const fs = require('fs'); var child_process = require('child_process'); const { exit } = require('process'); const child = child_process.spawnSync('grep -r --include="*.json" --include="*.ts" --include="*.tsx" "+commit" apps/**/* libs/**/*', [], { encoding: 'utf8', cwd: process.cwd(), shell: true }); if (child.error) { console.log("ERROR: ", child); exit(1); } let soljson =[]; const quotedVersionsRegex = /['"v]\d*\.\d*\.\d*\+commit\.[\d\w]*/g; let quotedVersionsRegexMatch = child.stdout.match(quotedVersionsRegex) if(quotedVersionsRegexMatch){ let soljson2 = => item.replace('\'', 'v').replace('"', 'v')) console.log('non nightly soljson versions found: ', soljson2); if(soljson2) soljson = soljson.concat(soljson2); } const nightlyVersionsRegex = /\d*\.\d*\.\d-nightly.*\+commit\.[\d\w]*/g const nightlyVersionsRegexMatch = child.stdout.match(nightlyVersionsRegex) if(nightlyVersionsRegexMatch){ let soljson3 = => 'v' + item); console.log('nightly soljson versions found: ', soljson3); if(soljson3) soljson = soljson.concat(soljson3); } if (soljson) { // filter out duplicates soljson = soljson.filter((item, index) => soljson.indexOf(item) === index); // manually add some versions soljson.push('v0.7.6+commit.7338295f'); console.log('soljson versions found: ', soljson, soljson.length); for (let i = 0; i < soljson.length; i++) { const version = soljson[i]; if (version) { let url = '' // if nightly if (version.includes('nightly')) { url = `${version}.js`; }else{ url = `${version}.js`; } const dir = './dist/apps/remix-ide/assets/js/soljson'; if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) { fs.mkdirSync(dir); } const path = `./dist/apps/remix-ide/assets/js/soljson/soljson-${version}.js`; // check if the file exists const exists = fs.existsSync(path); if (!exists) { console.log('URL:', url) try { // use curl to download the file child_process.exec(`curl -o ${path} ${url}`, { encoding: 'utf8', cwd: process.cwd(), shell: true }) } catch (e) { console.log('Failed to download soljson' + version + ' from ' + url) } } } } }