removing unused code in terminal.js and adding props to remix-ui-terminal.ts

tizah 4 years ago committed by
parent 487fc5922c
commit ff850ed023
  1. 419
  2. 15

@ -109,426 +109,7 @@ class Terminal extends Plugin {
render () {
// var self = this
// if (self._view.el) return self._view.el
//self._view.journal = yo`<div id="journal" class=${css.journal} data-id="terminalJournal"></div>`
// self._view.input = yo`
// <span class=${css.input} onload=${() => { this.focus() }} onpaste=${paste} onkeydown=${change}></span>
// `
// self._view.input.setAttribute('spellcheck', 'false')
// self._view.input.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true')
// self._view.input.setAttribute('id', 'terminalCliInput')
// self._view.input.setAttribute('data-id', 'terminalCliInput')
// self._view.input.innerText = '\n'
// self._view.cli = yo`
// <div id="terminalCli" data-id="terminalCli" class="${css.cli}" onclick=${focusinput}>
// <span class=${css.prompt}>${'>'}</span>
// ${self._view.input}
// </div>
// `
// self._view.icon = yo`
// <i onmouseenter=${hover} onmouseleave=${hover} onmousedown=${minimize}
// class="mx-2 ${css.toggleTerminal} fas fa-angle-double-down" data-id="terminalToggleIcon"></i>`
// self._view.dragbar = yo`
// <div onmousedown=${mousedown} class=${css.dragbarHorizontal}></div>`
// self._view.pendingTxCount = yo`<div class="mx-2" title='Pending Transactions'>0</div>`
// self._view.inputSearch = yo`<input
// spellcheck="false"
// type="text"
// class="border ${css.filter} form-control"
// id="searchInput"
// onkeydown=${filter}
// placeholder="Search with transaction hash or address"
// data-id="terminalInputSearch">
// </input>`
// = yo`
// <div class="${}">
// ${self._view.dragbar}
// <div class="${} border-top border-dark bg-light" data-id="terminalToggleMenu">
// ${self._view.icon}
// <div class="mx-2" id="clearConsole" data-id="terminalClearConsole" onclick=${clear}>
// <i class="fas fa-ban" aria-hidden="true" title="Clear console"
// onmouseenter=${hover} onmouseleave=${hover}></i>
// </div>
// ${self._view.pendingTxCount}
// <div class=${css.verticalLine}></div>
// <div class="pt-1 h-80 mx-3 align-items-center ${css.listenOnNetwork} custom-control custom-checkbox">
// <input
// class="custom-control-input"
// id="listenNetworkCheck"
// onchange=${listenOnNetwork}
// type="checkbox"
// title="If checked Remix will listen on all transactions mined in the current environment and not only transactions created by you"
// >
// <label
// class="pt-1 form-check-label custom-control-label text-nowrap""
// title="If checked Remix will listen on all transactions mined in the current environment and not only transactions created by you"
// for="listenNetworkCheck"
// >
// listen on network
// </label>
// </div>
// <div class=${}>
// <i class="fas fa-search ${css.searchIcon} bg-light" aria-hidden="true"></i>
// ${self._view.inputSearch}
// </div>
// </div>
// </div>
// `
// self._view.term = yo`
// <div class="${css.terminal_container}" tabindex="-1" data-id="terminalContainer" onscroll=${throttle(reattach, 10)} onkeydown=${focusinput}>
// ${self._components.autoCompletePopup.render()}
// <div data-id="terminalContainerDisplay" style="
// position: absolute;
// height: 100%;
// width: 100%;
// opacity: 0.1;
// z-index: -1;
// "></div>
// <div class=${css.terminal}>
// ${self._view.journal}
// ${self._view.cli}
// </div>
// </div>
// `
// self._view.el = yo`
// <div class="${css.panel}" style="height: 180px;">
// ${}
// ${self._view.term}
// </div>
// `
// setInterval(async () => {
// try {
// self._view.pendingTxCount.innerHTML = await'udapp', 'pendingTransactionsCount')
// } catch (err) {}
// }, 1000)
// function listenOnNetwork (ev) {
// self.event.trigger('listenOnNetWork', [ev.currentTarget.checked])
// }
//function paste (event) {
// const selection = window.getSelection()
// if (!selection.rangeCount) return false
// event.preventDefault()
// event.stopPropagation()
// var clipboard = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData)
// var text = clipboard.getData('text/plain')
// text = text.replace(/[^\x20-\xFF]/gi, '') // remove non-UTF-8 characters
// var temp = document.createElement('div')
// temp.innerHTML = text
// var textnode = document.createTextNode(temp.textContent)
// selection.getRangeAt(0).insertNode(textnode)
// selection.empty()
// self.scroll2bottom()
// placeCaretAtEnd(event.currentTarget)
//function placeCaretAtEnd (el) {
// el.focus()
// var range = document.createRange()
// range.selectNodeContents(el)
// range.collapse(false)
// var sel = window.getSelection()
// sel.removeAllRanges()
// sel.addRange(range)
// }
// function throttle (fn, wait) {
// var time =
// return function debounce () {
// if ((time + wait - < 0) {
// fn.apply(this, arguments)
// time =
// }
// }
// }
// var css2 = csjs`
// .anchor {
// position : static;
// border-top : 2px dotted blue;
// height : 10px;
// }
// .overlay {
// position : absolute;
// width : 100%;
// display : flex;
// align-items : center;
// justify-content : center;
// bottom : 0;
// right : 15px;
// min-height : 20px;
// }
// .text {
// z-index : 2;
// color : black;
// font-weight : bold;
// pointer-events : none;
// }
// .background {
// z-index : 1;
// opacity : 0.8;
// background-color : #a6aeba;
// cursor : pointer;
// }
// .ul {
// padding-left : 20px;
// padding-bottom : 5px;
// }
// `
// var text = yo`<div class="${css2.overlay} ${css2.text}"></div>`
// var background = yo`<div class="${css2.overlay} ${css2.background}"></div>`
// var placeholder = yo`<div class=${css2.anchor}>${background}${text}</div>`
// var inserted = false
// window.addEventListener('resize', function (event) {
// self.event.trigger('resize', [])
// self.event.trigger('resize', [])
// })
//function focusinput (event) {
// if (
// event.altKey ||
// event.ctrlKey ||
// event.metaKey ||
// event.shiftKey ||
// event.key === 'Down' ||
// event.key === 'ArrowDown' ||
// event.key === 'Up' ||
// event.key === 'ArrowUp' ||
// event.key === 'Left' ||
// event.key === 'ArrowLeft' ||
// event.key === 'Right' ||
// event.key === 'ArrowRight' ||
// event.key === 'Esc' ||
// event.key === 'Escape'
// ) return
// refocus()
// function refocus () {
// self._view.input.focus()
// reattach({ currentTarget: self._view.term })
// delete self.scroll2bottom
// self.scroll2bottom()
// }
//function reattach (event) {
// var el = event.currentTarget
// var isBottomed = el.scrollHeight - el.scrollTop - el.clientHeight < 30
// if (isBottomed) {
// if (inserted) {
// text.innerText = ''
// background.onclick = undefined
// if (placeholder.parentElement) self._view.journal.removeChild(placeholder)
// }
// inserted = false
// delete self.scroll2bottom
// } else {
// if (!inserted) self._view.journal.appendChild(placeholder)
// inserted = true
// check()
// if (!placeholder.nextElementSibling) {
// = 'none'
// } else {
// = ''
// }
// self.scroll2bottom = function () {
// var next = placeholder.nextElementSibling
// if (next) {
// = ''
// check()
// var messages = 1
// while ((next = next.nextElementSibling)) messages += 1
// text.innerText = `${messages} new unread log entries`
// } else {
// = 'none'
// }
// }
// }
//function check () {
// var pos1 = self._view.term.offsetHeight + self._view.term.scrollTop - (self._view.el.offsetHeight * 0.15)
// var pos2 = placeholder.offsetTop
// if ((pos1 - pos2) > 0) {
// = 'none'
// = 'relative'
// = 0.3
// = 0
// = 'content-box'
// = '2px'
// = (self._view.journal.offsetHeight - (placeholder.offsetTop + placeholder.offsetHeight)) + 'px'
// background.onclick = undefined
// = 'default'
// = 'none'
// } else {
// = ''
// = ''
// background.onclick = function (event) {
// placeholder.scrollIntoView()
// check()
// }
// }
//function hover (event) { event.currentTarget.classList.toggle(css.hover) }
//function minimize (event) {
// event.preventDefault()
// event.stopPropagation()
// if (event.button === 0) {
// var classList = self._view.icon.classList
// classList.toggle('fa-angle-double-down')
// classList.toggle('fa-angle-double-up')
// self.event.trigger('resize', [])
// }
// var filtertimeout = null
//function filter (event) {
// if (filtertimeout) {
// clearTimeout(filtertimeout)
// }
// filtertimeout = setTimeout(() => {
// self.updateJournal({ type: 'search', value: self._view.inputSearch.value })
// self.scroll2bottom()
// }, 500)
// }
// function clear (event) {
// refocus()
// self._view.journal.innerHTML = ''
// }
// ----------------- resizeable ui ---------------
//function mousedown (event) {
// event.preventDefault()
// if (event.which === 1) {
// moveGhostbar(event)
// document.body.appendChild(ghostbar)
// document.addEventListener('mousemove', moveGhostbar)
// document.addEventListener('mouseup', removeGhostbar)
// document.addEventListener('keydown', cancelGhostbar)
// }
//function cancelGhostbar (event) {
// if (event.keyCode === 27) {
// document.body.removeChild(ghostbar)
// document.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveGhostbar)
// document.removeEventListener('mouseup', removeGhostbar)
// document.removeEventListener('keydown', cancelGhostbar)
// }
// }
// function moveGhostbar (event) { // @NOTE HORIZONTAL ghostbar
// = self._api.getPosition(event) + 'px'
// }
// function removeGhostbar (event) {
// if (self._view.icon.classList.contains('fa-angle-double-up')) {
// self._view.icon.classList.toggle('fa-angle-double-down')
// self._view.icon.classList.toggle('fa-angle-double-up')
// }
// document.body.removeChild(ghostbar)
// document.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveGhostbar)
// document.removeEventListener('mouseup', removeGhostbar)
// document.removeEventListener('keydown', cancelGhostbar)
// self.event.trigger('resize', [self._api.getPosition(event)])
// }
// self._cmdHistory = []
// self._cmdIndex = -1
// self._cmdTemp = ''
// var intro = yo`
// <div><div> - Welcome to Remix ${packageJson.version} - </div><br>
// <div>You can use this terminal to: </div>
// <ul class=${css2.ul}>
// <li>Check transactions details and start debugging.</li>
// <li>Execute JavaScript scripts:
// <br />
// <i> - Input a script directly in the command line interface </i>
// <br />
// <i> - Select a Javascript file in the file explorer and then run \`remix.execute()\` or \`remix.exeCurrent()\` in the command line interface </i>
// <br />
// <i> - Right click on a JavaScript file in the file explorer and then click \`Run\` </i>
// </li>
// </ul>
// <div>The following libraries are accessible:</div>
// <ul class=${css2.ul}>
// <li><a target="_blank" href="">web3 version 1.0.0</a></li>
// <li><a target="_blank" href="">ethers.js</a> </li>
// <li><a target="_blank" href="">swarmgw</a> </li>
// <li>remix (run for more info)</li>
// </ul>
// </div>
// `
//self._shell('', self.commands, () => {})
//self._components.txLogger = new TxLogger(this, self.blockchain)
// self._components.txLogger.event.register('debuggingRequested', async (hash) => {
// // TODO should probably be in the run module
// if (!await self._opts.appManager.isActive('debugger')) await self._opts.appManager.activatePlugin('debugger')
//'menuicons', 'select', 'debugger')
//'debugger', 'debug', hash)
// })
// return self._view.el
return this.element
// function wrapScript (script) {
// const isKnownScript = ['remix.', 'git'].some(prefix => script.trim().startsWith(prefix))
// if (isKnownScript) return script
// return `
// try {
// const ret = ${script};
// if (ret instanceof Promise) {
// ret.then((result) => { console.log(result) }).catch((error) => { console.log(error) })
// } else {
// console.log(ret)
// }
// } catch (e) {
// console.log(e.message)
// }
// `
// }
//function change (event) {
// if (self._components.autoCompletePopup.handleAutoComplete(
// event,
// self._view.input.innerText)) return
// if (self._view.input.innerText.length === 0) self._view.input.innerText += '\n'
// if (event.which === 13) {
// if (event.ctrlKey) { // <ctrl+enter>
// self._view.input.innerText += '\n'
// self.putCursor2End(self._view.input)
// self.scroll2bottom()
// self._components.autoCompletePopup.removeAutoComplete()
// } else { // <enter>
// self._cmdIndex = -1
// self._cmdTemp = ''
// event.preventDefault()
// var script = self._view.input.innerText.trim()
// self._view.input.innerText = '\n'
// if (script.length) {
// self._cmdHistory.unshift(script)
// self.commands.script(wrapScript(script))
// }
// self._components.autoCompletePopup.removeAutoComplete()
// }
// } else if (event.which === 38) { // <arrowUp>
// var len = self._cmdHistory.length
// if (len === 0) return event.preventDefault()
// if (self._cmdHistory.length - 1 > self._cmdIndex) {
// self._cmdIndex++
// }
// self._view.input.innerText = self._cmdHistory[self._cmdIndex]
// self.putCursor2End(self._view.input)
// self.scroll2bottom()
// } else if (event.which === 40) { // <arrowDown>
// if (self._cmdIndex > -1) {
// self._cmdIndex--
// }
// self._view.input.innerText = self._cmdIndex >= 0 ? self._cmdHistory[self._cmdIndex] : self._cmdTemp
// self.putCursor2End(self._view.input)
// self.scroll2bottom()
// } else {
// self._cmdTemp = self._view.input.innerText
// }
renderComponent () {

@ -215,6 +215,20 @@ export const RemixUiTerminal = (props: RemixUiTerminalProps) => {
// events
useEffect(() => {
// window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
// props.event.trigger('resize', [])
// props.event.trigger('resize', [])
// })
// return () => {
// window.removeEventListener('resize', function () {
// props.event.trigger('resize', [])
// props.event.trigger('resize', [])
// })
// }
}, [])
const handleMinimizeTerminal = (event) => {
@ -227,6 +241,7 @@ export const RemixUiTerminal = (props: RemixUiTerminalProps) => {
props.event.trigger('resize', [terminalTopOffset])
console.log(props.event, 'event.trigger')
const focusinput = () => {
