'use strict' var isElectron = require('is-electron') var csjs = require('csjs-inject') var yo = require('yo-yo') var remixLib = require('@remix-project/remix-lib') var registry = require('./global/registry') var loadFileFromParent = require('./loadFilesFromParent') var { OffsetToLineColumnConverter } = require('./lib/offsetToLineColumnConverter') var QueryParams = require('./lib/query-params') var GistHandler = require('./lib/gist-handler') var Storage = remixLib.Storage var RemixDProvider = require('./app/files/remixDProvider') var Config = require('./config') var Renderer = require('./app/ui/renderer') var examples = require('./app/editor/example-contracts') var modalDialogCustom = require('./app/ui/modal-dialog-custom') var FileManager = require('./app/files/fileManager') var FileProvider = require('./app/files/fileProvider') var toolTip = require('./app/ui/tooltip') var CompilerMetadata = require('./app/files/compiler-metadata') var CompilerImport = require('./app/compiler/compiler-imports') const Blockchain = require('./blockchain/blockchain.js') const PluginUDapp = require('./blockchain/pluginUDapp.js') const PluginManagerComponent = require('./app/components/plugin-manager-component') const CompilersArtefacts = require('./app/compiler/compiler-artefacts') const CompileTab = require('./app/tabs/compile-tab') const SettingsTab = require('./app/tabs/settings-tab') const AnalysisTab = require('./app/tabs/analysis-tab') const DebuggerTab = require('./app/tabs/debugger-tab') const TestTab = require('./app/tabs/test-tab') const FilePanel = require('./app/panels/file-panel') const Editor = require('./app/editor/editor') const Terminal = require('./app/panels/terminal') const ContextualListener = require('./app/editor/contextualListener') import { basicLogo } from './app/ui/svgLogo' import { RunTab, makeUdapp } from './app/udapp' import PanelsResize from './lib/panels-resize' import { Engine } from '@remixproject/engine' import { RemixAppManager } from './remixAppManager' import { FramingService } from './framingService' import { MainView } from './app/panels/main-view' import { ThemeModule } from './app/tabs/theme-module' import { NetworkModule } from './app/tabs/network-module' import { Web3ProviderModule } from './app/tabs/web3-provider' import { SidePanel } from './app/components/side-panel' import { HiddenPanel } from './app/components/hidden-panel' import { VerticalIcons } from './app/components/vertical-icons' import { LandingPage } from './app/ui/landing-page/landing-page' import { MainPanel } from './app/components/main-panel' import FetchAndCompile from './app/compiler/compiler-sourceVerifier-fetchAndCompile' import migrateFileSystem from './migrateFileSystem' var css = csjs` html { box-sizing: border-box; } *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: inherit; } body { /* font: 14px/1.5 Lato, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; */ font-size : .8rem; } pre { overflow-x: auto; } .remixIDE { width : 100vw; height : 100vh; overflow : hidden; flex-direction : row; display : flex; } .mainpanel { display : flex; flex-direction : column; overflow : hidden; flex : 1; } .iconpanel { display : flex; flex-direction : column; overflow : hidden; width : 50px; user-select : none; } .sidepanel { display : flex; flex-direction : row-reverse; width : 320px; } .highlightcode { position : absolute; z-index : 20; background-color : var(--info); } .highlightcode_fullLine { position : absolute; z-index : 20; background-color : var(--info); opacity : 0.5; } .centered { position : fixed; top : 20%; left : 45%; width : 200px; height : 200px; } .centered svg path { fill: var(--secondary); } .centered svg polygon { fill: var(--secondary); } ` class App { constructor (api = {}, events = {}, opts = {}) { var self = this self.appManager = new RemixAppManager({}) self._components = {} self._view = {} self._view.splashScreen = yo`
` document.body.appendChild(self._view.splashScreen) // setup storage const configStorage = new Storage('config-v0.8:') // load app config const config = new Config(configStorage) registry.put({api: config, name: 'config'}) // load file system self._components.filesProviders = {} self._components.filesProviders['browser'] = new FileProvider('browser') registry.put({api: self._components.filesProviders['browser'], name: 'fileproviders/browser'}) self._components.filesProviders['localhost'] = new RemixDProvider(self.appManager) registry.put({api: self._components.filesProviders['localhost'], name: 'fileproviders/localhost'}) registry.put({api: self._components.filesProviders, name: 'fileproviders'}) migrateFileSystem(self._components.filesProviders['browser']) } init () { var self = this run.apply(self) } render () { var self = this if (self._view.el) return self._view.el // not resizable self._view.iconpanel = yo`
` // center panel, resizable self._view.sidepanel = yo`
` // handle the editor + terminal self._view.mainpanel = yo`
` self._components.resizeFeature = new PanelsResize(self._view.sidepanel) self._view.el = yo` ` return self._view.el } } module.exports = App async function run () { var self = this // check the origin and warn message if (window.location.hostname === 'yann300.github.io') { modalDialogCustom.alert('This UNSTABLE ALPHA branch of Remix has been moved to http://ethereum.github.io/remix-live-alpha.') } else if (window.location.hostname === 'remix-alpha.ethereum.org' || (window.location.hostname === 'ethereum.github.io' && window.location.pathname.indexOf('/remix-live-alpha') === 0)) { modalDialogCustom.alert(`Welcome to the Remix alpha instance. Please use it to try out latest features. But use preferably https://remix.ethereum.org for any production work.`) } else if (window.location.protocol.indexOf('http') === 0 && window.location.hostname !== 'remix.ethereum.org' && window.location.hostname !== 'localhost' && window.location.hostname !== '') { modalDialogCustom.alert(`The Remix IDE has moved to http://remix.ethereum.org.\n This instance of Remix you are visiting WILL NOT BE UPDATED.\n Please make a backup of your contracts and start using http://remix.ethereum.org`) } if (window.location.protocol.indexOf('https') === 0) { toolTip('You are using an `https` connection. Please switch to `http` if you are using Remix against an `http Web3 provider` or allow Mixed Content in your browser.') } const hosts = ['', '', 'localhost:8080'] // workaround for Electron support if (!isElectron() && !hosts.includes(window.location.host)) { // Oops! Accidentally trigger refresh or bookmark. window.onbeforeunload = function () { return 'Are you sure you want to leave?' } } // APP_MANAGER const appManager = self.appManager const pluginLoader = appManager.pluginLoader const workspace = pluginLoader.get() const engine = new Engine(appManager) engine.setPluginOption = ({ name, kind }) => { if (kind === 'provider') return {queueTimeout: 60000 * 2} if (name === 'LearnEth') return {queueTimeout: 60000} return {queueTimeout: 10000} } await engine.onload() // SERVICES // ----------------- import content servive ------------------------ const contentImport = new CompilerImport() // ----------------- theme servive --------------------------------- const themeModule = new ThemeModule(registry) registry.put({api: themeModule, name: 'themeModule'}) themeModule.initTheme(() => { setTimeout(() => { document.body.removeChild(self._view.splashScreen) self._view.el.style.visibility = 'visible' }, 1500) }) // ----------------- editor servive ---------------------------- const editor = new Editor({}, themeModule) // wrapper around ace editor registry.put({api: editor, name: 'editor'}) editor.event.register('requiringToSaveCurrentfile', () => fileManager.saveCurrentFile()) // ----------------- fileManager servive ---------------------------- const fileManager = new FileManager(editor, appManager) registry.put({api: fileManager, name: 'filemanager'}) const blockchain = new Blockchain(registry.get('config').api) const pluginUdapp = new PluginUDapp(blockchain) // ----------------- compilation metadata generation servive --------- const compilerMetadataGenerator = new CompilerMetadata(blockchain, fileManager, registry.get('config').api) // ----------------- compilation result service (can keep track of compilation results) ---------------------------- const compilersArtefacts = new CompilersArtefacts() // store all the compilation results (key represent a compiler name) registry.put({api: compilersArtefacts, name: 'compilersartefacts'}) // service which fetch contract artifacts from sourve-verify, put artifacts in remix and compile it const fetchAndCompile = new FetchAndCompile() // ----------------- network service (resolve network id / name) ----- const networkModule = new NetworkModule(blockchain) // ----------------- represent the current selected web3 provider ---- const web3Provider = new Web3ProviderModule(blockchain) // ----------------- convert offset to line/column service ----------- const offsetToLineColumnConverter = new OffsetToLineColumnConverter() registry.put({api: offsetToLineColumnConverter, name: 'offsettolinecolumnconverter'}) // -------------------Terminal---------------------------------------- const terminal = new Terminal( { appManager, blockchain }, { getPosition: (event) => { var limitUp = 36 var limitDown = 20 var height = window.innerHeight var newpos = (event.pageY < limitUp) ? limitUp : event.pageY newpos = (newpos < height - limitDown) ? newpos : height - limitDown return height - newpos } } ) makeUdapp(blockchain, compilersArtefacts, (domEl) => terminal.logHtml(domEl)) const contextualListener = new ContextualListener({editor}) engine.register([ contentImport, themeModule, editor, fileManager, compilerMetadataGenerator, compilersArtefacts, networkModule, offsetToLineColumnConverter, contextualListener, terminal, web3Provider, fetchAndCompile ]) // LAYOUT & SYSTEM VIEWS const appPanel = new MainPanel() const mainview = new MainView(contextualListener, editor, appPanel, fileManager, appManager, terminal) registry.put({ api: mainview, name: 'mainview' }) engine.register(appPanel) // those views depend on app_manager const menuicons = new VerticalIcons(appManager) const landingPage = new LandingPage(appManager, menuicons) const sidePanel = new SidePanel(appManager, menuicons) const hiddenPanel = new HiddenPanel() const pluginManagerComponent = new PluginManagerComponent(appManager, engine) const filePanel = new FilePanel(appManager) let settings = new SettingsTab( registry.get('config').api, editor, appManager ) // adding Views to the DOM self._view.mainpanel.appendChild(mainview.render()) self._view.iconpanel.appendChild(menuicons.render()) self._view.sidepanel.appendChild(sidePanel.render()) document.body.appendChild(hiddenPanel.render()) // Hidden Panel is display none, it can be directly on body engine.register([ menuicons, landingPage, hiddenPanel, sidePanel, pluginManagerComponent, filePanel, settings ]) // CONTENT VIEWS & DEFAULT PLUGINS const compileTab = new CompileTab( editor, registry.get('config').api, new Renderer(), registry.get('fileproviders/browser').api, registry.get('filemanager').api ) const run = new RunTab( blockchain, pluginUdapp, registry.get('config').api, registry.get('filemanager').api, registry.get('editor').api, filePanel, registry.get('compilersartefacts').api, networkModule, mainview, registry.get('fileproviders/browser').api, ) const analysis = new AnalysisTab(registry) const debug = new DebuggerTab(blockchain) const test = new TestTab( registry.get('filemanager').api, filePanel, compileTab, appManager, new Renderer() ) engine.register([ compileTab, run, debug, analysis, test, filePanel.remixdHandle ]) try { engine.register(await appManager.registeredPlugins()) } catch (e) { console.log('couldn\'t register iframe plugins', e.message) } await appManager.activatePlugin(['contentImport', 'theme', 'editor', 'fileManager', 'compilerMetadata', 'compilerArtefacts', 'network', 'web3Provider', 'offsetToLineColumnConverter']) await appManager.activatePlugin(['mainPanel', 'menuicons']) await appManager.activatePlugin(['sidePanel']) // activating host plugin separately await appManager.activatePlugin(['home', 'hiddenPanel', 'pluginManager', 'fileExplorers', 'settings', 'contextualListener', 'scriptRunner', 'terminal', 'fetchAndCompile']) const queryParams = new QueryParams() const params = queryParams.get() // Set workspace after initial activation if (Array.isArray(workspace)) { try { await appManager.activatePlugin(workspace) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } else { // activate solidity plugin appManager.ensureActivated('solidity') appManager.ensureActivated('udapp') } // Load and start the service who manager layout and frame const framingService = new FramingService(sidePanel, menuicons, mainview, this._components.resizeFeature) framingService.start(params) // If plugins are loaded from the URL params, we focus on the last one. if (pluginLoader.current === 'queryParams' && Array.isArray(workspace) && workspace.length > 0) menuicons.select(workspace[workspace.length - 1]) // get the file list from the parent iframe loadFileFromParent(fileManager) // get the file from gist const gistHandler = new GistHandler() const loadedFromGist = gistHandler.loadFromGist(params, fileManager) if (!loadedFromGist) { // insert example contracts if there are no files to show self._components.filesProviders['browser'].resolveDirectory('/', (error, filesList) => { if (error) console.error(error) if (Object.keys(filesList).length === 0) { for (let file in examples) { fileManager.writeFile(examples[file].name, examples[file].content) } } }) } if (isElectron()) { appManager.activatePlugin('remixd') } if (params.embed) framingService.embed() }