'use strict' var deepequal = require('deep-equal') module.exports = { getCompiledContracts: getCompiledContracts, testContracts: testContracts, addFile: addFile, switchFile: switchFile, verifyContract: verifyContract, selectContract, testFunction, testConstantFunction, checkDebug, goToVMtraceStep, useFilter, addInstance, clickFunction, verifyCallReturnValue, createContract, modalFooterOKClick, setEditorValue, getEditorValue, testEditorValue, renameFile, removeFile, getAddressAtPosition, clickLaunchIcon, scrollInto, signMsg } function clickLaunchIcon (icon) { this.click('#icon-panel div[plugin="' + icon + '"]') return this } function getCompiledContracts (browser, compiled, callback) { browser.clickLaunchIcon('solidity').execute(function () { var contracts = document.querySelectorAll('#compileTabView select option') if (!contracts) { return null } else { var ret = [] for (var c = 0; c < contracts.length; c++) { ret.push(contracts[c].innerHTML) } return ret } }, [], function (result) { callback(result) }) } function selectContract (browser, contractName, callback) { browser.clickLaunchIcon('settings').clickLaunchIcon('run') .setValue('#runTabView select[class^="contractNames"]', contractName).perform(() => { callback() }) } function createContract (browser, inputParams, callback) { browser.clickLaunchIcon('settings').clickLaunchIcon('run') .setValue('div[class^="contractActionsContainerSingle"] input', inputParams, function () { browser.click('#runTabView button[class^="instanceButton"]').pause(500).perform(function () { callback() }) }) } function verifyContract (browser, compiledContractNames, callback) { getCompiledContracts(browser, compiledContractNames, (result) => { if (result.value) { for (var contract in compiledContractNames) { console.log(' - ' + compiledContractNames[contract]) if (result.value.indexOf(compiledContractNames[contract]) === -1) { browser.assert.fail('compiled contract ' + compiledContractNames + ' not found', 'info about error', '') browser.end() return } } } else { browser.assert.fail('compiled contract ' + compiledContractNames + ' not found - none found', 'info about error', '') browser.end() } console.log('contracts all found ' + compiledContractNames) callback() }) } function testContracts (browser, fileName, contractCode, compiledContractNames, callback) { browser .clickLaunchIcon('solidity') .clearValue('#input textarea') .perform((client, done) => { addFile(browser, fileName, contractCode, done) }) .pause(1000) .perform(function () { verifyContract(browser, compiledContractNames, callback) }) } function clickFunction (fnFullName, expectedInput) { this.waitForElementPresent('.instance button[title="' + fnFullName + '"]') .perform(function (client, done) { client.execute(function () { document.querySelector('#runTabView').scrollTop = document.querySelector('#runTabView').scrollHeight }, [], function () { if (expectedInput) { client.setValue('#runTabView input[title="' + expectedInput.types + '"]', expectedInput.values, function () {}) } done() }) }) .click('.instance button[title="' + fnFullName + '"]') .pause(500) return this } function verifyCallReturnValue (browser, address, checks, done) { browser.execute(function (address) { var nodes = document.querySelectorAll('#instance' + address + ' div[class^="contractActionsContainer"] div[class^="value"]') var ret = [] for (var k = 0; k < nodes.length; k++) { var text = nodes[k].innerText ? nodes[k].innerText : nodes[k].textContent ret.push(text.replace('\n', '')) } return ret }, [address], function (result) { for (var k in checks) { browser.assert.equal(result.value[k], checks[k]) } done() }) } function getAddressAtPosition (browser, index, callback) { index = index + 2 browser.execute(function (index) { return document.querySelector('.instance:nth-of-type(' + index + ')').getAttribute('id').replace('instance', '') }, [index], function (result) { callback(result.value) }) } function testConstantFunction (browser, address, fnFullName, expectedInput, expectedOutput, cb) { browser.waitForElementPresent('.instance button[plugin="' + fnFullName + '"]').perform(function (client, done) { client.execute(function () { document.querySelector('#runTabView').scrollTop = document.querySelector('#runTabView').scrollHeight }, [], function () { if (expectedInput) { client.setValue('#runTabView input[plugin="' + expectedInput.types + '"]', expectedInput.values, function () {}) } done() }) }) .click('.instance button[plugin="' + fnFullName + '"]') .pause(1000) .waitForElementPresent('#instance' + address + ' div[class^="contractActionsContainer"] div[class^="value"]') .scrollInto('#instance' + address + ' div[class^="contractActionsContainer"] div[class^="value"]') .assert.containsText('#instance' + address + ' div[class^="contractActionsContainer"] div[class^="value"]', expectedOutput).perform(() => { cb() }) } function scrollInto (target) { return this.perform((client, done) => { _scrollInto(this, target, () => { done() }) }) } function signMsg (browser, msg, cb) { let hash, signature browser .click('i[id="remixRunSignMsg"]') .setValue('textarea[id="prompt_text"]', msg, () => { browser.modalFooterOKClick().perform( (client, done) => { browser.getText('span[id="remixRunSignMsgHash"]', (v) => { hash = v; done() }) } ) .perform( (client, done) => { browser.getText('span[id="remixRunSignMsgSignature"]', (v) => { signature = v; done() }) } ) .modalFooterOKClick() .perform( () => { cb(hash, signature) } ) }) } function _scrollInto (browser, target, cb) { browser.execute(function (target) { document.querySelector(target).scrollIntoView() }, [target], function () { cb() }) } function testFunction (fnFullName, txHash, log, expectedInput, expectedReturn, expectedEvent, callback) { // this => browser this.waitForElementPresent('.instance button[title="' + fnFullName + '"]') .perform(function (client, done) { client.execute(function () { document.querySelector('#runTabView').scrollTop = document.querySelector('#runTabView').scrollHeight }, [], function () { if (expectedInput) { client.setValue('#runTabView input[title="' + expectedInput.types + '"]', expectedInput.values, function () {}) } done() }) }) .click('.instance button[title="' + fnFullName + '"]') .pause(500) .waitForElementPresent('#editor-container div[class^="terminal"] span[id="tx' + txHash + '"]') .assert.containsText('#editor-container div[class^="terminal"] span[id="tx' + txHash + '"] span', log) .click('#editor-container div[class^="terminal"] span[id="tx' + txHash + '"] div[class^="log"]') .perform(function (client, done) { if (expectedReturn) { client.getText('#editor-container div[class^="terminal"] span[id="tx' + txHash + '"] table[class^="txTable"] #decodedoutput', (result) => { console.log(result) var equal = deepequal(JSON.parse(result.value), JSON.parse(expectedReturn)) if (!equal) { client.assert.fail('expected ' + expectedReturn + ' got ' + result.value, 'info about error', '') } }) } done() }) .perform(function (client, done) { if (expectedEvent) { client.getText('#editor-container div[class^="terminal"] span[id="tx' + txHash + '"] table[class^="txTable"] #logs', (result) => { console.log(result) var equal = deepequal(JSON.parse(result.value), JSON.parse(expectedEvent)) if (!equal) { client.assert.fail('expected ' + expectedEvent + ' got ' + result.value, 'info about error', '') } }) } done() if (callback) callback() }) return this } function setEditorValue (value, callback) { this.perform((client, done) => { this.execute(function (value) { document.getElementById('input').editor.session.setValue(value) }, [value], function (result) { done() if (callback) callback() }) }) return this } function addInstance (browser, address, isValidFormat, isValidChecksum, callback) { browser.clickLaunchIcon('run').clearValue('.ataddressinput').setValue('.ataddressinput', address, function () { browser.click('div[class^="atAddress"]') .execute(function () { var ret = document.querySelector('div[class^="modal-body"] div').innerHTML document.querySelector('#modal-footer-ok').click() return ret }, [], function (result) { if (!isValidFormat) { browser.assert.equal(result.value, 'Invalid address.') } else if (!isValidChecksum) { browser.assert.equal(result.value, 'Invalid checksum address.') } callback() }) }) } function getEditorValue (callback) { this.perform((client, done) => { this.execute(function (value) { return document.getElementById('input').editor.getValue() }, [], function (result) { done(result.value) callback(result.value) }) }) return this } function testEditorValue (testvalue, callback) { this.getEditorValue((value) => { this.assert.equal(testvalue, value) callback() }) } function modalFooterOKClick () { this.perform((client, done) => { this.execute(function () { document.querySelector('#modal-footer-ok').click() }, [], function (result) { done() }) }) return this } function addFile (browser, name, content, done) { browser.clickLaunchIcon('run').clickLaunchIcon('fileExplorers').click('.newFile') .perform((client, done) => { browser.execute(function (fileName) { if (fileName !== 'Untitled.sol') { document.querySelector('#modal-dialog #prompt_text').setAttribute('value', fileName) } document.querySelector('#modal-footer-ok').click() }, [name], function (result) { console.log(result) done() }) }) .setEditorValue(content.content) .pause(1000) .perform(function () { done() }) } function renameFile (browser, path, newFileName, renamedPath, done) { browser.execute(function (path) { function contextMenuClick (element) { var evt = element.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents') var RIGHT_CLICK_BUTTON_CODE = 2 // the same for FF and IE evt.initMouseEvent('contextmenu', true, true, element.ownerDocument.defaultView, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, RIGHT_CLICK_BUTTON_CODE, null) if (document.createEventObject) { // dispatch for IE return element.fireEvent('onclick', evt) } else { // dispatch for firefox + others return !element.dispatchEvent(evt) } } contextMenuClick(document.querySelector('[data-path="' + path + '"]')) }, [path], function (result) { browser .click('#menuitemrename') .perform((client, doneSetValue) => { browser.execute(function (path, addvalue) { document.querySelector('[data-path="' + path + '"]').innerHTML = addvalue }, [path, newFileName], () => { doneSetValue() }) }) .click('body') // blur .pause(500) .click('#modal-footer-ok') .waitForElementNotPresent('[data-path="' + path + '"]') .waitForElementPresent('[data-path="' + renamedPath + '"]') .perform(() => { done() }) }) } function removeFile (browser, path, done) { browser.execute(function (path, value) { function contextMenuClick (element) { var evt = element.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents') var RIGHT_CLICK_BUTTON_CODE = 2 // the same for FF and IE evt.initMouseEvent('contextmenu', true, true, element.ownerDocument.defaultView, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, RIGHT_CLICK_BUTTON_CODE, null) if (document.createEventObject) { // dispatch for IE return element.fireEvent('onclick', evt) } else { // dispatch for firefox + others return !element.dispatchEvent(evt) } } contextMenuClick(document.querySelector('[data-path="' + path + '"]')) }, [path], function (result) { browser .click('#menuitemdelete') .pause(500) .click('#modal-footer-ok') .waitForElementNotPresent('[data-path="' + path + '"]') .perform(() => { done() }) }) } function useFilter (browser, filter, test, done) { if (browser.options.desiredCapabilities.browserName === 'chrome') { // nightwatch deos not handle well that part.... works locally done() return } var filterClass = '#editor-container div[class^="search"] input[class^="filter"]' browser.setValue(filterClass, filter, function () { browser.execute(function () { return document.querySelector('#editor-container div[class^="journal"]').innerHTML === test }, [], function (result) { browser.clearValue(filterClass).setValue(filterClass, '', function () { if (!result.value) { browser.assert.fail('useFilter on ' + filter + ' ' + test, 'info about error', '') } done() }) }) }) } function switchFile (browser, name, done) { browser.clickLaunchIcon('settings').clickLaunchIcon('fileExplorers') .click('li[key="' + name + '"]') .pause(2000) .perform(() => { done() }) } function checkDebug (browser, id, debugValue, done) { // id is soliditylocals or soliditystate browser.execute(function (id) { return document.querySelector('#' + id + ' .dropdownrawcontent').innerText }, [id], function (result) { console.log(id + ' ' + result.value) var value try { value = JSON.parse(result.value) } catch (e) { browser.assert.fail('cant parse solidity state', e.message, '') done() return } var equal = deepequal(debugValue, value) if (!equal) { browser.assert.fail('checkDebug on ' + id, 'info about error', '') } done() }) } function goToVMtraceStep (browser, step, done, incr) { if (!incr) incr = 0 browser.execute(function (step) { return document.querySelector('#stepdetail').innerHTML }, [step], function (result) { if (result.value.indexOf('vm trace step: ' + step) !== -1) { done() } else if (incr > 1000) { console.log(result) browser.assert.fail('goToVMtraceStep fails', 'info about error', '') done() } else { incr++ browser.click('#intoforward') .perform(() => { setTimeout(() => { goToVMtraceStep(browser, step, done, incr) }, 200) }) } }) }