Solidity realtime compiler

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Version: bb30afcbe8... 2015-04-17
contract Ballot { // Create a new ballot with $(_numProposals) different proposals. function Ballot(uint8 _numProposals) { address sender = msg.sender; chairperson = sender; numProposals = _numProposals; } // Give $(voter) the right to vote on this ballot. // May only be called by $(chairperson). function giveRightToVote(address voter) { if (msg.sender != chairperson || voted[voter]) return; voterWeight[voter] = 1; } // Delegate your vote to the voter $(to). function delegate(address to) { address sender = msg.sender; if (voted[sender]) return; while (delegations[to] != address(0) && delegations[to] != sender) to = delegations[to]; if (to == sender) return; voted[sender] = true; delegations[sender] = to; if (voted[to]) voteCounts[votes[to]] += voterWeight[sender]; else voterWeight[to] += voterWeight[sender]; } // Give a single vote to proposal $(proposal). function vote(uint8 proposal) { address sender = msg.sender; if (voted[sender] || proposal >= numProposals) return; voted[sender] = true; votes[sender] = proposal; voteCounts[proposal] += voterWeight[sender]; } function winningProposal() constant returns (uint8 winningProposal) { uint256 winningVoteCount = 0; uint8 proposal = 0; while (proposal < numProposals) { if (voteCounts[proposal] > winningVoteCount) { winningVoteCount = voteCounts[proposal]; winningProposal = proposal; } ++proposal; } } address chairperson; uint8 numProposals; mapping(address => uint256) voterWeight; mapping(address => bool) voted; mapping(address => uint8) votes; mapping(address => address) delegations; mapping(uint8 => uint256) voteCounts; }

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