import tape from "tape"; import { AstWalker, AstNode, isAstNode } from "../src"; import node from "./resources/newAST"; import legacyNode from "./resources/legacyAST"; tape("New ASTWalker", (t: tape.Test) => { // New Ast Object const astWalker = new AstWalker(); t.test("ASTWalker.walk && .walkastList", (st: tape.Test) => { st.plan(24); // EventListener astWalker.on("node", node => { if (node.nodeType === "ContractDefinition") { checkContract(st, node); } if (node.nodeType === "PragmaDirective") { checkProgramDirective(st, node); } }); // Callback pattern astWalker.walk(node.ast, (node: AstNode) => { if (node.nodeType === "ContractDefinition") { checkContract(st, node); } if (node.nodeType === "PragmaDirective") { checkProgramDirective(st, node); } }); // Callback Object var callback: any = {}; callback.FunctionDefinition = function(node: AstNode): boolean { st.equal(, "FunctionDefinition"); return true; }; // Calling walk function with cb astWalker.walk(node.ast, callback); // Calling walk function without cb astWalker.walk(node.ast); // Calling WALKASTLIST function astWalker.walkAstList(node); // Calling WALKASTLIST function with cb astWalker.walkAstList(node, node => { return true; }); st.end(); }); t.test("ASTWalkFull", (st: tape.Test) => { const astNodeCount = 26; st.plan(2 + astNodeCount); let count: number = 0; astWalker.walkFull(node.ast, (node: AstNode) => { st.ok(isAstNode(node), "passed an ast node"); count += 1; }); st.equal(count, astNodeCount, "traverses all AST nodes"); count = 0; let badCall = function() { /* Typescript will keep us from calling walkFull with a legacyAST. However, for non-typescript uses, we add this test which casts to an AST to check that there is a run-time check in walkFull. */ astWalker.walkFull(legacyNode, (node: AstNode) => { count += 1; }); } t.throws(badCall, /first argument should be an ast/, "passing legacyAST fails"); st.equal(count, 0, "traverses no AST nodes"); st.end(); }); }); function checkProgramDirective(st: tape.Test, node: AstNode) { st.equal(, 1); st.equal(node.literals.length, 7); } function checkContract(st: tape.Test, node: AstNode) { st.equal(, "Greeter"); st.equal(node.nodes[0].name, "greeting"); st.equal(node.nodes[0].nodeType, "VariableDeclaration"); st.equal(node.nodes[0].name, "greeting"); st.equal(node.nodes[0], "string"); st.equal(node.nodes[1].nodeType, "FunctionDefinition"); st.equal(node.nodes[1].name, ""); st.equal(node.nodes[1].scope, 25); st.equal(node.nodes[2].nodeType, "FunctionDefinition"); st.equal(node.nodes[2].name, "greet"); }