const fs = require('fs') let value = fs.readFileSync('./change-log.json') value = JSON.parse(value) const inDone =[0].node.project.columns.edges[0] let data = '' const prCount = inDone.filter((card) => { return card.node.content.url }).length console.log(prCount, 'Prs\n') data = prCount + ' Prs\n\n' for (let card of inDone) { if (card.node.content.url) { console.log(card.node.content.title, `- ${card.node.content.url}\n`) data += ` - [${card.node.content.title}](${card.node.content.url}) (@${})\n` data += ` participants: ${ => { return `@(${p.node.login})` })}` data += '\n\n' } } fs.writeFileSync('./change-log.txt', data) /* - go to - set the correct project id - run the query (be careful, this only returns the first 100 elements) - save the JSON content as done.json - run this script - get the result in the file done.txt */ /* { search(type: REPOSITORY, query: "remix-project", first: 1) { edges { node { __typename ... on Repository { owner { id } name project(number: 31) { number name columns(last: 1) { edges { node { name cards(first: 100) { edges { cursor node { id note state content { ... on PullRequest { participants (last: 100) { edges { node { id login } } } author { login } assignees (last: 100) { edges { node { id login } } } url id number title } } } } } } } } } } } } } } */