import { Plugin } from '@remixproject/engine' import * as packageJson from '../../../package.json' const introJs = require('intro.js') const profile = { name: 'walkthrough', displayName: 'Walkthrough', description: 'Remix walkthrough for beginner', version: packageJson.version, methods: ['start', 'startRecorderW'] } export class WalkthroughService extends Plugin { constructor (appManager, showWalkthrough) { super(profile) /*let readyToStart = 0; appManager.event.on('activate', (plugin) => { if ( === 'udapp') readyToStart++ if (readyToStart == 2 && showWalkthrough) { this.start() } }) appManager.event.on('activate', (plugin) => { if ( === 'solidity') readyToStart++ if (readyToStart == 2 && showWalkthrough) { this.start() } })*/ } startRecorderW () { introJs().setOptions({ steps: [{ title: 'Transactions Recorder', intro: 'Save transactions (deployed contracts and function executions) and replay them in another environment e.g Transactions created in Remix VM can be replayed in the Injected Provider.Click to launch the Home tab that contains links, tips, and shortcuts..', element: document.querySelector('#udappRecorderCard'), tooltipClass: 'bg-light text-dark', position: 'right', highlightClass: 'bg-light border border-warning' }, { element: document.querySelector('#udappRecorderUseLatest'), title: 'Transactions Recorder', intro: 'If set the recorder will run transactions using the latest compilation result.', tooltipClass: 'bg-light text-dark', position: 'right', highlightClass: 'bg-light border border-warning' }, { element: document.querySelector('#udappRecorderSave'), title: 'Transactions Recorder', intro: 'Once there is a Once one or a few transactions have been executed from Remix, click this button to save these transactions as a scenario file.', tooltipClass: 'bg-light text-dark', position: 'right', highlightClass: 'bg-light border border-warning' }, { element: document.querySelector('#udappRecorderRun'), title: 'Transactions Recorder', intro: 'Open a scenario file and click this button to run it against the current selected provider.', tooltipClass: 'bg-light text-dark', position: 'right', highlightClass: 'bg-light border border-warning' } ] }).onafterchange((targetElement) => { const header = document.getElementsByClassName('introjs-tooltip-header')[0] if (header) { header.classList.add('d-flex') header.classList.add('justify-content-between') header.classList.add('text-nowrap') header.classList.add('pr-0')"remixRecorderWalkthrowTitle" } const skipbutton = document.getElementsByClassName('introjs-skipbutton')[0] if (skipbutton) { skipbutton.classList.add('ml-3') skipbutton.classList.add('text-decoration-none') = 'remixTourSkipbtn' } }).start() } start () { if (!localStorage.getItem('hadTour_initial')) { introJs().setOptions({ steps: [{ title: 'Welcome to Remix IDE', intro: 'Click to launch the Home tab that contains links, tips, and shortcuts..', element: document.querySelector('#verticalIconsHomeIcon'), tooltipClass: 'bg-light text-dark', position: 'right' }, { element: document.querySelector('#verticalIconsKindsolidity'), title: 'Solidity Compiler', intro: 'Having selected a .sol file in the File Explorer (the icon above), compile it with the Solidity Compiler.', tooltipClass: 'bg-light text-dark', position: 'right' }, { title: 'Deploy your contract', element: document.querySelector('#verticalIconsKindudapp'), intro: 'Choose a chain, deploy a contract and play with your functions.', tooltipClass: 'bg-light text-dark', position: 'right' } ] }).onafterchange((targetElement) => { const header = document.getElementsByClassName('introjs-tooltip-header')[0] if (header) { header.classList.add('d-flex') header.classList.add('justify-content-between') header.classList.add('text-nowrap') header.classList.add('pr-0') } const skipbutton = document.getElementsByClassName('introjs-skipbutton')[0] if (skipbutton) { skipbutton.classList.add('ml-3') skipbutton.classList.add('text-decoration-none') = 'remixTourSkipbtn' } }).start() localStorage.setItem('hadTour_initial', true) } } }