Remix Commands ============== In the console, you can run the commands listed below. Once you start to type a command, there is *auto completion*. These commands are using the following programs: + *ethers*: The [ethers.js]( library is a compact and complete JavaScript library for Ethereum. + *remix*: Ethereum IDE and tools for the web. + *web3*: The [web3.js]( library is a collection of modules which contain specific functionality for the ethereum ecosystem. + *swarmgw*: This library can be used to upload/download files to Swarm via #### Here's the list of commands **remix.debug(hash)**: Start debugging a transaction. **remix.debugHelp()**: Display help message for debugging **remix.execute(filepath)**: Run the script specified by file path. If filepath is empty, script currently displayed in the editor is executed. **remix.exeCurrent()**: Run the script currently displayed in the editor. **remix.getFile(path)**: Returns the content of the file located at the given path ****: Display this help message. **remix.loadgist(id)**: Load a gist in the file explorer. **remix.loadurl(url)**: Load the given url in the file explorer. The url can be of type github, swarm or ipfs. **remix.setFile(path, content)**: set the content of the file located at the given path **remix.setproviderurl(url)**: Change the current provider to Web3 provider and set the url endpoint. **swarmgw.get(url, cb)**: Download files from Swarm via https**:// **swarmgw.put(content, cb)**: Upload files to Swarm via https**:// **ethers.Contract**: This API provides a graceful connection to a contract deployed on the blockchain, simplifying calling and querying its functions and handling all the binary protocol and conversion as necessarily. **ethers.HDNode**: A Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet represents a large tree of private keys which can reliably be reproduced from an initial seed. **ethers.Interface**: The Interface Object is a meta-class that accepts a Solidity (or compatible) Application Binary Interface (ABI) and populates functions to deal with encoding and decoding the parameters to pass in and results returned. **ethers.providers**: A Provider abstracts a connection to the Ethereum blockchain, for issuing queries and sending state changing transactions. **ethers.SigningKey**: The SigningKey interface provides an abstraction around the secp256k1 elliptic curve cryptography library. **ethers.utils**: The utility functions exposed in both the ethers umbrella package and the ethers-utils. **ethers.utils.AbiCoder**: Create a new ABI Coder object **ethers.utils.RLP**: This encoding method is used internally for several aspects of Ethereum, such as encoding transactions and determining contract addresses. **ethers.Wallet**: A wallet manages a private/public key pair which is used to cryptographically sign transactions and prove ownership on the Ethereum network. **ethers.version**: Contains the version of the ethers container object. **web3.bzz**: Bzz module for interacting with the swarm network. **web3.eth**: Eth module for interacting with the Ethereum network. **web3.eth.accounts**: The web3.eth.accounts contains functions to generate Ethereum accounts and sign transactions and data. **web3.eth.abi**: The web3.eth.abi functions let you de- and encode parameters to ABI (Application Binary Interface) for function calls to the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine). **web3.eth.ens**: The web3.eth.ens functions let you interacting with ENS. **web3.eth.Iban**: The web3.eth.Iban function lets convert Ethereum addresses from and to IBAN and BBAN. ****: Net module for interacting with network properties. **web3.eth.personal**: Personal module for interacting with the Ethereum accounts. **web3.eth.subscribe**: The web3.eth.subscribe function lets you subscribe to specific events in the blockchain. **web3.givenProvider**: When using web3.js in an Ethereum compatible browser, it will set with the current native provider by that browser. Will return the given provider by the (browser) environment, otherwise null. **web3.modules**: Contains the version of the web3 container object. **web3.providers**: Contains the current available providers. **web3.shh**: Shh module for interacting with the whisper protocol **web3.utils**: This package provides utility functions for Ethereum dapps and other **web3.js packages. **web3.version**: Contains the version of the web3 container object. **web3.eth.clearSubscriptions();**: Resets subscriptions. **web3.eth.Contract(jsonInterface[, address][, options])**: The **web3.eth.Contract object makes it easy to interact with smart contracts on the ethereum blockchain. **web3.eth.accounts.create([entropy]);**: The web3.eth.accounts contains functions to generate Ethereum accounts and sign transactions and data.