import { default as test} from "tape" import { helpers } from 'remix-lib' import { readFileSync } from 'fs' import { join } from 'path' import { default as StatRunner } from '../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer' import * as modules from '../../src/solidity-analyzer/modules/' import { CompilationResult, AnalysisReportObj, AnalysisReport } from '../../src/types' import { install, require as requireNPMmodule } from 'npm-install-version' install('solc@0.5.0') const solc = requireNPMmodule('solc@0.5.0') const { compilerInput } = helpers.compiler const folder: string = 'solidity-v0.5' const testFiles: string[] = [ 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol', 'assembly.sol', 'ballot.sol', 'ballot_reentrant.sol', 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol', 'cross_contract.sol', 'inheritance.sol', 'modifier1.sol', 'modifier2.sol', 'notReentrant.sol', 'structReentrant.sol', 'thisLocal.sol', 'globals.sol', 'library.sol', 'transfer.sol', 'ctor.sol', 'forgottenReturn.sol', 'selfdestruct.sol', 'deleteDynamicArray.sol', 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol', 'blockLevelCompare.sol', 'intDivisionTruncate.sol', 'ERC20.sol', 'stringBytesLength.sol', 'etherTransferInLoop.sol', 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol' ] var compilationResults: Record = {} testFiles.forEach((fileName) => { const content = readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'test-contracts/' + folder, fileName), 'utf8') compilationResults[fileName] = JSON.parse(solc.compile(compilerInput(content))) }) test('Integration test thisLocal module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.thisLocal const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 0, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 1, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 1, 'globals.sol': 0, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of thisLocal warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test checksEffectsInteraction module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.checksEffectsInteraction const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 1, 'assembly.sol': 1, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 1, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 1, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 1, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 1, 'library.sol': 1, 'transfer.sol': 1, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of checksEffectsInteraction warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test constantFunctions module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.constantFunctions const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 0, 'ballot.sol': 1, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 0, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 1, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 1, 'thisLocal.sol': 1, 'globals.sol': 0, 'library.sol': 3, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of constantFunctions warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test inlineAssembly module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.inlineAssembly const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 2, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 0, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 0, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of inlineAssembly warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test txOrigin module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.txOrigin const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 1, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 0, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 1, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of txOrigin warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test gasCosts module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.gasCosts const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 2, 'assembly.sol': 2, 'ballot.sol': 4, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 2, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 1, 'inheritance.sol': 1, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 1, 'notReentrant.sol': 1, 'structReentrant.sol': 1, 'thisLocal.sol': 1, 'globals.sol': 1, 'library.sol': 1, 'transfer.sol': 1, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 3, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 2, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 1, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 1, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 1, 'ERC20.sol': 2, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 1, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 3, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 2 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of gasCosts warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test similarVariableNames module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.similarVariableNames const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 0, 'ballot.sol': 2, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 11, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 1, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 0, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 1, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 1, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of similarVariableNames warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test blockTimestamp module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/blockTimestamp').default const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 1, 'assembly.sol': 0, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 3, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 2, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of blockTimestamp warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test lowLevelCalls module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.lowLevelCalls const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 1, 'assembly.sol': 1, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 7, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 1, 'inheritance.sol': 1, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 1, 'structReentrant.sol': 1, 'thisLocal.sol': 2, 'globals.sol': 1, 'library.sol': 1, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of lowLevelCalls warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test blockBlockhash module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.blockBlockhash const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 0, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 0, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 1, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of blockBlockhash warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test selfdestruct module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.selfdestruct const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 0, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 0, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 2, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 3, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 5, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of selfdestruct warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test guardConditions module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.guardConditions const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 2, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 0, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 1, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 1, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 1, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of guardConditions warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test deleteDynamicArrays module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.deleteDynamicArrays const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 0, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 0, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 0, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 2, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of deleteDynamicArrays warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test deleteFromDynamicArray module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.deleteFromDynamicArray const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 0, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 0, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 0, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 1, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of deleteFromDynamicArray warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test assignAndCompare module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.assignAndCompare const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 0, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 0, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 0, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 8, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of assignAndCompare warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test intDivisionTruncate module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.intDivisionTruncate const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 0, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 0, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 0, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 2, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of intDivisionTruncate warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test erc20Decimal module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.erc20Decimals const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 0, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 0, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 0, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 1, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of erc20Decimals warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test stringBytesLength module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.stringBytesLength const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 0, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 0, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 0, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 1, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of stringBytesLength warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test etherTransferInLoop module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module: any = modules.etherTransferInLoop const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 0, 'ballot.sol': 0, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 0, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 0, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 3, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 0 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of etherTransferInLoop warnings`) }) }) test('Integration test forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray module', function (t: test.Test) { t.plan(testFiles.length) const module = modules.forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray const lengthCheck: Record = { 'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0, 'assembly.sol': 0, 'ballot.sol': 2, 'ballot_reentrant.sol': 1, 'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0, 'cross_contract.sol': 0, 'inheritance.sol': 0, 'modifier1.sol': 0, 'modifier2.sol': 0, 'notReentrant.sol': 0, 'structReentrant.sol': 0, 'thisLocal.sol': 0, 'globals.sol': 0, 'library.sol': 0, 'transfer.sol': 0, 'ctor.sol': 0, 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0, 'selfdestruct.sol': 0, 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0, 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0, 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0, 'ERC20.sol': 0, 'stringBytesLength.sol': 0, 'etherTransferInLoop.sol': 0, 'forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.sol': 2 } runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => { t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray warnings`) }) }) // #################### Helpers function runModuleOnFiles (Module: any, t: test.Test, cb: ((fname: string, report: AnalysisReportObj[]) => void)): void { const statRunner: StatRunner = new StatRunner() testFiles.forEach((fileName: string) => { statRunner.runWithModuleList(compilationResults[fileName], [{ name: new Module().name, mod: new Module() }], (reports: AnalysisReport[]) => { let report: AnalysisReportObj[] = reports[0].report if (report.some((x: AnalysisReportObj) => x['warning'].includes('INTERNAL ERROR'))) { t.comment('Error while executing Module: ' + JSON.stringify(report)) } cb(fileName, report) }) }) }