const fs = require('fs'); exports.default = async function afterbuild(context) { // do not run when not on macOS or when not on CIRCLECI if (process.platform !== 'darwin' || !process.env.CIRCLE_BRANCH) { return; } console.log('AFTER BUILD', context); const artifactPaths = context.artifactPaths; const newDmgs = artifactPaths.filter((dmg) => dmg.endsWith('.dmg')).map((dmg) => dmg); // Removed unnecessary quotes for consistency let existingDmgs = []; try { // Attempt to read the existing dmgs.json file const data = fs.readFileSync('dmgs.json', 'utf8'); const parsedData = JSON.parse(data); existingDmgs = parsedData.dmgs || []; // Ensure existingDmgs is an array } catch (error) { // If there's an error reading the file (e.g., file does not exist), proceed with an empty array console.log('No existing dmgs.json or error reading file, creating new one.'); } // Combine existing and new dmgs, avoiding duplicates const combinedDmgs = [ Set([...existingDmgs, ...newDmgs])]; // Write/overwrite the dmgs.json with the combined list of dmgs fs.writeFileSync('dmgs.json', JSON.stringify({ dmgs: combinedDmgs }, null, 2)); };