.waitForElementContainsText('*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]','SyntaxError: No visibility specified',120000)
.waitForElementContainsText('*[data-id="testTabTestsExecutionStoppedError"]','The test execution has been stopped because of error(s) in your test file',120000)
'Use special functions receive/fallback - both are declared, failing sending data < 1 byte':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
'Use special functions receive/fallback - both are declared, failing sending data < 1 byte #group1':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
// don't need to redeploy it, same contract
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ module.exports = {
'Use special functions receive/fallback - both are declared, failing sending data with odd number of digits':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
'Use special functions receive/fallback - both are declared, failing sending data with odd number of digits #group1':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
// don't need to redeploy it, same contract
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ module.exports = {
'Use special functions receive/fallback - both are declared - receive called, sending wei':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
'Use special functions receive/fallback - both are declared - receive called, sending wei #group1':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
// don't need to redeploy it, same contract
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ module.exports = {
'Use special functions receive/fallback - both are declared - fallback should fail cause not payable, sending data and wei':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
'Use special functions receive/fallback - both are declared - fallback should fail cause not payable, sending data and wei #group1':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
// don't need to redeploy it, same contract
@ -86,15 +87,15 @@ module.exports = {
'Use special functions receive/fallback - only receive is declared, sending wei':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
'Use special functions receive/fallback - only receive is declared, sending wei #group2':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
'Use special functions receive/fallback - only receive is declared, failing, fallback is not declared, sending data':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
'Use special functions receive/fallback - only receive is declared, failing, fallback is not declared, sending data #group2':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
'Use special functions receive/fallback - only fallback is diclared and is payable, sending data and wei':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
'Use special functions receive/fallback - only fallback is diclared and is payable, sending data and wei #group3':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
'Use special functions receive/fallback - only fallback is declared, fallback should fail cause not payable, sending wei':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
'Use special functions receive/fallback - only fallback is declared, fallback should fail cause not payable, sending wei #group4':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
'Should Compile and Deploy a contract which define a custom error, the error should be logged in the terminal':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
'Should Compile and Deploy a contract which define a custom error, the error should be logged in the terminal #group3':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
.journalLastChildIncludes('Debug the transaction to get more information.')
'Should Compile and Deploy a contract which define a custom error, the error should be logged in the terminal , using London VM Fork':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
'Should Compile and Deploy a contract which define a custom error, the error should be logged in the terminal , using London VM Fork #group3':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
.click('*[data-id="settingsVMLondonMode"]')// switch to London fork
.selectAccount('0xCA35b7d915458EF540aDe6068dFe2F44E8fa733c')// this account will be used for this test suite
.journalLastChildIncludes('Debug the transaction to get more information.')
'Should Compile and Deploy a contract which define a custom error in a library, the error should be logged in the terminal #group3':function(browser: NightwatchBrowser){
if(userdoc&&(userdocasany).notice)customError+=' : '+(userdocasany).notice// we append the user doc if any
value: v.toString?v.toString():v
decodedCustomErrorInputsClean[input.name].documentation=(devdocasany).params[inputKey]// we add the developer documentation for this input parameter if any
value: v.toString?v.toString():v
decodedCustomErrorInputsClean[input.name].documentation=(devdocasany).params[inputKey]// we add the developer documentation for this input parameter if any