@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import React from 'react'
import { bufferToHex , keccakFromString } from 'ethereumjs-util'
import axios , { AxiosResponse } from 'axios'
import { checkSpecialChars , checkSlash , extractParentFromKey } from '@remix-ui/helper'
import { checkSpecialChars , checkSlash , extractParentFromKey , extractNameFromKey } from '@remix-ui/helper'
import Gists from 'gists'
const QueryParams = require ( '../../../../../../apps/remix-ide/src/lib/query-params' )
const examples = require ( '../../../../../../apps/remix-ide/src/app/editor/examples' )
@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ const queuedEvents = []
const pendingEvents = { }
const LOCALHOST = ' - connect to localhost - '
const NO_WORKSPACE = ' - none - '
const queryParams = new QueryParams ( )
let plugin , dispatch : React.Dispatch < any >
@ -179,6 +181,19 @@ const setDeleteWorkspace = (workspaceName: string) => {
const displayPopUp = ( message : string ) = > {
return {
payload : message
const hidePopUp = ( ) = > {
return {
const createWorkspaceTemplate = async ( workspaceName : string , setDefaults = true , template : 'gist-template' | 'code-template' | 'default-template' = 'default-template' ) = > {
if ( ! workspaceName ) throw new Error ( 'workspace name cannot be empty' )
if ( checkSpecialChars ( workspaceName ) || checkSlash ( workspaceName ) ) throw new Error ( 'special characters are not allowed' )
@ -188,7 +203,6 @@ const createWorkspaceTemplate = async (workspaceName: string, setDefaults = true
await workspaceProvider . createWorkspace ( workspaceName )
if ( setDefaults ) {
const queryParams = new QueryParams ( )
const params = queryParams . get ( )
switch ( template ) {
@ -316,6 +330,82 @@ const getWorkspaces = async (): Promise<string[]> | undefined => {
const packageGistFiles = async ( directory ) = > {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) = > {
const workspaceProvider = plugin . fileProviders . workspace
const isFile = workspaceProvider . isFile ( directory )
const ret = { }
if ( isFile ) {
try {
workspaceProvider . get ( directory , ( error , content ) = > {
if ( error ) throw new Error ( 'An error ocurred while getting file content. ' + directory )
if ( /^\s+$/ . test ( content ) || ! content . length ) {
content = '// this line is added to create a gist. Empty file is not allowed.'
directory = directory . replace ( /\//g , '...' )
ret [ directory ] = { content }
return resolve ( ret )
} )
} catch ( e ) {
return reject ( e )
} else {
try {
( async ( ) = > {
await workspaceProvider . copyFolderToJson ( directory , ( { path , content } ) = > {
if ( /^\s+$/ . test ( content ) || ! content . length ) {
content = '// this line is added to create a gist. Empty file is not allowed.'
if ( path . indexOf ( 'gist-' ) === 0 ) {
path = path . split ( '/' )
path . shift ( )
path = path . join ( '/' )
path = path . replace ( /\//g , '...' )
ret [ path ] = { content }
} )
resolve ( ret )
} ) ( )
} catch ( e ) {
return reject ( e )
} )
const handleGistResponse = ( error , data ) = > {
if ( error ) {
dispatch ( displayNotification ( 'Publish to gist Failed' , 'Failed to manage gist: ' + error , 'Close' , null ) )
} else {
if ( data . html_url ) {
dispatch ( displayNotification ( 'Gist is ready' , ` The gist is at ${ data . html_url } . Would you like to open it in a new window? ` , 'OK' , 'Cancel' , ( ) = > {
window . open ( data . html_url , '_blank' )
} , ( ) = > { } ) )
} else {
const error = JSON . stringify ( data . errors , null , '\t' ) || ''
const message = data . message === 'Not Found' ? data . message + '. Please make sure the API token has right to create a gist.' : data . message
dispatch ( displayNotification ( 'Publish to gist Failed' , message + ' ' + data . documentation_url + ' ' + error , 'Close' , null ) )
/ * *
* This function is to get the original content of given gist
* @params id is the gist id to fetch
* /
const getOriginalFiles = async ( id ) = > {
if ( ! id ) {
return [ ]
const url = ` https://api.github.com/gists/ ${ id } `
const res = await fetch ( url )
const data = await res . json ( )
return data . files || [ ]
const listenOnEvents = ( provider ) = > {
provider . event . on ( 'fileAdded' , async ( filePath : string ) = > {
await executeEvent ( 'fileAdded' , filePath )
@ -390,7 +480,6 @@ export const initWorkspace = (filePanelPlugin) => async (reducerDispatch: React.
dispatch = reducerDispatch
const workspaceProvider = filePanelPlugin . fileProviders . workspace
const localhostProvider = filePanelPlugin . fileProviders . localhost
const queryParams = new QueryParams ( )
const params = queryParams . get ( )
const workspaces = await getWorkspaces ( ) || [ ]
@ -546,6 +635,76 @@ export const deleteWorkspace = (workspaceName: string) => async (dispatch: React
await dispatch ( setDeleteWorkspace ( workspaceName ) )
export const publishToGist = ( path? : string , type ? : string ) = > async ( dispatch : React.Dispatch < any > ) = > {
// If 'id' is not defined, it is not a gist update but a creation so we have to take the files from the browser explorer.
const folder = path || '/'
const id = type === 'gist' ? extractNameFromKey ( path ) . split ( '-' ) [ 1 ] : null
try {
const packaged = await packageGistFiles ( folder )
// check for token
const config = plugin . registry . get ( 'config' ) . api
const accessToken = config . get ( 'settings/gist-access-token' )
if ( ! accessToken ) {
dispatch ( displayNotification ( 'Authorize Token' , 'Remix requires an access token (which includes gists creation permission). Please go to the settings tab to create one.' , 'Close' , null , ( ) = > { } ) )
} else {
const description = 'Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. \n Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at https://remix.ethereum.org/#version=' +
queryParams . get ( ) . version + '&optimize=' + queryParams . get ( ) . optimize + '&runs=' + queryParams . get ( ) . runs + '&gist='
const gists = new Gists ( { token : accessToken } )
if ( id ) {
const originalFileList = await getOriginalFiles ( id )
// Telling the GIST API to remove files
const updatedFileList = Object . keys ( packaged )
const allItems = Object . keys ( originalFileList )
. filter ( fileName = > updatedFileList . indexOf ( fileName ) === - 1 )
. reduce ( ( acc , deleteFileName ) = > ( {
. . . acc ,
[ deleteFileName ] : null
} ) , originalFileList )
// adding new files
updatedFileList . forEach ( ( file ) = > {
const _items = file . split ( '/' )
const _fileName = _items [ _items . length - 1 ]
allItems [ _fileName ] = packaged [ file ]
} )
dispatch ( displayPopUp ( 'Saving gist (' + id + ') ...' ) )
gists . edit ( {
description : description ,
public : true ,
files : allItems ,
id : id
} , ( error , result ) = > {
handleGistResponse ( error , result )
if ( ! error ) {
for ( const key in allItems ) {
if ( allItems [ key ] === null ) delete allItems [ key ]
} )
} else {
// id is not existing, need to create a new gist
dispatch ( displayPopUp ( 'Creating a new gist ...' ) )
gists . create ( {
description : description ,
public : true ,
files : packaged
} , ( error , result ) = > {
handleGistResponse ( error , result )
} )
} catch ( error ) {
console . log ( error )
displayNotification ( 'Publish to gist Failed' , 'Failed to create gist: ' + error . message , 'Close' , null , async ( ) = > { } )
export const clearPopUp = ( ) = > async ( dispatch : React.Dispatch < any > ) = > {
dispatch ( hidePopUp ( ) )
const fileAdded = async ( filePath : string ) = > {
await dispatch ( fileAddedSuccess ( filePath ) )
if ( filePath . includes ( '_test.sol' ) ) {