aniket-engg 4 years ago committed by Aniket
parent 235d0cea8e
commit e24a4f0bce
  1. 39

@ -50,6 +50,23 @@ Renderer.prototype._errorClick = function (errFile, errLine, errCol) {
function getPositionDetails (msg) {
const result = {}
// To handle some compiler warning without location like SPDX license warning etc
if (!msg.includes(':')) return { errLine: -1, errCol: -1, errFile: msg }
// extract line / column
let position = msg.match(/^(.*?):([0-9]*?):([0-9]*?)?/)
result.errLine = position ? parseInt(position[2]) - 1 : -1
result.errCol = position ? parseInt(position[3]) : -1
// extract file
position = msg.match(/^(https:.*?|http:.*?|.*?):/)
result.errFile = position ? position[1] : ''
return result
* format msg like error or warning,
@ -69,22 +86,6 @@ Renderer.prototype._errorClick = function (errFile, errLine, errCol) {
* }
function getPositionDetails (msg) {
const result = {}
if (!msg.includes(':')) return { errLine: -1, errCol: -1, errFile: msg }
// extract line / column
let position = msg.match(/^(.*?):([0-9]*?):([0-9]*?)?/)
result.errLine = position ? parseInt(position[2]) - 1 : -1
result.errCol = position ? parseInt(position[3]) : -1
// extract file
position = msg.match(/^(https:.*?|http:.*?|.*?):/)
result.errFile = position ? position[1] : ''
return result
Renderer.prototype.error = function (message, container, opt) {
if (!message) return
if (container === undefined) return
@ -103,8 +104,14 @@ Renderer.prototype.error = function (message, container, opt) {
// https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/release-v3.2.0/contracts/introspection/IERC1820Registry.sol:3:1: ParserError: Source file requires different compiler version (current compiler is 0.7.4+commit.3f05b770.Emscripten.clang) - note that nightly builds are considered to be strictly less than the released version
let position = getPositionDetails(text)
// For compiler version 0.8.0 and upcoming versions, errors and warning will be reported in a different way
// Above method regex will return type of error as 'errFile'
// Comparison of 'errFile' with passed error type will ensure the reporter type
if (!position.errFile || (opt.errorType && opt.errorType === position.errFile)) {
// Updated error reported includes '-->' before file details
const errorDetails = text.split('-->')
// errorDetails[1] will have file details
position = getPositionDetails(errorDetails[1])
