@ -28,20 +28,28 @@ export function EnvironmentUI (props: EnvironmentProps) {
< div className = "udapp_crow" >
< label id = "selectExEnv" className = "udapp_settingsLabel" >
< FormattedMessage id = 'udapp.environment' defaultMessage = 'Environment' / >
< CustomTooltip placement = { 'right' } tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap" tooltipId = "info-recorder"
tooltipText = "Open chainlist and add a new provider for the chain you want to interact to." >
< a href = 'https://chainlist.org/' target = '_blank' > < i style = { { fontSize : 'medium' } } className = { 'ml-2 fad fa-plug' } aria - hidden = "true" > < / i > < / a >
< / CustomTooltip >
< CustomTooltip
placement = { 'right' }
tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap"
tooltipId = "info-recorder"
tooltipText = "Open chainlist and add a new provider for the chain you want to interact to."
< a href = 'https://chainlist.org/' target = '_blank' > < i style = { { fontSize : 'medium' } } className = { 'ml-2 fad fa-plug' } aria - hidden = "true" > < / i > < / a >
< / CustomTooltip >
< / label >
< div className = "udapp_environment" >
< Dropdown id = "selectExEnvOptions" data - id = "settingsSelectEnvOptions" className = 'udapp_selectExEnvOptions' >
< Dropdown id = "selectExEnvOptions" data - id = "settingsSelectEnvOptions" className = 'udapp_selectExEnvOptions' >
< Dropdown.Toggle as = { CustomToggle } id = "dropdown-custom-components" className = "btn btn-light btn-block w-100 d-inline-block border border-dark form-control" icon = { null } >
{ isL2 ( currentProvider ) && 'L2 - ' }
{ currentProvider && currentProvider . content }
{ currentProvider && bridges [ currentProvider . value ] && < CustomTooltip placement = { 'right' } tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap" tooltipId = "info-recorder" tooltipText = "Click to open a bridge for converting L1 mainnet ETH to the selected network currency." >
< i style = { { fontSize : 'medium' } } className = { 'ml-2 fal fa-plug' } aria - hidden = "true" onClick = { ( ) = > { window . open ( bridges [ currentProvider . value ] , '_blank' ) } } > < / i >
< / CustomTooltip > }
{ currentProvider && bridges [ currentProvider . value ] && < CustomTooltip
placement = { 'right' }
tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap"
tooltipId = "info-recorder"
tooltipText = "Click to open a bridge for converting L1 mainnet ETH to the selected network currency."
< i style = { { fontSize : 'medium' } } className = { 'ml-2 fal fa-plug' } aria - hidden = "true" onClick = { ( ) = > { window . open ( bridges [ currentProvider . value ] , '_blank' ) } } > < / i >
< / CustomTooltip > }
< / Dropdown.Toggle >
< Dropdown.Menu as = { CustomMenu } className = 'w-100 custom-dropdown-items' data - id = "custom-dropdown-items" >
@ -53,14 +61,20 @@ export function EnvironmentUI (props: EnvironmentProps) {
} }
data - id = { ` dropdown-item- ${ value } ` }
< span className = "pl-3 " > { isL2 ( { value } ) && 'L2 - ' } { content } < / span >
< span className = "" > { isL2 ( { value } ) && 'L2 - ' } { content } < / span >
< / Dropdown.Item >
) )
< / Dropdown.Menu >
< / Dropdown >
< CustomTooltip placement = { 'bottom-start' } tooltipClasses = "text-wrap" tooltipId = "runAndDeployAddresstooltip"
tooltipText = { < FormattedMessage id = 'udapp.environmentDocs' defaultMessage = 'Click for docs about Environment' / > } >
< CustomTooltip
placement = { 'bottom-start' }
tooltipClasses = "text-wrap"
tooltipId = "runAndDeployAddresstooltip"
tooltipText = { < FormattedMessage
id = 'udapp.environmentDocs'
defaultMessage = 'Click for docs about Environment' / > }
< a href = "https://remix-ide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/run.html#environment" target = "_blank" rel = "noreferrer" > < i className = "udapp_infoDeployAction ml-2 fas fa-info" > < / i > < / a >
< / CustomTooltip >
< / div >