const rr = require('../src/index.js') const assert = require('assert') const fs = require('fs') describe('testRunner', function () { describe('#combineSource', function() { describe('test with beforeAll', function () { let filename = 'tests/examples_1/greeter.sol' let tests = [], results = {} before(function (done) { const content = fs.readFileSync('../remix-resolve/tests/example_1/greeter.sol').toString() var sources = [] sources['greeter.sol'] = { 'content': content } rr.combineSource('/home/0mkar/Karma/remix/remix-resolve/tests/example_1/', sources) .then(sources => { results = sources done() }) .catch(e => { throw e }) }) it('should 1 passing test', function () { assert.equal(Object.keys(results).length, 2) }) it('should returns 5 messages', function () { assert.deepEqual(results, { 'mortal.sol':{ content: 'pragma solidity ^0.5.0;\n\ncontract Mortal {\n /* Define variable owner of the type address */\n address payable owner;\n\n /* This function is executed at initialization and sets the owner of the contract */\n function mortal() public { owner = msg.sender; }\n\n /* Function to recover the funds on the contract */\n function kill() public { if (msg.sender == owner) selfdestruct(owner); }\n}\n' }, 'greeter.sol': { content: 'pragma solidity ^0.5.0;\nimport \'mortal.sol\';\n\ncontract Greeter is Mortal {\n /* Define variable greeting of the type string */\n string greeting;\n\n /* This runs when the contract is executed */\n constructor(string memory _greeting) public {\n greeting = _greeting;\n }\n\n /* Main function */\n function greet() public view returns (string memory) {\n return greeting;\n }\n}\n' }}) }) }) }) })