import { keccak224, keccak384, keccak256 as k256, keccak512 } from 'ethereum-cryptography/keccak' const createHash = require('create-hash') import { encode, Input } from 'rlp' import { toBuffer, setLengthLeft, isHexString } from '@ethereumjs/util' /** * Creates Keccak hash of a Buffer input * @param a The input data (Buffer) * @param bits (number = 256) The Keccak width */ export const keccak = function(a: Buffer, bits: number = 256): Buffer { assertIsBuffer(a) switch (bits) { case 224: { return toBuffer(keccak224(a)) } case 256: { return toBuffer(k256(a)) } case 384: { return toBuffer(keccak384(a)) } case 512: { return toBuffer(keccak512(a)) } default: { throw new Error(`Invald algorithm: keccak${bits}`) } } } /** * Creates Keccak-256 hash of the input, alias for keccak(a, 256). * @param a The input data (Buffer) */ export const keccak256 = function(a: Buffer): Buffer { return keccak(a) } /** * Creates Keccak hash of a utf-8 string input * @param a The input data (String) * @param bits (number = 256) The Keccak width */ export const keccakFromString = function(a: string, bits: number = 256) { assertIsString(a) const buf = Buffer.from(a, 'utf8') return keccak(buf, bits) } /** * Creates Keccak hash of an 0x-prefixed string input * @param a The input data (String) * @param bits (number = 256) The Keccak width */ export const keccakFromHexString = function(a: string, bits: number = 256) { assertIsHexString(a) return keccak(toBuffer(a), bits) } /** * Creates Keccak hash of a number array input * @param a The input data (number[]) * @param bits (number = 256) The Keccak width */ export const keccakFromArray = function(a: number[], bits: number = 256) { assertIsArray(a) return keccak(toBuffer(a), bits) } /** * Creates SHA256 hash of an input. * @param a The input data (Buffer|Array|String) */ const _sha256 = function(a: any): Buffer { a = toBuffer(a) return createHash('sha256') .update(a) .digest() } /** * Creates SHA256 hash of a Buffer input. * @param a The input data (Buffer) */ export const sha256 = function(a: Buffer): Buffer { assertIsBuffer(a) return _sha256(a) } /** * Creates SHA256 hash of a string input. * @param a The input data (string) */ export const sha256FromString = function(a: string): Buffer { assertIsString(a) return _sha256(a) } /** * Creates SHA256 hash of a number[] input. * @param a The input data (number[]) */ export const sha256FromArray = function(a: number[]): Buffer { assertIsArray(a) return _sha256(a) } /** * Creates RIPEMD160 hash of the input. * @param a The input data (Buffer|Array|String|Number) * @param padded Whether it should be padded to 256 bits or not */ const _ripemd160 = function(a: any, padded: boolean): Buffer { a = toBuffer(a) const hash = createHash('rmd160') .update(a) .digest() if (padded === true) { return setLengthLeft(hash, 32) } else { return hash } } /** * Creates RIPEMD160 hash of a Buffer input. * @param a The input data (Buffer) * @param padded Whether it should be padded to 256 bits or not */ export const ripemd160 = function(a: Buffer, padded: boolean): Buffer { assertIsBuffer(a) return _ripemd160(a, padded) } /** * Creates RIPEMD160 hash of a string input. * @param a The input data (String) * @param padded Whether it should be padded to 256 bits or not */ export const ripemd160FromString = function(a: string, padded: boolean): Buffer { assertIsString(a) return _ripemd160(a, padded) } /** * Creates RIPEMD160 hash of a number[] input. * @param a The input data (number[]) * @param padded Whether it should be padded to 256 bits or not */ export const ripemd160FromArray = function(a: number[], padded: boolean): Buffer { assertIsArray(a) return _ripemd160(a, padded) } /** * Creates SHA-3 hash of the RLP encoded version of the input. * @param a The input data */ export const rlphash = function(a: Input): Buffer { return keccak(encode(a)) } /** * Throws if a string is not hex prefixed * @param {string} input string to check hex prefix of */ export const assertIsHexString = function(input: string): void { if (!isHexString(input)) { const msg = `This method only supports 0x-prefixed hex strings but input was: ${input}` throw new Error(msg) } } /** * Throws if input is not a buffer * @param {Buffer} input value to check */ export const assertIsBuffer = function(input: Buffer): void { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(input)) { const msg = `This method only supports Buffer but input was: ${input}` throw new Error(msg) } } /** * Throws if input is not an array * @param {number[]} input value to check */ export const assertIsArray = function(input: number[]): void { if (!Array.isArray(input)) { const msg = `This method only supports number arrays but input was: ${input}` throw new Error(msg) } } /** * Throws if input is not a string * @param {string} input value to check */ export const assertIsString = function(input: string): void { if (typeof input !== 'string') { const msg = `This method only supports strings but input was: ${input}` throw new Error(msg) } }