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Accept suggestions on ENTER.
+ * Defaults to 'on'.
+ */
+ acceptSuggestionOnEnter?: 'on' | 'smart' | 'off'
+ /**
+ * Accept suggestions on provider defined characters.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Enable snippet suggestions. Default to 'true'.
+ */
+ snippetSuggestions?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'inline' | 'none'
+ /**
+ * Copying without a selection copies the current line.
+ */
+ emptySelectionClipboard?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Syntax highlighting is copied.
+ */
+ copyWithSyntaxHighlighting?: boolean
+ /**
+ * The history mode for suggestions.
+ */
+ suggestSelection?: 'first' | 'recentlyUsed' | 'recentlyUsedByPrefix'
+ /**
+ * The font size for the suggest widget.
+ * Defaults to the editor font size.
+ */
+ suggestFontSize?: number
+ /**
+ * The line height for the suggest widget.
+ * Defaults to the editor line height.
+ */
+ suggestLineHeight?: number
+ /**
+ * Enable tab completion.
+ */
+ tabCompletion?: 'on' | 'off' | 'onlySnippets'
+ /**
+ * Enable selection highlight.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ selectionHighlight?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Enable semantic occurrences highlight.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ occurrencesHighlight?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Show code lens
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ codeLens?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Code lens font family. Defaults to editor font family.
+ */
+ codeLensFontFamily?: string
+ /**
+ * Code lens font size. Default to 90% of the editor font size
+ */
+ codeLensFontSize?: number
+ /**
+ * Control the behavior and rendering of the code action lightbulb.
+ */
+ lightbulb?: IEditorLightbulbOptions
+ /**
+ * Timeout for running code actions on save.
+ */
+ codeActionsOnSaveTimeout?: number
+ /**
+ * Enable code folding.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ folding?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Selects the folding strategy. 'auto' uses the strategies contributed for the current document, 'indentation' uses the indentation based folding strategy.
+ * Defaults to 'auto'.
+ */
+ foldingStrategy?: 'auto' | 'indentation'
+ /**
+ * Enable highlight for folded regions.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ foldingHighlight?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Auto fold imports folding regions.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ foldingImportsByDefault?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Maximum number of foldable regions.
+ * Defaults to 5000.
+ */
+ foldingMaximumRegions?: number
+ /**
+ * Controls whether the fold actions in the gutter stay always visible or hide unless the mouse is over the gutter.
+ * Defaults to 'mouseover'.
+ */
+ showFoldingControls?: 'always' | 'never' | 'mouseover'
+ /**
+ * Controls whether clicking on the empty content after a folded line will unfold the line.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Enable highlighting of matching brackets.
+ * Defaults to 'always'.
+ */
+ matchBrackets?: 'never' | 'near' | 'always'
+ /**
+ * Enable experimental whitespace rendering.
+ * Defaults to 'svg'.
+ */
+ experimentalWhitespaceRendering?: 'svg' | 'font' | 'off'
+ /**
+ * Enable rendering of whitespace.
+ * Defaults to 'selection'.
+ */
+ renderWhitespace?: 'none' | 'boundary' | 'selection' | 'trailing' | 'all'
+ /**
+ * Enable rendering of control characters.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ renderControlCharacters?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Enable rendering of current line highlight.
+ * Defaults to all.
+ */
+ renderLineHighlight?: 'none' | 'gutter' | 'line' | 'all'
+ /**
+ * Control if the current line highlight should be rendered only the editor is focused.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Inserting and deleting whitespace follows tab stops.
+ */
+ useTabStops?: boolean
+ /**
+ * The font family
+ */
+ fontFamily?: string
+ /**
+ * The font weight
+ */
+ fontWeight?: string
+ /**
+ * The font size
+ */
+ fontSize?: number
+ /**
+ * The line height
+ */
+ lineHeight?: number
+ /**
+ * The letter spacing
+ */
+ letterSpacing?: number
+ /**
+ * Controls fading out of unused variables.
+ */
+ showUnused?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Controls whether to focus the inline editor in the peek widget by default.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ peekWidgetDefaultFocus?: 'tree' | 'editor'
+ /**
+ * Controls whether the definition link opens element in the peek widget.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ definitionLinkOpensInPeek?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Controls strikethrough deprecated variables.
+ */
+ showDeprecated?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Controls whether suggestions allow matches in the middle of the word instead of only at the beginning
+ */
+ matchOnWordStartOnly?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Control the behavior and rendering of the inline hints.
+ */
+ inlayHints?: IEditorInlayHintsOptions
+ /**
+ * Control if the editor should use shadow DOM.
+ */
+ useShadowDOM?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Controls the behavior of editor guides.
+ */
+ guides?: IGuidesOptions
+ /**
+ * Controls the behavior of the unicode highlight feature
+ * (by default, ambiguous and invisible characters are highlighted).
+ */
+ unicodeHighlight?: IUnicodeHighlightOptions
+ /**
+ * Configures bracket pair colorization (disabled by default).
+ */
+ bracketPairColorization?: IBracketPairColorizationOptions
+ /**
+ * Controls dropping into the editor from an external source.
+ *
+ * When enabled, this shows a preview of the drop location and triggers an `onDropIntoEditor` event.
+ */
+ dropIntoEditor?: IDropIntoEditorOptions
+ /**
+ * Controls support for changing how content is pasted into the editor.
+ */
+ pasteAs?: IPasteAsOptions
+ /**
+ * Controls whether the editor receives tabs or defers them to the workbench for navigation.
+ */
+ tabFocusMode?: boolean
+ }
+ export interface IDiffEditorBaseOptions {
+ /**
+ * Allow the user to resize the diff editor split view.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ enableSplitViewResizing?: boolean
+ /**
+ * The default ratio when rendering side-by-side editors.
+ * Must be a number between 0 and 1, min sizes apply.
+ * Defaults to 0.5
+ */
+ splitViewDefaultRatio?: number
+ /**
+ * Render the differences in two side-by-side editors.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ renderSideBySide?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Timeout in milliseconds after which diff computation is cancelled.
+ * Defaults to 5000.
+ */
+ maxComputationTime?: number
+ /**
+ * Maximum supported file size in MB.
+ * Defaults to 50.
+ */
+ maxFileSize?: number
+ /**
+ * Compute the diff by ignoring leading/trailing whitespace
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ ignoreTrimWhitespace?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Render +/- indicators for added/deleted changes.
+ * Defaults to true.
+ */
+ renderIndicators?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Shows icons in the glyph margin to revert changes.
+ * Default to true.
+ */
+ renderMarginRevertIcon?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Original model should be editable?
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ originalEditable?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Should the diff editor enable code lens?
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ diffCodeLens?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Is the diff editor should render overview ruler
+ * Defaults to true
+ */
+ renderOverviewRuler?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Control the wrapping of the diff editor.
+ */
+ diffWordWrap?: 'off' | 'on' | 'inherit'
+ /**
+ * Diff Algorithm
+ */
+ diffAlgorithm?: 'legacy' | 'advanced' | IDocumentDiffProvider
+ /**
+ * Whether the diff editor aria label should be verbose.
+ */
+ accessibilityVerbose?: boolean
+ experimental?: {
+ /**
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ collapseUnchangedRegions?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ showMoves?: boolean
+ showEmptyDecorations?: boolean
+ /**
+ * Is the diff editor inside another editor
+ * Defaults to false
+ */
+ isInEmbeddedEditor?: boolean
+ /**
+ * If the diff editor should only show the difference review mode.
+ */
+ onlyShowAccessibleDiffViewer?: boolean
+ }
+ /**
+ * Configuration options for the diff editor.
+ */
+ export interface IDiffEditorOptions
+ extends IEditorOptions,
+ IDiffEditorBaseOptions {}
+ /**
+ * An event describing that the configuration of the editor has changed.
+ */
+ export class ConfigurationChangedEvent {
+ hasChanged(id: EditorOption): boolean
+ }
+ /**
+ * All computed editor options.
+ */
+ export interface IComputedEditorOptions {
+ get(id: T): FindComputedEditorOptionValueById