pragma solidity ^0.4.0; contract InfoFeed { uint c; function info() constant returns (uint ret) {return c;} function call1(uint a) constant returns (bool) {return true;} } // THIS CONTRACT CONTAINS A BUG - DO NOT USE contract Fund { /// Mapping of ether shares of the contract. //mapping(address => uint) shares; /// Withdraw your share. uint c = 0; function withdraw() constant { InfoFeed f; //shares[msg.sender] /= 1;; //if (msg.sender.send(shares[msg.sender])) throw; // shares[msg.sender] = 0; b(true, false); //shares[msg.sender]++; //c++; } mapping(address => uint) shares; function b(bool a, bool b) returns (bool) { mapping(address => uint) c = shares; c[msg.sender] = 0; //f(); //withdraw(); //shares[msg.sender]++; //c++; return true; } function f() { c++; withdraw(); } }