
yann300 2 weeks ago
parent 8a4e430302
commit ed001c2127
  1. 89

@ -136,7 +136,6 @@ export class RemixURLResolver {
* Handle an import statement based on NPM
* @param url The url of the NPM import statement
async handleNpmImport(url: string): Promise<HandlerResponse> {
if (!url) throw new Error('url is empty')
let fetchUrl = url
@ -144,45 +143,16 @@ export class RemixURLResolver {
if (this.getDependencies && !isVersioned) {
try {
const { deps, yarnLock, packageLock } = await this.getDependencies()
let matchLength = 0
let pkg
if (deps) {
Object.keys(deps).map((dep) => {
const reg = new RegExp(dep + '/', 'g')
const match = url.match(reg)
if (match && match.length > 0 && matchLength < match[0].length) {
matchLength = match[0].length
pkg = dep
if (pkg) {
let version
if (yarnLock) {
// yarn.lock
const regex = new RegExp(`"${pkg}@(.*)"`, 'g')
const yarnVersion = regex.exec(yarnLock)
if (yarnVersion && yarnVersion.length > 1) {
version = yarnVersion[1]
if (!version && packageLock && packageLock['dependencies'] && packageLock['dependencies'][pkg] && packageLock['dependencies'][pkg]['version']) {
// package-lock.json
version = packageLock['dependencies'][pkg]['version']
if (!version) {
// package.json
version = deps[pkg]
if (version) {
// If the entry is pointing to a github repo, redirect to correct handler instead of continuing
if (version.startsWith("github:")) {
const [, repo, tag] = version.match(/github:([^#]+)#(.+)/);
const filePath = url.replace(/^[^/]+\//, '');
return this.handleGithubCall(repo, `blob/${tag}/${filePath}`);
const versionSemver = semver.minVersion(version)
fetchUrl = url.replace(pkg, `${pkg}@${versionSemver.version}`)
// Packages have usually a slash in the name which make it difficult to distinguish them from a path.
// we first try to resolve the path with a slash. packages like @openzepplin/contracts will be resolved in that case.
let transformedUrl = getPkg(fetchUrl.split('/')[0] + '/' + fetchUrl.split('/')[1], yarnLock, packageLock, deps, url, fetchUrl)
if (!transformedUrl) {
// then we fallback to the case where the package doesn't have a slash in its name.
transformedUrl = getPkg(fetchUrl.split('/')[0], yarnLock, packageLock, deps, url, fetchUrl)
if (transformedUrl) {
fetchUrl = transformedUrl
} catch (e) {
@ -269,3 +239,44 @@ export class RemixURLResolver {
function semverRegex() {
return /(?<=^v?|\sv?)(?:(?:0|[1-9]\d{0,9}?)\.){2}(?:0|[1-9]\d{0,9})(?:-(?:--+)?(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-z]+\d*)){0,100}(?=$| |\+|\.)(?:(?<=-\S+)(?:\.(?:--?|[\da-z-]*[a-z-]\d*|0|[1-9]\d*)){1,100}?)?(?!\.)(?:\+(?:[\da-z]\.?-?){1,100}?(?!\w))?(?!\+)/gi;
function getPkg(pkg, yarnLock, packageLock, deps, url, fetchUrl) {
let version
if (yarnLock) {
// yarn.lock
const regex = new RegExp(`"${pkg}@(.*)"`, 'g')
const yarnVersion = regex.exec(yarnLock)
if (yarnVersion && yarnVersion.length > 1) {
version = yarnVersion[1]
if (!version && packageLock && packageLock['packages'] && packageLock['packages']['node_modules/' + pkg] && packageLock['packages']['node_modules/' + pkg]['version']) {
// package-lock.json version 3
version = packageLock['packages']['node_modules/' + pkg]['version']
if (!version && packageLock && packageLock['dependencies'] && packageLock['dependencies'][pkg] && packageLock['dependencies'][pkg]['version']) {
// package-lock.json version 2
version = packageLock['dependencies'][pkg]['version']
// package.json
if (deps[pkg]) {
version = deps[pkg]
if (version) {
// If the entry is pointing to a github repo, redirect to correct handler instead of continuing
if (version.startsWith("github:")) {
const [, repo, tag] = version.match(/github:([^#]+)#(.+)/);
const filePath = url.replace(/^[^/]+\//, '');
return this.handleGithubCall(repo, `blob/${tag}/${filePath}`);
if (version.startsWith('npm:')) {
fetchUrl = url.replace(pkg, version.replace('npm:', ''))
return fetchUrl
} else {
// const versionSemver = semver.minVersion(version)
fetchUrl = url.replace(pkg, `${pkg}@${version}`)
return fetchUrl
return null
