import async, { ErrorCallback } from 'async' require('colors') import { compileContractSources } from './compiler' import { deployAll } from './deployer' import { runTest } from './testRunner' import Web3 from 'web3'; import { Provider } from 'remix-simulator' import { FinalResult, SrcIfc, compilationInterface, ASTInterface, Options, TestResultInterface, AstNode, CompilerConfiguration } from './types' const createWeb3Provider = async function () { let web3 = new Web3() let provider = new Provider() await provider.init() web3.setProvider(provider) return web3 } /** * @dev Run tests from source of a test contract file (used for IDE) * @param contractSources Sources of contract * @param compilerConfig current compiler configuration * @param testCallback Test callback * @param resultCallback Result Callback * @param finalCallback Final Callback * @param importFileCb Import file callback * @param opts Options */ export async function runTestSources(contractSources: SrcIfc, compilerConfig: CompilerConfiguration, testCallback: Function, resultCallback: Function, finalCallback: any, importFileCb: Function, opts: Options) { opts = opts || {} const sourceASTs: any = {} let web3 = opts.web3 || await createWeb3Provider() let accounts: string[] | null = opts.accounts || null async.waterfall([ function getAccountList (next) { if (accounts) return next() web3.eth.getAccounts((_err, _accounts) => { accounts = _accounts next() }) }, function compile (next) { compileContractSources(contractSources, compilerConfig, importFileCb, { accounts }, next) }, function deployAllContracts (compilationResult: compilationInterface, asts: ASTInterface, next) { for(const filename in asts) { if(filename.endsWith('_test.sol')) sourceASTs[filename] = asts[filename].ast } deployAll(compilationResult, web3, (err, contracts) => { if (err) { next([{message: 'contract deployment failed: ' + err.message, severity: 'error'}]) // IDE expects errors in array } next(null, compilationResult, contracts) }) }, function determineTestContractsToRun (compilationResult: compilationInterface, contracts: any, next) { let contractsToTest: string[] = [] let contractsToTestDetails: any[] = [] for (let filename in compilationResult) { if (!filename.endsWith('_test.sol')) { continue } Object.keys(compilationResult[filename]).forEach(contractName => { contractsToTestDetails.push(compilationResult[filename][contractName]) contractsToTest.push(contractName) }) } next(null, contractsToTest, contractsToTestDetails, contracts) }, function runTests(contractsToTest: string[], contractsToTestDetails: any[], contracts: any, next) { let totalPassing = 0 let totalFailing = 0 let totalTime = 0 let errors: any[] = [] const _testCallback = function (err: Error | null | undefined, result: TestResultInterface) { if (result.type === 'testFailure') { errors.push(result) } testCallback(result) } const _resultsCallback = function (_err, result, cb) { resultCallback(_err, result, () => {}) totalPassing += result.passingNum totalFailing += result.failureNum totalTime += result.timePassed cb() } async.eachOfLimit(contractsToTest, 1, (contractName: string, index: string | number, cb: ErrorCallback) => { const fileAST: AstNode = sourceASTs[contracts[contractName]['filename']] runTest(contractName, contracts[contractName], contractsToTestDetails[index], fileAST, { accounts }, _testCallback, (err, result) => { if (err) { return cb(err) } _resultsCallback(null, result, cb) }) }, function (err) { if (err) { return next(err) } let finalResults: FinalResult = { totalPassing: 0, totalFailing: 0, totalTime: 0, errors: [], } finalResults.totalPassing = totalPassing || 0 finalResults.totalFailing = totalFailing || 0 finalResults.totalTime = totalTime || 0 finalResults.errors = [] errors.forEach((error, _index) => { finalResults.errors.push({context: error.context, value: error.value, message: error.errMsg}) }) next(null, finalResults) }) } ], finalCallback) }