'use strict' const TraceManager = require('../src/trace/traceManager') const tape = require('tape') const Web3Providers = require('../src/web3Provider/web3Providers') const web3Test = require('./resources/testWeb3') let web3 = null tape('TraceManager', function (t) { let traceManager t.test('TraceManager.init', function (st) { const web3Providers = new Web3Providers() web3Providers.addProvider('TEST', web3Test) web3Providers.get('TEST', function (error, obj) { if (error) { const mes = 'provider TEST not defined' console.log(mes) st.fail(mes) } else { web3 = obj traceManager = new TraceManager({web3: web3}) st.end() } }) }) t.test('TraceManager.resolveTrace', function (st) { const tx = web3.eth.getTransaction('0x20ef65b8b186ca942fcccd634f37074dde49b541c27994fc7596740ef44cfd51') traceManager.resolveTrace(tx, function (error, result) { if (error) { st.fail(' - traceManager.resolveTrace - failed ' + result) } else { st.end() } }) }) t.test('TraceManager.getLength ', function (st) { traceManager.getLength(function (error, result) { if (error) { st.fail(error) } else { st.end() } }) }) t.test('TraceManager.inRange ', function (st) { st.notOk(traceManager.inRange(-1)) st.ok(traceManager.inRange(10)) st.notOk(traceManager.inRange(142)) st.ok(traceManager.inRange(141)) st.end() }) t.test('TraceManager.accumulateStorageChanges', function (st) { const result = traceManager.accumulateStorageChanges(110, '0x0d3a18d64dfe4f927832ab58d6451cecc4e517c5', {}) st.ok(result['0x290decd9548b62a8d60345a988386fc84ba6bc95484008f6362f93160ef3e563'].value === '0x38') st.end() }) t.test('TraceManager.getCallData', function (st) { try { const result = traceManager.getCallDataAt(0) st.ok(result[0] === '0x60fe47b10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000038') st.end() } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } }) t.test('TraceManager.getCallStackAt', function (st) { st.plan(3) try { const result = traceManager.getCallStackAt(0) st.ok(result[0] === '0x0d3a18d64dfe4f927832ab58d6451cecc4e517c5') } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } try { const result = traceManager.getCallStackAt(64) st.ok(result.length === 2) st.ok(result[1] === '(Contract Creation - Step 63)') } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } }) t.test('TraceManager.getStackAt', function (st) { st.plan(3) try { const result = traceManager.getStackAt(0) console.log(result) st.ok(result.length === 0) } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } try { const result = traceManager.getStackAt(28) console.log(result) st.ok(result.length === 4) st.ok(result[3] === '0x60fe47b1') } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } }) t.test('TraceManager.getLastCallChangeSince', function (st) { st.plan(3) try { const result = traceManager.getLastCallChangeSince(10) console.log(result) st.ok(result.start === 0) } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } try { const result = traceManager.getLastCallChangeSince(70) console.log(result) st.ok(result.start === 64) } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } try { const result = traceManager.getLastCallChangeSince(111) console.log(result) st.ok(result.start === 0) // this was 109 before: 111 is targeting the root call (starting index 0) // this test make more sense as it is now (109 is the index of RETURN). } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } }) t.test('TraceManager.getCurrentCalledAddressAt', function (st) { st.plan(3) try { const result = traceManager.getCurrentCalledAddressAt(10) console.log(result) st.ok(result === '0x0d3a18d64dfe4f927832ab58d6451cecc4e517c5') } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } try { const result = traceManager.getCurrentCalledAddressAt(70) console.log(result) st.ok(result === '(Contract Creation - Step 63)') } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } try { const result = traceManager.getCurrentCalledAddressAt(111) console.log(result) st.ok(result === '0x0d3a18d64dfe4f927832ab58d6451cecc4e517c5') } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } }) t.test('TraceManager.getContractCreationCode', function (st) { // contract code has been retrieved from the memory try { const result = traceManager.getContractCreationCode('(Contract Creation - Step 63)') console.log(result) st.ok(result === '0x60606040526040516020806045833981016040528080519060200190919050505b806001016000600050819055505b50600a80603b6000396000f360606040526008565b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002d') st.end() } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } }) t.test('TraceManager.getMemoryAt', function (st) { st.plan(3) try { const result = traceManager.getMemoryAt(0) console.log(result) st.ok(result.length === 0) } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } try { const result = traceManager.getMemoryAt(34) console.log(result) st.ok(result.length === 3) st.ok(result[2] === '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060') } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } }) t.test('TraceManager.getCurrentPC', function (st) { try { const result = traceManager.getCurrentPC(13) console.log(result) st.ok(result === '65') st.end() } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } }) t.test('TraceManager.getCurrentStep', function (st) { try { const result = traceManager.getCurrentStep(66) console.log(result) st.ok(result === 2) st.end() } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } }) t.test('TraceManager.getMemExpand', function (st) { try { const result = traceManager.getMemExpand(2) console.log(result) st.ok(result === '3') st.end() } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } }) t.test('TraceManager.getStepCost', function (st) { try { const result = traceManager.getStepCost(23) console.log(result) st.ok(result === '3') st.end() } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } }) t.test('TraceManager.getRemainingGas', function (st) { try { const result = traceManager.getRemainingGas(55) console.log(result) st.ok(result === '79306') st.end() } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } }) t.test('TraceManager.findStepOverBack', function (st) { const result = traceManager.findStepOverBack(116) console.log(result) st.ok(result === 115) st.end() }) t.test('TraceManager.findStepOverForward', function (st) { const result = traceManager.findStepOverForward(66) console.log(result) st.ok(result === 67) st.end() }) t.test('TraceManager.findNextCall', function (st) { const result = traceManager.findNextCall(10) console.log(result) st.ok(result === 63) st.end() }) t.test('TraceManager.getAddresses', function (st) { const result = traceManager.getAddresses() st.ok(result[0] === '0x0d3a18d64dfe4f927832ab58d6451cecc4e517c5') st.ok(result[1] === '(Contract Creation - Step 63)') st.end() }) t.test('TraceManager.getReturnValue', function (st) { try { const result = traceManager.getReturnValue(108) st.ok(result[0] === '0x60606040526008565b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000') st.end() } catch (error) { st.fail(error) } }) })