import { Plugin } from '@remixproject/engine' import * as packageJson from '../../../package.json' const introJs = require('intro.js') const profile = { name: 'walkthrough', displayName: 'Walkthrough', description: 'Remix walkthrough for beginner', version: packageJson.version, methods: ['start', 'startRecorderW'] } export class WalkthroughService extends Plugin { constructor (appManager) { super(profile) } startRecorderW () { introJs().setOptions({ steps: [{ title: 'Transactions Recorder', intro: 'Save transactions (deployed contracts and function executions) and replay them in another environment e.g Transactions created in Remix VM can be replayed in the Injected Provider.', element: document.querySelector('#udappRecorderCard'), tooltipClass: 'bg-light text-dark', position: 'right', highlightClass: 'bg-light border border-warning' }, { element: document.querySelector('#udappRecorderUseLatest'), title: 'Transactions Recorder', intro: 'If selected, the recorder will run transactions using the latest compilation result.', tooltipClass: 'bg-light text-dark', position: 'right', highlightClass: 'bg-light border border-warning' }, { element: document.querySelector('#udappRecorderSave'), title: 'Transactions Recorder', intro: 'Once one or more transactions have been executed, click this button to save these transactions as a scenario file.', tooltipClass: 'bg-light text-dark', position: 'right', highlightClass: 'bg-light border border-warning' }, { element: document.querySelector('#udappRecorderRun'), title: 'Transactions Recorder', intro: 'Open a scenario file and click this button to run it against the current selected provider.', tooltipClass: 'bg-light text-dark', position: 'right', highlightClass: 'bg-light border border-warning' } ] }).onafterchange((targetElement) => { const header = document.getElementsByClassName('introjs-tooltip-header')[0] if (header) { header.classList.add('d-flex') header.classList.add('justify-content-between') header.classList.add('text-nowrap') header.classList.add('pr-0')"remixRecorderWalkthrowTitle" } const skipbutton = document.getElementsByClassName('introjs-skipbutton')[0] if (skipbutton) { skipbutton.classList.add('ml-3') skipbutton.classList.add('text-decoration-none') = 'remixTourSkipbtn' } }).start() } start () { if (!localStorage.getItem('hadTour_initial')) { introJs().setOptions({ steps: [{ title: 'Welcome to Remix IDE', intro: 'Click to launch the Home tab that contains links, tips, and shortcuts..', element: document.querySelector('#verticalIconsHomeIcon'), tooltipClass: 'bg-light text-dark', position: 'right', highlightClass: 'bg-light border border-warning' }, { element: document.querySelector('#verticalIconsKindsolidity'), title: 'Solidity Compiler', intro: 'Having selected a .sol file in the File Explorer (the icon above), compile it with the Solidity Compiler.', tooltipClass: 'bg-light text-dark', position: 'right', highlightClass: 'bg-light border border-warning' }, { title: 'Deploy your contract', element: document.querySelector('#verticalIconsKindudapp'), intro: 'Choose a chain, deploy a contract and play with your functions.', tooltipClass: 'bg-light text-dark', position: 'right', highlightClass: 'bg-light border border-warning' } ] }).onafterchange((targetElement) => { const header = document.getElementsByClassName('introjs-tooltip-header')[0] if (header) { header.classList.add('d-flex') header.classList.add('justify-content-between') header.classList.add('text-nowrap') header.classList.add('pr-0') } const skipbutton = document.getElementsByClassName('introjs-skipbutton')[0] if (skipbutton) { skipbutton.classList.add('ml-3') skipbutton.classList.add('text-decoration-none') = 'remixTourSkipbtn' } }).start() localStorage.setItem('hadTour_initial', true) } } }