Unit Testing ============ The unit testing tab allows to run unit testing. ![image](images/remix_unittest.png) Generate test File ------------------ This create a new solidity file in the current folder suffixed with `_test`. This file contains the minimun you need for running unit testing. Run Tests --------- This execute tests. The execution is run in a separate environment and the result is displayed below. | Available functions | Supported types | | ------------- | ------------- | | `Assert.ok()` | `bool` | | `Assert.equal()` | `uint`, `int`, `bool`, `address`, `bytes32`, `string` | | `Assert.notEqual()` | `uint`, `int`, `bool`, `address`, `bytes32`, `string` | | `Assert.greaterThan()` | `uint`, `int` | | `Assert.lesserThan()` | `uint`, `int` | see [https://github.com/ethereum/remix/blob/master/remix-tests/tests/examples_4/SafeMath_test.sol](https://github.com/ethereum/remix/blob/master/remix-tests/tests/examples_4/SafeMath_test.sol) for some code sample Continuous integration ---------------------- remix-tests is also a CLI, it can be used in a continuous integration environement which support node.js. Please find more information in the [remix-test repository](https://github.com/ethereum/remix/tree/master/remix-tests) See also: example [Su Squares contract](https://github.com/su-squares/ethereum-contract/tree/e542f37d4f8f6c7b07d90a6554424268384a4186) and [https://travis-ci.org/su-squares/ethereum-contract/builds/446186067](Travis build) that uses remix-tests for continuous integration testing.