'use strict' import { basicLogo } from './app/ui/svgLogo' import { RunTab, makeUdapp } from './app/udapp' import PanelsResize from './lib/panels-resize' import { RemixEngine } from './remixEngine' import { RemixAppManager } from './remixAppManager' import { FramingService } from './framingService' import { MainView } from './app/panels/main-view' import { ThemeModule } from './app/tabs/theme-module' import { NetworkModule } from './app/tabs/network-module' import { Web3ProviderModule } from './app/tabs/web3-provider' import { SidePanel } from './app/components/side-panel' import { HiddenPanel } from './app/components/hidden-panel' import { VerticalIcons } from './app/components/vertical-icons' import { LandingPage } from './app/ui/landing-page/landing-page' import { MainPanel } from './app/components/main-panel' import FetchAndCompile from './app/compiler/compiler-sourceVerifier-fetchAndCompile' import migrateFileSystem, { migrateToWorkspace } from './migrateFileSystem' const isElectron = require('is-electron') const csjs = require('csjs-inject') const yo = require('yo-yo') const remixLib = require('@remix-project/remix-lib') const registry = require('./global/registry') const loadFileFromParent = require('./loadFilesFromParent') const { OffsetToLineColumnConverter } = require('./lib/offsetToLineColumnConverter') const QueryParams = require('./lib/query-params') const Storage = remixLib.Storage const RemixDProvider = require('./app/files/remixDProvider') const Config = require('./config') const modalDialogCustom = require('./app/ui/modal-dialog-custom') const modalDialog = require('./app/ui/modaldialog') const FileManager = require('./app/files/fileManager') const FileProvider = require('./app/files/fileProvider') const WorkspaceFileProvider = require('./app/files/workspaceFileProvider') const toolTip = require('./app/ui/tooltip') const CompilerMetadata = require('./app/files/compiler-metadata') const CompilerImport = require('./app/compiler/compiler-imports') const Blockchain = require('./blockchain/blockchain.js') const PluginManagerComponent = require('./app/components/plugin-manager-component') const CompilersArtefacts = require('./app/compiler/compiler-artefacts') const CompileTab = require('./app/tabs/compile-tab') const SettingsTab = require('./app/tabs/settings-tab') const AnalysisTab = require('./app/tabs/analysis-tab') const { DebuggerTab } = require('./app/tabs/debugger-tab') const TestTab = require('./app/tabs/test-tab') const FilePanel = require('./app/panels/file-panel') const Editor = require('./app/editor/editor') const Terminal = require('./app/panels/terminal') const ContextualListener = require('./app/editor/contextualListener') const _paq = window._paq = window._paq || [] const css = csjs` html { box-sizing: border-box; } *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: inherit; } body { /* font: 14px/1.5 Lato, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; */ font-size : .8rem; } pre { overflow-x: auto; } .remixIDE { width : 100vw; height : 100vh; overflow : hidden; flex-direction : row; display : flex; } .mainpanel { display : flex; flex-direction : column; overflow : hidden; flex : 1; } .iconpanel { display : flex; flex-direction : column; overflow : hidden; width : 50px; user-select : none; } .sidepanel { display : flex; flex-direction : row-reverse; width : 320px; } .highlightcode { position : absolute; z-index : 20; background-color : var(--info); } .highlightcode_fullLine { position : absolute; z-index : 20; background-color : var(--info); opacity : 0.5; } .centered { position : fixed; top : 20%; left : 45%; width : 200px; height : 200px; } .centered svg path { fill: var(--secondary); } .centered svg polygon { fill: var(--secondary); } .matomoBtn { width : 100px; } ` class App { constructor (api = {}, events = {}, opts = {}) { var self = this self.appManager = new RemixAppManager({}) self._components = {} self._view = {} self._view.splashScreen = yo`
` document.body.appendChild(self._view.splashScreen) // setup storage const configStorage = new Storage('config-v0.8:') // load app config const config = new Config(configStorage) registry.put({ api: config, name: 'config' }) // load file system self._components.filesProviders = {} self._components.filesProviders.browser = new FileProvider('browser') registry.put({ api: self._components.filesProviders.browser, name: 'fileproviders/browser' }) self._components.filesProviders.localhost = new RemixDProvider(self.appManager) registry.put({ api: self._components.filesProviders.localhost, name: 'fileproviders/localhost' }) self._components.filesProviders.workspace = new WorkspaceFileProvider() registry.put({ api: self._components.filesProviders.workspace, name: 'fileproviders/workspace' }) registry.put({ api: self._components.filesProviders, name: 'fileproviders' }) migrateFileSystem(self._components.filesProviders.browser) } init () { var self = this run.apply(self) } render () { var self = this if (self._view.el) return self._view.el // not resizable self._view.iconpanel = yo`
` // center panel, resizable self._view.sidepanel = yo`
` // handle the editor + terminal self._view.mainpanel = yo`
` self._components.resizeFeature = new PanelsResize(self._view.sidepanel) self._view.el = yo` ` return self._view.el } } module.exports = App async function run () { var self = this // check the origin and warn message if (window.location.hostname === 'yann300.github.io') { modalDialogCustom.alert('This UNSTABLE ALPHA branch of Remix has been moved to http://ethereum.github.io/remix-live-alpha.') } else if (window.location.hostname === 'remix-alpha.ethereum.org' || (window.location.hostname === 'ethereum.github.io' && window.location.pathname.indexOf('/remix-live-alpha') === 0)) { modalDialogCustom.alert('Welcome to the Remix alpha instance. Please use it to try out latest features. But use preferably https://remix.ethereum.org for any production work.') } else if (window.location.protocol.indexOf('http') === 0 && window.location.hostname !== 'remix.ethereum.org' && window.location.hostname !== 'localhost' && window.location.hostname !== '') { modalDialogCustom.alert(`The Remix IDE has moved to http://remix.ethereum.org.\n This instance of Remix you are visiting WILL NOT BE UPDATED.\n Please make a backup of your contracts and start using http://remix.ethereum.org`) } if (window.location.protocol.indexOf('https') === 0) { toolTip('You are using an `https` connection. Please switch to `http` if you are using Remix against an `http Web3 provider` or allow Mixed Content in your browser.') } const hosts = ['', '', 'localhost:8080'] // workaround for Electron support if (!isElectron() && !hosts.includes(window.location.host)) { // Oops! Accidentally trigger refresh or bookmark. window.onbeforeunload = function () { return 'Are you sure you want to leave?' } } // APP_MANAGER const appManager = self.appManager const pluginLoader = appManager.pluginLoader const workspace = pluginLoader.get() const engine = new RemixEngine() engine.register(appManager) // SERVICES // ----------------- theme service --------------------------------- const themeModule = new ThemeModule(registry) registry.put({ api: themeModule, name: 'themeModule' }) themeModule.initTheme(() => { setTimeout(() => { document.body.removeChild(self._view.splashScreen) self._view.el.style.visibility = 'visible' }, 1500) }) // ----------------- editor service ---------------------------- const editor = new Editor({}, themeModule) // wrapper around ace editor registry.put({ api: editor, name: 'editor' }) editor.event.register('requiringToSaveCurrentfile', () => fileManager.saveCurrentFile()) // ----------------- fileManager service ---------------------------- const fileManager = new FileManager(editor, appManager) registry.put({ api: fileManager, name: 'filemanager' }) // ----------------- import content service ------------------------ const contentImport = new CompilerImport(fileManager) const blockchain = new Blockchain(registry.get('config').api) // ----------------- compilation metadata generation service --------- const compilerMetadataGenerator = new CompilerMetadata(blockchain, fileManager, registry.get('config').api) // ----------------- compilation result service (can keep track of compilation results) ---------------------------- const compilersArtefacts = new CompilersArtefacts() // store all the compilation results (key represent a compiler name) registry.put({ api: compilersArtefacts, name: 'compilersartefacts' }) // service which fetch contract artifacts from sourve-verify, put artifacts in remix and compile it const fetchAndCompile = new FetchAndCompile() // ----------------- network service (resolve network id / name) ----- const networkModule = new NetworkModule(blockchain) // ----------------- represent the current selected web3 provider ---- const web3Provider = new Web3ProviderModule(blockchain) // ----------------- convert offset to line/column service ----------- const offsetToLineColumnConverter = new OffsetToLineColumnConverter() registry.put({ api: offsetToLineColumnConverter, name: 'offsettolinecolumnconverter' }) // -------------------Terminal---------------------------------------- const terminal = new Terminal( { appManager, blockchain }, { getPosition: (event) => { var limitUp = 36 var limitDown = 20 var height = window.innerHeight var newpos = (event.pageY < limitUp) ? limitUp : event.pageY newpos = (newpos < height - limitDown) ? newpos : height - limitDown return height - newpos } } ) makeUdapp(blockchain, compilersArtefacts, (domEl) => terminal.logHtml(domEl)) const contextualListener = new ContextualListener({ editor }) engine.register([ contentImport, themeModule, editor, fileManager, compilerMetadataGenerator, compilersArtefacts, networkModule, offsetToLineColumnConverter, contextualListener, terminal, web3Provider, fetchAndCompile ]) // LAYOUT & SYSTEM VIEWS const appPanel = new MainPanel() const mainview = new MainView(contextualListener, editor, appPanel, fileManager, appManager, terminal) registry.put({ api: mainview, name: 'mainview' }) engine.register([ appPanel, mainview.tabProxy ]) // those views depend on app_manager const menuicons = new VerticalIcons(appManager) const landingPage = new LandingPage(appManager, menuicons) const sidePanel = new SidePanel(appManager, menuicons) const hiddenPanel = new HiddenPanel() const pluginManagerComponent = new PluginManagerComponent(appManager, engine) const filePanel = new FilePanel(appManager) const settings = new SettingsTab( registry.get('config').api, editor, appManager ) // adding Views to the DOM self._view.mainpanel.appendChild(mainview.render()) self._view.iconpanel.appendChild(menuicons.render()) self._view.sidepanel.appendChild(sidePanel.render()) document.body.appendChild(hiddenPanel.render()) // Hidden Panel is display none, it can be directly on body engine.register([ menuicons, landingPage, hiddenPanel, sidePanel, pluginManagerComponent, filePanel, settings ]) const onAcceptMatomo = () => { _paq.push(['forgetUserOptOut']) settings.updateMatomoAnalyticsChoice(true) const el = document.getElementById('modal-dialog') el.parentElement.removeChild(el) } const onDeclineMatomo = () => { settings.updateMatomoAnalyticsChoice(false) _paq.push(['optUserOut']) const el = document.getElementById('modal-dialog') el.parentElement.removeChild(el) } // Ask to opt in to Matomo for remix, remix-alpha and remix-beta if (window.location.hostname.includes('.ethereum.org') && !registry.get('config').api.exists('settings/matomo-analytics')) { modalDialog( 'Help us to improve our IDE', yo`

Remix IDE uses Matomo, an open source data analytics platform, to improve our website. Matomo on Remix is opt-in - meaning that we won't collect any information unless you agree.

We realize that our users have sensitive information in their code and that the privacy of our users must be protected.

All data collected through Matomo is stored on our own server - no data is ever given to third parties. Our analytics reports are public: take a look.

We do not store any personally identifiable information (PII).

For more info see: Matomo Analyitcs on Remix iDE.

You can change your choice in the Settings panel anytime.

`, { label: '', fn: null }, { label: '', fn: null } ) } // CONTENT VIEWS & DEFAULT PLUGINS const compileTab = new CompileTab( editor, registry.get('config').api, registry.get('fileproviders/browser').api, registry.get('filemanager').api, contentImport ) const run = new RunTab( blockchain, registry.get('config').api, registry.get('filemanager').api, registry.get('editor').api, filePanel, registry.get('compilersartefacts').api, networkModule, mainview, registry.get('fileproviders/browser').api ) const analysis = new AnalysisTab(registry) const debug = new DebuggerTab() const test = new TestTab( registry.get('filemanager').api, registry.get('offsettolinecolumnconverter').api, filePanel, compileTab, appManager, contentImport ) engine.register([ compileTab, run, debug, analysis, test, filePanel.remixdHandle, filePanel.gitHandle ]) if (isElectron()) { appManager.activatePlugin('remixd') } try { engine.register(await appManager.registeredPlugins()) } catch (e) { console.log('couldn\'t register iframe plugins', e.message) } await appManager.activatePlugin(['contentImport', 'theme', 'editor', 'fileManager', 'compilerMetadata', 'compilerArtefacts', 'network', 'web3Provider', 'offsetToLineColumnConverter']) await appManager.activatePlugin(['mainPanel', 'menuicons']) await appManager.activatePlugin(['sidePanel']) // activating host plugin separately await appManager.activatePlugin(['home']) await appManager.activatePlugin(['hiddenPanel', 'pluginManager', 'fileExplorers', 'settings', 'contextualListener', 'terminal', 'fetchAndCompile']) const queryParams = new QueryParams() const params = queryParams.get() // Set workspace after initial activation if (Array.isArray(workspace)) { appManager.activatePlugin(workspace).then(async () => { try { if (params.deactivate) { await appManager.deactivatePlugin(params.deactivate.split(',')) } } catch (e) { console.log(e) } // If plugins are loaded from the URL params, we focus on the last one. if (pluginLoader.current === 'queryParams' && workspace.length > 0) menuicons.select(workspace[workspace.length - 1]) if (params.call) { const callDetails = params.call.split('//') if (callDetails.length > 1) { toolTip(`initiating ${callDetails[0]} ...`) // @todo(remove the timeout when activatePlugin is on 0.3.0) appManager.call(...callDetails).catch(console.error) } } }).catch(console.error) } else { // activate solidity plugin appManager.activatePlugin(['solidity', 'udapp']) } // Load and start the service who manager layout and frame const framingService = new FramingService(sidePanel, menuicons, mainview, this._components.resizeFeature) framingService.start(params) // get the file list from the parent iframe loadFileFromParent(fileManager) migrateToWorkspace(fileManager, filePanel) if (params.embed) framingService.embed() }