import { eachOf } from 'async' import { randomBytes } from 'crypto' export class LogsManager { notificationCallbacks subscriptions filters filterTracking oldLogs constructor () { this.notificationCallbacks = [] this.subscriptions = {} this.filters = {} this.filterTracking = {} this.oldLogs = [] } checkBlock (blockNumber, block, web3) { eachOf(block.transactions, (tx, i, next) => { const txHash = '0x' + tx.hash().toString('hex') web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(txHash, (_error, receipt) => { for (const log of receipt.logs) { this.oldLogs.push({ type: 'block', blockNumber, block, tx, log, txNumber: i }) const subscriptions = this.getSubscriptionsFor({ type: 'block', blockNumber, block, tx, log }) for (const subscriptionId of subscriptions) { const result = { logIndex: '0x1', // 1 blockNumber: blockNumber, blockHash: ('0x' + block.hash().toString('hex')), transactionHash: ('0x' + tx.hash().toString('hex')), transactionIndex: '0x' + i.toString(16), // TODO: if it's a contract deploy, it should be that address instead address: log.address, data:, topics: log.topics } if (result.address === '0x') { delete result.address } const response = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_subscription', params: { result: result, subscription: subscriptionId } } this.transmit(response) } } }) }, (_err) => { }) } eventMatchesFilter (changeEvent, queryType, queryFilter) { if (queryFilter.topics.filter((logTopic) => changeEvent.log.topics.indexOf(logTopic) >= 0).length === 0) return false if (queryType === 'logs') { const fromBlock = queryFilter.fromBlock || '0x0' const toBlock = queryFilter.toBlock || this.oldLogs.length ? this.oldLogs[this.oldLogs.length - 1].blockNumber : '0x0' if ((queryFilter.address === ( || '').toString()) || queryFilter.address === (changeEvent.tx.getSenderAddress().toString())) { if ((parseInt(toBlock) >= parseInt(changeEvent.blockNumber)) && (parseInt(fromBlock) <= parseInt(changeEvent.blockNumber))) { return true } } } return false } getSubscriptionsFor (changeEvent) { const matchedSubscriptions = [] for (const subscriptionId of Object.keys(this.subscriptions)) { const subscriptionParams = this.subscriptions[subscriptionId] const [queryType, queryFilter] = subscriptionParams if (this.eventMatchesFilter(changeEvent, queryType, queryFilter || { topics: [] })) { matchedSubscriptions.push(subscriptionId) } } return matchedSubscriptions } getLogsForSubscription (subscriptionId) { const subscriptionParams = this.subscriptions[subscriptionId] const [_queryType, queryFilter] = subscriptionParams // eslint-disable-line return this.getLogsFor(queryFilter) } transmit (result) { this.notificationCallbacks.forEach((callback) => { if (result.params.result.raw) { = result.params.result.topics = result.params.result.raw.topics } callback(result) }) } addListener (_type, cb) { this.notificationCallbacks.push(cb) } subscribe (params) { const subscriptionId = '0x' + randomBytes(16).toString('hex') this.subscriptions[subscriptionId] = params return subscriptionId } unsubscribe (subscriptionId) { delete this.subscriptions[subscriptionId] } newFilter (filterType, params) { const filterId = '0x' + randomBytes(16).toString('hex') if (filterType === 'block' || filterType === 'pendingTransactions') { this.filters[filterId] = { filterType } } if (filterType === 'filter') { this.filters[filterId] = { filterType, params } } this.filterTracking[filterId] = {} return filterId } uninstallFilter (filterId) { delete this.filters[filterId] } getLogsForFilter (filterId, logsOnly) { const { filterType, params } = this.filters[filterId] const tracking = this.filterTracking[filterId] if (logsOnly || filterType === 'filter') { return this.getLogsFor(params || { topics: [] }) } if (filterType === 'block') { const blocks = this.oldLogs.filter(x => x.type === 'block').filter(x => tracking.block === undefined || x.blockNumber >= tracking.block) tracking.block = blocks[blocks.length - 1] return => ('0x' + block.hash().toString('hex'))) } if (filterType === 'pendingTransactions') { return [] } } getLogsByTxHash (hash) { return this.oldLogs.filter((log) => '0x' + log.tx.hash().toString('hex') === hash) .map((log) => { return { logIndex: '0x1', // 1 blockNumber: log.blockNumber, blockHash: ('0x' + log.block.hash().toString('hex')), transactionHash: ('0x' + log.tx.hash().toString('hex')), transactionIndex: '0x' + log.txNumber.toString(16), // TODO: if it's a contract deploy, it should be that address instead address: log.log.address, data:, topics: log.log.topics } }) } getLogsFor (params) { const results = [] for (const log of this.oldLogs) { if (this.eventMatchesFilter(log, 'logs', params)) { results.push({ logIndex: '0x1', // 1 blockNumber: log.blockNumber, blockHash: ('0x' + log.block.hash().toString('hex')), transactionHash: ('0x' + log.tx.hash().toString('hex')), transactionIndex: '0x' + log.txNumber.toString(16), // TODO: if it's a contract deploy, it should be that address instead address: log.log.address, data:, topics: log.log.topics }) } } return results } }