'use strict' import tape from 'tape' import { BN } from 'bn.js' import { toBuffer } from '@ethereumjs/util' import { resultToRemixTx } from '../src/helpers/txResultHelper' const TRANSACTION_HASH = '0x538ad944d09c2df403f064c1e4556fae877fe3f1b600c567622e330c2bdbbe2e' const CONTRACT_ADDRESS_HEX = '0x692a70d2e424a56d2c6c27aa97d1a86395877b3a' const CONTRACT_ADDRESS_BUFFER = toBuffer( [105, 42, 112, 210, 228, 36, 165, 109, 44, 108, 39, 170, 151, 209, 168, 99, 149, 135, 123, 58]) const RETURN_VALUE_HEX = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' const RETURN_VALUE_BUFFER = toBuffer( [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) const STATUS_OK = '0x1' const GAS_USED_INT = 75427 const GAS_USED_HEX = '0x126a3' const NODE_CALL_RESULT = { receipt: {}, result: RETURN_VALUE_HEX, transactionHash: undefined } const NODE_TX_RESULT = { receipt: { blockHash: '0x380485a4e6372a42e36489783c7f7cb66257612133cd245859c206fd476e9c44', blockNumber: 5994, contractAddress: CONTRACT_ADDRESS_HEX, cumulativeGasUsed: GAS_USED_INT, from: '0xed9d02e382b34818e88b88a309c7fe71e65f419d', gasUsed: GAS_USED_INT, status: STATUS_OK, to: null, transactionHash: TRANSACTION_HASH, transactionIndex: 0 }, transactionHash: TRANSACTION_HASH } const VM_RESULT = { receipt: { amountSpent: new BN(1), contractAddress: CONTRACT_ADDRESS_BUFFER, gasRefund: new BN(0), gasUsed: new BN(GAS_USED_INT), status: STATUS_OK, }, transactionHash: TRANSACTION_HASH } const EXEC_RESULT = { exceptionError: null, gasRefund: new BN(0), gasUsed: new BN(GAS_USED_INT), returnValue: RETURN_VALUE_BUFFER } const EXEC_RESULT_ERROR = { exceptionError: 'this is an error' } tape('converts node transaction result to RemixTx', function (t) { // contract creation const txResult = { ...NODE_TX_RESULT } let remixTx = resultToRemixTx(txResult, {}) t.equal(remixTx.transactionHash, TRANSACTION_HASH) t.equal(remixTx.createdAddress, CONTRACT_ADDRESS_HEX) t.equal(remixTx.status, STATUS_OK) t.equal(remixTx.gasUsed, GAS_USED_HEX) t.equal(remixTx.return, undefined) t.equal(remixTx.error, undefined) // contract method tx txResult.receipt.contractAddress = null remixTx = resultToRemixTx(txResult, {}) t.equal(remixTx.createdAddress, null) t.end() }) tape('converts node call result to RemixTx', function (t) { const txResult = { ...NODE_CALL_RESULT } const remixTx = resultToRemixTx(txResult, {}) t.equal(remixTx.transactionHash, undefined) t.equal(remixTx.createdAddress, undefined) t.equal(remixTx.status, undefined) t.equal(remixTx.gasUsed, undefined) t.equal(remixTx.return, RETURN_VALUE_HEX) t.equal(remixTx.error, undefined) t.end() }) tape('converts VM result to RemixTx', function (t) { const txResult = { ...VM_RESULT } let remixTx = resultToRemixTx(txResult, EXEC_RESULT) t.equal(remixTx.transactionHash, TRANSACTION_HASH) t.equal(remixTx.createdAddress, CONTRACT_ADDRESS_HEX) t.equal(remixTx.status, STATUS_OK) t.equal(remixTx.gasUsed, GAS_USED_HEX) t.equal(remixTx.return, RETURN_VALUE_HEX) t.equal(remixTx.error, null) remixTx = resultToRemixTx(VM_RESULT, EXEC_RESULT_ERROR) t.equal(remixTx.error, 'this is an error') t.end() })