'use strict' var init = require('../helpers/init') var sauce = require('./sauce') module.exports = { before: function (browser, done) { init(browser, done) }, '@sources': function () { return sources }, 'Add Lib Test File': function (browser) { browser.addFile('Untitled5.sol', sources[0]['browser/Untitled5.sol']) .clickLaunchIcon('udapp') .selectAccount('0xCA35b7d915458EF540aDe6068dFe2F44E8fa733c') // this account will be used for this test suite }, 'Test Auto Deploy Lib': function (browser) { let addressRef browser.verifyContracts(['test']) .selectContract('test') .createContract('') .getAddressAtPosition(0, (address) => { console.log('testAutoDeployLib ' + address) addressRef = address }) .waitForElementPresent('.instance:nth-of-type(2)') .click('.instance:nth-of-type(2) > div > button') .perform((done) => { browser.testConstantFunction(addressRef, 'get - call', '', '0: uint256: 45').perform(() => { done() }) }) }, 'Test Manual Deploy Lib': function (browser) { console.log('testManualDeployLib') browser.click('*[data-id="deployAndRunClearInstances"]') .pause(5000) .clickLaunchIcon('settings') .click('#generatecontractmetadata') .clickLaunchIcon('solidity') .click('#compileTabView button[title="Compile"]') // that should generate the JSON artefact .verifyContracts(['test']) .selectContract('lib') // deploy lib .createContract('') .perform((done) => { browser.getAddressAtPosition(0, (address) => { console.log(address) checkDeployShouldFail(browser, () => { checkDeployShouldSucceed(browser, address, () => { done() }) }) }) }) }, tearDown: sauce } function checkDeployShouldFail (browser, callback) { let config browser.switchFile('browser/artifacts').switchFile('browser/artifacts/test.json') .getEditorValue((content) => { config = JSON.parse(content) config.deploy['VM:-'].autoDeployLib = false }) .perform(() => { browser.setEditorValue(JSON.stringify(config)) }) .switchFile('browser/Untitled5.sol') .selectContract('test') // deploy lib .createContract('') .assert.containsText('div[class^="terminal"]', '
is not a valid address') .perform(() => { callback() }) } function checkDeployShouldSucceed (browser, address, callback) { let addressRef let config browser.switchFile('browser/artifacts').switchFile('browser/artifacts/test.json') .getEditorValue((content) => { config = JSON.parse(content) config.deploy['VM:-'].autoDeployLib = false config.deploy['VM:-']['linkReferences']['browser/Untitled5.sol'].lib = address }) .perform(() => { browser.setEditorValue(JSON.stringify(config)) }) .switchFile('browser/Untitled5.sol') .selectContract('test') // deploy lib .createContract('') .getAddressAtPosition(1, (address) => { addressRef = address }) .waitForElementPresent('.instance:nth-of-type(3)') .click('.instance:nth-of-type(3) > div > button') .perform(() => { browser .testConstantFunction(addressRef, 'get - call', '', '0: uint256: 45') .perform(() => { callback() }) }) } var sources = [ { 'browser/Untitled5.sol': {content: `library lib { function getInt () public view returns (uint) { return 45; } } contract test { function get () public view returns (uint) { return lib.getInt(); } }`} } ]