- refactored file explorer and file panel

- fixed bug for empty file during create gist

- landing page restyleing
LianaHus 6 years ago committed by yann300
parent dceb5c8652
commit df2084698b
  1. 2
  2. 277
  3. 16
  4. 212
  5. 16
  6. 5
  7. 78
  8. 52

@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
"remixd": "remixd -s ./contracts --remix-ide",
"selenium": "execr --silent selenium-standalone start",
"selenium-install": "selenium-standalone install",
"serve": "execr --silent http-server .",
"serve": "http-server .",
"serve_debugger": "execr --silent http-server src/app/debugger/remix-debugger",
"sourcemap": "exorcist --root ../ build/app.js.map > build/app.js",
"start": "npm-run-all -lpr serve watch onchange remixd",

@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
/* global FileReader */
var async = require('async')
var Gists = require('gists')
var modalDialogCustom = require('../ui/modal-dialog-custom')
var tooltip = require('../ui/tooltip')
var QueryParams = require('../../lib/query-params')
var helper = require('../../lib/helper')
var yo = require('yo-yo')
var Treeview = require('../ui/TreeView')
var modalDialog = require('../ui/modaldialog')
var modalDialogCustom = require('../ui/modal-dialog-custom')
var EventManager = require('../../lib/events')
var contextMenu = require('../ui/contextMenu')
var addTooltip = require('../ui/tooltip')
var helper = require('../../lib/helper')
var css = require('./styles/file-explorer-styles')
var globalRegistry = require('../../global/registry')
var queryParams = new QueryParams()
function fileExplorer (localRegistry, files) {
function fileExplorer (localRegistry, files, menuItems) {
var self = this
this.events = new EventManager()
// file provider backend
@ -22,6 +25,35 @@ function fileExplorer (localRegistry, files) {
this.focusElement = null
// path currently focused on
this.focusPath = null
let allItems =
{ action: 'createNewFile',
title: 'Create New File in the Browser Storage Explorer',
icon: 'fa fa-plus-circle'
{ action: 'publishToGist',
title: 'Publish all [browser] explorer files to a github gist',
icon: 'fa fa-github'
{ action: 'copyFiles',
title: 'Copy all files to another instance of Remix IDE',
icon: 'fa fa-files-o'
{ action: 'uploadFile',
title: 'Add Local file to the Browser Storage Explorer',
icon: 'fa fa-folder-open'
{ action: 'updateGist',
title: 'Update the current [gist] explorer',
icon: 'fa fa-github'
// menu items
this.menuItems = allItems.filter(
(item) => {
if (menuItems) return menuItems.find((name) => { return name === item.action })
self._components = {}
self._components.registry = localRegistry || globalRegistry
@ -31,6 +63,8 @@ function fileExplorer (localRegistry, files) {
fileManager: self._components.registry.get('filemanager').api
self._components.registry.put(`fileexplorer${files.type}`, this)
// warn if file changed outside of Remix
function remixdDialog () {
return yo`<div>This file has been changed outside of Remix IDE.</div>`
@ -122,13 +156,19 @@ function fileExplorer (localRegistry, files) {
formatSelf: function formatSelf (key, data, li) {
var isRoot = data.path === self.files.type
return yo`<label
style="${isRoot ? 'font-weight:bold;' : ''}"
return yo`
<div class="${css.items}">
style="${isRoot ? 'font-weight:bold;' : ''}"
${isRoot ? self.renderMenuItems() : ''}
@ -276,6 +316,217 @@ fileExplorer.prototype.init = function () {
return this.container
fileExplorer.prototype.publishToGist = function (fileProviderName) {
'Are you sure you want to publish all your files anonymously as a public gist on github.com?',
() => { this.toGist(fileProviderName) }
fileExplorer.prototype.uploadFile = function (event) {
// TODO The file explorer is merely a view on the current state of
// the files module. Please ask the user here if they want to overwrite
// a file and then just use `files.add`. The file explorer will
// pick that up via the 'fileAdded' event from the files module.
let self = this
;[...event.target.files].forEach((file) => {
let files = this.files
function loadFile () {
var fileReader = new FileReader()
fileReader.onload = function (event) {
if (helper.checkSpecialChars(file.name)) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Special characters are not allowed')
var success = files.set(name, event.target.result)
if (!success) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Failed to create file ' + name)
} else {
self.events.trigger('focus', [name])
var name = files.type + '/' + file.name
files.exists(name, (error, exist) => {
if (error) console.log(error)
if (!exist) {
} else {
modalDialogCustom.confirm(null, `The file ${name} already exists! Would you like to overwrite it?`, () => { loadFile() })
fileExplorer.prototype.toGist = function (id) {
let proccedResult = function (error, data) {
if (error) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Failed to manage gist: ' + error)
} else {
if (data.html_url) {
modalDialogCustom.confirm(null, `The gist is at ${data.html_url}. Would you like to open it in a new window?`, () => {
window.open(data.html_url, '_blank')
} else {
modalDialogCustom.alert(data.message + ' ' + data.documentation_url + ' ' + JSON.stringify(data.errors, null, '\t'))
this.packageFiles(this.files, (error, packaged) => {
if (error) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Failed to create gist: ' + error)
} else {
var tokenAccess = this._deps.config.get('settings/gist-access-token')
if (!tokenAccess) {
'Remix requires an access token (which includes gists creation permission). Please go to the settings tab to create one.'
} else {
var description = 'Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. \n Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at https://remix.ethereum.org/#version=' +
queryParams.get().version +
'&optimize=' +
queryParams.get().optimize +
var gists = new Gists({
token: tokenAccess
if (id) {
tooltip('Saving gist (' + id + ') ...')
description: description,
public: true,
files: packaged,
id: id
}, (error, result) => {
proccedResult(error, result)
} else {
tooltip('Creating a new gist ...')
description: description,
public: true,
files: packaged
}, (error, result) => {
proccedResult(error, result)
// return all the files, except the temporary/readonly ones..
fileExplorer.prototype.packageFiles = function (filesProvider, callback) {
var ret = {}
filesProvider.resolveDirectory(filesProvider.type, (error, files) => {
if (error) callback(error)
else {
async.eachSeries(Object.keys(files), (path, cb) => {
filesProvider.get(path, (error, content) => {
if (/^\s+$/.test(content)) {
content = '// this line is added to create a gist. Empty file is not allowed.'
if (error) cb(error)
else {
ret[path] = { content }
}, (error) => {
callback(error, ret)
// ------------------ copy files --------------
fileExplorer.prototype.copyFiles = function () {
let self = this
'To which other remix-ide instance do you want to copy over all files?',
(target) => {
function doCopy (target) {
// package only files from the browser storage.
self.packageFiles(self.files, (error, packaged) => {
if (error) {
} else {
let iframe = yo`
<iframe src=${target} style='display:none;'></iframe>
iframe.onload = function () {
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(['loadFiles', packaged], '*')
tooltip('Files copied successfully.')
// ------------------ gist publish --------------
fileExplorer.prototype.updateGist = function () {
var gistId = this.files.id
if (!gistId) {
tooltip('no gist content is currently loaded.')
} else {
fileExplorer.prototype.createNewFile = function () {
let self = this
modalDialogCustom.prompt(null, 'File Name', 'Untitled.sol', (input) => {
helper.createNonClashingName(input, self.files, (error, newName) => {
if (error) return modalDialogCustom.alert('Failed to create file ' + newName + ' ' + error)
if (!self.files.set(newName, '')) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Failed to create file ' + newName)
} else {
var file = self.files.type + '/' + newName
if (file.includes('_test.sol')) {
self.event.trigger('newTestFileCreated', [file])
}, null, true)
fileExplorer.prototype.renderMenuItems = function () {
let items = ''
if (this.menuItems) {
items = this.menuItems.map(({action, title, icon}) => {
if (action === 'uploadFile') {
return yo`
<label class="${icon}">
<input type="file" onchange=${(event) => {
}} multiple />
} else {
return yo`
<span onclick=${() => { this[ action ]() }} class="newFile ${css.newFile}" title=${title}>
<i class=${icon}></i>
return yo`<span class=${css.menu}>${items}</span>`
fileExplorer.prototype.ensureRoot = function (cb) {
cb = cb || (() => {})
var self = this

@ -16,6 +16,22 @@ var css = csjs`
cursor : pointer;
.file {
padding : 4px;
.newFile {
padding : 4px;
.newFile i {
cursor : pointer;
.newFile i:hover {
color : var(--secondary)
.menu {
margin-left : 20px;
.items {
display : inline
.hasFocus {

@ -1,26 +1,13 @@
/* global FileReader */
var async = require('async')
var $ = require('jquery')
var yo = require('yo-yo')
var CompilerMetadata = require('../files/compiler-metadata')
var EventManager = require('../../lib/events')
var Gists = require('gists')
var FileExplorer = require('../files/file-explorer')
var modalDialogCustom = require('../ui/modal-dialog-custom')
var tooltip = require('../ui/tooltip')
var QueryParams = require('../../lib/query-params')
var queryParams = new QueryParams()
var helper = require('../../lib/helper')
var { RemixdHandle } = require('../files/remixd-handle.js')
var globalRegistry = require('../../global/registry')
var css = require('./styles/file-panel-styles')
import { ApiFactory } from 'remix-plugin'
var canUpload = window.File || window.FileReader || window.FileList || window.Blob
Overview of APIs:
* fileManager: @args fileProviders (browser, shared-folder, swarm, github, etc ...) & config & editor
@ -77,28 +64,7 @@ module.exports = class Filepanel extends ApiFactory {
function template () {
return yo`
<div class=${css.container}>
<div class="${css.fileexplorer}">
<div class=${css.menu}>
<span onclick=${createNewFile} class="newFile ${css.newFile}" title="Create New File in the Browser Storage Explorer">
<i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i>
${canUpload ? yo`
<span class=${css.uploadFile} title="Add Local file to the Browser Storage Explorer">
<label class="fa fa-folder-open">
<input type="file" onchange=${uploadFile} multiple />
` : ''}
<span class="${css.gist}" title="Publish all [browser] explorer files to a github gist" onclick=${() => publishToGist('browser')}>
<i class="fa fa-github"></i>
<span class="${css.gist}" title="Update the current [gist] explorer" onclick=${() => updateGist()}>
<i class="fa fa-github"></i>
<span class="${css.copyFiles}" title="Copy all files to another instance of Remix IDE" onclick=${copyFiles}>
<i class="fa fa-files-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<div class="${css.fileexplorer}">
<div class=${css.treeview}>${fileExplorer.init()}</div>
<div class="configexplorer ${css.treeview}">${configExplorer.init()}</div>
@ -167,182 +133,6 @@ module.exports = class Filepanel extends ApiFactory {
self.render = function render () { return element }
function uploadFile (event) {
// TODO The file explorer is merely a view on the current state of
// the files module. Please ask the user here if they want to overwrite
// a file and then just use `files.add`. The file explorer will
// pick that up via the 'fileAdded' event from the files module.
;[...this.files].forEach((file) => {
var files = fileExplorer.files
function loadFile () {
var fileReader = new FileReader()
fileReader.onload = function (event) {
if (helper.checkSpecialChars(file.name)) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Special characters are not allowed')
var success = files.set(name, event.target.result)
if (!success) modalDialogCustom.alert('Failed to create file ' + name)
else self.event.trigger('focus', [name])
var name = files.type + '/' + file.name
files.exists(name, (error, exist) => {
if (error) console.log(error)
if (!exist) {
} else {
modalDialogCustom.confirm(null, `The file ${name} already exists! Would you like to overwrite it?`, () => { loadFile() })
function createNewFile () {
modalDialogCustom.prompt(null, 'File Name', 'Untitled.sol', (input) => {
helper.createNonClashingName(input, self._deps.fileProviders['browser'], (error, newName) => {
if (error) return modalDialogCustom.alert('Failed to create file ' + newName + ' ' + error)
if (!self._deps.fileProviders['browser'].set(newName, '')) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Failed to create file ' + newName)
} else {
var file = self._deps.fileProviders['browser'].type + '/' + newName
if (file.includes('_test.sol')) {
self.event.trigger('newTestFileCreated', [file])
}, null, true)
// ------------------ gist publish --------------
function updateGist () {
var gistId = self._deps.fileProviders['gist'].id
if (!gistId) {
tooltip('no gist content is currently loaded.')
} else {
toGist('gist', gistId)
function publishToGist (fileProviderName) {
modalDialogCustom.confirm(null, 'Are you very sure you want to publish all your files anonymously as a public gist on github.com?', () => {
function toGist (fileProviderName, id) {
packageFiles(self._deps.fileProviders[fileProviderName], (error, packaged) => {
if (error) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Failed to create gist: ' + error)
} else {
var tokenAccess = self._deps.config.get('settings/gist-access-token')
if (!tokenAccess) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Remix requires an access token (which includes gists creation permission). Please go to the settings tab for more information.')
} else {
var description = 'Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. \n Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at https://remix.ethereum.org/#version=' + queryParams.get().version + '&optimize=' + queryParams.get().optimize + '&gist='
var gists = new Gists({
token: tokenAccess
if (id) {
tooltip('Saving gist (' + id + ') ...')
description: description,
public: true,
files: packaged,
id: id
}, (error, result) => {
cb(error, result)
} else {
tooltip('Creating a new gist ...')
description: description,
public: true,
files: packaged
}, (error, result) => {
cb(error, result)
function cb (error, data) {
if (error) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('Failed to manage gist: ' + error)
} else {
if (data.html_url) {
modalDialogCustom.confirm(null, `The gist is at ${data.html_url}. Would you like to open it in a new window?`, () => {
window.open(data.html_url, '_blank')
} else {
modalDialogCustom.alert(data.message + ' ' + data.documentation_url + ' ' + JSON.stringify(data.errors, null, '\t'))
// ------------------ copy files --------------
function copyFiles () {
modalDialogCustom.prompt(null, 'To which other remix-ide instance do you want to copy over all files?', 'https://remix.ethereum.org', (target) => {
function doCopy (target) {
// package only files from the browser storage.
packageFiles(self._deps.fileProviders['browser'], (error, packaged) => {
if (error) {
} else {
$('<iframe/>', {
src: target,
style: 'display:none;',
load: function () { this.contentWindow.postMessage(['loadFiles', packaged], '*') }
get profile () {
return {
name: 'fileExplorers',
displayName: 'file explorers',
methods: [],
events: [],
icon: '',
description: ' - ',
kind: 'fileexplorer'
// return all the files, except the temporary/readonly ones..
function packageFiles (filesProvider, callback) {
var ret = {}
filesProvider.resolveDirectory(filesProvider.type, (error, files) => {
if (error) callback(error)
else {
async.eachSeries(Object.keys(files), (path, cb) => {
filesProvider.get(path, (error, content) => {
if (error) cb(error)
else {
ret[path] = { content }
}, (error) => {
callback(error, ret)

@ -14,22 +14,6 @@ var css = csjs`
position : relative;
width : 100%;
.menu {
margin-top : -0.2em;
flex-shrink : 0;
display : flex;
flex-direction : row;
min-width : 160px;
.newFile {
padding : 10px;
.newFile i {
cursor : pointer;
.newFile i:hover {
color : var(--secondary)
.gist {
padding : 10px;

@ -208,9 +208,8 @@ class CompileTab extends ApiFactory {
publish () {
const selectContractNames = this._view.contractNames
if (selectContractNames.children.length > 0 && selectContractNames.selectedIndex >= 0) {
var contract = this.data.contractsDetails[selectContractNames.children[selectContractNames.selectedIndex].innerHTML]
if (this.selectedContract) {
var contract = this.data.contractsDetails[this.selectedContract]
if (contract.metadata === undefined || contract.metadata.length === 0) {
modalDialogCustom.alert('This contract may be abstract, may not implement an abstract parent\'s methods completely or not invoke an inherited contract\'s constructor correctly.')
} else {

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/* global */
import LandingPage from './landing-page'
import Section from './section'
import { defaultWorkspaces } from './workspace'
var globalRegistry = require('../../../global/registry')
export function homepageProfile () {
return {
displayName: 'Home',
name: 'home',
methods: [],
events: [],
description: ' - ',
icon: '',
prefferedLocation: 'mainPanel'
export function generateHomePage (appManager, appStore) {
var actions1 = [
{ label: 'New file',
type: 'callback',
payload: () => {
let fileManager = globalRegistry.get('fileexplorerbrowser').api
{label: 'Import from GitHub', type: `callback`, payload: () => { this.alert(`-imported from GitHub-`) }},
{label: 'Import from gist', type: `callback`, payload: () => { this.alert(`-imported from gist-`) }}
var actions3 = [
{label: 'Remix documentation', type: `link`, payload: `https://remix.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#`},
{label: 'GitHub repository', type: `link`, payload: `https://github.com/ethereum/remix-ide`},
{label: 'Access local file system with remixd', type: `link`, payload: `https://remix.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial_remixd_filesystem.html`},
{label: 'npm module for remixd', type: `link`, payload: `https://www.npmjs.com/package/remixd`},
{label: 'Medium posts', type: `link`, payload: `https://medium.com/remix-ide`},
{label: 'Tutorials', type: `link`, payload: `https://github.com/ethereum/remix-workshops`}
var actions4 = [
{label: 'Remix plugins & modules', type: `link`, payload: `https://github.com/ethereum/remix-plugin/blob/master/readme.md`},
{label: 'Repository on GitHub', type: `link`, payload: `https://github.com/ethereum/remix-plugin`},
{label: 'Examples', type: `link`, payload: `https://github.com/ethereum/remix-plugin/tree/master/examples`},
{label: 'Build a plugin for Remix', type: `link`, payload: `https://medium.com/remix-ide/build-a-plugin-for-remix-90d43b209c5a`}
var actions5 = [
{label: 'Gitter channel', type: `link`, payload: `https://gitter.im/ethereum/remix`},
{label: 'Stack Overflow', type: `link`, payload: `https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/remix`},
{label: 'Reddit', type: `link`, payload: `https://www.reddit.com/r/ethdev/search?q=remix&restrict_sr=1`}
var sectionStart = new Section('Start', actions1)
var sectionLearn = new Section('Learn', actions3)
var sectionPlugins = new Section('Plugins', actions4)
var sectionHelp = new Section('Help', actions5)
var sectionsWorkspaces = []
label: 'Close All Modules',
type: 'callback',
payload: () => {
.filter(({profile}) => !profile.required)
.forEach((profile) => { appManager.deactivateOne(profile.name) })
defaultWorkspaces(appManager).forEach((workspace) => {
label: workspace.title,
type: 'callback',
payload: () => { workspace.activate() }
var sectionWorkspace = new Section('Workspaces', sectionsWorkspaces)
return new LandingPage([sectionWorkspace, sectionStart, sectionLearn, sectionPlugins, sectionHelp])

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long