'use strict' var EthJSTX = require('ethereumjs-tx') var EthJSBlock = require('ethereumjs-block') var ethJSUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') var BN = ethJSUtil.BN function TxRunner (executionContext, vmaccounts, opts) { this.executionContext = executionContext this.web3 = executionContext.web3() this.vm = executionContext.vm() this.queueTxs = opts.queueTxs this.personalMode = opts.personalMode this.blockNumber = 0 if (this.executionContext.isVM()) { this.blockNumber = 1150000 // The VM is running in Homestead mode, which started at this block. } this.running = false this.pendingTxs = [] this.vmaccounts = vmaccounts } TxRunner.prototype.rawRun = function (args, cb) { this.pendingTxs.push({tx: args, cb: cb}) this.execute() } TxRunner.prototype.execute = function () { var self = this if (this.running || this.pendingTxs.length === 0) { return } var args = this.pendingTxs[0].tx var cb = this.pendingTxs[0].cb this.pendingTxs.shift() var callback = function (error, result) { cb(error, result) self.running = false self.execute() } this.running = true var from = args.from var to = args.to var data = args.data if (data.slice(0, 2) !== '0x') { data = '0x' + data } var value = args.value var gasLimit = args.gasLimit var tx if (!self.executionContext.isVM()) { tx = { from: from, to: to, data: data, value: value } if (args.useCall) { tx.gas = gasLimit self.web3.eth.call(tx, function (error, result) { callback(error, { result: result, transactionHash: result.transactionHash }) }) } else { self.web3.eth.estimateGas(tx, function (err, gasEstimation) { if (err) { return callback(err, gasEstimation) } self.web3.eth.getBlock('latest', function (err, block) { if (err) { return callback(err) } else { // NOTE: estimateGas very likely will return a large limit if execution of the code failed // we want to be able to run the code in order to debug and find the cause for the failure // we can't use the blockGasLimit cause the next blocks could have a lower limit : https://github.com/ethereum/remix/issues/506 var blockGasLimit = Math.floor(block.gasLimit - (5 * block.gasLimit) / 1024) if (gasEstimation > gasLimit) { return callback('Gas required exceeds limit: ' + gasLimit) } if (gasEstimation > blockGasLimit) { return callback('Gas required exceeds block gas limit: ' + gasLimit) } tx.gas = gasEstimation var sendTransaction = self.personalMode ? self.web3.personal.sendTransaction : self.web3.eth.sendTransaction sendTransaction(tx, function (err, resp) { if (err) { return callback(err, resp) } tryTillResponse(self.web3, resp, callback) }) } }) }) } } else { try { var account = self.vmaccounts[from] if (!account) { return cb('Invalid account selected') } tx = new EthJSTX({ nonce: new BN(account.nonce++), gasPrice: new BN(1), gasLimit: new BN(gasLimit, 10), to: to, value: new BN(value, 10), data: new Buffer(data.slice(2), 'hex') }) tx.sign(account.privateKey) const coinbases = [ '0x0e9281e9c6a0808672eaba6bd1220e144c9bb07a', '0x8945a1288dc78a6d8952a92c77aee6730b414778', '0x94d76e24f818426ae84aa404140e8d5f60e10e7e' ] const difficulties = [ new BN('69762765929000', 10), new BN('70762765929000', 10), new BN('71762765929000', 10) ] var block = new EthJSBlock({ header: { timestamp: new Date().getTime() / 1000 | 0, number: self.blockNumber, coinbase: coinbases[self.blockNumber % coinbases.length], difficulty: difficulties[self.blockNumber % difficulties.length], gasLimit: new BN(gasLimit, 10).imuln(2) }, transactions: [], uncleHeaders: [] }) if (!args.useCall) { ++self.blockNumber } else { self.vm.stateManager.checkpoint() } self.vm.runTx({block: block, tx: tx, skipBalance: true, skipNonce: true}, function (err, result) { if (args.useCall) { self.vm.stateManager.revert(function () {}) } callback(err, { result: result, transactionHash: ethJSUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(tx.hash())) }) }) } catch (e) { callback(e, null) } } } function tryTillResponse (web3, txhash, done) { web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(txhash, function (err, result) { if (!err && !result) { // Try again with a bit of delay setTimeout(function () { tryTillResponse(web3, txhash, done) }, 500) } else { done(err, { result: result, transactionHash: result.transactionHash }) } }) } module.exports = TxRunner