/* global */ 'use strict' var yo = require('yo-yo') var async = require('async') var ethJSUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') var BN = ethJSUtil.BN var remixLib = require('remix-lib') var EventManager = remixLib.EventManager var crypto = require('crypto') var TxRunner = remixLib.execution.txRunner var txExecution = remixLib.execution.txExecution var txFormat = remixLib.execution.txFormat var txHelper = remixLib.execution.txHelper var executionContext = require('./execution-context') var modalCustom = require('./app/ui/modal-dialog-custom') var uiUtil = require('./app/ui/util') var globalRegistry = require('./global/registry') var modalDialog = require('./app/ui/modaldialog') var typeConversion = remixLib.execution.typeConversion var confirmDialog = require('./app/execution/confirmDialog') function UniversalDApp (opts, localRegistry) { this.event = new EventManager() var self = this self.data = {} self._components = {} self._components.registry = localRegistry || globalRegistry self.removable = opts.removable self.removable_instances = opts.removable_instances self._deps = { config: self._components.registry.get('config').api, compiler: self._components.registry.get('compiler').api, logCallback: self._components.registry.get('logCallback').api } executionContext.event.register('contextChanged', this, function (context) { self.resetEnvironment() }) self._txRunnerAPI = { config: self._deps.config, detectNetwork: (cb) => { executionContext.detectNetwork(cb) }, personalMode: () => { return self._deps.config.get('settings/personal-mode') } } self.txRunner = new TxRunner({}, self._txRunnerAPI) self.data.contractsDetails = {} self._deps.compiler.event.register('compilationFinished', (success, data, source) => { self.data.contractsDetails = success && data ? data.contracts : {} }) self.accounts = {} self.resetEnvironment() } UniversalDApp.prototype.resetEnvironment = function () { this.accounts = {} if (executionContext.isVM()) { this._addAccount('3cd7232cd6f3fc66a57a6bedc1a8ed6c228fff0a327e169c2bcc5e869ed49511', '0x56BC75E2D63100000') this._addAccount('2ac6c190b09897cd8987869cc7b918cfea07ee82038d492abce033c75c1b1d0c', '0x56BC75E2D63100000') this._addAccount('dae9801649ba2d95a21e688b56f77905e5667c44ce868ec83f82e838712a2c7a', '0x56BC75E2D63100000') this._addAccount('d74aa6d18aa79a05f3473dd030a97d3305737cbc8337d940344345c1f6b72eea', '0x56BC75E2D63100000') this._addAccount('71975fbf7fe448e004ac7ae54cad0a383c3906055a65468714156a07385e96ce', '0x56BC75E2D63100000') executionContext.vm().stateManager.cache.flush(function () {}) } this.txRunner = new TxRunner(this.accounts, this._txRunnerAPI) this.txRunner.event.register('transactionBroadcasted', (txhash) => { executionContext.detectNetwork((error, network) => { if (!error && network) { var txLink = executionContext.txDetailsLink(network.name, txhash) if (txLink) this._deps.logCallback(yo`${txLink}`) } }) }) } UniversalDApp.prototype.resetAPI = function (transactionContextAPI) { this.transactionContextAPI = transactionContextAPI } UniversalDApp.prototype.createVMAccount = function (privateKey, balance, cb) { this._addAccount(privateKey, balance) executionContext.vm().stateManager.cache.flush(function () {}) privateKey = Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex') cb(null, '0x' + ethJSUtil.privateToAddress(privateKey).toString('hex')) } UniversalDApp.prototype.newAccount = function (password, cb) { if (!executionContext.isVM()) { if (!this._deps.config.get('settings/personal-mode')) { return cb('Not running in personal mode') } modalCustom.promptPassphraseCreation((error, passphrase) => { if (error) { modalCustom.alert(error) } else { executionContext.web3().personal.newAccount(passphrase, cb) } }, () => {}) } else { var privateKey do { privateKey = crypto.randomBytes(32) } while (!ethJSUtil.isValidPrivate(privateKey)) this._addAccount(privateKey, '0x56BC75E2D63100000') executionContext.vm().stateManager.cache.flush(function () {}) cb(null, '0x' + ethJSUtil.privateToAddress(privateKey).toString('hex')) } } UniversalDApp.prototype._addAccount = function (privateKey, balance) { var self = this if (!executionContext.isVM()) { throw new Error('_addAccount() cannot be called in non-VM mode') } if (self.accounts) { privateKey = Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex') var address = ethJSUtil.privateToAddress(privateKey) // FIXME: we don't care about the callback, but we should still make this proper executionContext.vm().stateManager.putAccountBalance(address, balance || '0xf00000000000000001', function cb () {}) self.accounts['0x' + address.toString('hex')] = { privateKey: privateKey, nonce: 0 } } } UniversalDApp.prototype.getAccounts = function (cb) { var self = this if (!executionContext.isVM()) { // Weirdness of web3: listAccounts() is sync, `getListAccounts()` is async // See: https://github.com/ethereum/web3.js/issues/442 if (this._deps.config.get('settings/personal-mode')) { executionContext.web3().personal.getListAccounts(cb) } else { executionContext.web3().eth.getAccounts(cb) } } else { if (!self.accounts) { return cb('No accounts?') } cb(null, Object.keys(self.accounts)) } } UniversalDApp.prototype.getBalance = function (address, cb) { var self = this address = ethJSUtil.stripHexPrefix(address) if (!executionContext.isVM()) { executionContext.web3().eth.getBalance(address, function (err, res) { if (err) { cb(err) } else { cb(null, res.toString(10)) } }) } else { if (!self.accounts) { return cb('No accounts?') } executionContext.vm().stateManager.getAccountBalance(Buffer.from(address, 'hex'), function (err, res) { if (err) { cb('Account not found') } else { cb(null, new BN(res).toString(10)) } }) } } UniversalDApp.prototype.getBalanceInEther = function (address, callback) { var self = this self.getBalance(address, (error, balance) => { if (error) { callback(error) } else { callback(null, executionContext.web3().fromWei(balance, 'ether')) } }) } UniversalDApp.prototype.pendingTransactions = function () { return this.txRunner.pendingTxs } UniversalDApp.prototype.pendingTransactionsCount = function () { return Object.keys(this.txRunner.pendingTxs).length } UniversalDApp.prototype.call = function (isUserAction, args, value, lookupOnly, outputCb) { const self = this var logMsg if (isUserAction) { if (!args.funABI.constant) { logMsg = `transact to ${args.contractName}.${(args.funABI.name) ? args.funABI.name : '(fallback)'}` } else { logMsg = `call to ${args.contractName}.${(args.funABI.name) ? args.funABI.name : '(fallback)'}` } } // contractsDetails is used to resolve libraries txFormat.buildData(args.contractName, args.contractAbi, self.data.contractsDetails, false, args.funABI, args.funABI.type !== 'fallback' ? value : '', (error, data) => { if (!error) { if (isUserAction) { if (!args.funABI.constant) { self._deps.logCallback(`${logMsg} pending ... `) } else { self._deps.logCallback(`${logMsg}`) } } if (args.funABI.type === 'fallback') data.dataHex = value self.callFunction(args.address, data, args.funABI, (error, txResult) => { if (!error) { var isVM = executionContext.isVM() if (isVM) { var vmError = txExecution.checkVMError(txResult) if (vmError.error) { self._deps.logCallback(`${logMsg} errored: ${vmError.message} `) return } } if (lookupOnly) { var decoded = uiUtil.decodeResponseToTreeView(executionContext.isVM() ? txResult.result.vm.return : ethJSUtil.toBuffer(txResult.result), args.funABI) outputCb(decoded) } } else { self._deps.logCallback(`${logMsg} errored: ${error} `) } }) } else { self._deps.logCallback(`${logMsg} errored: ${error} `) } }, (msg) => { self._deps.logCallback(msg) }, (data, runTxCallback) => { // called for libraries deployment self.runTx(data, runTxCallback) }) } /** * deploy the given contract * * @param {String} data - data to send with the transaction ( return of txFormat.buildData(...) ). * @param {Function} callback - callback. */ UniversalDApp.prototype.createContract = function (data, callback) { this.runTx({data: data, useCall: false}, (error, txResult) => { // see universaldapp.js line 660 => 700 to check possible values of txResult (error case) callback(error, txResult) }) } /** * call the current given contract * * @param {String} to - address of the contract to call. * @param {String} data - data to send with the transaction ( return of txFormat.buildData(...) ). * @param {Object} funAbi - abi definition of the function to call. * @param {Function} callback - callback. */ UniversalDApp.prototype.callFunction = function (to, data, funAbi, callback) { this.runTx({to: to, data: data, useCall: funAbi.constant}, (error, txResult) => { // see universaldapp.js line 660 => 700 to check possible values of txResult (error case) callback(error, txResult) }) } UniversalDApp.prototype.context = function () { return (executionContext.isVM() ? 'memory' : 'blockchain') } UniversalDApp.prototype.getABI = function (contract) { return txHelper.sortAbiFunction(contract.abi) } UniversalDApp.prototype.getFallbackInterface = function (contractABI) { return txHelper.getFallbackInterface(contractABI) } UniversalDApp.prototype.getInputs = function (funABI) { if (!funABI.inputs) { return '' } return txHelper.inputParametersDeclarationToString(funABI.inputs) } /** * This function send a tx without alerting the user (if mainnet or if gas estimation too high). * SHOULD BE TAKEN CAREFULLY! * * @param {Object} tx - transaction. * @param {Function} callback - callback. */ UniversalDApp.prototype.silentRunTx = function (tx, cb) { if (!executionContext.isVM()) return cb('Cannot silently send transaction through a web3 provider') this.txRunner.rawRun( tx, (network, tx, gasEstimation, continueTxExecution, cancelCb) => { continueTxExecution() }, (error, continueTxExecution, cancelCb) => { if (error) { cb(error) } else { continueTxExecution() } }, (okCb, cancelCb) => { okCb() }, cb) } UniversalDApp.prototype.runTx = function (args, cb) { const self = this async.waterfall([ function getGasLimit (next) { if (self.transactionContextAPI.getGasLimit) { return self.transactionContextAPI.getGasLimit(next) } next(null, 3000000) }, function queryValue (gasLimit, next) { if (args.value) { return next(null, args.value, gasLimit) } if (args.useCall || !self.transactionContextAPI.getValue) { return next(null, 0, gasLimit) } self.transactionContextAPI.getValue(function (err, value) { next(err, value, gasLimit) }) }, function getAccount (value, gasLimit, next) { if (args.from) { return next(null, args.from, value, gasLimit) } if (self.transactionContextAPI.getAddress) { return self.transactionContextAPI.getAddress(function (err, address) { next(err, address, value, gasLimit) }) } self.getAccounts(function (err, accounts) { let address = accounts[0] if (err) return next(err) if (!address) return next('No accounts available') if (executionContext.isVM() && !self.accounts[address]) { return next('Invalid account selected') } next(null, address, value, gasLimit) }) }, function runTransaction (fromAddress, value, gasLimit, next) { var tx = { to: args.to, data: args.data.dataHex, useCall: args.useCall, from: fromAddress, value: value, gasLimit: gasLimit } var payLoad = { funAbi: args.data.funAbi, funArgs: args.data.funArgs, contractBytecode: args.data.contractBytecode, contractName: args.data.contractName, contractABI: args.data.contractABI, linkReferences: args.data.linkReferences } var timestamp = Date.now() self.event.trigger('initiatingTransaction', [timestamp, tx, payLoad]) self.txRunner.rawRun(tx, (network, tx, gasEstimation, continueTxExecution, cancelCb) => { if (network.name !== 'Main') { return continueTxExecution(null) } var amount = executionContext.web3().fromWei(typeConversion.toInt(tx.value), 'ether') var content = confirmDialog(tx, amount, gasEstimation, self, (gasPrice, cb) => { let txFeeText, priceStatus // TODO: this try catch feels like an anti pattern, can/should be // removed, but for now keeping the original logic try { var fee = executionContext.web3().toBigNumber(tx.gas).mul(executionContext.web3().toBigNumber(executionContext.web3().toWei(gasPrice.toString(10), 'gwei'))) txFeeText = ' ' + executionContext.web3().fromWei(fee.toString(10), 'ether') + ' Ether' priceStatus = true } catch (e) { txFeeText = ' Please fix this issue before sending any transaction. ' + e.message priceStatus = false } cb(txFeeText, priceStatus) }, (cb) => { executionContext.web3().eth.getGasPrice((error, gasPrice) => { var warnMessage = ' Please fix this issue before sending any transaction. ' if (error) { return cb('Unable to retrieve the current network gas price.' + warnMessage + error) } try { var gasPriceValue = executionContext.web3().fromWei(gasPrice.toString(10), 'gwei') cb(null, gasPriceValue) } catch (e) { cb(warnMessage + e.message, null, false) } }) } ) modalDialog('Confirm transaction', content, { label: 'Confirm', fn: () => { self._deps.config.setUnpersistedProperty('doNotShowTransactionConfirmationAgain', content.querySelector('input#confirmsetting').checked) // TODO: check if this is check is still valid given the refactor if (!content.gasPriceStatus) { cancelCb('Given gas price is not correct') } else { var gasPrice = executionContext.web3().toWei(content.querySelector('#gasprice').value, 'gwei') continueTxExecution(gasPrice) } }}, { label: 'Cancel', fn: () => { return cancelCb('Transaction canceled by user.') } }) }, (error, continueTxExecution, cancelCb) => { if (error) { var msg = typeof error !== 'string' ? error.message : error modalDialog('Gas estimation failed', yo`