# Contributing Everyone is very welcome to contribute on the codebase of Remix. Please join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/mh9hFCKkEq) in case of any queries. ## Development Remix libraries work closely with [Remix IDE](https://remix.ethereum.org). Each library has a readme to explain its application. When you add code in any library, please ensure you add related unit tests. ## Coding style Please conform to [standard](https://standardjs.com/) for code styles. ## Submitting Pull Requests Please follow GitHub's standard model of making changes & submitting pull request which is very well explained [here](https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/). Make sure your code works fine locally before submitting a pull request. ## Internationalization Remix now supports Internationalization. Everyone is welcome to contribute to this feature. ### How to make a string support intl? First, put the string in the locale file located under `apps/remix-ide/src/app/tabs/locales/en`. Each json file corresponds to a module. If the module does not exist, then create a new json and import it in the `index.js`. Then you can replace the string with an intl component. The `id` prop will be the key of this string. ```jsx ``` In some cases, jsx may not be acceptable, you can use `intl.formatMessage` . ```jsx ``` ### How to add another language support? Let's say you want to add French. First, create a folder named by the language code which is `fr`. Then, create a json file, let's say `panel.json`, ```json { "panel.author": "Auteur", "panel.maintainedBy": "Entretenu par", "panel.documentation": "Documentation", "panel.description": "La description" } ``` Then, create a `index.js` file like this, ```js import panelJson from './panel.json'; import enJson from '../en'; // There may have some un-translated content. Always fill in the gaps with EN JSON. // No need for a defaultMessage prop when render a FormattedMessage component. export default Object.assign({}, enJson, { ...panelJson, }) ``` Then, import `index.js` in `apps/remix-ide/src/app/tabs/locale-module.js` ```js import enJson from './locales/en' import zhJson from './locales/zh' +import frJson from './locales/fr' const locales = [ { code: 'en', name: 'English', localeName: 'English', messages: enJson }, { code: 'zh', name: 'Chinese Simplified', localeName: '简体中文', messages: zhJson }, + { code: 'fr', name: 'French', localeName: 'Français', messages: frJson }, ] ``` You can find the language's `code, name, localeName` in this link https://github.com/ethereum/ethereum-org-website/blob/dev/i18n.config.json ### Whether or not to use `defaultMessage`? If you search `FormattedMessage` or `intl.formatMessage` in this project, you will notice that most of them only have a `id` prop, but a few of them have a `defaultMessage` prop. **Why?** Each non-english language will be filled in the gaps with english. Even though there may be some un-translated content, it will always use english as defaultMessage. That's why we don't need to provide a `defaultMessage` prop each time we render a `FormattedMessage` component. But in some cases, the `id` prop may not be static. For example, ```jsx