import tape from "tape"; import { AstNode, isAstNode, SourceMappings, sourceLocationFromAstNode } from "../src"; import node from "./resources/newAST"; tape("SourceMappings", (t: tape.Test) => { const source = node.source; const srcMappings = new SourceMappings(source); t.test("SourceMappings constructor", (st: tape.Test) => { st.plan(2) st.equal(srcMappings.source, source, "sourceMappings object has source-code string"); st.deepEqual(srcMappings.lineBreaks, [15, 26, 27, 38, 39, 81, 87, 103, 119, 135, 141, 142, 186, 192, 193, 199], "sourceMappings has line-break offsets"); st.end(); }); t.test("SourceMappings functions", (st: tape.Test) => { // st.plan(2) const ast = node.ast; st.deepEqual(sourceLocationFromAstNode(ast.nodes[0]), { start: 0, length: 31, file: 0 }, "sourceLocationFromAstNode extracts a location"); /* Typescript will keep us from calling sourceLocationFromAstNode with the wrong type. However, for non-typescript uses, we add this test which casts to an AST to check that there is a run-time check in walkFull. */ st.notOk(sourceLocationFromAstNode(null), "sourceLocationFromAstNode rejects an invalid astNode"); const loc = { start: 267, length: 20, file: 0 }; let astNode = srcMappings.findNodeAtSourceLocation('ExpressionStatement', loc, ast); st.ok(isAstNode(astNode), "findsNodeAtSourceLocation finds something"); astNode = srcMappings.findNodeAtSourceLocation('NotARealThingToFind', loc, ast); st.notOk(isAstNode(astNode), "findsNodeAtSourceLocation fails to find something when it should"); let astNodes = srcMappings.nodesAtPosition(null, loc, ast); st.equal(astNodes.length, 2, "nodesAtPosition should find more than one astNode"); st.ok(isAstNode(astNodes[0]), "nodesAtPosition returns only AST nodes"); // console.log(astNodes[0]); astNodes = srcMappings.nodesAtPosition("ExpressionStatement", loc, ast); st.equal(astNodes.length, 1, "nodesAtPosition filtered to a single nodeType"); st.end(); }); });