const os = require('os'); const fs = require('fs'); const http = require('http'); import axios from 'axios'; const useIsoGit = process.argv.includes('--useIsoGit'); const useOffline = process.argv.includes('--useOffline'); // Function to read JSON file function readJSONFile(filename) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.readFile(filename, 'utf8', (err, data) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(JSON.parse(data)); } }); }); } const packageData: any = await readJSONFile('package.json'); const version = packageData.version; let channel: string = '' if (version.includes('beta')) { channel = 'beta'; } else if (version.includes('alpha')) { channel = 'alpha'; } else if (version.includes('insiders')) { channel = 'insiders'; } // Determine if running on CircleCI or locally with --e2e-local const isLocalE2E = process.argv.includes('--e2e-local') && !process.env.CIRCLECI; module.exports = { src_folders: ['build-e2e/remixdesktop/test/tests/app'], output_folder: './reports/tests', custom_commands_path: ['build-e2e/remix-ide-e2e/src/commands'], page_objects_path: '', globals_path: '', test_settings: { default: { enable_fail_fast: true, selenium_port: 4444, selenium_host: 'localhost', globals: { waitForConditionTimeout: 10000, asyncHookTimeout: 100000 }, screenshots: { enabled: true, path: './reports/screenshots', on_failure: true, on_error: true }, webdriver: { start_process: true, timeout_options: { timeout: 60000, retry_attempts: 3 } }, desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'chrome', javascriptEnabled: true, acceptSslCerts: true, 'goog:chromeOptions': (() => { const type = os.type(); const arch = os.arch(); let binaryPath = ""; // Check if running on CircleCI or locally let args = process.env.CIRCLECI ? ["--e2e"] : ["--e2e-local"]; if(useIsoGit) args = [...args, '--useIsoGit']; if(useOffline) args = [...args, '--useOffline']; switch (type) { case 'Windows_NT': binaryPath = `./release/win-unpacked/Remix-Desktop-${channel}.exe`; break; case 'Darwin': binaryPath = arch === 'x64' ? "release/mac/" : "release/mac-arm64/"; break; case 'Linux': binaryPath = "release/linux-unpacked/remixdesktop"; break; } return { binary: binaryPath, args: args }; })() } } } };