/* global */ 'use strict' var $ = require('jquery') var yo = require('yo-yo') var ethJSUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') var BN = ethJSUtil.BN var helper = require('./lib/helper') var copyToClipboard = require('./app/ui/copy-to-clipboard') var css = require('./universal-dapp-styles') var MultiParamManager = require('./multiParamManager') var remixLib = require('remix-lib') var typeConversion = remixLib.execution.typeConversion var txExecution = remixLib.execution.txExecution var txFormat = remixLib.execution.txFormat var executionContext = require('./execution-context') var confirmDialog = require('./app/execution/confirmDialog') var modalCustom = require('./app/ui/modal-dialog-custom') var modalDialog = require('./app/ui/modaldialog') var TreeView = require('./app/ui/TreeView') function UniversalDAppUI (udapp, registry) { this.udapp = udapp this.registry = registry this.compilerData = {contractsDetails: {}} this._deps = { compilersartefacts: registry.get('compilersartefacts').api } } function decodeResponseToTreeView (response, fnabi) { var treeView = new TreeView({ extractData: (item, parent, key) => { var ret = {} if (BN.isBN(item)) { ret.self = item.toString(10) ret.children = [] } else { ret = treeView.extractDataDefault(item, parent, key) } return ret } }) return treeView.render(txFormat.decodeResponse(response, fnabi)) } UniversalDAppUI.prototype.renderInstance = function (contract, address, contractName) { var noInstances = document.querySelector('[class^="noInstancesText"]') if (noInstances) { noInstances.parentNode.removeChild(noInstances) } var abi = this.udapp.getABI(contract) return this.renderInstanceFromABI(abi, address, contractName) } // TODO this function was named before "appendChild". // this will render an instance: contract name, contract address, and all the public functions // basically this has to be called for the "atAddress" (line 393) and when a contract creation succeed // this returns a DOM element UniversalDAppUI.prototype.renderInstanceFromABI = function (contractABI, address, contractName) { var self = this address = (address.slice(0, 2) === '0x' ? '' : '0x') + address.toString('hex') var instance = yo`
` var context = self.udapp.context() var shortAddress = helper.shortenAddress(address) var title = yo`
${contractName} at ${shortAddress} (${context})
${copyToClipboard(() => address)}
` var close = yo`
` title.appendChild(close) function remove () { instance.remove() // @TODO perhaps add a callack here to warn the caller that the instance has been removed } function toggleClass () { console.log('hit') $(instance).toggleClass(`${css.hidesub}`) } instance.appendChild(title) // Add the fallback function var fallback = self.udapp.getFallbackInterface(contractABI) if (fallback) { instance.appendChild(this.getCallButton({ funABI: fallback, address: address, contractAbi: contractABI, contractName: contractName })) } $.each(contractABI, (i, funABI) => { if (funABI.type !== 'function') { return } // @todo getData cannot be used with overloaded functions instance.appendChild(this.getCallButton({ funABI: funABI, address: address, contractAbi: contractABI, contractName: contractName })) }) return instance } // TODO this is used by renderInstance when a new instance is displayed. // this returns a DOM element. UniversalDAppUI.prototype.getCallButton = function (args) { var self = this // args.funABI, args.address [fun only] // args.contractName [constr only] var lookupOnly = args.funABI.constant var outputOverride = yo`
` // show return value function clickButton (valArr, inputsValues) { var logMsg if (!args.funABI.constant) { logMsg = `transact to ${args.contractName}.${(args.funABI.name) ? args.funABI.name : '(fallback)'}` } else { logMsg = `call to ${args.contractName}.${(args.funABI.name) ? args.funABI.name : '(fallback)'}` } var value = inputsValues var confirmationCb = (network, tx, gasEstimation, continueTxExecution, cancelCb) => { if (network.name !== 'Main') { return continueTxExecution(null) } var amount = executionContext.web3().fromWei(typeConversion.toInt(tx.value), 'ether') var content = confirmDialog(tx, amount, gasEstimation, self.udapp, (gasPrice, cb) => { let txFeeText, priceStatus // TODO: this try catch feels like an anti pattern, can/should be // removed, but for now keeping the original logic try { var fee = executionContext.web3().toBigNumber(tx.gas).mul(executionContext.web3().toBigNumber(executionContext.web3().toWei(gasPrice.toString(10), 'gwei'))) txFeeText = ' ' + executionContext.web3().fromWei(fee.toString(10), 'ether') + ' Ether' priceStatus = true } catch (e) { txFeeText = ' Please fix this issue before sending any transaction. ' + e.message priceStatus = false } cb(txFeeText, priceStatus) }, (cb) => { executionContext.web3().eth.getGasPrice((error, gasPrice) => { var warnMessage = ' Please fix this issue before sending any transaction. ' if (error) { return cb('Unable to retrieve the current network gas price.' + warnMessage + error) } try { var gasPriceValue = executionContext.web3().fromWei(gasPrice.toString(10), 'gwei') cb(null, gasPriceValue) } catch (e) { cb(warnMessage + e.message, null, false) } }) } ) modalDialog('Confirm transaction', content, { label: 'Confirm', fn: () => { self.udapp._deps.config.setUnpersistedProperty('doNotShowTransactionConfirmationAgain', content.querySelector('input#confirmsetting').checked) // TODO: check if this is check is still valid given the refactor if (!content.gasPriceStatus) { cancelCb('Given gas price is not correct') } else { var gasPrice = executionContext.web3().toWei(content.querySelector('#gasprice').value, 'gwei') continueTxExecution(gasPrice) } }}, { label: 'Cancel', fn: () => { return cancelCb('Transaction canceled by user.') } }) } var continueCb = (error, continueTxExecution, cancelCb) => { if (error) { var msg = typeof error !== 'string' ? error.message : error modalDialog('Gas estimation failed', yo`
Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending?
`, { label: 'Send Transaction', fn: () => { continueTxExecution() }}, { label: 'Cancel Transaction', fn: () => { cancelCb() } }) } else { continueTxExecution() } } var outputCb = (decoded) => { outputOverride.innerHTML = '' outputOverride.appendChild(decoded) } var promptCb = (okCb, cancelCb) => { modalCustom.promptPassphrase(null, 'Personal mode is enabled. Please provide passphrase of account', '', okCb, cancelCb) } // contractsDetails is used to resolve libraries txFormat.buildData(args.contractName, args.contractAbi, {}, false, args.funABI, args.funABI.type !== 'fallback' ? value : '', (error, data) => { if (!error) { if (!args.funABI.constant) { self.registry.get('logCallback').api(`${logMsg} pending ... `) } else { self.registry.get('logCallback').api(`${logMsg}`) } if (args.funABI.type === 'fallback') data.dataHex = value self.udapp.callFunction(args.address, data, args.funABI, confirmationCb, continueCb, promptCb, (error, txResult) => { if (!error) { var isVM = executionContext.isVM() if (isVM) { var vmError = txExecution.checkVMError(txResult) if (vmError.error) { self.registry.get('logCallback').api(`${logMsg} errored: ${vmError.message} `) return } } if (lookupOnly) { var decoded = decodeResponseToTreeView(executionContext.isVM() ? txResult.result.vm.return : ethJSUtil.toBuffer(txResult.result), args.funABI) outputCb(decoded) } } else { self.registry.get('logCallback').api(`${logMsg} errored: ${error} `) } }) } else { self.registry.get('logCallback').api(`${logMsg} errored: ${error} `) } }, (msg) => { self.registry.get('logCallback').api(msg) }, (data, runTxCallback) => { // called for libraries deployment self.udapp.runTx(data, confirmationCb, runTxCallback) }) } var multiParamManager = new MultiParamManager(lookupOnly, args.funABI, (valArray, inputsValues, domEl) => { clickButton(valArray, inputsValues, domEl) }, self.udapp.getInputs(args.funABI)) var contractActionsContainer = yo`
` contractActionsContainer.appendChild(outputOverride) return contractActionsContainer } module.exports = UniversalDAppUI