const rr = require('../dist/index.js') const assert = require('assert') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const solc = require('solc') describe('testRunner', function () { describe('#resolve', function() { describe('test example_1 [local imports]]', function () { let filename = '../remix-resolve/tests/example_1/greeter.sol' let results = {} before(function (done) { const resolver = new rr.ImportResolver() const content = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString() var sources = [] sources['greeter.sol'] = { 'content': content } function handleLocal(pathString, filePath) { // if no relative/absolute path given then search in node_modules folder if (pathString && pathString.indexOf('.') !== 0 && pathString.indexOf('/') !== 0) { return handleNodeModulesImport(pathString, filePath, pathString) } else { const o = { encoding: 'UTF-8' } const p = pathString ? path.resolve('', pathString, filePath) : path.resolve(pathString, filePath) const content = fs.readFileSync(p, o) return content } } const localFSHandler = [ { type: 'local', match: (url) => { return /(^(?!(?:http:\/\/)|(?:https:\/\/)?(?:www.)?(?^\/*[\w+-_/]*\/)*?(\w+\.sol)/g.exec(url) }, handle: (match) => { return handleLocal(match[2], match[3]) } } ] resolver.resolve(filename, localFSHandler) .then(sources => { results = sources done() }) .catch(e => { throw e }) }) it('should 1 passing test', function () { assert.equal(Object.keys(results).length, 3) }) it('should returns 2 contracts with specified content', function () { const expt = { content: 'pragma solidity ^0.5.0;\nimport "./mortal.sol";\n\ncontract Greeter is Mortal {\n /* Define variable greeting of the type string */\n string greeting;\n\n /* This runs when the contract is executed */\n constructor(string memory _greeting) public {\n greeting = _greeting;\n }\n\n /* Main function */\n function greet() public view returns (string memory) {\n return greeting;\n }\n}\n', cleanURL: '../remix-resolve/tests/example_1/greeter.sol', type: 'local' } assert.deepEqual(results, expt) }) }) }) })